Indications and Technology of Neurophysiologic Monitoring in Meningioma Surgery

CHAPTER 21 Indications and Technology of Neurophysiologic Monitoring in Meningioma Surgery


From the early days of neurosurgery, there has been a continuous effort to reduce operative complication rates. The use of magnification and microsurgical techniques has led to major advances contributing to a significant reduction in morbidity and mortality rates over the past 4 decades. More recently, there has been increasing emphasis in the use of neurophysiologic monitoring techniques in an attempt to detect dysfunction of the nervous system at an early stage, when it may still be reversible. Intraoperative monitoring has been used and evaluated in neurovascular surgery1 and spine surgery.2 Although its application in meningioma and skull-base surgery in general is widespread and can be extremely useful, there is a paucity of data in the literature regarding indications and outcomes. Further, definitive answers to certain basic questions regarding monitoring remain elusive: (1) Does neurophysiologic monitoring predict postoperative neurologic deficits in patients undergoing surgery for meningiomas or other skull-base tumors? (2) Which factors have a high predictive value? (3) Can intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring prevent postoperative deficits and improve outcome?

Indeed the utility of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring has been questioned by some experienced neurosurgeons, who believe it adds little to a carefully planned microsurgical procedure.3 Most surgeons, however, now consider monitoring an indispensable tool of modern intracranial neurosurgery.48 In this chapter we review the pertinent literature on neurophysiologic monitoring of sensory and motor pathways, as well as cranial nerves, in meningioma surgery and present our experience based on monitoring of more than 2000 cases.

The ideal monitoring technique should allow recognition and localization of nervous system structures at risk during surgery and alert the neurosurgeon when that particular neural structure, whether a cranial nerve or pathway, is being stressed before irreversible damage occurs, thus allowing maximal tumor resection while preserving neurologic function. Correlation of physiologic data with surgical events can also aid in understanding mechanisms of nervous tissue injury, possibly leading to improved surgical techniques and surgical outcomes.9 Because of the numerous potential structures at risk during meningiomas surgery, especially with lesions at the skull base, we have used neurophysiologic monitoring routinely from an early stage.10


As for other intracranial and spinal lesions, the rationale for monitoring motor and somatosensory pathways in meningioma surgery is well accepted. During the resection of supratentorial meningiomas, a new postoperative deficit may occur by direct cortical injury during the dissection of the tumor capsule from functional cortex, especially when there is pial vascularization of the tumor with prominent peritumoral oedema and no pial/arachnoidal plane. Further, damage to cortical veins draining functional cortex, especially the veins of Trolard and Labbé, the injury of paramedian veins or of the superior sagittal sinus itself can result in venous infarction of functional cortical and subcortical areas. Injury to major arteries or small perforating vessels supplying functional cortex or subcortical white matter pathways that can be encased by skull-base meningiomas are further potential causes of postoperative deficit. Although in some circumstances inadvertent surgical damage can be abrupt and irreversible, in many situations early recognition of neurologic impairment can lead to immediate corrective actions to avoid a permanent deficit. Thus intraoperative vasospasm of small perforator vessels induced by mechanical manipulation can potentially be reversed with the application of papaverine; brain compression and ischemia induced by retraction or surgical manipulation may improve after repositioning of retractors or adjusting surgical dissection, especially over eloquent cortex. The main goal of intraoperative monitoring of central motor and somatosensory systems is therefore to recognize at an early stage, and with enough sensitivity, neurologic compromise in an anesthetized patient that cannot be assessed clinically and to prompt actions to reverse or limit the extent of the neurologic damage.

A number of methods have been developed to localize and monitor the sensorimotor cortex as well as the integrity of the corticospinal tract during intracranial procedures. The established and widely used techniques include somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs), muscle and spinal cord motor evoked potentials (MEPs), electromyography (EMGs), electroencephalography (EEG), and direct cortical stimulation under general anesthesia or awake surgery. Here we mainly discuss SSEPs and MEPs monitoring, techniques that have widespread use in many neurosurgery centers for intracranial and spinal procedures.

Somatosensory Evoked Potentials

Somatosensory evoked potentials are one of the most frequently used monitoring modality in neurosurgery and rely on the ability to record the transmission of a peripheral electric stimulation along somatosensory afferent pathways to the primary somatosensory cortex. Perturbations of the standard characteristics of this signal transmission can be exploited to detect early and reversible neuronal compromise.

Dawson first described SSEPs in 1947.11 Initially used in the laboratory and clinical setting, further technical developments in the late 1970s and 1980s allowed for their use for intraoperative monitoring. Currently the acquisition of SSEPs is done according to international standards12,13 following stimulation of peripheral afferent nerves, generally the median or ulnar nerve for upper extremities and posterior tibial or peroneal nerve for lower extremities. Recording from the surgically exposed cortex with electrode grids or from the scalp usually with needle electrodes allows recording of a phase reversal signal between the somatosensory cortex and the motor cortex induced by the peripheral nerve stimulation. This allows the reliable identification of the central sulcus. The monitoring of somatosensory pathways throughout a procedure requires continuous monitoring by repeated stimulation. To reduce the signal-to-noise ratio induced by the significant background EEG activity of the brain, it is necessary to average about 200 to 500 stimulation trials and to filter SSEP signals with a predetermined bandwidth acquisition. The stimulation of peripheral nerves is done with needle or surface electrodes generating a bipolar signal and a single ground electrode is used for all limbs (Fig. 21-1). Stimulus intensity between 20 and 30 mA and duration between 200 and 500 µs at approximately 5 Hz is adequate to obtain satisfactory responses. This setup allows for the continuous updating of information, and any changes can be transmitted to the surgical team at less than 1-minute intervals. To differentiate SSEP changes from central or peripheral origins, cranial as well as cervical and peripheral electrodes are routinely used. The stimulation wave can be recorded at several acquisition points with a specific latency (Table 21-1), and the amplitude and morphology of the responses are compared with the baseline preoperative recording of the patient after induction of anesthesia and before positioning and with the intraoperative recordings of the contralateral side that serve as an internal control.

Although SSEP principally monitors the integrity of the sensory afferent pathways, it can indirectly monitor the nearby motor corticospinal tracts and motor cortex. Thus, there is a recognized utility of SSEPs for detecting disturbance not exclusively of somatosensory pathways but also of more general hemispheric changes. In this regard, there is a well established relationship between cortical cerebral blood flow and SSEP changes, which make it possible to identify vascular compromise in regions not only related to vascular supply of the somatosensory cortex. Importantly, SSEPs are also subject to change with general physiologic parameters such as blood pressure,14 body temperature, or anesthetic regimen, which have to be taken into consideration when interpreting changes seen during surgery.

The utility of SSEP monitoring has been repeatedly reported for a variety8,15,16 of spinal1719 and cranial vascular20 as well as tumoral2124 procedures. Based on our own experience with SSEP monitoring in more than several thousand cases of cranial procedures, we have found that reductions in amplitude of the cortical wave exceeding 50% are significant in predicting neuronal compromise and warrant alerting and reaction from the surgical team. Minor changes in amplitude and latency, which are not uncommon, are more likely related to changes in anesthesia or general physiologic parameters such as blood pressure, blood gases, and temperature. Changes in the morphology of the SSEP waveforms alone are more difficult to interpret and have no specific value in common clinical practice.

The utility of SSEP in tumor surgery including meningiomas has been assessed by several studies. Romstöck and colleagues reported a successful identification of the central sulcus with phase reversal in more than 90% out of 230 cases of central or paracentral tumors including meningiomas, but this was dependent of tumor location.24 In large and centrally located tumors causing significant displacement and deforming the central cortex it was more difficult to obtain a reliable phase reversal response. Wiedermayer and colleagues have specifically assessed the false-negative findings during SSEP intraoperative monitoring and reported 4% of 658 vascular and tumor cases in which patients with uneventful monitoring developed neurologic deficits.15 They found that the overall sensitivity was 79% and negative predictive value 96%. Not surprisingly, in their experience SSEPs were less likely to predict deficits in infratentorial lesions compressing the brain stem, small cortical lesions of the motor cortex, and small vessel injury during aneurysm surgery, situations in which motor pathways could selectively be injured without disturbing sensory pathway or causing wider hemispheric damage. In summary, these and other studies confirm the usefulness of SSEP as a routine monitoring modality in intracranial procedures, but also prompt awareness of its limitations, especially for lesion in which selective impairment of motor pathways is the major surgical risk.

The value of SSEP in meningioma surgery in general has been assessed along with other tumors,24 and cranial base meningiomas were included in several series describing the use of SSEPs in skull-base lesions.5,10,25 Bejjani and colleagues have described several types of SSEP changes in the setting of skull-base tumor surgery.25 The proposed classification, which we have also adopted, is as follows: type I, no significant waveform change from baseline; type II, waveform changes that returned to baseline (>10% increase in latency from baseline and/or >50% decrease of amplitude from baseline); type III, waveform changes that recovered partially but incompletely; type IV, complete flattening of the SSEP waveform without improvement; type V, flat waveform from the beginning of surgery. In a series of 244 patients, these authors reported a very good correlation between SSEP type and postoperative deficits with a positive predictive value of 100%, and a negative predictive value of 90%. In our own unpublished series of 122 procedures for skull-base tumors (excluding vestibular schwannomas) during a 4-year period, we found similar results with a positive predicting value of 100% and a negative predicting value of 89%. Another important aspect in skull-base lesions compressing the brain stem, especially near the craniovertebral junction and in mass lesions of the cervical spine, is the critical value of SSEP monitoring during the positioning of the patient: passive mobilization of the spine and craniocervical junction in anesthetized and relaxed patients carries a real risk of neurologic damage.26 Further benefits to SSEP monitoring include detection of peripheral nerve injury by traction and/or compression (especially in the ulnar SSEP) attributed to improper positioning of the patient: in this situation early detection can prevent permanent nerve damage during a long procedure with complex positioning, such as in the park bench position (Fig. 21-2).

Motor Evoked Potentials

Because SSEPs offer a valuable but only indirect mean of monitoring motor pathways within the limits discussed in the preceding text, many efforts have been made to develop direct surveillance of motor pathway integrity during intracranial and spinal surgery. The identification of the motor cortex is possible through direct bipolar stimulation and observation of muscle contraction or muscle activity recording with EMG in either awake or anesthetized patients. However, as anesthesia has an impact on the stimulation threshold required to induce recognizable muscle contraction, and as awake surgery is not generally practical in most of brain and spine tumors including meningiomas, more refined monitoring modalities were developed for continuous intraoperative motor monitoring. The first attempts to explore the human cerebral cortex by evoking a motor response from a cortical electrical stimulation during surgery were described by Sir Victor Horsley and further refined by Penfield27 and others. However, the scientific groundwork for motor evoked potentials (MEPs) stems from the work on monkeys of Patton and Amassian in the mid-1950s.28,29 By applying direct cortical stimulation they were able to elicit two distinct recordable discharges from of the corticospinal tracts. The first one is a nonsynaptic early response named the D-wave translating a direct stimulation of the corticospinal tract and the second is a late, synaptic response called the I wave resulting from the action potential firing of stimulated cortical motoneurons. MEP was subsequently applied in humans either by direct cortical stimulation30 or by transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) in awake patients.31 Recording of MEPs is possible either from electrodes placed directly in the spinal cord epidural space or currently more often by recording muscular EMG. Volatile anesthetic agents suppress the I response, and intraoperative MEPs in the 1980s relied on the more robust D wave recorded from the spinal epidural space. Transcranial magnetic stimulation29 alleviating scalp electrodes but mainly inducing I waves is valuable in awake patients but does not offer a significant advantage in anesthetized patients because of the suppression of I waves induced by anesthetic agents. The major breakthrough for the reliable use of MEPs in anesthetized patients was the demonstration that the summation of short-train impulses at high frequency by direct cortical stimulation allowed to record MEPs (both the I and D waves) in the presence of most anesthetics.32 This was followed by further work establishing the feasibility of pulse-train TES.33 Moreover, the wider adoption of intravenous anesthetic agents such as propofol further facilitated the intraoperative use of MEPs that are less suppressed with intravenous substances such as remifentanyl and propofol than with volatile anesthetics.3436

The value of current modern MEP’s techniques has been demonstrated by several authors for intra-axial and extra-axial lesions in the perirolandic area,32,3741 for intracranial vascular lesions,39,4245 and for spinal deformity and spine tumor surgery.39,4648 More recently, its use with transcranial stimulation has been suggested to monitor cranial nerves,38,39,49 as discussed later. In clinical practice it has been established that more than a 50% amplitude reduction of the D wave during intramedullary spinal surgery is associated with injury of the corticospinal tract and long-term motor deficit.50,51 In perirolandic surgery, more than a 30% to 50% reduction in the D waves is predictive of permanent deficit.37 Preservation of the D waves is a good predictor of the absence of motor deficit although probably not with 100% predictive value. Fujiki and colleagues compared the value of corticospinal D versus I wave in brain tumors. They report that I waves recorded from the muscles are more sensitive than corticospinal MEPs recorded from the spinal epidural space that depend more on D waves.37

Although the use of MEPs for intracranial meningiomas have been reported by some authors,37,39 there is no convincing evidence of a benefit for the use of MEPs in surgery for these lesions. In our own practice we would recommend the use of MEPs in selective cases of meningiomas in or adjacent to the motor cortex, in parasagittal meningiomas with encasement of the anterior cerebral arteries or invasion of the superior sagittal sinus in its posterior two thirds, in spinal meningiomas, as well as in skull-base meningiomas with suspected encasement of major arteries of the circle of Willis (Fig. 21-3).


Cranial nerve monitoring in skull-base operations has been shown to reduce the risk of permanent postoperative neurologic deficits.4,7

Techniques for monitoring the facial nerve were the first to be described,52,53 followed by intraoperative monitoring of neural conduction in the auditory nerve.54,55 These techniques came into common use for operations in the cerebellopontine angle during the 1980s.56,57 With the development of skull-base surgery methods for intraoperative monitoring of several other cranial nerves often at risk were also introduced.58 Sensory nerves are typically monitored with evoked potentials and motor nerves with EMG recordings.

Initially, the presence of a visible muscle twitch following electrical stimulation was used as a gross measure of peripheral nerve integrity. In the 1960s and 1970s, nerve conduction studies (NCSs) were adapted to the intraoperative monitoring of peripheral nerves, and the recording of evoked potentials to the study of visual and auditory, as well as spinal sensory pathways during surgery.9 In 1986, Harner and colleagues59 first described the use of continuous EMG recordings as an intraoperative monitoring tool for peripheral nerve function. The past two decades have seen refinement of these techniques as well as their wider application.

The aim of cranial nerve monitoring in meningioma surgery can be simplified and summarized in three points:7

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