Fig. 22.1
Distribution of the initial (<4 weeks post injury) and chronic (6–12 months post injury) ASIA impairment scale (AIS) grades grouped by the initial (<4 weeks post injury) neurological level of injury within a European cohort of traumatic and ischemic SCI (N =1,076 patients)
Three-fourth of the initially sensorimotor-complete (AIS A) patients stay complete. However, they recover on average 10 motor points in their upper extremity motor scores independent from the initial cervical level of injury [28, 52]. An initial motor zone of partial preservation of two segments or more is associated with a gain of two or more motor levels 1 year after SCI [34]. Functional recovery of upper extremity function is significantly greater for those individuals regaining two motor levels compared with those recovering only one or no motor level. This is the case in 22 % of the patients with an initial motor level of C4 and in 27 % of the initially C5 patients [28].
An important factor for the individual prognosis of neurological recovery is the degree of lower motor neuron damage. Although numbers in the literature vary to a large degree, it can be assumed that at least in the high-lesioned patients with a neurological level of injury at or rostral to C4 a substantial degree of denervation in particular of the biceps muscle is present [10, 39]. A thorough neurological examination (reflex testing, neurophysiological nerve conduction recordings) may help to identify the extent of lower motor neuron damage associated to a cervical spinal lesion. The knowledge about the status of innervation of the upper extremity muscles is of utmost importance for selection of the appropriate therapeutic approach (compensation or restoration) and to align patient’s expectations for recovery with realistic rehabilitation goals based on clinical experience. Additionally, an agonistic/antagonistic imbalance of innervation may result in a higher risk for joint contractures, if not adequately treated [4].
22.3 Restoration Versus Compensation: The Two Ends of a Therapeutic Continuum
The basic aim of rehabilitation of upper extremity function in subjects with tetraplegia is to provide them with as much autonomy as possible. A strong focus is put on the ability to perform activities of daily living such as dressing/undressing, personal hygiene, eating or performing transfers independent from caregivers. In this context, training is based on two fundamental principles, namely, restoration or compensation.
Assuming that an SCI leads to the loss of skilled motor behaviour, recovery or restoration would depend on the reacquisition of elemental motor patterns by motor learning or, in the absence of reacquisition, adaptation of remaining (compensation) or integration of alternative (substitution) motor elements. The term recovery of motor performance is defined as the restoration of elemental motor patterns present prior to central nervous system (CNS) injury [32]. Motor compensation is defined as the appearance of new motor patterns resulting from the adaptation of remaining motor elements or substitution, meaning that functions are taken over, replaced or substituted by technical aids or assistive devices.
There is still a lack of consensus on the definition of “functional recovery”. This term is often used without distinguishing whether the “recovery” is occurring at the body function/structure or the activity level. Thus, there is often no consensus about whether “recovery” is because of true motor recovery or compensation at each of these levels.
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF [53, 54]), published by the WHO in 2001, provides a standard language and framework for the description of health and health-related states independent from specific diseases. Functioning and disability are viewed as a complex interaction between the health condition of the individual and the contextual factors of the environment as well as personal factors. The ICF is based on a biopsychosocial model and provides a coherent view of different perspectives of health: biological, individual and social. It is structured around the following broad constructs:
Body functions and structure
Activities (related to tasks and actions by an individual) and participation (involvement in a life situation)
Environmental factors
In an attempt to improve knowledge exchange between fundamental researchers, clinical researchers and clinicians, a definition of recovery and compensation at three different levels of the ICF, at which each may occur, has been proposed (Table 22.1).
Table 22.1
Definitions of motor recovery and motor compensation at three different ICF levels
Level | Recovery | Compensation |
ICF: health condition | Restoring function in neural tissue that was initially impaired after injury. May be seen as spontaneous reactivation of spinal axons, interneurons or motor neurons affected by the spinal trauma | Neural tissue acquires a function that it did not have prior to injury. May be seen as activation of alternative spinal cord or brain areas normally not observed in able-bodied individuals |
ICF: body function/structure (performance) | Restoring the ability to perform a movement in the same manner as it was performed before injury. This may occur through the reappearance of pre-injury movement patterns during task accomplishment (voluntary joint range of motion, temporal and spatial inter-joint coordination, etc.) | Performing an old movement in a new manner. May be seen as the appearance of alternative movement patterns (i.e. recruitment of additional or different degrees of freedom, changes in muscle activation patterns such as increased agonist/antagonist coactivation, delays in timing between movements of adjacent joints, etc.) during task accomplishment |
ICF: activity (functional) | Successful task accomplishment using limbs or end effectors typically used by non–disabled individuals a | Successful task accomplishment using alternative end effectors such as neuroprostheses or robot arms |
A way of distinguishing between recovery and compensation is to look on how the movement is performed (body function/structure level) and on the movement outcome (activity level). At the body function/structure level, the emphasis is on the quality of movement regardless of movement outcome or task accomplishment. Recovery at this level is characterised by the reappearance of pre-injury movement patterns during task accomplishment. True motor recovery at this level, therefore, could be characterised, for example, by a decrease in spasticity or by a reduction in trunk displacement during a reaching or pointing movement. Adaptive compensation at this level would be characterised by the appearance of alternative movement patterns during the accomplishment of a task. Substitutive compensation would reflect the use of different effectors to replace lost motor elements. It should be recognised that both adaptive and substitutive compensation may occur in various combinations at the performance level. An example of adaptive compensation is the use of excessive shoulder abduction when the range of active elbow extension is decreased. At the level of the wrist and hand, alternative grasping strategies such as anchoring the fingers on the object to achieve a passive grasp can compensate for the lack of active finger flexion.
Recovery at the activity level requires that the task is performed using the same end effectors and joints in the same movement patterns typically used by able-bodied individuals. In contrast, compensation at this level often takes the form of substitution and would be noted if the patients were able to accomplish the task using assistive devices.
The question of course arises, when to apply a restorative therapy approach and when to move to a compensatory training or vice versa? There is no general answer to these questions, and the separation of compensatory from restorative therapies is often difficult or even impossible. As a general rule, in the first 3 to 6 months after the injury, where the potential for neurological recovery is highest, the focus of rehabilitation specialists is on transferring neurological recovery into functional improvements by application of restorative therapy approaches. However, in parallel in some patients, compensatory movements or substitutive technical aids may be encouraged from the very beginning to maximise functional ability. This is in particular true for patients with severe impairment, poor prognosis and likely low benefit from restorative therapies. Of course, if unexpectedly a patient recovers a substantial amount of sensory or/and motor functions, restorative therapies may be applied at any stage. At the point in time, when only little neurological recovery occurs and the time of admission into the home environment comes close, the more compensatory therapies are in the focus to achieve the highest level of functional ability as a prerequisite for leading an independent life at home.
It is important to emphasise that compensation and recovery are not mutually exclusive. Instead, functional recovery is often dependent upon compensation, and compensatory approaches might enable new possibilities for restorative trainings, e.g. a hand stabilisation orthosis or a grasp neuroprosthesis may allow for retraining shoulder and elbow movements. Because there is no general rule for focusing on compensation or restoration, it is important to know the patient’s individual priorities and her or his social environment. Taking them into account is mandatory to agree upon realistic rehabilitative goals and to work with the appropriate therapy methods to achieve them.
22.4 Injury-Level-Dependent Goal Setting
A complete SCI (AIS A) is defined by the absence of motor and sensory functions in the most caudal segments S4/S5 [21]. However, in reality this means that in most of the patients with complete cervical SCI, there is only a limited zone of partial preservation of one or two segments below the neurological and/or motor level of injury.
For patients with cervical SCI a shift of the motor level of only one segment caudally can result in a tremendous improvement in independence. Taking additional factors like age, pre-injury comorbidities and diseases or cultural background not into account, general rehabilitative goals can be defined in respect to the motor level (Fig. 22.2). The initial setting of goals is important to bundle all rehabilitative efforts and for communication to the patient.

Fig. 22.2
Overview of goals for achievable manipulation skills and level of mobility in respect to the cervical motor level (Adapted from Gerner [11])
22.4.1 Goal Setting in Complete Tetraplegia
With a motor level between C0 and C4, an individual with tetraplegia is not able to achieve a high level of autonomy and to act independently without technical aids and appliances and personal assistance. In particular, persons with a motor level rostral to C4, who may be dependent on artificial ventilation, need a very high level of support by caregivers. The general rule applies that the higher the neurological level and the severity of the lesion, the more electronic aids are being used to achieve at least a minimal level of autonomy. In cases of minimal residual functions, therapy is strongly focused on the development of individual solutions and the adaptation of different aids and appliances to achieve the highest level of autonomy possible. This includes aids to control a wheelchair for mobility and a computer to get access to information and to communicate to the outside world.
The residual motor functions present in the case of a motor level of C5 are normally sufficient to achieve a certain degree of autonomy in the sense of independence from caregivers for at least most of the day. Substitutional approaches consist of the individual adaption of an electrically powered, electrically assisted or manual wheelchair and the provision of simple aids such as holders for pens, razors, etc. Compensatory therapy focuses on the development of an active or passive tenodesis grip (Figs. 22.3 and 22.4). Restorative therapies are performed with the aim of strengthening shoulder and upper arm muscles and maintaining the mobility of the joints of the upper extremities.

Fig. 22.3
Basic principle of the passive tenodesis grip. A supination of the wrist leads to a passive wrist extension and closing of the fingers

Fig. 22.4
Basic principle of the active tenodesis grip, where an active wrist extension results in a passive closing of the fingers
A full control of the wrist extensor muscles (extensor carpi radialis muscle) enables patients with a motor level of C6 to achieve a higher degree of autonomy than patients with higher SCI. Compared to a patient without active wrist extension, the need for technical aids and appliances is reduced. The major aim of rehabilitation in this patient group is to strengthen the wrist extensors to achieve together with a shortening of the finger flexor muscles a strong grasp. This active tenodesis grip may be used by patients very effectively. With a motor level of C6, a patient is basically able to lead an autonomous life independent of the help of others by using adequate aids and appliances.
In motor levels at or caudal to C7, there is active control over the triceps brachii muscle, which allows for the active extension of the elbow. In this subpopulation, technical aids and appliances can be reduced to a minimum. Due to the active control of the elbow flexors and extensors, a better fine motor control and a more precise and faster placement of the hand in space are possible. Additionally, a better weight relief for prevention of pressure injuries can be performed by the individual with SCI. In this group of patients, also partial control of hand muscles may be preserved to a certain degree to support hand opening or closing. Like in all other groups, a strong focus of all restorative therapies is strength training of all muscles under voluntary control.
In patients with a motor level of C8, more hand and finger movements are present, meaning that no compensatory approaches such as the development of a tenodesis grip need to be applied. Here, mostly restorative therapies are in the focus to increase strength and improve coordination.
Apparently, the segmental innervation is not restricted to the key muscles mentioned so far but also includes other muscles, which also substantially contribute to a better functional status resulting in a higher level of autonomy and in the ability to lead a more independent and self-determined life.
22.4.2 Goal Setting in Incomplete Tetraplegia
In patients with incomplete tetraplegia, the setting of goals dependent on the lesion level is impossible on a general level due to the heterogeneity of this patient population. The sensory and motor impairments of the upper extremity in incomplete lesions normally differ to such a large degree that a highly individualised goal setting is necessary resulting in a variety of different treatments. Restorative therapies concentrate on strength training of muscles under full or partial voluntary control, maintaining the passive and active range of movement, reduction of spasticity and improvement of coordination. The latter aims at practising the physiological motion sequence in a repetitive manner and translate this into activities of daily living. The methods are basically the same than those used for therapy of individuals with complete cervical SCI. A combination of restorative and compensatory approaches might be used to achieve a maximum of independence.
22.5 Compensatory and Substitutional Therapeutic Strategies
In the absence of the possibility for reacquisition of pre-injury motor behaviours in very severely impaired individuals or at the chronic stage of injury, adaptation of remaining (compensation) or integration of alternative (substitution) motor elements are considered as the primary therapeutic approach. The main common compensatory strategies in persons with cervical SCI are the establishment of a passive or active tenodesis grip [14] and provision of dedicated tools and adaptation of the environment to enhance independence in everyday activities.
22.5.1 Passive and Active Tenodesis Grip
A tenodesis grip represents a passive hand grasp mechanism effected by wrist extension. It is caused by the anatomical constraints of the finger muscles in particular of the finger flexors, which as two joint muscles cross the wrist joint and develop a passive tension during wrist extension. This passive tension might be sufficient to accomplish a functional grasping task, if the fingers and the thumb are in a certain alignment to each other. If the wrist is put in flexion position, the fingers will straighten and release a grasped object.
The tenodesis grip can be either passive or active. In the passive condition, wrist extensor muscles have a strength below grade 3, and closing of the hand is only possible passively by supination of the hand and thereby making use of gravity to extend the wrist (Fig. 22.3). Hand opening is achieved by pronation and passive wrist flexion. A prerequisite for an active tenodesis grip is a strength grade of the extensor carpi radialis muscle of at least 3, which is then capable of actively extending the wrist (Fig. 22.4).
Due to high importance, measures for the development of a tenodesis grip are initiated very early in the rehabilitation process of patients who are likely to recover a strong wrist extension. A major component of the therapeutic approach is appropriate splinting of the fingers and wrist to achieve a shortening of the finger and thumb flexor muscles [26]. In order to achieve an optimal outcome, care must be taken to avoid shortening of extensor muscles resulting in extended fingers unable to grasp anything as well as the shortening of the collateral tendons of the hand and finger joints, which results in a non-physiological hand and finger posture. The shortening of muscles is in contrast to contractures of joints reversible by the consequent application of stretching procedures.
Although widely used, there is still no consensus about the general effectiveness of splinting and the superiority of different splinting methods. However, it seems that in the chronic phase splinting might not have the expected effect [15].
In the chronic stage, a tenodesis grip can be surgically installed by the use of tendon transfers in combination with arthrodesis and/or tenodesis procedures [17]. As an example, an active tenodesis grip might be achieved by the transfer of a strong brachioradialis muscle to the distal tendons of the weak carpi radialis muscle together with a tenodesis for synchronisation of all finger flexor tendons (Zancolli lasso procedure). Depending on the number of strong active muscles distal to the elbow, also a higher level of dexterity of finger and hand movements might be achieved.
22.5.2 Assistive Devices and Adaptation of the Environment
Even with an active tenodesis grip, the fingers are closing only passively resulting in a low grasp force [18]. To enable patients to cope with the challenges of daily living, adapted tools are provided. This includes, but is not restricted to, clamping holders for razors, hairbrush, toothbrush, silverware, etc. (Fig. 22.5).

Fig. 22.5
Examples for adaptation of everyday items for enabling patients to perform activities of daily living such as grooming or self-care
In patients who do not achieve complete autonomy, the counselling of patients and family members, for example, regarding aids and appliances or the modification of the home environment forms is an important part of rehabilitation. An early involvement of family members and a thorough familiarisation with the operation of assistive devices ensure the optimal support after in-patient rehabilitation. The entire selection of medical aids and appliances is strongly depending on a variety of factors such as the patient’s domestic and professional situation, the marital status, age and also pre-existing comorbidities.
The fast growing number of smart homes with remote or internet-based control of light and heating control, door opener or other electronic devices helps patients to achieve some part of autonomy without the need for additional expensive installations. Also the traditional voice control of mobile phones allows patients a self-initiated communication with relatively inexpensive equipment. It can be expected that following the idea of universal design, more devices may be operated by persons with tetraplegia in the future.
22.6 Restorative Therapeutic Strategies
A recent review on the effectiveness of restorative therapies came to the conclusion that training including exercise therapy and (functional) electrical stimulation of the upper limb following cervical SCI leads to improvements in muscle strength, upper-limb function and activity of daily living resulting in a better quality of life [33]. Some studies in the literature indicate that early initiation of SCI-specific rehabilitation is extremely important. A delay in starting these interventions may negatively influence ultimate functional capability [22, 43]. On the other hand, this does not mean that training initiated in the chronic stage does not result in improvements of muscle strength, of upper extremity function and consequently of activities of daily living or quality of life, but the effects are most probably smaller. Therapeutic exercises may have different aims in patients with tetraplegia, among them training of muscular strength and endurance, relaxation of muscles with increased muscle tone, reduction of upper-limb edema, maintenance of joint mobility and flexibility by moving limbs in their entire range of movement and improvement of coordination and fine motor skills by task-specific, goal-oriented, high-intensity training regimes.
22.6.1 Strength Training
One important prerequisite for functional restoration is to exercise weak muscles in order to strengthen them and provide the basis for their appropriate integration into relevant movements. This is mainly done with active-assisted and active-resistive exercises:
Active assisted – Patients who are not able to fully perform a desired movement are supported by therapists during different phases of the movement execution as well as over the whole range of motion. The therapists normally work on an assist-as-needed basis meaning that the therapist provides only the minimal amount of support to successfully complete the task. The intention is to challenge the patient, but not to cause frustration. An important issue is to guide the movements of a patient on a physiological trajectory, so that trick movements and herewith training of already stronger muscles are avoided. In active-assisted strength training, often gravity-eliminating systems providing a sling-based weight support of the forearm (e.g. Swedish Help Arm produced by different manufacturers) are used. With the help of this device, patients can put their focus on the quality and repetition of the different movements necessary in daily life without excessive muscular fatigue.
Active resistive – If a patient is able to complete the desired movements over the whole range of motion, an adapted amount of resistance to the movement is given by a therapist either for more effective strength training or for guidance of movements. Resistance-based training can be done unilaterally as well as bilaterally.
Electrical stimulation may also effectively contribute to upper-limb muscle and in particular wrist extensor strength [12, 13, 24, 41]. However, electrical stimulation should be integrated into a comprehensive occupational therapy regime to transfer the increased muscular strength into functional improvements like self-feeding abilities [24].
22.6.2 Use of Motor Learning Regimes Including Rehabilitation Robotics
The fundamental concept of restoration of motor functions is based on the assumption that practice of task-specific movements induces plastic changes in the altered CNS representing the structural correlate of motor learning. Moreover, the frequency and duration of practice correlates with the level of improvement of motor performance. Thus, repetition represents the key factor for successful motor learning. Although this may be the most effective way to improve short-term performance during the training session, it is not sufficient for retaining motor skills over time. A set of factors – called principles of motor learning (Table 22.2) – have been identified that contribute to the long-term retention of a newly acquired skill [27].
Table 22.2
List of “principles of motor learning”
Principle of motor learning | Explanation |
Task specificity | To improve a specific skill, the respective movement task or closely related needs to be practised |
Active participation | Active participation of the patient forms the basis for initiation of neuronal plastic changes. Motivation and eagerness strongly influence the therapy outcome |
Repetition | For transfer short-term adaptations in motor control into sustained movement patterns, the movement task has to be repeated often. It must be emphasised that the task has to be repeated often and not the movement |
Adaptation of the complexity (“shaping”) | The difficulty of a movement task has to be chosen according to the functional status of the patient. A too simple movement task is boring and thus does not challenge the patient; a too complex, not executable task is overloading the patient and is therefore frustrating |
Feedback | Inherent as well as augmented feedback of the motor performance forms an essential component of a therapy for normalisation of pathological movement patterns |
Variability “contextual interference” | Whereas repetition of the same movement task leads to an increased performance of the trained movement, the introduction of variability enhances the learning process and retention. Diversification increases the active participation of a patient |
Distributed practice | In general, shorter, distributed sessions with intermittent pause periods seem to be more effective than longer block sessions (“massed practice”) |
Generalisation | Improved motor skills in an artificial environment, e.g. treadmill or locomotion robot, do not necessarily lead to enhanced skills in a natural environment. Dedicated therapeutic interventions are needed to transfer training skills to daily life activities |
Among the principles of motor learning are the degree of active participation and motivation of the patient, an appropriate intrinsic and extrinsic feedback, the adaptation of the complexity of the movement task and the contextual interference, in which variability and diversification of the movement tasks are explicit components of the training.
In a task-specific grasping training, difficulty of the therapy is adjusted to the skills of the patients. Normally therapy starts with light and large objects, which can be manipulated more easily and provide the patient a positive feedback thereby leading to a higher motivation. To shape the therapy to the skills of the patient, increasingly heavier and smaller objects are used over the course of rehabilitation (Fig. 22.6). In the end, the difficulty level can be increased by providing additional resistance with objects applied with Velcro.

Fig. 22.6
Devices for a shaped manipulation training: large and light-weighted objects (left) are used in the beginning of rehabilitation, which in case of neurological improvements are exchanged by smaller (right) and also heavier objects Robotic and Electrical Stimulation-Based Training Approaches
Robotic systems may serve as useful adjuncts in restorative therapies based on the principles of motor learning. They contain active or passive elements that support the weak movements of the users and therefore lead to a higher number of task repetitions. All of the robotic devices contain sensors for real-time measurement of joint angles and allow for their feedback to the user. The measured kinematic parameters can be used to control a variety of virtual motor tasks on a computer screen. The big advantage of this virtual training setting is the possibility for adaptation of the difficulty level to the residual motor functions of a user. By this, users not able to perform a real task can be enabled to perform a virtual task, which is highly motivating for a patient to actively participate in the training.
Robotic training devices are an emerging technology and have not yet been widely used in the clinical rehabilitation setting. Therefore, there is no sufficient evidence for their superiority to traditional therapy regimes. In contrast, most of the reviews on the clinical use of robotic devices come to the conclusion that robotic therapies are not superior to treatment as usual, if both are applied with the same intensity [42].
However, the term “robotic” is not precisely defined, so that the results of studies cannot be easily compared with each other. All of the devices called “robotic” have in common is that they provide some sort of feedback to the user about her or his current kinematics of joints or upper extremity segments.
But some of the devices are only based on passive, mainly spring-based actuators meaning only capable of providing a predefined amount of weight support independent from the position of the upper extremity. In order to call an assistive device “robotic”, it needs to integrate electric or pneumatic drives to actively support the movements of a user. Even then there are two different approaches to support patients’ movements, which are (1) an end-effector-based approach, in which the hand is moved mostly in a horizontal plane by a driven “knob”, or (2) an exoskeleton-based approach, in which the kinematics of each joint is supported independently. In end-effector-based devices, there is no need for alignment of technical to anatomical joints, which facilitates a fast and easy setup. However, a dedicated movement can only be trained by supervision of a therapist, who provides the patient with the correct instructions avoiding compensational movements. Upper extremity exoskeletons provide the possibility for dedicated support of each upper extremity joint in particular the shoulder, but their correct placement is challenging and time-consuming (Fig. 22.7).