Physical Therapy and Orthotic Devices

DMD/BMD [2, 3, 6, 19, 30, 31, 33, 44] DMD/BMD weakness, as detailed in Chapter 4, tends to be symmetrical

Characteristic weakness (early stage)

Characteristic compensations/posture/patterns of movement (early stage)

Tightness (early stage)

– Hip extensors (gluteus maximus)

– Ankle dorsiflexors (anterior tibialis)

– Hip abductors (gluteus medius)

– Hip adductors

– Abdominals

– Neck flexors (sternocleidomastoid)

– Shoulder depressors and extensors (lower trap/latissimus)

– Shoulder abductors (deltoids)

– Elbow extensors (triceps)

– Increased lumbar lordosis (posterior trunk lean) to keep force line behind hip joint (initially see less anterior pelvic tilt as hyperextension at hip joint in stance as long as quadriceps are strong enough to counteract moment into knee flexion)

– Lack of heelstrike

– Increased hip flexion during swing to clear foot

– Foot may be pronated and everted

– May see “hip waddling gait” as do not get adequate forward weight shift

– Increased UE abduction and lateral trunk sway

– Cadence decreases

– Gower’s maneuver

– Neck and UE weakness not usually noticeable functionally but apparent with testing

May see emerging tightness in:

– Plantarflexors

– Hip flexors

– Iliotibial bands

Characteristic weakness (middle stage)

Characteristic compensations/posture/patterns of movement (middle stage)

Tightness (middle stage)

– Weakness progresses in muscles listed above

– Quadriceps weakness = key to gait deterioration

– Ankle everters (peroneals)

– Must get line of gravity simultaneously in front of knee joint and behind hip joint—uses:

• Anterior pelvic tilt

• Diminished hip extension in stance

• Base of support widens:

• Balance

• Increased ankle plantarflexion and equinus positioning—to give torque that opposes knee flexion

– Begin to see increased falling

– Also get inversion with posterior tibialis relatively stronger—leads to unstable subtalar joint and more falling due to “twisting of the ankle”—although most falling is due to weakness in quadriceps and “knee buckling”

Tightness develops in:

– Iliotibial band and tensor fascia lata

– Hip flexors

– Hamstrings

– Gastrocsoleus

– Posterior tibialis

Important: two-joint muscles get tight first

Characteristic weakness (later stage)

Characteristic compensations/posture/patterns of movement (later stages)

Tightness (later stages)

– Weakness continues to progress in muscles listed above and becomes profound

– UE weakness becomes more significant functionally and is imbalanced:

– Elbow extension weaker than flexion

– Forearm supination weaker than pronation

– Wrist and finger extension weaker than flexion

– Neck extensors, hamstrings, posterior tibialis are relatively spared until quite late in the disease

– Distal hand function is relatively preserved, at least in long flexors but may be functionally compromised by lack of proximal stability and/or scoliosis requiring use of hands for sitting stability

– Prior to loss of ambulation, most compensations are used to maintain an upright posture and facilitate ambulation

– After loss of ambulation, compensatory movements are primarily used to:

• Achieve support and stability in sitting

• Assist UE function

– Compensatory movements include:

• Leaning for stability

• Contralateral trunk leaning during UE function to substitute for shoulder girdle weakness in arm lifting (deltoid weakness in abduction)

• Backward leaning/lurching to compensate for deltoid weakness in forward flexion and biceps weakness in elbow flexion

– Leading with head (especially using neck extensors) to shift weight and compensate for weak trunk musculature

– Using mouth to grab fingers and move arm to substitute for proximal UE musculature

– Pivoting forearm on elbow to substitute for elbow flexors

– Accelerated development of LE contractures

– Beginning development of UE contractures

– Tightness into elbow flexion and pronation

– Tightness in wrist and finger flexors +/or extensors, lumbricals

– Cervical spinal extensors and rotators

*Scoliosis: the development of scoliosis is a major complication of the late or non-ambulatory stage, with natural history changing (decreasing) with steroids

FSHD [4, 13, 47, 48, 51] FSHD clinical presentation much more variable than other diagnoses, as detailed in Chapter 3, with asymmetrical weakness not necessarily related to handedness

Characteristic/possible weakness

Functional impact/compensation


– Facial muscles:

Orbicularis oculi

Orbicularis oris


– Scapular muscles

– Serratus anterior

– Middle and lower trapezius

– Horizontal abductor

– Pectoralis major

– Humeral muscles: (biceps brachii)

– Abdominal weakness—lower weaker than upper (Beevor sign)

– Hip extensors

– Knee flexors

– Anterior tibialis

– Scapular winging

– Compensatory use of momentum and distal strength to move arms

– Difficult closing eyes

– Difficulty pursing lips, drinking with straw, whistling

– Decreased ability to show facial expressiveness

– Anterior pelvic tilt

– Lumbar lordosis

– Foot drop

– Spinal asymmetry—with risk of scoliosis and tendency towards rigid spine in some

Tightness can develop in:

– Spinal musculature

– Neck musculature

– Hip flexors

– Plantarflexors

– Shoulder girdle musculature

Scoliosis is a risk as well as excessive spinal extension and sever lumbar lordosis

Muscle pain can be a prominent feature

EDMD [5254] Contractures are present early in relation to weakness, as detailed in Chapter 5, with less correlation to cycles of weakness and compensation

Characteristic weakness

Compensatory/resultant posture


– Slowly progressive muscle weakness in humero-peroneal pattern:

• Initially proximal in upper extremities

• Initially distal in lower extremities

• Progresses to proximal limb-girdle pattern including vastii muscles, hamstrings, and adductors

– Selective early relative sparing of lateral gastrocnemius, and longer sparing of rectus femoris in EDMD2

– Posture of increasing spinal extension, elbow flexion, plantarflexion

– Lateral trunk lean during ambulation

– Use of compensatory support mechanisms to maintain head control

– Use of compensatory mechanisms and momentum to optimize hand use

– Early contracture of:

• Elbow flexors

• Cervical spinal extensors

• Plantarflexors

– Eventual tightness throughout spinal extensors at all levels

Physical Therapy Assessment

Assessment must be ongoing and comprehensive so that intervention can be timely and anticipatory [6, 37]. Specific areas of weakness, tightness, and compensation should be identified in order to allow intervention that optimizes and protects muscle integrity and function, prevents contracture and deformity, and provides for effective adaptive functioning and participation to the greatest extent possible [6]. Assessment and intervention should occur across the ICF (the World Health Organization International Classification of Function [58]) and across the lifespan [5, 6, 55, 59] and should include impairment level measures, functional measures, and measures of participation, while considering the context and environmental factors of the individual [60]. Assessment and management of musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory involvement and function requires a multidisciplinary team [5, 6] (Table8.2).

Table 8.2
Assessment tools across the ICF



Disability measures

Quality of life/participation/activity

Person reported outcomes

– Passive ranges of motion and measures of muscle extensibility

Upper and lower extremity functional scales [13, 44, 61]

– PEDI (pediatric evaluation of disability index) [62]

– Peds QL [63]

– Fatigue scales [6466]

– Identification of risks of tightness, contracture, and deformity

Timed functional tests [67, 68]

– Functional independence measure (FIM, WeeFIM) [69, 70]

– PODCI [7176]

– Rate of perceived exertion [7779]

– Muscle strength testing [80, 81]

• Manual muscle testing

• Dynamometry

• Computerized quantitative muscle assessment

GSGC (gait, stairs, Gowers, chair) [82, 83]

North Star Ambulatory Assessment [8893]

Motor function measure (MFM) [95]

Modified Hammersmith functional motor scale and extend [98, 99]

Quick motor function test (QMFT) [100]

Egan klassification (EK) [103]

Alberta infant motor scales [104]

Gross motor function measure (GMFM) [105]

Peabody developmental motor scales-2 [106]

Bruinincks-Oserestky test of motor proficiency-2 (BOT-2) [107]

PUL [108]


6 min walk test [109]

Observational gait analysis and kinematic analysis of movement, function, and compensatory patterns of movement

– Rotterdam handicap scale [84]

– Canadian occupational performance measure (COPM) [85, 86]

– Child Health Questionnaire [94]

– Activities scale for kids (ASK) [96, 97]

– Activity monitors [101, 102]

– Borg dyspnea scale [78, 87]

aPain should be reported using age-appropriate pain scales [110118]

Physical Therapy Intervention

Prevention of Contracture and Deformity

With weakness and compensation there may be no way to eliminate a compensatory pattern of movement without eliminating the function it serves, but it is important to try to find compensations that pose less of a risk of contracture and deformity and to try to avoid development of the contractures that contribute to the self-perpetuating evolution of weakness/contracture/functional loss [6, 14, 30, 31, 35]. The effects of chronic positioning, the unopposed influence of gravity, and imbalanced muscle activity around joints contribute to the development of hypoextensibility (tightness) and contracture [2, 6, 11, 30, 35, 119]. Positioning for function and for management of the musculoskeletal system should be offered [6, 21, 23, 120122].

Stretching: Prevention/minimization of contracture requires sufficient daily elongation of musculature and daily movement through more complete ranges of motion than the individual with MD typically uses actively and independently [1, 2, 6, 11, 21, 36, 44, 45, 119, 123]; these may be achieved through preventative stretching and varied positioning, facilitation of movement and position changes, use of therapeutic interventions including passive and active elongation, daily range of motion/stretching, the appropriate use of orthotic intervention, splinting, serial casting, power positioning components on mobility devices, participation in aquatics and cycling/assisted cycling and other forms of submaximal active movement and participation, and the use of adaptive equipment for positioning and prolonged passive elongation including the use of standers and stand-and-drive mobility devices [5, 6, 11, 19, 21, 23, 24, 37, 44, 45, 55, 119, 123127]. A stretching program should begin early in the course of the disease and is more effective and more easily established as part of the daily routine if it is begun before muscle tightness/contracture is established and before stretching is uncomfortable. A preventative stretching program should address structures known to be at risk for tightness based on natural history of the specific diagnosis, as well as any structures identified by individual assessment to be at risk for contracture [6]. Direct and skilled physical therapy techniques of muscle elongation, joint mobilization, gentle manual traction, and use of modalities and other manual therapy techniques to increase joint mobility and muscle elongation should be included as appropriate for individual patients based on recommendations after individual physical therapy evaluation [128] (Table 8.3).

Table 8.3
Muscles/joints/tissue commonly at risk for tightness in MDs (specifics depend on specific diagnosis)a

Lower extremities

Upper extremities


Muscles/soft tissue:

Muscles/soft tissue:

Spinal extensors (including cervical)

Hip flexors

Shoulder musculature


Iliotibial bands

Elbow flexors

Risk of:


Forearm pronators

– Scoliosis

Plantarflexors, especially gastrocnemius

Wrist and finger flexors and/or extensors

– Excessive kyphosis

Posterior tibialis


– Excessive lordosis

Plantar fascia
– Pelvic asymmetries and mal-alignment

Two joint muscles get tight first

Two joint muscles get tight first

Excessive anterior pelvic tilt

Joints—risk of contracture into:

Joints—risk of contracture into:

Excessive posterior pelvic tilt

Hip flexion

Elbow flexion

Lateral pelvic tilt

Knee flexion

Wrist flexion (or extension)

Horizontal pelvic rotation

Ankle plantarflexion

Flexion at isolated finger joints (PIP, DIP)

Extension at isolated finger joints (PIP, DIP)

aAny muscles, joints, soft tissue or structures may be at risk for tightness, contracture, deformity based on individual assessment of typical/chronic posture, function, muscle imbalance, compensatory patterns of movement, and the influence of gravity

Orthotic intervention/adaptive equipment: Orthotic intervention may be recommended for function and/or for assistance in management of the musculoskeletal system and may include consideration of many different choices, configurations, and materials, for upper and lower extremities, trunk, and neck. Lower extremity orthotic intervention may include consideration of ankle–foot orthoses (AFOs or “short leg orthoses”), knee–ankle–foot orthoses (KAFOs or “long leg braces”), knee extension splints, inframalleolar orthoses (“foot orthoses”), or other types and configurations of orthoses, with control of varying degrees of freedom depending on specific diagnosis and individual assessment [6, 21, 23, 123, 129]. Upper extremity splinting, orthotic intervention, and support may include splinting for stretching or support of function [130] and is increasingly including exploration of exoskeletons and robotics to increase functional use of hands in the presence of proximal weakness [131, 132].

Use of lower extremity orthotic intervention and adaptive equipment for function during walking typically depends upon the distribution of weakness and the required use of compensatory patterns of movement for function. In the presence of relatively greater proximal weakness in individuals who are independently ambulatory, such as in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the use of AFOs during walking is not typically recommended. This is because AFOs tend to compromise ambulation by limiting the use of compensations needed for walking, such as toe-walking or intermittent toe-walking, may compromise proximal compensations needed to keep the line of gravity behind the hip and in front of the knee to maintain ambulation, and may make it more difficult to get up from the floor, with the added weight of AFOs further compromising function [6, 129]. In other types of MD characterized by relatively greater distal than proximal weakness, or in which more global weakness is present, such as in some types of congenital myopathy, AFOs may assist in providing distal stability. This can be beneficial during standing and/or ambulation as long as AFOs are lightweight enough and offer optimal support without unnecessarily compromising function or movement that is necessary for function. Newer, ultra-lightweight carbon fiber AFOs used in conjunction with lower profile orthotic intervention at the foot and ankle may offer lightweight support without compromising function in those with greater distal than proximal weakness. This can potentially offer dorsiflexion assist during swing to prevent “foot drop” and “steppage gait” and potentially provide some floor-reaction support of knee extension during stance and may decrease fatigue. Ankle height or supramalleolar orthoses (SMOs) are not typically helpful because they add weight that challenges active dorsiflexion (typically weak in MDs) without adding dorsiflexion assist. However, these could be considered in the rare situation in which weakness is extremely mild, with good strength in anterior tibialis, but with poor medial–lateral alignment that requires more support than an inframalleolar orthosis. KAFOs may be useful in children with greater weakness throughout lower extremities in the absence of the ability to support weight-bearing independently. This approach has been shown to extend walking for several years in some individuals with DMD when independent walking becomes too difficult because of inability to support weight through lower extremities without support and/or inability to maintain biomechanical positioning to mechanically lock joints in support of weight-bearing and ambulation [46, 55, 121, 133136]. Braced ambulation with KAFOs may be therapeutic rather than functional across settings [46] and is most often used in combination with motorized mobility for functional, safe, independent mobility in settings in which braced ambulation is not functional or does not allow optimal participation.

Use of lower extremity orthotic intervention and adaptive equipment for musculoskeletal management (to prevent contracture and deformity) may include the use of AFOs [6, 21, 123], KAFOs [23, 55, 133], thigh binders, splints, serial casting [126, 127], or other positioning devices at night [21] or in the evening or during any portions of the day when they will not unduly interfere with function [6]. The use of AFOs at night has been shown to minimize the progression of plantarflexion contractures [21] and is recommended if tolerated. AFOs used at night need to be comfortable and should be custom molded and lightweight enough not to unduly restrict bed mobility. A bed or foot tent can hold the blanket up off of the feet to avoid the feet getting tangled in the sheets. Adjustable angle orthoses can sometimes be used to provide differing amounts of stretch at different times of the day, or gradually increasing elongation for comfort. The use of ankle height or SMOs may be helpful for those using a wheelchair full time, in order to assist in maintaining optimal medial–lateral alignment if the footplate of the chair can be successfully used to limit excessive plantarflexion. The number of hours per day that a muscle is in a lengthened vs. shortened position will influence the development or prevention of contracture. Standard recommendations for prevention of progressive contracture support the maintenance of a lengthened position for six of every 24 h [137]. The use of standers and stand-and-drive motorized mobility devices is recommended for providing prolonged passive elongation into simultaneous hip and knee extension in an upright weight-bearing for optimizing and maintaining joint range of motion, providing muscle elongation over multiple joints, and optimizing bone integrity, if tolerated [20, 55, 133, 134, 138, 139].

Prevention/minimization of spinal deformity typically involves: promotion of symmetry through the vertebral column and pelvis; support of appropriate amounts of extension and flexion at specific levels of the vertebral column; maintenance of flexibility; support of optimal posture; and minimization of the asymmetrical deforming forces of compensatory patterns of movements used for function (in most neuromuscular disorders) or intrinsic to diagnosis (such as in FSH). The progression of spinal deformity in neuromuscular disorders has been well studied, and understanding of the individual pathokinesiology in each diagnosis and detailed assessment and management of the interaction between components in each individual are critical. The development and progression of scoliosis has been most extensively studied in DMD, which can be used as a model to understand the pathokinesiology, and can inform conservative treatment. The natural history of scoliosis is changing with the use of steroids in DMD, with scoliosis appearing later, and with less devastating progression [140].

Scoliosis in ambulatory individuals with DMD has been studied [141, 142] and is characterized by a flexible, functional scoliosis related to asymmetrical lower extremity position/contracture, pelvic obliquity, asymmetrical realignment of shoulders, head, and upper extremities [35, 143, 144]. Fixed spinal asymmetry is typically minimized spontaneously in ambulatory individuals by prolonged, protective spinal hyperextension and locking of posterior intervertebral facet joints at lumbar and lumbosacral levels, and alternating torso shift and lateral trunk elongation [11, 35, 145].

Historically, prolongation of ambulation by management of lower extremity contracture and the use of long leg braces appeared to slow the development of scoliosis in some [146], likely via prolongation of protective spinal hyperextension maybe through the adolescent growth spurt, and continued torso shift and lateral trunk elongation over symmetrical lower extremities [35, 145, 147, 148]. Factors that have appeared to influence whether or not scoliosis appears prior to final loss of ambulation included: the age at which walking ceases; intervention used or not used to prolong ambulation; and final gait pattern [146].

It has generally been agreed that spinal curves during the ambulatory period are not usually “fixed” (i.e., rigid or inflexible), are functionally necessary for ambulation, and cannot be corrected without risking the loss of ambulation [35]. Attempts should be made, therefore, to minimize long-term effects of asymmetry with stretching, positioning, etc., while allowing compensations necessary for function. In individuals with intrinsic asymmetry of weakness, as has been identified in FSH, and extreme anterior pelvic tilt and lumbar lordosis, the use of a soft corset during ambulation may provide support that decreases pain and fatigue during ambulation without compromising compensations to the extent that ambulation is compromised.

Scoliosis in non-ambulatory individuals: Scoliosis as a significant problem in DMD and other neuromuscular disorders typically either begins or develops more rapidly as ambulation is lost and full time use of a wheelchair begins [35, 149]. It is one of the most serious and disabling complications of many neuromuscular disorders and has been studied extensively in DMD, with the understanding of the principles of progression and treatment gained in DMD useful in the management of all neuromuscular scoliosis [150]. Neuromuscular scoliosis can progress to a level of incapacitating severity that compromises pulmonary function, sitting ability, upper extremity function, comfort, and cosmetic integrity [11, 35]. The progression of scoliosis is variable, however, and final deformity ranges from mild in some individuals to severe in others [150]. The significance of the variability is in the opportunity it offers for effecting change and for making use of intervention that may prevent or minimize the development of scoliosis. Attempts at successful management must be based on a comprehensive understanding of the factors that contribute to the development of scoliosis. Aggressive conservative management must be coordinated with consideration of surgical options in order to prevent the catastrophic progression to severe deformity in all individuals with MDs.

Factors that contribute to the development of scoliosis can be divided into those factors that make the spine vulnerable and those factors that initiate asymmetry [151].

Factors That Make the Spine Vulnerable [ 151 ]:

  • Severe symmetrical weakness in trunk musculature [150, 152]

    • Decreases spinal support and stability.

    • Without external support, the spine is vulnerable to external forces it cannot oppose.

  • Rapid vertebral growth during adolescent growth spurt [152, 153]

    • Often coincides with, or follows, the loss of ambulation.

    • Increases vulnerability to potentially deforming forces (the musculoskeletal system is known to be more vulnerable to any deforming force during periods of rapid growth).

  • Loss of protective spinal hyperextension [11, 19, 154, 155]

    • Spinal hyperextension is decreased or eliminated when individuals begin to sit full time [156].

    • Posterior intervertebral facet joints are unlocked and allow more lateral flexion (bending) and rotation [19, 150, 156].

    • Stretching of posterior spinal ligaments increases with kyphosis [150].

    • Can be exacerbated by posterior pelvic tilt caused by tight hamstrings and lower extremity alignment in sitting.

Asymmetrical forces imposed on the symmetrically weak and vulnerable spine [151]:

  • Compensatory movement patterns used:

    • For stability—Tend to lean on one arm of the wheelchair, may lean forward also—tends to push that shoulder up.

    • For upper extremity (UE) function—Use lateral trunk flexion towards the contralateral (opposite) side when elevating or abducting one upper extremity, in order to substitute for weak shoulder muscles, with persistent leaning towards the non-dominant side, may contribute to development of a curve with convexity towards the side of dominance [152, 157].

  • Pelvic position:

    • Posterior pelvic tilt [11, 150]

      • Can further exacerbate an asymmetrical loss of spinal hyperextension by asymmetrically tightness in hamstrings [150]

    • Pelvic obliquity (lateral pelvic tilt) [11, 35, 150]

    • Pelvic rotation (in horizontal plane) [150]

      • Pelvic rotation and obliquity can be present in sitting from:

        • Preexisting asymmetry of soft tissue contracture around hips and pelvis [35] (for example: hip flexors, iliotibial bands)

        • Asymmetrical pelvic position in the absence of asymmetrical contracture, from [11, 150]

          • Sling seat

          • Poorly fitting wheelchair

          • Any unstable sitting surface

    • Lower extremity position [30, 35]

    • Hips can have a direct effect on pelvis, then spine, as described above:

      • Asymmetrical hip flexor and/or iliotibial band tightness or contracture

      • Tight hamstrings leading to posterior pelvic tilt and kyphosis

    • Foot/ankle asymmetrical contracture into equinovarus from unopposed posterior tibialis and gastrocsoleus—tighter side pushes pelvis back into ipsilateral posterior horizontal pelvic rotation.

The deforming force of gravity on the vertebral column increases in the presence of asymmetrical spinal-pelvic alignment that compromises the simple mechanical ability of the vertebral column to withstand the force of gravity. In addition, the resultant unequal distribution of weight on epiphyseal growth plates increases the potential for an initial flexible scoliosis to become structural.

Interaction Between Factors

  • Symmetrically weak and vulnerable spine is present in all individuals with DMD when ambulation ceases.

  • Particular vulnerability is present in those who lose protective spinal hyperextension. This is the initiating factor that is imposed upon the spine with the potential to cause asymmetry and progressive scoliosis. It may include any one of previously described factors and may be different in each person.

  • Once asymmetry is initiated, secondary asymmetries are established and spinal deformities can progress in a self-perpetuating circle of weakness, compensation, and contracture.

Management of the spine must be anticipatory and preventative with consideration across the continuum of intervention options, including stretching, positioning, external support, and surgical options, with coordination between the multidisciplinary team. The use and timing of anticipatory and preventative conservative measures is coordinated with ongoing assessment regarding the potential need for surgical stabilization to manage curves that progress in spite of conservative measures. Care must be taken to coordinate with the rest of the team, with particular coordination between PT, orthopedics, pulmonary medicine, and cardiology, as conservative measures are employed. This helps ensure that the window of opportunity for surgical spinal stabilization (which is dependent on the interaction between pulmonary, respiratory, and cardiology status) is not missed, if the individual will need surgical stabilization at some point (see Chapter 9).

Intervention described in the literature has included prolongation of ambulation, external support including bracing, specialized seating systems, wheelchair modifications, promotion of upper extremity symmetry, control of lower extremity position, and spinal surgery. Bracing of the spine in individuals with DMD has historically not been tolerated or successful but may have a role in other diagnoses and situations, especially in younger children with myopathies characterized by more profound trunk weakness at earlier ages. Orthotic intervention may include supportive garments, corsets, or spine jackets in younger children with some types of MD in order to support more vertical, symmetrical, and extended spinal alignment and more stable posture and stability in upright. Such interventions may assist in maintaining spinal symmetry, or providing some support which may be beneficial in ambulatory individuals in whom some support is helpful but must avoid excessive restriction of movement that may limit compensatory movement required for ambulation [158160].

Optimal support and positioning in seating systems is critical in musculoskeletal management of the spine and extremities and must include maintenance of midline, symmetrical pelvic position with prevention of lateral pelvic tilt, horizontal pelvic rotation, and excessive anterior or posterior pelvic tilt; maintenance of a midline erect spine, and support of a symmetrical midline head position. Typical recommendations include: a solid seat and back; rigid lateral trunk supports; hip guides; adductors; a head rest and adequate upper extremity and foot and leg support; with power positioning components for power tilt, power recline, separately elevating power elevating leg rests, power adjustable seat height, and power standing [6]. Seating system components are needed for support for function, prevention of progressive contracture and deformity, and maintenance of skin integrity. Power positioning components are needed for function, for independent position change for prevention of contracture and deformity, for support of adequate frequency and duration of weight-bearing throughout the day, and for provision of independent weight shift and pressure relief throughout the day that is adequate to maintain skin integrity.

Physical therapy management of the spine in the individual with MD must involve ongoing evaluation and intervention. Ongoing evaluation must attend to the asymmetrical forces acting on the vulnerable spine and should include assessment of:

  • Pelvic position

  • Spinal alignment including

    • Medial–lateral alignment

    • Rotational tendencies

    • Amount of extension

    • Symmetry vs. asymmetry

  • Lower extremity position and its effect on the spine

  • Compensatory movement patterns and positioning

Goals of PT Management of the Spine

  • Maintain ambulation and standing as long as possible

  • Promote spinal extension in sitting except in diagnoses or situations characterized by excessive extension, such as EDMD or in rigid spine syndromes [145]

  • Maintain maximal symmetry of positioning in wheelchair

  • Limit use of compensatory movement patterns that lead to deformity

  • Provide for UE function with symmetry

  • Maintain flexibility

Suggestions for Wheelchair Management

  • Wheelchair support/positioning—the individual’s chair should fit well and provide support that achieves:

  • Sitting position characterized by:

    • A level pelvis without obliquity or rotation

    • A straight, erect, midline spinal position

    • Elimination of kyphosis and encouragement of extension except in diagnoses or situations characterized by excessive extension, such as EDMD or in rigid spine syndromes

    • Symmetrical LE position with good foot placement (not too much plantarvarus) and without hip abduction

  • Sufficient trunk support so that asymmetrical leaning is not necessary for maintenance of an upright position

  • Control of asymmetrical movement patterns

  • Specific recommendations for wheelchair seating system components include:

    • Solid seat attached to frame of chair

    • Solid back attached to frame of chair

    • Pelvic control in all planes:

      • Hip control blocks (hip guides)

      • Seat belt appropriately located and/or adapted

      • subASIS bar?

    • Knee pads to control abduction (adductor pads)

    • Planar, rigid, lateral trunk supports—appropriately located and strong enough to:

      • Prevent the need to lean laterally for stability

      • Stop compensatory lean for UE function

    • Control of lower extremity position—might include:

      • Foot plate appropriately located and angled

      • Ankle straps

      • Padded footrests or foot cradles

      • AFO’s

      • Surgical correction of ankle–foot deformity

    • Arm rests appropriately located to encourage spinal extension rather than kyphosis

    • Chest strap (in older individual) in order to provide additional support that centers trunk and allows leaning into lordosis [161]

    • Lumbar roll as appropriate to encourage spinal extension

    • Head support (customized as needed)

  • Power tilt-in-space, power recline, with separately elevating power elevating leg rests, for

    • Changes in position, maintenance of skin integrity

    • Opening up of hip and knee angles to assist in minimizing the development of contractures

  • Power standing

  • Power seat elevation (power adjustable seat height)

Control of Asymmetrical Compensatory Movement Patterns

  • Evaluate during all functional activities (wheelchair driving or propulsion, writing, eating)

  • Stop compensatory lean!

  • Provide for function with symmetry—might include:

    • Relocation of wheelchair controls (joystick)

      • Closer to hand on wheelchair arm to prevent need for reaching

      • Use of non-dominant hand?

      • Alternate sides periodically?

      • Central location? (but this can compromise stability and increase need for leaning)

  • Raised desk/tray/table height—works very well to allow pivoting of arm on elbow

  • Overhead sling

  • Balanced forearm orthoses

  • Robotic/exoskeleton forearm support

  • Other adaptive equipment

May 10, 2017 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Physical Therapy and Orthotic Devices

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