Promote functional recovery
Prevent complications
Encourage functional recovery of the affected limbs
Modulate muscle tone
Experience normal posture
Support and stabilise body segments
Encourage compensatory movements of the unaffected limbsIncrease sensory input
Pressure sores
Chest infections
Damage to the affected limbs or vulnerable brain
Improve respiratory capacity
Improve circulation
Prevent postural hypotension
Increased spatial awareness
Provide comfort
Promote opportunities for socialisation/communication
Achieve safe swallow/feeding
More recently, a number of studies have evaluated the effect of positioning on a range of impairments, such as contractures and pain, as well as patient function [10–14 ]. These trials evaluated the effect of sustained stretches, ranging from 20 to 30 min performed either two or three times per day, between 5 and 7 days per week for at least 4 weeks on contracture formation in addition to conventional stroke unit care. Due to their small sample sizes, a meta-analysis of these randomised controlled trials was conducted to evaluate the effect of sustained positioning on shoulder external rotation range of motion, which was the only impairment included in all studies [15]. The results of this meta-analysis failed to demonstrate the benefit of positioning to prevent or reduce shoulder external rotation contracture after stroke. The only study which demonstrated a significant reduction in shoulder external rotation contracture development between control and experimental groups enrolled patients within the first 2 weeks post-stroke [11], whereas the other studies recruited patients from 3 to 12 weeks post-stroke. As soft tissue shortening can develop within the first few weeks post-stroke [15], it may suggest that earlier positioning post-stroke is more beneficial in maintaining joint range of motion than late-stage positioning. As well, the meta-analysis suggested that the dosage of 20–30 min two to three times per day may not be sufficient to prevent or reduce contracture formation and therefore more research is required to determine the optimal dosage for contracture prevention.
In terms of seating, current clinical guidelines highlight the importance of sitting patients upright, including sitting patients out of bed [16–18]. There is increasing evidence to suggest that patients who undergo early mobilisation demonstrate improved functional outcomes post-stroke [19, 20]. Documented benefits of providing specialist postural support in seating include improved mental arousal due to activation of the ascending reticular formation [21], improved upper limb function [22, 23], enhanced communication, reduced fatigue, and improved energy conservation [24], and positive psychological benefits for patients [25].
The lack of sufficient evidence to demonstrate the benefits of positioning in bed and in the seated position highlights the importance of conducting a detailed assessment of the patient’s clinical presentation and implementing positioning and seating strategies based on these assessment findings and the specific needs of the patient.
Complications of Incorrect Positioning
It has been reported that complications post-stroke can impede rehabilitation, increase hospital length of stay and the direct cost of patient care, as well as negatively affect functional outcomes [2]. As such, strategies to reduce the occurrence of complications post-stroke should be readily implemented. There are a number of potential complications that can arise from limbs being immobilised in poor alignment for prolonged periods of time as well as positions being sustained that may affect physiological parameters. These potential complications described in the literature are listed in Table 9.2 [26–39]. As pressure care will be discussed later in this chapter, this section will focus on the musculoskeletal and physiological complications arising from incorrect positioning.
Table 9.2
Reported complications of poor positioning
Musculoskeletal | Skin | Respiratory | Cardiovascular | Digestive |
Contracture formation Pain, including hemiplegic shoulder pain | Pressure sores | Hypoxia | Changes in blood pressure Changes in intracranial pressure | Difficulty in swallowing (increased risk of aspiration) |
One of the consequences of immobility imposed by the different impairments post-stroke is that the resting positions of different body regions can place muscles in shortened positions [26]. For example, the upper limb resting on the patient’s thigh in sitting upright results in shoulder adduction and internal rotation, elbow flexion, forearm pronation, and wrist and finger flexion and places these muscle groups in shortened positions compared to their antagonist muscles. Muscles adapt to this enforced immobilisation through loss of sarcomeres [27], resulting in muscle shortening, as well as changes in the viscoelastic properties of the surrounding connective tissues, including an increase in the ratio of collagen to muscle fibre [28]. These adaptive changes result in less compliance when passively stretched and manifest clinically as increased resistance on passive ranging. These adaptive changes have been demonstrated to occur within days of immobilisation [27] and could lead to more permanent soft tissue shortening, known as a contracture, if not effectively managed. Contractures are a common complication post-stroke, occurring in up to 60 % of patients within the first year post-stroke [2]. As upper limb function is more likely to be comprised with greater restrictions in joint range [11], strategies to prevent or slow down the development of contractures should be implemented. Whilst most studies have demonstrated that currently used positioning strategies have limited effect on contracture development [15], positioning patients early post-stroke may slow down the development of contractures [11].
In addition, positions or postures that do not provide adequate support to weak and hypotonic body regions may contribute to the development of other musculoskeletal abnormalities and pain. The shoulder joint is particularly vulnerable to these complications as it derives most of its stability from muscular support, which is often reduced or lost post-stroke [29]. If the upper limb is unsupported against gravity, the shoulder joint capsule and surrounding ligaments can stretch over time, which can result in inferior glenohumeral joint subluxation [29, 30]. Whilst subluxation itself may not be painful, it is strongly associated with hemiplegic shoulder pain [31], which can be a significant clinical problem resulting in poor recovery of arm movement and upper limb function. In addition, external and uncontrolled forces applied to the weak and hypotonic upper limb can lead to sub-acromial impingement, rotator cuff injury, and bicipital tendonitis [30]. Subluxation, soft tissue damage, and pain may be minimised if the upper limb is well handled and supported in different positions [29–31].
There are a number of respiratory and cardiovascular physiological changes that can arise in different positions, which may have clinical implications if patients maintain these positions for prolonged periods of time. Oxygenation may be lower in the supine and flat side lying positions compared to sitting upright at least 45° post-stroke [32, 33]. However, there may be no difference in oxygenation between side lying with the head of bed elevated at 45° compared to sitting upright in bed at 70° [34]. Blood pressure changes have been noted between supine and sitting upright positions, though results have been mixed [35–37]. Studies have also investigated the effects of positioning on cerebral blood flow and perfusion [37–39], which may have important consequences in ensuring that penumbral tissue post-stroke is sufficiently perfused. Again, results have been mixed due to small sample sizes, but more authors suggested that the supine position may result in improved cerebral blood flow and perfusion compared to sitting upright positions [37, 39]. Due to the inconclusive results from these studies, it is important that the patient is monitored closely for physiological changes arising from changes in positioning. It also supports the notion that patients require regular position changes due to the benefits of adopting different positions.
Positioning in Bed
Immediately following a stroke, patients can demonstrate a range of impairments that will limit their ability to engage in rehabilitation [40]. Muscle weakness and flaccidity, due to decreased descending inputs on spinal motor neurons, as well as somatosensory impairments, can make it difficult for patients to move their limbs and adjust their position. Cognitive impairments, such as reduced attention, as well as decreased nutritional intake arising from dysphagia, can make it difficult for patients to participate in rehabilitative activities for sustained periods of time. As such, patients may spend a considerable amount of time in bed in the initial period post-stroke. Therefore, correct positioning of stroke patients in bed is important to prevent complications arising from poor positioning, which may influence the rehabilitation process and affect functional outcome [2].
Positioning of stroke patients in bed is not just confined to the initial period post-stroke. All patients will spend time in bed for sleeping, and patients who are able to sit out will need to return to bed at some point in order to rest and relax. As well, the initial period post-stroke may be followed by the emergence of abnormal posturing of the different body regions, due to muscle imbalance, soft tissue shortening, and increased tone [1, 40]. Common abnormal postures described in the literature [1] are listed in Table 9.3. The suggested positioning strategies for supine, side lying, and sitting upright in bed described in the literature and reported in this section are designed to counteract the effect of this abnormal posturing, which may result in secondary musculoskeletal complications if not prevented. Whilst these abnormal postures and suggested positioning strategies to counteract these postures have been well described in the literature [1], the actual presence of these postures in patients post-stroke has been inferred mostly from observations of clinical practice rather than through direct scientific evaluation. In addition, the suggested positioning strategies to counteract anticipated abnormal postures arising from stroke are based on the assumption that all patients experience these postures. However, there is no direct evidence to confirm this assumption. As such, these suggested positioning strategies should not supersede the findings from an individualised patient assessment. Instead, the strategies should provide guidance to assist clinicians in the optimal positioning of patients.
Table 9.3
Typical posturing post-stroke
Body region | Position |
Head | Laterally flexed to affected side; rotated away from affected side |
Scapula | Depressed, retracted |
Shoulder | Adducted, internally rotated |
Elbow | Flexed |
Forearm | Pronated |
Wrist | Flexed |
Fingers | Flexed |
Trunk | Side flexed to affected side |
Pelvis | Retracted on affected side |
Hip | Extended, adducted, and internally rotated |
Knee | Extended |
Ankle | Plantar flexed |
Sub-talar joint | Inverted |
Forefoot | Supinated |
Toes | Dorsiflexed |
As positioning is considered to be most effective when applied consistently over a 24-h period [1], the use of diagrams or photographs taken with patient consent can be used in the clinical setting to demonstrate individual positioning strategies and use of equipment to convey to all members of the multi-disciplinary team how to optimally position patients (Fig. 9.1a–d).
Fig. 9.1
(a–d) Use of photographs to demonstrate equipment use
For the following positions and unless otherwise stated, the reported joints refer to the joints on the affected side of the body, i.e. the side of the body presenting with the most impairments as a direct result of the stroke.
Supine (Fig. 9.2)
Fig. 9.2
Supine lying
Key components
Neutral head, neck, and trunk alignment (may use a pillow under the head)
Upper limb supported on a pillow
Scapular protraction
Shoulder abduction and external rotation
Elbow extension
Forearm mid-pronation or supination
Wrist and finger neutral or slight extension
Thumb abduction
Neutral hip position (may use pillows or a blanket on the lateral aspect of the thigh to prevent hip external rotation)
Knee extension (or slight knee flexion with a rolled blanket under the knee to prevent knee hyperextension)
Neutral ankle position, or ankle plantargrade (may use resting foot splints or a blanket against the sole of the foot to prevent ankle plantarflexion)
Supine is one of the least recommended bed positions for stroke patients [7–9]. Whilst cerebral perfusion may be enhanced in the position [37, 39], patients in supine lying are more likely to demonstrate hypoxia compared to more upright postures [32, 33]. In addition, supine lying can make social interaction difficult for patients and is considered an unsafe position for swallowing due to the increased risk of aspiration [8, 9]. Therefore, supine with slight head-of-bed elevation (approximately 30°) is generally recommended over supine with no elevation amongst nurses and therapists [8, 9].
Side Lying: Lying on the Affected Side (Fig. 9.3)
Fig. 9.3
Lying on the affected side
Key components
Neutral head, neck, and trunk alignment
Scapular protraction
Shoulder flexion and external rotation
Elbow extension
Forearm mid-pronation or supination
Wrist and finger neutral or slight extension with thumb abduction
Hip and knee extension (and hip and knee flexion for the non-affected side)
Ankle plantargrade
Lying on the Non-affected Side (Fig. 9.4)
Fig. 9.4
Lying on the non-affected side
Key components
Neutral head, neck, and trunk alignment
Upper limb supported on pillow
Scapular protraction
Shoulder flexion and external rotation
Elbow extension
Forearm mid-pronation or supination
Wrist and finger neutral or slight extension with thumb abduction
Hip and knee flexion (and hip and knee extension for the affected side)
Ankle plantargrade
Side lying is more recommended than supine amongst nurses and therapists for stroke patients when resting in bed [7–9]. Lying on the non-affected side is especially recommended as one of the preferred bed positions for both conscious and unconscious stroke patients amongst nurses and therapists [8, 9]. The affected side is more easily positioned in this position and there is the potential for patients to use their affected side when uppermost. When patients lie on their affected side, careful attention is required to ensure that the affected side is well aligned, as reduced sensation and weakness may make it difficult for patients to sense areas of discomfort and adjust their position accordingly. There has been no comparison of physiological differences between side lying with and without head-of-bed elevation. Therefore, both positions could be considered when positioning patients on their sides.
Sitting Upright in Bed (Fig. 9.5)
Fig. 9.5
Sitting upright in bed
Key components:
Neutral head, neck, and trunk alignment (consider rolled towels on the lateral aspect of the head to prevent rotation and lateral flexion)
Upper limb supported on a pillow
Scapular protraction
Shoulder flexion, abduction, and external rotation
Elbow extension
Forearm mid-pronation or supination
Wrist and finger neutral or slight extension
Thumb abduction
Neutral hip position (may use pillows or a blanket on the lateral aspect of the thigh to prevent hip external rotation)
Knee extension (or slight knee flexion with a rolled blanket under the knee to prevent knee hyperextension)
Ankle plantargrade (may use resting foot splints or a blanket against the sole of the foot to prevent ankle plantarflexion)
Whilst there is no consensus regarding the optimal head-of-bed elevation when resting in bed, there may be no difference in oxygenation when patients are sitting upright at 45° elevation compared to 70° elevation [34]. As such, the optimal head-of-bed elevation may be more dependent upon patient preference and comfort. Studies looking at cerebral perfusion post-stroke have only looked at head-of-bed elevations from 0 to 45° [37–39] and most report that cerebral perfusion is reduced with more upright postures [37, 39].
Positioning and Seating
Why is seating important? Following damage to the central nervous system by a stroke, a patient’s ability to sit independently and unsupported can be affected [40]. Some stroke patients will demonstrate difficulty sitting unsupported in the short term or the acute phase of stroke recovery, whereas other patients will present with more significant impairments and require more long-term and complex postural management support. Being able to sit independently is integral to most, if not all, functional daily life tasks [40]. Therefore, ensuring that patients are positioned correctly in the seated position is seen as an essential part of the rehabilitation process to regain sitting balance and is pivotal to a patient’s recovery. Due to the limited evidence available to guide clinicians regarding correct seating post-stroke, providing appropriate seating for patients after stroke can be challenging and requires a multi-disciplinary approach involving nursing, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. As such, it may be worthwhile to review the typical sitting postures adopted by stroke patients, and subsequently discuss the optimal seating positions in stroke rehabilitation.
Typical Sitting Posture Post-stroke
There are many reasons why a patient is unable to sit independently after a stroke. A patient’s ability to sit is affected by motor, sensory, and cognitive impairments after a stroke [41]. These can include the following:
Contralateral trunk (and upper limb) weakness
Increased or reduced muscle tone
Fatigue and reduced physical endurance
Contralateral proprioceptive and/or sensory loss
Reduced consciousness
Attention deficits, including sustained attention and inattention of the affected side
Spatial awareness and perception of midline impairments
Behavioural impairments
As a result of these impairments, patients post-stroke typically adopt a characteristic asymmetrical sitting posture (Table 9.4, Fig. 9.6) [41].
Table 9.4
Typical sitting posture of a stroke patient
Body region | Position |
Head | Laterally flexed towards the affected side; rotated away from the affected side |
Scapula | Depressed, retracted |
Shoulder | Adducted, internally rotated |
Elbow | Flexed |
Forearm | Pronated |
Wrist | Flexed |
Fingers | Flexed |
Trunk | Laterally flexed towards the affected side +/- rotated |
Pelvis | Retracted on the affected side and posterior tilt, resulting in unequal weight bearing through the ischial tuberosities |
Hip | Abducted and externally rotated |
Ankle | Inverted and reduced foot contact with the floor |
Fig. 9.6
Typical sitting posture of a stroke patient
These postures are often reinforced or highlighted due to the sustained effect of gravity upon the different body segments whilst the patient attempts to maintain an upright position [42]. A consequence of these postures is that the patient sits in poor alignment with altered weight distribution. In addition to the previously described complications associated with poor positioning, such as soft tissue shortening, pain, and pressure sores, a lack of appropriate seating support may result in the patient sliding out of the chair, which may increase the risk of falling. A detailed assessment of posture will determine the appropriate seating required to ameliorate these observed postures and reduce the risk of secondary complications.
Optimal Seating Posture
As reported in the “Positioning in Bed” section, commonly described positioning strategies, including those used in sitting, have limited evidence to support their efficacy. The optimal seating position has been reported as being “erect, symmetrical, and aligned” [43]. This is derived from ergonomic theory that says that adopting this position prevents the development of complications and supports the natural anatomical structure of the body. The suggested optimal sitting position described in the literature [1] is reported below (Fig. 9.7):
Fig. 9.7
Optimal sitting position
Neutral or midline head, neck, and trunk alignment
Upper limb
Scapular protraction
Shoulder flexion, abduction, and external rotation, though there is a lack of consensus regarding the exact degree of positioning
Elbow either flexed or extended—there is a lack of consensus as to the optimal position
Forearm pronation
Neutral wrist position
Finger extension
Thumb abduction
Neutral pelvic alignment
Hips and knees at 90° flexion
Feet flat on the floor
It should be noted that maintaining this optimal seating position may be difficult due to the previously described post-stroke impairments as well as a patient’s attempt to readjust their position. As such, clinicians need to be realistic regarding how long a patient is likely to maintain this optimal position.
Seating Options
As patients post-stroke demonstrate a range of impairments that can change over time, a number of seating options to address different seating requirements are reviewed below. It is important to note that as the patient’s clinical presentation changes, a review of their seating needs will be required.
Standard Armchair
For most patients, a standard armchair with a pillow or table to support the patient’s affected upper limb will suffice (Fig. 9.8a, b). This may be considered for patients who demonstrate independent sitting balance but may still need some extra support for their affected upper limb.
Fig. 9.8
(a, b) Positioning in a standard armchair (a) with a pillow for support; (b) with a pillow on a table for support
Wheelchairs are another seating option for patients post-stroke which, as well as providing transport for the patient, can provide more adjustable seating settings (Fig. 9.9). This may be considered for patients who need some additional support or equipment to maintain an aligned and upright sitting posture. This can include lateral supports to maintain neutral trunk alignment in the chair as well as lumbar rolls that can be used to maintain a patient’s lumbar lordosis and anterior pelvic tilt (Fig. 9.10). There are also alternative back rests that provide more trunk support than the standard canvas of a wheelchair, which tend to encourage a slumped posture. Upper limb supports, such as the Bexhill arm rest, can be fitted onto most wheelchairs to provide additional support to the affected shoulder and upper limb, as well as facilitate optimal positioning (Fig. 9.11).
Fig. 9.9
Wheelchairs provide transport as well as more adjustable seating settings for patients post-stroke
Fig. 9.10
Lateral supports
Fig. 9.11
Upper limb supports
Specialist cushions will be required for patients who are unable to relieve their own pressure, which can increase the risk of skin breakdown. They can also give additional support to position the pelvis where there is poor pelvic alignment, such as pelvic obliquity or posterior tilt. There is some evidence that contoured cushions can provide more postural stability in sitting compared to air or flat cushions, though this research only involved a small sample of nine paraplegic patients [44].
Complex Seating Systems
Specialist seating systems are designed for patients who are unable to maintain or achieve an aligned and upright sitting posture with a standard armchair, or in a wheelchair with the previously described supportive equipment. This occurs most commonly in patients with more severe strokes, who require maximal assistance to maintain sitting balance. In these situations, they should be provided with a wheelchair or armchair that has a gravity-assisted mechanism, also known as a “tilt-in-space” chair (Fig. 9.12). This seated position allows the experience of sitting in a symmetrical position, with gravity assisting the maintenance of a balanced symmetrical posture. It also enables the patient to experience sitting in an upright position in a graded fashion, by gradually decreasing the angle of recline towards 0°. This can be achieved over a few days or weeks post-stroke. However, some patients with more severe impairments will need this level of support long term. There are both static (armchair) and wheelchair options for tilt-in-space seating.
Fig. 9.12
Tilt-in-space seating
There is a lack of consensus regarding which chair is the most appropriate for patients with more severe impairments. Patients may tolerate sitting in a chair for longer periods of time if sat in a wheelchair with more support, whereas they may only tolerate a shorter period of sitting in a standard wheelchair with less support [42]. In these situations, careful consideration needs to be given to the actual goal of seating. There is some research to suggest that use of a tilt-in-space chair improves skin perfusion, particularly when tilted to 35° and pressure is directed through the ischial tuberosities rather than the sacrum [45–47], though this evidence has been derived from small patient samples.
Powered Wheelchairs
A powered wheelchair should be considered for those patients who are likely to be long-term wheelchair users. A powered wheelchair allows a patient who has upper limb weakness and is unable to self-propel independently to move themselves around in an environment. This can lead to an improved sense of independence and control. There are both indoor (Electrically Powered Indoor Chair–EPIC) and outdoor versions (Electrically Powered Indoor Outdoor Chair–EPIOC) and they can also be fitted with postural support mechanisms, such as lateral supports and tilt-in-space options. Powered wheelchairs may minimise a patient using their non-affected lower limb to propel themselves forward, informally known as “punting”, which may result in an asymmetrical sitting posture.
Careful consideration needs to be given to the cognitive ability of the patient to learn the wheelchair’s controls and manage the chair spatially in a changing and unpredictable environment, such as on a ward or in the community. However, there is case study evidence to suggest that patients with severe spatial neglect can learn to use a powered wheelchair if given intensive daily training [48].
Common Challenges to Seating After Stroke
Pusher Syndrome
Pusher syndrome (also known as ipsilateral pushing and contraversive pushing) is a clinical disorder that is characterised by the patient using the non-affected side of their body to push towards their affected side and resisting attempts at passive correction (Fig. 9.13) [49]. Pusher syndrome results from a misrepresentation of the patient’s sense of verticality [50], determined by visual and postural means, with most patients generally perceiving their postural midline towards the contralesional side [51, 52]. This syndrome is seen in approximately 10 % of all stroke patients and pusher behaviour usually resolves within the first 6 months post-stroke for the majority of stroke patients with pusher syndrome [50, 53, 54]. Although seen in left- and right-hemisphere lesions, there is an increased incidence in right-hemisphere lesions [55, 56] and it is often associated with other neurological impairments, such as spatial neglect in right-hemisphere lesions and aphasia in left-hemisphere lesions [50]. A number of anatomical regions have been implicated in the development of pusher syndrome [57]; however, it is most commonly seen in lesions of the posterolateral thalamus, insular cortex, and post-central gyrus [50].