Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF) in Spondylolisthesis
P. Suchomel
P. Barsa
P. Buchvald
Despite a large number of patients with lumbar spondylolisthesis treated surgically worldwide, it remains controversial whether reduction of the slip is advantageous and what type of fusion offers the best outcome to surgical candidates (1,2,3).
Good or acceptable results are described for simple posterolateral fusion (4,5), posterior instrumented fusion (6), and anterior and circumferential procedures (7) without slip reduction. The aim of contemporary surgical treatment is, however, not only fusion, but also fusion in physiologic position.
Interbody location has some theoretical advantage over posterolateral fusion. The Wolf law says that osteointegration potential is superior in grafts placed under compression. Interbody position of the bone graft is therefore ideal because the anterior and middle spinal columns bear 80% of the spinal load, compared to 20% borne by the posterior elements. Interbody location further provides 90% of the vertebral osseous contact area; also, the vascular bed, mandatory for osteoinduction, is more abundant in the interbody region. Higher potential to form solid bone mass is not the only advantage of interbody grafts and spacers. They also help to further restore disc space height, optimize sagittal balance, and in some cases also adjust coronal alignment (8,9,10,11). Posterolateral fusion has only very limited potential to do this.
The commonest methods of achieving lumbar interbody fusion are anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) with or without posterior instrumentation and posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) or transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) supplemented by transpedicular stabilization. Advocates of anterior approach argue that it provides a better anterior column support and a superior contact for osteointegration (11,12). Opponents are defending one-stage posterior surgery with good nerve root decompression and posterior lumbar interbody fusion (13). The type of olisthesis appears to be important in determining both the type of fusion that should be implemented and the desirability of slip reduction. The status of sagittal profile of the lumbopelvic junction seems to be of a major importance in determining the risk of further slip progression (14), especially in cases with insufficiency of the hook and catch posterior retaining mechanism (15). Surgical indication is usually based on intractable pain that has failed to respond to conservative management and/or neurologic deficit in adults. However, in adolescents with dysplastic types of spondylolisthesis, the risk of slip progression can be sufficient to warrant surgical intervention (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16). Inability to walk or work under load and cosmetic consequences should not be underestimated when considering surgery (17).
We reviewed our series to assess the outcome of different methods with further subgroup analysis of isthmic spondylolisthesis treated with instrumented PLIF and reduction of slip.
Over a period of 8 years (1994-2002), 113 patients were operated for spondylolisthesis in our department. Isthmic type was present in 63 patients (55.7%), degenerative in 43 patients (38%), and other types in 7 (6.2%). All the patients had indications for surgery following failure of at least 1 year of conservative treatment (with the exception of those with progressive neurologic deficit, who were operated earlier).
Most cases (83) were fused with PLIF: 2 allograft, 13 autograft, 68 Prospace (titanium Plasmapore coated prismatic cage). Autograft ALIF was performed in 29 cases, exclusively in patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis. Posterolateral fusion was performed only once. All cases were instrumented.
A subgroup of 48 patients with Meyerding Grade 1-3 isthmic spondylolisthesis, treated with posterior transpedicular fixation and Prospace cage (Aesculap, Germany) without any bone addition, was analyzed further. Low back pain (93.75%), radiculopathy (95.8%), and neurologic deficit (45.8%) were the most frequent indications for surgery.
Patients were positioned prone on pillow supports on a radiolucent table with slight flexion of the hips and knees. The standard midline posterior approach was used to reach the lower lumbar spine. Prior to introduction of the screw, a one-piece Gills laminectomy was usually performed. The exiting nerve roots were fully decompressed and the medial surface of pedicles clarified. Pedicular screws (6 mm) of a Socon internal fixator (a fixation device manufactured by Aesculap in Germany) were introduced under lateral fluoroscopy and direct visualization of the medial pedicular cortex. Entry points were at the lateral facet surfacetransverse process junction in order to avoid upper joint capsule damage. Screws were inserted with appropriate medial angulation and parallel to the upper end plate. Sacral screws were directed slightly obliquely and convergent to the condensed bone in the promontory. In few cases of “hollow sacrum,” drilling through promontory bone was necessary.
Connecting clamps and rods were assembled on the screw heads. The spondylolisthesis reduction instrument SRI (Aesculap) was connected to the internal fixator (Fig. 24.1). At the beginning of procedure, a discectomy was performed to facilitate distraction of the collapsed disc space (Fig. 24.2). This was achieved through the application of distractive forces via the adjacent pedicle screws and/or with a Steffee interbody persuader. Further distraction was achieved during slip reduction (Fig. 24.3). A wide decompression enabled the completion of disc material removal as well as control of the stretch of neural elements. In the overdistracted position thus achieved, there is enough space to introduce posterior dowel or cage.
Prospace spacers are available as either quadrangular (Fig. 24.4) or lordotic (5 degrees). Asymmetrical lordotic cages are introduced with parallel surfaces and turned to distract the anterior column in target position. Finally, distraction is released without changing the reduction force. The correction of slip angle is then achieved by simple release or by forced compression over the fulcrum of cage. Slight angle corrections with respect to preoperative planning are possible before final tightening of the internal fixator.
Prospace spacers are available as either quadrangular (Fig. 24.4) or lordotic (5 degrees). Asymmetrical lordotic cages are introduced with parallel surfaces and turned to distract the anterior column in target position. Finally, distraction is released without changing the reduction force. The correction of slip angle is then achieved by simple release or by forced compression over the fulcrum of cage. Slight angle corrections with respect to preoperative planning are possible before final tightening of the internal fixator.

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