Neurological Infections

Fig. 13.1
Neurological infection workup and management algorithm

13.3.3 Empirical Antimicrobial Therapy

The next step in the management of CNS infections is to start antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics should be started immediately after completing the physical exam, even before obtaining a CT scan and performing an LP. Importantly, timely administration of appropriate antimicrobial therapy improves both morbidity and mortality. A retrospective case record study of 119 patients diagnosed with adult acute bacterial meningitis aged greater than or equal to 16 years assessed the association between meningitis mortality and door-to-antibiotic time. If appropriate antibiotic therapy was delayed 6–8 h mortality rose to 45% and if delayed to the 8–10 h range the mortality increased to 75% [20]. In ICU patients with community acquired pneumococcal meningitis, in-hospital antibiotic delay exceeding 3 h was the strongest indicator of mortality, with a 14-fold increase in the mortality risk over the group receiving antibiotics in less than 3 h of admission [3]. Another study found that in the first 12 h from admission, the odds for an unfavorable outcome increased 30% with every hour that antibiotics were delayed [17].

The significant predictors for delay in initiation of antibiotics were found to be no antibiotic prior to transfer from another hospital; the diagnostic–treatment sequence of CT of the head followed by lumbar puncture followed by antibiotics; partial meningitis treatment; and absence of the meningitis triad at presentation/atypical presentation, lack of fever, and patients with concomitant pneumonia [3, 20].

Choice of initial antimicrobial therapy will differ between institutions based on formulary availability; generally speaking, for adult patients with normal renal function, the empiric regimen of choice includes:

  • Vancomycin 15–20 mg/kg IV every 12 h

  • Ceftriaxone 2 G IV every 12 h (or alternative third-generation cephalosporin at CNS dosing)

  • +/− Acyclovir 10–15 mg/kg IV every 8 h for suspected (when encephalitic signs are present). In patients with a prior history of severe penicillin allergy, vancomycin and trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole is a reasonable first-line regimen, with acyclovir for those with suspected viral encephalitis. Many institutions have fairly rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing for the most common viral causes of meningitis, so you should feel comfortable starting acyclovir empirically, knowing that you will likely have a confirmatory or rule out result soon. Older and immunocompromised adults are at higher risk of Listeria monocytogenes and should be prescribed ampicillin in addition to the agents listed above.

13.3.4 Dexamethasone

There is evidence for the use of dexamethasone in bacterial meningitis, particularly in CNS infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. One trial enrolled 301 patients with the treatment group receiving 10 mg of dexamethasone every 6 h for 4 days [8]. Note that the first dose was given prior to, or at the time of, antibiotic administration. The trial demonstrated significant improvement in outcome in those patients receiving dexamethasone. This improvement in outcome and decrease in mortality was almost exclusively in the group of patients that were identified as having pneumococcus. Analysis for different bacteria causing meningitis showed that patients with meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) treated with corticosteroids had a lower death rate (29.9% versus 36.0%), while no effect on mortality was seen in patients with Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) and Neisseria meningitidis (N. meningitidis) meningitis. Dexamethasone increased the rate of recurrent fever, but was not associated with other adverse events [4].

In situations where it is clearly evident that the suspected organism is not S. pneumoniae, dexamethasone may be withheld. Otherwise, empiric use of dexamethasone until cultures return is reasonable [11]. The Infectious Disease Society of America’s practice guidelines state: “some authorities would initiate dexamethasone in all adults with suspected bacterial meningitis because the etiology of meningitis is not always ascertained at initial evaluation” [26]. Patients should be given 10 mg of IV dexamethasone immediately and every 6 h thereafter for a duration of 4 days [8]. Ideally, the steroid should be given prior to or at the start of antibiotic therapy [11, 26]. The rationale for dosing the dexamethasone prior to antibiotic administration is to diminish the inflammatory response triggered by endotoxins from bacterial lysis that occurs following antibiotic administration.

13.3.5 Imaging

Early on in the workup of this type of patient an emergent non-contrast head CT should be ordered. In the management of the patient with a suspected CNS infection, certain findings on head CT such as subarachnoid or intraparenchymal hemorrhage or mass lesion which adequately explain the patient’s neurologic deficits will abort the workup for CNS infection and the provider should proceed with management of the alternate diagnosis found on the CT. The initial antimicrobial orders can then be canceled as they will not significantly affect the ongoing management of a bleed or lesion.

If the patient’s head CT is grossly normal, the provider should proceed with lumbar puncture as soon as possible. Various studies have been done on CSF analysis after antibiotic administration and show that even the most antibiotic-sensitive pathogens will still be present and culturable in CSF for the first 4 h after antibiotic administration. Collection of CSF for culture and immunohistochemical testing for viral and other rarer pathogens will be the single greatest driver of antimicrobial therapy adjustment going forward, as it is always best to narrow your antimicrobial regimen as early as possible to avoid very real medication side effects.

13.3.6 Lumbar Puncture

Ideally a lumbar puncture (LP) would be performed prior to antibiotic administration. Administration of antibiotics prior to performing an LP raises the issue of the diagnostic value of the CSF examination. Gram stain has 92% sensitivity and greater than 99% specificity in diagnosing bacterial or fungal meningitis in those who have received no treatment [9]. Michael et al. show that CSF culture is still likely to be positive in adults with bacterial meningitis if the LP is performed within a few hours of starting the antibiotics. Beyond 4 h, the chance of positive cultures drops significantly, and beyond 8 h, no culture was positive [18]. Another study also found that beyond 4 h after antibiotic administration, chances of a positive CSF culture are low [14].

Performing a lumbar puncture before obtaining a head computed tomography (CT) is a source of controversy due to the risk of brain herniation which may occur in patients with elevated intracranial pressure and or mass-occupying lesions. A CT scan of the brain is typically not required or needed to diagnose bacterial meningitis, but it is useful in excluding other diagnoses. CT is also useful for excluding mass-occupying lesions that might complicate the lumbar puncture done for diagnosis. There is minimal evidence supporting the need for a CT scan of the brain prior to LP. Somewhere between 3% and 5% of patients with meningitis develop fatal herniation syndromes within the first 7 days of hospitalization, around 60% of those within the first hours post LP [10]. There are also studies demonstrating that normal CT scans do not eliminate the risk for herniation nor do abnormal CT scans predict herniation after LP [12].

Head CT should be expedited prior to lumbar puncture in patients with any of the following: altered mental status, focal neurologic deficits, papilledema or loss of venous pulsations on fundoscopic examination, new onset seizures or a history of CNS disease such as stroke or intracranial mass lesions, and known or suspected immunosuppression [26]. Unfortunately, from a diagnostic standpoint, most patients who present with symptoms consistent with acute bacterial meningitis will likely meet criteria for a head CT prior to LP. Opening Pressure

The opening pressure is usually elevated in cases of bacterial meningitis. Over 80% of patients have an opening pressure greater than 20 cm water, and 20–40% of patients have an opening pressure greater than 40 cm water [10, 27]. Some recommend that if the spinal fluid pressure is found to be greatly elevated (i.e., greater than 40 cm water), the needle stylet should be left in place and mannitol administered. The risk is that with such an elevated pressure, the CSF will continue to leak from the LP site and increase the risk of herniation. It may be prudent to recheck the pressure after a few minutes to determine that it has declined, before removing the needle [11]. CSF Analysis

A 12-year study of 100 patients aged 16 years or older found that the vast majority exhibited some degree of CSF leukocytosis; approximately 10% of quantified samples had CSF leucocyte counts of <100 white blood cells/millimeter3 (WBC/mm3), 90% had counts >100 WBC/mm3, and 56% had greater than or equal to 1,000 WBC/mm3, with about 14% of all samples exceeding 10,000 WBC/mm3 . Ninety percent of differentiated samples displayed neutrophil predominance. Seventy-eight percent of all CSF samples were cloudy [13].

Gram staining of CSF revealed no bacteria in 53% cases; of those, 47% subsequently became culture positive for a total of 64% culture-positive CSF. Around 78% of the patients were either CSF and/or blood culture positive [13]. Almost all patients will have CSF protein levels above 45 mg/dL, with 66% above 200 mg/dL [10, 13]. Ten percent of positive cerebrospinal fluid smears were misinterpreted. The most frequent error (occurring in 7 of 17 cases) was misidentification of listeria as Strep pneumoniae [10].

One study found that half of all patients had hypoglycorrhachia (defined as CSF glucose <40 mg/dL). In another study 70% of patients had hypoglycorrhachia, defined as glucose less than or equal to 50 mg/dL; of the cases with CSF glucose >50 mg/dL, 55% had levels less than or equal to 50% of serum values at the time of collection [10, 13].

See Tables 13.1 and 13.2 for summary of initial CSF evaluation and results.

Table 13.1
Initial CSF studies

Tube 1

Cell count and differential

Gram stain and cultures

Tube 2




Tube 3



Tube 4

Cell count and differential

Table 13.2
CSF values for most common diagnoses







Normal CSF







Bacterial meningitis

− −


(+ +) 1 k–10 k+




Viral encephalitis (HSV, EVB, VZV, WNV, etc.

50 or (−)


(+) 100–1 k

+ +


0 or (+ in HSE)

Aseptic meningitis aka viral meningitis

50 or (−)


(+) 100–1 k

+ +



Subarachnoid hemorrhage






(+++) 1 k to >1 m

aIn traumatic tap will be high in tube 1 and low to 0 in tube 4

13.3.7 Differential Diagnosis

There are many differential diagnoses for patients with suspected CNS infection (Table 13.3). Bacterial meningitis is at the top, followed by non-bacterial meningitis, usually referred to as aseptic meningitis (a vast majority of which are viral). Patients with aseptic meningitis have clinical and laboratory evidence for meningeal inflammation inconsistent with bacterial infection and bacterial cultures of CSF that are negative. Encephalitis and intracranial abscess or empyema can have similar presentations. Additional etiologies include other non-bacterial infections (mycobacteria, e.g., tuberculosis and other mycobacterium (very rare), fungi, protozoa, e.g., amoeba, trypanosomes, malaria, toxoplasma, and helminths (parasitic worms), e.g., trichinosis, cysticercosis), but these are quite rare. There are also noninfectious causes of meningeal symptoms which include subarachnoid hemorrhage, postictal state, complex migraine headache, brain tumors, carcinomatosis, cysts, illicit drug, or alcohol intoxication. Although rare, there are also prescription drug-related cases of aseptic meningitis, also known as chemical meningitis, including from antibiotics, particularly trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim alone, and amoxicillin; NSAIDs, especially ibuprofen; immunosuppressive immunomodulatory drugs including monoclonal antibodies, (mainly tumor necrosis factor inhibitors) and intravenous immunoglobulins; and the antiepileptics lamotrigine and carbamazepine [19].

Table 13.3
Differential diagnoses for CNS infection


Clinical features

Bacterial meningitis

Toxic appearing, very low CSF glucose

Aseptic meningitis

Slower onset than bacterial, days not hours

Viral encephalitis

History of HSV, isolated mental status changes, seizures

Chemical meningitis

Difficult to diagnose, many times is misdiagnosed as psychosis and patients often get admitted to psychiatric units, can be due to NSAIDs, anti-tNFa drugs, seizure medications (lamotrigine or carbamazepine)

Brain abscess/subdural empyema

Usually has history of distinct vector: neurosurgery, dental procedure, sinusitis, recurrent otitis media, and endocarditis but can also be hematogenous in the immunocompromised patient

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Thunderclap headache, severe instantaneous decline in mental status, “worst headache of my life”

Migraine/atypical migraine

Usually unilateral with associated photophobia /phonophobia

13.3.8 Disposition

Most of these patients will require ICU care and monitoring, even if mechanical ventilation or hemodynamic support with vasopressors is not needed.

13.4 Interventions and Management

13.4.1 Community-Acquired Bacterial Meningitis (CABM) Epidemiology

In adults, the annual incidence of CABM in the United States is between two and six cases per 100,000 persons [24, 27]. Mortality from bacterial meningitis can be as high as 34% [28] and is highest with Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria monocytogenes. Long-term neurologic deficits occur in about half of all patients [8, 22, 33]. Bacteria reach the subarachnoid space via the bloodstream and less often from a contiguous infection such as from the ears or sinuses. The predominant causative organisms are Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) and Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus), which are responsible for about 80% of all cases [1, 23, 28].

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