Fig. 20.1
Diagram of a cathode ray tube illustrating the production of X-rays by electrons being accelerated from the cathode to the anode
Roentgen called the ray of invisible energy an “X”-ray after the mathematical convention of x referring to an unknown quantity. This ray had the amazing ability to pass through solid structures making an imprint on the film or detector positioned on the other side. Bone and objects with higher electron density like metals absorb more X-rays and do not permit the same amount of X-rays to reach the detector/film as soft tissue does. This explains the darker bone and the whiter areas of soft tissue that are respectively underexposed and overexposed on this first X-ray of Roentgens’ wife’s hand (Fig. 20.2).

Fig. 20.2
The first X-ray was of Roentgen’s wife’s hand demonstrating that bone and metal (a wedding ring) appeared dark as they decreased the amount of X-rays from reaching the film compared to the surrounding soft tissues which were white. She commented that “I have seen my death” when she saw her hand as a skeleton
The discovery produced an immediate scientific and public sensation with Roentgen receiving the first Nobel Prize for physics. The medical potential for X-rays was swiftly realized, and 6 months after the discovery, X-rays were being used by battlefield physicians to locate bullets in wounded soldiers.
X-rays are radiant energy like light but are in the high energy part of the electromagnetic spectrum with a much shorter wavelength and higher frequency. As they pass through tissue, these beams of photons have sufficient power to knock electrons out of their orbit around an atom’s nucleus. This ability to “ionize” atoms and disrupt molecular bonds is the cause of all forms of radiation damage. The fact that ionizing radiation produced tissue injury was not immediately appreciated after the discovery of X-rays.
Within a year, Elihu Thomson of the General Electric Company performed an experiment in which he developed a severe burn after exposing the little finger of his left hand for half an hour to an X-ray tube thus proving that radiation had deleterious acute (deterministic) effects [2]. Nikola Tesla had also developed dermal burns after radiation exposure the same year but did not realize they were from the X-rays. He thought they were secondary to ozone [3].
In 1901 William Herbert Rollins, a Boston physician and dentist, demonstrated that a guinea pig in a closed, electrically insulated box could be killed by X-rays. The guinea pig died with no visible burns which indicated that lack of skin damage did not mean that a given level of X-ray exposure was safe [4]. By 1904 a glass worker by the name of Clarence Madison Dally who worked for Thomas Edison had succumbed to cancer. This was a delayed effect of testing the X-ray tubes he was making by placing his hand in the beam; Clarence died of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma after 144 failed skin grafts and bilateral arm amputations [5]. An Italian doctor who practiced radiology for 14 years without protection died of aplastic anemia, his autopsy documented in a highly publicized 1916 paper. Many early radiographers died with radiation-induced cancers [6].
It took another 20 years to realize the even more delayed genetic effects of radiation when Hermann Joseph Muller discovered the direct connection between lethal DNA mutations and increasing the radiation dose on Drosophila fruit flies in 1926 [7].
The subsequent detection of natural radiation emitted by elements found in nature such as uranium, polonium, and radium without an external source of energy did not produce the public media sensation that the discovery of X-rays did. The “radioactivity” discovered by Henri Becquerel and further investigated by Marie Curie and her husband Pierre was at first found to be beneficial. The Curies’ recognized that radiation can kill cancer cells, creating a new oncologic therapy. The dangers were appreciated too late. Marie died of aplastic anemia induced by radiation and to this day her papers from the 1890s are too radioactive to handle without protection [8].
Radium dial painters in America from 1917 to 1926 painted clock faces with radioactive radium paint that glowed in the dark. They were encouraged to shape their fine bristle brushes with their mouths. As a result these women developed radio-necrosis of the jaw and aggressive mouth cancers. Originally informed by the company that the paint was harmless, five female workers sued for damages and won in one of the first workman’s compensation cases. Settled in 1928, each received $10,000 the equivalent of $137,345 in today’s dollars [9, 10]. Perhaps radiation is responsible for the beginning of the American preoccupation with litigation.
The biologic effects of ionizing radiation are of two types: dose dependent (deterministic) or non-dose dependent (stochastic).
Deterministic “effects” are dose dependent and begin when a certain threshold dose is reached and increases with increasing dose. These effects are caused by cell death and include burns, hair loss, cataracts, radiation sickness, sterility, and fetal damage [11].
Stochastic “effects” are non-dose dependent and can occur with any dose (i.e., not threshold dependent), and the severity of the “effect” (i.e., DNA mutation) is independent of dose. The “risk” of these events occurring is however dependent on dose. These effects result in permanent DNA damage, and this includes cancer induction and genetic mutations. In all cases the radiation causes damage to DNA either directly by breaking DNA links with ionization or indirectly by ionizing a water molecule into a free hydroxyl radical which then damages DNA. DNA is double stranded, thus breaks can be single or double with single being more easily repaired, but double breaks open the potential for lethal DNA connections and cell death. Alternatively DNA breaks may rejoin as a “symmetrical translocation.” In this situation two different chromosomes suffer a double-strand breakage, and the broken fragments are exchanged, and the sticky ends rejoin. This may result in an oncogene fusion protein which allows potential expression of an oncogene during cell division and the development of a subsequent malignancy. It can also cause abnormal division in the reproductive cells in the ovaries and testicles, giving rise to hereditary disorders (also a stochastic effect).
As radiation damage occurs through DNA breakage, any actively dividing cell with more mitosis or a less differentiated cell is more radiosensitive. Thus tissues more sensitive to radiation include the gonads, basal epidermis, mucosa, bone marrow, and thymus and lens cells. The muscle, bones, and nervous system tissues are relatively radio resistant [11, 17].
It is this predilection for damaging DNA that accounts for the increased radiation risk in children. Children are growing with more mitotic figures in their rapidly dividing cells in general, thus their tissues are more radiosensitive. There is also a longer lifetime to manifest the late effects of radiation-induced injury such as cancer and cataracts. Each radiation exposure is cumulative over the life of the child [12].
Now that we know what radiation is and how it causes injury, we must be able to measure the dose or amount of exposure.
Radiation Dose Simplified
Before we learn to measure dose, where does most radiation exposure come from? Since 2006 the greatest radiation exposure of an individual in the United States no longer is derived from background radiation but is received directly from medical imaging at 49 %. 24 % is from computed tomography, 12 % nuclear medicine, 7 % interventional fluoroscopy, 5 % conventional radiography, and 2 % fluoroscopy (Fig. 20.3). The next greatest exposure is the natural radon and thoron background radiation at 37 %. Note the largest contribution from medical imaging is computed tomography or CT [13]. The modern X-ray tube (Fig. 20.4), where electrons produced at the heated negative cathode filament are accelerated across the vacuum striking the positive tungsten anode to produce X-rays, is still the principle component of CT scanners. CT began as a single X-ray tube with an opposing single detector translating around the head and evolved into a complete ring of stationary detectors (Fig. 20.5) [14]. The latest generation of CT scanners has solid rings of X-ray tubes and detectors, which rotate in opposite directions at the same time [15]. These configurations can now permit scanning of the heart in a second without a breath hold. Another development has been dual energy system where two X-ray tubes and two sets of detectors are set at 90° to one another (Fig. 20.6). Each new generation of CT has produced faster images with less radiation than previous generations [16].

Fig. 20.3
Bar graph illustrating radiation exposure from all categories in the United States in 2006. Adapted from National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United States. NCRP Report No. 160. Bethesda, Md: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 2009

Fig. 20.4
This is a modern X-ray tube where the rotating anode (A+) is a tungsten-rhenium target on a molybdenum core backed with graphite designed to dissipate the heat produced during the exposures required for CT. C+ = cathode e = electrons

Fig. 20.5
This demonstrates a fourth-generation CT scanner which evolved from a single detector and a single X-ray tube rotating around the patient into a complete ring of stationary detectors with only the X-ray beam rotating around the patient. The scanner looks like a giant donut to children, and this appearance persists today in the latest seventh-generation scanners with cone beams and multiple detector arrays

Fig. 20.6
A modern CT configuration with two X-ray tubes of different voltages oriented at 90° to each other. Dual voltage systems require more complicated calculations for dose estimates
The dose of all X-ray beams is related to the energy and number of the electrons within it and the time over which it is applied. The first factor affecting radiation dose is the kilovolt peak (kVp) which is the kinetic energy in kV (1 V × 1000) of the most energetic electrons arriving at the anode. If you recall your high school physics, a volt is a measure of electric potential. The kVp is the maximum voltage applied across the X-ray tube. This determines the kinetic energy of the electrons accelerated in the X-ray tube and the peak energy of the X-ray emission spectrum . This is essentially the energy of the electrons in the beam and would be analogous to the water pressure in your garden hose.
The contrast of an X-ray image which is the amount of difference between the black and whites is primarily controlled by the kVp. Each body part contains a certain type of cellular composition which requires an X-ray beam with a certain energy or kVp to penetrate it. Increasing the kVp increases the energy of the electrons producing a better quality of X-ray beam and greater penetrability which also increases the quantity of X-rays reaching the detector. Thus kVp affects both the quality and quantity of the X-ray beam [17].
The next factor controlling radiation dose is the milliampere/second (mAs) or one thousandth of an ampere per second. The ampere is a measure of the amount of electric charge passing a point per unit time, 6.241 × 1018 electrons passing a given point each second constitutes 1 A, which means this is the number of electrons per X-rays. This could be considered analogous to the size of the garden hose. Radiographic density, i.e., how many photons get through to produce the image, is primarily controlled by the mAs. Increasing mAs causes more photons (radiation) of the particular kVp energy to be produced. The tube current (mAs) affects the number of electrons and the quantity of X-rays produced. The quality of the X-ray beam produced is not affected by the mAs, only the quantity [17].
Now that we know the electrical power factors that produce the emitted radiation, how do we measure it?
The first measurement of radiation exposure was called the Roentgen . It measured ionization in air independent of area and has been redefined multiple times over the years. Currently the Roentgen is defined as 2.58 × 10−4 C of charge produced by X or gamma rays per kilogram of air. This does not indicate what dose actually penetrated the tissue concerned so is not very practical for medical imaging. An absorbed dose would be more useful as different tissues are more radiosensitive. The absorbed dose in Roentgen absorbed dose or Rad = 100 ergs of energy per gram (erg = 10−7 J) and measures the energy absorbed in a unit mass of tissue. The old units of Rad were replaced in 1985 by the new System International (SI) by Gray (Gy) which measures Joules absorbed per kilogram [J/kg] (see Table 20.1). Measurements of “absorbed dose” are used for deterministic (dose dependent) effects of radiation, but an “effective dose” accounting for biological damage per unit dose is required to measure stochastic (dose independent) effects. The old units of effective dose were Rem (Roentgen effective man) and were replaced in the new SI system by the Sievert where 1 Sv = 100 Rems. Effective dose must take into account a quality factor (QF) for the type of radiation but fortunately for us mathematical cripples, the QF for diagnostic X-rays is 1. The QF is different for other forms of more powerful radiation like gamma rays (Table 20.2) [17].
Table 20.1
Radiation dose
Old units | System international |
Roentgen (R): | Coulombs/Kg |
– Unit measuring amount of radiation in air | |
Rad (Roentgen absorbed dose): | Gray (Gy) [1 J/kg] |
– Unit measuring absorbed energy from radiation – Absorbed dose | – 1 Gy = 100 Rads |
– 1 cGy = 1 Rad | |
– 10 mGy = 1 Rad | |
Rem (Roentgen equivalent man): | Sievert (Sv) |
– Unit measuring biological damage from radiation | – 1 Sv = 100 Rems |
– Effective dose | |
– Rad × QF (quality factor) | |
– Biological effectiveness |
Table 20.2
Dose equivalence
Radiation type | QF |
X-ray | 1 |
α | 20 |
Proton | 20 |
Thermal neutron | 5 |
Other neutron | 20 |
Table 20.3 illustrates the comparative effective dose of various imaging procedures as compared to the number of equivalent chest X-rays or days of background radiation. These metrics are very helpful in explaining dose to patients and/or parents. For example, a head CT of an adult produces an effective radiation dose equivalent to 100 chest X-rays or 8 months’ worth of background radiation. Table 20.4 demonstrates the comparative effective radiation dose for imaging procedures in a 5-year-old child. Note how the effective dose for a head CT of a 5-year-old child is 150 chest X-rays.
Table 20.3
Radiation dose comparison
Diagnostic procedure | Typical effective dose (mSv) | Number of chest X-rays (PA film) for equivalent effective dosea | Time period for equivalent effective dose from natural background radiationb |
Chest X-ray (PA film) | 0.02 | 1 | 2.4 days |
Skull X-ray | 0.07 | 4 | 8.5 days |
Lumbar spine | 1.3 | 65 | 158 days |
I.V. urogram | 2.5 | 125 | 304 days |
Upper GI exam | 3.0 | 150 | 1.0 year |
Barium enema | 7.0 | 350 | 2.3 years |
CT head | 2.0 | 100 | 243 days |
CT abdomen | 10.0 | 500 | 3.3 years |
Table 20.4
Imaging radiation doses: 5 years old
mSv | CXR equivalents | |
3-view ankle | 0.0015 | 1/14 |
2-view chest | 0.02 | 1 |
Tc-99m gastric emptying | 0.06 | 3 |
Tc-99m cystogram | 0.18 | 9 |
Tc-99m bone scan | up to 6.2 | 310 |
FDG PET | 15.3 | 765 |
Fluoroscopic cystogram | <0.33 | 16 |
Chest CT | up to 3.0 | 150 |
Abdomen CT | up to 5.0 | 250 |
Head CT | 1.4 (0.6–3.2) | 150 |
The younger the child, the more radiosensitive the tissues, the larger the conversion factors, and the larger the effective dose.
As we previously mentioned, the largest effective dose of radiation that people receive in this country is from diagnostic CT. CT utilization continues to increase: 85 million CT scans were performed in the United States in 2011 compared to 62 million in 2006. Over four million of these scans were performed on children. Fortunately, pediatric CT utilization began to decrease in 2003, and recent studies note the decreasing trend has persisted [18, 19], led by academic institutions [19]. This likely is due to the professional and public alarm raised by Brenner’s 2001 paper “Estimated risks of radiation-induced fatal cancer from pediatric CT” [20] and the subsequent implementation of the Image Gently campaign . It also helped that the FDA issued an alert on October 8, 2009 informing the public that patients had received extremely high radiation doses during perfusion CT imaging due to operator error. Patients were expected to receive a dose of 0.5 Gy (max) to their head but instead received 3–4 Gy which resulted in hair loss and skin erythema with the possibility of long-term effects. The FDA began an investigation which resulted in their working with manufacturers of CT scanners to improve their instructions and training programs for this complex equipment and to provide software safety checks that would prevent unreasonably high radiation doses from being delivered unintentionally [21].
There are many different dose measures in medical imaging, but due to the prevalence of CT, the Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI ) is something we see every day on the scanner console under the Dose Report header (Fig. 20.7). CTDI is the usual metric to estimate dose generated by a CT scanner. The CTDI volume is a standardized measure of the radiation output of a CT system, measured in a cylindrical acrylic phantom that enables users to gauge the amount of emitted radiation and compare the radiation output between different scan protocols or scanners. To measure the CTDI, the total radiation dose in mGy from a single CT scan is collected by a 100 mm long ionization chamber for a single axial slice divided by the nominal slice thickness. Thus CTDI is an average dose over a volume. Although CTDI is measured by using a single scan, it can be used to estimate the average dose from multiple scans where the table is incremented between successive scans [22]. It is an estimate of effective dose to either a 16 or 32 cm diameter phantom (depending on the patient’s size) based on the CT parameters (kVp, mAs, length scanned) selected. It does not indicate dose to the child in the CT scanner [23]! It is just the radiation dose this scanner will emit with the particular scanning protocol programmed. The actual dose to any given patient is directly dependent on the size and shape of the patient and calculations with conversion factors (k factors) which are required to convert the CTDI to that particular patient’s effective dose. Factors must include the patient’s size, the body part, organs irradiated, age, and scan length [23].

Fig. 20.7
An example of a patient dose report from a CT scanner which is automatically produced and sent to the picture archival and communicating system (PACS) with the patients images
To calculate an estimate of the effective radiation dose (“cancer risk”) [23, 24] from the child’s CT scan the dose length product (DLP ) incorporating the length of the area scanned must be known. It also is found on the scanner console on the Dose Report header. DLP = CTDI x total length in millimeters (mm) scanned. The published “k factors” used to convert the DLP to effective dose previously assumed a standard patient model with organs of both sexes which of course does not exist. No adult is a perfectly cylindrical 70 kg hermaphrodite which was the “standard” patient used for adult k factors. For children the standard k factors are at 5 age intervals: newborns, 1, 5, 10, and 15 years of age (Table 20.5) [25, 26]. This also refers to a generic hermaphrodite child of each age. It is well known that the size assignments for age do not correlate well with the actual size of the individual patient [27]. Conversions of CTDI to effective dose are thus only rough estimates for children. As these conversion factors are not ideal, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP ) publication 103 in 2007 [28] produced new recommendations for conversion factors. They were implemented by Deake et al. who concluded that separate conversion factors that take the tube voltage into account should now be used to determine the effective dose from DLP in pediatrics and the conversion factors should be specific for sex and age [29]. Lately more specific estimates of organ doses and effective whole body doses from CT are being published by age and sex [30, 31].
Table 20.5
Normalized values of effective dose per dose length product (DLP) over various body regions and standard patient ages [25]
Region of body | Effective dose per DLP (mSv (mGy cm)−1) by age | ||||
0-year-olda | 1-year-olda | 5-year-olda | 10-year-olda | Adultb | |
Head and neck | 0.013 | 0.0085 | 0.0057 | 0.0042 | 0.0031 |
Head | 0.011 | 0.0067
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