Fig. 3.1
Most common pattern of spinal cord damage in relation to the cross-sectional area affected. (a) Cross section of the intact spinal cord: spinal cord gray matter (gray), dorsal column sensory pathway (proprioceptive pathways, dark blue), corticospinal tract (red), and spinothalamic tract (light blue). (b) Anterior cord syndrome. (c) Brown-Sequard syndrome. (d) Posterior cord syndrome. (e) Central cord syndrome Anterior Cord Syndrome
The anterior cord syndrome involves the anterior two-thirds of the spinal cord (Fig. 3.1b). Clinically apparent, the corticospinal and the spinothalamic tract are predominantly affected with resulting paralysis and impaired sensation for temperature and pain below the lesion level. Autonomic function is frequently affected with resulting bladder, bowel, cardiovascular, and sexual dysfunction. This pattern is frequently described in the context of spinal cord ischemia resulting from anterior spinal artery occlusion, either spontaneously or in the course of thoracoabdominal vasculosurgical procedures. Furthermore, compression spinal cord injury at thoracic level resulting from median disk prolapse or fractured bone fragments can induce a similar clinical picture. Usually the prognosis in terms of recovery is less favorable. Posterior (and Lateral) Cord Syndrome
The posterior (Fig. 3.1d) and infrequently the lateral white matter are typically affected in metabolic and toxic spinal cord disease (see chapter 8) with reduced/abolished deep sensation and consecutive sensory ataxia. Rarely a compressive cause of SCI (tumor, spinal stenosis) can be identified [2]. As soon as the lateral columns including the corticospinal tract become involved, spastic paraparesis will present. Depending on the cause, proper treatment of the metabolic cause (e.g., cobalamin substitution) can reverse symptoms and thus promote recovery of function. Isolated posterior column dysfunction due to compression spinal cord injury is rarely observed. Unilateral Cord Syndrome (Brown-Sequard)
Unilateral cord syndrome or Brown-Sequard syndrome produces greater ipsilateral proprioceptive and motor loss, while contralaterally pain and temperature sensations are lost. Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard was a neurologist, who described for the first time, the crossing of pain and temperature pathways at the spinal level. Brown-Sequard syndrome is caused by a hemilesion of the spinal cord (Fig. 3.1c), in most instances caused by a traumatic cause, mostly motor vehicle accidents, gunshot wounds, and assaults. Nontraumatic cases are frequently associated with compressing tumors or spinal stenosis [2]. A rare condition – idiopathic spinal cord herniation – leads in almost all instances to a Brown-Sequard syndrome after ventral displacement of the anterior or anteriolateral funiculus unilaterally at thoracic level [3]. Although not common, spinal cord ischemia in particular at cervical levels can lead to a unilateral spinal cord syndrome [4]. Less than 20 % of all defined SCI syndromes have been described as Brown-Sequard syndrome [2]. Central Cord Syndrome
Central cord syndrome, which refers to a lesion of the central region in the cervical spinal cord (Fig. 3.1e), is characterized by a disproportionately more severe motor impairment in the upper versus the lower extremities. A difference of at least ten motor score points in the upper versus the lower extremities supports the diagnosis of a central cord syndrome according to a consensus paper [5]. It was previously thought that a somatotopic orientation of corticospinal axons within the cervical spinal cord accounted for the predominant dysfunction of upper extremity motor performance in central cord syndrome. However in primates, a somatotopic orientation of this descending pathway cannot be confirmed. Alternatively, the corticospinal tract mediates skilled arm and hand movement more so than voluntary lower extremity movement [6], and therefore central cord lesions affecting predominantly the CST induce disproportionate functional deficits in the upper extremities. Another potential explanation – lower motoneuron damage in the ventral horn of the cervical spinal cord – is being debated. Central cord syndrome is considered as the SCI syndrome of the elderly with an average age of 53 years. The most frequent etiology is traumatic injuries due to falls followed by motor vehicle accidents [2]. Central cord syndrome has a relatively good prognosis in terms of recovery of (lower extremity) function. Out of all defined incomplete SCI syndromes, central cord syndrome is the most frequent one accounting for almost 50 % of the individuals [2]. Complete Spinal Cord Injury
According to the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) published by ASIA [7], complete spinal cord injury is defined as the absence of sensory and motor function in the sacral segments S4–5. Clinically speaking it means the absence of light touch/pinprick sensation in the dermatomes S4–5 and deep anal pressure as well as the absence of voluntary anal sphincter contraction. Severe compression/contusion of the spinal cord leads to a typical pattern of spinal cord destruction. The center of the cord is completely destroyed, whereas an outer rim of white matter tracts remains intact, even in the majority cases of clinically complete spinal cord injury [8]. It has been assumed that descending motor pathways such as the corticospinal tract and ascending sensory pathways such as the spinothalamic tract and the proprioceptive pathways running in the funiculus dorsalis are organized in a somatotopic fashion. Accordingly, sacral axons are considered to be located in the most eccentric position being regularly spared in severe but not complete SCI. However, a somatotopic layering of defined axon pathways has only been confirmed for the dorsal column proprioceptive pathways [9].
Complete spinal cord injury represents the most prevalent pattern of spinal cord disease. In a retrospective analysis of 839 patients with traumatic and nontraumatic spinal cord injury, 175 patients (20.9 %) had incomplete SCI with a defined neurological pattern (e.g., central cord syndrome, anterior cord syndrome, Brown-Sequard syndrome). The remainder were complete spinal cord injuries and incomplete spinal cord injuries, which did not fit into defined incomplete SCI syndromes as described above. In this study it was not specified how many out of these 664 patients were actually complete SCI. Precise data in this respect are only available from studies and investigation of traumatic spinal cord injury. They show that 44.5 % of patients (out of 1992 patients), which were prospectively investigated in the EMSCI (European Multicenter Study about Spinal Cord Injury, database, suffered from complete spinal cord injury (Rupp, unpublished data). For obvious reasons, they have the most unfavorable diagnosis with only around 25–30 % of the patients converting to incomplete SCI grades (see chapter 4). However, in most instances, conversion to incomplete SCI does not necessarily lead to relevant recovery of function.
3.2.2 Rostro-caudal Pattern (Lesion Level)
The clinical presentation of spinal cord disease depends – besides the cross-sectional location of the lesion – on the segmental neurological level of injury (NLI) (Fig. 3.2).

Fig. 3.2
Spatial relationship between vertebral column (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral vertebrae) and related spinal cord segments Cervical Spinal Cord
Cervical spinal cord disease is typically characterized by sensorimotor deficits in all four extremities – tetraparesis or tetraplegia – with a varying degree of autonomous nervous system dysfunction. Depending on the cross-sectional lesion extent, both upper motoneuron and lower motoneuron-type paresis can be observed in the upper extremities due to the variable impact on the corticospinal tract and/or anterior horn motoneurons.
Very high cervical lesions (at the level of the foramen magnum) can be accompanied by signs of lower cranial nerve involvement resulting in dysarthria, dysphonia, or dysphagia. In cases of C1–C4 involvement, clinical signs may be challenging since localizing symptoms may not be present. Rather non-specific signs such as pain in the neck and occipital or shoulder region may be present. At and above the C3–C5 level, upper and lower motoneuron lesions may affect motor pathways innervating the diaphragm, which can severely influence diaphragm muscle function and thus cause respiratory failure requiring artificial ventilation. Besides high cervical spine fracture, several nontraumatic etiologies such as Arnold-Chiari malformation, rheumatic arthritis, Down syndrome, syringomyelia, multiple sclerosis, and a variety of tumors including meningiomas can affect the most rostral portions of the cervical spinal cord.
Lesions between C4 and Th1 can be more precisely located based on the symptoms and neurological examination. In particular extradural lesions (e.g., tumors, herniated disks) affect initially nerve roots with respective dermatomal and myotomal dysfunction. Mixed upper and lower motoneuron signs are expressed by absent or reduced muscle stretch reflexes at the lesion level with hyperactive reflexes related to more caudal segments (e.g., in a C5/6 lesion a decreased or absent brachioradialis reflex with hyperactive finger flexor reflexes can be found). Forty-nine percent of all traumatic or ischemic SCI patients suffer from a cervical spinal cord injury according to the EMSCI database (R. Rupp, unpublished data). At 1 year after injury, the majority of cervical spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are motor incomplete (AIS (ASIA Impairment Scale)-C/-D) and account for 57 % of all SCIs in the EMSCI cohort, (R. Rupp, unpublished data; Fig. 3.3) (see chapter 22).

Fig. 3.3
Distribution of traumatic and ischemic SCI in respect to cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral neurological level of injury (NLI) and injury severity (ASIA impairment scale (AIS) grades) (Data are derived from the EMSCI database (R. Rupp, unpublished data)) Thoracic Spinal Cord
SCI at thoracic levels accounts for 38 % of all traumatic and ischemic SCIs according to the EMSCI database (R. Rupp, unpublished data). The typical clinical pattern observed in complete thoracic spinal cord disease is absent sensorimotor function with concomitant bladder and bowel dysfunction. Almost two-thirds (59 %) of all traumatic and ischemic thoracic SCI patients are sensorimotor complete (AIS-A, Fig. 3.3). Depending on the level of injury, control of the sympathetic nervous system is impaired leading to autonomous dysregulation and dysreflexia causing abrupt and potentially severe blood pressure and heart rate disturbances. A careful sensory examination is required to determine the level of injury. Distinct clinical motor exams, which might provide localization-related information, are not available for the thoracic spinal cord. Conus Medullaris and Cauda Equina
Conus medullaris and cauda equina injuries are discussed together since they cannot be clearly differentiated clinically. The lumbar sympathetic, sacral parasympathetic, and lumbar/sacral somatic nerves all originate within the conus medullaris (see chapter 2). The spinal cord region immediately rostral to the conus is termed the epiconus. Unlike the cervical and the thoracic spinal cord and the respective surrounding spine, the conus medullaris is condensed to less than two vertebral heights. Typically the conus medullaris stretches from the T12/L1 disk space caudal to the middle third of the L2 vertebral body. Within this short distance, around ten segments (L1-S5) are condensed in the conus medullaris. Therefore, individual lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord are no longer in a close spatial relationship to their respective vertebrae (see chapter 2).
On neurological exam lesions of the epiconal region are above the T12 vertebral level and present as upper motoneuron-type SCI with a spastic paraparesis, increased tendon reflexes, and bladder-sphincter dyssynergia developing over time (Table 3.1). In respect to the NLI, NLIs above T10 tend to show upper motoneuron-type phenotypes, whereas NLIs below T12 present as flaccid paraparesis/flaccid plegia [11] with permanently absent tendon reflexes. NLIs between T10 and T12 represent a mixed zone with signs of both upper and lower motoneuron damage.
Table 3.1
Summary of complete epiconus, conus medullaris, and cauda equina syndromea
Neurological syndrome | Neurological level of injury (NLI) | Clinical examination | Neurophysiological testing | Bowel, bladder, and sexual function |
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