Postoperative Intracranial Infections
Postoperative infections in cranial neurosurgery are reported within a range of 0.5 to 6.6%.1–3 An analysis of predisposing conditions and risk factors, in addition to sufficient preventative measures, should provide a solid basis for further evaluation of this problem. However, closer scrutiny of the literature before 19924–6 and the contemporary literature, which provides the basis for this chapter, raises concern.
The rarity of this complication demands high case numbers to permit conclusive analysis beyond anecdotal case reports. As such, some studies combine the results of spinal and cranial (burr holes and open craniotomies) cases to generate a single neurosurgical infection rate.3,7,8 When these subdivisions are accounted for, only a few contemporary studies remain with sufficient case numbers for a meaningful analysis of cranial postoperative infections. As a consequence, McClelland could find only two recent neurosurgical studies to include in a meta-analysis.9 Furthermore, basic inconsistencies in adherence to an antibiotic prophylaxis protocol (e.g., incorrect timing, wrong or no prophylaxis, continuation at the surgeon′s discretion, regionally adapted unconventional combinations8,10,11) and in reporting of infections (wound or general infections,11 only infections that were reoperated,12,13 classification of wound infections) prevent comparison. In addition to these issues, potential detection error,14 referral bias, and unrecorded treatment at different institutions12 may result in miscalculation of the “true” infection rate.
Besides open questions in epidemiology, the rarity of postoperative infections combined with the irregularities encountered in reporting represents a challenge in evaluating and a still greater challenge in comparing prevention techniques with sufficient statistical power.
To obtain such information, examination of the literature for other surgical specialties is useful.1,15–18 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided a working definition of surgical wound infections, more precisely labeled as surgical site infections (SSIs), as a basis for structured reporting.1,15,19,20 Risk factors for infection have been corroborated in various series.1–3,7,8,10,17,21–24
Only a few neurosurgical reports that address wound infections are structured accordingly.2,7 Most publications report infection rates indiscriminately, precluding further analysis, or consider only those complications that required reoperation,12,13 obscuring the true dimension of the problem. Information with regard to risk factors, follow-up, and true infection rate remains vague. Larger studies that enable a more thorough investigation are infrequent.
McClelland and Hall3 analyzed 1,587 elective cranial cases performed by the senior author as a “single-surgeon” series. For the 562 elective craniotomies, five infections were reported, resulting in an infection rate of 0.89%. Korinek et al2 reported an overall infection rate of 6.6% in a single-center, “multiple-surgeon” study with 4,578 craniotomies (emergency and elective). While the former study shows how under the best possible circumstances infection rates can be lowered and almost eradicated, the latter most likely reflects the challenge that confronts most neurosurgical units.2
In this chapter, we review the contemporary literature with respect to risk factors, the classification of postoperative wound infections (SSIs), and potential methods for future analysis. The specific postoperative infections in cranial neurosurgery are discussed within this framework.
Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infections
A multitude of factors have been identified that result in SSI. Although information remains contradictory on their respective validity, risk factors can be categorized as patient- or procedure-related.17
Patient-Related Risk Factors
Patient-related risk factors include vulnerability due to metabolic states21 (e.g., diabetes mellitus); unbalanced nutritional states (obesity, malnutrition manifested by weight loss and a low preoperative albumin level); tobacco use; specific exposure risks (infection at another site at the time of surgery, prolonged preoperative hospital stay, colonization with Staphylococcus aureus); reduced defensive capacity (impaired immune response, corticosteroid use, irradiation to the surgical field); and age.
Although these factors may be interrelated and thus not valid as independent risk factors, they warrant heightened attention. Furthermore, a closer investigation of these risk factors may yield potential approaches to reduce or prevent their impact.17 For instance, diabetes is not in itself a risk factor3 for infection in the absence of preoperative hyperglycemia.17 Therefore, metabolic correction to normoglycemia reduces the infection risk in every patient, irrespective of the underlying disorder. Advanced age has also been considered a risk factor. Various hypotheses on decreased wound healing and a defective immune system have been discussed. However, Kaye et al23 showed that longitudinally, the risk for SSI increases up to the age of 65, after which there is a decrease in a linear fashion at a rate of 1.1% per year.17,23
Various patient-related characteristics can reasonably be identified as risk factors. Careful reevaluation may provide new insights17 that will enable us to influence preoperative states to reduce the hazard of infections.
Procedure-Related Risk Factors
Procedure-related risk factors can be broadly categorized as local (related to the surgical site) or general (related to systemic issues).18,25 Most of the local factors pertain to site preparation: lack of preoperative cleansing (antiseptic shower); hair removal26–28 (type and timing, improper skin preparation); and surgical techniques25 (excessive tissue damage, intraoperative placement of chemotherapeutic wafers22,29). General issues include inappropriate antibiotic prophylaxis with regard to timing, reapplication, and choice2; hypothermia and hypoxia; perioperative blood transfusion; and postoperative anemia.17 Special risks in the neurosurgical population are implantation of foreign material (i.e., ventriculoperitoneal shunts, dural substitutes); local radiation (causing subsequent decreased vascularity of the skin) and chemotherapy (prior treatment24 or intracavitary wafers22); and early reoperation.2
The single most important procedure-related risk factor for a postoperative infection in neurosurgery is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage.2,7,8,13,30–33 A multicenter study by Korinek et al10 identified emergency surgery, clean–contaminated class of surgery, length of surgery of more than 4 hours, and reoperation as additional risk factors for infection. In the subsequent single-center study,2 CSF leakage remained the most important risk factor (odds ratio, 11.48), whereas neither emergency surgery nor contamination class was found to be statistically significant. However, surgical diagnosis, surgeon, early reoperation, and surgery lasting more than 4 hours were identified as independent risk factors. Meningiomas (76/729, or 10%) and metastases (29/183, or 15%) accounted for 34.7% of 303 infections in 4,578 surgeries, making the surgical diagnosis an independent risk factor. The reason for the high incidence of infection in metastases remains unclear, but it has been attributed to altered immune defenses. Although in meningiomas2,13 the individual circumstances are not specified, the most likely explanation is the potential for CSF leakage after dural reconstruction.
Because surgery is the required event for SSI, it is not surprising that the surgeon plays an important role. Although it is misleading to describe the surgeon as a general risk factor,2 there are interesting implications. In the available reports, single-surgeon studies3 provide the lower end of the infection range, and multicenter studies2 determine the upper end. Cushing (1915) pointed out the surgeon′s pivotal role in postoperative infections: “Certainly infections cannot be attributed to the intervention of the devil but must be laid at the surgeon′s door.” It is important to interpret this statement properly; it is neither accusatory nor placing blame, but rather represents a challenge to the individual surgeon to live up to this essential obligation.
Two other aspects of the surgical site that warrant a more elaborate discussion are classification of the wound and shaving of the operative field.
Wound Categories
The National Academy of Sciences has proposed the widely accepted classification of the contamination status of sites of surgery as clean, clean–contaminated, contaminated, and dirty.15 With the correct administration of antibiotic prophylaxis and appropriate aseptic technique, the infection rates are lowered in all categories.1,15,20,21 In neurosurgery, most cases are considered clean; however, reported infection rates for shunt implantations, which are considered clean surgeries, are higher than those for other cranial procedures. To account for this discrepancy, the cases in the clean subdivision have been separated into those with and those without foreign body implantation.34 Although the question remains of how much material constitutes the difference between clean and clean with foreign body, this seems like a reasonable subdivision, in particular with regard to shunt procedures, cranioplasty, and surgeries involving dural substitutes.34
The term clean–contaminated describes procedures in which the respiratory or alimentary membranes are entered under controlled conditions, as in trans-sphenoidal or endoscopic approaches30,33 to the skull base. With proper attention to antiseptic techniques, these cases can have similar infection rates (1.8%),33 as can clean elective craniotomies. Contaminated and dirty procedures are rarely performed in neurosurgery and are mostly associated with emergency situations, which in themselves represent a risk factor.
Shaving of the Surgical Site
Hair has previously been considered a risk factor for wound infections. However, evidence exists that shaving itself poses a risk. A clear association between the manner of hair removal and SSI has been found in that the use of a razor results in a higher risk for SSI than do clippers or a depilation cream.26 A razor produces microscopic abrasions of the skin, which are subsequently colonized by bacteria. Shaving the surgical site the evening before surgery poses the greatest risk for SSI because of the extended period in which bacterial colonization can occur, and this practice has largely been abandoned.
A comprehensive article by Winston26 offers an enjoyable analysis of this issue of hair removal. Hair can be rendered void of infecting organisms by using proper local preparation and surgical scrubbing. The infecting flora is found in the deeper layers of the skin, which are not affected by shaving. There is no increase in infection rates if the hair is not removed. Subsequently, various groups have published their data on surgery without shaving.26–28 A prerequisite to prevent infection is thorough preparation of the site before surgery with shampooing and antiseptic cleansing. Furthermore, in closing the wound, the surgeon must ensure that no hair remains in the wound, thus making the final part of the procedure more involved. Staples and interrupted sutures26–28 are used to close the skin. The studies were carefully designed and should be read attentively before a “no-shave” policy is adopted. Bekar et al27 administered antibiotics for 3 days after surgery. This practice may have resulted in a skewed representation of the true infection risk posed by not shaving. Tokimura et al28 administered antibiotics for 24 hours and had the patients’ hair washed on the second, fourth, and sixth postoperative days. Accordingly, all studies that pertain to “no-shaving” routines instituted additional safety measures. Thus, “not shaving” poses no additional risk for infection if proper precautions are taken.
Estimating the Risk for Surgical Site Infection: NNIS Risk Index
In an effort to identify patients with a susceptibility to postoperative infection, the CDC (National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance [NNIS] system) developed a risk index, which has been validated and found to correlate well with infection rates.15 The risk index is based on an ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) preoperative assessment, the wound category, and the duration of surgery (75th percentile of the NNIS data for craniotomies rounded to the nearest whole number of hours: 4 hours). The index is divided into four categories (0 to 3), which correlate with increasing risk for postoperative wound infections. The categories are calculated by adding one point for each of the following when present: an ASA score of 3, 4, or 5; contaminated or dirty wounds; and a duration of surgery exceeding 4 hours. This NNIS risk score allows an estimate of the risk for developing an SSI.1,10,20
Surgical Site Infections in Postoperative Cranial Surgery
To distinguish general postoperative from wound infections, the latter are appropriately termed SSIs.19 The neurosurgical site is divided into extra- and intradural parts. Extradural infections involve every level from the skin to the dura mater, including the bone flap. Intradural infections can be localized to the subdural space (empyema) or to an intracerebral location (abscess), or they can be generalized (meningitis and ventriculitis). To allow a more thorough analysis of SSIs, the CDC introduced a classification19 that differentiates between incisional (superficial and deep) and organ-related SSIs. In neurosurgery, incisional SSIs represent extradural infections. Organ-related SSIs include every intradural infection (subdural empyema, intracerebral abscess, meningitis, and ventriculitis). In the CDC definition, organ SSIs are specified as “all infections… [which]… involve any part of the anatomy other than the incision opened or manipulated during the operative procedure,”19 which includes the cranial opening. Thus, epidural abscess and bone flap infection are considered deep wound infections, whereas osteomyelitis as a CDC organ/space SSI refers to orthopedic surgery.
Although this clear categorization of location can facilitate appropriate reporting, a gray zone exists for potential under-reporting. In the neurosurgical literature, a particularly pragmatic approach is taken whereby only those SSIs that required reoperation are considered. This practice covers only those complications with immediate serious consequences, whereas “near-complications” such as superficial SSIs treated on the ward (e.g., additional stitches, lumbar drainage for CSF collections without leakage) may be incompletely reported. However, these near-complications or incidents allow us to understand and address the issue of SSI more comprehensively. In risk management and prevention, special emphasis is given to near-incidents, which are more frequent than actual events and therefore represent a larger database. This more extensive pool of information facilitates the analysis of potential risk factors and the assessment of surgical and preventive techniques.
Additional concern exists that SSIs may be underreported because of cases that are not detected by the surgeon,14 as well as infections that occur after discharge7,10,16,35 and are handled either on an outpatient basis or at other institutions. This is particularly relevant for infection of the bone flap, which may manifest months after surgery.6 With shorter hospital stays and increased patient transfer to specialized centers,12 referral and admission patterns may indeed result in problems with accurately reporting SSIs. Patient transfer, which is less developed in Europe, has to be considered when infection rates9 are compared by countries or continents.
The CDC criteria for wound infection include “purulent discharge” and the “surgeon′s impression” of the wound as key features. Infections present mostly with local signs of inflammation. Fever is an explicit symptom, but in milder courses of infection, temperature elevation can be either absent or slight. Neurologic symptoms in intracranial infections range from headaches to altered mental status and focal deficits.
Currently, the most useful postoperative laboratory parameter is the C-reactive protein (CRP) level.36–38 Although elevated levels are not surprising after surgery (correlating with tissue damage), sustained elevation beyond the fourth day or renewed elevation after normalization should raise suspicion for infection. In the presence of neurologic symptoms, imaging is indicated to assess for the presence of intracranial suppuration. Computed tomography (CT) is the most readily available imaging modality. Contrast-enhanced CT provides a firm basis for the diagnosis of intracranial and epidural infectious complications. Although nonspecific contrast enhancement may appear a few days postoperatively, when considered together with clinical suspicion and laboratory findings, the results rarely remain ambiguous. Generally, infections present as fluid collections with pronounced ring enhancement. To plan the surgical procedure, the extent of the infection must be defined. The increased availability of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging provides further structural and pathophysiologic (perfusion) information.
Most often, the offending organisms are gram-positive skin flora (i.e., coagulase-negative staphylococci, S. aureus, and Propionibacterium acnes). Various reports on rare and resistant bacterial strains emphasize the importance of adhering to the general principles of antibiotic prophylaxis and of coordinating treatment closely with microbiologists. Fungal SSIs are rare but should not be disregarded.
Although incisional and organ SSIs manifest at different time intervals after surgery, the range is too wide to provide a solid basis for differential diagnosis. In a population of 2,944 patients in a multicenter study,10 scalp infections (5 ± 9 days; median, 13 days) and meningitis/ventriculitis (10 ± 8 days; median, 7 days) occurred earlier than intradural infections (empyema and abscess, 25 ± 31 days; median, 15 days), with the longest latency seen for bone flap infection (42 ± 56 days; median, 27 days). In a single-institution2 follow-up study with a larger population of 4,578 patients, the authors corroborated the order with time to manifestation—with, however, an even larger range (mean time between surgery and onset of infection in days: meningitis, 12 ± 14; scalp infection, 23 ± 51; brain abscess or empyema, 25 ± 27; bone flap, 118 ± 157), reemphasizing the long latency period for bone flap infection.

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