Inborn Errors of Metabolism




Main clinical symptoms


Prognosis [OMIM]

Isovaleric aciduria


Isovaleryl CoA dehydrogenase- IVD

Acute: feeding refusal or aversion to protein, lethargy evolving to coma (due to dehydration and severe ketoacidosis), vomiting

Chronic: developmental delay, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia or pancytopenia, cerebellar hemorrhage

Cerebellar hemorrhage (rare)

In 50 % of cases acute, severe neonatal illness, often with rapid death; 50 % of cases are chronic with asymptomatic intervals

Methylmalonic aciduria


Methylmalonyl CoA mutase-MUT (mut0, mut-, cbLB)

Acute: failure to thrive, vomiting, lethargy evolving to coma (due to dehydration and severe ketoacidosis), pancreatitis, metabolic stroke

Chronic: developmental delay, dysmorphisms, skin rashes, cardiomyopathy, hepatomegaly, nephritis and renal failure, cardiac abnormalities, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia or pancytopenia, megaloblastic anemia, hypotonia, dystonia, seizures, spastic ataxia, mental retardation

Basal ganglia stroke-like episodes (metabolic stroke) mainly involving globi pallidi but also putamina and caudate nuclei, cortical atrophy, delayed myelination, optic nerves involvement

Neonatal-onset associated with increased mortality. High frequency of developmental delay, and severe handicap. Cobalamin nonresponsive patients with neonatal-onset carry poor outcome. More favourable outcomes have late-onset patients mainly if cobalamin-responsive or classified as mut(−)


Methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) type AMMAA

Onset in infancy. Responsive to vitamin B12 therapy


Cobalamin transferase-MMAB


A subset of patients respond to vitamin B12

Methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria


Methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria cblC typeMMACHC

Early-onset associated with more severe course and early death.

Adolescent, adult-onset has neuropsychiatric symptoms. Variable response


Methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria cblD typeC2orf25

Good response to B12


Methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria cblF typeLMBRD1

Onset in infancy respond to vitamin B12


Methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria cblJ typeABCD4

Onset at birth

Propionic aciduria


Propionyl CoA carboxylase-PCCA

Acute: failure to thrive, decreased appetite, vomiting, tachypnea/apnea, lethargy evolving to coma (due to dehydration and severe ketoacidosis), acute encephalopathy with cerebellar hemorrhage and ischemic stroke of basal ganglia

Chronic: psychomotor retardation, cardiomyopathy, hepatomegaly, pancreatitis, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, osteoporosis, dermatitis acidemia, axial hypotonia, limb hypertonia, dystonia, seizures

Onset at birth

Propionyl CoA carboxylase-PCCB

Key Facts

  • Definition – Organic acidurias/acidemias (OAs) are disorders involving intermediate metabolism of branched-chain amino acids or lysine

  • Prevalence – 1:30,000 births

  • Clinical features – Poor feeding, vomiting, abnormal muscle tone, seizures, lethargy, and coma

  • Diagnostic markers

    • Laboratory – metabolic acidosis with high anion gap, hyperlactacidemia, hyperammonemia, and ketosis. Molecular genetic testing. Neonatal screening of acylcarnitines profile

  • MRI – globi pallidi hyperintensities in MMA and PA; different degree of white matter involvement; optic neuropathy

  • Top differential diagnosis – shock and sepsis, mitochondriopathies, and fatty acids oxidation defects

  • Principles of treatment – restricted intake of amino acids precursors; avoidance of catabolic stress

  • Prognosis and outcomes – mental retardation, and movement disorders severely affect daily life activities and independence Definition

The classical organic acidurias/acidemias (OAs) are disorders involving intermediate metabolism of branched-chain amino acids or lysine [13]. Depending on the enzymatic defect, three major OAs have been defined: isovaleric aciduria (IVA, OMIM 243500), methylmalonic aciduria (MMA, OMIM 251000, 251100, 251110, 277400, 277410, 277380, 614857, 607481, 607568), and propionic aciduria (PA, OMIM 606054). IVA is due to a defect in isovaleryl CoA dehydrogenase (IVD) enzyme, encoded by the IVD gene [14]. MMA is divided in isolated MMA, due to methylmalonyl CoA mutase (MCM or MUT) enzyme deficiency (divided in mut0 and mut variants referring to total or partial enzyme deficiency), or combined MMA with homocystinuria due to several complementation groups. Finally, PA is determined by a defect in propionyl CoA carboxylase (PCC) enzyme, encoded by PCCA and PCCB genes. Prevalence

Estimated 1:30,000 births Clinical Features

Usually, affected individuals are normal at birth or during the first days of life. Clinical symptoms, often starting in the neonatal period, are characterized by signs of a toxic encephalopathy, such as poor feeding, vomiting, abnormal muscle tone, seizures, lethargy, and coma (due to hyperammonemia and acidosis), resembling a sepsis-like clinical picture.

Some OAs variants can present with dysmorphic features, developmental delay, and abnormal tone without acidosis (see MMA cblC type). Patients present a high risk of infections and pancreatitis; the clinical course is characterized by recurrent life-threatening episodes of hyperammonemia and acidosis. Some patients present a less severe or late-onset phenotype with intellectual impairment, movement disorders such as ataxia, focal neurological signs, Reye-like syndrome, and psychiatric symptoms. Dystonia, chorea, and other movement disorders represent the result of basal ganglia metabolic strokes that are quite typical in some OAs (as for MMA and PA). Clinical impairment (less severe in IVA rather than in other OAs) is widely variable and asymptomatic patients have been described. Diagnostic Markers

Severe metabolic acidosis with high anion gap, hyperlactacidemia with hyperammonemia and ketosis are the leading biochemical markers.

Laboratory – Urinary organic acids analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) should be performed.

Molecular genetic testing, enzymatic assay in lymphocytes or cultured fibroblasts confirms the diagnosis. Neonatal screening of acylcarnitines profile allows early diagnosis and treatment.

Brain MRI – Ranges from basal ganglia abnormalities (mostly globi pallidi hyperintensities in MMA and PA) and a different degree of white matter involvement together with optic neuropathy. Top Differential Diagnosis

Nongenetic disorders such as shock, sepsis, mitochondriopathies, fatty acids oxidation defects, biotinidase deficiency, and urea cycle defects. Principles of Treatment

Treatment is, in part, similar in all OAs, though strategies may vary due to the position of the metabolic blockade. In principle, treatment aims to restrict the intake of amino acids precursors, supply co-factors (for instance, thiamine in maple syrup urine disease, hydroxycobalamin in MMA and biotin in PA) which are helpful in detoxification or to increase residual enzymatic activity. Dietary therapy must be carefully adapted in the long-term run. Any source of catabolic stress (like intercurrent illness, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) may lead to acute decompensation that must be promptly treated by restriction of metabolic toxic compound precursors or by dialysis together with critical care support for acidosis and hyperammonemia. Liver (PA and MSUD) and combined liver and kidney (MMA) transplantation are increasingly adopted for disease treatment with good results. Prognosis and Outcomes

The availability of newborn screening and the new treatment sources for OAs have certainly had a profound effect on survival rates of classic OAs patients and, probably, an impact on clinical outcomes.

However, while the effects of neonatal screening and subsequent prompt treatment have been very efficacious in terms of survival rate and short-term development, the results on protracted neurodevelopmental outcomes still appear to be poor [15, 16], with mental retardation and movement disorders (ranging from dystonic tetraparesis, dystonic storming, chorea, and ataxia) greatly affecting the clinical picture, daily life activities, and independence.

19.2.3 Cerebral Organic Acidurias/Acidemias: Glutaric aciduria Type 1 (GA-1)

Key Facts

  • Definition – Glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA-1) is an AR disorder caused by a defect in lysine, hydroxylysine, and tryptophan metabolism

  • Prevalence – 1:40,000 births

  • Clinical features – Macrocephaly and mild hypotonia at birth. Acute-onset deficits (often due to subdural hematoma), dystonia, spastic diplegia, and seizures often triggered by intercurrent illnesses

  • Diagnostic markers

    • Laboratory – Newborn urinary screening for acylcarnitines shows elevated glutarylcarnitine (tandem mass spectrometry). Molecular genetic testing

    • MRI – Macrocephaly may be seen in asymptomatic patients. Dilated sylvian fissures with open opercula (bat-wing appearance), widened CSF spaces, frontotemporal atrophy, subdural hematomas, in symptomatic patients.

  • Top differential diagnosis – Shaken baby syndrome

  • Principles of treatment – Restriction in protein intake; lysine-free and low tryptophan diet; carnitine and riboflavin intake recommended

  • Prognosis and outcomes – Most symptomatic patients carry severe handicaps, and 20 % die within 5 years of age Definition

Glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA-1, OMIM 231670) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a defect in lysine, hydroxylysine, and tryptophan metabolism [17] with secondary glutaric acid, 3-hydroxyglutaric acid, and glutaconic acid accumulation. It is due to a defect in glutaryl-CoA-dehydrogenase (GCDH, OMIM 608801), a mitochondrial enzyme which converts glutaryl CoA. Prevalence

1:40,000 births Clinical Features

Patients are asymptomatic at birth or present with macrocephaly and mild hypotonia. Later, they present an acute clinical and neurological picture (typically with subdural hematoma [18]), which is generally triggered by intercurrent illnesses (e.g., acute infections, fever, dehydration, and vomiting), characterized by hypotonia, acute dystonia, spastic diplegia, and seizures. During the episodes, patients can also display feeding difficulties, hypoglycemia, hepatomegaly, and acidosis. This neurological picture is the result of an acute decompensation that can lead to coma and to brain injury mainly involving basal ganglia (striatal degeneration).

A minority of patients remains asymptomatic and do not experience acute decompensations. Diagnostic Markers

LaboratoryNewborn screening by tandem mass spectrometry for acylcarnitines (elevated glutarylcarnitine [C5DC]) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry for urinary organic acids (elevated glutaric, hydroxyglutaric, and glutaconic acids).

Molecular genetic testing should be performed to confirm the diagnosis.

Brain MRI – Macrocephaly may be observed even in asymptomatic and presymptomatic patients. On the contrary, dilated sylvian fissures with open opercula (bat-wing appearance), widened CSF spaces, and frontotemporal atrophy have been reported in symptomatic patients. Delayed myelination, subdural hematomas [19], and bilateral striatal hyperintensities [20] may also be present. DWI hyperintensity of the white matter, with a characteristic strip-like involvement of the corpus callosum, has been reported [21]. Top Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis in patients with positive newborn screening includes medium-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency and glutaric aciduria type 2 or maternal glutaric aciduria and renal insufficiency. Due to retinal hemorrhages, commonly present at clinical onset, and to subdural hematomas [19], easily detected by CT scan, shaken baby syndrome may be suspected. The neurological picture looks like athetoid/dystonic cerebral palsy. Principles of Treatment

A restriction in protein intake, together with lysine-free and low tryptophan diet, and carnitine implementation is basic in a chronic patient’s management. The diet must be frequently adapted since intercurrent diseases worsen the course of GA-1. Carnitine and riboflavin assumption is recommended.

Symptomatic drug therapy is based on antiepileptic (AEDs) and anti-dystonic drugs [17, 22]. Prognosis and Outcomes

Before newborn screening, glutaric aciduria caused a high mortality rate and poor outcomes with few patients remaining asymptomatic. Symptomatic patients carry a prognosis marked by irreversible neurological damage, and 20 % die within 5 years of age. In countries where newborn screening is available, neonatal diagnosis and treatment prevent acute derangements and severe brain injuries [23, 24].

19.3 Disorders Without Acute Metabolic Decompensation

In this cluster of disorders, patients do not experience acute metabolic life-threatening decompensation, but present a progressive and chronic picture.

19.3.1 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism Phenylketonuria (PKU), Non-PKU Hyperphenylalaninemia

Key Facts

  • Definition – PKU is an AR spectrum of disorders due to a defect of the phenylalanine hydroxylating system.

  • Prevalence – 1:10,000 births in Europe.

  • Clinical features – Untreated patients show decreased skin, hair, and iris pigmentation; musty body odor and eczema, microcephaly; delayed psychomotor development/mental retardation. Well-treated patients with good biochemical control are nearly asymptomatic.

  • Diagnostic markers – Newborn screening for hyperphenylalaninemia; molecular analysis.

    • MRI – White matter involvement and volumetric alterations in basal ganglia.

  • Top differential diagnosis – Defects in BH4 metabolism.

  • Principles of treatment – Restriction in Phe intake; BH4, neutral amino acids supplementation, enzyme replacement therapy.

  • Prognosis and outcomes – Excellent prognosis in patients diagnosed by neonatal screening or with mild variants. In early treated PKU adult patients, there may be impairment of selective, sustained attention, and working memory.


Phenylketonuria (PKU, OMIM 261600), the most frequent IEM, represents an autosomal recessive spectrum of disorders [25, 26] due to a defect of the phenylalanine hydroxylating system. This spectrum includes classic and mild PKU, due to phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) enzyme deficiency, and several forms of hyperphenylalaninemia due to the deficiency of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), a critical PAH co-factor. PAH, in fact, converts phenylalanine (Phe) into tyrosine (Tyr) and requires tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) for its activity. The enzyme dysfunction, due to PAH gene mutations, results in intolerance of dietary protein intake with a build up of phenylketones which are toxic for brain development. High brain phenylalanine levels also undermine neurotransmitters biosynthesis, due to the competition with large neutral amino acids uptake through the blood–brain barrier. Besides classic PKU, hyperphenylalaninemia can also be determined by defects in the tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) regeneration pathway, which encompasses non-PKU BH4 responsive hyperphenylalaninemias and other BH4 metabolism-related disorders (including guanidine triphosphate cyclohydrolase 1 [GTPCH1], 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase [PTPS], and dihydropteridin reductase [DHPR] deficiency), which will not be discussed in this chapter. Only GTPCH1 deficiency will be further described due to its clinical peculiarity and responsiveness to treatment.


1:10,000 births in Europe

Clinical Features

In classical PKU, the clinical picture is greatly related to the severity of enzyme deficiency and Phe levels.

Untreated patients show decreased skin, hair, and iris pigmentation (due to tyrosinase inhibition effect); musty body odor and eczema (due to high phenylalanine and phenylalanine metabolites excretion); secondary microcephaly; delayed psychomotor development/mental retardation; epilepsy; movement disorders and para/hemiparesis; behavioral and psychiatric disorders.

Treated patients with persistent hyperphenylalaninemia or with treatment poor compliance develop: suboptimal cognitive outcome; tremor, increased muscle tone; psychiatric problems; osteopenia and low bone mineral density; vitamin B12 deficiency.

PKU patients that strictly follow dietary treatment suggestions and present a good biochemical control and patients with milder forms of the disease display a nearly asymptomatic clinical course. These patients show no or subtle neurological and psychological symptoms mostly represented by brisk tendon reflexes, tremor, hyperhidrosis, school difficulties, anxiety, and phobias.

These clinical findings are also reported in adult PKU patients.

Diagnostic Markers

PKU is usually diagnosed by newborn screening and confirmed by plasma amino acid analysis.

Molecular analysis for mutation classification is strongly recommended. According to the level of Phe and molecular mutation, PKU has been recently classified as follows: classic PKU, moderate/mild PKU, mild hyperphenylalaninemia, non-PKU-hyperphenylalaninemia.

Brain MRI – White matter involvement (WMI) has been largely reported in PKU patients together with volumetric alterations in basal ganglia, somehow related to dopamine pathway dysfunction [27, 28].

Top Differential Diagnosis

Hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) can be due to defects in BH4 metabolism, which represents almost 3–5% of HPA. To rule out a BH4 defect, pterins analysis in urine or blood spots and DHPR enzyme activity in erythrocytes should be performed.

Principles of Treatment

A dietary restriction in Phe intake must be started at the diagnosis. BH4 loading test should be performed in all patients to ascertain who can benefit from this therapy. In patients who respond to BH4, the diet can be relaxed or discontinued [29]. At any age [30], the main goal is to achieve a Phe level <360 μmol/L. Dietary restriction must be adapted over the years and according with personal Phe tolerance. Other therapeutic options include large neutral amino acids (LNAA) supplementation, enzyme replacement therapy (providing the administration of modified phenylalanine ammonia lyase, now in phase III study), and somatic gene therapy [3133].

Prognosis and Outcomes

The prognosis is excellent in patients diagnosed by neonatal screening and treated continuously from birth.

The picture of adult PKU patients and their long-term outcome is still controversial. In early treated PKU adults, impairment of selective and sustained attention and working memory have been reported. Moreover, the role of the brain MRI in identifying white matter lesions is still debated although several recent studies showed a strict relation between high Phe levels and brain lesions [34].

Maternal Hyperphenylalaninemia

Maternal hyperphenylalaninemia (MHPA) [35] refers to the possible effect of a poor metabolic control of affected HPA females during pregnancy and its teratogenic role in the newborn. In fact, Phe is crucial in some critical embryogenetic steps, so that high Phe levels in pregnant women is linked with facial dysmorphisms, microcephaly, mental retardation, congenital heart defects, and growth failure in the newborn. Guanosine Triphosphate Cyclohydrolase 1 (GTPCH1) Deficiency: Autosomal Dominant and Autosomal Recessive

Key Facts

  • Definition – GTPCH1 deficiency comprise a continuum of AD or AR disorders of biogenic amines

  • Prevalence – Unknown

  • Clinical features – AD-GTPCH1: lower limb dystonia with diurnal fluctuation at onset; progression to generalized dystonia; clear and enduring response to L-DOPA. AR-GTPCH1: hyperphenylalaninemia, developmental delay, severe cognitive impairment, seizures, limb dystonia, trunk hypotonia followed by generalized dystonia

  • Diagnostic markers

    • Laboratory – Blood – Hyperphenylalaninemia in AR variants

    • CSF – Biogenic amines alterations and reduction of neopterin and biopterin

    • Molecular genetic testing

    • Imaging – CT and MRI – Not significant

    • [18F]-FDG PET – Hyperactivity in the dorsal midbrain, cerebellum, and supplementary motor area; hypoactivity in motor and lateral premotor cortex and in the basal ganglia

  • Top differential diagnosis – DYT1 related dystonia; myoclonic dystonias

  • Principles of treatment – L-DOPA. Typical AR-GTPCH1 deficiency with hyperphenylalaninemia need BH4, L-DOPA, and 5-hydroxytryptophan supplementation

  • Prognosis and outcomes – Variable response to treatment. Most patients with DRD obtain complete remission of symptoms


Guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase 1 deficiency (GTPCH1, OMIM 600225) comprise a continuum of autosomal dominant (AD) or autosomal recessive (AR) inherited disorders [36] of biogenic amines. GTPCH1, in fact, is the rate-limiting enzyme in BH4 cofactor biosynthesis, which leads to a secondary impairment of neurotransmitter metabolism (both dopamine and serotonin) with or without hyperphenylalaninemias.



Clinical Features

AD-GTPCH1 deficiency, otherwise known as Segawa’s disease or DOPA-responsive dystonia (DRD, DYT5a), is generally characterized by normal developmental milestones until the age of 1 to 12 years. Afterwards, patients present a clinical picture characterized by lower limb dystonia. Dystonia presents diurnal fluctuations and has a clear and enduring response to L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) administration. Adult onset is characterized by parkinsonism, while limb dystonia is less preminent [37, 38].

In contrast, AR-GTPCH1 deficiency presents with hyperphenylalaninemia and a severe neurological impairment characterized by developmental delay, severe cognitive impairment, seizures, limb dystonia with trunk hypotonia followed by generalized dystonia (see Chap. 21).

An intermediate autosomal recessive phenotype has also been depicted [39] presenting developmental delay and limb dystonia (with trunk hypotonia) with DOPA responsiveness.

Diagnostic Markers

In cases of childhood dystonia of unknown etiology, the first approach is a therapeutic trial with L-DOPA. Affected patients present a substantial and sustained response to the therapy. From a biochemical point of view, GTPCH1 catalyses the first step of BH4 biosynthesis and enzyme dysfunction is associated to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biogenic amines and pterins abnormalities, with both reduction of neopterin and biopterin, which is quite typical for the disease. Hyperphenylalaninemia, in autosomal recessive variants, is found through newborn screening. Enzymatic assays and molecular genetic analysis give further information, but the CSF biochemical pattern is crucial for the diagnosis.

Brain MRI is normal.

[18F]-FDG PET in DRD are characterized by metabolic hyperactivity in the dorsal midbrain, cerebellum, and supplementary motor area, and hypoactivity in motor and lateral premotor cortex and in the basal ganglia [40].

Top Differential Diagnosis

The clinical picture can resemble other early-onset primary dystonias (such as DYT1-related dystonia), myoclonus dystonias (like sarcoglycanopathies and DYT15 dystonia), and cerebral palsy or spastic paraparesis. Also, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) deficiency and sepiapterin reductase (SR) deficiency, two other enzymes involved in biogenic amines metabolism, can present some kind of clinical and biochemical overlap, but differential diagnosis can be quite easily ruled out. Finally, the late-onset variant frequently presents as early-onset parkinsonism without a previous history of child-onset dystonia, so that genetic parkinsonism (for instance, PARK2 variants) and other parkinsonian-like syndromes should be excluded.

Principles of Treatment

L-DOPA plus a decarboxylase inhibitor are the mainstay in the treatment of DRD, with some criticalities in recommended dosages, owing to low dose responsiveness in some patients together with severe dyskinesia side effects after higher dosage, mostly in AR-GTPCH1 intermediate deficient patients.

Typical AR-GTPCH1 deficiency with hyperphenylalaninemia needs BH4 supplementation and neurotransmitter replacement therapy (L-DOPA and 5-hydroxytriptophan). Clinical impairment is more severe and treatment responsiveness is widely variable so that several dosage adjustments are required.

Prognosis and Outcomes

This spectrum of disorders presents a widely variable clinical impairment, ranging from a mild dystonic syndrome, highly responsive to L-DOPA treatment, to a severe neurological picture characterized by developmental delay/mental retardation, seizures, and severe dystonia with incomplete responsiveness to treatment. Even in milder forms of the disease, though the neurological picture partially links to the age of onset of symptoms (with late-onset symptomatic patients presenting a less severe phenotype), a variable responsiveness to treatment has been repeatedly underlined with a complete remission of symptoms, which is not achievable in all patients. As a whole, DRD still represents a prototype of a disease showing a dramatic positive recovery from therapy, while other disorders included in this nosological continuum need further studies to define the long-term prognosis and outcome. Homocystinuria

CBS Deficiency

Key Facts

  • Definition – Classic homocystinuria is a complex autosomal recessive disorder of methionine metabolism due to cystathionine beta synthase deficiency

  • Prevalence – 1:100,000 births

  • Clinical features – Multisystemic involvement with developmental delay and mental retardation, ectopia lentis, glaucoma, optic atrophy, retinal detachment and cataract, bone abnormalities, strokes, seizures, psychiatric symptoms

  • Diagnostic markers – High level of methionine in plasma and increased homocysteine in plasma and urine. Enzymatic assay in cultured fibroblasts and molecular genetic tests

    • MRI – White matter abnormalities and strokes

  • Top differential diagnosis – Marfan syndrome and sulfite oxydase deficiency

  • Principles of treatment – High dose of pyridoxine for vitamin B6 responders. Protein/methionine restricted diet and vitamins supplementation (betaine, folate, and vitamin B12) for vitamin B6 nonresponders

  • Prognosis and outcomes – Good example of a treatable disorder; the life expectancy of patients with homocystinuria is reduced only if the disorder is untreated


Classic homocystinuria is a complex autosomal recessive disorder of methionine metabolism due to cystathionine beta synthase deficiency (CBS, OMIM 236200). A variant is pyridoxine (B6 vitamin) responsive; a second variant is non-responsive to pyridoxine. Respondent patients generally present a milder clinical phenotype.


1:100,000 births

Clinical Features

The clinical picture is characterized by a multisystem involvement with eye, skeletal, vascular, and brain symptoms characterized by developmental delay/mental retardation, myopia and ectopia lentis, glaucoma, optic atrophy, retinal detachment and cataract, bone abnormalities, strokes, seizures, and psychiatric symptoms.

Patients present a variable clinical picture with late-onset variants showing a poorly symptomatic or acute symptomatic picture.

Diagnostic Markers

Amino acid analysis detects a high level of methionine in plasma and increased homocysteine in plasma and urine. Newborn screening is available with the assays of methionine and homocysteine levels. The diagnosis is then confirmed by molecular genetic testing.

Brain MRI

Lacunar and large artery stroke can be detected (artery-to-artery embolism and dissection have also been reported) [41]. Diffuse white matter abnormalities are uncommon findings [42].

Top Differential Diagnosis

Marfan syndrome and sulfite oxydase deficiency must be excluded. The lens dislocation in homocystinuria is usually downward, while in Marfan syndrome it is upward [43]. The biochemical picture, with increased concentrations of homocystine/homocysteine or methionine, requires the exclusion of methionine transmethylation defects, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) deficiency, and cobalamin defects and other causes of homocystinuria (comprising nutritional aberrations).

Principles of Treatment

Treatment is based on:


Vitamin B6 responders – Patients showing reduction of 30% or more of homocysteine/homocystine or methionine under oral pyridoxine are treated with a high dose of pyridoxine.



Vitamin B6 non-responders – Require a protein/methionine-restricted diet and vitamin supplementation including betaine, folate, and vitamin B12 to prevent thrombotic events [44]. Surgery is suggested for ectopia lentis and prophylaxis with anticoagulant is mandatory during pregnancy. Oral contraceptives should be avoided.


Prognosis and Outcomes

This is a good example of a treatable disorder. The life expectancy of patients with homocystinuria is reduced only if the disorder is untreated. Thromboembolism is the most common cause of death. A close biochemical and therapeutical follow-up is effective in preventing most of the symptoms with consequential good clinical prognosis and outcomes.

19.3.2 Lysosomal and Other Storage Diseases Fabry Disease (FD)

Key Facts

  • Definition – FD is a lysosomal storage disease due to an X-linked defect of α-galoctosidase A

  • Prevalence – 1:3,000–117,000 births, genetic variants included

  • Clinical features – Onset between 3 and 10 years with neuropathic and abdominal pain, diarrhea/constipation, angiokeratoma, corneal changes, retinal vessels tortuosity, tinnitus/hearing loss, proteinuria, kidney failure, cardiomyopathy, stroke, lymphoedema, facial dysmorphisms

  • Diagnostic markers – Deficient α-galactosidase activity in leukocytes or plasma. Genetic testing is mandatory for female patients

  • MRI – Pulvinar T1W hyperintensities, basilar artery dolichoectasia, chronic white matter hyperintensities

  • Top differential diagnosis – Rheumatic diseases; small fibers peripheral neuropathies of different cause

  • Principles of treatment – Agalsidase alfa and beta enzyme replacement therapy

  • Prognosis and outcomes – Before renal dialysis and transplant availability, survival was 41 years in males; renal transplant has improved survival to 58 years in males and 75 years in females


Fabry disease (FD, OMIM 301500) is the second most common (after Gaucher disease) progressive glycosphingolipid lysosomal storage disease [45]. It is due to an X-linked defect of lysosomal α-galoctosidase A (α-Gal A, EC3.2.1.22, OMIM 300644), resulting in accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3 or GL-3) and related glycosphingolipids (galabiosylceramide) in lysosomes of endothelial, renal, cardiac, and nerve cells. GL-3 storage starts before birth in placental tissue and progresses to organ failure (mostly heart and kidney but also gastrointestinal and respiratory systems) with multisystemic and neurological involvement (both peripheral and central nervous system are affected) [46, 47]. Fabry disease affects not only hemizygous male patients but also heterozygous females with a wide phenotypic heterogeneity.


1:3,000 – 117,000 including all variants [45].

Clinical Features

This disorder exhibits a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes ranging from “classical” severe phenotype in affected males up to a nearly asymptomatic presentation occasionally observed in a few heterozygous females. The first clinical signs usually present between the ages of 3 and 10 years (a few years later in girls) with peripheral somatic and autonomic nerves involvement and other signs/symptoms such as: neuropathic chronic pain or “acroparesthesias”, which may exacerbate with severe, acute, episodic crisis “Fabry crises”, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, angiokeratoma, corneal changes “cornea verticillata”, retinal vessels tortuosity, tinnitus and hearing loss, minor facial dysmorphisms.

Patients display a progressive course with multisystemic involvement, which leads adulthood to: renal impairment up to renal failure; cardiac involvement (arrhythmias and left ventricular hypertrophia); cerebrovascular involvement (acute and chronic lesions); osteopenia.

Signs and symptoms are usually fully manifest in affected males while heterozygous females present a high phenotypic heterogeneity. The female spectrum includes nearly asymptomatic patients up to classic severe phenotypes presenting neuropathic pain, plus all the aforementioned clinical findings.

In both sexes, atypical variants (the most known is the cardiac variant) have also been described.

Diagnostic Markers

Newborn screening for Fabry disease demonstrates reduced α-galactosidase activity in leukocytes or plasma (dried blood spot).

Genetic testing is mandatory for female patients, due to the X chromosome transmission.

Plasma globotriaosylsphingosine or lyso-GL-3 is a useful biomarker to discern classical Fabry patients from subjects without the disease [48]. Lyso-GL-3 might correlate with white matter lesions load [49].

Brain MRI/CT – Basilar artery dolichoectasia has frequently been reported. Bilateral T1W hyperintensity is a characteristic neuroradiological sign of FD, but it is not a pathognomonic sign. Sometimes calcium deposit can be recognized in the pulvinar by CT scan. Chronic white matter abnormalities (usually symmetric) have been reported, with an increasing load according to ageing. All kinds of cerebrovascular manifestations, including cerebral venous thrombosis, can be detected [47].

Top Differential Diagnosis

Rheumatic diseases (such as rheumatic arthritis and fever, systemic lupus erythematosus, Raynaud’s phenomenon) and other small fiber peripheral neuropathies should be excluded. Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy (MNGIE disease) mimics earlier aspects of Fabry disease. Later in the course of FD, multiple sclerosis, due to the white matter involvement, celiac disease, Fahr, and parathyroid disorders must be ruled out.

Principles of Treatment

Since 2001, enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with agalsidase alpha and beta has been approved in Europe as the specific treatment of FD. Recently, modified enzyme replacement and the use of active site chaperones have been proposed in patients presenting residual enzymatic activity.

Supportive drug treatment (including ACE inhibitors, antithrombotic and anticoagulant drugs) together with preventive measures (e.g., avoidance of cold that can trigger painful crisis) are recommended. Carbamazepine, gabapentin, and pregabalin are useful for neuropathic pain [46]. Renal dialysis and transplant are utilized in end-stage renal failure.

Prognosis and Outcomes

The natural history of Fabry disease is characterized by a variable, but severe clinical impairment with a later great impact on life expectancy. Before renal dialysis and transplant availability, the average age of death was 41 years in males. Renal transplants have likely changed the natural course of the disease, leading to a median lifespan of 58 years in males and 75 years in females. According to the Fabry Registry data, cardiovascular disease (usually arrhythmia) was the most common cause of death.

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Nov 10, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Inborn Errors of Metabolism

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