, Alberto J. Espay2, Alfonso Fasano3 and Francesca Morgante4
Neurology Department, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
James J. and Joan A. Gardner Center for Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Division of Neurology, University of Toronto Morton and Gloria Shulman Movement Disorders Clinic and the Edmond J. Safra Program in Parkinson’s Disease Toronto Western Hospital, UHN, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
4.1 An Introductory Note
Voluntary muscle activity may be disrupted by disturbances in the planning or execution of motor sequencing, ultimately expressing as clumsiness or inability to perform purposeful and coordinated skilled movements. Depending on the higher (planning and organization) or lower (coordination of the execution) level of central nervous system impairment, two main motor disturbances may emerge: apraxia and ataxia, respectively. Neurological examination usually allows the distinction between them and from other disorders of movements, such as dystonia, weakness or bradykinesia (with which they may coexist). This is especially relevant for apraxia, which requires—by definition—the absence of primary motor deficits (see below). Table 4.1 illustrates the main motor behaviours in this category and the main elements of clinical examination helping discriminate them.
Table 4.1
Category of disorder of movements characterized by impaired execution of voluntary movement
Ideational and ideomotor apraxia | Limb-kinetic apraxia | Cerebellar Ataxia | Afferent ataxia | Weakness | Dystonia | Bradykinesia | |
Balance impairment | +/− | +/− | +++ | + | +/− | – | −/+ |
Ocular disturbances | +/− | +/− | +++ | –a | +/− | – | −/+b |
Speech disturbances | +/− | +/− | +++ | – | +/− | +/− | +++ |
Rest tremor | – | – | – | – | – | +/− | +/− |
Task-specific or position-dependent tremor | – | – | – | – | +/− | + | – |
Kinetic tremor | – | – | + | – | +/− | – | −/+ |
Dysmetria | – | – | +++ | ++ | – | – | – |
Dyssinergia | – | – | ++ | +/− | –c | – | – |
Dysdiadochokinesia | + | + | ++ | – | – | – | – |
Selection, sequencing and spatial orientation of movements | +++ | – | −/+ | – | – | – | – |
Loss of hand and finger dexterity | – | +++ | + | – | + | + | + |
Abnormal posturing | –d | – | + | + | – | +++ | – |
4.2 How to Recognize
Ataxia (from the Greek ‘without order’) refers to disorganized, poorly coordinated or clumsy movements due to lesions of:
Cerebellum and its connecting pathways (cerebellar ataxias)
Proprioceptive sensory pathways (afferent ataxias)
Clinical features of cerebellar diseases have been masterfully described by Sir Gordon Holmes in the Croonian Lectures on ‘The clinical symptoms of cerebellar diseases and their interpretation’ [1, 2] and in his seminal paper on ‘The cerebellum of man’ [3]. Cerebellar diseases manifest with a variable combination of:
Disturbance of tone (hypotonia, especially in the acute phase of cerebellar diseases, see Chap. 2, on Sect.
Postural and action tremor (see Chap. 5)
Disturbance in timing of muscular contraction, thus accounting for a number of clinical phenomena:
Discontinuity in muscle contraction and delay in muscular contraction/relaxation, causing dysmetria (hypermetria or overshooting and hypometria)
Impairment in rapid alternating movements (dysdiadochokinesia)
Decomposition of movement (dyssinergia), a compensatory strategy where movements are executed in piecemeal fashion, leading to lack of harmonious movements
Dysrhythmia of repetitive finger movements
Disturbance in fine-tuning of complex movements, leading to balance impairment (trunk ataxia, astasia) and gait problems (foot dysmetria and/or wide-based stepping to compensate for balance problems)
Speech disturbances (slow and slurred and/or explosive and scanning speech; cerebellar mutism is also reported as a consequence of surgery for posterior fossa tumours in children)
Oculomotor disturbances. These include deficits of fixation (square-wave jerks), deficits of smooth pursuit (saccadic intrusions), deficit of saccades (hypermetria, hypometria), misalignment, nystagmus (gaze evoked, rebound, upbeat, downbeat, periodic alternating) and impaired vestibulo-ocular and optokinetic reflexes [4]
Hence, when assessing a patient with impaired organization or coordination of voluntary muscle activity, neurological examination should evaluate the following elements to ascertain their cerebellar origin: (1) muscle tone (see Chap. 2), (2) appendicular coordination (upper and lower limb), (3) ocular movements, (4) speech production (see Chap. 8) and (5) balance and gait (see Chap. 8). In addition, cognitive abilities should be tested since patients with cerebellar lesions often show impairment of executive, attentive and visuospatial functions.
Afferent ataxias are characterized by sparing of speech (unless the cause is a disease affecting also systems controlling speech, e.g. Friedreich ataxia), greater dependence on visual guidance, lesser degree of ocular abnormalities and invariable association with neuropathic signs, e.g. impaired tendon reflexes and proprioceptive sensory deficits [5].
Apraxia refers to the inability to perform skilled, previously learned motor sequences, in absence of primary sensory, motor, coordination and comprehension deficits. Apraxia is categorized in three major clinical subtypes, ideational (IA), ideomotor (IMA) and limb-kinetic (LKA) (Table 4.2) in which the motor performance is differently affected by impairment of the praxis conceptual system or production system. Some of these may have clinico-anatomical correlations: left fronto-parietal lesions are more frequently associated with IMA and left temporo-parietal and temporo-occipital lesions with IA; finally, LKA has been reported in lesions involving the frontal and parietal cortices or the basal ganglia, affecting the white matter tracts between these regions [6]. Nevertheless, there are many exceptions to these clinico-anatomical correlations, given the difficulty in distinguishing different subtypes of apraxia and the co-occurrence of other neurological deficits such as aphasia and bradykinesia. An important distinctive feature of apraxia (especially IMA) is the voluntary–automatic dissociation, whereby the patient is able to perform a given task spontaneously but not upon verbal command.
Table 4.2
Subtypes of apraxia
Apraxia subtype | Clinical features | Most common localization |
Ideational | Impairment of tasks requiring a sequence of several acts with tools and objects. Difficulty in performing a multistep task and in using single tools | Left temporo-parietal and temporo-occipital |
Ideomotor | Temporal and spatial errors in performance affecting timing, sequencing, amplitude, configuration and limb position in space. Inability to pantomime a gesture (transitive > intransitive gestures). Voluntary–automatic dissociation | Left fronto-parietal |
Limb-kinetic | Loss of hand and finger dexterity resulting in clumsy and coarse finger movements. No voluntary–automatic dissociation | Frontal and parietal cortices or basal ganglia–frontal connections |
Orofacial apraxia | Impaired execution of skilled movements involving the orobulbar region, not necessarily impairing speech. Voluntary–automatic dissociation | Overlaps with aphasia; left ventral premotor cortex in isolated cases |
Apraxia of speech | Disturbance in programming correct movements for speech production. Narrative writing is normal (i.e. no aphasia) | Left premotor and supplementary motor areas |
IA is characterized by difficulty in conceiving an action and is demonstrated while using a single tool or performing a multistep task (impairment of praxis conceptual system). IMA is characterized by impairment in timing, sequencing and spatial organization of movements and posture and is demonstrated asking the patient to pantomime a gesture (impairment of praxis production system). Patients with LKA have loss of hand and finger dexterity and are unable to perform correct finger sequencing. LKA is the subtype producing the major source of diagnostic difficulty, and it should be distinguished from bradykinesia, weakness, dystonia and cerebellar dyssinergia. Other subtypes of apraxia have also been described such as constructional apraxia (inability to draw objects, copy figures and build structures) and dressing apraxia (inability to perform the task of dressing), which are considered an expression of visuospatial deficits [7]. Apraxia can also be defined in relation to the affected areas such as in orofacial apraxia, which applies to the impairment in the execution of skilled movements involving the face, mouth, tongue, pharynx and larynx (e.g. blowing a kiss or whistling), and apraxia of speech, a disorder of speech motor planning or programming affecting exclusively the production of speech (but not the grammatical or syntactic structure of language) and leading to inaccurate production of sounds.
Clinical examination of apraxia is based on asking the patient to pantomime intransitive and transitive gestures, imitate hand sequences and finger postures and perform the utilization of certain tools. Recently, the short apraxia screening test has been designed as an easy-to-use screening test, sensitive enough to identify all types of limb praxis deficits [8] (illustrative videos are included in the same reference). The test includes the following battery of tasks: how to rotate a coin between fingers, how to hitchhike, make a victory sign, brush teeth, use a hammer, use a screwdriver, use a key and use a nail cutter with certain objects (toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, nail cutter and spoon), drink water and quantify the ability to imitate a meaningless posture and a meaningless movement. Unfortunately this battery, as many other screening tools for apraxia, lacks standardization for apraxia of the lower limbs. In patients with left hemisphere stroke, the following requested tasks have been suggested to assess for lower limb apraxia: slide leg backward, kick forward, cross legs while seated, put one foot in front of the other (touching), pretend to extinguish a cigarette with one foot, trace a cross on the floor using a foot, place one foot above the other, trace an anticlockwise circle on the floor using the foot, place the internal edge of the foot to the floor, place the toe and then the heel to the floor and place the external edge of the foot on the floor [9]. In addition, clinical examination aimed to distinguish apraxia from other motor disturbances should assess for the presence of decomposition of movement, dysdiadochokinesia, abnormal posturing, kinetic tremor, resting tremor, balance and speech disturbances and oculomotor abnormalities (Table 4.1). In some cases, the clinical distinction of apraxia from other motor disturbances such as bradykinesia and dystonia may be difficult, as they can coexist with apraxia (e.g. in corticobasal syndrome).
4.3 How to Distinguish from Related Disorders
4.3.1 Ataxia
The differential diagnosis of ataxia includes a wide range of disorders which may be categorized according to lesion localization (cerebellar ataxias, afferent ataxias), age at onset (paediatric or adult onset), presentation (acute, subacute, rapidly or slowly progressive, nonprogressive), temporal course (episodic, persistent), aetiology (idiopathic, acquired, hereditary) and clinical picture (isolated, combined with other movement disorders, associated with other neurological or systemic manifestations). Distinguishing among the plethora of conditions causing ataxia is challenging and should be based predominantly on localizing the ataxia to the cerebellar vermis or hemispheres or its afferent pathways through neurological examination. Oculomotor abnormalities are present in cerebellar but absent in sensory ataxias. The second step is to exclude acquired, potentially treatable diseases (i.e. paraneoplastic ataxias). In the following pages, we will illustrate major acquired and inherited causes of ataxia and propose a diagnostic algorithm to assist the clinician. Acquired Causes of Cerebellar and Afferent Ataxia
Acquired diseases causing cerebellar and afferent (sensory) ataxias are shown in Table 4.3. The main causes of acquired cerebellar ataxia are structural lesions of the cerebellum, toxic agents, metabolic diseases, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, autoimmune diseases, infections and superficial siderosis. In the differential diagnosis, it is important to encompass also acquired causes of afferent ataxia, such as vitamin B12 deficiency, Miller-Fisher syndrome (MFS) and sensory Guillain–Barré syndrome. Figure 4.1 illustrates the most frequent causes of acquired ataxias based on speed of onset/progression and age at onset. In adults, acute/subacute onset should suggest a stroke or multiple sclerosis, whereas a viral infection is more likely to cause cerebellar ataxia in childhood.

Table 4.3
Selected acquired causes of cerebellar and afferent ataxias
Acquired causes of cerebellar ataxia |
Structural lesions of the cerebellum Stroke Tumours Multiple sclerosis Normal pressure hydrocephalus |
Toxic Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration Drugs: lithium, phenytoin, 5-fluorouracil, capecitabine, cytosine arabinoside, metronidazole and other azoles, calcineurin inhibitors and amiodarone Heavy metals and solvents poisoning: mercury, lead, manganese and toluene/benzene derivatives |
Metabolic Acquired vitamin deficiencies: vitamin E, vitamin B1 (Wernicke encephalopathy) Hypothyroidism Hypoparathyroidism |
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration SCLC Breast and ovary cancer Hodgkin’s lymphoma Others: non-cutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma, melanoma, lymphoepithelial, tonsil carcinoma, prostate adenocarcinoma |
Immune mediated Anti-GAD ataxia Gluten ataxia Steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis (SREAT; formerly known as Hashimoto encephalopathy) |
Infections Acute (cerebellitis): varicella (children), Epstein–Barr virus (adults) Chronic progressive: syphilis, Lyme borreliosis, Whipple’s disease, HIV, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease |
Superficial siderosis |
Acquired causes of afferent (sensory) ataxia |
Vitamin deficiency: Vitamin B12 Vitamin E |
Neurosarcoidosis |
Vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia |
Sensory Guillain–Barré syndrome Miller-Fisher syndrome |
Infections: syphilis (tabes dorsalis) |
Axonal or immune-mediated polyneuropathies: Diabetic polyneuropathy Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy Anti-MAG antibodies polyneuropathy, MGUS Sjögren’s syndrome, chronic autoimmune hepatitis CANOMAD (chronic ataxic neuropathy, ophthalmoplegia, monoclonal IgM protein, cold agglutinins and disialosyl antibodies) syndrome Paraneoplastic sensory neuropathies: bronchial carcinoma, SCLC, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, neuroendocrine tumours, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, sarcoma |
Chemotherapy and drug-induced polyneuropathies: CDDP, cisplatin, carboplatin, oxaliplatin Doxorubicin, suramin sodium, bortezomib Thallium Penicillin |

Fig. 4.1
Algorithm for the diagnosis of cerebellar and afferent. Practical approach to the differential diagnosis of ataxias based on type of onset (acute/subacute) and velocity of progression (rapid/slow). The second step to evaluate different clinical and historical features according to these three preliminary criteria. For progressive ataxias, associated clinical features combined with MRI features are a valuable diagnostic key. AFP α-fetoprotein, AOA1 ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1, AT ataxia–telangiectasia, AVED ataxia with vitamin E deficiency, BG basal ganglia, CJD Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, CK creatine kinase, CoQ 10 recessive ataxia with primary coenzyme Q deficiency, FRDA Friedreich ataxia, GBS Guillain–Barré syndrome, MFS Miller-Fisher syndrome, MDS movement disorders, NCS/EMG nerve conduction studies/electromyography, NPC Niemann–Pick type C, SREAT steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis, TCC thin corpus callosum, WD Wilson’s disease, WMC white matter changes
Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) is an acute life-threatening neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by ataxia, cognitive or psychiatric changes and oculomotor abnormalities, including nystagmus, abducens palsy and papilloedema. Late-stage, variable abnormalities include hyperthermia, spastic paresis, choreic dyskinesias and coma [10]. Less frequent manifestations include epileptic seizures, hearing loss, hallucinations and behavioural disturbances, cardiac failure, gastrointestinal complaints and polyneuropathy. WE is caused by vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency and its active cofactor thiamine pyrophosphate, an essential coenzyme in the Krebs cycle and the pentose phosphate pathway which plays an important role in cerebral energy use. Thus, thiamine deficiency reduces the metabolism of brain regions with high metabolic requirements and high thiamine turnover, such as the cerebellar vermis [11]. Common causes leading to thiamine deficiency are alcohol abuse and malnutrition, AIDS, cancer and chemotherapeutic treatments, recurrent vomiting or chronic diarrhoea (i.e. hyperemesis gravidarum, pancreatitis, pyloric stenosis), prolonged total parenteral nutrition, gastrointestinal surgical procedures (particularly gastric bypass, gastrectomy, gastrojejunostomy), iatrogenic glucose loading in vulnerable patients, magnesium depletion, intravenous infusion of high-dose nitroglycerine and unbalanced nutrition. Diagnosis of WE is based on clinical features, as there is no specific routine laboratory test available or specific diagnostic abnormality in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid. Blood thiamine concentration lacks specificity, whereas MRI has low sensitivity but high specificity with typical WE lesions described in 58 % of the patients. MRI images may indeed show symmetric increased T2 signal in the paraventricular regions of the thalamus, the hypothalamus, mammillary bodies, the periaqueductal region, the floor of the fourth ventricle and midline cerebellum (Fig. 4.2). An atypical and reversible MRI finding may be bilateral thalamic hyperintensity on T2- and FLAIR-weighted images, a sign previously associated to new variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) [12]. If not treated, most patients with WE go on to develop Korsakoff syndrome, a disorder characterized by severe anterograde amnesia, disorientation in time, emotional changes and relative preservation of implicit learning and other cognitive domains [13].

Fig. 4.2
Brain MRI in Wernicke encephalopathy. Axial FLAIR sequences show increase signal in the medial thalami (a), mammillary bodies (b), periaqueductal region (c) and midline cerebellar vermis (d)
Alcoholic and toxic cerebellar degenerations are among the most common forms of chronic cerebellar ataxia due to alcohol-induced degeneration of the cerebellar cortex, particularly in the anterior-superior vermis and adjacent hemispheres (which mainly receive spinal afferents); in addition, chronic thiamine deficiency due to malnutrition may contribute to cerebellar degeneration, as demonstrated by the correlation between low serum thiamine and vermal atrophy on MRI in alcoholics [14]. The prevalence in chronic alcohol users is 11–27 %. Cerebellar ataxia due to chronic alcohol abuse affects gait and lower limbs more than arms and speech and is often associated with signs of peripheral neuropathy.
Cerebellar ataxia can be also be drug induced, most commonly after exposure to lithium, phenytoin, 5-fluorouracil or cytosine arabinoside (Table 4.3) by direct toxicity to the cerebellum or by inactivation of vitamin B1 (i.e. 5-fluorouracil).
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) is an immune-mediated degenerative disorder of the cerebellar cortex associated mainly with small-cell lung cancer, breast and ovarian cancer and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The onset of ataxia in PCD is subacute and of rapid progression, often predating the detection of the underlying malignancy [15] In some patients, other paraneoplastic syndromes of central or peripheral nervous system may coexist, such as limbic encephalitis, sensory neuropathy and Lambert–Eaton syndrome. The most frequent onconeural antibodies associated to PCD are anti-Hu, anti-Yo, anti-Ri and anti-CMV [16]. Cerebellar atrophy is a late finding on MRI. Repeated searches for the primary tumour are highly recommended using CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis and whole-body fluorodeoxyglucose PET.
Anti-GAD ataxia is a slowly progressive cerebellar syndrome due to antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). It usually affects gait and, less frequently, speech; nystagmus is a frequent feature, and sometimes patients may exhibit focal rigidity in one limb or concurrent myasthenia gravis. Titres of anti-GAD65 antibodies, which are directly pathogenic, may be lower than those found in stiff person syndrome [17]. MRI may show cerebellar atrophy.
Gluten ataxia (GA) is another autoimmune disorder belonging to the spectrum of gluten-related disorders, associated with gluten intake but not necessarily with enteropathy [18]. GA was originally defined as idiopathic sporadic ataxia with positive serological markers for gluten sensitization [19]; however, the relationship between asymptomatic coeliac disease and sporadic ataxia has been debated for a long time. Patients with GA have evidence of gluten sensitivity, defined as a state of heightened immunological responsiveness to gluten in genetically susceptible individuals, as shown by circulating antibodies (IgA and IgG) to gliadin (AGA). Clinical features are gait and limb ataxia, dysarthria and oculomotor abnormalities due to cerebellar involvement; axonal polyneuropathy can occur in ~40 % of patients. Neurological symptoms usually predate the diagnosis of gluten sensitivity and coeliac disease, and gastrointestinal symptoms may be present in only about 10 % of patients, with evidence of enteropathy by duodenal biopsy in less than one third of patients [20]. Brain MRI typically reveals cerebellar atrophy in most patients with GA. Neuropathological studies have shown evidence of immunological damage to the cerebellum, the posterior columns of the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves [19]. However, the pathogenic role of AGA has been questioned as they are also present in ~10 % of ostensibly healthy individuals from the general population. Moreover, mice transgenic for HLA-DR3-DQ2 and immunized with gliadin to achieve high titres of AGA did not develop ataxia and/or cerebellar damage [21]. More recently, identification of IgA deposits against transglutaminase-2 (TG2) in small-bowel biopsies of patients with coeliac disease and, subsequently, of transglutaminase-6 (TG6), an autoantigen primarily expressed in cerebellar neural tissue, has provided a more specific biomarker for neurological manifestations of GRD, since anti-TG6 are detected in 73 % of patients with GA and in only 4 % of healthy controls, and the titres are sensitive to gluten and gluten-free diets [22]. Irrespective of the presence of an enteropathy, patients positive for any of these antibodies with no alternative cause for their ataxia should be offered a strict gluten-free diet. Stabilization or even improvement of the ataxia after 1 year would be a strong indicator that the patient indeed suffers from GA.
Steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis (SREAT), formerly known as Hashimoto encephalopathy, represents a treatable cause of acquired immune-mediated ataxia [23]. This is a subacute, rapidly progressive form of autoimmune ataxia which responds to steroid treatment and may be misdiagnosed as viral encephalitis or even prion disease [24]; however, insidious onset and slow progression have also been described [25]. The clinical picture is characterized by cognitive impairment and behavioural changes associated with gait ataxia, tremor and transient aphasia. Myoclonus, seizures, sleep impairment and psychotic symptoms may occur. The disease may have a fluctuating course. Concurrent thyroid disease is not required for the diagnosis since it may precede or follow SREAT. Other autoimmune disorders may be present, such as diabetes mellitus type 1, systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn’s disease and Sjögren’s syndrome. Diagnosis of SREAT relies on the detection of high titres of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies (anti-TPO). Recently, serum autoantibodies against the NH2-terminal of α-enolase (anti-NAE) have demonstrated specificity for SREAT, although their application remains limited to research setting [25]. Other laboratory findings in SREAT (which can be demonstrated in most but not all patients) are increased liver enzyme levels, increased thyroid-stimulating hormone levels and increased anti-thyroglobulin antibodies. Thyroid function is usually normal. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis may show increased protein and oligoclonal bands, and brain MRI may show diffuse increased signal in the cerebral white matter on T2- and FLAIR-weighted images, which may reverse after steroid treatment [24, 26]. Extensive dural enhancement has been also rarely described.
Superficial siderosis is characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia, hearing loss and pyramidal signs [27]. Ataxia represents the most disabling feature, albeit cognition is frequently impaired. Other manifestations include seizures, visual loss and hyposmia. Symptoms arise from deposition of free iron and haemosiderin along the pial and subpial structures of the brain and spinal cord and subsequent damage to the cerebellar cortex, cochlear nerves, cerebral cortex and spinal cord. Repeated subarachnoid bleeding from various sources (previous neurosurgical procedures of the posterior fossa, remote head injuries, vascular tumours, root lesions and vascular abnormalities) is the primary cause. Brain MRI is diagnostic by revealing the typical linear hypointensity on T2-weighted images on the surface of the brainstem, cerebellum and spinal cord; deposits of haemosiderin may also be seen in the Sylvian fissure, cerebral convexities and interhemispheric fissure [27]. Cerebellar atrophy, more prominent in the superior vermis, is also a frequent finding on MRI (Fig. 4.3). In the majority of patients, spinal MRI shows longitudinally extensive, generally ventrally predominant, intraspinal fluid-filled collections often communicating with the subarachnoid space through a dural defect [28]; it was hypothesized that dural defects related to these ventral intraspinal fluid-filled collections (also reported in spontaneous intracranial hypotension) may be related to the pathogenesis of superficial siderosis [29]. CSF evaluation usually reveals xanthochromia with high red blood cell count.

Fig. 4.3
Brain MRI in superficial siderosis. Axial (upper row) and sagittal (lower row), T2-weighted (left column) and T2-gradient echo (right column) demonstrates linear hypointensity on the surface of the cerebellum, brainstem, spinal cord and even the cerebral convexities and sulci. There is prominent associated cerebellar atrophy
Infectious causes of cerebellar ataxia can be divided in acute and chronic progressive. Acute ataxia is most commonly a result of viral infections in children. Chronic progressive infection is most prominently represented by neurosyphilis, Whipple’s disease and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. Neurosyphilis has been divided into early and late forms. Early neurosyphilis develops in the first year of infection and may be asymptomatic or present with meningitis, headache and blurry vision. Tabes dorsalis occurs in late-stage neurosyphilis and is characterized by sensory ataxia due to dorsal column involvement. Argyll-Robertson pupils (i.e. pupil constriction to accommodation but not to light) on examination represent a valuable clue for the presence of neurosyphilis in patients with sensory ataxia. Nevertheless, neurosyphilis might also cause cerebellar ataxia as well as other movement disorders as parkinsonism, myoclonus, chorea and dystonia (for a complete review, see Shah and Lang [30]).
Whipple’s disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Tropheryma whippelii causing diarrhoea, weight loss, abdominal pain and other systemic signs (arthralgia or arthritis, endocarditis). Central nervous system involvement is frequent in Whipple’s disease and includes supranuclear vertical gaze palsy, oculomasticatory myorhythmia [31] (a pathognomonic sign, see also see Chap. 5), cognitive decline, sleep disturbances and ataxia. A retrospective review identified ataxia in 55 % of cases, which was variably associated to memory loss, hypothalamic dysfunction (hypersomnia, insomnia, hypothermia, weight gain or weight loss), supranuclear vertical gaze palsy and oculomasticatory myorhythmia [32]. Brain MRI may disclose increased T2 and FLAIR signal in corticospinal tracts, vermis, cerebellar peduncles and brainstem. Diagnosis of Whipple’s disease is based on: identification of Tropheryma whippelii DNA by PCR in the CSF or in biopsy specimens of involved tissues (small bowel, synovia, brain) [34]; PAS staining of smallbowel biopsy specimens or CSF showing foamy macrophages with positive PAS inclusions on light microscopy. Other non-specific laboratory findings are detection of acute-phase reactants, anaemia, leucocytosis, thrombocytosis and laboratory evidence of malabsorption (including vitamin E malabsorption). In the presence of oculomasticatory myorhythmia, neither CSF nor small-bowel biopsy are required, given its unique presence in this disorder.
Sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (sCJD) is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy causing rapidly progressive ataxia associated with dementia and myoclonus. The misfolded form of the prion protein (PrPSc) self-propagates without nuclear acid genetic material in infected individuals, accumulating in the central nervous system [35]; clinical symptoms appear after a long incubation time. Variant CJD is caused by transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy to humans through consumption of prion-contaminated cattle meat. Prion diseases have the unique feature to being either transmitted or inherited (see inherited ataxias). Clinical and histopathological features of sCJD differ depending on whether the patient is homozygous for methionine (MM) or valine (VV) or heterozygous at codon 129 of the prion protein (PRNP) [36]; accordingly, sporadic prion diseases are currently classified in three groups, based on codon 129 polymorphism: (1) cognitive subtype (MM1, MV1, MM2, VV1), (2) ataxic subtype (VV2, MV2) and (3) sporadic prion diseases with non-CJD subtype (sporadic fatal insomnia and variably protease-sensitive prionopathy)[37, 38].
The most common presentation of the cognitive subtype with MM1 or MV1 polymorphism is a rapidly progressive cognitive impairment affecting multiple domains and eventually associated with ataxia, visual blindness and myoclonus. In this subgroup of patients, the disease may present with a clinical picture resembling corticobasal syndrome (see Chap. 1). In this subgroup as well as in the rare sCJD MM2 and sCJD VV1, the sensitivity of brain MRI in demonstrating typical findings associated to sCJD is high. The sCJD MM2 subgroup may present with amnestic aphasia or apraxia and display longer disease duration (median, 14 months) [39]. Finally, the cognitive subtype associated to sCJD VV1 is associated with younger disease onset, more frequent behavioural changes and slow progression.
In the ataxic subtype of sCJD, associated with VV2 and MV2 polymorphism, patients present with prominent truncal ataxia and cognitive impairment [37]. Psychiatric symptoms are very frequent, including hallucinations, restlessness, depression, fear, aggressiveness, paranoia and euphoria [40]. The most frequent misdiagnoses for this subgroup of patients are multiple system atrophy and Alzheimer’s disease [40].
Diagnosis of sCJD relies on EEG, brain MRI and CSF analysis of tau- and 14-3-3 protein. Overall, the most sensitive investigation is brain MRI, which discloses asymmetric cortical hyperintensity on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and basal ganglia hyperintensities in T2- and FLAIR-weighted imaging. DWI appears to be the most sensitive and specific sequence for early diagnosis of sCJD [41] (Fig. 4.4); accordingly, hyperintensity in the striatum or in at least three cortical noncontiguous gyri is highly suggestive of sCJD. Besides hyperintensity in the cerebral cortex and/or basal ganglia, brain MRI in MV2 sCJD patients may also show thalamic hyperintensities [40]. EEG has low sensitivity in the diagnosis of sCJD as the typical periodic or pseudoperiodic sharp wave complexes appear in mid- to late stages and vary according to sCJD subtype (higher sensitivity in MM1/MV1). CSF analysis of 14-3-3 protein is weakened by a specificity as low as 28 % when compared with autopsy examination [42]; the combination of raised tau protein and positive 14-3-3 increases the specificity for the diagnosis of sCJD. More recently, the real-time quaking-induced conversion has been developed; this is an ultrasensitive, multiwell plate-based fluorescence assay involving PrPSc-seeded polymerization of recombinant PrP into amyloid fibrils [43]. This test allows detection of PrPSc in the CSF with a sensitivity of 91 % and a specificity of 98 % for the diagnosis of sCJD; this technique has also demonstrated PrPSc in olfactory epithelium brushings from patients with sCJD with higher sensitivity (97 %) and specificity (100 %) than CSF [44]. Differential diagnosis of ataxic subtypes of sCJD should also encompass vCJD. Since in early disease stages, MRI shows in vCJD the characteristic pulvinar sign (hyperintensity of the pulvinar region of the thalamus relative to that of the anterior putamen) [45]; however, it should be kept in mind that rarely the pulvinar sign has been associated with paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis [46], prolonged status epilepticus and WE [12]. Lately, protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA), another technique to amplify minute quantities of PrPSc, has been shown to demonstrate the presence of PrPSc in the urine of vCJD but not of sCJD patients or in those with other neurological neurodegenerative or nondegenerative diseases [47]. Finally, palatine tonsil biopsy consistently shows PrPSc in vCJD but not in sCJD.

Fig. 4.4
Brain MRI in Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Diffusion-weighted imaging show hyperintensity restricted to the basal ganglia as well as the typical ‘cortical ribboning’ sign (linear hyperintensity on the cerebral cortex)
Subacute combined degeneration (SCD) [48] is a neurological complication of vitamin B12 deficiency characterized by demyelination of the cervical and thoracic dorsal and lateral columns of the spinal cord and occasional demyelination of cranial and peripheral nerves and white matter in the brain [49]. Development and initial myelination of the central nervous system as well as for the maintenance of its normal function relies on vitamin B12 (cobalamin, Cbl), which is a cofactor for methionine synthase and l-methyl-malonyl-coenzyme A mutase. Absorption and utilization of Cbl requires the cellular uptake of dietary Cbl in the ileal enterocytes and the cellular uptake of circulating Cbl across cell membranes. At gastric level, Cbl is released from food protein through peptic digestion in the stomach at low pH and then is bonded to R-protein. At duodenal and jejunal level, R-protein is degraded by pancreatic proteases, and Cbl is bonded to intrinsic factor (IF). The Cbl-IF complex is carried to its site of absorption in the ileum, where it attaches to specific membrane receptors and Cbl is transported across enterocyte. These notions on Cbl absorption are essential to understand the main causes of SCD [50, 51]: (a) severe malabsorption due to pernicious anaemia (autoimmune gastritis), total or partial gastrectomy, gastric bypass or other bariatric surgery, ileal resection or organ reconstructive surgery, inflammatory bowel disease, tropical sprue, congenital malabsorption of Cbl (mutations of its ileal receptor or mutations of IF); (b) mild malabsorption due to protein-bound vitamin B12 malabsorption, mild atrophic gastritis, use of metformin or antiacid drugs; (c) dietary deficiency (vegan or vegetarian diet, or diet low in meat and dairy products); (d) recreational or occupational abuse of nitrous oxide; and (e) nitrous oxide anaesthesia in occult pernicious anaemia.
In SCD patients, the neurological disturbances are combined with symptoms of macrocytic anaemia, although ~30 % of subjects do not show any evidence of it [52]. Neurological manifestations include gait impairment due to afferent ataxia, dysaesthesia, disturbance of position and vibration sense and spastic paraparesis or tetraparesis; additional manifestations described are segmental cutaneous sensory level and pseudoathetosis of the upper limbs [53], dysautonomia (postural hypotension, incontinence, impotence), polyneuropathy, cognitive disturbances and depression. Laboratory investigations include measurement of Cbl (decreased), methylmalonic acid and homocysteine (both increased). High methylmalonic acid is more sensitive and specific for the diagnosis than the other measurements. Demyelination of lateral columns of the spinal cord is demonstrated by MRI which shows symmetrical hyperintense signals, most commonly confined to posterior and lateral columns in the cervical and thoracic spinal cord on T2-weighted axial images (‘inverted V’ or ‘inverted rabbit ear’ sign) [54].
Miller-Fisher syndrome (MFS), a variant of the Guillain–Barré syndrome, is a rare cause of acquired immune-mediated afferent ataxia associated to ophthalmoplegia and areflexia [55]. Usually MFS is preceded by an infection and is associated with the presence of antiganglioside anti-GQ1b antibodies in over 80 % of the patients, in whom the antibody titre correlates with disease severity. Diagnosis is based on anti-GQ1b detection and evidence of reduced sensory nerve action potentials and absent H reflexes on nerve conduction studies; evidence of cranial nerve dysfunction in MSF may also be revealed by blink reflex studies, which show increased latency of both R1 and R2 (ipsilateral and contralateral) response [56]. CSF analysis reveals albuminocytologic dissociation, although this may be a late finding. Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxias
Hereditary cerebellar ataxias are a group of disorders clinically and genetically heterogeneous characterized by slowly progressive gait, speech and coordination disturbances. Genotype–phenotype correlation is difficult because of overlapping clinical features among different genetic diseases, either in the group classified as cerebellar ataxia or as hereditary spastic paraplegia. Cerebellar atrophy is a frequent feature of cerebellar ataxia, although few diseases such as Friedreich ataxia may lack this finding. A classification based on pattern of inheritance distinguishes three major groups (Table 4.4): autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) usually of adult onset (Table 4.5), autosomal recessive ataxias usually of childhood-onset and X-linked ataxias. In this chapter, congenital ataxias due to cerebellar a-/hypoplasia (Joubert syndrome-related disorders and malformations), where a major component of motor and mental retardation is present, will not be discussed here.
Table 4.4
Hereditary cerebellar ataxias
Disease | Age at onset | Cerebellar atrophy | White matter abnormalities | Deep nuclei abnormalities | Gene mutation | Associated features |
Autosomal dominant | ||||||
Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) 1–40 | Early to late adulthood | + | +/− | +/− | See Table 4.6 | See Table 4.6 |
Dentatorubral–pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) | Early to late adulthood | + | – | + | ATN1 | Chorea, epilepsy, cognitive impairment |
Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker | Adulthood | – | – | + | PRNP | Myoclonus, cognitive impairment, parkinsonism, apraxia, spasticity |
Alexander disease | Infancy to adulthood | +/− | + | + | GFAP | Spasticity, mental retardation (infancy onset), palatal tremor (adult onset) |
Adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses | Childhood | + | + | + | DNAJC5 | Myoclonic epilepsy with dementia, late-occurring pyramidal signs, parkinsonism (see Table 4.5) |
Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, deafness and narcolepsy (ADCADN) | Adulthood | + | – | + | DNMT1 a | Hearing loss, narcolepsy. Additional MRI features: cortical atrophy and corpus callosum thinning |
Hypomyelination with atrophy of the basal ganglia and cerebellum (H-ABC syndrome) | Infancy to childhood | + | + | + | TUBB4 b | Dystonia, mental retardation, axonal neuropathy |
Autosomal recessive | ||||||
Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) | Childhood to adulthood | – | – | – | X25 | Sensory loss, pes cavus, cardiomyopathy, diabetes. Mild cerebellar ataxia in advanced cases |
Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency | Late childhood, adolescence | −/+ | −/+ | – | TTPA | FRDA-like phenotype, head titubation |
Abetalipoproteinaemia | Infancy/childhood | – | – | – | MTP | FRDA-like phenotype, secondary vitamin E deficiency, lipid malabsorption, hypocholesterolaemia, acanthocytosis, retinitis pigmentosa |
Refsum disease | Childhood to early adulthood | – | + | – | PHYH PEX7 | Neuropathy, deafness, ichthyosis, retinitis pigmentosa |
Wilson’s disease | Childhood to adulthood | + | – | + | ATP7B | Dystonia, parkinsonism, chorea, psychiatric disturbances, liver dysfunction, Kayser-Fleischer ring |
Mitochondrial recessive ataxia syndrome (MIRAS) | Childhood to adulthood | +/− | + | + | POLG c | External ophthalmoplegia, ptosis, areflexia, sensory neuropathy, myoclonus, dystonia |
Ataxia associated to primary CoQ10 deficiencyd | Childhood | + | + | – | ADCK3 | Seizures, cognitive decline, pyramidal signs, myopathy |
Ataxia–telangiectasia | Infancye | + | + | – | ATM | Oculomotor apraxia, choreoathetosis, telangiectasia, immunodeficiency, increased malignancy risk, elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein |
Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1 | Childhood | + | – | – | APTX | Oculomotor apraxia, severe motor peripheral axonal neuropathy, choreoathetosis, variable degree of cognitive impairment, hypoalbuminaemia, hypercholesterolaemia |
Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 2 (SCAR1) | Childhood to early adulthood | + | – | – | SETX | Oculomotor apraxia, later axonal sensorimotor neuropathy, pyramidal signs, dystonia, elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein |
Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix–Saguenay (ARSACS) | Childhoode | + | – | – | SACS | Spasticity, peripheral neuropathy, thickening of the retinal nerve fibre layer |
Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis | Childhood to adulthood | + | + | + | CYP27A1 | Thick tendons, cognitive decline, dystonia, white matter disease, cataract |
Marinesco–Sjogren syndrome | Infancy | + | +/− | – | SIL1 | Delayed psychomotor development, cataract hypotonia, myopathy, short stature, hypogonadism |
Wolfram syndrome | Infancy | + | – | – | WFS1 | Diabetes mellitus, hearing loss, optic atrophy, diabetes insipidus, hypogonadism, mental retardation |
Infantile-onset spinocerebellar ataxia (IOSCA) | Infancy | + | + | – | C10orf2 | Hypotonia, areflexia, and athetosis, ophthalmoplegia, sensorineural deafness, sensory axonal neuropathy, optic atrophy, autonomic nervous system dysfunction, hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism, epilepsy, psychosis |
Ataxia associated to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism | Childhood | + | – | – | PNPLA6 f RFN216 g OTUD4 | Cerebellar ataxia, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism + brisk reflexes (Gordon Holmes syndrome) or chorioretinal dystrophy (Boucher-Neuhäuser) |
Vanishing white matter disease | Childhood to adulthood | +/− | + | – | EIF2B1 to EIF2B5 | Spasticity, late visual loss and epilepsy, behavioural disturbances |
Late-onset Tay–Sachs disease (GM2 gangliosidosis type I)h | Childhood to adulthood | + | + | – | Alpha subunit HEXA | Areflexia, proximal muscle weakness with muscle atrophy and fasciculations, psychiatric or behavioural abnormalities |
Juvenile Sandhoff disease (GM21 gangliosidosis type II)h | Childhood to adulthood | + | + | + | HEXB | Sensory loss, chronic motor neuron disease, peripheral neuropathy |
Niemann–Pick type Ch | Infancy to early adulthood | – | +/− | – | NPC1 NPC2 | Vertical gaze palsy, gelastic cataplexy, behavioural abnormalities, hepatosplenomegaly |
Late-onset Krabbe diseaseh | Infancy to late childhood | – | + | + | GALC | Visual loss, cognitive decline, spasticity |
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosesh | Infancy to early adulthood | + | +/− | + | See Table 4.5 | Epilepsy, visual loss, psychomotor regression |
SPAX2i | Childhood | – | + | – | KIF1C | Ataxia with prominent spasticity + fasciculations, chorea |
SPAX3 | Infancy to adulthood | + | + | – | MARS2 | Ataxia with prominent spasticity + dystonia, mild hearing loss |
SPAX4 | Childhood | UK | UK | UK | MTPAP | Ataxia with prominent spasticity + optic atrophy, intellectual disability and emotional liability |
SPAX5 | Childhood | + | – | – | AFG3L2 j | Ataxia with prominent spasticity plus oculomotor apraxia, dystonia, myoclonic epilepsy, axonal neuropathy |
X-linked | ||||||
Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome | Adulthood | + | – (Hyperintensity of periventricular area and middle cerebellar peduncles) | – | FMR1 | Tremor, parkinsonism, cognitive decline. Females may be affected |
X-linked sideroblastic anaemia and ataxia (XLSA/A) | Infancy | + | – | – | ABCB7 | Hypochromic and microcytic anaemia, normal serum iron parameters, increased iron stores with ring sideroblasts in bone marrow, high levels of whole blood total erythrocyte protoporphyrin (TEP), strabismus |
CASK-related disorders | Infancy | + (cerebellar and pontine hypoplasia, pachygyria) | + | – | CASK | MICPCH phenotype: intellectual disability, microcephaly, hypotonia/hypertonia, optic nerve hypoplasia, dystonia, sterotypies, seizures XLID phenotype: intellectual disability with or without nystagmus. Females may be affected |
X-linked Mental retardation with cerebellar Hypoplasia and distinctive facial appearance (OPHN1) | Infancy | + (posterior vermis dysgenesis) | + | – | OPHN1 | Hypotonia, developmental delay, seizures, divergent strabismus, cryptorchidism and genital hypoplasia. Females may be affected. In males: long face, prominent forehead, infraorbital creases, deep set eyes, upturned philtrum and large ears |
Christianson syndrome | Infancy | + | + | – | SLC9A6 | Absence of speech, seizures, ophthalmoplegia, outbursts of laughter (Angelman-like phenotype) |