Specific Issues in Physiotherapy for PD (Cues)
In 2000, Morris described the theoretical framework supporting the use of PT in PD. The model was based on the pathophysiology of movement disorders in basal ganglia disease, on scientific evidence, and on personal observations of PT interventions in PD. Morris described task-specific strategies for improving the performance of activities (e.g., gait, turning in bed, manual activities, and transfers such as sitting down), the prevention of falls, and the maintenance of physical capacity (e.g., muscle force and aerobic capacity). These strategies incorporate the use of external cues and cognitive movement strategies.
External cues include visual, auditory, or proprioceptive stimuli that are either presented rhythmically or serially (to improve the continuation of gait) or as isolated “one-off” cues (to initiate movements such as gait or transfers). By applying external stimuli instead of the usual internal cues (which normally happens in the healthy brain), alternative circuitries in the brain can be engaged to accomplish the task, while avoiding the defective basal ganglia circuitry [44].
With cognitive movement strategies, complex movements are broken down into separate components. Subjects are trained to perform each of the components separately, and to pay conscious attention to their execution. Mental rehearsing is part of this training. Cognitive movement strategies are mainly used to improve the performance of complex movements such as transfers or manual activities. Morris also stressed the importance of involving the caregiver to optimize therapy.
Goodwin et al. [45], in a systematic review reported the results of PT interventions in patients with PD. The majority of the studies showed that the PT was beneficial for the improvement of functionality, QoL, muscular strength, gait velocity, and balance. Keus et al. [41] reinforce that PT treatment should be based on the following recommendations: (1) external cue strategies; (2) cognitive strategies for movement, in which complex movements are divided into simple subcomponents to be memorized by the patients and executed in a specific order, under conscious control—before the execution of a task, the patient should be guided to practice it mentally (with the objective of overcoming the deficits of sequential movement automatization caused by disorders of the basal ganglia); and (3) balance and gait training with dual tasks and memorized cues. The PT approach to gait and balance disorders in PD has attracted the attention of the scientific community and health professionals over the last few years, because it is known that these disorders are determinants of the decrease in QoL and increase in mortality [46].
The beneficial effects of external cues in the improvement of gait and the decrease in freezing of gait (FOG) episodes are well established in the literature [47]. People with PD could benefit from external cues that are largely used to compensate for the deficiency of the basal ganglia in selected cases and trigger internally learned motor programs [48]. External cues act as potential facilitators of cognitive gait control by selective attention and increase the gait prioritization, mainly during the performance of complex tasks [49, 50]. For example, using a metronome or “clapping hands” to the rhythm of the steps or, taping horizontal lines on the floor that the patient must cross at each step passage.
Cueing via Devices
The use of portable cueing devices has proven effective for the rehabilitation of gait disorders in patients with PD. These devices are currently being developed, incorporating new technologies. Walking sticks [51] and rolling walkers [52] projecting a laser line on the floor have shown efficacy in overcoming FOG and reducing falls in some but not all patients [51].
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) [53] and auditory devices incorporated into glasses are effective in improving gait parameters in laboratory settings [54]. The studies showed that even with the low serum level of levodopa, some patients could use visual and auditory cues to perform large stride lengths and increase gait velocity. Eyeglasses combining auditory–visual cueing are also effective on gait in advanced PD. Souza et al. [55], used the device in 18 patients who received subthalamic nucleus DBS and gait improvement was observed in the cued condition. These devices hold great promise for becoming personalized, patient-tailored neurorehabilitation assistants in PD (Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2
Auditory and visual cueing device
Dual Task Training of Gait and Cognition
Many studies address the influence of the cognitive process on posture and gait control. In the last decade the relationship between gait and cognitive functions has received more attention from researchers [56, 57]. In fact, there are cognitive components in the generalization and maintenance of a consistent and normal pattern of gait [58]. The cognitive deficiencies, particularly the executive functions in patients with PD, contribute to the decline in functionality [59–61]. Executive functions such as attention, memory, decision-making, self-perception, and response monitoring are fundamental to the performance of effective daily motor tasks [62]. The correlation between the cognitive decline and gait disorders become more obvious with the progression of PD, leading to a significant impact on the long-term prognosis [63].
It is worth noting that the gait and cognitive relationship is not exclusive to PD patients, also being found in healthy elderly people (even in the early stages of aging) who show subtle cognitive deficiencies that are not detectable by global scales of cognitive tracking. Deficiencies of declarative memory, for example, are associated with the loss of dopamine in the healthy elderly [64].
From this context, challenged training is proposed with the purpose of verifying whether specific motor and cognitive skills could be concomitantly trained. Some authors advocate the need for dual-task training [50, 65] because of the loss of motor performance that requires shared attention with other motor [66, 67] or cognitive tasks [68]. Cognitive tasks are frequently performed during gait in many daily contexts, which justifies the facts that (1) training programs should be designed with the purpose of improving motor and cognitive aspects of dual-task training [69], (2) people with subtle cognitive alterations could benefit from cognitive rehabilitation strategies that involve processes such as planning, initiation, and self-monitoring [70], (3) patients with better cognitive skills could be highly motivated to engage in a training program [71], yet the kind and severity of cognitive alterations could limit the cognitive skills to compensate for gait abnormalities [72].
Therefore, it could be suggested that a complex training program with motor and cognitive components could be more effective at improving the performance of the dual tasks in a functional gait than a program focused exclusively on the motor function [73]. Motor-cognitive approaches would act as a way to facilitate mechanisms involved in the cognitive reserve. The model of the cognitive reserve postulates the existence of specific experiences and behaviors, which confer protection against the loss related to aging [74].
Posture, Balance and Falls
People with PD demonstrate impaired postural responses. Impairments include hypometric force production, difficulty modifying and scaling postural responses based on the initial context and poor use of the hip strategy [75]. Abnormal proprioceptive–motor integration also contributes to impaired feet-in-place (feet are stationary, no step is performed) postural responses. People with PD tend to over-estimate the size and strength of their movements; even though they may perceive that they are moving with appropriate size and strength, they actually demonstrate hypometric movements and do not reach far enough, walk far enough, or step far enough toward a target when performing without visual feedback [76–78]. Postural instability and falls increase the morbidity and mortality in patients with PD [79]. Early recognition of balance impairments and falls risk contribute to a tailored rehabilitation program, which can minimize complications [80].
Postural adjustments are adaptive responses that maintain postural control. They can be evaluated using static and dynamic posturography, which consists of measuring forces exerted against the ground. Posturography has not only experimental but also clinical relevance, because it can quantify balance disorders, especially in individuals with PD [81–84]. Static posturography assesses body sway under quiet stance tasks. It usually quantifies the center of foot pressure displacements performed on eyes open, eyes closed and dual-task conditions [83, 84]. Dynamic posturography provides data on voluntary motor control, while patients perform tasks or stand still on a platform with external perturbations. It involves latencies of postural responses and body sway mechanisms [81, 85, 86]. Studies approaching PD balance have shown conflicting results; some found increased body sway [87, 88] or no differences in body sway between healthy controls and patients [87]. Others found a reduced or normal sway with a poor correlation with clinical balance tests [89]. These conflicting results stemmed from differences in disease severity, levodopa treatment conditions, and methods of postural instability quantification. In dynamic assessments, most studies evaluated postural control with moving or unstable platforms to observe the responses to external perturbations [86].
In clinical practice, balance tests are used for assessing functional mobility and postural instability in patients with PD. The Movement Disorder Society (MDS) -commissioned task force [90] assessed the clinimetric properties of existing rating scales, questionnaires, and timed tests that assess posture, gait, and balance in PD and made recommendations on their utilization and the need for modifications or replacement. A literature review was conducted. Identified instruments were evaluated systematically and classified as “recommended,” “suggested,” or “listed.” Inclusion of rating scales was restricted to those that could be readily used in clinical research and practice. The results of their findings were: one rating scale was classified as “recommended” (the UPDRS-derived Postural Instability and Gait Difficulty Score) and two as “suggested” (Tinetti Balance Scale, Rating Scale for Gait Evaluation). Three scales requiring equipment (Berg Balance Scale, Mini-BESTest, Dynamic Gait Index) also fulfilled the criteria for “recommended” and two for “suggested” (FOG score, Gait and Balance Scale). Four questionnaires were “recommended” (Freezing of Gait Questionnaire, Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale, Falls Efficacy Scale, Survey of Activities, and Fear of Falling in the Elderly–Modified) and four tests were classified as “recommended” (6-min and 10-m walk tests, Timed Up-and-Go, Functional Reach).
Bloem et al. [90], identified several questionnaires that adequately assess FOG and balance confidence in PD and a number of useful clinical tests. However, they found no scale suitable for all clinical purposes to assess gait, balance, and posture, as none of the instruments adequately and separately assesses all constructs, that is, gait (including FOG), balance, and posture. It is also unlikely that a single unidimensional scale can be developed for all three constructs (gait, balance, and posture) because of the potential heterogeneity in the underlying pathophysiology. Given that these concepts are interrelated but independent constructs, it is recommended to assess them simultaneously, but to ensure that separate scores are obtained for the constructs. An ideal future scale should therefore include separate sections for gait, balance, and posture and should specifically address FOG and fear of falling.
Educational status should be taken into consideration when assessing balance, because both executive function and educational level influence balance tests in older adults [91]. People with fewer years of formal education have more difficulty choosing adequate motor strategies for performing tasks. Meanwhile, individuals with higher education, because of their more efficient synaptic and neural networks, may find better motor solutions to imposed motor difficulties. Souza et al. [92] evaluated executive function and functional balance (assessed by the Berg Balance Scale [BBS]) in PD patients (HY score between 2 and 3) and healthy elderly people. Each group of participants was divided by educational status: low (4–10 years of education) or high (11 years or more). The participants with PD and a high educational status performed better on the BBS than did those with PD and low educational status.
The PT program should involve muscle resistance training for quadriceps, hamstrings, and foot extensors to improve posture, muscle stiffness in addition to gait and balance parameters [93, 94]. In PD, there is an imbalance between agonist muscles that facilitate opening movements (e.g., extensors, supinator muscles, external rotators, scapula, and pelvic abductors) and antagonist muscles that facilitate closing movements (flexors, pronators, internal rotators , and adductors), as shown by the difficulties encountered in performing quick, alternating movements in pronation–supination or flexion–extension [95]. PT programs must also include passive stretching of antagonist muscles and strengthening of agonist muscles [95]. Some exercise s for active mobilization in axial rotation should be implemented to fight stiffness, which affects the trunk. Tai Chi exercises can also help to reduce balance disorders [78].
As the disease progresses, complex motor sequences, such as transfers, may no longer be performed automatically [42]. Transfers that are particularly problematic include rising from, and sitting down onto a chair, getting in or out of bed, and turning over in bed [96]. A common problem during sit-to-stand transfers is that PD patients fail to lean forward far enough when standing up, thus falling back into the chair [41]. Cognitive cues would act as a potential facilitator of transfers. Motor strategies are designed to keep the gestures simple and easy, such as performing varied and repeated exercises dedicated to a precise daily activity to optimize training and facilitate transfers in the patient’s daily life. Cued training could improve motor control during daily activities, such as the sit-to-stand task and rising from the bed in people with PD (Figs. 2.3 and 2.4). For example, sit-to-stand can be divided into four phases: “open legs,” “move forward,” “move upward,” and “stand up.”

Fig. 2.3
Rising from the chair

Fig. 2.4
Getting out of the bed
Manual Activities
Manual activities may become difficult to perform because of the complex motor sequences required. The coordination, efficiency, and speed of reach and dexterity of movements are often diminished; therefore, therapies may be directed at addressing loss of mobility, difficulties in reaching, grasping, and manipulating objects. and self-care activities such as eating and dressing. Nonstandardized techniques, commonly observational analysis or nonstandardized timed tasks, were most often used to assess impairments and activity limitations. There are limited formal clinical guidelines for treating and evaluating impairment of manual activities in PD patients.
Studies on physical exercises with PD animal models have shown many plastic processes involved with neuroprotection mechanisms, such as angiogenesis improvement [97], increased anti-inflammatory responses [98], decreased inflammatory responses [99], and improvement of mitochondrial functions [100]. The neuroprotective effect of exercises in PD was also reported in rats trained on a treadmill [99–101].
It is possible that the main factors related to the neuroprotective effect of the physical exercise are neurotrophic factors such as the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) . These factors are essential to cellular differentiation, neuronal survival, migration, dendritic arborization, synaptogenesis, and synaptic plasticity [102]. BDNF expression is decreased in PD animal models [99–101] and in PD postmortem brains [103]. On the other hand, physical exercise is able to recover BDNF levels both in animal models [99–101, 104] and in patients with PD [105].
According to Petzinger et al. [106], exercise is beneficial for PD rehabilitation because it incorporates many aspects of practice important for goal-directed motor skill learning. These elements include repetition, intensity, and challenge, which together with skill training lead to improvement in motor performance.
Although there is a wide spectrum of exercise modalities, most of the studies share common elements, including goal–based practice for the acquisition of a skill, and reinforcement (learning through feedback). The feedback in turn serves to challenge patients beyond self-selected levels of perceived capability, maintaining motivation, and facilitating the engagement of individuals to become cognitively aware of movements that were previously automatic and unconscious [106].
Aerobic training is encouraged and all patients should exercise in their best medicated state. Shu et al. [107] conducted a meta-analysis study to evaluate the effectiveness of aerobic exercise for PD and suggested that aerobic exercise (including treadmill training, dancing, walking, and Tai Chi) might significantly improve motor action, balance, and gait, including gait velocity, stride/step length, and walking ability.
In relation to resistance training, a recent systematic review suggested that resistance training might have a positive effect on both muscle strength outcomes and functional outcomes. Resistance training was shown to increase fat-free mass, muscle strength, and improve mobility and performance in PD patients [108].
Most of the research target the motor symptoms of PD, but Reynolds et al. [109] reviewed the literature searching for the efficacy of aerobic and strengthening exercise interventions relative to mood, cognition, and sleep. The author concluded that aerobic and strengthening exercises offer especially promising treatment strategies for alleviating nonmotor symptoms of PD.
Despite a large number of studies demonstrating that exercise improves motor performance in PD, there is no consensus on which frequency and duration of treatment, number of repetitions, and difficulty/complexity of exercises should be endorsed [45]. Most of the studies adopt a global treatment program of 6–8 h distributed over 6–12 weeks, with 1–1.5 h of training per week. It has been suggested that intensive, specific exercise might improve rehabilitation outcomes for PD patients. To be considered an intensive program the exercise should be practiced 2–3 h/week for 6–14 weeks, totaling 12–42 h of treatment [110].
Based on the guideline of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) van der Kolk and King [43] suggest the following exercises for PD: the program should include aerobic, strengthening, flexibility, and balance training. Aerobic training should be done 5 days/week for 30 min of moderate intensity or 3 days/week for 20 min at vigorous intensity. Strengthening should be performed 2 days/week, 8–10 exercises involving major muscle groups and 2 sets of 10–15 repetitions. Flexibility exercises should be done for 10 min each time. Balance training should be introduced for those who are at risk for falls. However, many PD patients present postural instability precociously; thus, balance exercise should be applied in accordance with patients’ needs.
Other Interventions
Similarly, dance is receiving attention as an interesting exercise strategy for PD because it naturally combines cueing, spatial awareness, balance, strength and flexibility, and physical activity (or even aerobic exercise if sufficiently intense). Dance can serve as an adjunct to traditional treatments to improve gait, balance, and QoL in people with PD [111]. Tango dance, specifically, has been shown in several studies to improve a multitude of motor and nonmotor features in people with PD [112–114], but other types of dance have been evaluated as well. A Cochrane review [115] included two dance studies in a large review of the effectiveness of PT interventions compared with no intervention in patients with PD. Their results suggested that dance might improve UPDRS motor scores (−8.48, CI −12.76 to −4.19), FOG (2.21, CI −4.63 to 0.22), and the 6-min walk test (6MWT; 38.94, −3.18 to 81.06) compared with no intervention. Through meta-analysis they indirectly compared dance randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with other PT intervention RCTs and concluded that there were no differences in the effectiveness of the PT interventions.
The Use of Virtual Reality as a Strategy for Physical Therapy in PD
Virtual reality (VR) is defined as a computerized simulation that allows users to interact with images and virtual objects that appear in the virtual environment in real time through multiple sensory modalities [116].
The application of VR to rehabilitation is based on the interaction of the person within a virtual environment, with the aim of promoting motor learning through enhanced perceptions (visual, auditory, and haptic inputs). In addition, such technology can be incorporated into games consoles offering a low-cost, user-friendly, and home-applicable device to promote physical activity.
Although the studies have small samples of patients and lack standardization of tools, systems, and methods, VR has shown promising results and its application in the rehabilitation of PD is growing. Investigation into how this instrument may optimally be adjusted to the specific needs of PD patients is required [117, 118].
Virtual reality training has many advantages compared with standard physical rehabilitation interventions. It offers augmented feedback about performance, enables individualized practice, and stimulates both motor and cognitive functions simultaneously. Nonetheless, there are many challenging issues to be overcome. It is mandatory to better define suitable patients and establish the minimum cognitive and motor function for VR intervention, design better well-powered clinical trials, develop good assessment tools to measure the outcomes, and carry out long-term studies to measure learning and retention (Table 2.1).
Table 2.1
Virtual reality in Parkinson’s disease (PD)
Reference | Intervention or assessment | Aim of the intervention |
Souza et al. [55] | Intervention | Combined visual and auditory cues on walking after deep brain stimulation |
Yang et al. [186] | Intervention | To improve gait, balance, posture, and freezing |
Cipresso et al. [187] | Assessment | Virtual multiple errands test (VMET) to evaluate executive function |
Su et al. [188] | Assessment | Postural instability |
Shine et al. [189] | Assessment | Freezing of gait |
Griffin et al. [190] | Intervention | Use of virtual visual cues on walking |
Mirelman et al. [118] | Intervention | Motor–cognitive training and obstacle negotiation |
Yen et al. [191] | Intervention | Training balance in a single- or dual-task condition |
Albani et al. [192] | Intervention | To improve executive function with virtual reality |
Davidsdottir et al. [193] | Assessment | Visual processing during gait |
Albani et al. [194] | Intervention | To improve daily activities in the virtual reality home environment |
Future Directions
Physical therapy has been indicated as adjuvant to pharmacological and surgical treatments in PD. It should be recommended as early as possible to maximize functional abilities, to improve QoL, and to minimize secondary complications. However, past meta-analysis studies showed insufficient evidence to support or refute the efficacy of PT. In the last decade, both the number and quality of RCTs have increased substantially and different interventions, such as exercise, are now accepted and regarded as basic elements of any rehabilitation program. Many questions remain unanswered, but large and well-designed ongoing trials are promising to increase the current levels of evidence that support the use of PT strategies, e.g., to prevent falls or to improve physical capacity in PD patients.
Speech Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease
Motor and nonmotor deficits affect the abilities of communication and swallowing and can have a devastating impact on the QoL of patients with PD.
These impairments pose management challenges to physicians and speech therapists. Rehabilitation plans should take an interdisciplinary approach and combine dopaminergic and nondopaminergic drug therapies with nonpharmacological interventions to manage patients.
Language–speech therapy , including targeted training with systematic, repeated, and controlled actions, can help to overcome the neurochemical loss and reduce specific symptoms of the disease.
Organic Neurological Dysphonia
The voice is affected earlier than other subsystems of verbal communication and impairments can be identified before the diagnosis of PD. Around 70–80 % of individuals with PD have dysphonia [119]. Changes in voice characteristics vary as they may have variable degrees of magnitude.
Dysphonia is analyzed by auditory–perceptual evaluation, automatic computerized acoustic (spectral and cepstral modeling, sound pressure level, fundamental frequency, jitter, shimmer, amplitude perturbation quotient, pitch perturbation quotient, noise content measures, prosodic features, nonlinear behavior, stability, periodicity features), laryngostroboscopic, aerodynamics, and subjective self-rating questionnaire, which can add additional information necessary for biological and physiological data associated with voice disorders.
Surgical and pharmacological treatments that have a significant impact on motor symptoms have shown limited effectiveness on communication skills for most PD patients [120].
Hypokinetic Dysarthria
Dysarthria is seen in as many as 90 % of individuals with PD [123]. These patients experience changes in speech and voice and when verbal communication skills deteriorate, speech becomes unintelligible. This manifestation is caused by muscle control and sensory integration dysfunction and can affect respiration, phonation, resonance, articulation, and prosody.
Voice disorders tend to increase as the disease progresses, whereas speech disorders are associated with advanced stages of PD [124], bradykinesia, and axial motor deficits [125]. The assessments of dysarthria and dysphonia are similar and it is essential to evaluate the patient with PD to differentiate the type of the deficits.
Drug and neurosurgical treatment are insufficient and have variable results for dysarthria in PD [126]. The specific effects of DBS and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and related mechanisms remain unknown.
When initiated, the speech–language therapy rehabilitation program consists of an integrated approach, including guidance, psychodynamic interventions, and training.
The multiple barriers of access to this intensive treatment faced by patients with PD include their own physical limitations, long distances to the treatment center, lack of transportation services, and requiring a travel companion to get to the rehabilitation center [127]. To overcome these barriers, the LSVT was tested for remote delivery. The results were encouraging, and the improvements obtained were similar to those with on-site rehabilitation [128].
Telerehabilitation should be weighed up carefully. Factors such as aging, digital inclusion, and lifestyle in addition to cultural, social, and economic characteristics, need to be taken into account, as patients may refuse this form of treatment [129]. The clinical practice guidelines for synchronous telerehabilitation require users to comply with standards of storage, handling, and transmission of data to ensure patient protection, privacy, and confidentiality (Table 2.2).
Table 2.2
Aspects of dysphonia and dysarthria
Features | Changes | Signs | Impact | Treatment |
Voice quality | Breathiness, tremor, harshness | Irregular vibration of vocal folds; transglottic air escape noise not set to sound phonation | Noise phonation, breathy voice | Lee Silverman Voice Treatment, pitch limiting voice treatment (PLVT) |
Voice intensity | Hypophonia | Vocal fold bowing, incomplete vocal fold closure | Reduced loudness | Lee Silverman Voice Treatment |
Monopitch | Dysprosody | Rigidity of vocal folds | Monotone speech | Lee Silverman Voice Treatment, PLVT |
Monoloudness | Dysprosody | Rigidity of vocal folds | Monotone speech | Lee Silverman Voice Treatment, PLVT |
Articulation | Imprecision of pronunciation | Akinesia, bradykinesia, rigidity | Impaired speech intelligibility | Lee Silverman Voice Treatment, articulatory training |
Reduced speed | Slow speech | Bradykinesia | Monotone speech | Metronome, delayed auditory feedback, medication |
Increased speed | Rapid speech | Rigidity | Impaired speech intelligibility | Metronome, delayed auditory feedback, medication |
Palilalia | Dysfluency | Bradykinesia, tremor | Interruptions, pauses, hesitations, repetitions | Medication |
Studies have shown that the LSVT produces functional benefits in various subsystems of verbal communication, such as voice quality, prosody, articulation, and speech intelligibility, and it is thus a useful therapeutic option [130]. The levels of evidence of treatment for PD with LSVT are as follows: European Federation of Neurological Societies and Movement Disorder Society (EFNS/MDS) : class B—level II [131]; National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) : class B—level II [132]; Guidelines for Speech–Language Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease (Concept Translation Parkinsonnet): class A—level I [133].
Language Dysfunction
It is estimated that 50–60 % of PD patients experience impaired language understanding and expression (cognitive-linguistic disturbances). These manifestations are related to language processing, cognitive or neuropsychological deficits and cognitive-neuropsychological impairments.
Therefore, effects of bradyphrenia, deficits in verbal working memory, problems with set-shifting, poor attention and distractibility, dual-task processing factors, executive dysfunction, among others, are associated with language difficulties [134].
Although voice and speech changes have been widely investigated and rehabilitation approaches are recognized and extensively studied, so far there is no specific treatment designed for language improvement in PD. Systematic studies are necessary to better understand and manage language disorders in PD. This is a wide-open area of investigation.
Other Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Disorders
Parkinson’s disease also involves nonverbal language impairment. This manifestation is associated with dysphonia or dysarthria and further undermines communication in social, professional, and family environments.
Written communication is greatly affected by dysgraphia, which is characterized by micrography, and prevents partial or total reading of the written content produced. In this sense, writing can be optimized by typing the content using a computer, smartphone or tablet or any other similar device. However, motor deficits in hands and fingers hinder these tasks.
Conversation involves a variety of non-verbal messages such as body postures and movements, arm and hand gestures, smiles, glances, and facial expressions to signal the individual’s intention to start a conversation and take his or her turn.
Facial expressions help to convey the intent of the speech. Hypomimia is a common feature in PD that makes it difficult for listeners to understand patients with PD and to perceive their general and affective states [135, 136]. The LSVT may also help to improve these patients’ facial expressions and communication (Table 2.3).
Table 2.3
Other aspects of communication
Features | Changes | Signs | Impact | Treatment |
Dysgraphia | Micrography | Bradykinesia, akinesia, rigidity | Handwriting impairment | Manual training, medication |
Hypomimia | Masked facies | Bradykinesia, akinesia, rigidity | Inefficient facial expression | LSVT, medication |
Oropharyngeal Dysphagia
Dysphagia is very common in PD. It affects up to 80 % of individuals in the early stages and as many as 95 % in the advanced stages of the disease because of motor and nonmotor deficits [137]. Difficulty swallowing is most frequently associated with the oral and pharyngeal phases, resulting in inefficient bolus formation, delayed swallowing reflex, slowed pharyngeal transit time, and repetitive swallowing to push food toward the esophagus and clear the glottic region [138].
Treatment standards of dysphagia in patients with PD were elaborate according to the stages of swallowing: (1) oral (voluntary): repetitive pump movements of the tongue, oral residue, premature spillage, piecemeal deglutition; (2) pharyngeal (involuntary): residue in valleculae, pyriform sinuses, aspiration, somatosensory deficits, reduced rate of spontaneous swallows; (3) esophageal (involuntary): hypomotility, spasms, and multiple contractions [139].
Clinical observation has revealed that patients with PD also have difficulty in other phases of swallowing. During the anticipatory phase, patients lose the ability to choose the right foods, control the amount of food and set the pace of eating. Many patients tend to choose inadequately dry or hard solid foods and quickly put an excessive amount of food into their mouth. During the oral preparatory phase, they have difficulty holding cups and using cutlery to bring food to their mouth and/or lack the strength to close their lips and teeth and hold food inside their mouth.
Dysphagia can produce two different sets of complications, with an impact on the overall health of patients: (a) malnutrition and/or dehydration due to reduced effectiveness of swallowing; and (b) choking and tracheobronchial aspiration caused by impaired safety of swallowing, which result in respiratory infections and aspiration pneumonia.
Fiber-optic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and videofluoroscopy swallowing studies are considered the gold standard for evaluation of oropharyngeal dysphagia [140], but should be combined with rigorous speech therapy analysis to guide the management of rehabilitation.
Dysphagia may be treated by rehabilitation, surgical or pharmacological methods or with other approaches (dental implants, overdentures, percutaneous injection of botulinum toxin).
Surgery is rarely indicated for patients with swallowing disorders, although in patients with severe disorders, bypassing the oral cavity and pharynx in their entirety and providing enteral nutrition may be necessary. Options include percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and intermittent oro-esophageal catheterization [141].
Some studies have demonstrated that DBS did not show clinically significant improvement or decline in swallowing. Evidence shows that subthalamic nucleus (STN) stimulation appears to cause more impairment than globus pallidus internus (GPi) stimulation [142].
As for drug treatment, although few studies have shown improved swallowing after ingestion of levodopa, several studies have reported improved dysphagia with dopaminergic treatment in only a small proportion of patients. In these cases, behavioral therapy should be considered [143].
Speech–language therapy rehabilitation is key for improving dysphagia and includes both compensatory strategies and rehabilitation techniques [144]. The compensatory intervention is produced by chin-tuck, bolus consistency, effortful swallow frequency, and bolus effects. Rehabilitation consists of tongue-strengthening, tongue control , tongue holder, Shaker technique, and vocal exercises.
Learned compensatory maneuvers as part of the behavioral intervention for dysphagia including changing the diet, the way food is eaten, head posture , and adjusting the swallowing mechanism.
Changes in diet aim to create different sensory stimulation, for example, by changing volume, texture, and consistency of the food. Changes in head posture such as rotating or tilting it backward or forward can help move and increase the flow of the bolus. As for the swallowing mechanism, it can be improved with several maneuvers, including the Shaker maneuver, supraglottic swallow, super supraglottic swallow, the Masako maneuver, and the Mendelsohn maneuver to adjust muscle strength, range of motion, and coordination between swallowing and breathing
As there are no established diagnostic criteria for sialorrhea, prevalence estimates of drooling and sialorrhea in patients with PD vary from 10 to 84 % [145]. These manifestations are more common during the off periods, probably because of increased production or insufficient clearance of saliva [146].
Oropharyngeal dysphagia and lack of upper esophageal motility are the main factors contributing to drooling and sialorrhea [147]. Hypomimia, unintentional opening of the mouth, and bent posture of the head may be secondary causes [148].
The evaluation of drooling in PD includes objective measures (volume and salivary flow) and subjective (Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale part II, Drooling Severity and Frequency Scale, Drooling Rating Scale, and Sialorrhea Clinical Scale for PD). The Movement Disorders Society recommends the use of all subjective measures.
Treatment should begin by discontinuing, if possible, all medications that exacerbate drooling and sialorrhea, such as cholinesterase inhibitors, clozapine or quetiapine. The goal is to improve motor deficit symptoms using dopaminergic medications or DBS. However, response to treatment is usually partial and requires specific adjuvant therapy. Pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments are recommended. Anticholinergics, adrenergic receptor antagonists, and botulinum neurotoxin of serotypes A and B, have been utilized.
Speech–language therapy rehabilitation may improve patients’ ability to retain saliva within the mouth, but further studies are needed to investigate its effectiveness (Table 2.4).
Table 2.4
Dysphagia, drooling and sialorrhea
Features | Changes | Signs | Impact | Treatment |
Dysphagia | Coughing, gagging, difficulty swallowing foods and drugs | Bradykinesia, rigidity, akinesia, incomplete cricopharyngeal relaxation, reduced cricopharyngeal opening, delayed initiation of the swallowing reflex | Aspiration, pneumonia, malnutrition, death | LSVT, swallowing training, medication |
Drooling and sialorrhea | Impairment in speech and feeding, saliva escape through the mouth | Lingual bradykinesia, dysphagia, changes in upper esophageal motility, hypomimia, head posture | Pneumonia aspiration saliva, perioral dermatitis, bad breath | Swallowing training, medication |
Future Directions
Communication and swallowing disorders affect most patients with PD and have an adverse impact on their functioning. Because evidence shows that patients with these presentations respond inconsistently and weakly to pharmacological or neurosurgical treatment alone, language–speech rehabilitation should be recommended, as studies suggest significant improvement of these functions after therapy.
So far, there is /little evidence supporting the effectiveness of currently used interventions and they need further validation. Future studies involving other treatment research areas may help to clarify the neural basis of communication and swallowing disorders in PD and drive the development and improvement of treatment approaches. Furthermore, progress in rehabilitation is achieved with national and international collaborative work and sharing of research data.
Occupational Therapy Intervention in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
The progress of PD leads to loss of the abilities to perform ADLs and subsequently poor functional status and worse QoL. The impairments become gradually evident, making it essential for the patient and the caregiver to be oriented and trained to avoid any secondary damage [149]. During the course of the disease, the patient with PD requires the help of allied health professionals, such as the occupational therapist.

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