and Héctor H. García3, 4
School of Medicine, Universidad Espíritu Santo, Santo, Ecuador
Department of Neurological Sciences, Hospital-Clinica Kennedy, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Cysticercosis Unit, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Neurológicas, Lima, Peru
School of Sciences, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
The adaptive processes required for the parasite to survive inside the vertebrate host avoiding the attack of the immune system either as a tissue cyst or as an intestinal tapeworm, as well as the changes occurring after detection of the cysts by the immune system and the subsequent inflammatory reaction and parasite degeneration, result in a varied array of diverse mechanisms and scenarios which in most cases are only poorly understood.
The adaptive processes required for the parasite to survive inside the vertebrate host avoiding the attack of the immune system either as a tissue cyst or as an intestinal tapeworm, as well as the changes occurring after detection of the cysts by the immune system and the subsequent inflammatory reaction and parasite degeneration, result in a varied array of diverse mechanisms and scenarios which in most cases are only poorly understood.
6.1 Immunopathology of Human Cysticercosis
Our sources of knowledge for human cysticercosis are mostly clinical and necropsy cases, transversal studies in endemic populations (a few using neuroimaging), and occasional anecdotal data on epidemiological outbreaks or natural transmission scenarios (Dixon and Lipscomb 1961; Gajdusek 1978; Schantz et al. 1992). From these, we image human cysticercosis as a very common infection, in most cases resolving without apparent symptoms, which in a minority of cases presents with disabling clinical manifestations reflecting the specific characteristics of the involvement of the nervous system in each individual. In clinical settings, neurocysticercosis is by far more studied than any other location of cysts, and cysticercosis outside the nervous system is much less frequently seen. There are, however, many voids in our knowledge of the dynamics of transmission and the course of infection of human cysticercosis, including a very poor understanding of the role of the host’s immune response (Fleury et al. 2010). Many variables affect the immune response; the most important ones seem to include the infective dose, previous exposures to the parasite, and the localization of the parasite.
In terms of the infective dose, we can only rely on cyst numbers as a proxy for the number of ingested oncospheres. This is obviously a distant surrogate since in most cases of human cysticercosis we only know the numbers of brain cysts which can be seen on brain imaging and do not know anything about cysts in the rest of the body (which should be several times more). Most ingested oncospheres will not result in established cysts. In pig infection models usually 2 % or less of the ingested oncospheres result in visible cysts a few months later (Santamaria et al. 2002). The burden of infection will also affect the response. Clinical series demonstrate that individuals with a single brain lesion have much milder immune responses, while individuals with several cysts have more antigens and antibodies (García et al. 2010; Wilson et al. 1991).
We also know very few about how the innate or acquired immune responses will affect the likelihood of infection. It is very likely that oncospheres arriving into non-immunologically privileged sites be destroyed by the host immunity quite early (Flisser 1994). Moreover, some cysts may have established and resolved before clinical disease was evident. In endemic areas most individuals with neurocysticercosis (which may compose 15–20 % of the entire population) have only one or two calcified scars and no history of symptoms (Del Brutto et al. 2005; Fleury et al. 2003; Garcia-Noval et al. 1996; Montano et al. 2005; Sanchez et al. 1999). How an initial exposure will affect the likelihood of successful infection in further challenges is also not known.
In terms of localization, subarachnoid disease is associated to very high antigen levels and strong antibody responses (Fleury et al. 2011). Subarachnoid disease is characterized by marked extension of the parasite membrane with a hypertrophic response, and judging by the age profile of these patients, it is likely a late manifestation of neurocysticercosis (Bickerstaff et al. 1952). The strength of the immune response in parenchymal brain cysticercosis is directly related to the number of cysts and may be very weak or negative in patients with a single brain lesion (Wilson et al. 1991; Zini et al. 1990).
6.1.1 Single Enhancing Lesion
Travelers and children (Del Brutto 2013; Del Brutto et al. 2012) and native cases in the Indian subcontinent most frequently present with a single inflamed brain lesion, suggesting an early inflammatory response to a mild challenge (García et al. 2003b; Rajshekhar and Chandy 2000). In this view, a proportion of single lesion cases would correspond to cysticerci that resolved soon after infection, before full establishment and thus not provoking a strong immune response (García et al. 2010). The alternative hypothesis, that these result from existing viable cysts, collides with the very young age and mild antibody reactions which are typical in patients with single enhancing lesions.
6.1.2 Immune Response and Symptomatic Disease
Cysts get established soon after infection, likely in less than 3 months (Yoshino 1933). Most cysts in non-immunologically privileged sites are probably destroyed very fast by the host’s immune response (see above under pig cysticercosis). Cysts in the brain and the eye survive preferentially due to the protection of the blood-brain barrier and the hemato-ocular barrier and manifest as symptomatic disease years after (Dixon and Lipscomb 1961).
In a series of detailed clinical descriptions of neurocysticercosis cases published in Germany and England in the early 1900s, several authors noted that subcutaneous parasites resolve years after than brain cysts and that neurological symptoms frequently occur between 3 and 5 years after infection (Dixon and Lipscomb 1961; Henneberg 1912; McArthur 1934). Live brain cysts can survive for many years without initiating the degeneration process. This long asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic stage likely results from active parasite mechanisms of immune evasion. Beyond preferential survival in immunoprotected cysts such as the brain or the eye, cysticercotic cysts may actually utilize molecular mimicry or mimetism mechanisms where the cyst covers itself with host immunoglobulins (Correa et al. 1985; Flisser 1989; Willms 2008), ingest and degrade host immunoglobulins (Damian 1987), inhibit the complement cascade at the C1q and C3b levels (Khan and Sotelo 1989), and secrete chemokines which modulate the immune attack of the host (Evans et al. 1998; Sciutto et al. 2007).
Frequently, symptoms and signs of neurocysticercosis appear or get exacerbated as a result of one or more cysts been attacked by the host immune system. This cellular attack consists of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages, frequently preceded by a well-defined eosinophil infiltrate, and gradually destroys the cyst (Flisser 1994; Mahanty and García 2010). In pathological specimens this process results in a colloidal stage of early destruction, in which the cysts contents become turbid and jelly, followed by a granular nodular stage in which no discernible liquid content is found anymore, to end as a calcified scar, as classically described by Escobar (Escobar 1983). In general, it is suggested that after an initial pro-inflammatory Th1 period with increased IL-12, TNF-a, and nitric oxide, the parasite establishes in a Th2-type response while asymptomatic, with low IFN-g and IgG2a antibodies and increased IgG1, IgE, IL-4, IL-13, and IL-15 (Alvarez et al. 2002; Bueno et al. 2004; Chavarria et al. 2003; Fleury et al. 2003; Restrepo et al. 2001; Rodriguez-Sosa et al. 2002; Terrazas et al. 1998; Villa and Kuhn 1996), possibly with alternatively activated macrophages as a contributory effector for this modulation (Gundra et al. 2011; Terrazas et al. 2005). It would eventually switch back to a Th1-like profile once the immune equilibrium is lost and the inflammatory response establishes and destroys the parasite, a process which is also triggered by treatment with antiparasitic agents. This inflammatory response causes most of the morbidity associated with neurocysticercosis (White et al. 1997) and responds very well to steroid treatment (Nash et al. 2006).
There is an apparent contrast between the benefit of inflammatory processes in eliminating the parasite and their deleterious effects in terms of clinical manifestations (Sciutto et al. 2007). This is particularly notorious when considering the effects of cyst death, natural of after antiparasitic treatment, in causing brain inflammation. Using steroids to suppress inflammation is required in both cases (Nash et al. 2011). Steroids have a very wide spectrum of action so its use does not contribute that much to deciphered specific inflammation mechanisms in neurocysticercosis. Long-term steroid treatment may lead to complications so judicious use is mandatory. Other generic anti-inflammatory therapies like methotrexate (Mitre et al. 2007) have been used to replace steroids, and immunosuppressive therapy has been used in severe inflammatory cases (Del Brutto and Sotelo 1988). Whether more specific agents such as anti-TNF may be of use in neurocysticercosis remains to be explored.
6.1.3 Diagnostic Antigens and Immunodiagnosis
A large series of specific antigens and epitopes have been identified for Taenia solium (Deckers and Dorny 2010; Rodriguez et al. 2012). Some of them are associated with protection to infection and thus have been used to develop pig vaccines, and most others were identified as potential diagnostic antigens.
6.1.4 Immunity to Cysticercosis and Comorbidity
Some authors have reported an increased presence of immune diseases with alteration of the immune function in patients with neurocysticercosis (Sanz 1987), and an association between neurocysticercosis and cerebral glioma has been reported both as isolated cases (Agapejev et al. 1992) and in a controlled study (Del Brutto et al. 1997). The underlying hypothesis is that inflammation and suppression of local immune response may result in malignant transformation of glial cells, although the association has not been further studied.
6.1.5 NCC in Immunosuppressed Patients
A few cases of neurocysticercosis in transplant recipients have been reported (Barra Valencia et al. 2007; Gordillo-Paniagua et al. 1987; Hoare et al. 2006). Neurocysticercosis is rarely seen in series of patients with HIV infection, most likely as a coincidental association (Moskowitz et al. 1984; Soto Hernandez et al. 1996; Thornton et al. 1992; White et al. 1995). Some authors suggest that extraparenchymal locations including giant cysts would be more common in HIV-infected individuals, but this has not been confirmed in larger series (Soto Hernandez et al. 1996; Walker and Zunt 2005).
6.2 Immunopathology of Taenia solium Taeniasis
Relatively little information exist on the human infection with the adult intestinal tapeworm and the host’s immunological response.
6.2.1 Tapeworm Prevalence and Life Span
Most of the literature is composed of prevalence studies of taeniasis concluding that the population prevalence of intestinal taeniasis in endemic countries locates around 1 %, usually ranging from 0.5 to 2 % (Allan et al. 1996; García et al. 2003a; Sarti et al. 1992, 1994). Most of these surveys determined only the prevalence of adult tapeworms detected by stool microscopy and are likely underestimations of the prevalence because of the suboptimal sensitivity of microscopy and also because they will miss early infections. Parasite antigens can be detected in stools since early in the infection, 3 weeks, and studies using coproantigen detection find between 1.5 and 3 times more tapeworms (Allan et al. 1990; García et al. 2003a). The discordance between coproantigen and microscopy data suggests that either some or many infections establish but resolve before egg excretion, mature tapeworms may have periods where no eggs are excreted, or both of the above.
The tapeworm life span of T. solium was assumed to be of more than 20 years, based on particular cases of long-standing Taenia saginata infection (Faust et al. 1984). However, clinical and epidemiological data including age prevalence curves suggests that the adult tapeworm lives less than 5 years (Allan et al. 1996).
6.2.2 Tapeworm Infection
The worm establishes in the small intestine by anchoring its scolex in the mucosa using its four suckers and its double crown of hooks, with a local inflammatory response in the area which is composed by macrophages, plasma cells, lymphocytes, fibroblasts, neutrophils, and eosinophils, with local histamine release (Avila et al. 2002; Willms 2008). The local response may reduce the likelihood of tapeworm establishment and thus it has been explored as a possible vaccine (Leon-Cabrera et al. 2009, 2012). So far partial protection in a rodent model has been obtained. Other vaccines for intestinal cestodes are also being developed, including a dog vaccine for Echinococcus granulosus (Zhang et al. 2006).
Two specific diagnostic antigens specific to the adult tapeworm stage have been identified, namely, T33 and T38 (Levine et al. 2004; Verastegui et al. 2003). These antibodies are present in the sera of 95 % or more tapeworm carriers. However, the antibody response seems to outlast the intestinal tapeworm for a long period, hampering its use as a diagnostic test.
There is little evidence on whether reinfection with a new adult Taenia solium is possible. This is quite difficult to determine since it requires certainty that the patient was cured (meaning an accurate follow-up with negative testing for 3 months or more). From a large series of around 300 patients with T. solium taeniasis and also confirmed cure, only three cases of reinfection were seen by our group in a median of 2 years of follow-up (Cysticercosis Working Group in Peru, 2013, unpublished data).
6.3 Immunopathology of Porcine Cysticercosis
Pigs live much less than humans and are likely exposed to much heavier doses of infective eggs. In field conditions, a minority of pigs ingest eggs directly from the stools of a tapeworm carrier who defecates in the open field, resulting in heavy infections. Most animals, however, harbor only a few cysts in the entire carcass (Huerta et al. 2002). Dispersion mechanisms have been postulated to explain this apparent discrepancy including pig-to-pig transmission and dung beetles as egg carriers (Gonzalez et al. 2006; Juris et al. 1995; Lonc 1980).
The parasite seems to be well adapted to the porcine host and apparently causes minimal if any symptomatic disease (de Aluja and Villalobos 2000). Histopathological studies in the porcine host show a spectrum of severity of the perilesional inflammatory reaction which ranges from almost no discernible response to severe inflammation with complete parasitic degeneration (Londono et al. 2002).
Antibody responses in pigs have been assessed using the specific EITB assay and show that sizable numbers of pigs (frequently more than half of all pigs in an endemic community) may have specific antibodies (García et al. 2003a). A proportion of these circulating antibody responses correspond to persisting maternal antibodies passively transferred on the sow’s milk (Gonzalez et al. 1999). Strong responses are less frequent. Circulating antigen can be measured by antigen capture ELISA using monoclonal antibodies (Ganaba et al. 2011). However, antigen levels in feral pigs are more difficult to interpret because of cross-reactive responses with Taenia hydatigena, a common tapeworm infection.
The interpretation of porcine serological data in comparison to human data should always take into account that the information available for human infections is mostly restricted to brain cysts only, while in pigs the complete parasite burden is assessed (in the entire carcass). Brain cysts should be a minority of all cysts in the individual and likely those surviving because of the blood-brain barrier protection (de Aluja and Villalobos 2000). Pigs with only degenerated cysts resulting from the host immunity overcoming the infection are also a common finding despite the fact that most pigs are sacrificed at 9 months or before. In general, the proportion of pigs with viable cysts is several times less than the proportion of antibody-positive pigs.
Vaccines against porcine cysticercosis have been developed and successfully tested in controlled and field conditions, particularly using the TSOL18 antigen (Flisser et al. 2004; Gonzalez et al. 2005). This is an oncospheral antigen which confers over 99 % protection when given in two intramuscular doses. Other vaccines used a heterologous T. crassiceps antigen (Huerta et al. 2002) or DNA immunization (Guo et al. 2007). Porcine immunization can still be optimized by reducing the administration to a single dose or developing an oral vaccine.
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