Neuroimaging (structural and functional)

Imaging modalities in trauma


Radiography is not adequately sensitive in the detection of intracranial pathology and doesn’t have a role in traumatic brain injury (TBI) ( Fig. 15.1 ). ,

• Fig. 15.1

Frontal and lateral radiographs of the skull of a 42-year-old male who attempted suicide by shooting a nail gun in his head demonstrate a nail overlying the frontal lobe.

Computed tomography

Computed tomography (CT) is the imaging modality of choice in acute head trauma for several reasons :

  • CT is quick and widely available. It can typically be completed in 15 minutes or less.

  • CT is highly sensitive for the detection of intra- and extraaxial hemorrhage.

  • CT is also superior in the detection of bony details, including fractures of the skull and/or face. , ,

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is inferior to CT in the acute setting for these reasons , :

  • It takes much longer to complete an examination.

  • It provides less detailed evaluation of bony structures.

  • It’s more sensitive to motion artifact.

  • It is much more difficult managing sick and potentially crashing patients in an MRI machine compared with a CT scanner.

Primary effects of neurotrauma

Extraaxial hemorrhages

Epidural hematoma

  • On head CT, an epidural hematoma is classically seen as a hyperdense extraaxial collection of blood external to the dura with a biconvex or lentiform shape that does not cross cranial sutures ( Fig. 15.2 ).

    • Fig. 15.2

    Axial noncontrast head computed tomography scan of a 21-year-old man after a motor vehicle accident shows convex hyperintense collection adjacent to the left occipital lobe consistent with an epidural hematoma.

  • It is typically arterial in origin, and usually the middle meningeal artery is the culprit. , ,

  • It is often associated with skull fracture (90%–95% of the time). When this holds true, the temporal bone is most commonly involved bone ( Fig. 15.3 ). , ,

    • Fig. 15.3

    (A) Axial noncontrast head computed tomography in a 54-year-old man after a high-speed bicycle accident without helmet showing a convex hyperintense collection adjacent to the left occipital lobe consistent with an epidural hematoma. Notice an area of brain parenchymal heterogeneous attenuation with hyperdense and hypodense components within the right orbitofrontal region. This is consistent with contrecoup brain contusion. (B) Minimally displaced fracture through the left parietal skull at a more superior cut.

  • Typically, 30% to 50% have a secondary associated pathology (i.e., mass effect, secondary herniation, contrecoup subdural hematoma, or cerebral contusions).

  • Most patients require emergent surgical evacuation. If the size is less than 1 cm with no cerebral edema, some can be managed nonoperatively.

Subdural hematoma

  • Noncontrast CT is the best initial study, but MRI is better able to depict extent and age in the nonacute setting.

  • On a head CT, a subdural hematoma is seen as an extraaxial collection of blood located between the dura and arachnoid with a crescentic shape that spreads diffusely across cranial convexities, as it can extend across cranial sutures but not dural attachments ( Figs. 15.4 and 15.5 ).

    • Fig. 15.4

    Axial noncontrast head computed tomography of a 48-year-old man with headache and no known trauma. The patient was on blood thinners. Concave hyperdense collection along the left cerebral convexity consistent with a subdural hematoma.

    • Fig. 15.5

    Axial ​ (A) and coronal (B) noncontrast head computed tomography scans of 78-year-old man on Coumadin status post fall with large concave hyperdense collection in the right cerebral convexity with secondary leftward subfalcine herniation (curved arrow) and right uncal herniation (straight arrow).

  • Findings on brain MRI are variable in appearance secondary to the different appearance of blood on MRI depending on its age ( Figs. 15.6 and 15.7 ).

    • Fig. 15.6

    (A) T1, (B) T2, and (C) fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) axial noncontrast brain magnetic resonance imaging scans from a 13-year-old male patient who presented with 1-month history of headaches after a fall surfing demonstrate a concave collection along the left cerebral convexity that is hyperintense on T1, T2, and T2-FLAIR weighted images, most consistent with a late subacute subdural hematoma.

    • Fig. 15.7

    Axial noncontrast computed tomography (CT) (A) , T1-weighted (B) , and T2-weighted (C) images of the brain of a 76-year-old man who presented to the emergency department with headache and lower extremity weakness since a fall 2 weeks earlier. Large left cerebral convexity subdural collection is isodense to gray matter on CT, hyperintense (bright) on T1, and hypointense (dark) on T2yw, most compatible with an early subacute subdural hematoma.

Please see Table 15.1 for summary of the appearance of blood products on CT and MRI depending on stage of injury.

  • Typically, subdural hemorrhage is secondary to traumatic tearing of bridging cerebral veins. The trauma may be very minor, especially in elderly patients as they are predisposed to tearing secondary to cerebral atrophy.

  • Patients with ventricular shunts are at a higher risk because the shunted system does not act as a natural tamponade. ,

  • The hematoma can grow slowly with increasing risk for mass effect and herniation if not identified and treated early.

  • According to the Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines, patients symptomatic subdural hematomas (SDH) greater than 1 cm in thickness and/or an associated midline shift greater than 5 mm, with decreasing Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) score or showing signs of herniation are treated surgically. Otherwise, patients with av small and/or asymptomatic SDH can be managed nonoperatively.

TABLE 15.1

Appearance of stages of hemorrhage on CT and MRI2

Stage Content Computed Tomography T1WI T2WI Mass Effect Time Course
Hyperacute Oxy-hemoglobin High density Mild hyperintensity High intensity with peripheral low intensity +++ <6 h
Acute Deoxy-hemoglobin High density Isointense to low intensity Low intensity +++ 6–72 h
Early Subacute Intracellular methemoglobin High density High intensity Low intensity +++/++ <3 days–1 week
Late Subacute Extracellular methemoglobin Isodense High intensity High intensity with rim of low intensity ± 1–2 weeks to months
Chronic Hemosiderin Low density Low intensity Low intensity 2 weeks–years

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)

  • Trauma is the most common cause. A ruptured aneurysm is the most common nontraumatic cause. ,

  • It is thought to be secondary to disruption of small subarachnoid vessels or direct extension into the subarachnoid space.

  • Collections of blood can be seen on CT as linear areas within the perisylvian regions, the anteroinferior frontal and temporal sulci, and over the hemispheric convexities.

  • Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhages are commonly seen adjacent to cortical contusions and under acute epidural and subdural hematomas ( Fig. 15.8 ).

    • Fig. 15.8

    Axial noncontrast head computed tomography from a 68-year-old woman after motor vehicle accident with hyperdense attenuation in the interpeduncular and suprasellar cisterns, most consistent with subarachnoid hemorrhage.

  • On MRI, the affected cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) spaces with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage will show hyperintense signal on T1 and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) and hypointense signal on gradient echo (GRE) sequences.

  • Clinical presentation of SAH is most often in the form of headache, classically defined as maximal onset and the worst headache of my life. Delayed vasospasm can occur approximately 7 days after onset of SAH and can lead to ischemic symptoms. , ,

  • Supportive therapy is the primary treatment. Oral or intraarterial calcium channel blocker can be given to prevent secondary vasospasm. , ,

Parenchymal injuries

Cerebral contusions

Jan 1, 2021 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Neuroimaging (structural and functional)

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