CHAPTER 39 Petroclival Meningiomas
Suboccipital Retrosigmoid Approach
The suboccipital retrosigmoid approach (SRA) is a safe and relatively simple approach to the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) and the petroclival area. It is related to a very low procedure-related morbidity rate1–3 and therefore is among the most frequently utilized operative routes in neurosurgery.4–6 The advantages of the approach are: it offers an excellent panoramic visualization to the whole CPA; it is a hearing-preserving technique that allows for a wide exposure of the tumor, whatever its size and pathologic type; and it offers increased safety when working in the vicinity of the brain stem. The dissection of the tumor at all stages is performed under direct visual control and the cranial nerves can be identified early both in their proximal and distal ends, thus increasing the chances for their preservation. If the SRA is combined with a resection of the petrous apex and incision of the tentorium, any petroclival lesions can be adequately exposed.5,7–9 This retrosigmoid–suprameatal approach (RSMA), which was developed and introduced by the senior author in 1982, provides access to meningiomas of Meckel’s cave, petroclival area, and even the posterior cavernous sinus.8,10 It avoids the risks related to alternative approaches, such as extensive petrous bone resection or retraction of the temporal lobe with the associated risks of damage to neural and vascular structures. Meningiomas extending to the foramen magnum level can be removed via a similar retrosigmoid craniectomy and a C1 hemilaminectomy/laminectomy.7
Potential drawbacks of the approach are the need of cerebellar retraction, as well as the relatively higher rate of postoperative headache. With current neuroanesthesia and some modifications of the original retrosigmoid approach, described in the chapter, these disadvantages are rather theoretical.3
Patient Positioning and Anesthesia Considerations
The position of the patient on the operating table—semi-sitting, lateral, or supine with the head rotated 90 degrees to the contralateral side1,2,6,11—is a matter of surgeon’s preference and institutional tradition. We prefer the semi-sitting position,3,12 which has several major advantages: (1) the surgeon can work bimanually because there is no need for constant suction and (2) the continuous irrigation of the operative field performed by the assistant obviates the need for frequent coagulation during tumor removal. The head is held with a three-point head fixation frame; then it is flexed and rotated approximately 30 degrees to the involved side, avoiding occlusion of venous jugular outflow or hyperflexion of the cervical spine (Fig. 39-1).
A drawback of this patient position is the risk of venous air embolism, paradoxic air embolism, tension pneumocephalus, or circulatory instability. However, in experienced hands these are not related to any lasting morbidity.13,14 Transesophageal echocardiography is the most specific and sensitive method in detection of air embolism. However, the combined monitoring of end-tidal carbon dioxide and precordial Doppler echocardiography yield similar results.13 If immediate measures are carried out at the first sign of venous air embolism, the related morbidity is insignificant. Further, some studies have shown that the morbidity due to venous air embolism is similar in both the semi-sitting and supine positions.
Continuous neurophysiologic monitoring should be performed throughout the surgery: from the positioning of the patient to the skin closure.3,15,16 Monitoring of somatosensory evoked potentials is especially important during patient positioning in order to prevent spinal cord compression. Preoperative functional radiographs of the cervical spine could determine the patients at risk, such as those with severe degenerative spine disease or spinal instability.
The functional integrity of the facial nerve is monitored continuously by electromyography transferred by loudspeakers. Bipolar recording needle electrodes are fixed at the eyebrow for the orbicularis oculi muscle and at the mouth angle for the orbicularis oris muscle. Electrical activation by 1 to 4 mA is applied in the course of surgery in case of difficult nerve identification or for testing the reactivity of the nerve to mechanical stimulation. Monitoring of the brain stem auditory evoked potentials allows for control and prediction of auditory function during tumor resections. It provides instant feedback information on the functional status of the cochlear nerve. Waves I, III, and V are functional correlates of the cochlea, the nucleus cochlearis, and the colliculus inferior; the main parameters that are observed are the waves’ latencies, amplitudes, and losses. The loss of a wave V is the parameter most definitely associated with deafness.15 The loss of any wave may be prevented by early recognition of its deterioration, and the surgeon’s actions should be modified accordingly. Monitoring of the abducent and of the caudal cranial nerves is performed if needed according to the particular tumor extension and clinical presentation.