Polytrauma Patient

Summary of Key Points

  • Patients with suspected spinal cord injury (SCI) require early immobilization, assurance of oxygenation through in-line endotracheal intubation, maintenance of adequate spinal cord perfusion through hemodynamic stabilization, mitigation of blood loss through systemic injuries, adequate volume resuscitation with or without vasopressor support, and expedient but thorough imaging studies.

  • A systematic approach should be adopted for treatment of the polytrauma patient, and surgical management should be considered only after achieving hemodynamic stability.

  • Urgent intubation is crucial to airway management and assessment in the setting of polytrauma. Stabilization is often contingent on the degree of cooperation from the patient, and the patient’s head/neck movement can often indicate the extent of injury during attempted intubation.

  • Computed tomography is the recommended imaging modality for suspected vertebral injury of the cervical spine as well as middle and posterior fractures. Magnetic resonance imaging is the preferred imaging modality for SCI or vascular injury.

  • Evaluation of spinal cord and column integrity, immediate mechanical stability, long-term stability, and neurologic stability should be assessed systematically using the Thoracolumbar Injury Classification or the Subaxial Cervical Injury Classification guidelines.

  • In general, hospital or intensive care unit length-of-stay, non-neurologic complications, and cost of care are reduced with earlier time to surgery, though the definition of early will vary (< 24 hours to < 3 days).

  • Strategies should be utilized to minimize intraoperative blood loss and the need to utilize transfusion in polytrauma. Use of excessive fluid administration in the prone position is associated with infection, edema, cardiac failure, electrolyte abnormalities, coagulopathy, and prolonged duration of postoperative intensive care unit stay.

  • Current literature does not qualify any SCI biomarkers in the setting of isolated trauma or polytrauma.

  • Evidence suggests that neurologic, functional, and rehabilitation outcomes are similar after isolated versus polytraumatic SCI. However, polytrauma patients may require longer hospital stays to achieve a similar level of recovery.

  • Therapeutic interventions designed to prevent secondary injuries in the spinal cord may come at a cost of increased morbidity and mortality. To treat a patient with multiple potential life-threatening injuries, it is important to care for the spinal cord and advocate for necessary clinical interventions while remaining flexible and communicable.

Unique considerations during acute treatment should be given to spine injury patients with polytrauma. The definition of polytrauma is of some level of variance in current literature; however, the consensus it is an Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) score of greater than 3 in more than one body region or an Injury Severity Score (ISS) of greater than 16, 25, or 38. As with other forms of neurologic injury, prevention of secondary injury cascades is paramount. The astute clinician should therefore systematically approach the polytrauma patient. In those with suspected spinal cord injury (SCI), early immobilization, assurance of oxygenation through in-line endotracheal intubation, maintenance of adequate spinal cord perfusion through hemodynamic stabilization, mitigation of blood loss through systemic injuries, adequate volume resuscitation with or without vasopressor support, and expedient but thorough imaging studies are required. Only after these aforementioned conditions are met should surgical decompression or stabilization be considered. As many evidenced-based guidelines were based on the exclusion of polytrauma patients, careful extrapolation from the primary literature is warranted. The ensuing subsections summarize evidence regarding each of these salient points.

Perfusion and Oxygenation in Polytrauma

Approximately 80% of patients with traumatic SCI (tSCI) have multiple injuries, some of which are overlooked in the presence of obvious SCI. Thus, polytrauma patients should undergo thorough evaluation with a keen awareness of associated injuries and respective timing of decompensation. Maintaining adequate oxygenation through a patent airway is a priority in polytrauma. Namely, high-flow oxygen should be administered with a mask to patients with cervical spine injury; in conscious patients with quadriplegia secondary to upper cervical spine injury and diaphragmatic breathing, early intubation and ventilation should be pursued to counteract poor respiratory effort and CO 2 retention. Fiber-optic intubation with cervical spine control is the preferred method, as there is no evidence that orotracheal intubation with cervical traction will exacerbate SCI.

Once adequate oxygenation is maintained through airway management, circulation should be assessed. Traumatic SCI is often confounded by systemic hypotension and reduced spinal cord perfusion, which may worsen secondary neurologic injury. The current literature indicates that given the high percentage of multiple injuries concurrent with SCI, evaluation of all sources of occult internal hemorrhage is recommended. Commonly, concurrent injuries include damage to the chest wall contents associated with thoracic spine injury, retroperitoneal hemorrhage, pelvic fractures, and open long-bone fractures. Hypotensive shock (systolic blood pressure [SBP] < 90 mm Hg) should not be attributed to SCI or a neurogenic origin until the other sources of internal hemorrhage are ruled out. Once occult sources of hemorrhage have been fully excluded, fluid resuscitation is recommended for initial treatment of neurogenic shock and therapeutic targets include perfusion with SBP of 90 to 100 mm Hg, heart rate of 60 to 100 beats/min, urine output above 30 mL/h, and normothermia.

The management of a polytrauma patient with a pelvic fracture is a major diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The pelvic space can hold up to 4 L of blood and in the setting of trauma can lead to pressure buildup and further hemorrhage with increased risk of mortality to upward of 50%. Implementation of resuscitation measures can reduce direct mortality risk related to pelvic trauma to 7%. In a hemodynamically unstable polytrauma patient with a pelvic fracture, the current literature points toward angiographic embolization as the mainstay of treatment. Karadimas and associates conducted a meta-analysis including 26 studies and found an overall embolization rate of 8.4% in pelvic fracture polytrauma. If this measure proves ineffective, evidence supports temporary pelvic packing via a laparotomy to quell bleeding, open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF), closed reduction with external fixation (CREF), or pneumatic antishock garments. It is important to note that angiography and embolization of pelvic fractures in polytrauma patients are not always optimal due to venous bleeding. Of the forms of mechanical stabilization, ORIF is most stable and can be used in conjunction with CREF as the leading choice for hemorrhage control.

In addition to mitigation of ongoing blood loss and sufficient volume or blood product resuscitation, aggressive blood pressure control should be a priority. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) state that blood pressure management guidelines in spinal cord injury should meet hemodynamic goals of a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of > 85 mm Hg while avoiding SBP less than 90 mm Hg for the first 5 to 7 days. These guidelines are derived from the concept that increased blood pressure leads to decreased damage to axonal function in sensorimotor pathways and requires the addition of vasopressor support. Several studies implementing aggressive hemodynamic goal-directed management suggest improved outcomes.

In summary, achieving hemodynamic stabilization in a polytrauma patient requires thorough evaluation of multisystem or occult injuries, with priority given to maintaining a patent airway, ensuring adequate ventilation and oxygenation, mitigating ongoing blood loss, ensuring adequate fluid and blood product resuscitation, and preserving spinal cord perfusion through targeted blood pressure goals.

Transport Considerations

Immobilization in the treatment of spine trauma includes early identification of injury and prevention of secondary injuries in the peri- and intraoperative settings. For suspected SCI, it is suggested that all trauma patients should be immobilized at the scene and during transport using a combination of a rigid cervical collar along with supportive blocks on a backboard with straps in the prehospital setting. In the event of extended transport time or delays in transferring to the destination facility, hardboards should be used with caution or substituted with padded boards to reduce the pressure on the occiput and sacrum. Although there is biomechanical evidence suggesting that the use of a cervical collar and board provide statistically significantly more immobilization that a collar by itself, there is no evidence to support the type of collar for best results. The long-standing practice of utilizing sandbags and tape alone is not recommended for cervical spine immobilization. Utilization of certain straps may further reduce lateral thoracolumbar spinal movement, but the clinical relevance of this reduction remains unknown. In addition, there is evidence to suggest the extended use of rigid boards can increase pressure and lead to tissue necrosis. Numerous studies demonstrate elevated tissue pressures even after short periods of rigid immobilization. With a paucity of data to define safe durations with hard board immobilizations and the impact of clinical outcomes based on the duration of hard board use, clinical guidelines for the method and duration of mobilization remain inconclusive.

Spinal Cord Injury Versus Vertebral Injury in Polytrauma

Polytrauma can lead to various types of neurologic damage, including spinal cord injuries (SCIs) and vertebral injuries. Nearly 12,000 new cases of nonfatal spinal cord injury are reported annually in the United States, and most of these SCIs have a concomitant injury to the vertebral column. Hence, the extent of injury after polytrauma is often not explicit, and differences between SCI and vertebral injury are debatable. Nevertheless, it is possible to shed some light on the considerations for cord versus vertebral injury with the understanding that the priority in the management of a polytrauma patient is to minimize secondary mechanical or physiologic insults to the spinal cord and vertebral column.

Although spinal cord injury occurs in only up to 5% of polytrauma cases, nearly 14% of these cases can become unstable and require rapid intervention. Minimizing cervical spine instability is a major consideration in polytrauma. Although there is limited evidence to support the use of spinal immobilization and airway management in all trauma victims, the importance of minimizing spinal and vertebral injury in a trauma victim cannot be overlooked. Current evidence indicates that immobilization of polytrauma patients should include a cervical collar, lateral supports and straps, as well as a spinal hardboard that should be padded to reduce pressure on the occiput and sacrum. In patients with known or suspected SCIs, the current Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines indicate that manual in-line stabilization (MILS) with direct or indirect laryngoscopy should be the standard airway intervention technique in polytrauma patients with concomitant SCI and vertebral injury.

Regardless of whether SCI or vertebral injury is suspected in a patient who has suffered from polytrauma, thorough evaluation of the spine is warranted, especially in the unconscious or intoxicated patient. Specifically, evidence indicates aggressive evaluation in male patients < 45 years of age, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) < 15, and concomitant chest injury from falls > 3 m in height or motor vehicle accidents at speed > 70 kph.

The recommended imaging modality for suspected vertebral injury is computed tomography (CT), and for cord or vascular injury it is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CT has a higher specificity and sensitivity for cervical spine injury evaluation compared to plain films; specifically, CT is able to detect 97% to 100% of cervical spine fractures, whereas a single lateral view has a sensitivity of only 63%. Furthermore, CT is indicated as first-line imaging due to improved sensitivity and specificity in visualizing middle and posterior fractures. A detailed review of CT can provide explicit information about the integrity of both the spinal cord and the vertebral column. Stability should be maximized next to limit further neurologic damage or deformity. In the setting of polytrauma, the conscious patient with well-localized severe neck pain may have an unstable ligamentous injury without visible neurologic or radiographic abnormalities. This type of injury is most common in the cervical spine, and radiologic flexion/extension views of the cervical spine may best demonstrate occult instability. This is in contrast to suspected SCI in which MRI is the ideal imaging modality to assess for vascular injury, spinal cord hemorrhage, edema, and contusion. It is important to note that MRI scanning for a polytrauma patient is only suitable if the patient is hemodynamically stable—a challenge in the context of multisystem injury.

Overall, the considerations for differentiating and managing SCI versus vertebral injury secondary to polytrauma are not clearly explicit. Current guidelines indicate that necessary precautions should be made to secure airway management and minimize further damage regardless of whether SCI or vertebral injury has occurred. A conscious effort should always be made to ensure that airway, breathing, and circulation are assessed due to the risk of acute deterioration. Urgent intubation is crucial to airway management and assessment in the setting of polytrauma. Stabilization is often contingent on degree of cooperation from the patient, and the patient’s head/neck movement can often indicate the extent of injury during attempted intubation.

Indications for Surgery in Polytrauma

A clinically relevant classification system accounts for the natural history of injury, stratifies based on injury severity, and suggests a prognosis to guide clinical decision making. The Thoracolumbar Injury Classification (TLIC) and Severity Score of 2005 and the Subaxial Cervical Spine Injury Classification (SLIC) and Severity Score of 2007 have become validated as the most widely used scoring systems for thoracolumbar and cervical trauma, respectively. Both scoring systems incorporate the same three categories of injury characteristics with minor variations between the thoracolumbar and cervical spine, and they have since been externally confirmed for reliability and validity.

The three categories are as follows:

  • 1.

    The injury morphology determined by pattern of disruption on imaging (component score 0 to 4)

  • 2.

    The integrity of the posterior ligamentous complex (PLC) and discoligamentous complex (DLC) for thoracolumbar (TLIC) and cervical injury (SLIC), respectively (component score 0 to 3)

  • 3.

    The neurologic status of the patient (component score 0 to 3)

Injury Morphology

Injury morphology can be separated into the following categories:

  • Compression, or failure of vertebral body under axial loading. Less severely it is a simple compression fracture with buckling of the anterior half of the vertebral body; more severely, the posterior half of the vertebral body fails, resulting in retropulsion of the bony fragment into the spinal canal—a burst fracture. Extra instability may be conferred through lateral angulation seen on an anteroposterior (AP) radiograph.

  • Scoring: compression, +1 point; if burst component, +1 additional point

  • Translation/rotation, or spinal column failure due to torsional or shear forces. The thoracolumbar spine is designed to move in flexion/extension but resist rotation and translation; hence, in TLIC failure from torsion or shear requires more destruction of anatomy, and more instability, than failure from compression alone. Rotational injuries include horizontal separation of the spinous processes or acutely altered pedicles above/below the level of injury on an AP radiograph. Axial radiographs will show a shift in the midsagittal plane across the injury site. Sagittal radiograph reconstruction is necessary for a detailed review of facet jump or fracture. In SLIC, translation/rotation is characterized by radiographic evidence of horizontal displacement of one part of the subaxial cervical spine with respect to the other. Translation is identified by unilateral/bilateral facet fracture-dislocations, fracture separation of the lateral mass, and bilateral pedicle fractures.

  • Scoring: +3 points (TLIC), +4 points (SLIC)

  • Distraction, or separation of one part of the spinal column from others with a space in between. In TLIC, causes include disruption of anterior/posterior ligaments, anterior/posterior bony elements, or both. Most simply the rostral component of the column becomes separated from the caudal component, causing high instability as seen on sagittal or coronal sections. In SLIC it is characterized by anatomic dissociation from the vertical axis, where the capsular/bony constraint of the facet articulation in flexion or the tensile properties of the anterior structures (anterior longitudinal ligament, intervertebral disc, vertebral body) in extension are overcome by large forces.

  • Scoring: +4 points (TLIC); +3 points (SLIC)

In the setting of combined injury, the highest-scoring morphologic subgroup is used as the final score.

Integrity of the Posterior Ligamentous Complex/Discoligamentous Complex

The PLC for TLIC scoring includes the interspinous and supraspinous ligaments, ligamentum flavum, and facet joint capsules, and it protects the spine against excessive flexion, rotation, translation, and distraction. The DLC for SLIC scoring consists of the same processes with the addition of the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments and the intervertebral disc. Once the PLC/DLC is disrupted, there is a higher risk of surgery due to its poor healing ability. Integrity is classified as intact (0 points), suspected/indeterminate (TLIC +2 points; SLIC +1 point), or disrupted (TLIC +3 points; SLIC +2 points) and can be assessed from plain film, CT, and MRI. Positive disruption is indicated by spinous process splaying, facet joint diastasis, or facet perch/subluxation, and in DLC, abnormal disc space widening. Less evident disruptions include vertebral body translation or rotation. When the evidence of disruption is subtle, PLC/DLC integrity is scored as indeterminate.

Neurologic Status

Neurologic injury in the setting of the physiologically well-protected spinal cord and cauda equina indicates greater severity of spinal column injury; hence, focal neurologic signs are generally accepted as indications for surgical decompression. On the TLIC scale, neurologic status is described as intact (0 points), nerve root injury (+2 points), complete cord injury (+2 points), incomplete cord injury or cauda equina injury (+3 points).

The SLIC scale has slight differences as follows: intact (0 points), nerve root injury (+1 point), complete cord injury (+2 points), incomplete cord injury (+3 points), and a modifier of +1 point for continuous cord compression in the setting of a neurologic deficit.

Management Recommendations

Recommendations are provided for the following sum scores:

  • < 4 = nonoperative management

  • 4 = either conservative or surgical management

  • > 4 = operative management

In addition, incapacitating structural deformity or pain may warrant closer evaluation for potential of morphologic or PLC/DLC damage and neurologic deficit, respectively.

Surgical Approach

In consideration of the spinal cord and column, immediate mechanical stability, long-term stability, and neurologic stability are characterized by the TILC categories, respectively. The general principles are (1) incomplete neurologic (SCI or cauda equina) injury requires an anterior procedure if neural compression from the anterior spinal elements is present following postural or open reduction and the PLC is intact; (2) PLC/DLC disruption with intact neurologic status or nerve root injury suggests a posterior procedure may be most appropriate; and (3) coincident incomplete neurologic injury and PLC disruption require a combined anterior/posterior approach. For complete neurologic injury, aggressive decompression is practiced at many institutions to optimize any potential for neurologic recovery as well as to reconstruct or fixate the vertebral column and restore cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow to prevent syringomyelia. Despite these recommendations, each injury should be evaluated separately with consideration of the site of compression (anterior versus posterior), morphology of injury, risk for progressive deformity, and surgeon’s clinical experience and comfort with anterior or posterior surgical techniques. Emerging research may provide more guidance regarding surgical approach. A case series involving 15 patients with high-grade traumatic cervical subluxation indicated that these injuries respond favorably to a combined anterior-posterior approach or a posterior-only approach.

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Feb 12, 2019 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Polytrauma Patient

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