thermal burn, central pontine myelinolysis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, intracranial infection, electrocution, electricity, lightning, keraunoparalysis
Fires and burns are the fifth leading cause of accidental death in the United States. Each year 1.2 million people seek medical attention for a burn, 50,000 are hospitalized, and 3,900 die. Serious neurologic complications can follow a severe burn. The complications of thermal burns differ considerably from those of electric burns and therefore are considered separately. Electricity is encountered in two forms: lightning and man-made current. Their neurologic effects are much the same and they are considered together. Versions of the chapter in previous editions of this book contain references to earlier literature to which some readers may want to refer because they are rich in clinical detail.
Thermal Burns
The term thermal burn refers to a burn caused by contact with flames, hot metal, hot water, or by the flash of radiant heat from an explosion. The extent of a burn is expressed as the percentage of the total body surface area involved. The depth is gauged as full thickness when the dermal appendages are destroyed and partial thickness when they are spared. Patients with extensive, full-thickness burns are more likely to sustain neurologic complications than those with less severe burns.
Neurologic diagnosis is difficult because extensively burned patients are difficult to examine. Their burned eyelids are swollen shut, and their faces are swollen and move poorly. It is hard for the patient to move swollen and bandaged limbs and for the clinician to assess tone and reflexes. Under these circumstances a full neurologic examination cannot be performed; hence, focal signs may escape detection. Peripheral neuropathies may go unnoticed, and symptoms of focal, structural cerebral lesions may be attributed to metabolic or toxic encephalopathies. The neurologist must appreciate the limitations of the neurologic examination and resort to imaging, examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and nerve conduction studies more often than for other types of patients.
Central Nervous System Complications
Because the brain and spinal cord lie deep in the body, they are not injured by the heat of flash or flame. Most victims are neurologically normal immediately after their burn. Those who are not have usually sustained head trauma or anoxic encephalopathy caused by carbon monoxide poisoning or cardiopulmonary arrest due to smoke inhalation. Most disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) arise later, during hospitalization, not as a direct consequence of the burn but as a result of some other complication: a systemic infection, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), hypotension, or metabolic abnormalities. Most of them bear a characteristic temporal relationship to the burn, which may provide a valuable clue in diagnosis.
The overall frequency of CNS complications was 14 percent in a large clinical series of patients with burns. Metabolic encephalopathies, cerebrovascular lesions, and CNS infections are the major types of complications and occur in that order of frequency. Adults and children are equally affected. Many patients have more than one CNS complication, for several reasons. First, a systemic infection can affect the brain by direct invasion, by an intermediary mechanism of disease, such as DIC and septic shock, or by leading to systemic metabolic abnormalities. A patient may be affected in more than one way. Second, patients may have several independent CNS complications (e.g., infectious and noninfectious, metabolic and structural). Third, elderly patients may have coexisting cerebral diseases in addition to complications of their burn. Often a single diagnosis is an adequate but incomplete explanation for a cerebral symptom. For example, a patient with an atherosclerotic cerebral infarct or a metabolic encephalopathy may also have a CNS infection. Therefore, diagnostic evaluations must be extensive, and the response to treatment may be difficult to interpret.
Metabolic and other Encephalopathies
Anoxic Encephalopathy
A severe burn is attended by the rapid and massive accumulation of edema in the burned and unburned skin (burn edema). Intravascular volume depletion and hypotension follow and lead to ischemic tissue damage. This state is called burn shock . Anoxic encephalopathy is the most common neurologic complication of a burn, and burn shock is its most common cause in the first few days after a burn. After the first week, septic shock becomes the major cause.
Other Encephalopathies
Burned patients are liable to a variety of metabolic derangements, many of which cause encephalopathy. Fluid resuscitation for burn shock can result in dilutional hyponatremia, the most common cause of early confusion and seizures in burned patients, especially children. Later in the hospital course, hyponatremia is most often associated with systemic infection. Uremic encephalopathy is most often due to acute renal failure, which is common in the burn unit. In patients with chronic liver disease, hepatic encephalopathy can develop during convalescence from a burn. Precipitating causes include a systemic infection, narcotic analgesics, hypovolemia, and gastrointestinal bleeding. Hypernatremia, caused by insensible water loss through the burn wound, is the most common electrolyte abnormality. A burn causes a marked increase in metabolic rate. There is increased production of glucose, and this may lead to hyperglycemia. Insulin resistance and intravenous hyperalimentation are other causes of hyperglycemia in burned patients. Hypoglycemia is usually associated with overwhelming systemic infection. Sequestration of calcium in burned skin may cause hypocalcemia, which can lead to seizures and confusion. Hypomagnesemia, with muscle cramps or hallucinations, occurs occasionally. Septic encephalopathy, caused by systemic infection, and toxic encephalopathy, caused by sedating and analgesic medicines, are common problems in the burn unit.
Central Pontine Myelinolysis
Burned patients, like people with alcoholism, are especially susceptible to central pontine myelinolysis (CPM; see Chapter 17 ). In a retrospective autopsy study, this disorder was found 25 times more often in burned patients than in the general autopsy population. It was associated with a prolonged period (>3 days) of extreme serum hyperosmolality (>360 mOsm/kg). Infection was a major factor in the genesis of the hypernatremia, azotemia, and hyperglycemia that contributed to hyperosmolality. CPM was a late complication; it began after the second hospital week in most cases and never in the first week. A case of CPM occurring early was caused by rapid correction of hyponatremia, in turn caused by fluid resuscitation of burn shock.
The diagnosis of CPM is difficult in burned patients. Metabolic coma may hide the motor signs of CPM, or they may be missed because of the difficulties of neurologic examination described earlier. Late development of quadriplegia, pseudobulbar palsy, the locked-in syndrome, or coma suggests the diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can confirm it.
Central Nervous System Infections
Infection is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in burned patients, because they are immunocompromised in several ways. The burn destroys the skin barrier to microorganisms, and the devitalized eschar of the burn wound is a good culture medium for them. Inhalation of smoke injures the local defense mechanisms of the tracheobronchial tree. Intravenous and urethral catheters and endotracheal tubes promote intraluminal ingress of microorganisms. In addition, both the cellular and the humoral immune systems sustain complex impairments.
CNS infection is the result of hematogenous spread of microorganisms from a source outside the nervous system. Burn wound infection, pneumonia, suppurative thrombophlebitis, and infective endocarditis are the most common sources. Candida species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa , and Staphylococcus aureus are the most common pathogens. Most CNS infections arise in the second and third weeks after the burn; they occur only rarely in the first week and never in the first few days. This delay occurs because the CNS is a secondary rather than a primary target of invading microorganisms. Serious infections, including those of the CNS, do not follow minor burns but follow extensive, deep ones (i.e., full-thickness burns that involve at least 30 percent of total body surface area).
These facts may help in neurologic diagnosis. A week or more after a severe burn, a patient with a systemic infection is at high risk of developing a CNS infection. In contrast, patients without a known site of infection, positive blood cultures, or systemic signs of infection and those in the first week after their burn are unlikely to have an infection of the CNS. Similarly, a patient with a burn involving less than 30 percent of total body surface is unlikely to have a CNS infection, even if there is a systemic source. Such patients have less suppression of systemic immune function than those with a major burn and are better able to contain a local infection.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Bacterial meningitis develops in 0.1 to 4 percent of extensively burned patients. P. aeruginosa is the most common etiology. Moreover, in one autopsy series, meningitis developed in 15 percent of burned patients who had a systemic Pseudomonas infection. A burn wound infection was the most common source, and blood cultures were positive. This is the only CNS infection that has been reported in the first week after a burn. Other gram-negative enteric organisms, such as Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter baumannii , and Staphylococcus aureus , but not fungi, have been reported to cause meningitis in burned patients. Gram-negative rods have not been reported to cause other types of intracranial infection, such as brain abscess.
The diagnosis of meningitis may be difficult because the burn surgeon will probably have started to treat the primary (source) infection by the time of neurologic consultation. This may eliminate the headache and stiff neck of meningitis without eradicating the infection. In some patients, only confusion, stupor, or coma is found. Hence, a metabolic or septic encephalopathy may be diagnosed. However, a gram-negative infection outside the CNS, especially one due to P. aeruginosa , occurring in a patient with an extensive burn that is more than 1 week old, should prompt lumbar puncture. Evidence of meningitis, perhaps partially treated, may be found. If cultures and smears of CSF are negative, antibiotics effective against P. aeruginosa meningitis should be prescribed because that is the likeliest pathogen. Many burned patients have more than one systemic infection. Adequate coverage should also be provided for meningitis due to all other microorganisms grown in systemic culture.
If the skin of the back is burned, it may be impossible to do a lumbar or cervical puncture. This is the case in the most extensively burned patients, and they are the ones most likely to develop meningitis. If such a patient has a systemic infection due to a gram-negative rod, particularly P. aeruginosa , an antibiotic with good CSF penetration should be prescribed so that meningitis, although impossible to document, should not go untreated.
Candida Species
The frequency of Candida infections is increasing among burned patients, because of the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics for bacterial infections, longer survival of older and more extensively burned patients, and the use of central intravenous catheters and intravenous hyperalimentation. Half of the patients with invasive candidiasis have cerebral involvement at autopsy. This most often takes the form of disseminated microabscesses; large abscesses, meningitis and mycotic aneurysms are much less common. Patients infected with Candida have almost always had at least one previously treated bacterial infection. This is reflected in the relatively late onset of cerebral candidiasis—usually late in the second hospital week and never in the first week.
The antemortem diagnosis of disseminated cerebral microabscesses is difficult. They typically produce drowsiness, confusion, stupor, or coma. Fixed, focal cerebral signs and seizures are unusual. The CSF remains normal. Often less than 3 mm in diameter, the abscesses are too small to be detected by computed tomography (CT), but MRI shows larger ones as small ring-enhancing lesions. Thus, it may require MRI to distinguish multiple cerebral microabscesses from a metabolic or septic encephalopathy.
The diagnosis of cerebral candidiasis may be difficult because the CSF is usually normal, and the diagnosis therefore requires the demonstration of infection outside the CNS. The primary site of infection may not be apparent, and metastatic foci of infection may be hidden as microabscesses in the myocardium or kidney. Pneumonia, evidence of which can be seen on a chest radiograph, is not common. Positive urine, sputum, fecal, and wound cultures can mean colonization rather than infection. Blood cultures are often negative. Without candidemia, the diagnosis is usually made only after death. There is currently no single test that identifies every case of invasive candidiasis. The diagnosis begins with a high index of suspicion in patients with unexplained systemic signs of infection, deep extensive burns, and a prior bacterial infection. Blood cultures, serologic tests, and repeated clinical evaluation for involvement of the skin and eye may help in diagnosis. In an autopsy study, almost half of burned patients with candidemia had cerebral involvement. Therefore, a positive blood culture should prompt systemic antifungal therapy.
Staphylococcus aureus
S. aureus spreads to the brain by way of endocarditis in burned patients. Intracranial spread from other sites has been reported but rarely. The sequence of events is burn wound infection, bacteremia, infection of a heart valve, and embolism of infected material to the brain, with infarction or microabscess formation. Other cerebral complications of endocarditis, such as meningitis and mycotic aneurysm, probably occur in burned patients but have not been reported. Intracranial staphylococcal infections begin relatively late—in most cases more than 10 days after the burn—because the brain is infected after the burn wound and endocardium. The frequency of CNS infection with this organism has declined since the mid-1970s because better antibiotic treatment of burn wound infection prevents the development of endocarditis. The diagnosis of staphylococcal cerebral microabscesses is as hard as that of microabscesses due to Candida , but the identification of S. aureus as the cause is easier because blood cultures are positive. The diagnosis of a staphylococcal CNS infection should prompt a search for endocarditis.
Cerebrovascular lesions typically present as a stroke (i.e., the sudden onset of a focal neurologic deficit), but in burned patients this often is not the case, for three reasons. First, there is the difficulty of neurologic examination, described earlier. Second, multiple cerebral complications, the general debility of patients, and the use of narcotic analgesics may obscure the acute onset of a stroke. And third, cerebral infarcts and hemorrhages are often multiple and bilateral in patients with burns, and that may convert an asymmetric neurologic picture into one of relative symmetry. Thus, an infarct or hemorrhage may present not as a stroke but in the guise of a metabolic encephalopathy. Therefore, any unexplained cerebral symptom or sign should lead to brain imaging.
Septic Infarction
Cerebral infarction is due more often to complications of the burn than atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, and other premorbid conditions unrelated to the burn. Each infection discussed earlier can cause septic occlusion of cerebral blood vessels, with infarction of brain. Meningeal infection can extend into the walls of arteries and veins that run through the subarachnoid space, and that may lead to inflammation and occlusion of affected vessels. This is a common complication of P. aeruginosa meningitis and can occur in the first week of disease. Embolism of infected material with occlusion of cerebral arteries is a classic complication of infective endocarditis. Invasive cerebral candidiasis causes mainly microabscesses; infarcts are fewer. Only one burned patient with cerebral aspergillosis has been reported, and it took the form of septic infarction, but Aspergillus is a common cause of systemic infection in patients with burns.
Radiologic features do not distinguish septic infarcts from those caused by premorbid vascular disease, but certain clinical points are helpful. Septic infarction may affect patients of any age and does not occur during the first week after a burn. Patients have extensive burns and systemic signs of sepsis. Focal neurologic deficits do not improve. In contrast, infarction caused by premorbid conditions may occur at any time during the hospital course and regardless of the severity of the burn or of the presence of systemic infection. Patients are usually elderly, have conventional risk factors for cerebral infarction, and may have had previous cerebral infarcts or coronary or peripheral vascular disease.
When a burned patient has a cerebral infarct and a septic cause seems likely, it is important to determine the mechanism involved—meningitis, endocarditis, or fungal invasion of a vessel—and the responsible microorganism. If the patient was neurologically normal before cerebral infarction, meningitis is unlikely. Physical signs of meningitis, infective endocarditis, or disseminated candidiasis may be found. The mechanism and etiology of septic infarcts correlate with one another. Cerebral infarction in a patient with S. aureus bacteremia suggests the presence of endocarditis. A systemic P. aeruginosa infection suggests that meningitis due to that organism underlies the infarct. If meningitis is found, it is the likely mechanism of infarction, and P. aeruginosa is the probable cause. Thus, examination of the CSF should always be considered in a burned patient who has had a cerebral infarct. If neither meningitis nor endocarditis is found, fungal invasion of cerebral blood vessels should be suspected. Cerebral infarction in a patient with invasive candidiasis or aspergillosis suggests that the infection has spread to the brain. A cerebral infarct in a patient with systemic signs of sepsis but negative cultures suggests the possibility of infection with Candida or Aspergillus.
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation and other Causes of Cerebral Infarction
DIC is a well-known complication of deep, extensive burns. Fibrin thrombi occlude capillaries and small arteries and veins throughout the body. In the brain, disseminated hemorrhagic infarcts and microinfarcts are the result. They may or may not produce focal cerebral signs. DIC, like disseminated microabscesses, may simulate a metabolic or toxic encephalopathy. CT detects the larger infarcts, and micro-infarcts may appear on MRI. DIC is unlikely to be the cause of early neurologic symptoms; it usually begins later than the first week after a burn, and never before the fourth day. Heparin has not proved helpful in treating DIC in patients with burns. Treatment of the infection and hypotension causing DIC and replacement of depleted platelets and clotting factors are the recommended approaches.
Cerebral infarction in the arterial borderzone may occur early in the hospital course as a complication of burn shock and, later, with septic shock. The location of the infarct on brain imaging and the clinical setting suggest the diagnosis. Cerebral infarction caused by occlusion of dural sinuses and large and small cerebral veins has been reported in burned patients. Meningitis is not associated. DIC or intravascular volume depletion may be responsible. Magnetic resonance venography or routine MRI can detect occlusion of large venous channels. Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis and deep venous thrombosis with paradoxical cerebral embolism are possible, but unreported, causes of cerebral infarction in burned patients.
Intracranial Hemorrhage
Intracranial hemorrhage occurs much less often than cerebral infarction in burned patients. Lobar hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and widespread parenchymal petechiae (brain purpura) have been reported. A bleeding diathesis related to DIC or thrombocytopenia is the cause. Cerebral hematomas and infarcts may both be present in patients with DIC.
Several burn patients with blindness not caused by a lesion of the eye have been reported. The cases are heterogeneous and no syndrome of blindness emerges that is specifically related to thermal-burn injury. Cortical blindness appeared suddenly and resolved substantially in three patients during their convalescence from a burn. Bilateral occipital lobe infarction or posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome was the likely cause. Various optic neuropathies caused blindness in the other patients. The underlying causes included nutritional deficiency, bacterial meningitis, dural venous sinus thrombosis, hypotension, and neuromyelitis optica. In some patients, blindness and signs of optic neuropathy were part of an acute, widespread cerebral disease that probably caused increased intracranial pressure but went undiagnosed. Unsold and colleagues, reporting two cases of burn-associated optic neuropathy and reviewing the literature, speculated that demyelination caused by a circulating toxin released from burned skin could be the cause.
Peripheral Nervous System Complications
In a retrospective study, 10 percent of patients hospitalized with burns developed a mononeuropathy. There are many different causes. Heat may cause coagulation necrosis of nerve trunks involved in a thermal burn. Superficial nerves, such as the ulnar nerve at the elbow and the sensory branch of the radial nerve in the hand, are more liable than deep nerves to thermal damage. Such injuries cannot be treated surgically. Many limbs burned deeply enough to involve nerves require amputation. Blunt trauma from a fall is another cause of nerve injury that presents at the time of a burn; it may affect nerves in unburned and burned limbs.
Reference was made earlier to burn edema, the massive swelling that follows a serious burn. In the wrist it may cause acute carpal tunnel syndrome. There is another mechanism of nerve compression that presents in the first day or two after a burn. When the indistensible eschar of a burn surrounds a limb, the hydrostatic pressure within may be sufficient to shut off the flow of blood. Thus, in a circumferential burn, a tourniquet effect may lead to ischemic necrosis of distal muscle and nerve.
Nerve injury may also occur as a complication of treatment. Nerves can be lacerated during escharotomy. The ulnar nerve at the elbow, the fibular (peroneal) nerve as it winds around the head of the fibula, and the sensory branch of the radial nerve are especially vulnerable because they are superficial. The same nerves are liable to compression by tight dressings or malpositioning.
Heterotopic bone formation can cause a mononeuropathy late in the hospital course. The ossification is usually periarticular. The elbow is the joint affected most often, and the ulnar nerve may be compressed. Treatment consists of decompression and transposition of the nerve. The cause of heterotopic bone formation is unknown and recurrence is common. Another cause of late-onset entrapment neuropathy is compression by post-burn scar.
Burned patients with multiple mononeuropathies, in burned and unburned limbs, which could not be attributed to the mechanisms of injury discussed previously, have been described. Possible causes include thrombosis of vasa nervorum, a circulating neurotoxin derived from burned tissue, and an autoimmune mechanism, as in post-surgical inflammatory neuropathy.
In two prospective studies, polyneuropathy developed in 37 and 41 percent of patients with severe burns. These figures may be unreliable because the studies included only 74 patients. The cause of burn-associated polyneuropathy is unknown. Critical illness polyneuropathy (discussed in Chapter 56 , Chapter 59 ) has been reported in burned patients. Perhaps burn-associated polyneuropathy represents critical illness polyneuropathy that develops in the burn unit. The two are similar in several respects: weakness in the distal muscles of the limbs is the major sign; sensation is relatively spared; and most patients recover after their burns have healed. Also, the occurrence of polyneuropathy in burned patients correlates with measures of severity of illness, such as multiple-organ failure, sepsis, depth and extent of burn, and length of stay in the intensive care unit. Margherita and associates suggested that burn-associated polyneuropathy is a direct specific result of thermal injury, but they did not offer a precise idea of pathogenesis.

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