Patient selection


Target selection

The ventral intermediate nucleus (Vim) of the thalamus is the most well-studied and only FDA-approved DBS surgical target for ET. Stimulation is highly effective at abolishing contralateral arm tremor or reducing its amplitude in both the short and long term.147155 In a minority of patients, effectiveness is lost over time, which has been attributed to stimulation tolerance, suboptimal lead placement, or disease progression.156

Other DBS surgical sites have been studied, predominantly the posterior subthalamic area (PSA). The posterior subthalamic area includes the zona incerta and prelemniscal radiations. Compared to Vim stimulation, PSA stimulation may provide similar therapeutic benefits for tremor but with fewer stimulation-induced adverse effects and improved control of proximal arm tremor.157163 More studies are needed if this target will supplant the thalamus. For the purposes of this chapter, we will focus on Vim DBS.

Unilateral versus bilateral treatment

It is also important to determine if unilateral or bilateral Vim DBS implantation is necessary to achieve adequate tremor control. In some patients, tremor control in the dominant hand alone will sufficiently improve functioning and can avoid the surgical risk of placing an additional contralateral brain lead. In patients who require both hands to be free of tremor for effective functioning, bilateral DBS should be considered.164 In this case, patients should be counseled that the likelihood of developing dysarthria or imbalance is increased compared to unilateral treatment.154,165

Type of intervention

Historically, patients underwent thalamotomies for ET. These ablative lesions had limited therapeutic potential, as many side effects were permanent and bilateral treatment resulted in neuropsychological detriment.165 Since its introduction, DBS has become the overwhelmingly preferred procedure, as tremor reduction is similar or superior, therapy-related adverse effects can often be reversed with DBS device programming, and bilateral treatment is feasible.166168

In our experience, select patients with severe cognitive decline or an inability to follow-up may still benefit from unilateral thalamotomy. Recently, a pilot study on focused ultrasound-guided thalamotomy was published.169 Possible advantages are that it avoids the need for cranial incision, does not require implanted hardware or programming visits, and creates a focused lesion with the ability to adjust the target for tremor control and side effects before a permanent lesion is created. Studies are currently enrolling for this promising technique, which may again expand the use of ablative procedures.


Dystonia is a heterogeneous group of disorders with multiple etiologies and varying clinical presentations. A new definition was recently proposed:

Dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by sustained or intermittent muscle contractions causing abnormal, often repetitive, movements, postures, or both. Dystonic movements are typically patterned, twisting, and may be tremulous. Dystonia is often initiated or worsened by voluntary action and associated with overflow muscle activation.170

Beyond identifying that dystonia is present, characterizing and classifying the type of dystonia is useful in determining who should be considered for treatment with DBS.


Previously, dystonia had been classified according to involved body region(s), etiology, age of onset, and whether other neurologic features accompanied dystonia.171 When there were no accompanying neurologic features (other than tremor) and no underlying cause of the patient’s dystonia could be determined or the dystonia was from a known DYT1 or DYT6 mutation, then the dystonia was considered primary.171 Dystonia as the result of a known cause or underlying brain injury was referred to as secondary.171 (See Table 2.8 for examples of secondary dystonia.) If myoclonus, parkinsonism, or dysautonomia accompanied dystonia, it was classified as dystonia-plus.171

Table 2.8 Non-isolated/secondary dystonias: a large and diverse group of disorders.

Acquired structural lesions

  • Perinatal injury, kernicterus, infarcts, hemorrhage, brain infection, trauma, anoxia, toxin exposure, multiple sclerosis, and brain tumors

Metabolic or heredodegenerative disorders

  • Wilson’s disease

  • Parkinsonian syndromes

    • Parkinson’s disease, juvenile parkinsonism, multisystem atrophy, corticobasal degeneration, progressive supranuclear palsy

  • Globus pallidus degenerations

  • Pantothenate kinase deficiency due to PANK2 mutations

  • Familial basal ganglia calcifications

  • Huntington’s disease

  • Spinocerebellar degeneration

  • Lysosomal storage disorders

  • Organic aminoacidurias (gluteric aciduria, propionic acidemia, and methylmalonic acidura)

  • Mitochondrial disorders

  • Neuroacanthocytosis

  • Lesch–Nyhan syndrome

  • Ataxia–telangiectasia

Tardive dystonia

Recently, a new dystonia classification system has been proposed based on a subset of clinical characteristics and etiology.170 Clinical characteristic subcategories include age of onset, body distribution, temporal pattern of occurrence, associated clinical features present with dystonia (no: isolated dystonia; yes: combined dystonia), if there is presence of neurodegeneration, and if the dystonia was inherited or acquired.170 (See Table 2.9 for details of the new classification system.) Almost all previous studies reported results based upon the older classification system. Here we attempt, where possible, to describe dystonia patients using the new classification system as well.

Table 2.9 The new proposed classification system for dystonia based on clinical characteristics and etiology.170

Clinical characteristic Etiology
Age of onset
Infancy (birth–2 years)
Childhood (3–12 years)
Adolescence (13–20 years)
Early adulthood (21–40 years)
Late adulthood (> 40 years)
Body distrubution
With leg involvement
Without leg involvement
Temporal pattern
Diurnal fluctuations
Associated features
Isolated dystonia
Combined dystonia
Evidence of degeneration
Static lesions
No evidence of degeneration or structural lesions
Inherited or acquired
Autosomal dominant
Autosomal recessive
X-linked recessive
Perinatal brain injury
Brain injury

Clarification of diagnosis

Dystonia patients referred for DBS treatment should undergo a detailed history of illness and physical examination in order to classify the type of dystonia. The age of onset, body distribution, temporal pattern, associated features, evidence of degeneration, and mode of acquisition can all help unveil a particular diagnosis or etiology. This is relevant, because certain types of dystonia will have better or worse DBS outcomes.

In general, patients with isolated idiopathic/inherited (primary) dystonia tend to respond much better to DBS than patients with combined acquired/inherited (secondary) dystonia.172

Most clinical trials have studied patients with isolated idiopathic/inherited (primary) generalized dystonia,173178,204 but there is also a growing literature for the use of DBS in refractory isolated idiopathic/inherited (primary) focal and segmental dystonia.179186,204

An exception is tardive dystonia; although it is considered an acquired (secondary) dystonia, patients with this type of dystonia tend to respond very well to DBS.187192,204

To help confirm whether a patient has isolated idiopathic/inherited (primary) or combined acquired/inherited (secondary) dystonia, brain imaging (MRI if possible) should be performed to assess for structural abnormalities underlying acquired (secondary) causes. In cases of childhood or adolescence-onset generalized dystonia, the diagnosis of dopa-responsive dystonia (DYT5 dystonia, also called Segawa’s disease) should be excluded with a trial of levodopa, as this disorder can mimic idiopathic generalized dystonia and is exquisitely responsive to treatment with levodopa, obviating the need for DBS.

Documentation of dystonia

Before undergoing DBS surgery, a detailed videotaped clinical evaluation should be performed that includes standardized dystonia rating scales, if possible. Establishing a clear baseline of symptom distribution and severity is important. The most commonly used rating scale to measure the severity and disability from generalized dystonia is the Burke–Fahn–Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFMDRS) (Appendix I).193,194 This scale is composed of a movement scale (based on objective motor exam) and a disability scale (based on patient interview). The 120-point movement scale rates the severity of dystonia in nine body regions, taking into account both the severity and frequency of the dystonic movements. This scale has shown excellent inter-rater reliability and has emerged as a preferred rating scale for generalized dystonia.193,194 The most commonly used rating scale for cervical dystonia is the Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale (TWSTRS),195 an 85-point scale with subscores for dystonia severity, functional disability, and pain (Appendix J). For both scales, a higher score indicates more severe dystonia. Although these rating scales result in objective outcome measures, they are limited in measuring fixed versus mobile dystonia and complex movements. Performing videotaped exams is also helpful to provide clear documentation of the dystonia.

Assessment of disability

It is generally agreed that patients undergoing DBS for dystonia should be experiencing some level of functional impairment or disability from their dystonia. The degree of impairment may vary across patients and may be related to compromised movements, pain, social isolation, or often a combination of all of these factors. Both the BFMDRS and the TWSTRS have disability subscales that are helpful in documenting the level of disability, which may help to support moving forward with DBS treatment.

Status of pharmacological treatment

As with PD or ET, it is important that patients are offered DBS only after they have failed reasonable medical management. Patients with isolated idiopathic/inherited (primary) generalized dystonia should have tried treatment with anticholinergic, antiepileptic, and benzodiazepine medications, as well as baclofen. Dystonia of this type, however, is typically not very responsive to oral pharmacotherapy, and medications often produce intolerable adverse effects. Childhood or adolescence-onset dystonia is an exception, though, as patients with this disorder can respond favorably to anti-cholinergic medications and tend to tolerate such treatment. In patients with focal or segmental dystonia, treatment failure with similar medications should be reviewed. As previously mentioned, all childhood or adolescence-onset isolated idiopathic/inherited (primary) generalized dystonia should undergo an adequate trial of levodopa. Additionally, if patients fail to achieve adequate symptom relief after botulinum toxin injections with appropriate muscle selection and dosing, DBS should be considered.

Predictive factors

In recent years, more has been learned about what might be predictive of a better outcome with GPi DBS in dystonia. Studies of patients with isolated idiopathic/inherited (primary) dystonia with longer disease duration, older age at surgery, and fixed skeletal deformities at time of surgery tend to have worse outcomes.196198 Gender, baseline severity by BFMDRS, and the presence of phasic versus tonic movements are not predictive of outcome.196198 This remains independent of DYT1 gene mutation status.196,197

We recommend treating isolated idiopathic/inherited (primary) dystonia patients with DBS as early as possible after they have proven refractory to oral pharmacotherapy and botulinum toxin, but before they develop fixed skeletal deformities.

Disease duration does not appear to be correlated with outcomes in late adulthood-onset isolated focal dystonia of the neck (cervical dystonia).199 In one study, presence of lateral shift was negatively correlated with TWSTRS severity subscores following treatment with DBS, but not with post-DBS outcomes reflected in the total score, disability subscore, or pain subscore.199 Cervical degenerative disease was not well-characterized and underlying skeletal deformities may have explained the association.199

Neuropsychological and psychiatric assessments

Little is known about the impact of cognitive status, mood, and psychotic symptoms in dystonia patients and how much these factors should weigh in determining candidacy for DBS. Most patients with primary dystonia will not have significant cognitive dysfunction or psychotic symptoms; however, it is not uncommon to see significant depression or anxiety in this patient population. Having a neuropsychologist or psychiatrist evaluate the patient and identify significant mood symptoms to treat before surgery is generally recommended.

Target choice

Traditionally, dystonia has been treated with DBS of the GPi. Most dystonia DBS outcome studies, including all those previously cited, reflect patients treated with DBS at the GPi target. Patients who are appropriate candidates for treatment with DBS who have isolated idiopathic/inherited (primary) dystonia realize excellent outcomes with this target. Globus pallidus internus DBS, however, may be complicated by stimulation-induced bradykinesia in previously non-dystonic limbs200 and high total electrical energy requirements to achieve efficacy.

The subthalamic nucleus has been studied as an alternative surgical target in dystonia with increasing evidence for its efficacy.201203 More studies are needed, but it appears to be a promising alternative target for DBS in dystonia, with similar outcomes to those with GPi DBS. Unlike GPi DBS, patients do not develop stimulation-induced bradykinesia, but can experience transient stimulation-induced dyskinesia, which can make programming this target more challenging in some patients.202

Counseling patients on expected DBS outcome

Once a dystonia patient has been properly evaluated and screened for DBS, it is important to counsel the patient on the degree of expected improvement with DBS and the time course for benefit, which can be protracted. Patients with childhood/juvenile-onset primary generalized dystonia generally have the best outcome, with improvements of 40–90% as measured by the BFMDRS movement score commonly achieved. Although not as well-studied, adult-onset cranial/cervical and tardive dystonia patients can expect to improve similarly as measured by standardized dystonia scales. Secondary dystonia, other than tardive dystonia, typically responds more modestly (5–35% reduction in dystonia scores), although this level of improvement can be clinically meaningful.172 These estimates should only be used as a general guide, and the emphasis in counseling should be on the wide range of outcomes after DBS treatment in patients with dystonia (Table 2.10).

Table 2.10 Expected outcome after globus pallidus internus (GPi) deep brain stimulation (DBS) based on dystonia subtype.204,205

Dystonia classification Typical expected outcome
Childhood and adolescence-onset isolated idiopathic/inherited (primary) generalized (with or without DYT1 mutation) dystonia 40–90% improvement in BFMDRS movement score
Early or late adulthood-onset focal (cervical) dystonia 40–70% improvement in TWSTRS severity subscore
Early or late adulthood-onset segmental (cranial/cervical) dystonia 40–90% improvement in BFMDRS movement score
Drug-acquired (tardive) dystonia 55–90% improvement in BFMDRS movement score
Combined acquired/inherited (secondary) dystonia 5–35% improvement in BFMDRS movement score

Notes: BFMDRS, Burke–Fahn–Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale; TWSTRS, Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale.

Factors relevant to PD, ET, and dystonia patients considering DBS surgery

Surgical risk

The two most important risks of surgery are hemorrhagic stroke and device-related infection.206,207 In large surgical series, the risk of symptomatic hemorrhage complicating DBS lead insertion is 1.5–3.0% per lead implant. The risk of a hemorrhage resulting in permanently increased morbidity is 0.5–1.0% per lead. This risk is increased in the setting of untreated hypertension, coagulopathy, or evidence on MRI of significant small vessel ischemic disease or extensive cerebral atrophy. Most clinicians require that a preoperative screening MRI of the brain be obtained, if not recently accomplished already, prior to making a final determination about surgical candidacy. The risk of serious infection of a newly implanted device, defined as an infection requiring reoperation to remove all or part of the implanted hardware, is 2–10% per patient. Conditions that increase this risk, such as long-standing severe diabetes or need for chronic immunosuppression, are relative contraindications for device implantation. Such patients may be more appropriate candidates for a unilateral ablative procedure.

Type of DBS neurostimulator

There are several commercially available DBS neurostimulators, each with different physical specifications and features. Determining which device to implant is based on patient diagnosis, body weight, device attributes, the need for unilateral or bilateral stimulation, and other factors. Availability of rechargeable neurostimulators will require additional candidate screening. Key factors in determining if a patient is a candidate for a rechargeable device are listed in Table 2.11.

Table 2.11 Key factors in determining patient candidacy for a rechargeable neurostimulator.

1. Does the patient have the cognitive function required to ensure the battery is properly recharged and will have as the disease progresses?

2. Is there patient interest?

3. Does the patient have a caregiver who could offer support if needed?

4. Does the patient have a demonstrated or expected need for high levels of stimulation, and therefore more rapid depletion of a primary cell battery, that would justify implanting a rechargeable device?

5. Does the patient have the manual dexterity to operate the recharging system effectively?

Patient expectations and social support

Candidates for DBS should demonstrate a clear understanding of the procedures entailed in their treatment, potential risks of surgery, and realistic expectations about what can be achieved with DBS. Patients need to understand that DBS will not “cure” their disease or likely alter disease progression, and that the goal of DBS is suppression of motor symptoms and optimization of motor function and quality of life. Patients need to understand that the benefits of DBS will take time to accrue, as a number of visits may be required to optimize stimulator settings and the concomitant medication regimen. Patients and their families should be committed to working closely with the clinical team in the postoperative management of their DBS therapy, both in the early postoperative period and over time.

Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary consensus

An effective method for arriving at decisions regarding the candidacy of patients for treatment with DBS is to collect the required data for each patient and then convene a conference in which these details are discussed by the interprofessional/multidisciplinary team. This team is typically comprised of neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, nurses, neuropsychologists, and others who work together to evaluate and educate patients and their families. It is extremely useful to review together the medical history, motor testing scores, neurocognitive and psychiatric data, neuroimaging findings, and general clinical impressions. This process fosters a cohesive treatment approach and allows a consensus decision to be reached on each patient’s candidacy, surgical target, and surgical approach.

The determination of patient candidacy for DBS treatment in movement disorders is still evolving. As surgical techniques advance and DBS devices evolve, the risk associated with the implant surgery will likely decrease. This may lead some physicians and patients in the future to consider DBS treatment earlier in the course of the disease. However, for the present time, DBS is indicated for patients having a clear movement disorder diagnosis known to improve with DBS who are experiencing meaningful impairment from their symptoms, despite pharmacological management, in whom the potential risk associated with undergoing the implant surgery is deemed to be acceptable.


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