Limbs: reflexes and sensation


reflexes and sensation

How to elicit tendon reflexes

The patient needs to be relaxed, with the muscle to be tested in the middle of its range of movement (Figs 13). The tendon hammer is swung to hit the tendon or, for the biceps and supinator reflexes, a finger on the tendon. The muscle is watched for movement in response to this. If the reflex is not obtainable then the patient is asked either to clench the teeth or make a fist – reinforcement – which may allow the reflex to be found. When testing the reflexes it is useful to remind yourself of the segmental level being tested.

Clonus is the rhythmic contraction of a muscle when it is stretched. This is most commonly found at the ankle (up to three beats is normal) and is occasionally found at the knee. Clonus indicates an upper motor neurone lesion.

Jun 10, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Limbs: reflexes and sensation

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