section epub:type=”chapter”> Tim J. Silk, School of Psychology, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC, Australia To date, there has been relatively little research into how the neurobiological mechanisms of sleep regulation may be affected in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This chapter gives a broad overview of the neurobiology of sleep and explores possible neurobiological processes that may explain the association between sleep problems and ADHD. The chapter discusses the reciprocal inhibition between a system that promotes wakefulness, attention, and alertness, and a system that induces sleep. It highlights the nuclei and neurotransmitters of the ascending arousal system and the sleep-inducing system, and the mechanisms that drive the transition between the two systems. It also covers the homeostatic and circadian regulation that drives sleep to occur. This summary of the growing literature reveals that anomalies in particular neural circuitry or neurotransmitter systems may contribute to both difficulties in the regulation of sleep and the behavioral and cognitive deficits that characterize ADHD, however, the relationship may not be straightforward. ADHD; sleep; neurobiology; arousal; attention As many as 73% of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience mild to severe sleep problems (Sung, Hiscock, Sciberras, & Efron, 2008). Sung et al. (2008) also show that children with ADHD who exhibit sleep problems also tend to have more severe ADHD symptoms, and have poorer quality of life and daily functioning compared to children with ADHD without sleep problems. Sleep problems include insomnia, parasomnias and circadian rhythm disorders (see Chapter 3), as well as medical sleep problems, for example, sleep-disordered breathing, restless legs syndrome, and periodic limb movements (Bartholomew, & Owens, 2006; Corkum, Tannock, & Moldofsky, 1998; Cortese, Mid, Yateman, Mouren, & Lecendreux, 2006; Owens, 2005) (see Chapter 4). The first question that comes to mind is whether sleep problems lead to the development of ADHD symptoms or whether there something about the nature of ADHD that explains why individuals may have problems with sleep. There is extensive literature on the negative effects of sleep loss on cognition, attention, executive function and behavior, many of which are similar to the deficits seen in ADHD (Beebe et al., 2006; Durmer, & Dinges, 2005; Fortier-Brochu, Beaulieu-Bonneau, Ivers, & Morin, 2012; Gruber, Laviolette, De Luca, & Nagy, 2009; O’Brien, 2009). However, is there something inherent to ADHD that gives rise to sleep problems in the first place? The two scenarios are not mutually exclusive and the answer is most likely to be both, perhaps to different degrees between individuals. This conundrum is further complicated by the effects of medication (see Chapter 6). Regardless of the causal direction, the neurobiological mechanisms by which sleep and ADHD are related are unclear. Advancing our understanding of this will reveal more about the neurobiological mechanisms underlying ADHD, as well as potentially provide a better avenue for ADHD management and treatment in the clinical setting. This chapter will provide a broad overview of the neurobiology of sleep and highlight the plausible neurobiological means that may potentially link sleep problems and the presentation of ADHD. The biggest clue to establishing the link between sleep and ADHD is the sleep/wake system. The neural processes involved in sleep are not isolated processes, but are intimately linked and interdependent with the arousal system that promotes wakefulness, attention, and alertness. There is a reciprocal inhibition between the two systems so that the arousal system process that keep us attentive and wakes us from sleep are actively inhibited by the sleep-inducing processes and vice versa (Saper, Scammell, & Lu, 2005). This makes it very possible that anomalies in particular neural circuitry or neurotransmitter system may contribute to both difficulties in the regulation of sleep and the behavioral and cognitive deficits that characterize ADHD. At a basic level, neural activity can be divided into three distinct states, based on behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) characteristics: wake, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep (see Chapter 2). The sleep/wake system is mediated by several key nuclei in the brainstem that fire in characteristic patterns. They project primarily to the thalamus, posterior hypothalamus, basal forebrain, and then eventually the cerebral cortex, where they promote either sleep or arousal (See Fig. 13.1). Arousal, or wakefulness, is achieved via a complex coordination of distinct nuclei and neurotransmitters along two branches to the ascending arousal system and the orexin/hypocretin system in the lateral hypothalamus (Saper et al., 2005; Saper, Chou, & Scammell, 2001; Saper, Fuller, Pedersen, Lu, & Scammell, 2010). One ascending arousal pathway is a cholinergic system. Neurons from the laterodorsal tegmental (LDT) nucleus and the pedunculopontine (PPT) in the brainstem promote cortical arousal via projection to the thamalus (thalamic relay and reticular nuclei) and the basal forebrain. The neurons of the LDT and PPT are very active during wakefulness as well as REM sleep, but have slower firing rates when cortical arousal is reduced during NREM sleep (Saper et al., 2005). Given that the cholinergic system plays a key role in neural processes involved in movement (Calabresi, Centonze, Gubellini, Pisani, & Bernardi, 2000; Kaneko et al., 2000) and attention (Perry, Walker, Grace, & Perry, 1999), it has been hypothesized as a potential target in ADHD treatment. Indeed, a number of studies have identified associations between cholinergic genes and ADHD (English et al., 2009; Kent et al., 2001; Todd, Lobos, Sun, & Neuman, 2003; Wallis et al., 2009), and other studies have demonstrated the potential of cholinergic drugs for the treatment of ADHD (Apostol et al., 2012; Potter, Schaubhut, & Shipman, 2014; Wilens et al., 1999). However, the research focus on the cholinergic system in ADHD is far less extensive than that of the monoaminergic system. The second ascending arousal pathway comprises primarily monoaminergic nuclei. Projections from the norepinephrinergic locus coeruleus (LC), serotoninergic dorsal raphe nuclei (DRN), dopaminergic substantia nigra (SN) and ventral tegmental area, and the histaminergic tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN), all innervate the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and basal forebrain, then ultimately the cerebral cortex (Jones, 2003; Saper et al., 2001; 2005), each with different contributions to arousal. The primary source of NE (also known as noradrenaline) in the brain is the LC in the pons of the brainstem. There is a linear relationship between neuronal firing in the LC and NE release (Berridge, & Abercrombie, 1999). LC neurons fire at the highest rate during wake, to a lesser extent during NREM, and are essentially inactive throughout REM sleep (Aston-Jones, & Bloom, 1981; Foote, Aston-Jones, & Bloom, 1980). A considerable body of animal experiments has demonstrated the NE action of the LC in promoting behavioral and EEG indices of wakefulness and arousal (Berridge, & Arnsten, 2013). Infusion of NE or NE agonists into the forebrain increases wakefulness (Berridge, Isaac, & Espana, 2003). There are three major receptor types, α1, α2, and β, that mediate the actions of NE. Blocking α2 receptors increases activity in the LC and promotes wakefulness (Berridge, & Foote, 1991; De Sarro, Ascioti, Froio, Libri, & Nisticò, 1987), whereas α1 and β antagonists increases NREM sleep (Berridge, & Espana, 2000). It is thought that anomalies with the NE system may contribute to the inability to fall or stay asleep associated with insomnia (Reyes, Carvalho, Vakharia, & Van Bockstaele, 2011). Further to the involvement of NE in sleep/wake, it is also associated with the level of arousal during wake, and appears to be most prominent for highly salient stimuli and stress-related arousal. A precise level of NE is essential for optimal prefrontal cortex functioning, in a similar manner to dopamine. NE levels exhibit an inverted U-shaped dose response on arousal whereby low levels lead to sleepy and inattentive behavior, where levels that are too high generate anxious and distractible behaviors (Stahl, 2013). This has led to the proposal that the LC may stimulate arousal in a manner that optimizes attention and task performance (Aston-Jones, & Cohen, 2005). For example, experiments in monkeys show that LC neurons fire in a particular pattern for stimuli that represent a reward but not to irrelevant stimuli (Aston-Jones, Rajkowski, Kubiak, & Alexinsky, 1994), and a lesion in the LC in rats leads to lower behavioral signs of arousal and less cortical activation to novel stimuli (Gompf et al., 2010). NE dysregulation is thought to play a critical role in ADHD, in particular with the high-level cognitive deficits. Stimulant ADHD medication, such as methylphenidate (MPH), increases dopamine signaling through multiple actions and also increases NE availability (Wilens, 2008). While some nonstimulants like atomoxetine also impact both dopamine and NE neurotransmission, others such as the guanfacine, increase NE neurotransmission with no impact on dopaminergic signaling. Alpha2A agonists, including guanfacine and clonidine, are also effective treatments for ADHD, and have a more specific mechanism of action than stimulants. The effects of NE-modulating pharmacotherapies on ADHD symptoms are thought to possibly stem from intermediary effects on cognition (Chamberlain, Robbins, & Sahakian, 2007). Dopamine plays a role in the regulation of a variety of behavioral and physiological processes including motor function, reward, and cognition. Dopaminergic neurons pertinent to the arousal in the brainstem are found primarily in the SN and VTA. These nuclei have many interconnections with other nuclei in the brainstem as well as the LH, thalamus, and basal forebrain. Compared to most other nuclei in the ascending arousal system, the firing activity of dopaminergic neurons does not dramatically alter between states of wake and sleep, rather their firing has a temporal pattern associated with different actions including reward, locomotion, and cognition (Le Moal, & Simon, 1991; Schultz, 2007). Despite the firing rate, extracellular levels of dopamine are highest during wake and lower during NREM sleep (Trulson, 1985). How exactly dopamine neurons foster arousal in unclear, although the wake-promoting action of dopamine is apparent. It is clear that stimulant drugs promote wakefulness by increasing dopamine release and minimizing its reuptake by that dopamine transporter (Wisor et al., 2001). Deficiencies in DA, such as in Parkinson’s disease and via drugs that block dopamine receptors, leads to sleepiness (Rye, 2004). Dopamine is suggested to play a key role in regulating neuronal noise (Winterer, & Weinberger, 2004). The inverted U-shaped function of dopamine is similar to that of NE whereby an ideal level must be maintained in order to optimize performance. Too low or too high a level leads to an impaired signal-to-noise ratio, resulting in inattention and impeding task performance (Stahl, 2013). An influential model of catecholamine actions suggests the prefrontal cortex is regulated by a reciprocal relationship between NE (increases signals) and dopamine (reduces noise) (Arnsten, & Rubia, 2012). Relevant salient stimuli cause increased NE stimulation of alpha2A receptors to enhance the signal in the prefrontal cortex, while irrelevant detracting stimuli detected as noise cause dopamine to be released, bind with the D1 receptor to gate out inappropriate inputs (Stahl, 2013). Dopamine is probably the most obvious candidate when addressing the neurobiological overlap between sleep and ADHD, as dysregulation of dopamine is the prevailing hypothesis attributed to the behavioral and cognitive deficits seen in ADHD (Castellanos, & Tannock, 2002; Solanto, 2002; Swanson et al., 2000). MPH is a psychostimulant medication used in the primary treatment of ADHD. Despite its prominent use and efficacy, little is known about the mechanisms of action and the effect on brain function. A large body of research has examined the MPH effects on subcortical dopaminergic structures that are thought to mediate the cognitive and behavioral outcomes, with MPH increasing dopamine concentrations by blocking 60%–70% of striatal dopamine transporters (Volkow, Fowler, Ding, Wang, & Gatley, 1998). There is some evidence that ADHD medications affecting the dopaminergic system may lead to sleep disturbances, however the finding are mixed. Some studies report that stimulants increase sleep latency and shorten sleep duration (Galland, Tripp, & Taylor, 2010; Stein, 1999). Lee et al. (2012) report that these negative effects are not related to the type of MPH preparation or dosage within the therapeutic range. However, there are studies that report that MPH does not affect negatively sleep latency or total sleep time (Ashkenasi, 2011) and may even reduce night time wakening (Kim et al., 2010). Serotonin plays a role in a number of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral control processes (Cools, Roberts, & Robbins, 2008) including appetite, mood, anxiety, and sleep/wake behavior. Serotonin is produced by neurons in the DRN and innervate structures including the preoptic area, basal forebrain, hypothalamus, and thalamus. These neurons fire at high rates during wake, less during NREM sleep, and are lowest during REM sleep (Trulson, & Jacobs, 1979). Its exact role in arousal is not very clear as it acts via a number of mechanisms, binding to at least 15 different receptors (Espana, & Scammell, 2011). Banerjee and Nandagopal (2015) reviews whether serotonin deficit may mediate susceptibility to ADHD. There is some suggestion of lower blood serontonin levels in hyperactive ADHD children (Coleman, 1971; Spivak et al., 1999); reduced binding capacity of serotonin transporter (Oades, 2008); and an ADHD risk polymorphism in the serotonin transporter promoter, 5HTTLPR (Gadow et al., 2013). There are behavioral and neurochemical studies the suggest that MPH has effects on the serotonergic system (Kuczenski, & Segal, 1997; Molina-Carballo et al., 2013; Volkow, Gatley, Fowler, Wang, & Swanson, 2000), and that it can modulate activity in the DR nucleus (Kharas, Whitt, Reyes-Vasquez, & Dafny, 2017). There is also some suggestion that atomoxetine not only binds to the NE transporter, but also binds to serotonin transporter with high affinity (Ding et al., 2014). Overall, at present the evidence linking serotonin and ADHD is not strong however it is proposed that some of the effects seen may be via serotonin’s interaction with the dopaminergic system (Oades, 2008). Although only a small nucleus, the TMN in the posterior hypothalamus is the sole source of histamine in the brain and projects all over the central nervous system. Similar to the pattern for NE and serotonin, TMN fires most and releases more histamine during wakefulness, is lower during NREM and lowest during REM (Ko, Estabrooke, McCarthy, & Scammell, 2003). Of the different types of histamine receptor, there is pharmacological support that H1 and H3 receptors (but not the H2 receptors) play an essential role in promoting wakefulness (Thakkar, 2011). Anyone who has ever taken an antihistamine for allergies will be aware that they can make you sleepy. Antihistamines, such as a histamine H1-receptor antagonist (which reduce histamine signaling) increases both NREM and REM sleep (Tasaka, Chung, Sawada, & Mio, 1989). Inversely, administration of histamine or a H1-receptor agonist increases cortical arousal and decreases both NREM and REM sleep (Lin, Sakai, & Jouvet, 1988; Monti, Pellejero, & Jantos, 1986). Individuals with narcolepsy or hypersomnia have reduced histamine levels (Kanbayashi et al., 2009), and H3 antagonists have been shown to improve their daytime sleepiness (Bonaventure et al., 2007; Ligneau et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2008). The exact features of arousal that histamines enact upon have not yet been elucidated however, evidence from mouse research suggests that histamine may play a role in initiating arousal (Parmentier et al., 2002). Histamine also has several other functions in the brain including promoting immunity, memory and learning, cognition, feeding behavior, and locomotion (Haas, Sergeeva, & Selbach, 2008). Recently, histamine has been raised as a potential candidate to promote ADHD-like behavior. In a rat model of ADHD, hyperlocomotion, impulsivity, and attention deficits were shown to normalize with a histamine H3-receptor antagonists (Kim, Goto, & Lee, 2018). Further, there is evidence from rodent research that both MPH and atomoxetine medications used in the treatment of ADHD, may improve cognition via increases in histamine (Horner, Johnson, Schmidt, & Rollema, 2007; Liu et al., 2008). There has been some suggestion that perhaps environmental risk factors for ADHD, such as food additives, may be mediated via histamine. Given meta-analytic evidence that artificial food colors have a small (effect size 0.2) albeit significantly adverse impact on ADHD symptoms (Schab, & Trinh, 2004), the suggestion that artificial colors result in histamine release (Murdoch, Lessof, Pollock, & Young, 1987; Supramaniam, & Warner, 1986) and that genetic polymorphisms in the histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT) impair histamine clearance (Preuss et al., 1998), Stevenson et al. (2010) examined whether the effect of food additives on ADHD symptoms is moderated by genetic differences. In their double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial, they found a link between histamine and ADHD symptoms, with variations in genes influencing the action of histamine moderating behavioral responses to food additives (Stevenson et al., 2010). Part of the arousal system that has one of the most potent effects on maintaining wakefulness is the orexin/hypocretin pathway. Orexin/hypocretin neurons fire chiefly during wake and are silent during NREM and REM sleep (Lee, Hassani, & Jones, 2005). If injected into the brain, orexin/hypocretin heightens arousal and suppresses NREM and REM sleep (Espana, Baldo, Kelley, & Berridge, 2001). Similarly, orexin/hypocretin antagonists reduce sleep latency and REM and NREM sleep time (Brisbare-Roch et al., 2007; Scammell, & Winrow, 2011). Orexin/hypocretin antagonists also reduce motor impulsivity (Gentile et al., 2018). Orexin/hypocretin is a neuropeptide produced primarily in the hypothalamus and innervates the VTA, DRN, LC, and TMN (Peyron et al., 1998) mediating arousal, and reward processing via the monoamine transmitters (Borgland, Ungless, & Bonci, 2010; Cortese, Konofal, & Lecendreux, 2008; Harris, Wimmer, & Aston-Jones, 2005; Sakurai, 2014). The most compelling evidence for the role of orexin/hypocretin in preventing sleep is in cases on narcolepsy where people suddenly collapse into sleep. Narcoleptics have almost complete (roughly 90%) loss of their orexin/hypocretin neurons and very low levels in the cerebral spinal fluid (Peyron et al., 2000; Thannickal et al., 2000). It is therefore thought that orexin/hypocretin neurons have a critical role in stabilizing wake (Lu, & Zee, 2010), acting as an anchor for the flip-flop switch (see Fig. 13.2). Narcoleptics with this orexin/hypocretin deficiency also exhibit deficits in sustained attention (Fronczek, Middelkoop, van Dijk, & Lammers, 2006; Ha, Yoo, Lyoo, & Jeong, 2007), the alerting attention network (Filardi et al., 2017) and slower and more variable reaction times (Bayard, Croisier Langenier, Cochen De Cock, Scholz, & Dauvilliers, 2012; Rieger, Mayer, & Gauggel, 2003), similar to cognitive deficits in ADHD. Narcoleptics also demonstrate higher levels of both inattentive and hyperactive ADHD symptoms (Filardi et al., 2017). Rather than a passive inactivity of the arousal system, the VLPO nucleus, a specific set of neurons in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus, actually promotes sleep by innervating and actively inhibiting the arousal system during sleep (Saper et al., 2010). The VLPO contains inhibitory GABAergic and galaninergic neurons (Gaus, Strecker, Tate, Parker, & Saper, 2002; Sherin, Elmquist, Torrealba, & Saper, 1998). The neurons in the VLPO are almost completely inactive during wake, but start firing rapidly during NREM sleep, and to a lesser extent during REM sleep (Suntsova, Szymusiak, Alam, Guzman-Marin, & McGinty, 2002; Takahashi, Lin, & Sakai, 2009). Damage to the VLPO reduces the amount of both NREM and REM sleep, and makes sleep lighter and more fragmented (Lu, Greco, Shiromani, & Saper, 2000). Neurons in the median preoptic nucleus also innervate many of the same targets (Uschakov, Gong, McGinty, & Szymusiak, 2007). This nucleus contains GABA but does not contain galanin. Whereas the VLPO is not active until sleep, the median preoptic nucleus starts to activate just before NREM sleep, and during sleep deprivation (Gvilia, Xu, McGinty, & Szymusiak, 2006; Suntsova et al., 2002; Takahashi et al., 2009). It is therefore thought that the median preoptic nucleus may respond to the building propensity to sleep [such as adenosine (see Section 13.8)] and may activate the VLPO. The efferent from the sleep-promoting VLPO innervate many of the nucluei in the arousal system, including the LDT/PPT, LC, DR, TMN, and orexin/hypocretin neurons in the hypothalamus, inhibiting the arousal system (Gaus et al., 2002; Sherin et al., 1998). There is an intricate relationship between sleep-inducing systems and wake or ascending arousal systems in the brain. Rather than slowing drifting in and out of sleep across the day, there is a coordination of reciprocal inhibition between the two systems that promotes a “flip-flop switch,” similar to an electric light switch whereby there is a rapid changeover between two stable states. When the arousal system nuclei fire frequently during wake, they inhibit the VLPO, and when VLPO fire during sleep they inhibit the arousal system (McGinty, & Szymusiak, 2000; Saper et al., 2001). This reciprocal inhibitory acts as a feedback loop, however if either side is jeopardized, it compromises the whole system interfering with both arousal and sleep states, and specifically, dysfunction in switching between the states. For example, in orexin/hypocretin-deficient mice, Mochizuki et al. (2004) demonstrated that this sleep/wake instability was not a result of dysfunction of sleep homeostasis, circadian rhythm, or the ascending arousal system, but due to low between-state transitional thresholds (Mochizuki et al., 2004). Orexin/hypocretin is therefore seen as the fulcrum in the seesaw between sleep and wake (see Fig. 13.2). In the early 1980s, Borbely and colleagues proposed a two-process model to explain what drives our need for sleep and how sleep is regulated (Borbély, 1982) (see also Chapter 2). This two-step process involves the interaction of both an internally driven homeostatic processes and circadian processes that are adjusted by environmental factors. In the homeostatic component, also know as Process S (sleep), the propensity for sleep builds in relation to the quality of, and relative time since, the preceding sleep. Although the precise mechanisms are not known, the nucleoside adenosine seems to be a key mediator in this propensity for sleep. Across the day, as the body’s main energy source, glycogen, breaks down (Kong et al., 2002), extracellular levels of adenosine build up as a by-product, its accumulation accompanied by a building need to sleep (Porkka-Heiskanen, Strecker, & McCarley, 2000). The concentration of adenosine in the basal forebrain has been shown to increase as the time awake increase, only decreasing with sleep (Kong et al., 2002). Experiments in animals show that adenosine or an adenosine receptor agonist can either inhibit the arousal system if injected into the basal forebrain, or promote sleep if injected to the VLPO (Scammell et al., 2000; Strecker et al., 2000). You, the reader, are more than likely to have tried to manipulate your own need for sleep with an adenosine receptor antagonist, most notably caffeine. Adenosine A2A receptors in the brain are tightly linked with the dopamine neurotransmitter system. They are often co-located with dopamine D2 receptors (Canals et al., 2003), having opposite intracellular effects, and are also thought to moderate dopamine D2 receptor signaling on a number of levels (Fredholm, & Svenningsson, 2003). Given this close associated between adenosine and the dopamine system in the regulation of alertness, adenosine neuromodulation has emerged as potentially playing a role in the neurobiology of ADHD or as a plausible target for treatment. In a large cohort of twins (N=1747), Molero et al. (2013) reported that variation in a genetic polymorphism of the Adenosine A2A receptor demonstrated association with ADHD traits. In a rat model of ADHD, Pandolfo, Machado, Köfalvi, Takahashi, and Cunha (2013) demonstrated that chronic caffeine administration normalized sustained attention deficits and restored normal density and activity of dopamine transporters in the frontal cortex. Therefore, manipulation of adenosine modulation could potentially be an avenue for symptom management in ADHD. A second component of the two-step process is the circadian regulation, also known as Process C. The brain’s circadian “master clock” resides in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus. Damage to the SCN eliminates the circadian rhythms of many behaviors, including sleep (Moore, & Eichler, 1972). The circadian clock runs roughly on a 24-hour cycle, but not precisely. Experiments in which individuals live in an environment without time cues gradually become out of sync (Dijk, & Czeisler, 1994), demonstrating that the “master clock” must be entrained by environmental cues, the most influential being light. The retinohypothalamic tract delivers light information from the optic nerve to the SCN. If this tract is lesioned, circadian sleep rhythms are eliminated (Johnson, Morin, & Moore, 1988). There are then a number of complex pathways connecting the SCN with parts of both the ascending arousal system and the sleep-inducing system via the subparaventricular zone (SPZ) and dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (DMH) in order to regulate sleep circadian rhythms (Chou et al., 2003; Watts, Swanson, & Sanchez-Watts, 1987). Lesions of the DMH reduce a range of circadian behaviors including sleep and reduced serum corticosteroid levels by 78%–89% (Chou et al., 2003). Lesion to the dorsal part of the SPZ reduce other circadian rhythms, such as temperature, by 75% but do not affect sleep, whereas lesion to the ventral SPZ interfere with a circadian index of sleep by 90% with minimal consequence on body temperature (Lu et al., 2000). The circadian system is moderated by a number of clock genes. A key function of these clock genes is to regulate the release of hormones including melatonin and cortisol. Abnormalities in both melatonin and cortisol have been reported in ADHD (Isaksson, Nilsson, Nyberg, Hogmark, & Lindblad, 2012; Nováková et al., 2011). A number of studies suggest that people with ADHD demonstrate delayed onset of melatonin secretion at night (Gruber, Sadeh, & Raviv, 2000; Van der Heijden, Smits, Van Someren, & Gunning, 2005; Van Veen, Kooij, Boonstra, Gordijn, & Van Someren, 2010), leading to delayed sleep onset or sleep onset latency. Melatonin supplement is the most commonly used pharmacological intervention for disrupted sleep in ADHD, and it significantly improves sleep onset delay (Hoebert, Van der Heijden, van Geijlswijk, & Smits, 2009; Van der Heijden, Smits, & Gunning, 2006; Weiss, & Salpekar, 2010). Given the effects of light in regulating melatonin, light therapy has also been demonstrated to be effective in ADHD. Rybak, McNeely, Mackenzie, Jain, and Levitan (2006) demonstrated that light therapy ameliorated core ADHD symptoms in adults (n=29). Fargason et al. (2017) demonstrated in adults (n=16), light therapy could be a feasible treatment for both delayed sleep timing and ADHD symptoms. However, further work in this field in warranted. Polymorphisms in the clock gene “CLOCK” have also demonstrated association with ADHD (Kissling et al., 2008; Xu et al., 2010). In an excellent review, Mogavero, Jager, and Glennon (2016), discusses the potential mechanisms by which circadian rhythm, melatonin and clock gene expression may influence ADHD through the modulation of dopamine, serotonin, and/or noradrenaline. However, the direction of influence is not clear. Difference in clock gene expression could account for the altered levels of neurotransmitters seen in ADHD however, abnormal neurotransmitter levels in ADHD might also drive changes in melatonin synthesis and clock gene expression. While there is a growing literature recognizing and characterizing the sleep problems in ADHD, there has been very little in understanding the underlying neurobiology. This chapter has given a brief overview of the neurobiological mechanisms that govern sleep and highlight areas in which links can be drawn with ADHD symptoms or many of the cognitive deficits that are characterized by the disorder. The relationship between ADHD and sleep does not seem to be straightforward, but rather may be a complex interplay between multiple neurotransmitter systems, nuclei, and neurocircuitry in a system the regulates both sleep and alertness. Further work in this field will hopefully reveal greater specificity regarding the neurobiological underlying ADHD and reveal targets for the management of sleep problems in this population.
New Frontiers
Neurobiology of Sleep in ADHD
13.1 Sleep–Wake Regulation
The sleep-inducing system shown the ventrolateral preoptic’s (VLPO) inhibitory action (red) on the arousal system. Adapted from Schwartz and Roth (2008).
13.2 The Ascending Arousal System
13.3 Cholinergic Pathways
13.4 Monoaminergic Pathways
13.4.1 Norepinephrine (NE)
13.4.2 Dopamine
13.4.3 Serotonin
13.4.4 Histamine
13.4.5 Orexin/Hypocretin
13.5 The Sleep-Inducing System
13.6 Transitioning Between Wake and Sleep: The Flip-Flop Switch
13.7 What Drives Sleep to Occur?
13.8 Homeostatic Regulation
13.9 Circadian Regulation
13.10 Conclusion
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