Left insular low-grade glioma


As with other low-grade gliomas (LGGs), the ideal management of these lesions involves extensive resection while avoiding iatrogenic deficits. More extensive resection is associated with longer overall survival, delayed progression-free survival, and delayed malignant transformation. This association for only insular gliomas, however, is limited. , In previous series, extensive resection (>90%) is only achieved 16% to 87% of the time, in which subtotal resection rates range from 62% to 100%. Although the goal is extensive resection, there is a tremendous concern of iatrogenic deficits. Immediate and permanent neurologic deficits (not taking into account neuropsychological evaluations) range from 14% to 59% and 0% to 20%, respectively. , The permanent deficits included hemiparesis, facial palsy, dysphasia, and dysarthria, and were a result of direct injury to the eloquent tissue and vascular compromise of the middle cerebral artery and its branches. , Because of concern of iatrogenic injury in this location, others have pursued use of less invasive treatment options, including needle biopsy followed by various forms of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. , Despite the low postoperative neurologic morbidity in these cases, 26% of patients experienced radiotherapy-­related complications, which were more prevalent in larger tumors. , The case in this chapter is a dominant-­hemisphere, left-sided insular LGG.

Example case

Chief complaint: seizures

History of present illness

A 36-year-old, right-handed man with no significant past medical history who presented with new-onset seizures. He was involved in an altercation in which he was struck on the head and had an acute onset of loss of consciousness with diffuse body shaking and bowel and bladder incontinence. He was taken to the emergency room where imaging revealed a brain lesion ( Fig. 8.1 ).

  • Medications : None.

  • Allergies : No known drug allergies.

  • Past medical and surgical history : None.

  • Family history : No history of intracranial malignancies.

  • Social history : Self-employed. No smoking and occasional alcohol.

  • Physical examination : Awake, alert, oriented to person, place, and time; Language: intact naming and repetition; Cranial nerves II to XII intact; No drift, moves all extremities with full strength.

Fig. 8.1

Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging. (A) T2 axial fluid attenuation inversion recovery image; (B) T1 axial image with gadolinium contrast; (C) T2 coronal magnetic resonance imaging scan demonstrating a nonenhancing lesion involving the left insular region.

Santiago Gil-Robles, MD, PhD, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Zvi Ram, MD, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel Nader Sanai, MD, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States Andrew E. Sloan, MD, University Hospital, Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH, United States
Additional tests requested DTI
Neuropsychological assessment
fMRI (research purposes)
Neuropsychological assessment
MR angiography
Neuropsychological assessment
Surgical approach selected Left pterional craniotomy with awake language and motor mapping Left frontal-temporal craniotomy with awake motor mapping Left frontal craniotomy with awake language and motor mapping Left frontal-temporal craniotomy with awake language mapping
Anatomic corridor Left frontal/temporal transopercular Left frontal/temporal transopercular Left frontal/temporal transopercular Left frontal/temporal transopercular
Goal of surgery Extensive resection with functional preservation GTR GTR Maximal safe resection
Positioning Left lateral Left lateral Left supine Left supine
Surgical equipment Brain stimulator
Ultrasonic aspirator
Surgical navigation
Speech therapist
Brain stimulator
Ultrasonic aspirator
Surgical microscope
Brain stimulator
Surgical navigation
Surgical microscope
Stereotactic navigation
Surgical microscope
IOM (after-discharge)
Brain stimulator
Medications Steroids
Steroids Steroids
Anatomic considerations M1-M2, ventral premotor, primary motor, IFOF, SLF III, CST Sylvian vessels
Frontal and temporal opercula
Sylvian fissure
Internal capsule
M2 vessels, lateral lenticulostriates, internal capsule
Complications feared with approach chosen Stroke, aphasia, dysarthria, motor deficit, phonological disorders Language deficit, motor deficit, vascular injury Language deficit, motor deficit M2/lateral lenticulostriate injury, retraction injury, venous obstruction
Anesthesia Asleep-awake-asleep Awake Asleep-awake-asleep Asleep-awake-asleep
Skin incision Pterional Pterional Pterional Pterional
Bone opening Frontal-temporal-parietal craniotomy Frontal-temporal craniotomy Frontal-temporal craniotomy Frontal-temporal craniotomy
Brain exposure Frontal-temporal-parietal Frontal-temporal Frontal-temporal Frontal-temporal
Method of resection Subfascial temporal muscle dissection, fronto-temporal craniotomy with posterior extension, intradural and muscle local anesthesia, dural opening, awaken patient, speech therapist for examinations, detection of anatomic tumor limits based on navigation, calibration of stimulation parameters (1.5–3 mA) based on anarthria over ventral premotor cortex, cortical mapping with naming and verb generation task, subpial dissection of both frontal and temporal operculi according to negative mapping until superior insular sulci, subcortical stimulation over SLF III anteriorly and CST posteriorly and IFOF with semantic paraphasias caudal to inferior insular sulcus, patient put back asleep once boundaries reached, debulking of tumor with ultrasonic aspirator keeping vessels over insular surface, intraoperative scan to determine if additional nonfunctional tissue can be resected Standard craniotomy, dural opening, cortical mapping, insertion of strip electrode for MEP and after discharge, temporal opercular corticectomy, removal of temporal portion up to Sylvian fissure, followed by frontal opercular corticectomy, removal of insular portion with continuous motor monitoring, irrigate vessels with papaverine if exposed, sedation without LMA once language and cognitive monitoring is not needed Craniotomy to encompass lesion, awaken patient prior to dural opening, language cortical mapping to identify frontal and/or temporal opercular corridors based on negative mapping, subpial dissection, motor mapping at posterior aspect of lesion Sedate heavily, craniotomy to include 10-mm margin, open dura, confirm location of tumor based on navigation, indicate margin of tumor using suture, awaken patient, language mapping (2–10 mA) in cortical and subcortical regions, mark areas with speech arrest/dysarthria/word finding errors with tags, bring in surgical microscope to create cortical windows over negative mapping sites sparing sulcal vessels, debulk tumor with continuous language mapping and until internal capsule identified, biopsy if eloquence makes resection unsafe
Complication avoidance Cortical and subcortical mapping of ventral premotor, SLF III anteriorly, CST posteriorly, IFOF inferiorly Continuous motor monitoring with MEP; papaverine of Sylvian vessels Cortical and subcortical language and motor mapping Cortical and subcortical language and motor mapping, spare sulcal vessels
Postoperative complications feared Language deficit, motor deficit Stroke, motor deficit, aphasia Ischemic deficit Seizures, stroke, aphasia
Follow-up testing MRI within 24 hours after surgery
Neuropsychological assessment Physical/cognitive therapy
CTA if deficits
MRI within 48 hours after surgery
MRI within 24 hours after surgery MRI within 48 hours after surgery
Follow-up visits 7–10 days after surgery 14 days after surgery 7–10 days after surgery 10–14 days after surgery
Adjuvant therapies recommended
Diffuse astrocytoma (IDH mutant, retain 1p19q) >10 cc – reresection + temozolomide, or radiation/temozolomide if cannot be resected
STR–possible reresection
STR–radiation/temozolomide or PCV
GTR–radiation/temozolomide or PCV
Oligodendroglioma (IDH mutant, 1p19q LOH) STR–PCV vs. reresection
STR–possible reresection
GTR–observation vs. radiation/temozolomide
Anaplastic astrocytoma (IDH wild type) STR–radiation/temozolomide

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Feb 15, 2025 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Left insular low-grade glioma

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