Hydrocephalus and Ventriculomegaly

Fig. 13.1
A schematic representing the interconnected circulations of cerebrospinal fluid and intravascular blood. Arterial blood (red) forms CSF (teal) through an ultrafiltration process at the level of the choroid plexus. The CSF circulation can be interrupted at any of the compartments within the flow chart. The final absorption of CSF into the venous circulation returning to the heart (purple) occurs at the level of the arachnoid granulations, a common site of pathology for many communicating forms of hydrocephalus [5]

Special forms of hydrocephalus that can be encountered in a typical pediatric neurosurgical practice will be discussed below including a brief discussion of the etiologies, diagnoses and related conditions, and the treatment options that your patients may be encountering when facing these diagnoses:

  • External hydrocephalus

  • Hydranencephaly

  • Trapped fourth ventricle

  • Posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus

  • Normal volume hydrocephalus

External Hydrocephalus

Definition. Enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces over the frontal poles and their cortical sulci with rapid increase of the head circumference [911]. Also worth noting is the absence of radiological or clinical features of increased ICP such as periventricular lucency or a tense anterior fontanel [12].

Radiological findings . Normal or mildly dilated ventricles are noted with enlarged basal cisterns and widening of the interhemispheric fissure. CT demonstrates extra-axial fluid collections that usually share the density of CSF, while MRI or cranial U/S demonstrates veins coursing through the fluid collection from the surface to the inner table of the skull (known as the cortical vein sign).

Presentation . Typically infants are asymptomatic and present with an enlarging head that starts to appear in the first year of life and usually compensates by 12–18 months without treatment [12]. Frontal bossing may be seen and, occasionally, slight motor developmental delay is noted. This is likely due to the large head causing neuromuscular issues with balance and walking rather than an intrinsic effect upon brain development.

Etiology . The pathophysiology is not fully understood, but a defect in CSF absorption has been postulated secondary to delayed maturation of the arachnoid villi [13, 14]. An association of widened SAS has also been reported in some children with craniosynostosis [15]. The fact that it may follow intraventricular or subarachnoid hemorrhage [16, 17] or superior vena cava obstruction [18] also suggests a common distal transient defect in CSF absorption.

Management . This etiology is sometimes referred to as “benign external hydrocephalus” because it’s commonly viewed as a self-limiting condition of infancy that resolves spontaneously during childhood [19, 20]; therefore, conservative follow-up is mandated. As pediatricians and pediatric neurosurgeons, it is crucial to emphasize to the parents that children with this diagnosis have normal neurologic development [10]. Shunting may be required in rare instances of manifestations of increased ICP, bulging fontanel, considerable macrocrania, or frontal bossing, but this is a rare necessity in this etiology [17, 21]. A few reports exist of the use of acetazolamide or even transient mannitol treatment with good outcomes [22], but this is not common practice.

Differential diagnosis : The etiology to distinguish from benign subdural collections of infancy is symptomatic chronic extra-axial fluid collections.

Benign Subdural Collections of Infancy

Definition. Fluid collections over the frontal convexities associated with prominent cortical sulci and interhemispheric fissure, with normal or slightly enlarged ventricles, suggest benign subdural collections of infancy [23].

Etiology. Most of the cases are attributed to perinatal trauma, but an etiology is not always identified.

Presentation. Infants usually come to medical attention around 4 months of age with accelerated head growth rate, often demonstrating a tense fontanel and poor head control.

Radiological findings. A hypodense fluid collection is seen over the frontal lobes and interhemispheric fissure on CT scan. This entity shares the radiologic and clinical features of external hydrocephalus, yet on diagnostic tap, fluid is usually clear yellow (xanthochromic) with high protein content, whereas in external hydrocephalus, fluid is clear CSF. MRI and cranial ultrasound fail to show “cortical vein sign,” the fluid intensity on MRI is mostly slightly different from CSF, and CSF flow studies will not show flow into the collection continuous with the intraventricular CSF.

Management. This radiologic entity gradually resolves spontaneously within several months. A single subdural tap may speed this up, but surgical management is rarely indicated except in cases of significant neurologic decline. Head growth curves and any developmental delay usually normalize.

Symptomatic Extra-Axial Fluid Collections in Children

Various terms are used to describe this condition: “chronic subdural hematoma” “effusions,” “hygromas,” and “extra-axial fluid collections” [10, 23].

Etiology. In a study of 103 patients, 36 % were believed to be due to head trauma (including non-accidental head trauma), 22 % were post-meningitic, and 19 % post-shunting [24]. Other reported causes include hypoxic brain damage and coagulation defects [25].

Presentation. The following manifestations are more common to find: seizures, irritability, lethargy, signs of increased ICP, macrocrania, focal deficit, and developmental delay.

Radiological findings. Collections of varying signal characters cause obliteration of the cortical sulci and often some degree of ventricular compression.

Management. Serial subdural taps (to exclude infection and to help drainage), Burr hole drainage, and subdural shunting may all be considered [26].

Differential diagnosis. The differential diagnosis of extra-axial fluid collections in children includes normal variants of enlarged subarachnoid space and interhemispheric fissure, external hydrocephalus, benign subdural collections of infancy, cerebral atrophy, or craniocerebral disproportion.


Definition. Total or near total absence of the cerebral tissue to be replaced by CSF and covered by intact meninges and cranial vault (post-neurulation defect) [27, 28].

Etiology. Bilateral ICA occlusion causing territorial infarcts and subsequent loss of the cerebral tissue supplied by the ICAs [29]. Perinatal infections also implicated and association with maternal smoking has been described [30].

Presentation. The child’s head size is usually normal at birth but quickly becomes progressively larger. Irritability, hemodynamic instability, signs of increased ICP, marked developmental delay, and seizures.

Radiological findings. Complete absence of the cortical mantle (small bands of cerebrum are still consistent with diagnosis), an intact falx, and brain tissue supplied by the PCAs (posterior fossa structures, brainstem, thalamus, and hypothalamus).

Prognosis and treatment. As there is no possibility of cerebral cortical recovery, shunting is only done to control the head size to facilitate general palliative care for the child.

Differential diagnosis. One must consider the diagnosis of maximal hydrocephalus, in which there is progressive dilatation of CSF spaces with a minimal amount of cortical tissue. This tissue can actually demonstrate a remarkable degree of re-expansion with shunting. Children with maximal hydrocephalus may just show subtle neurodevelopmental delay in contrast to hydranencephaly patients who are profoundly abnormal neurologically [28].

Trapped Fourth Ventricle and Multiloculated Hydrocephalus

Uniloculated hydrocephalus is dilatation of one segment of the ventricular system due to obstruction at the foramen of Monroe causing unilateral ventricular dilatation. Alternatively, obstruction at the cerebral aqueduct and fourth ventricular outlet may cause dilatation of the fourth ventricle [31].

Various forms of isolated ventricular compartments have been described [32, 33]:

  • Multiple intraventricular septations

  • An isolated lateral ventricle/unilateral hydrocephalus

  • Entrapped temporal horn

  • Isolated fourth ventricle

  • Expanding septi pellucidum/cavum vergae

Etiology. Compartmentalization of the ventricular system increases following infection (meningitis, ventriculitis, and shunt infection) or intraventricular hemorrhage .

Pathophysiology. Formation of septations from microglial membranes extending through denuded ependyma from underlying glial tufts or post-inflammatory debris obstructing the ventricular foramina is believed to result in the development of loculations [34, 35].

Presentation. The presentation is diverse due to the varied subtypes. It usually presents with manifestations of mass effect, and cerebellar, brain stem, and cranial nerve manifestations are commonly reported. Alternatively, increased ICP or seizures from a very large compartmentalization may also occur.

Treatment. Most children will require multiple procedures, often utilizing a combination of endoscopic membrane fenestrations with shunts. Endoscopic techniques are used to communicate the loculated regions together to allow for simplified shunting [3638].

Dandy-Walker Malformation (DWM )

Definition. DWM is defined as agenesis of the cerebellar vermis with cystic dilatation of the fourth ventricle and hydrocephalus. Other associated pathological changes include elevation of the transverse sinus, enlargement of the posterior fossa, and occlusion of the foramina of Luschka and Magendie [7, 39, 40]. The condition can be detected antenatally by fetal sonography as early as the 14 week of gestation [41].

Presentation. The presentation is highly variable according to the degree of hydrocephalus and associated anomalies. Children less than a year of age usually come to medical attention with signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus. They often have a characteristic head shape with large prominent occiput. Older children may present differently with neurocognitive and developmental delay, problems with coordination, or spastic paraparesis.

Radiological findings. Due to variability of pathological features, a set of radiological abnormalities have been proposed [42, 43]. Hydrocephalus is not always present especially at birth but it occurs in 75–80 % of cases by 3 months of age.

Other findings of DWM include:

  1. 1.

    Large median posterior fossa cyst widely communicating with the fourth ventricle


  2. 2.

    Absence of the lower portion of the vermis


  3. 3.

    Hypoplasia, anterior rotation, and upward displacement of the vermian remnant


  4. 4.

    Absence or flattening of the angle of the fastigium


  5. 5.

    Large bossing posterior fossa with elevation of the torcula


  6. 6.

    Anterolateral displacement of normal or hypoplastic cerebellar hemispheres


Pathophysiology of DWM-Associated Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus was thought initially to result from occlusion of the fourth ventricular outlet foramina; however, other causes are believed to include maldevelopment of the subarachnoid space or aqueductal stenosis from upward herniation of the posterior fossa cyst. A contribution of venous anatomy has also been suggested as a cause due to abnormal location of the torcula.

Treatment. Debate exists as to within which compartment to first place a shunt: the lateral ventricle or the posterior fossa cyst, or both, simultaneously. A common approach is to shunt the infratentorial cyst first and then perform an endoscopic third ventriculostomy if the ventricles fail to decompress with follow-up.

Differential diagnosis. Due to marked variability of pathological features of DWM, the following conditions are commonly regarded within the differential diagnosis:

DandyWalker variant is a DWM differentiated by a slightly less abnormal cerebellar vermis, a smaller cystic cavity, and a posterior fossa that is not markedly dilated [4447]. Recently it has been considered as a separate entity from the DWM and given the name of “vermian-cerebellar hypoplasia.”

Persistent Blakes pouch cyst is a persistence of a congenital dorsal appendage of the fourth ventricle, which then forms a posterior fossa cyst widely communicating with the fourth ventricle.

Mega cisterna magna is an enlarged cisterna magna combined with vermian dysgenesis but with vermian tissue remaining between a normal fourth ventricle and the cistern [47].

Posterior fossa arachnoid cyst /retrocerebellar arachnoid cysts are true cysts that do not communicate with the fourth ventricle and are not accompanied by cerebellar hypoplasia. The radiological appearance may give the impression of communication because the cyst compresses the cerebellar tissue.

Neonatal Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus

Neurodevelopmental Pathophysiology

In the developing brain, the periventricular germinal matrix between the thalamus and the caudate nucleus provides the source for neuronal and glial elements to both cerebral hemispheres. It’s a highly vascular structure whose vessels have immature connective tissue architecture and lack auto regulatory properties of mature cerebral vasculature.

Risk factors for the development of neonatal hemorrhage include early gestational age at delivery (25–30 % of preterm babies) [48], any cause of large fluctuations in cerebral blood flow due to vigorous resuscitation, pneumothorax, respiratory distress syndrome or seizures, or neonatal sepsis, which may cause cerebral vasculitis.

A major concern in children with neonatal IVH is the development of hydrocephalus, which may subsequently adversely affect the neurocognitive development of the child. Chapter 11 contains a complete discussion of neonatal IVH for more details. Briefly, progressive posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation (PPHVD ) has been estimated to occur in 25–50 % of preterm infants diagnosed with IVH. This is believed to cause a three- to fourfold increased risk of cognitive and psychomotor delay [49]. Hydrocephalus in these children is attributed to blood and its breakdown products in the CSF that may excite an ependymal reaction causing obstruction at critical passages such as the cerebral aqueduct. Alternatively, the blood may cause scarring of the subarachnoid space and villi and impair CSF absorption. Comprehensive management is discussed in Chap. 12, but a general classification is presented here for easy reference.

Papile et al. Classification of Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage [50]

  1. 1.

    Grade I: hemorrhage restricted to subependymal parenchyma or minimally involves the ventricle (<10 %).


  2. 2.

    Grade II: hemorrhage extends into the ventricle but doesn’t expand it or occupy >50 % of the ventricle.


  3. 3.

    Grade III: hemorrhage occupies >50 % of the ventricle and often distends it.


  4. 4.

    Grade IV: classically refers to the extensive IVH with parenchymal involvement but recently referred to as periventricular hemorrhagic infarction (PVHI) because it mostly results from venous occlusion with subsequent hemorrhage [5153].


Normal Volume Hydrocephalus

This is a term that generates considerable debate and is often referred to as “slit ventricle syndrome” since the condition is usually described with shunted children who develop manifestations of increased intracranial pressure without ventriculomegaly [54, 55].

Children may be classified within several different groups:

  • Children with functioning shunts with very low ICP [56, 57]

  • Children with intermittent malfunction of the shunt with impaired drainage. This group can show some ventriculomegaly in the transitory phase of increased ICP

  • Children with definite shunt malfunction who have rigid ventricular walls [58, 59]

  • Children with functioning shunts but manifesting increased ICP due to increased venous pressures which occur within pseudotumor cerebri

  • Children with functioning shunts and high ICP due to craniocerebral disproportion [60]

Normal pressure hydrocephalus is a well-described clinical and radiographic entity usually diagnosed in elderly adults with ventriculomegaly, but only normal or upper edge of normal ICP is less commonly found in pediatric patients [61]. Another commonly used term is arrested hydrocephalus, which refers to the condition of non-shunted persistent ventriculomegaly with normal ICP and no obvious clinical manifestations. These children also pose a management challenge but usually only require observation.

Post-traumatic Hydrocephalus

Definition. A fairly high risk of ventricular dilatation (7–29 %) may occur within variable periods after trauma ranging from 2 weeks to several years [62].

Pathophysiology. Obstruction due to intraventricular hemorrhage , small clots, or contusions, compressing the narrow ventricular passages, or a decrease in CSF absorption due to subarachnoid hemorrhage, infections, or early surgical procedures resulting in significant subarachnoid scarring are among the proximal causes of posttraumatic hydrocephalus [63].

Clinical presentation. The acute presentation is with overt manifestations of increased ICP. These may be headache, bradycardia, or changes in the neurologic exam, typically recognized within the intensive care setting. It should also be suspected in cases of CSF leakage or increasing CSF collections following a trauma-related craniotomy. In the chronic setting, which can be days to weeks post-injury, this entity may present with a more insidious progressive cognitive decline, behavioral changes, or failure to attain functional improvement after the initial head trauma [6466].

Treatment. Post-traumatic hydrocephalus, with either acute or chronic presentations, is likely to benefit from CSF diversion.

Differential diagnosis. Post-traumatic brain atrophy may be very difficult to differentiate from a normal pressure variant of the posttraumatic hydrocephalus sharing clinical and radiological characters. Invasive ICP monitoring can help distinguish the two, as can ophthalmologic evaluation for papilledema and comparison of serial imaging.

Radiologic Recognition and Definition of Hydrocephalus

Various modalities can be used to detect and follow hydrocephalus, depending on the age of the patient and the acuity of the presentation. Ultrasound is the modality of choice for neonates with open fontanels as it visualizes the supratentorial compartment with excellent resolution. It is widely utilized in neonates with IVH for diagnosis and surveillance imaging because it is safe, routinely available and cost-effective. It cannot always visualize the entire intracranial space but is an excellent first choice for very young children, particularly in NICU and outpatient settings. CT and MRI, discussed in significant detail in Chaps. 18 and 20, offer far more detailed evaluations of the entire ventricular system and a better visualization of possible underlying etiologies. Relative risks and benefits of these tests are also fully covered in other dedicated portions of this textbook. With respect to the radiologic definition of hydrocephalus, there is no single radiological parameter that can be totally relied upon, but some criteria do exist:
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