Fig. 11.1
Components of the ISO/EN 13606 association (2009)
The ISO/EN 13606 is a subset of the full openEHR specification [9]. Within the shared classes the main difference between with the openEHR reference model is that “Entries” are broken down in the corresponding kind of information stored (Munoz et al. 2011).
11.2.3 GEHR/OpenEHR
The GEHR/openEHR initiative was started in 1992 as an EU research project, called “Good European Health Record”, in the 3rd Framework Program. The initiative was later continued under the name “Good Electronic Health Record” with strong participation from Australia. Currently it is maintained by the openEHR Foundation, a non-profit organization defining itself as “an international, on–line community whose aim is to promote and facilitate progress towards EHRs of high quality, to support the needs of patients and clinicians everywhere”. The openEHR is a foundation that supports the development of an open and semantic-connected platform for eHealth systems ( It is based on 15 years research, focused engineering design and real-world implementation experience, rather than being created as a formal consensus standard. However, over the last years it has had a significant influence over the development of EHR standards by the three main international eHealth standards organisations: CEN, HL7 and ISO. The information model covers the EHR architecture and describes classes such as Folder, Composition, Section and Entry, and of the basic data structure and types. The Care Entry class “define the semantics of all the ‘hard’ information in the record” [10], the Admin Entry represents information recorded during administrative issues. Figure 11.2 shows the ontology leading to the Entry model.
The most noteworthy concept introduced by GEHR/openEHR is the “archetype” concept. This approach uses a two-level methodology to model the EHR structure. In the first level, a generic reference model that is specific to the healthcare domain but still very general is developed. This model typically contains only a few classes (e.g. role, act, entity, participation) and must be stable over time. In the second level, healthcare and application specific concepts such as blood pressure, lab results etc. are modelled as archetypes, that is, constraint rules that specialize the generic data structures that can be implemented using the reference model. As an example, a constraint may restrict a generic “Observation” class to, e.g., “Blood Pressure” archetype.
An archetype definition consists of three parts: descriptive data, constraint rules and ontological definitions. The descriptive data contains a unique identifier for the archetype, a machine-readable code describing the clinical concept modelled by the archetype and various metadata such as author, version, and purpose. It also states whether an archetype is a specialization of another archetype. The constraint rules are the core of the archetype and define restrictions on the valid structure, cardinality and content of EHR record component instances complying with the archetype. The ontological part defines the controlled vocabulary (that is, machine-readable codes) that may be used in specific places in instances of the archetype. It may contain language translations of code meanings and bindings from the local code values used within the archetype to external vocabularies such as SNOMED or LOINC. It may also define additional constraints on the relationship between coded entries in the archetype based on the code value. As mentioned above the “Care Entry” concept covers the most common and medically relevant information.
In the openEHR four types of entries can be distinguished: observations, evaluations, instructions, and actions. The “observation” and “action” classes represent statements about the past events of the individual subject of record. The “evaluation” classes represent current assessment by the attending health professional, including “diagnosis” and “prognosis”, as well as the representation of the imagined future, like “goals” and “scenarios”. “Instructions” represents future events that should take place as prescribed by the health professional.
The openEHR framework includes a reference information model, the Archetype Definition Language (ADL) for expressing archetypes, an archetype library, implementation technology specifications (XML schemas, IDL specifications etc.) and a collection of open source implementations of the openEHR specifications.
11.2.4 The HL7 Family of Standards
Health Level Seven HL7 ( is an international organization founded in 1987 and supported by ANSI with the goal of develops global standards related with eHealth. This organization has already defined a set of standards for clinical information interchange, whose name is HL7 standards. Among them HL7 CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) defines the Architecture of electronic documents used within Health domain and it is HL7’s current main strategy for EHR interoperability. Besides, HL7 supports RIM (Reference Information Model), a model of healthcare information as viewed within the scope of HL7 standards, which provides a static view of information needs along with use case models, interaction models, data type models, terminology models, and other types of models to provide a complete view of the requirements and HL7 standards design, thus giving a valid starting point for any HL7-compliant Architecture Design [11].
Meta-classes can be identified in RIM [12], as observed in Fig. 11.3:

Fig. 11.3
RIM structure
Act: actions in the healthcare management
Participation: context for an act: Who? For whom? Where?
Entity: physical things, subjects or targets taking part in healthcare act.
Role: establishes roles that entities play in its participation in healthcare acts.
Act Relationship: represents a relationship between two acts.
Role Link: represents a dependency between roles.
Finally, the HL7 v3 Template is “an expression of a set of constraints on the RIM which is used to apply additional constraints to a portion of an instance of data which is expressed in terms of some other Static Model. Templates are used to further define and refine these existing models within a narrower and focused scope”.
11.2.5 Relationship Between Standards
The openEHR supports the creation, storage, maintenance, and querying of complete EHRs. ISO/EN 13606 is a subset of the full openEHR implementation and it is an appropriate standard for exchange of EHR extracts. At the same time, ISO/EN 13606 offers a partial alignment with HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) (Fig. 11.4).

Fig. 11.4
Relationships between standards (openEHR, EN13606 and HL7 CDA)
Release 2.0, which complies with hl7 RIM. e.g., HL7 CDA is based on the HL7 RIM, but it was designed to represent patient summaries, not thinking on providing decision support capabilities. All the aforementioned reference models are archetype-based. HL7v2.x messaging is an appropriate standard, at least in short/medium term, for transmission of information from clinical information systems to EHR systems.
11.3 Data Structuring Algorithms in PHR
According to European Committee for Standardisation in standards CEN/TC251–ISO/TC215 2010 [6], the EHR is “the persistent longitudinal and potentially multi-enterprise or multinational record of health and care provision relating to a single subject of care (the patient), created and stored in one or more physical systems in order to inform the subject’s future health care and to provide a medico–legal record of care that has been provided”.
Patient data is managed, in current Hospital Information Systems (HIS), as a digital and well-structured record, which contains all individual-related health data, such as, demographic, diseases, allergies, history and activity during illness periods, etc.
The semantic interoperability of health data can be achieved only with the standardization of EHR. During the last 10 years, the international organizations have been driving great efforts to define the architecture for exchanging properly the health information between EHR coming from diverse systems (Munoz et al. 2011).
11.3.1 The Dual Model Approach
The huge amount of clinical concepts and volatility of the information are the main drawbacks to deploy long-term EHR systems due to the single model approach. The ad-hoc solutions are implemented by technical stuff gathering the user requirements from the clinicians providing tools probably perfect at design time but a predictable out-of-date system requiring new releases in the near future if additional information is needed. The “dual model approach”, also called the two-level modelling [13–15] separates out the clinical knowledge (volatile) and the reference model (static).
The medical concepts are modelled using archetypes based on a stable reference model [16]. This approach is attractive for the stake-holders due to its stability, the EHR products are installed once and additional clinical functionalities could be extended using archetypes, on the contrary the ever changing clinical practice jeopardises return on EHR investment in ad-hoc systems.
The dual model approach defines a generic information model, the reference model with domain-invariant classes to be instantiated as well as specific clinical models, which support semantic interoperability, which are called archetypes, containing specific clinical information designed using a common language as it is shown in Fig. 11.5. This approach has been supported by many working groups within different international initiatives.

Fig. 11.5
Dual model approach
11.3.2 Detailed Clinical Models (DCM)
The Detailed Clinical Models are actually “a new way to structure medical information. It combines expert knowledge, data specification and terminology and enables various technical applications”. They specify the information models and the way the data is exchanged: user interfaces, data management, decision support systems and so on. It could be considered equivalent to Archetypes, Templates or Clinical Statements. The Clinical Information Modelling Initiative (CIMI) is working to establish those common models from different standards, initially modelling these DCMs in both ADL (archetype definition language) and UML (
11.4 Standardisation of User Interfaces to PHR
11.4.1 Continuity of Care Record (CCR)
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International) Continuity of Care Record (CCR) is a clinical framework that was first developed by health care practitioners to meet the information exchange needs of primary care providers. ASTM defines the CCR as a “summary of the patient’s health status (e.g., problems, medications, allergies) and basic information about insurance, advance directives, care documentation, and care plan recommendations” [17].
11.4.2 CCD (Continuity of Care Document)
A CCD is a joint effort between HL7 International and ASTM approved as an ANSI standard in 2007 in order to use HL7 CDA for sharing the CCR (Continuity of Care Record) patient summary. It represents a complete implementation of CCR, combining the best of HL7 technologies with the richness of CCRs clinical data representation, and does not disrupt the existing data flows in payer, provider of pharmacy organizations.
The Continuity of Care Document (CCD) establishes a detailed set of constraints and templates, covering the main sections of the summary record to be represented as CDA elements, according to the HL7/ASTM Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2-Continuity of Care Document (CCD) Release 1 (2007).
11.4.3 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE)
International is a global association of healthcare IT vendors, user organisations, clinical professional societies, and advocacy groups that promotes interoperability through the co-ordinated use of established standards such as Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) and HL7. IHE, more than any other single organisation, paved a way for practical medical interoperability [8].
11.5 Terminologies
Coded elements are used in the healthcare environment to precisely define the clinical concepts language-independently. The use of medical terminology is one of the bases to provide semantic interoperability.
Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED–CT) consists of controlled medical vocabularies (CMVs),—accumulated medical concepts updated in a rigorous fashion. It has been gaining momentum as the primary coding method for clinical concepts. SNOMED has become the presumptive source of clinical codes and concepts within its member countries.
Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) is a database and universal standard for identifying medical laboratory observations. It was developed in 1994 and maintained by Regenstrief Institute, a US non-profit medical research organization. It was created in response to the demand for an electronic database for clinical care and management and is freely available.
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the standard diagnostic tool for epidemiology, health management and clinical purposes. This includes the analysis of the general health situation of population groups. It is used to monitor the incidence and prevalence of diseases and other health problems. It is used to classify diseases and other health problems recorded on many types of health and vital records including death certificates and health records. In addition to enabling the storage and retrieval of diagnostic information for clinical, epidemiological and quality purposes, these records also provide the basis for the compilation of national mortality and morbidity statistics by WHO Member States. It is used for reimbursement and resource allocation decision-making by countries.
The crucial issue regarding the deployment of an EHR product in the medical environment is the ease of mapping to existing local data stores, as well as to national specifications (i.e. as an interface specification, for instance from hl7 v3 to archetypes). In order to provide the semantic interoperability the connection with external health terminology bindings is mandatory to be language independent [18]. The term binding is supported for manual or semi-automatic creation between archetypes and the concepts in terminology systems [19, 20] but the main drawbacks still reside in,
The big amount of clinical concepts and their relationships, which makes necessary to filter out the terms using a powerful and intelligent tool.
Mapping and translating concepts across vocabularies.
11.6 European R&D Projects Related to EHR Standardization
According to an eHealth ERA report related to eHealth priorities and strategies in European countries [21], the achievement of a European EHR is not yet an overarching goal, but collaboration on developing individual countries’ EHR or even basic patient summaries is a first step. Electronic Health Record is a rather fuzzy term, which has various definitions. A long-term objective of most European countries is a system of regional or nationwide summaries, or sometimes even full (occasionally life-long) document-based or deeply structured records for each citizen. Such a summary or record may be viewed by any of the following:
Either all the necessary persons concerned
Only by those who need access in order to ensure safe health services
Only by those who have been directly authorised by the patient.
The eventual development of EHR is evident in 25 out of the 32 countries reviewed during the preparation of the above-mentioned report. Six countries report that they currently have widespread local EHR in hospitals and other health provider organisations, which, however, are not yet fully interconnected. Three countries have a national EHR, although they are yet restricted in scope. Luxembourg, for example, maintains radiology records for its citizens; and in Sweden, citizens have a medication record. Germany, Sweden and Turkey are currently developing the structures of a patient summary or minimal data set. Consistent with its regions-based healthcare system, Spain is developing this work on a regional level. Only one country has a fully implemented EHR system of a countrywide scope—the Czech Republic. The Danish MedCom infrastructure supporting the electronic exchange of various healthcare related messages between healthcare and other service providers is expanded towards a countrywide EHR system as well.
Interoperability seems not to be as high on most countries’ agendas as one might expect, given that it is one of the key issues in the EU eHealth Action Plan, it is a core element of current discussions among European Member States, and is also vividly present in international discussions. Only about one-third of the countries’ fact sheets mention interoperability explicitly. With the exception of Italy, Romania and Spain, which have made technical and semantic interoperability priority issues, interoperability is seen as a challenge that needs to be addressed as part of a larger initiative. In Denmark, for example, MedCom has already developed a platform for technical standards and interoperability for eMessages—the Danish Health Data Network—, and SNOMED CT (Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms) is currently being translated to provide semantic interoperability. Figure 11.6 summarizes the status in several European countries regarding existence of EHR.

Fig. 11.6
Overview of status of implementation and uptake of hospital information systems and electronic health records throughout Europe (
11.6.1 European R&D Projects Related to EHR Standardization
The objectives of the EU funded (2007–2010) EHR-IMPLEMENT project ( are to collect, analyse and compare national initiatives of broad scale EHR implementations among European countries focusing on socio-organisational issues and to provide best practice, policy and strategic recommendations to facilitate EHR implementation throughout Europe. The project aimed to:
Analyse selected national policies, strategies and initiatives for broad scale EHR implementation taking into account cultural and organizational diversities of health systems in six European Member States (Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Slovenia and United Kingdom);
Carry out a survey of national policy and action plans for broad scale EHR implementation across European Member States;
Identify the best practices towards broad scale EHR implementations in European countries;
Raise the awareness of decision and policy makers regarding socio-cultural and organizational issues of broad scale EHR implementation; and
Support the creation of a multidisciplinary community of scientific experts, technical personnel and National Health System representatives to promote information sharing and mutual learning
11.7 PHR/EHR Implementations
11.7.1 Commercial Implementations
Since the beginning major companies have invested on developing proprietary though freely accessible, own brands of Personal and Electronic Health systems, most well-known ones are listed below. Google Health
Google Health was a personal health information centralization service, introduced by Google in 2008 and cancelled in 2011. Google Health was under development from mid-2006. In 2008, the service underwent a 2-month pilot test with 1600 patients of The Cleveland Clinic. Starting on May 20, 2008, Google Health was released to the public as a service in beta test stage. On 15 of September, 2010 Google updated Google Health with a new look and feel. On 24 of June, 2011 Google announced it was retiring Google Health on 1st of January 2012. The reason Google gave for abandoning the project was a lack of widespread adoption.
The service allowed Google users to volunteer their health records—either manually or by logging into their accounts at partnered health services providers—into the Google Health system, thereby merging potentially separate health records into one centralized Google Health profile.
Volunteered information could include “health conditions, medications, allergies, and lab results”. Once entered, Google Health used the information to provide the user with a merged health record, information on conditions, and possible interactions between drugs, conditions, and allergies. Google Health’s API was based on a subset of the Continuity of Care Record.
Google Health was an opt-in service, meaning it could only access medical information volunteered by individuals. It did not retrieve any part of a person’s medical records without his or her explicit consent and action. However, it did encourage users to set up profiles for other individuals. Microsoft Health Vault
Microsoft HealthVault ( is a WEB-based platform from Microsoft to store and maintain health and fitness information. It started in October 2007 in the US. As of 2013, the website addresses both individuals and healthcare professionals in the UK and Germany and the list of national deployments constantly grows.
A HealthVault record stores an individual’s health information. Access to a record is through a HealthVault account, which may be authorized to access records for multiple individuals, so that a mother may manage records for each of her children or a son may have access to his father’s record to help the father deal with medical issues. Authorization of the account can be through Windows Live ID, Facebook or a limited set of OpenID providers.
An individual interacts with their HealthVault record through the HealthVault site, or, more typically, through an application that talks to the HealthVault platform. When an individual first uses a HealthVault application, they are asked to authorize the application to access a specific set of data types, and those data types are the only ones the application can use. An individual can also share a part (some data types) or the whole of their health record with another interested individual such as a doctor, a spouse, a parent, etc.
HealthVault Connection Centre allows health and fitness data to be transferred from devices (such as heart rate watches, blood pressure monitors, Withings Wi-Fi body scales etc.) into an individual’s HealthVault record. User can find and download drivers for medical devices. A dedicated Device Driver Development Package from Microsoft allows also device manufacturers to develop the software support for their devices such that they can communicate with the Health Vault.
HealthVault supports storage of DICOM ( based medical imaging. Consumers can upload and download medical imaging DVD through HealthVault connection centre. Third parties can also upload and download medical imaging to/from HealthVault. In addition, there has been plethora of HealthVault medical imaging viewers released by the third party to connect to HealthVault even on mobile phones.
HealthVault supports a number of exchange formats including industry standards such as the Continuity of Care Document (CCD), Continuity of Care Record (CCR) and Clinical Document Architecture (CDA). Support for industry standards makes it possible to integrate with diverse personal health record solutions.
A list of WEB applications from 3rd-party providers is available at the HealthVault website. Health service providers can develop their own support for MS Health Vaults via a HealthVault .NET Software Development Kit. Examples include:
InstantPHR released by Get Real Health (
HealthUnity PHR Gateway ( by HealthUnity
PassportMD developed by PassportMD (
ActivePHR released by ActiveHealth ( World Medical Card
World Medical Card ( is a product and registered trademark belonging to World Medical Centre, a Norwegian company headquartered in Bergen, Norway. The company’s business is Health information technology, more specifically a supplier of Personal health records.
The World Medical Centre was established in 1998 for creating a system for improving the safety of people in situations requiring immediate medical treatment by a doctor, not familiar with the person’s medical history. The international, personal medical card (World Medical Card) system was developed in cooperation with specialists in acute medicine and the University of Bergen, to allow individuals to carry essential medical information with them at all times and everywhere in the world.

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