Seizure characteristics
Nonepileptic psychogenic status epilepticus
Status epilepticus
Gradual, from waking or “pseudosleep”
Abrupt, from waking or EEG-confirmed sleep
Asynchronous, pelvic thrusting, side-to-side thrashing, waxing and waning
Automatisms (in focal dyscognitive seizures); synchronous rhythmic movements, slowing in frequency and increasing in amplitude before stopping
Eyes closed or fluttering
Eyes open, or with clonic blinking or nystagmus
Ictal crying, complex vocalizations with affective content
Repetitive simple speech (in focal dyscognitive); initial ictal grunt (with generalized convulsions)
Waxes and wanes
Lost suddenly, regained gradually
Some retained memory of the event
No memory of the event
Postictal confusion
The ILAE Nonepileptic Seizure Task Force has established criteria for “possible” and “probable” PNES relying only on event semiology and a nonepileptiform interictal EEG. The diagnosis of “clinically established” PNES requires visualization of a typical event (either in person or on video) by a clinician experienced in the diagnosis of epilepsy and separate non-video-EEG capture of a typical event without epileptiform abnormalities. The diagnosis of “documented” or definite PNES or NEPS requires video-EEG, interpreted by an experienced neurophysiologist, and allows a high degree of diagnostic certainty [37, 54]. The gold standard is capture of all typical episodes on video-EEG, without ictal EEG changes, and with normal awake EEG rhythms before, during, and after the event, in combination with a PNES-consistent clinical history and semiology [37]. During the event, the EEG may be obscured by artifact (Table 4.2).
Table 4.2
Electroencephalography (EEG) of nonepileptic psychogenic status and generalized convulsive status epilepticus
EEG characteristics | Nonepileptic psychogenic status epilepticus | Status epilepticus |
Interictal EEG | Normal or “not definitely epileptiform” | Often epileptiform |
Ictal EEG | Normal; obscured by artifact | Epileptiform early; artifact obscures EEG during convulsion. Ictal rhythmic theta/delta activity |
Postictal EEG | Normal, awake | Abnormal, focally slow (in focal dyscognitive); generally attenuated and then slow (in generalized convulsive) |
Postictal recovery | Rapid, variable | Gradual, variable |
There are important caveats in the use of EEG to diagnose PNES and NEPS. Scalp EEG has poor sensitivity (20–70%) for epileptiform activity in frontal lobe epilepsy [61] and in focal seizures without dyscognitive changes [62, 63]. For this reason, events that are clinically consistent with hypermotor frontal lobe seizures and simple partial seizures must be evaluated closely and considered seriously for epileptic etiologies even if video-EEG does not show epileptiform changes. As previously noted though, frontal lobe seizures are often very brief and therefore rarely a diagnostic consideration in the evaluation of potential SE. Simple partial SE can occur (including for example, epilepsia partialis continua, with ongoing involuntary focal motor activity without any alteration in consciousness) and is frequently without EEG abnormality, but any progression to impairment of consciousness should correlate with abnormalities on EEG. It is estimated that scalp EEG demonstrates diagnostic ictal or postictal features in >95% of focal dyscognitive seizures [64].
Conversely, it is important to avoid over-interpreting normal variants (e.g., wicket rhythm, rhythmic midtemporal theta of drowsiness, subclinical rhythmic electrographic discharges of adults (SREDA), positive occipital sharp transients of sleep, and nonspecific EEG abnormalities (e.g., nonfocal slowing) in patients being evaluated for SE versus NEPS. Nonspecific EEG abnormalities are common in both PNES and epilepsy [65], and the over-interpretation of nonspecific findings is one of the most common reasons for the misdiagnosis of patients as epileptic [66, 67]. Rather, specific epileptiform EEG changes (interictal spikes/polyspikes, sharp-and-slow waves; ictal rhythmicity and evolution; postictal focal or generalized slowing) should be identified to make a definite interpretation of epileptic seizures.
Other Tests
Although they are not necessary for the diagnosis of definite PNES or NEPS, there are other tests that may be useful in distinguishing between NEPS and SE, especially in the absence of EEG data. Elevated prolactin levels are highly specific (96%) for epileptic seizures, but sensitivity is best (60%) in generalized convulsive seizures, drops off in focal dyscognitive seizures (46%), and plummets in the setting of focal seizures without dyscognitive effects [38, 68]. The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) therefore classifies prolactin levels as a useful adjunct in differentiating generalized convulsive or focal dyscognitive epileptic seizures from PNES [68]. The AAN recommends that blood should be drawn 10–20 min after seizure onset and compared to a baseline non-ictal prolactin level, with a level at least twice normal suggestive of epileptic seizures. Importantly, prolactin has a short half-life, and its release may drop off during SE, resulting in a false negative if blood is drawn too long after seizure onset [69]. Use of dopamine agonists can also cause false negative results, while dopamine antagonists (and breast stimulation such as a suckling infant) can cause false positive results. Syncopal events may also raise prolactin levels [69].
Serum creatine kinase (CK) can also be used to distinguish between convulsive SE and NEPS, though its use has not been as extensively studied as that of prolactin [70]. CK levels usually elevate well above the normal range in patients with convulsive SE, while remaining within the normal range in patients with NEPS. Levels begin to elevate only 3 h after seizure onset, and remain elevated for approximately 36 h after cessation of seizures [70]. Serum cortisol, dexamethasone suppression tests, white blood counts, neuron-specific enolase, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor have not reliably distinguished between patients with NEPS and those with SE [37].
Structural neuroimaging has been only minimally useful in making the clinical distinction between epileptic and nonepileptic seizures. The majority of patients with epilepsy have normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans [71, 72], and a significant number of patients with PNES have incidental MRI abnormalities [72–74]. Functional neuroimaging studies have hinted at connectivity differences on a group level, but such techniques have not yet proven effective in distinguishing patients on an individual clinical basis [75].
Studies of personality measures such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and MMPI-2 have suggested some differences in personality characteristics between patients with PNES and those with epileptic seizures but have failed to identify a single PNES personality profile and generally fail to show a combination of good sensitivity and specificity [76, 77]. Given that such assessments are time consuming and require the patient’s extensive cooperation, they may be more useful for guiding therapy and for research purposes than for making the initial diagnosis of NEPS versus SE.
Differential Diagnosis of Status Epilepticus, Other than NEPS
In evaluating a case of potential SE or NEPS, other nonepileptic mimics of SE should be considered and excluded. These disorders can be conveniently subdivided between those that involve abnormal movements (and therefore mimic convulsive or focal motor SE) and those that involve only impaired responsiveness and therefore mimic nonconvulsive SE. Importantly, these disorders are more often encountered in critically ill patients in the ICU or in postoperative patients in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) than in newly presenting patients in the emergency department, whereas NEPS more often presents through the emergency department in patients who are not otherwise acutely ill. Nevertheless, “non-NEPS” mimics of SE can potentially arise anywhere and must be considered whenever the diagnoses of SE and NEPS are contemplated.
Other Mimics of Generalized Convulsive or Focal Motor Status Epilepticus
The following “non-NEPS” mimics of SE can usually be easily clinically distinguished from convulsive or focal motor SE in the setting of preserved consciousness. They become more difficult to differentiate in patients who are obtunded or comatose, a common situation in the PACU and ICU. In the setting of altered consciousness, video-EEG has high sensitivity and can usually rule out an epileptic etiology [64] (Table 4.3).
Table 4.3
Other mimics of convulsive or focal motor status epilepticus
Tremor |
Shivering |
Dystonia |
Rigidity/posturing |
Tetanus |
Muscle spasms |
Clonus |
Myoclonus |
Tremors, whether physiologic or acquired, can be prolonged and may mimic generalized convulsive or focal motor SE. Tremors tend to increase with stress and particular postures, may disappear with sleep, and are often associated with a family history of similar events [78]. Entrainment and distractibility can suggest a psychogenic etiology. Similarly, shivering can mimic clonic SE in the comatose patient. Changes in body temperature can be a clue to the diagnosis, but EEG may be required to make a definite diagnosis in comatose patients.
Dystonic reactions—fixed abnormal postures caused by sustained muscle contractions—can be caused by dopamine blocking agents (especially high potency typical neuroleptics such as haloperidol and fluphenazine but also atypical neuroleptics such as risperidone and pro-motility agents such as metoclopramide) as well as by tiagabine and other medications [79]. Oculogyric crisis is one type of dystonic reaction involving forced eye deviation and dyskinesias, lasting 20–30 min, and usually not associated with loss of consciousness [80]. Decorticate and decerebrate rigidity or posturing can result from hypoxic-ischemic injury and can mimic prolonged tonic seizures.
Tetanus, or sustained muscular rigidity resulting from a toxin released by Clostridium tetani, can be generalized or localized, and classically begins with “locking” of the facial muscles followed by axial rigidity progressing to opisthotonic posturing. Voluntary movements can lead to repetitive “reflex spasms.” Tetany caused by hypocalcemia or hyperventilation usually causes only brief contractions of the distal muscles in the hand but can rarely lead to prolonged carpo-pedal spasm mimicking focal dystonic SE in a patient who is comatose for other reasons [81].
Sustained clonus can result from either brain or spinal cord injury and can be inadvertently triggered or amplified by changes in posture or limb position. The temporal association with patient care maneuvers can offer a clue, but EEG may be necessary to definitively rule out clonic SE in the comatose patient. Both myoclonic status epilepticus and prolonged nonepileptic myoclonus occur in hypoxic-ischemic injuries due to cardiac or respiratory arrests, and EEG is usually necessary to differentiate the two.
Other Mimics of Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus
The differential diagnosis for nonconvulsive SE is vast, in large part because the potential causes of encephalopathy in the hospitalized patient are so numerous. Fortunately, nonconvulsive SE can generally be ruled out by 24 h of video-EEG monitoring [82]. Besides NEPS, the following items should be considered as alternative diagnoses (Table 4.4).
Table 4.4
Other mimics of nonconvulsive status epilepticus
Toxic-metabolic encephalopathy |
Septic encephalopathy |
Metabolic encephalopathies (hepatic encephalopathy, uremia, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, hypercarbic respiratory failure, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, hyponatremia, hypernatremia, hypercalcemia, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, hyperosmolar hyperglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis) |
Toxic encephalopathies/drug effect (benzodiazepines, barbiturates, anticholinergics, antihistamines, opioids, neuroleptics, SSRIs or other antidepressants, antispasmodics, antiemetics, interferons, street drugs, alcohol) |
Encephalitis |
Locked-in state |
Akinetic mutism |
Severe Parkinsonism |
Stiff-person syndrome |
Psychiatric and behavioral episodes (catatonia, self-stimulation) |
Kleine–Levin syndrome |
Toxic–metabolic encephalopathy is the most common and broadest category on the differential diagnosis of nonconvulsive SE. In encephalopathies of all etiologies, the EEG may show diffuse slowing and, in more severe cases, generalized rhythmic delta activity (GRDA) and generalized rhythmic discharges with triphasic morphology, but focal or clearly epileptiform abnormalities should call the diagnosis into question. Neuroimaging should show no new focal abnormalities.
Septic encephalopathy is the single most common cause of acute toxic-metabolic encephalopathy in adults and is thought to be caused by inflammatory cytokines, reductions in monoamine neurotransmitters, and altered blood–brain barrier permeability [83]. Metabolic causes may include hepatic encephalopathy, uremia, Wernicke’s encephalopathy (dysfunction of central gray structures due to thiamine deficiency), hypercarbic respiratory failure, hyponatremia, hypernatremia, hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia, hyperosmolar hyperglycemia, or diabetic ketoacidosis. Toxic encephalopathies can include intoxication with (or in many cases, withdrawal from) benzodiazepines, barbiturates, anticholinergics, antihistamines, opioids, neuroleptics, SSRIs or other antidepressants, antispasmodics, antiemetics, interferons, street drugs (cocaine, lysergic acid diethylamide, phencyclidine, methylenedioxyme diamphetamine, mescaline, psilocybin), and most commonly, alcohol.
Encephalitides can result in both epileptic seizures and behavioral changes that can be easily mistaken for nonconvulsive SE. Two specific examples are worthy of mention. Herpes simplex encephalitis is a viral infection most commonly affecting the frontotemporal structures and causing fever, headache, focal deficits (including superior visual field cuts, aphasia, or hemiparesis), and focal or generalized seizures. Even in the absence of seizures, patients may be confused and unable to form memories, have complex automatisms, and behave inappropriately [84]. The EEG may show frontotemporal sharp waves or lateralized periodic discharges, and MRI may show hemorrhagic frontotemporal lesions. Paraneoplastic and autoimmune limbic encephalitis may also cause both epileptic seizures and behavioral changes mimicking nonconvulsive SE, including memory formation problems, emotional lability, personality change, depression, and anxiety [85].
Locked–in syndrome refers to quadriplegia and anarthria with preserved consciousness, caused by injury to motor tracts in the brainstem. It is classically associated with central pontine myelinolysis but is in fact most frequently caused by anterior pontine infarction or hemorrhage [86]. The patient may have control only over eye opening or closing or vertical eye movements, or combinations of these. The EEG may be entirely normal or show only nonspecific generalized slowing or focal or multifocal slowing in patients with vascular disease. Akinetic mutism is a condition in which the patient is awake but unable to respond due to extreme abulia or lack of motivation, and is caused most frequently by mesiofrontal lesions such as anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture, bilateral thalamic strokes, or bifrontal neoplasms, though medications are another possible cause. Neuroimaging demonstrating a focal lesion is key to the diagnosis of both conditions. Severe Parkinsonism can result in patients who appear entirely catatonic due to extreme rigidity and bradykinesia but may respond positively to levodopa. Stiff–person syndrome can also cause apparent unresponsiveness due to severe rigidity, in association with autonomic instability, with anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies in 60% of patients [87].
Other psychiatric and behavioral episodes besides NEPS may present with prolonged episodes of decreased responsiveness mimicking nonconvulsive SE. Catatonia occurs in the setting of an underlying severe psychiatric or medical disorder and is marked by immobility and mutism, often associated with negativism (resisting instructions or attempts to move the patient), waxy flexibility, posturing, and echolalia (repetition of another’s speech), echopraxia (repetition of another’s movements), and a positive response to benzodiazepines [88]. Self–stimulation in young children or in mentally retarded populations can present with prolonged rocking, swaying, or chewing movements accompanied by a dazed appearance. Kleine–Levin syndrome is a rare sleep disorder, primarily affecting adolescent males, characterized by episodes of severe hypersomnia associated with confusion, derealization, compulsive eating, and hypersexuality [89]. Episodes last days to weeks and are separated by months of normal behavior and sleep.
Treatment of NEPS
Once the definite diagnosis of NEPS has been made and epileptic seizures are ruled out, the first step of treatment is presentation of the diagnosis to the patient. Making and clearly delivering a positive diagnosis in a timely manner is important for the patient’s long-term prognosis and to minimize repeated and unnecessary use of healthcare resources [11, 90, 91]. This is one of the key tasks of the neurologist and must be performed in a supportive and nonjudgmental manner so as to facilitate adherence with the next stage of psychotherapeutic treatment. This may decrease the chances of repeated appearances in other emergency departments [92, 93].
Formal validated protocols for delivering the diagnosis of PNES are available [94, 95]. The key points are to acknowledge that the events are real and disabling, to give a positive diagnosis with a name for the condition, to explain that it is a common and recognized condition, to describe the psychological causes (stress, strong affect), to specify that it is not epilepsy and that anti-seizure drugs are not effective, to explain that psychological treatment is effective, to discuss referral to a behavioral health specialist, and to reassure the patient that improvement can be expected and complete resolution is possible [94]. We have also found it helpful to make comparisons with more commonly experienced responses to extreme stress, such as tachycardia, diaphoresis, and panic attacks.
If at all possible, behavioral health specialists should be involved in the early evaluation of the NEPS patient and in delivering the diagnosis to the patient [96]. This facilitates evaluation for common psychiatric comorbidities and suicidal or parasuicidal behavior (i.e., suicidal “gestures” unlikely to result in death, such as cutting) and helps present a single unified team to the patient, thus reducing the sense of being abandoned by neurologists and dismissed to psychiatrists. Patients with PNES have consistently poor adherence with psychotherapy, and one study showed that adherence is significantly improved when the referral happens within a single unified system rather than to an outside mental health specialist [97]. Introducing behavioral health specialists early allows them to use the NEPS episode as a teachable moment, motivating future psychotherapy. If mental health clinicians cannot be involved prior to delivery of the diagnosis, they should be involved as soon afterwards as possible. It is vitally important that there be clear and open communication between the referring neurologist and the behavioral health specialist (as well as the primary care physician) regarding the diagnosis and the basis on which it was made.
If epileptic seizures are entirely ruled out, another important early step is to stop all anti-seizure drugs (ASD), except those providing a documented psychopharmacologic benefit to the patient. A randomized controlled trial of immediate versus delayed withdrawal of ASDs in patients with newly diagnosed PNES showed improved outcome with fewer subsequent seizure-like events, less use of rescue medicines, and improved locus of control in the immediate withdrawal group (“locus of control” refers to individuals’ belief that they can control events affecting them) [98]. Stopping ASDs while the patient remains on video-EEG also allows the clinical team to evaluate for new interictal epileptiform abnormalities or epileptic seizures emerging in the absence of medications. If possible, we recommend allowing patients with newly diagnosed NEPS to remain hospitalized for at least 1 day after the diagnosis is made, to allow the withdrawal of medications, to allow patients to absorb the diagnosis, and to foster relations with the neurologists and mental health clinicians who will follow them as outpatients.
A minority of patients may experience resolution of PNES with no intervention beyond the delivery of the diagnosis, with 13–16% of patients becoming seizure free at a 6–12 month follow-up [99, 100], but the large majority of patients require further treatment. The best-studied treatment modality is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based psychotherapy, which has been shown to reduce seizure frequency and improve quality of life in two pilot randomized controlled trials [101, 102]. Other therapeutic modalities, including psychodynamic interpersonal therapy, have been shown to be effective in observational studies [100, 103, 104]. Psychopharmacologic agents such as SSRIs or neuroleptics may be indicated to treat comorbid psychiatric disorders but have not thus far been demonstrated to be effective in treating PNES directly [103]. There are no studies specifically regarding treatment of NEPS.

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