Paroxysmal disorders are characterized by the sudden onset of neurological dysfunction and stereotyped recurrence. In children, such events often clear completely. Examples of paroxysmal disorders include epilepsy, migraine, periodic paralysis, and paroxysmal movement disorders.
Approach to Paroxysmal Disorders
The diagnosing physician rarely witnesses the paroxysmal event. It is important to obtain the description of the event from the observer and not second hand. The information easily becomes distorted if transferred from the observer to the parent and then to you. Most spells are not seizures, and epilepsy is not a diagnosis of exclusion. Physicians often misdiagnose syncope as a seizure, as many people stiffen and tremble at the end of a faint. The critical distinction is that syncope is associated with pallor and preceded by dimming of vision, and a feeling of lightheadedness or clamminess, whereas seizures rarely are.
“Spells” seldom remain unexplained when viewed. Because observation of the spell is critical to diagnosis, ask the family to record the spell. Most families either own or can borrow a camera or a cell phone with video capability. Even when a purchase is required, a video is often more cost effective than brain imaging and the family has something useful to show for the expenditure. Always ask the following two questions: Has this happened before? Does anyone else in the family have similar episodes? Often, no one offers this important information until requested. Episodic symptoms that last only seconds and cause no abnormal signs usually remain unexplained and do not warrant laboratory investigation. The differential diagnosis of paroxysmal disorders is somewhat different in the neonate, infant, child, and adolescent, and presented best by age groups.
Paroxysmal Disorders of Newborns
Seizures are the main paroxysmal disorder of the newborn, occurring in 1.8–3.5 % of live births in the United States, and an important feature of neurological disease ( ). Uncontrolled seizures may contribute to further brain damage. Brain glucose decreases during prolonged seizures and excitatory amino acid release interferes with DNA synthesis. Therefore, seizures identified by electroencephalography (EEG) that occur without movement in newborns paralyzed for respiratory assistance are important to identify and treat. The challenge for the clinician is to differentiate seizure activity from normal neonatal movements and from pathological movements caused by other mechanisms ( Box 1-1 ).
Benign nocturnal myoclonus ∗
∗ Denotes the most common conditions and the ones with disease modifying treatments
Jitteriness ∗
Nonconvulsive apnea
Normal movement
Pathological myoclonus
The long-term prognosis in children with neonatal seizures is better in term newborns than in premature newborns ( ). However, the etiology of the seizures is the primary determinant of prognosis.
Seizure Patterns
Seizures in newborns, especially in the premature, are poorly organized and difficult to distinguish from normal activity. Newborns with hydranencephaly or atelencephaly are capable of generating the full variety of neonatal seizure patterns. This supports the notion that seizures may arise from the brainstem as well as the hemispheres. The absence of myelinated pathways for seizure propagation may confine seizures arising in the brainstem. For the same reason, seizures originating in one hemisphere are less likely to spread beyond the contiguous cortex or to produce secondary bilateral synchrony.
Box 1-2 lists clinical patterns that have been associated with epileptiform discharges in newborns. This classification is useful but does not do justice to the rich variety of patterns actually observed. Nor does the classification account for the 50 % of prolonged epileptiform discharges on the EEG without visible clinical changes. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures rarely occur. Many newborns suspected of having generalized tonic-clonic seizures are actually jittery (see Jitteriness, discussed later in this chapter). Newborns paralyzed to assist mechanical ventilation pose an additional problem in seizure identification. In this circumstance, the presence of rhythmic increases in systolic arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygenation desaturation should alert physicians to the possibility of seizures.
Apnea with tonic stiffening of body
Focal clonic movements of one limb or both limbs on one side ∗
∗ Denotes the most common conditions and the ones with disease modifying treatments
Multifocal clonic limb movements ∗
Myoclonic jerking
Paroxysmal laughing
Tonic deviation of the eyes upward or to one side ∗
Tonic stiffening of the body
The term subtle seizures encompass several different patterns in which tonic or clonic movements of the limbs are lacking. EEG monitoring often fails to show that such movements are associated with epileptiform activity. One exception is tonic deviation of the eyes, which is usually a seizure manifestation. One of the most common manifestations of seizures in the young infant is behavioral arrest and unresponsiveness. Behavioral arrest is only obvious when the child is very active, which is not common in a sick neonate and therefore often goes unnoticed.
The definitive diagnosis of neonatal seizures often requires EEG monitoring. A split-screen 16-channel video-EEG is the ideal means for monitoring. An aEEG (amplitude EEG) is also a useful monitoring technique. Seizures in the newborn may be widespread and electrographically detectable even when the newborn is not convulsing clinically.
Focal Clonic Seizures
Clinical Features
Repeated, irregular slow clonic movements (1 to 3 jerks/second) affecting one limb or both limbs on one side are characteristic of focal clonic seizures. Rarely do such movements sustain for long periods, and they do not “march” as though spreading along the motor cortex. In an otherwise alert and responsive full-term newborn, unifocal clonic seizures always indicate a cerebral infarction or hemorrhage or focal brain dysgenesis . In newborns with states of decreased consciousness, focal clonic seizures may indicate a focal infarction superimposed on a generalized encephalopathy.
During the seizure, the EEG may show a unilateral focus of high-amplitude sharp waves adjacent to the central fissure. The discharge can spread to involve contiguous areas in the same hemisphere and can be associated with unilateral seizures of the limbs and adversive movements of the head and eyes. The interictal EEG may show focal slowing, sharp waves or amplitude attenuation.
Newborns with focal clonic seizures should be immediately evaluated using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with diffusion-weighted images. Computed tomography (CT) or ultrasound is acceptable for less stable neonates unable to make the trip to the MRI suite or tolerate the time needed for this procedure.
Multifocal Clonic Seizures
Clinical Features
In multifocal clonic seizures, migratory jerking movements are noted in first one limb and then another. Facial muscles may be involved as well. The migration appears random and does not follow expected patterns of epileptic spread. Sometimes, prolonged movements occur in one limb, suggesting a focal rather than a multifocal seizure. Detection of the multifocal nature comes later, when nursing notes appear contradictory concerning the side or the limb affected. Multifocal clonic seizures are a neonatal equivalent of generalized tonic-clonic seizures. They are ordinarily associated with severe, generalized cerebral disturbances such as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, but may also represent benign neonatal convulsions when noted in an otherwise healthy neonate.
Standard EEG usually detects multifocal epileptiform activity. If not, a 24-hour monitor is appropriate.
Myoclonic Seizures
Clinical Features
Brief, nonrhythmic extension and flexion movements of the arms, the legs, or all limbs characterize myoclonic seizures. They constitute an uncommon seizure pattern in the newborn, but their presence suggests severe, diffuse brain damage.
No specific EEG pattern is associated with myoclonic seizures in the newborn. Myoclonic jerks often occur in babies born to drug-addicted mothers. Whether these movements are seizures, jitteriness, or myoclonus (discussed later) is uncertain.
Tonic Seizures
Clinical Features
The characteristic feature of tonic seizures are extension and stiffening of the body, usually associated with apnea and upward deviation of the eyes. Tonic posturing without the other features is rarely a seizure manifestation. Tonic seizures are more common in premature than in full-term newborns and usually indicate structural brain damage rather than a metabolic disturbance.
Tonic seizures in premature newborns are often a symptom of intraventricular hemorrhage and an indication for ultrasound study. Tonic posturing also occurs in newborns with forebrain damage, not as a seizure manifestation but as a disinhibition of brainstem reflexes. Prolonged disinhibition results in decerebrate posturing, an extension of the body and limbs associated with internal rotation of the arms, dilation of the pupils, and downward deviation of the eyes. Decerebrate posturing is often a terminal sign in premature infants with intraventricular hemorrhage caused by pressure on the upper brainstem (see Chapter 4 ).
Tonic seizures and decerebrate posturing look similar to opisthotonos, a prolonged arching of the back not necessarily associated with eye movements. The cause of opisthotonos is probably meningeal irritation. It occurs in kernicterus, infantile Gaucher disease, and some aminoacidurias.
Seizure-Like Events
Clinical Features
An irregular respiratory pattern with intermittent pauses of 3 to 6 seconds, often followed by 10 to 15 seconds of hyperpnea, is a common occurrence in premature infants. The pauses are not associated with significant alterations in heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, or skin color. Immaturity of the brainstem respiratory centers causes this respiratory pattern, termed periodic breathing . The incidence of periodic breathing correlates directly with the degree of prematurity. Apneic spells are more common during active than quiet sleep.
Apneic spells of 10 to 15 seconds are detectable at some time in almost all premature and some full-term newborns. Apneic spells of 10 to 20 seconds are usually associated with a 20 % reduction in heart rate. Longer episodes of apnea are almost invariably associated with a 40 % or greater reduction in heart rate. The frequency of these apneic spells correlates with brainstem myelination. Even at 40 weeks conceptional age, premature newborns continue to have a higher incidence of apnea than do full-term newborns. The incidence of apnea sharply decreases in all infants at 52 weeks conceptional age. Apnea with bradycardia is unlikely to be a seizure. Apnea with tachycardia raises the possibility of seizure and should be evaluated with simultaneous EEG recording.
Apneic spells in an otherwise normal-appearing newborn is typically a sign of brainstem immaturity and not a pathological condition. The sudden onset of apnea and states of decreased consciousness, especially in premature newborns, suggests an intracranial hemorrhage with brainstem compression. Immediate ultrasound examination is in order.
Apneic spells are almost never a seizure manifestation unless associated with tonic deviation of the eyes, tonic stiffening of the body, or characteristic limb movements. However, prolonged apnea without bradycardia, and especially with tachycardia, is a seizure until proven otherwise.
Short episodes of apnea do not require intervention. The rare ictal apnea requires the use of anticonvulsant agents.
Benign Nocturnal Myoclonus
Clinical Features
Sudden jerking movements of the limbs during sleep occur in normal people of all ages (see Chapter 14 ). They appear primarily during the early stages of sleep as repeated flexion movements of the fingers, wrists, and elbows. The jerks do not localize consistently, stop with gentle restraint, and end abruptly with arousal. When prolonged, the usual misdiagnosis is focal clonic or myoclonic seizures.
The distinction between nocturnal myoclonus and seizures or jitteriness is that benign nocturnal myoclonus occurs solely during sleep, is not activated by a stimulus, and the EEG is normal.
Treatment is unnecessary, and education and reassurance are usually sufficient. Rarely a child with violent myoclonus experiences frequent arousals disruptive to sleep, and a small dose of clonazepam may be considered. Videos of children with this benign condition are very reassuring for the family to see and are available on the internet.
Clinical Features
Jitteriness or tremulousness is an excessive response to stimulation. Touch, noise, or motion provokes a low-amplitude, high-frequency shaking of the limbs and jaw. Jitteriness is commonly associated with a low threshold for the Moro reflex, but it can occur in the absence of any apparent stimulation and be confused with myoclonic seizures.
Jitteriness usually occurs in newborns with perinatal asphyxia that may have seizures as well. EEG monitoring, the absence of eye movements or alteration in respiratory pattern, and the presence of stimulus activation distinguishes jitteriness from seizures. Newborns of addicted mothers and newborns with metabolic disorders are often jittery.
Reduced stimulation decreases jitteriness. However, newborns of addicted mothers require sedation to facilitate feeding and to decrease energy expenditure.
Differential Diagnosis of Seizures
Seizures are a feature of almost all brain disorders in the newborn. The time of onset of the first seizure indicates the probable cause ( Box 1-3 ). Seizures occurring during the first 24 hours, and especially in the first 12 hours, are usually due to hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Sepsis, meningitis, and subarachnoid hemorrhage are next in frequency, followed by intrauterine infection and trauma. Direct drug effects, intraventricular hemorrhage at term, and pyridoxine and folinic acid dependency are relatively rare causes of seizures.
24 Hours
Bacterial meningitis and sepsis ∗
∗ Denotes the most common conditions and the ones with disease modifying treatments
(see Chapter 4 )
Direct drug effect
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy ∗
Intrauterine infection (see Chapter 5 )
Intraventricular hemorrhage at term ∗ (see Chapter 4 )
Laceration of tentorium or falx
Pyridoxine dependency ∗
Subarachnoid hemorrhage ∗
24 to 72 Hours
Bacterial meningitis and sepsis ∗ (see Chapter 4 )
Cerebral contusion with subdural hemorrhage
Cerebral dysgenesis ∗ (see Chapter 18 )
Cerebral infarction ∗ (see Chapter 11 )
Drug withdrawal
Glycine encephalopathy
Glycogen synthase deficiency
Idiopathic cerebral venous thrombosis
Incontinentia pigmenti
Intracerebral hemorrhage (see Chapter 11 )
Intraventricular hemorrhage in premature newborns ∗ (see Chapter 4 )
Pyridoxine dependency ∗
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Tuberous sclerosis
Urea cycle disturbances
72 Hours to 1 Week
Cerebral dysgenesis (see Chapter 18 )
Cerebral infarction (see Chapter 11 ) ∗
Familial neonatal seizures
Idiopathic cerebral venous thrombosis ∗
Intracerebral hemorrhage (see Chapter 11 )
Methylmalonic acidemia
Nutritional hypocalcemia ∗
Propionic acidemia
Tuberous sclerosis
Urea cycle disturbances
1 to 4 Weeks
Adrenoleukodystrophy, neonatal (see Chapter 6 )
Cerebral dysgenesis (see Chapter 18 )
Fructose dysmetabolism
Gaucher disease type 2 (see Chapter 5 )
GM 1 gangliosidosis type 1 (see Chapter 5 )
Herpes simplex encephalitis ∗
Idiopathic cerebral venous thrombosis ∗
Ketotic hyperglycinemias
Maple syrup urine disease, neonatal ∗
Tuberous sclerosis
Urea cycle disturbances
The more common causes of seizures during the period from 24 to 72 hours after birth are intraventricular hemorrhage in premature newborns, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral contusion in large full-term newborns, and sepsis and meningitis at all gestational ages. The cause of unifocal clonic seizures in full-term newborns is often cerebral infarction or intracerebral hemorrhage. Head CT is diagnostic. Cerebral dysgenesis causes seizures at this time and remains an important cause of seizures throughout infancy and childhood. All other conditions are relatively rare. Newborns with metabolic disorders are usually lethargic and feed poorly before the onset of seizures . Seizures are rarely the first clinical feature. After 72 hours, the initiation of protein and glucose feedings makes inborn errors of metabolism, especially aminoacidurias, a more important consideration. Box 1-4 outlines a battery of screening tests for metabolic disorders. Transmission of herpes simplex infection is during delivery and symptoms begin during the second half of the first week. Conditions that cause early and late seizures include cerebral dysgenesis, cerebral infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage, and familial neonatal seizures.
Blood Glucose Low
Fructose 1,6-diphosphatase deficiency
Glycogen storage disease type 1
Maple syrup urine disease
Blood Calcium Low
Maternal hyperparathyroidism
Blood Ammonia High
Argininosuccinic acidemia
Carbamylphosphate synthetase deficiency
Methylmalonic acidemia (may be normal)
Multiple carboxylase deficiency
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
Propionic acidemia (may be normal)
Blood Lactate High
Fructose 1,6-diphosphatase deficiency
Glycogen storage disease type 1
Mitochondrial disorders
Multiple carboxylase deficiency
Metabolic Acidosis
Fructose 1,6-diphosphatase deficiency
Glycogen storage disease type 1
Maple syrup urine disease
Methylmalonic acidemia
Multiple carboxylase deficiency
Propionic acidemia
Maple Syrup Urine Disease
An almost complete absence (less than 2 % of normal) of branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase (BCKD) causes the neonatal form of maple syrup urine disease (MSUD). BCKD is composed of six subunits, but the main abnormality in MSUD is deficiency of the E1 subunit on chromosome 19q13.1–q13.2. Leucine, isoleucine, and valine cannot be decarboxylated, and accumulate in blood, urine, and tissues ( Figure 1-1 ). Descriptions of later-onset forms are in Chapter 5 , Chapter 10 . Transmission of the defect is by autosomal recessive inheritance ( ).

Clinical Features
Affected newborns appear healthy at birth, but lethargy, feeding difficulty, and hypotonia develop after ingestion of protein. A progressive encephalopathy develops by 2 to 3 days postpartum. The encephalopathy includes lethargy, intermittent apnea, opisthotonos, and stereotyped movements such as “fencing” and “bicycling.” Coma and central respiratory failure may occur by 7to10 days of age. Seizures begin in the second week and are associated with the development of cerebral edema. Once seizures begin, they continue with increasing frequency and severity. Without therapy, cerebral edema becomes progressively worse and results in coma and death within 1 month.
Plasma amino acid concentrations show increased plasma concentrations of the three branch-chained amino acids. Measures of enzyme in lymphocytes or cultured fibroblasts serve as a confirmatory test. Heterozygotes have diminished levels of enzyme activity.
Hemodialysis may be necessary to correct the life-threatening metabolic acidosis. A trial of thiamine (10–20 mg/kg/day) improves the condition in a thiamine-responsive MSUD variant . Stop the intake of all natural protein, and correct dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and metabolic acidosis. A special diet, low in branched-chain amino acids, may prevent further encephalopathy if started immediately by nasogastric tube. Newborns diagnosed in the first 2 weeks and treated rigorously have the best prognosis.
Glycine Encephalopathy
A defect in the glycine cleaving system causes glycine encephalopathy (nonketotic hyperglycinemia). Inheritance is autosomal recessive ( ).
Clinical Features
Affected newborns are normal at birth but become irritable and refuse feeding anytime from 6 hours to 8 days after delivery. The onset of symptoms is usually within 48 hours but delays by a few weeks occur in milder allelic forms. Hiccupping is an early and continuous feature; some mothers relate that the child hiccupped in utero as a prominent symptom. Progressive lethargy, hypotonia, respiratory disturbances, and myoclonic seizures follow. Some newborns survive the acute illness, but cognitive impairment, epilepsy, and spasticity characterize the subsequent course.
In the milder forms range, the onset of seizures is after the neonatal period. The developmental outcome is better, but does not exceed moderate cognitive impairment.
During the acute encephalopathy, the EEG demonstrates a burst-suppression pattern, which evolves into hypsarrhythmia during infancy. The MRI may be normal or may show agenesis or thinning of the corpus callosum. Delayed myelination and atrophy are later findings. Hyperglycinemia and especially elevated concentrations of glycine in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), in the absence of hyperammonemia, organic acidemia or valproic acid treatment establishes the diagnosis.
No therapy has proven to be effective. Hemodialysis provides only temporary relief of the encephalopathy, and diet therapy has not proved successful in modifying the course. Diazepam, a competitor for glycine receptors, in combination with choline, folic acid, and sodium benzoate, may stop the seizures. Oral administration of sodium benzoate at doses of 250–750 mg/kg/day can reduce the plasma glycine concentration into the normal range. This substantially reduces but does not normalize CSF glycine concentration. Carnitine, 100 mg/kg/day, may increase the glycine conjugation with benzoate.
Urea Cycle Disturbances
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) deficiency, ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency, citrullinemia, argininosuccinic acidemia, and argininemia (arginase deficiency) are the disorders caused by defects in the enzyme systems responsible for urea synthesis. A similar syndrome results from deficiency of the cofactor producer N-acetyl glutamate synthetase (NAGS). Arginase deficiency does not cause symptoms in the newborn. OTC deficiency is an X-linked trait; transmission of all others is by autosomal recessive inheritance ( ). The estimated prevalence of all urea cycle disturbances is 1:30000 live births.
Clinical Features
The clinical features of urea cycle disorders are due to ammonia intoxication ( Box 1-5 ). Progressive lethargy, vomiting, and hypotonia develop as early as the first day after delivery, even before the initiation of protein feeding. Progressive loss of consciousness and seizures follow on subsequent days. Vomiting and lethargy correlate well with plasma ammonia concentrations greater than 200 µg/dL (120 µmol/L). Coma correlates with concentrations greater than 300 µg/dL (180 µmol/L) and seizures with those greater than 500 µg/dL (300 µmol/L). Death follows quickly in untreated newborns. Newborns with partial deficiency of CPS and female carriers of OTC deficiency may become symptomatic after ingesting a large protein load.
L iver F ailure
P rimary E nzyme D efects in U rea S ynthesis
Argininosuccinic acidemia
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase deficiency
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
O ther D isorders of A mino A cid M etabolism
Glycine encephalopathy
Isovaleric acidemia
Methylmalonic acidemia
Multiple carboxylase deficiency
Propionic acidemia
T ransitory H yperammonemia of P rematurity
Suspect the diagnosis of a urea cycle disturbance in every newborn with a compatible clinical syndrome and hyperammonemia without organic acidemia. Hyperammonemia can be life threatening, and diagnosis within 24 hours is essential. Determine the blood ammonia concentration and the plasma acid–base status. A plasma ammonia concentration of 150 mmol/L strongly suggests a urea cycle disorder. Quantitative plasma amino acid analysis helps differentiate the specific urea cycle disorder. Molecular genetic testing is available for some disorders, but others still require liver biopsy to determine the level of enzyme activity. The most common cause of hyperammonemia is difficult phlebotomy with improper sample processing. Accurate serum ammonia testing requires a good phlebotomist, sample placement on ice, and rapid processing.
Treatment cannot await specific diagnosis in newborns with symptomatic hyperammonemia due to urea cycle disorders. The treatment measures include reduction of plasma ammonia concentration by limiting nitrogen intake to 1.2–2.0 g/kg/day and using essential amino acids for protein; allowing alternative pathway excretion of excess nitrogen with sodium benzoate and phenylacetic acid; reducing the amount of nitrogen in the diet; and reducing catabolism by introducing calories supplied by carbohydrates and fat. Arginine concentrations are low in all inborn errors of urea synthesis except for arginase deficiency and require supplementation.
Even with optimal supervision, episodes of hyperammonemia may occur and may lead to coma and death. In such cases, intravenous administration of sodium benzoate, sodium phenylacetate, and arginine, coupled with nitrogen-free alimentation, are appropriate. If response to drug therapy is poor, then peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis is indicated.
Benign Familial Neonatal Seizures
In some families, several members have seizures in the first weeks of life but do not have epilepsy or other neurological abnormalities later on. Two genes, KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 , are associated with the disorder. In each, transmission of the trait is autosomal dominant and mutations affect the voltage gated potassium channel.
Clinical Features
Brief multifocal clonic seizures develop during the first week, sometimes associated with apnea. Delay of onset may be as long as 4 weeks. With or without treatment, the seizures usually stop spontaneously within the first months of life. Febrile seizures occur in up to one-third of affected children; some have febrile seizures without first having neonatal seizures. Epilepsy develops later in life in as many as a third of affected newborns. The seizure types include nocturnal generalized tonic-clonic seizures and simple focal orofacial seizures.
Suspect the syndrome when seizures develop without apparent cause in a healthy newborn. Laboratory tests are normal. The EEG often demonstrates multifocal epileptiform discharges and may be normal interictally. A family history of neonatal seizures is critical to diagnosis but may await discovery until interviewing the grandparents; parents are frequently unaware that they had neonatal seizures.
Treat with anticonvulsants. Oxcarbazepine at doses of 20 mg/kg/day for a couple of days and titrated to 40 mg/kg/day can be helpful. The duration of treatment needed is unclear. We often treat infants for about 9 months, after which we discontinue treatment if the child remains seizure-free and the EEG has normalized.
Bilirubin Encephalopathy
Unconjugated bilirubin is bound to albumin in the blood. Kernicterus, a yellow discoloration of the brain that is especially severe in the basal ganglia and hippocampus, occurs when the serum unbound or free fraction becomes excessive. An excessive level of the free fraction in an otherwise healthy newborn is approximately 20 mg/dL (340 µmol/L). Kernicterus was an important complication of hemolytic disease from maternal–fetal blood group incompatibility, but this condition is now almost unheard of in most countries. The management of other causes of hyperbilirubinemia in full-term newborns is not difficult. Critically ill premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome, acidosis, and sepsis are the group at greatest risk. In such newborns, lower concentrations of bilirubin may be sufficient to cause bilirubin encephalopathy, and even the albumin-bound fraction may pass the blood–brain barrier.
Clinical Features
Three distinct clinical phases of bilirubin encephalopathy occur in full-term newborns with untreated hemolytic disease. Hypotonia, lethargy, and a poor sucking reflex occur within 24 hours of delivery. Bilirubin staining of the brain is already evident in newborns during this first clinical phase. On the second or third day, the newborn becomes febrile and shows increasing tone and opisthotonic posturing. Seizures are not a constant feature but may occur at this time. Characteristic of the third phase is apparent improvement with normalization of tone. This may cause second thoughts about the accuracy of the diagnosis, but the improvement is short-lived. Evidence of neurological dysfunction begins to appear toward the end of the second month, and the symptoms become progressively worse throughout infancy.
In premature newborns, the clinical features are subtle and may lack the phases of increased tone and opisthotonos.
The typical clinical syndrome after the first year includes extrapyramidal dysfunction, usually athetosis, which occurs in virtually every case (see Chapter 14 ); disturbances of vertical gaze, upward more often than downward, in 90 %; high-frequency hearing loss in 60 %; and mental retardation in 25 %. Survivors often develop a choreoathetoid form of cerebral palsy.
In newborns with hemolytic disease, the basis for a presumed clinical diagnosis is a significant hyperbilirubinemia and a compatible evolution of symptoms. However, the diagnosis is difficult to establish in critically ill premature newborns, in which the cause of brain damage is more often asphyxia than kernicterus.
Maintaining serum bilirubin concentrations below the toxic range, either by phototherapy or exchange transfusion, prevents kernicterus. Once kernicterus has occurred, further damage can be limited, but not reversed, by lowering serum bilirubin concentrations. Diazepam and baclofen are often needed for management of dystonic postures associated with the cerebral palsy.
Drug Withdrawal
Marijuana, alcohol, narcotic analgesics, and hypnotic sedatives are the nonprescribed drugs most commonly used during pregnancy. Marijuana and alcohol do not cause drug dependence in the fetus and are not associated with withdrawal symptoms, although ethanol can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. Hypnotic sedatives, such as barbiturates, do not ordinarily produce withdrawal symptoms unless the ingested doses are very large. Phenobarbital has a sufficiently long half-life in newborns that sudden withdrawal does not occur. The prototype of narcotic withdrawal in the newborn is with heroin or methadone, but a similar syndrome occurs with codeine and propoxyphene. Cocaine and methamphetamine also cause significant withdrawal syndromes.
Clinical Features
Symptoms of opiate withdrawal are more severe and tend to occur earlier in full-term (first 24 hours) than in premature (24 to 48 hours) newborns. The initial feature is a coarse tremor, present only during the waking state, which can shake an entire limb. Irritability, a shrill, high-pitched cry, and hyperactivity follow. The newborn seems hungry but has difficulty feeding and vomits afterward. Diarrhea and other symptoms of autonomic instability are common.
Myoclonic jerking is present in 10–25 % of newborns undergoing withdrawal. Whether these movements are seizures or jitteriness is not clear. Definite seizures occur in fewer than 5 %. Maternal use of cocaine during pregnancy is associated with premature delivery, growth retardation, and microcephaly. Newborns exposed to cocaine, in utero or after delivery through the breast milk, often show features of cocaine intoxication including tachycardia, tachypnea, hypertension, irritability, and tremulousness.
Suspect and anticipate drug withdrawal in every newborn whose mother has a history of substance abuse. Even when such a history is not available, the combination of irritability, hyperactivity, and autonomic instability should provide a clue to the diagnosis. Careful questioning of the mother concerning her use of prescription and nonprescription drugs is imperative. Blood, urine, and meconium analyses identify specific drugs.
Symptoms remit spontaneously in 3 to 5 days, but appreciable mortality occurs among untreated newborns. Benzodiazepines or chlorpromazine, 3 mg/kg/day, may relieve symptoms and reduce mortality. Consider phenobarbital 8 mg/kg/day for refractory cases. Secretion of morphine, meperidine, opium, and methadone in breast milk is insufficient to cause or relieve addiction in the newborn. Levetiracetam 40 mg/kg/day is a good option for seizures.
The occurrence of seizures, in itself, does not indicate a poor prognosis. The long-term outcome relates more closely to the other risk factors associated with substance abuse in the mother.
The definition of hypocalcemia is a blood calcium concentration less than 7 mg/dL (1.75 mmol/L). The onset of hypocalcemia in the first 72 hours after delivery is associated with low birth weight, asphyxia, maternal diabetes, transitory neonatal hypoparathyroidism, maternal hyperparathyroidism, and the DiGeorge syndrome (DGS). Later-onset hypocalcemia occurs in children fed improper formulas, in maternal hyperparathyroidism, and in DGS.
Hypoparathyroidism in the newborn may result from maternal hyperparathyroidism or may be a transitory phenomenon of unknown cause. Hypocalcemia occurs in less than 10 % of stressed newborns and enhances their vulnerability to seizures, but it is rarely the primary cause.
DGS is associated with microdeletions of chromosome 22q11.2 ( ). Disturbance of cervical neural crest migration into the derivatives of the pharyngeal arches and pouches explains the phenotype. Organs derived from the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches (thymus, parathyroid gland, and great vessels) are hypoplastic.
Clinical Features
The 22q11.2 syndrome encompasses several similar phenotypes: DGS, velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), and Shprintzen syndrome. The acronym CATCH is used to describe the phenotype of cardiac abnormality, T-cell deficit, clefting (multiple minor facial anomalies), and hypocalcemia. The identification of most children with DGS is in the neonatal period with a major heart defect, hypocalcemia, and immunodeficiency. Diagnosis of children with VCFS comes later because of cleft palate or craniofacial deformities.
The initial symptoms of DGS may be due to congenital heart disease, hypocalcemia, or both. Jitteriness and tetany usually begin in the first 48 hours after delivery. The peak onset of seizures is on the third day but a 2-week delay may occur. Many affected newborns die of cardiac causes during the first month; survivors fail to thrive and have frequent infections secondary to the failure of cell-mediated immunity.
Newborns with DGS come to medical attention because of seizures and heart disease. Seizures or a prolonged Q-T interval brings attention to hypocalcemia. Molecular genetic testing confirms the diagnosis.
Management requires a multispecialty team including cardiology, immunology, medical genetics, and neurology. Plastic surgery, dentistry, and child development contribute later on. Hypocalcemia generally responds to parathyroid hormone or to oral calcium and vitamin D.
A transitory, asymptomatic hypoglycemia is detectable in 10 % of newborns during the first hours after delivery and before initiating feeding. Asymptomatic, transient hypoglycemia is not associated with neurological impairment later in life. Symptomatic hypoglycemia may result from stress or inborn errors of metabolism ( Box 1-6 ).
Primary Transitional Hypoglycemia ∗
∗ Denotes the most common conditions and the ones with disease modifying treatments
Complicated labor and delivery
Intrauterine malnutrition
Maternal diabetes
Secondary Transitional Hypoglycemia ∗
Central nervous system disorders
Cold injuries
Persistent Hypoglycemia
Maple syrup urine disease
Methylmalonic acidemia
Propionic acidemia
Congenital hypopituitarism
Defects in carbohydrate metabolism
Fructose 1, 6-diphosphatase deficiency
Fructos e+ intolerance
Glycogen storage disease type 1
Glycogen synthase deficiency
Organic acidurias
Glutaric aciduria type 2
3-Methylglutaryl-CoA lyase deficiency
Clinical Features
The time of onset of symptoms depends upon the underlying disorder. Early onset is generally associated with perinatal asphyxia, maternal diabetes or intracranial hemorrhage, and late onset with inborn errors of metabolism. Hypoglycemia is rare and mild among newborns with classic MSUD, ethylmalonic aciduria, and isovaleric acidemia and is invariably severe in those with 3-methylglutaconic aciduria, glutaric aciduria type 2, and disorders of fructose metabolism.
The syndrome includes any of the following symptoms: apnea, cyanosis, tachypnea, jitteriness, high-pitched cry, poor feeding, vomiting, apathy, hypotonia, seizures, and coma. Symptomatic hypoglycemia is often associated with later neurological impairment.
Neonatal hypoglycemia is defined as a whole blood glucose concentration of less than 20 mg/dL (1 mmol/L) in premature and low-birth-weight newborns, less than 30 mg/dL (1.5 mmol/L) in term newborns during the first 72 hours, and less than 40 mg/dL (2 mmol/L) in full-term newborns after 72 hours. Finding a low glucose concentration in a newborn with seizures prompts investigation into the cause of the hypoglycemia.
Intravenous administration of glucose normalizes blood glucose concentrations, but the underlying cause must be determined before providing definitive treatment.
Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Asphyxia at term is usually an intrauterine event, and hypoxia and ischemia occur together; the result is hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Acute total asphyxia often leads to death from circulatory collapse. Survivors are born comatose. Lower cranial nerve dysfunction and severe neurological handicaps are the rule.
Partial, prolonged asphyxia is the usual mechanism of HIE in surviving full-term newborns ( ). The fetal circulation accommodates to reductions in arterial oxygen by maximizing blood flow to the brain, and to a lesser extent the heart, at the expense of other organs.
Clinical experience indicates that fetuses may be subject to considerable hypoxia without the development of brain damage. The incidence of cerebral palsy among full-term newborns with a 5-minute Apgar score of 0 to 3 is only 1 % if the 10-minute score is 4 or higher. Any episode of hypoxia sufficiently severe to cause brain damage also causes derangements in other organs. Newborns with mild HIE always have a history of irregular heart rate and usually pass meconium. Those with severe HIE may have lactic acidosis, elevated serum concentrations of hepatic enzymes, enterocolitis, renal failure, and fatal myocardial damage.
Clinical Features
Mild HIE is relatively common. The newborn is lethargic but conscious immediately after birth. Other characteristic features are jitteriness and sympathetic over-activity (tachycardia, dilatation of pupils, and decreased bronchial and salivary secretions). Muscle tone is normal at rest, tendon reflexes are normoreactive or hyperactive, and ankle clonus is usually elicited. The Moro reflex is complete, and a single stimulus generates repetitive extension and flexion movements. Seizures are not an expected feature, and their occurrence suggests concurrent hypoglycemia, the presence of a second condition or a more significant HIE.
Symptoms diminish and disappear during the first few days, although some degree of over-responsiveness may persist. Newborns with mild HIE are believed to recover normal brain function completely. They are not at greater risk for later epilepsy or learning disabilities.
Newborns with severe HIE are stuporous or comatose immediately after birth, and respiratory effort is usually periodic and insufficient to sustain life. Seizures begin within the first 12 hours. Hypotonia is severe, and tendon reflexes, the Moro reflex, and the tonic neck reflex are absent as well. Sucking and swallowing are depressed or absent, but the pupillary and oculovestibular reflexes are present. Most of these newborns have frequent seizures, which may appear on EEG without clinical manifestations. They may progress to status epilepticus. The response to antiepileptic drugs is usually incomplete. Generalized increased intracranial pressure characterized by coma, bulging of the fontanelles, loss of pupillary and oculovestibular reflexes, and respiratory arrest often develops between 24 and 72 hours of age.
The newborn may die at this time or may remain stuporous for several weeks. The encephalopathy begins to subside after the third day, and seizures decrease in frequency and eventually stop. Jitteriness is common as the child becomes arousable. Tone increases in the limbs during the succeeding weeks. Neurological sequelae are expected in newborns with severe HIE.
EEG and MRI are helpful in determining the severity and prognosis of HIE. In mild HIE, the EEG background rhythms are normal or lacking in variability. In severe HIE, the background is always abnormal and shows suppression of background amplitude. The degree of suppression correlates well with the severity of HIE. The worst case is a flat EEG or one with a burst-suppression pattern. A bad outcome is invariable if the amplitude remains suppressed for 2 weeks or a burst-suppression pattern is present at any time. Epileptiform activity may also be present but is less predictive of the outcome than is background suppression.
MRI with diffusion-weighted images are helpful to determine the full extent of injury. The basal ganglia and thalamus are often affected by HIE.
The management of HIE in newborns requires immediate attention to derangements in several organs and correction of acidosis. Clinical experience indicates that control of seizures and maintenance of adequate ventilation and perfusion increases the chance of a favorable outcome. A treatment approach involves either whole body or selective head cooling ( ).
A separate section details the treatment of seizures in newborns. The use of intravenous levetiracetam is promising ( ). Seizures often cease spontaneously during the second week, and long-term anticonvulsant therapy may not be necessary. The incidence of later epilepsy among infants who had neonatal seizures caused by HIE is 30–40 %. Continuing antiepileptic therapy after the initial seizures have stopped does not influence whether the child goes on to develop epilepsy as a lifelong condition.
Organic Acid Disorders
Characteristic of organic acid disorders is the accumulation of compounds, usually ketones, or lactic acid that causes acidosis in biological fluids ( ). Among the dozens of organic acid disorders are abnormalities in vitamin metabolism, lipid metabolism, glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, oxidative metabolism, glutathione metabolism, and 4-aminobutyric acid metabolism. The clinical presentations vary considerably and several chapters contain descriptions. Defects in the further metabolism of branched-chain amino acids are the organic acid disorders that most often cause neonatal seizures. Molecular genetic testing is clinically available for detection of several of these diseases, including MSUD, propionic acidemia, methylmalonic acidemia, biotin-unresponsive 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency, isovaleric acidemia, and glutaric acidemia type 1.
Isovaleric Acidemia
Isovaleric acid is a fatty acid derived from leucine. The enzyme isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase converts isovaleric acid to 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA (see Figure 1-1 ). Genetic transmission is autosomal recessive inheritance. The heterozygote state is detectable in cultured fibroblasts.
Clinical Features
Two phenotypes are associated with the same enzyme defect. One is an acute, overwhelming disorder of the newborn; the other is a chronic infantile form. Newborns with the acute disorder are normal at birth but within a few days become lethargic, refuse to feed, and vomit. The clinical syndrome is similar to MSUD except that the urine smells like “sweaty feet” instead of maple syrup. Sixty per cent of affected newborns die within 3 weeks. The survivors have a clinical syndrome identical to the chronic infantile phenotype.
The excretion of isovaleryl-lysine in the urine detects isovaleric acidosis. Assays of isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity utilize cultured fibroblasts, and molecular testing is available. The clinical phenotype correlates not with the percentage of residual enzyme activity, but with the ability to detoxify isovaleryl-CoA with glycine.
Dietary restriction of protein, especially leucine, decreases the occurrence of later psychomotor retardation. l -Carnitine, 50 mg/kg/day, is a beneficial supplement to the diet of some children with isovaleric acidemia. In acutely ill newborns, oral glycine, 250–500 mg/day, in addition to protein restriction and carnitine, lowers mortality.
Methylmalonic Acidemia
d -Methylmalonyl-CoA is racemized to l -methylmalonyl-CoA by the enzyme d -methylmalonyl racemase and then isomerized to succinyl-CoA, which enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The enzyme d -methylmalonyl-CoA mutase catalyzes the isomerization. The cobalamin (vitamin B 12 ) coenzyme adenosylcobalamin is a required cofactor. Genetic transmission of the several defects in this pathway is by autosomal recessive inheritance. Mutase deficiency is the most common abnormality. Propionyl-CoA, propionic acid, and methylmalonic acid accumulate and cause hyperglycinemia and hyperammonemia.
Clinical Features
Affected children appear normal at birth. In 80 % of those with complete mutase deficiency, the symptoms appear during the first week after delivery; those with defects in the synthesis of adenosylcobalamin generally show symptoms after 1 month. Symptoms include lethargy, failure to thrive, recurrent vomiting, dehydration, respiratory distress, and hypotonia after the initiation of protein feeding. Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia are present in more than one half of patients. Intracranial hemorrhage may result from a bleeding diathesis. The outcome for newborns with complete mutase deficiency is usually poor. Most die within 2 months of diagnosis; survivors have recurrent acidosis, growth retardation, and cognitive impairment.
Suspect the diagnosis in any newborn with metabolic acidosis, especially if associated with ketosis, hyperammonemia, and hyperglycinemia. Demonstrating an increased concentration of methylmalonic acid in the urine and elevated plasma glycine levels helps confirm the diagnosis. The specific enzyme defect can be determined in fibroblasts. Techniques for prenatal detection are available.
Some affected newborns are cobalamin responsive and others are not. Management of those with mutase deficiency is similar to propionic acidemia. The long-term results are poor. Vitamin B 12 supplementation is useful in some defects of adenosylcobalamin synthesis, and hydroxocobalamin administration is reasonable while awaiting the definitive diagnosis. Maintain treatment with protein restriction (0.5–l.5 g/kg/day) and hydroxocobalamin (1 mg) weekly. As in propionic acidemia, oral supplementation of l -carnitine reduces ketogenesis in response to fasting.
Propionic Acidemia
Propionyl-CoA forms as a catabolite of methionine, threonine, and the branched-chain amino acids. Its further carboxylation to d -methylmalonyl-CoA requires the enzyme propionyl-CoA carboxylase and the coenzyme biotin (see Figure 1-1 ). Isolated deficiency of propionyl-CoA carboxylase causes propionic acidemia. Transmission of the defect is autosomal recessive.
Clinical Features
Most affected children appear normal at birth; symptoms may begin as early as the first day after delivery or delayed for months or years. In newborns, the symptoms are nonspecific: feeding difficulty, lethargy, hypotonia, and dehydration. Recurrent attacks of profound metabolic acidosis, often associated with hyperammonemia, which respond poorly to buffering is characteristic. Untreated newborns rapidly become dehydrated, have generalized or myoclonic seizures, and become comatose.
Hepatomegaly caused by a fatty infiltration occurs in approximately one-third of patients. Neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and occasionally pancytopenia may be present. A bleeding diathesis accounts for massive intracranial hemorrhage in some newborns. Children who survive beyond infancy develop infarctions in the basal ganglia.
Consider propionic acidemia in any newborn with ketoacidosis or with hyperammonemia without ketoacidosis. Propionic acidemia is the probable diagnosis when the plasma concentrations of glycine and propionate and the urinary concentrations of glycine, methylcitrate, and β-hydroxypropionate are increased. While the urinary concentration of propionate may be normal, the plasma concentration is always elevated, without a concurrent increase in the concentration of methylmalonate.
Deficiency of enzyme activity in peripheral blood leukocytes or in skin fibroblasts establishes the diagnosis. Molecular genetic testing is available. Detecting methylcitrate, a unique metabolite of propionate, in the amniotic fluid and by showing deficient enzyme activity in amniotic fluid cells provides prenatal diagnosis.
The newborn in ketoacidosis requires dialysis to remove toxic metabolites, parenteral fluids to prevent dehydration, and protein-free nutrition. Restricting protein intake to 0.5–l.5 g/kg/day decreases the frequency and severity of subsequent attacks. Oral administration of l -carnitine reduces the ketogenic response to fasting and may be useful as a daily supplement. Intermittent administration of nonabsorbed antibiotics reduces the production of propionate by gut bacteria.
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a large DNA virus separated into two serotypes, HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-2 is associated with 80 % of genital herpes and HSV-1 with 20 %. The overall prevalence of genital herpes is increasing and approximately 25 % of pregnant woman have serological evidence of past HSV-2 infection. Transmission of HSV to the newborn can occur in utero, peripartum, or postnatally. However, 85 % of neonatal cases are HSV-2 infections acquired during the time of delivery. The highest risk for perinatal transmission occurs when a mother with no prior HSV-1 or HSV-2 antibodies acquires either virus in the genital tract within 2 weeks prior to delivery (first-episode primary infection). Postnatal transmission can occur with HSV-1 through mouth or hand by the mother or other caregiver.
Clinical Features
The clinical spectrum of perinatal HSV infection is considerable. Among symptomatic newborns, one-third has disseminated disease, one-third has localized involvement of the brain, and one-third has localized involvement of the eyes, skin, or mouth. Whether infection is disseminated or localized, approximately half of infections involve the central nervous system. The overall mortality rate is over 60 %, and 50 % of survivors have permanent neurological impairment.
The onset of symptoms may be as early as the fifth day but is usually in the second week. A vesicular rash is present in 30 %, usually on the scalp after vertex presentation and on the buttocks after breech presentation. Conjunctivitis, jaundice, and a bleeding diathesis may be present. The first symptoms of encephalitis are irritability and seizures. Seizures may be focal or generalized and are frequently only partially responsive to therapy. Neurological deterioration is progressive and characterized by coma and quadriparesis.
Culture specimens are collected from cutaneous vesicles, mouth, nasopharynx, rectum, or CSF. Polymerase chain reaction is the standard for diagnosis herpes encephalitis. The EEG is always abnormal and shows a periodic pattern of slow waves or spike discharges. The CSF examination shows a lymphocytic leukocytosis, red blood cells, and an elevated protein concentration.
The best treatment is prevention. Cesarean section should be strongly considered in all women with active genital herpes infection at term whose membranes are intact or ruptured for less than 4 hours.
Intravenous acyclovir is the drug of choice for all forms of neonatal HSV disease. The dosage is 60 mg/kg per day divided in 3 doses, given intravenously for 14 days in skin/eye/mouth disease and for 21 days for disseminated disease. All patients with central nervous system (CNS) HSV involvement should undergo a repeat lumbar puncture at the end of intravenous acyclovir therapy to determine that the CSF is polymerase chain reaction (PCR) negative and normalized. Therapy continues until documenting a negative PCR. Acute renal failure is the most significant adverse effect of parenteral acyclovir. Mortality remains 50 % or greater in newborns with disseminated disease.
Trauma and Intracranial Hemorrhage
Neonatal head trauma occurs most often in large term newborns of primiparous mothers. Prolonged labor and difficult extraction is usual because of fetal malpositioning or fetal-pelvic disproportion. A precipitous delivery may also lead to trauma or hemorrhage. Intracranial hemorrhage may be subarachnoid, subdural, or intraventricular. Discussion of intraventricular hemorrhage is in Chapter 4 .
Idiopathic Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
The causes of cerebral venous thrombosis in newborns are coagulopathies, polycythemia and sepsis. Cerebral venous thrombosis, especially involving the superior sagittal sinus, also occurs without known predisposing factors, probably due to the trauma even in relatively normal deliveries.
Clinical Features
The initial symptom is focal seizures or lethargy beginning any time during the first month. Intracranial pressure remains normal, lethargy slowly resolves, and seizures tend to respond to anticonvulsants. The long-term outcome is uncertain and probably depends upon the extent of hemorrhagic infarction of the hemisphere.
CT venogram or MR venogram are the standard tests for diagnosis. CT venogram is a more sensitive and accurate imaging modality.
Anticoagulation may decrease the risk of thrombus progression, venous congestion leading to hemorrhage and stroke, and facilitate re-canalization of the venous sinus. Response to therapy varies widely, and dosages of low molecular weight heparin frequently require readjustment to maintain therapeutic anti-Xa levels of 0.5–1 U/mL. A starting dose of 1.7 mg/kg every 12 hours for term infants, or 2.0 mg/kg every 12 hours for preterm infants, may be beneficial ( ). Ultimately, therapeutic decisions must incorporate treatment of the underlying cause of the thrombosis, if known.
Primary Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Clinical Features
Blood in the subarachnoid space probably originates from tearing of the superficial veins by shearing forces during a prolonged delivery with the head molding. Mild HIE is often associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), but the newborn is usually well when an unexpected seizure occurs on the first or second day of life. Lumbar puncture, performed because of suspected sepsis, reveals blood in the CSF. The physician may suspect a traumatic lumbar puncture; however, red blood cell counts in first and last tube typically show similar counts in subarachnoid hemorrhage and clearing numbers in traumatic taps. Most newborns with subarachnoid hemorrhages will not suffer long-term sequelae.
CT is useful to document the extent of hemorrhage. Blood is present in the interhemispheric fissure and the supratentorial and infratentorial recesses. EEG may reveal epileptiform activity without background suppression. This suggests that HIE is not the cause of the seizures, and that the prognosis is more favorable. Clotting studies are needed to evaluate the possibility of a bleeding diathesis.
Seizures usually respond to anticonvulsants. Specific therapy is not available for the hemorrhage, and posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus is uncommon.
Subdural Hemorrhage
Clinical Features
Subdural hemorrhage is usually the consequence of a tear in the tentorium near its junction with the falx. Causes of tear include excessive vertical molding of the head in vertex presentation, anteroposterior elongation of the head in face and brow presentations, or prolonged delivery of the aftercoming head in breech presentation. Blood collects in the posterior fossa and may produce brainstem compression. The initial features are those of mild to moderate HIE. Clinical evidence of brainstem compression begins 12 hours or longer after delivery. Characteristic features include irregular respiration, an abnormal cry, declining consciousness, hypotonia, seizures, and a tense fontanelle. Intracerebellar hemorrhage is sometimes present. Mortality is high, and neurological impairment among survivors is common.
MRI, CT or ultrasound visualizes the subdural hemorrhages.
Small hemorrhages do not require treatment, but surgical evacuation of large collections relieves brainstem compression.
Pyridoxine Dependency
Pyridoxine dependency is a rare disorder transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait ( ). The genetic locus is unknown but the presumed cause is impaired glutamic decarboxylase activity.
Clinical Features
Newborns experience seizures soon after birth. The seizures are usually multifocal clonic at onset and progress rapidly to status epilepticus. Although presentations consisting of prolonged seizures and recurrent episodes of status epilepticus are typical, recurrent self-limited events including partial seizures, generalized seizures, atonic seizures, myoclonic events, and infantile spasms also occur. The seizures only respond to pyridoxine. A seizure-free interval up to 3 weeks may occur after pyridoxine discontinuation. Outcome may be improved and cognitive deficits decreased with early diagnosis and treatment.
Atypical features include late-onset seizures (up to age 2 years); seizures that initially respond to antiepileptic drugs and then do not; seizures that do not initially respond to pyridoxine but then become controlled; and prolonged seizure-free intervals occurring after stopping pyridoxine. Intellectual disability is common.
Suspect the diagnosis in newborns with an affected older sibling, or in newborns with daily seizures unresponsive to anticonvulsants, with progressive course and worsening EEGs. Characteristic of the infantile-onset variety is intermittent myoclonic seizures, focal clonic seizures, or generalized tonic-clonic seizures. The EEG is continuously abnormal because of generalized or multifocal spike discharges and tends to evolve into hypsarrhythmia. An intravenous injection of pyridoxine, 100 mg, stops the clinical seizure activity and often converts the EEG to normal in less than 10 minutes. However, sometimes 500 mg is required. When giving pyridoxine IV, arousals may look like improvement in EEG since hypsarrhythmia is a pattern seen initially during sleep. Comparing sleep EEG before and after pyridoxine is needed to confirm an EEG response. CSF neurotransmitter testing is available to confirm the diagnosis.
A lifelong dietary supplement of pyridoxine, 50–100 mg/day, prevents further seizures. Subsequent psychomotor development is best with early treatment, but this does not ensure a normal outcome. The dose needed to prevent mental retardation may be higher than that needed to stop seizures.
Folinic Acid Dependency
Folinic acid dependent seizures present similarly to pyridoxine dependency.
Clinical Features
Infants develop seizures during the first week of life that are not responsive to anticonvulsants or pyridoxine.
A characteristic peak on CSF electrophoresis confirms the diagnosis ( ).
Treat the disorder with folinic acid supplementation, 2.5–5 mg twice daily.
Incontinentia Pigmenti (Bloch–Sulzberger Syndrome)
Incontinentia pigmenti is a rare neurocutaneous syndrome involving the skin, teeth, eyes, and CNS. Genetic transmission is X-linked (Xq28) with lethality in the hemizygous male ( ).
Clinical Features
The female-to-male ratio is 20:1. An erythematous and vesicular rash resembling epidermolysis bullosa is present on the flexor surfaces of the limbs and lateral aspect of the trunk at birth or soon thereafter. The rash persists for the first few months and a verrucous eruption that lasts for weeks or months replaces the original rash. Between 6 and 12 months of age, deposits of pigment appear in the previous area of rash in bizarre polymorphic arrangements. The pigmentation later regresses and leaves a linear hypopigmentation. Alopecia, hypodontia, abnormal tooth shape, and dystrophic nails may be associated. Some have retinal vascular abnormalities that predispose to retinal detachment in early childhood.
Neurological disturbances occur in fewer than half of the cases. In newborns, the prominent feature is the onset of seizures on the second or third day, often confined to one side of the body. Residual neurological handicaps may include cognitive impairment, epilepsy, hemiparesis, and hydrocephalus.
The clinical findings and biopsy of the skin rash are diagnostic. The basis for diagnosis is the clinical findings and the molecular testing of the IKBKG gene.
Neonatal seizures caused by incontinentia pigmenti usually respond to standard anticonvulsant drugs. The blistering rash requires topical medication and oatmeal baths. Regular ophthalmological examinations are needed to diagnose and treat retinal detachment.
Treatment of Neonatal Seizures
Animal studies suggest that continuous seizure activity, even in the normoxemic brain, may cause brain damage by inhibiting protein synthesis, breaking down polyribosomes, and via neurotransmitter toxicity. In premature newborns, an additional concern is that the increased cerebral blood flow associated with seizures will increase the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage. Protein binding of anticonvulsant drugs may be impaired in premature newborns and the free fraction concentration may be toxic, whereas the measured protein-bound fraction appears therapeutic.
The initial steps in managing newborns with seizures are to maintain vital function, identify and correct the underlying cause, i.e., hypocalcemia or sepsis, when possible, and rapidly provide a therapeutic blood concentration of an anticonvulsant drug when needed.
In the past, treatment of neonatal seizures had little support based on evidence. Conventional treatments with phenobarbital and phenytoin seem to be equally effective or ineffective ( ). Levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, and lamotrigine have been studied in infants as young as 1 month of age, demonstrating safety and efficacy ( ).
When treating neonatal seizures we must first answer two questions: (1). Is the treatment effective? Neonates have a different chloride transporter in the first weeks of life, and opening the chloride pore by GABA activation may result in a hyperexcitable state rather than anticonvulsant effect. Furthermore, neuromotor dissociation has been documented when using phenobarbital in neonates, causing cessation of clinical convulsions while electrographic seizures continue. (2). Are the seizures worse than the possible unknown and known negative effect of medications in the developing brain, such as apoptosis? A few brief focal seizures may be acceptable in the setting of a resolving neonatal encephalopathy.
Antiepileptic Drugs
The introduction of intravenous levetiracetam (100 mg/mL) provides a new and safer option for the treatment of newborns. Because levetiracetam is not liver metabolized, but excreted unchanged in the urine, no drug–drug interactions exist. Use of the drug requires maintaining urinary output. We consider it an excellent treatment option and recommend it as initial therapy. The initial dose is 30–40 mg/kg; the maintenance dose is 40 mg/kg/day in the first 6 months of life, and up to 60 mg/kg/day between 6 months and 4 years ( ). The maintenance dose is dependent on renal clearance. Reduce the dosage and dosing interval in neonates with hypoxic injury with associated lower renal function.
Oxcarbazepine suspension is a good option in neonates with functioning gastrointestinal tracts and a lower risk for necrotizing enterocolitis. Doses between 20 and 40 mg/kg/day for infants less than 6 months, and up to 60 mg/kg/day divided two or three times a day, are adequate for older infants and young children ( ).
Intravenous phenobarbital is a widely used drug for the treatment of newborns with seizures. However, its efficacy and safety is under review. The chloride transporters in newborns may convert phenobarbital into a proconvulsant or at least a less effective anticonvulsant. A unitary relationship usually exists between the intravenous dose of phenobarbital in milligrams per kilogram of body weight and the blood concentration in micrograms per milliliter measured 24 hours after the load. A 20 µg/mL blood concentration is safely achievable with a single intravenous loading dose of 20 mg/kg injected at a rate of 5 mg/min. The usual maintenance dose is 4 mg/kg/day. Use additional boluses of 10 mg/kg, to a total of 40 mg/kg, for those who fail to respond to the initial load. In term newborns with intractable seizures from HIE the use of this drug to achieve a burst suppression pattern is an alternative. The half-life of phenobarbital in newborns varies from 50 to 200 hours.
Fosphenytoin sodium is safer than phenytoin for intravenous administration. Oral doses of phenytoin are poorly absorbed in newborns. The efficacy of phenytoin in newborns is less than impressive and concerns exist regarding potential apoptosis. A single intravenous injection of 20 mg/kg at a rate of 0.5 mg/kg/min safely achieves a therapeutic blood concentration of 15–20 µg/mL (40–80 µmol/L). The half-life is long during the first week, and the basis for further administration is current knowledge of the blood concentration. Most newborns require a maintenance dosage of 5–10 mg/kg/day.
Duration of Therapy
Seizures caused by an acute, self-limited and resolved encephalopathy, such as mild HIE, do not ordinarily require prolonged maintenance therapy. In most newborns, seizures stop when the acute encephalopathy is over. Therefore, discontinuation of therapy after a period of complete seizure control is reasonable unless signs of permanent cortical injury are confirmed by EEG, imaging or clinical examination. If seizures recur, reinitiate antiepileptic therapy.
In contrast to newborns with seizures caused by acute resolved encephalopathy, treat seizures caused by cerebral dysgenesis or symptomatic epilepsies continuously as most of them are lifetime epileptic conditions.
Paroxysmal Disorders in Children Less than 2 Years Old
The pathophysiology of paroxysmal disorders in infants is more variable than in newborns ( Box 1-7 ). Seizures, especially febrile seizures, are the main cause of paroxysmal disorders, but apnea and syncope (breath-holding spells) are relatively common as well. Often, the basis for requested neurological consultation in infants with paroxysmal disorders is the suspicion of seizures. The determination of which “spells” are seizures is often difficult and relies more on obtaining a complete description of the spell than any diagnostic tests. Ask the parents to provide a sequential history. If more than one spell occurred, they should first describe the one that was best observed or most recent. The following questions should be included: What was the child doing before the spell? Did anything provoke the spell? Did the child’s color change? If so, when and to what color? Did the eyes move in any direction? Did the spell affect one body part more than other parts?
Apnea and Breath-holding
Cyanotic ∗
∗ Denotes the most common conditions and the ones with disease modifying treatments
Glutaric aciduria (see Chapter 14 )
Transient paroxysmal dystonia of infancy
Benign paroxysmal vertigo ∗ (see Chapter 10 )
Cyclic vomiting ∗
Paroxysmal torticollis ∗ (see Chapter 14 )
Seizures ∗
Febrile seizures
Epilepsy triggered by fever
Infection of the nervous system
Simple febrile seizure
Nonfebrile seizures
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures
Partial seizures
Benign familial infantile seizures
Ictal laughter
Myoclonic seizures
Infantile spasms
Benign myoclonic epilepsy
Severe myoclonic epilepsy
Myoclonic status
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Stereotypies (see Chapter 14 )
In addition to obtaining a home video of the spell, ambulatory or prolonged split-screen video-EEG monitoring is the only way to identify the nature of unusual spells. Seizures characterized by decreased motor activity with indeterminate changes in the level of consciousness arise from the temporal, temporoparietal, or parieto-occipital regions, while seizures with motor activity usually arise from the frontal, central, or frontoparietal regions.
Apnea and Syncope
The definition of infant apnea is cessation of breathing for 15 seconds or longer, or for less than 15 seconds if accompanied by bradycardia. Premature newborns with respiratory distress syndrome may continue to have apneic spells as infants, especially if they are neurologically abnormal.
Apneic Seizures
Apnea alone is rarely a seizure manifestation ( ). The frequency of apneic seizures relates inversely to age, more often in newborns than infants, and rare in children. Isolated apnea occurs as a seizure manifestation in infants and young children but, when reviewed on video, identification of other features becomes possible. Overall, reflux accounts for much more apnea than seizures in most infants and young children. Unfortunately, among infants with apneic seizures, EEG abnormalities only appear at the time of apnea. Therefore, monitoring is required for diagnosis.
Breath-Holding Spells
Breath-holding spells with loss of consciousness occur in almost 5 % of infants and young children. The cause is a disturbance in central autonomic regulation probably transmitted by autosomal dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance. Approximately 20–30 % of parents of affected children have a history of the condition. The term breath-holding is a misnomer because breathing always stops in expiration. Both cyanotic and pallid breath-holding occurs; cyanotic spells are three times more common than pallid spells. Most children experience only one or the other, but 20 % have both.
The spells are involuntary responses to adverse stimuli. In approximately 80 % of affected children, the spells begin before 18 months of age, and in all cases they start before 3 years of age. The last episode usually occurs by age 4 years and no later than age 8 years.
Cyanotic Syncope
Clinical Features
The usual provoking stimulus for cyanotic spells is anger, pain, frustration, or fear. The infant’s sibling takes away a toy, the child cries, and then stops breathing in expiration. Cyanosis develops rapidly, followed quickly by limpness and loss of consciousness. Crying may not precede cyanotic episodes provoked by pain.
If the attack lasts for only seconds, the infant may resume crying on awakening. Most spells, especially the ones referred for neurological evaluation, are longer and are associated with tonic posturing of the body and trembling movements of the hands or arms. The eyes may roll upward. These movements are mistaken for seizures by even experienced observers, but they are probably a brainstem release phenomenon. Concurrent EEG shows flattening of the record, not seizure activity.
After a short spell, the child rapidly recovers and seems normal immediately; after a prolonged spell, the child first arouses and then goes to sleep. Once an infant begins having breath-holding spells, the frequency increases for several months and then declines, and finally cease.
The typical sequence of cyanosis, apnea, and loss of consciousness is critical for diagnosis. Cyanotic syncope and epilepsy are confused because of lack of attention to the precipitating event. It is not sufficient to ask, “Did the child hold his breath?” The question conjures up the image of breath-holding during inspiration. Instead, questioning should be focused on precipitating events, absence of breathing, facial color, and family history. The family often has a history of breath-holding spells or syncope.
Between attacks, the EEG is normal. During an episode, the EEG first shows diffuse slowing and then rhythmic slowing followed by background attenuation during the tonic-clonic, tonic, myoclonic or clonic activity.
Education and reassurance. The family should be educated to leave the child in supine with airway protection until he or she recovers consciousness. Picking up the child, which is the natural act of the mother or observer, prolongs the spell. If the spells occur in response to discipline or denial of the child’s wishes, I recommend caretakers comfort the child but remain firm in their decision, as otherwise children may learn that crying translates into getting their wish. This may in turn reinforce the spells.
Pallid Syncope
Clinical Features
The provocation of pallid syncope is usually a sudden, unexpected, painful event such as a bump on the head. The child rarely cries but instead becomes white and limp and loses consciousness. These episodes are truly terrifying to behold. Parents invariably believe the child is dead and begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. After the initial limpness, the body may stiffen, and clonic movements of the arms may occur. As in cyanotic syncope, these movements represent a brainstem release phenomenon, not seizure activity. The duration of the spell is difficult to determine because the observer is so frightened that seconds seem like hours. Afterward the child often falls asleep and is normal on awakening.
Pallid syncope is the result of reflex asystole. Pressure on the eyeballs to initiate a vagal reflex provokes an attack. I do not recommend provoking an attack as an office procedure. The history alone is diagnostic.
As with cyanotic spells, the major goal is to reassure the family that the child will not die during an attack. The physician must be very convincing.
Febrile Seizures
An infant’s first seizure often occurs at the time of fever. Three explanations are possible: (1) an infection of the nervous system; (2) an underlying seizure disorder in which the stress of fever triggers the seizure, although subsequent seizures may be afebrile; or (3) a simple febrile seizure, a genetic age-limited epilepsy in which seizures occur only with fever. The discussion of nervous system infection is in Chapter 2 , Chapter 4 . Children who have seizures from encephalitis or meningitis do not wake up afterward; they are usually obtunded or comatose . The distinction between epilepsy and simple febrile seizures is sometimes difficult and may require time rather than laboratory tests.
Epilepsy specialists who manage monitoring units have noted that a large proportion of adults with intractable seizures secondary to mesial temporal sclerosis have prior histories of febrile seizures as children. The reverse is not true. Among children with febrile seizures, mesial temporal sclerosis is a rare event ( ).
Clinical Features
Febrile seizures not caused by infection or another definable cause occur in approximately 4 % of children. Only 2 % of children whose first seizure is associated with fever will have nonfebrile seizures (epilepsy) by age 7 years. The most important predictor of subsequent epilepsy is an abnormal neurological or developmental state. Complex seizures, defined as prolonged, focal, or multiple, and a family history of epilepsy slightly increase the probability of subsequent epilepsy.
A single, brief, generalized seizure occurring in association with fever is likely to be a simple febrile seizure. The seizure need not occur during the time when fever is rising. “Brief” and “fever” are difficult to define. Parents do not time seizures. When a child has a seizure, seconds seem like minutes. A prolonged seizure is one that is still in progress after the family has contacted the doctor or has left the house for the emergency room. Postictal sleep is not part of seizure time.
Simple febrile seizures are familial and probably transmitted by autosomal dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance. One-third of infants who have a first simple febrile seizure will have a second one at the time of a subsequent febrile illness, and half of these will have a third febrile seizure. The risk of recurrence increases if the first febrile seizure occurs before 18 months of age or at a body temperature less than 40°C. More than three episodes of simple febrile seizures are unusual and suggest that the child may later have nonfebrile seizures.
Any child thought to have an infection of the nervous system should undergo a lumbar puncture for examination of the CSF. Approximately one-quarter of children with bacterial or viral meningitis have seizures. After the seizure from CNS infection, prolonged obtundation is expected.
In contrast, infants who have simple febrile seizures usually look normal after the seizure. Lumbar puncture is unnecessary following a brief, generalized seizure from which the child recovers rapidly and completely, especially if the fever subsides spontaneously or is otherwise explained.
Blood cell counts, measurements of glucose, calcium, electrolytes, urinalysis, EEG, and cranial CT or MRI on a routine basis are not cost effective and discouraged. Individual decisions for laboratory testing depend upon the clinical circumstance. Obtain an EEG on every infant who is not neurologically normal or who has a family history of epilepsy. Infants with complex febrile seizures may benefit from an EEG or MRI.
Because only one-third of children with an initial febrile seizure have a second seizure, treating every affected child is unreasonable. Treatment is unnecessary in the low-risk group with a single, brief, generalized seizure. No evidence has shown that a second or third simple febrile seizure, even if prolonged, causes epilepsy or brain damage. I always offer families the option to have diazepam gel available for prolonged or acute repetitive seizures.
I consider the use of anticonvulsant prophylaxis in the following situations:
- 1.
Complex febrile seizures in children with neurological deficits.
- 2.
Strong family history of epilepsy and recurrent simple or complex febrile seizures.
- 3.
Febrile status epilepticus.
- 4.
Febrile seizures with a frequency higher than once per quarter.
Nonfebrile Seizures
Disorders that produce nonfebrile seizures in infancy are not substantially different from those that cause nonfebrile seizures in childhood (see the following section). Major risk factors for the development of epilepsy in infancy and childhood are congenital malformations (especially migrational errors), neonatal seizures and insults, and a family history of epilepsy.
A complex partial seizure syndrome with onset during infancy, sometimes in the newborn period, is ictal laughter associated with hypothalamic hamartoma. The attacks are brief, occur several times each day, and may be characterized by odd laughter or giggling. The first thought is that the laughter appears normal, but then facial flushing and pupillary dilatation are noted. With time, the child develops drop attacks and generalized seizures. Personality change occurs and precocious puberty may be an associated condition.
A first partial motor seizure before the age of 2 years is associated with a recurrence rate of 87 %, whereas with a first seizure at a later age the rate is 51 %. The recurrence rate after a first nonfebrile, asymptomatic, generalized seizure is 60–70 % at all ages. The younger the age at onset of nonfebrile seizures of any type correlates with a higher incidence of symptomatic rather than idiopathic epilepsy.
Approximately 25 % of children who have recurrent seizures during the first year, excluding neonatal seizures and infantile spasms, are developmentally or neurologically abnormal at the time of the first seizure. The initial EEG has prognostic significance; normal EEG results are associated with a favorable neurological outcome.
Intractable seizures in children less than 2 years of age are often associated with later cognitive impairment. The seizure types with the greatest probability of cognitive impairment in descending order are myoclonic, tonic-clonic, complex partial, and simple partial.
Transmission of benign familial infantile epilepsy is by autosomal dominant inheritance. Onset is as early as 3 months. The gene locus, on chromosome 19, is different from the locus for benign familial neonatal seizures. Motion arrest, decreased responsiveness, staring or blank eyes, and mild focal convulsive movements of the limbs characterize the seizures. Anticonvulsant drugs provide easy control, and seizures usually stop spontaneously within 2–4 years.
Myoclonus and Myoclonic Seizures
Infantile Spasms
Infantile spasms are age-dependent myoclonic seizures that occur with an incidence of 25 per 100000 live births in the United States and Western Europe. An underlying cause can be determined in approximately 75 % of patients; congenital malformations and perinatal asphyxia are common causes, and tuberous sclerosis accounts for 20 % of cases in some series ( Box 1-8 ). Despite considerable concern in the past, immunization is not a cause of infantile spasms.