Neurosensory disorders after traumatic brain injury (TBI) are a complex process, and the pathophysiology is partially understood. TBI can affect all the senses, including hearing, smell, vision, and balance.
Hearing impairment
The cochlea is the organ of hearing. Sound waves hit the tympanic membrane and transmit via the coordinated movement of the three ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes) onto the oval window continuing the wave through the perilymph of the scala vestibuli and tympani. This causes the cilia to move within the endolymph, transmitting sound waves to the cochlear nerve.
Hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss is disruption of the external and middle ear, including the ear canal, tympanic membrane, and ossicles. Causes include hemotympanum, tympanic membrane rupture, and ossicular disruption.
Sensorineural hearing loss
Sensorineural hearing loss is disruption of the inner ear or auditory nerve. Causes include temporal bone fracture, labyrinthine concussion, and brainstem contusion. This is the most common hearing deficit in TBI and is more prevalent in blast-related TBI because the ear is particularly susceptible to overpressurization during a blast.
Mixed hearing loss
Mixed hearing loss involves both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.
Tests: Tuning fork to lateralize lesion, audiometry to assess frequency/type of hearing loss, auditory brainstem response (ABR) to diagnose auditory nerve or pathway disruption
Treatment: Hearing aids, frequency magnification (FM) devices, or cochlear implant for severe bilateral loss
Tinnitus is perceived sound in the absence of external auditory stimulation.
Tests: Audiometry, Tinnitus Impact Screening Interview (TISI), Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI)
Treatment: Devices (hearing aids, tinnitus masking devices), cognitive behavioral therapy and tinnitus retraining therapy (cognitive-based therapy combining counseling with sound therapy), medication to treat associated anxiety, or sleep
Sound that is comfortable to most individuals will be perceived as unbearable to individuals with this condition.
Treatment: Sound therapy
Labyrinthine concussion
Labyrinthine concussion is a term used to describe hearing loss and vertigo after TBI. This term is used because proposed pathophysiology is damage to the bony labyrinth.
Central auditory processing disorder
Central auditory processing disorder involves damage along the central auditory pathway. , This damage affects the ability to process auditory input with impaired localization of sound, difficulty hearing in the presence of background noise, or difficulty perceiving temporal speech patterns.
Tests: Audiometry, ABR, temporal processing and pattern testing, dichotic speech test, monaural low-redundancy speech test, binaural interaction test
Treatment: Compensation using hearing aids, amplification systems, auditory training with a qualified audiologist or speech therapist
Acoustic neuroma
Acoustic neuroma should be ruled out with unilateral hearing loss and disequilibrium.
The olfactory nerve passes through the cribriform plate to the olfactory bulb, passing sensory information of smell from the nose to the entorhinal cortex, hypothalamus, dorsal medial thalamic nucleus, and orbitofrontal cortex.
Anosmia is the lack of smell. The olfactory nerve is the most commonly injured cranial nerve in mild TBI.
Symptoms: Food is tasteless, loss of appetite, difficulty smelling
Tests: University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test, electroencephalogram to rule out seizure if parosmia is present
Visual dysfunction
Primary visual pathway: Visual information from the eye passes to the optic nerve, optic chiasm (partial decussation), optic tract, lateral geniculate body, and projects to (1) occipital cortex (primary visual cortex), (2) tectum (pupillary function), and (3) superior colliculus (eye movement and multisensory integration)
Secondary visual pathway: Extrastriate visual cortex, inferior temporal area (visual identification and recognition of objects)
Ocular injury
Damage to tear film, cornea (keratitis or corneal scar), crystalline lens (traumatic cataract or lens dislocation), vitreous (vitreal hemorrhage), and retina (retinal detachment, retinal hemorrhage, retinopathy) ,
Tests: Visual acuity, Snellen eye chart, ocular examination, pupillary testing, spontaneous nystagmus (improved detection with Frenzel lenses), slit lamp biomicroscopy
Oculomotor dysfunction
Alignment deficits
Alignment deficits are a deviation of gaze and can be either tropia, a malalignment of one eye when both eyes are uncovered, or a phoria, a latent deviation when binocular vision is broken. Cranial nerve (CN) palsies are the most common cause of alignment deficits. More common in severe TBI. , ,
Pathophysiology: Damage along the efferent visual pathway. Neural problem is identified much more often in vertical phorias.
Eso: Eyes turn in
Exo: Eyes turn out
Hyper: Eye alignment more superior in orbit (up)
Hypo: Eye alignment more inferior in orbit (down)
Symptoms: Diplopia, impaired depth perception, headaches
CN 3 (oculomotor): Ptosis, exotropia, lack of mydriasis, lack of accommodation, horizontal diplopia
CN 4 (trochlear): Compensatory head tilt, hyperphoria and hypertropia, vertical diplopia
CN 6 (abducens): Esotropia, horizontal diplopia
Hirschberg: Measures alignment with eyes uncovered
Cover/crossed cover: Looking for deviation between being covered and uncovered
Maddox rod: Aids in determining deviations in vertical and horizontal planes
Treatment: Prism lenses: horizontal or vertical depending on deficit, vision therapy
Accommodation deficits
Accommodation deficits are an inability to maintain clear vision, sustain or change focus on an object. Accommodative insufficiency (most common), accommodative excess, dynamic accommodative infacility ,
Pathophysiology: Crystalline lens changes through ciliary control to focus on an object through a complex pathway involving retinal cones, optic nerve, lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), occipital lobe, posterior parietal lobe, frontal eye field, oculomotor nucleus, parasympathetic accessory oculomotor nucleus with contribution from the cerebellum
Symptom Blurred vision
Accommodative amplitude test: Small accommodative target (20/20–20/30)—distance of the first sustained blur using either the pushup or the minus lens method
Amplitude facility with lens flippers: The patient should be able to clear these lenses monocularly within 11 cycles per minute without evidence of fatigue.
Treatment: Plus powered lenses (insufficiency), vision therapy
Vergence deficits
Vergence deficits are deficits in disjunctive eye movement—convergence insufficiency, convergence excess, divergence insufficiency. Convergence insufficiency is the most common oculomotor deficit after mild TBI. , ,
Symptoms: Diplopia, eyestrain, vision-related headaches, dizziness, exophoria, intermittent exotropia during near vision and fatigue
Near-point convergence (NPC): Small target to measure the break in binocular vision or object doubles
Step vergence: Positive and negative fusional vergence amplitudes measured with a prism rod
Treatment: Oculomotor (vision) therapy, fusional prisms, patching—complete or partial ( Table 34.1 )
TABLE 34.1
Vergence Deficits
Vergence Deficit
Primary Treatment
Secondary Treatment
Convergence insufficiency
Oculomotor therapy
Prism lenses, surgery
Convergence excess
Plus powered lenses
Oculomotor therapy
Fusional vergence dysfunction
Oculomotor therapy
Divergence insufficiency
Prism lenses
Oculomotor therapy
Versional deficits
Versional deficits are deficits in conjugate eye movement. Smooth pursuits are conjugate eye movements to smoothly and accurately track a slow-moving object. Saccades are rapid eye movements that allow quick and accurate scanning from one object to another. , , ,
Pathophysiology: Lesion along pathway from frontal eye fields, paramedian pontine reticular formation, rostral mesencephalon, parietal cortex, basal ganglia, superior colliculus, or cerebellum
Symptoms: Slow reading, loss of place when reading, misreading, floating text, and dizziness
Tests: Northeastern State University College of Optometry Oculomotor Test, Developmental Eye Movement Test, saccadic oculomotor testing, pursuit eye movement testing
Treatment: Large-print text, typoscope, vision therapy
Visual field deficits
Visual field deficits are seen with damage to the afferent visual pathway. This is caused by penetrating injuries directly to the optic chiasm or the visual cortex or severe white matter tract damage along the pathway.
Hemianopsia or quadrantanopsia
Symptoms: Ignoring one-half of an object, bumping into objects on one side, difficulty reading, slow rate of reading
Tests: Confrontation visual fields finger counting, Goldmann perimetry
Treatment: Compensatory, yoked prisms, half-Fresnel prisms, mirrors, visual scanning strategies
Central scotoma: Central area of vision loss
Monocular vision: Complete loss of vision in one eye
Other visual disorders
Light sensitivity
Light sensitivity is ocular discomfort in the presence of light. ,
Pathophysiology: Anomalous dark-light adaptation thresholds caused by disordered thalamic processing. Fluorescent light sensitivity is believed to be caused by anomalous critical flicker fusion frequency threshold.
Treatment: Tints 30% to 40% for indoors, 80% to 85% for outdoor, blue or gray for fluorescent, wear wide-brimmed hat
Color blindness
Color blindness is damage to the retina, optic nerve, parvocellular pathway of LGN, or visual area V4.
Posttrauma vision syndrome
Posttrauma vision syndrome is a constellation of binocular visual symptoms that can present after trauma caused by the disruption of visual processing at multiple levels from midbrain and cortex. Symptoms include diplopia (exotropia/esotropia), blurred near vision (accommodative insufficiency), movement of print when reading (convergence insufficiency), asthenopia (oculomotor dysfunction), headaches (increased myopia), and photophobia (low blink rate).
Visual midline shift syndrome
Visual midline shift syndrome is a shift in the perception of the visual midline that occurs with homonymous visual field deficits.
Dual sensory deficits/multisensory deficits
Visual vestibular deficits
Pathophysiology: Deficit along the vestibular ocular pathway from eye to inner ear
Symptoms: Dizziness, vertigo, nausea, photosensitivity to fluorescent lighting, sensitivity to visual motion, especially in visually stimulating environments
Treatment: Assess and treat any visual and vestibular deficits through coordinated oculomotor and vestibular therapy.
Visual processing dysfunction
Visual processing dysfunction include visual spatial, visual analysis, and visual motor integration deficits. Ocular exam and acuity are often normal.
Diagnostics for visual disorders
Laboratory tests , ,
Visual evoked potential: Series of lights mount a recording measured by electrodes on the scalp
Electroretinogram: Measures retina pigment epithelium (activity of rod and cone cells) during photo stimulation by placing electrodes via contact lenses or foil tucked into the conjunctiva
Electrooculogram: Indirectly measures retina pigment epithelium by varying illumination during eye movement; recorded via electrodes on the canthi
Bedside tests ,
Vestibular/oculomotor screening (VOMS): Assessment of severity of symptoms with visual and ocular provocative maneuvers
King-Devick Test: Timed test to read numbers on three test cards; tests oculomotor function
Subjective visual attention test: Search and cross out a letter or symbol; assess overall visual attention
Computed tomography (CT): Detects structural damage—cranial fractures, hematomas
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Detects brain damage in areas of the ocular pathway
Therapeutic options
Vision rehabilitation
Oculomotor therapy for accommodation and vergence includes three general phases. The first phase uses large targets with slow change. The second phase increases speed and decreases targets. Target training with monocular vision (patched) first and then progresses to binocular vision tasks. Accommodative flippers are also used in this phase. The third phase trains large jumps between stimuli presented (step vergence training). , , ,
Example of exercises:
Accommodation: Small copy of letters/numbers/objects handed to patient, same large copy on wall, and the patient moves between the two, reading line by line
Vergence: Stereograms, Brock string, step vergence amplitude training using prisms, step vergence facility training using prism flippers
Pursuit: Laser light follow, bouncing light, maze follow
Saccades: Identify differences in two pictures, read letters/numbers/objects spaced out on a page
Prisms are applied to glasses to bend light to shift an object from its position. Prisms can be placed vertically or horizontally depending on the deficit correcting. They can be unilateral or bilateral. They are most effective in divergence insufficiency, esophoria, and vertical heterophoria.
Yoked prisms: Prism oriented in the same direction on both glasses, shifting visual perception
Homonymous hemianopsia/quadranopsia: Horizontal yoked prism oriented in the direction of visual loss displaces objects from the nonseeing into the seeing hemifield
Visual neglect: Yoked prisms may work but require larger magnitudes
Visual midline shift syndrome: Yoked prisms center the visual midline
Enhanced sector prisms: Bilateral prisms on portions of eyeglasses to improve awareness of the peripheral field; can be effective for homonymous hemianopsia/quadrantopsia, scotoma
Fresnel prisms: Stick-on prisms
Patching can be used to correct diplopia but renders the patient monocular impairing peripheral vision. Central occlusion patches can decrease diplopia while looking directly at an object but maintains peripheral vision.
Vestibular pathway anatomy
The labyrinth is responsible for vestibular function. It is composed of both the semicircular canals and otolith organs to transmit information regarding motion via the vestibular nerve.
Semicircular canals: Three canals—the superior, posterior, and horizontal. The canals detect rotation through endolymph motion, which displaces the cupula bending the hair cells. The output is to coordinate compensatory eye and head movements through the vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) ( Box 34.1 ).
Semicircular canal dysfunction: Deficits in gaze stability with lateral head movement (horizontal VOR)