Rapid Intermittent Involuntary Movements

, Alberto J. Espay2, Alfonso Fasano3 and Francesca Morgante4

Neurology Department, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

James J. and Joan A. Gardner Center for Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Division of Neurology, University of Toronto Morton and Gloria Shulman Movement Disorders Clinic and the Edmond J. Safra Program in Parkinson’s Disease Toronto Western Hospital, UHN, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Messina, Messina, Italy


7.1 An Introductory Note

Within the rubric of involuntary movements, we recognize two types, myoclonus and chorea, which should be distinguished from every other abnormal movement for being, by definition, very brief, non-rhythmical and variable for frequency and severity of presentation. Myoclonus and chorea are both characterized by a remarkably broad array of possible underlying aetiologies, and their diagnostic work-up is one of the most complex in the whole field of disorders of movement. Given this complexity, this section is divided in two separate parts, which provide a guide to the phenomenological recognition, differential diagnosis and treatment of myoclonus (Part A) and chorea (Part B).

7.2 Part A: Myoclonus and Excessive Startle

7.2.1 How to Recognize

Myoclonus is the fastest and briefest of all hyperkinetic disorders. These shock-like movements may be caused by sudden muscle contractions (positive myoclonus) or sudden pauses in muscle tone (negative myoclonus) and often lead to a movement whose amplitude can displace fingers and even limbs.

To classify myoclonus, we need to recognize their tempo and topographical distribution. According to their tempo, myoclonus can be:





Repetitive, further characterized in:








Repetitive but arrhythmic myoclonus is best exemplified in ‘mini-polymyoclonus’, which consists of fine myoclonic movements in individual fingers seen in the outstretched hands of patients with, for example, multi-system atrophy and other neurodegenerative disorders [1].

Myoclonus can occur:


Spontaneously (at rest)



During movement (action-induced myoclonus)



Provoked by external tactile or acoustic stimuli (reflex myoclonus vs. excessive startle)


According to their topographical distribution, myoclonus can be:













Nevertheless, the classification of myoclonus remains one of the most challenging clinical efforts in movement disorders [2].

Once the tempo and distribution of myoclonus are ascertained, we are in capacity to classify it into cortical, subcortical, brainstem and spinal origin based on a number of general features (Table 7.1), which is important in guiding the diagnostic work-up [3]. Cortical myoclonus tends to affect hands and face more commonly than other body parts, be action induced and provoked or exacerbated by tactile stimuli. Subcortical myoclonus, on the other hand, is usually segmental or generalized distribution, is present both at rest and on action and tends to be magnified by auditory stimuli. Brainstem reflex myoclonus or reticular myoclonus affects the arms bilaterally in the form of proximal, synchronous, flexor-greater-than-extensor movements, which are worsened by auditory stimuli or by tapping the face [4]. Spinal myoclonus expresses as segmental, unilateral arrhythmic jerking of a limb and/or trunk and may be within a spectrum [5] with propriospinal myoclonus, defined by repetitive jerking of only the trunk and abdomen, associated with premonitory sensations and worsened by decubitus position and during wake–sleep transitions [6]. Clinical evidence (variable spread and spontaneous remissions) as well as neurophysiological findings (very long EMG bursts, premovement potential on EEG, and variability in the distribution/velocity of muscle recruitment) suggests that, in most of these patients, the disorder may be functional [7] even among those originally reported as organic [8].

Table 7.1
Localization of myoclonus


Clinical features


Focal: more prominent in face and hands

Present on action; worsened when stretching arms

Magnified by tactile stimuli


Segmental or generalized

Present at rest and on action

Magnified by auditory stimuli

Brainstem reflex myoclonus

Bilateral arms, proximal-greater-than distal, synchronous, flexor-greater-than-extensor periodic movements

Sensitive to auditory stimuli or tapping on the face


Segmental or unilateral arrhythmic jerking in arm and/or trunk


Repetitive jerking of trunk and abdomen

Worsening in decubitus

Suspected psychogenic aetiology in most


Cranial distribution, mainly

Synchronous with auditory or tactile stimuli

7.2.2 How to Distinguish from Related Disorders

Careful characterization of the phenomenological clues just outlined serves to classify the myoclonus into two major categories, primary or secondary.

Primary myoclonus can be subdivided into:


Physiological (hypnic jerks, hiccups, sneezing)



Essential (idiopathic or hereditary)



Epileptic, which is always cortical by definition



Symptomatic (in cases where the myoclonus is secondary to an underlying disorder), which can be further subdivided depending on whether the associated myoclonus is of cortical versus subcortical origin (Fig. 7.1), as per clinical criteria and, when unclear, also by electrophysiological methods


Fig. 7.1
Selected disorders associated with myoclonus (secondary or symptomatic myoclonus). FCMTE Familial cortical myoclonic tremor with epilepsy, PKAN Panthotenate-kinase-associated neurodegeneration, NBIA-1 neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation type 1. *See Table 7.5 for the list of ‘classic’ progressive myoclonic encephalopathies (Modifed from Espay AJ and Biller J, Concise Neurology, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins division of Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Philadelphia, PA. 2011)


Most patients with myoclonus seen in the outpatient setting are of epileptic (about 15 %) or symptomatic/secondary origin (about 75 %). Given the extensive etiological underpinning of myoclonus, a more practical approach is to subdivide it according to (Table 7.2):

Table 7.2
Practical approach to myoclonus aetiology according to time course



Physiologic: hiccups, hypnic jerks

Exaggerated startle: hyperekplexia

Segmental: CBD

Segmental: spinal myoclonus

Epileptic: PMEa, EPC

Epileptic: BREa, JMEa, Angelman syndrome

With dementia: PDD, DLB, AD, CBD, MSA, FTDP-17, PKAN

Secondary: post-hypoxic myoclonus (Lance–Adams syndrome), iatrogenic (valproate, lamotrigine, meperidine, amantadine, levodopa), metabolic (hypernatraemia, hypercalcaemia, hyperthyroidism, hypomagnaesemia, non-ketotic hyperglycaemia, biotin deficiency, metabolic alkalosis)

Rapid onset: renal failure, dialysis disequilibrium syndrome, serotonin syndrome, psychogenic

With dystonia: myoclonus dystonia (DYT11, DYT15)

With ataxia: SCAs with myoclonus (SCA2, DCA3, SCA14, SCA19), DRPLA, Friedreich ataxia, ataxia–telangiectasia, orthostatic myoclonus

With ataxia: Heroin toxicity (acute), ataxia–telangiectasia, MERRFa, MELAS, OMAS

Severe/rapidly progressive: CJD, PME, SSPE, infectious encephalitis (HSV, arbovirus, HTLV-1, HIV, postinfectious encephalitis, Hashimoto encephalopathy, coeliac disease, NMDA receptor antibody encephalitis and iatrogenic (bismuth encephalopathy)

Adapted from Espay and Chen [3]

AD Alzheimer’s disease, BRE benign rolandic epilepsy, CBD corticobasal degeneration, CJD Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, DLB dementia with Lewy bodies, DRPLA dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy, FTDP-17 frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17, JME juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, MELAS mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes, MERRF myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibres, MSA multi-system atrophy, OMAS opsoclonus-myoclonus ataxia, PDD Parkinson’s disease dementia, PKAN pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration, PME progressive myoclonic encephalopathies, SCAs autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxias, SSPE subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

aSee Table 7.5 for disorders subsumed into the PME and non-progressive myoclonic epilepsies (BRE, JME).


Time course into progressive or non-progressive



Appearance at rest or on action



Sensitivity to auditory or tactile stimulation



Distribution into segmental versus generalized



Associated (if any) abnormal movements or neurologic findings


Once a rational approach has been used to determine if myoclonus is present and whether it is cortical, subcortical, brainstem or spinal, the aetiologies can be narrowed down according to certain clinical features. Unique myoclonic disorders will be summarized here. Secondary (most commonly, epileptic) disorders will be treated as a group. Orthostatic Myoclonus

Orthostatic myoclonus (OM) presents as a sensation of unsteadiness upon standing and walking that most commonly is suspected to represent orthostatic hypotension or orthostatic tremor. Some of these patients may also be considered as having gait ‘apraxia’ or ‘gait initiation difficulty’ before the diagnostic electrophysiological testing demonstrate the myoclonic nature of their subtle postural jerks [9]. Indeed, OM can only be confirmed by surface electromyography since the clinical features may be too subtle to allow their distinction from other orthostatic disorders (Fig. 7.2). OM may develop in the background of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), multi-system atrophy (MSA), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and cerebral amyloid angiopathy [9, 11]. The most common misdiagnoses in patients with OM are normal pressure hydrocephalus and orthostatic tremor.


Fig. 7.2
Electrophysiological study of an 82-year-old woman with suspected orthostatic tremor. Raw surface EMG (a) of the right tibialis anterior (R TA) and gastrocnemius (R Gastroc) shows normal increase in amplitude when standing (between vertical arrows). Power spectrum analysis between these muscles (b) showed no coherence at the 14–16 Hz range (single vertical arrow), as it would have been expected in orthostatic tremor. Inspection of the raw EMG (c) indeed revealed non-rhythmic activity, with individual bursts (d) lasting <150 ms, within the range for myoclonus (From Espay and Lang [10], with permission) Myoclonus Dystonia

Myoclonus dystonia (M-D) (sometimes mistakenly called ‘myoclonic dystonia’) is a familial disorder of onset typically under the age of 20 years, presenting as ‘jerking’ of the upper trunk and proximal arms, either in isolation or associated with focal dystonia of the cervical region or, less commonly, hand [12]. A lower limb dystonia-only phenotype with later appearance of myoclonus has also been identified [13]. Myoclonus of the proximal arms and axial musculature may initially be misidentified as tremor or chorea. M-D can be strikingly alcohol responsive, with alcoholism manifesting in a substantial minority of patients. Intriguingly, alcoholism may directly co-segregate with the gene [14]. Observation of handwriting is a key component in the evaluation of ‘jerky’ or dystonic patients, since it reliably exacerbates or brings out proximal arm and cervical myoclonus in patients with M-D, in whom this clinical clue may otherwise be hidden [15].

M-D is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, with complete paternal inheritance but reduced (15 %) maternal inheritance when due to maternal imprinting in mutations in the epsilon-sarcoglycan gene on chromosome 7 (SGCE, DYT11) [16], the most common cause, estimated to account for about 30–50 % of cases. In addition to alcoholism, obsessive–compulsive behaviours and anxiety appear to co-segregate with the same gene (Fig. 7.3) [17]. Indeed, patients with M-D may be misdiagnosed with a primary psychiatric disorder, particularly when their family history is negative [18]. RELN missense mutations have been reported in familial and sporadic M-D cases phenotypically identical to DYT11-SGCE [19]. A locus on chromosome 18 has also been identified as a secondary genetic cause of myoclonus dystonia (DYT15) [20] (for a comprehensive discussion on the genetic of dystonia, see Chap. 6).Of interest, a number of other genetic disorders may present with an M-D phenotype (Table 7.3).DYT1 dystonia may present with an M-D-like phenotype [22, 23]. Missense mutations in KCTD17 (codes for potassium channel tetramerization domain-containing proteins) can lead to a presentation consistent of isolated arm myoclonus complicating with cervical, craniofacial and/or laryngeal dystonia [24]. Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency has also been reported to present with a phenotype suggesting M-D, although with lower-body involvement and history of infantile hypotonia [25]. The marked response to levodopa in this disorder (as also shown for a kindred with GTP cyclohydrolase I (GTP-CH) deficiency and an M-D-like presentation [26]) distinguishes it from classic M-D. Anecdotally, some patients with otherwise classic M-D have demonstrated response to levodopa, suggesting that this therapeutic approach may be considered in patients with this disorder [27]. Of note, a ‘PD lookalike’ with a 5-to 6-Hz pseudo-rhythmic myoclonus, primarily involving extensor muscles, has been reported [28]. Also, an autosomal dominant M-D-like syndrome with leg-predominant myoclonus on standing and cardiac arrhythmias has been reported to be due to a mutation in the CACNA1B gene, coding for neuronal voltage-gated calcium channels CaV2.2 [29], although the pathogenicity of this mutation was recently called into question given a similar frequency in healthy populations (0.2 %) [21]. A later-onset M-D has been reported in the Silver–Russell syndrome (growth retardation and craniofacial dysmorphism with characteristic overfolded ears), due to maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 7, with maternal imprinting leading to the absence of SGCE gene expression [30]. Finally, a M-D phenotype with short stature, joint laxity and microcephaly may be observed if the disease is due to large SGCEgene deletions rather than point mutations [13].


Fig. 7.3
Family tree of a case with gene-proven dystonia myoclonus. Note the co-segregation of psychiatric disorders and alcoholism in the first-degree relatives of the index case (arrow), including ‘tremors’ of head and hand in a deceased sister (Courtesy of Dr. Andrew Duker, University of Cincinnati)

Table 7.3
Myoclonus-dystonia syndrome: classic, variants and mimics




Classic M-D

Axial myoclonus with cervical and/or appendicular dystonia


Classic M-D but no SGCE mutation


RELN (reelin) missense variants

Classic M-D but no SGCE mutation


DYT15 locus

Variant M-D

Lower limb dystonia only with later-onset myoclonus of the upper body


‘Primary’ psychiatric M-D variant

Anxiety, obsessive–compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder


Variant M-D

Arm myoclonus with cervical and/or craniofacial/laryngeal dystonia


Variant M-D

Dopa responsive, hand and/or chin tremor, mild parkinsonism, variable generalized dystonia and UMN signs

GCH1 (DTY5a)

Variant M-D

Lower-body involvement, history of infantile hypotonia, levodopa response

TH (DYT5b)

M-D mimic

Cervical dystonia with myoclonic jerks of the head and/or arms


M-D mimic

High-frequency leg myoclonus causing unsteadiness on standing; cardiac arrhythmias, painful cramps


M-D mimic

Chorea can be replaced by an M-D phenotype; associated thyroid and respiratory disorders


M-D mimic

Silver–Russell syndrome: growth retardation and craniofacial dysmorphism (overfolded ears)

Maternal UD of Chr 7, with imprintingb

M-D myoclonus dystonia, GCH1 GTP cyclohydrolase 1, TH tyrosine hydroxylase, TITF1 thyroid transcription factor 1 gene, UD uniparental disomy

aThe pathogenicity of CACNA1B has become questionable [21]

bMaternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 7 with imprinting leads to the absence of SGCE gene expression Post-hypoxic Myoclonus (Lance–Adams Syndrome)

This form of subcortical myoclonus may emerge within days to weeks after recovery of consciousness in survivors of cardiorespiratory arrest, most often when severe respiratory dysfunction (and therefore, marked hypercapnia) antedates the cardiac arrest (anoxia) [31]. As such, in a strict etiologic sense, this disorder represents the complication of sequential hypercapnia and anoxia. Also known as Lance–Adams syndrome, it is characterized by exquisite action- and even intention-induced myoclonus: the thought of movement is capable of inducing generalized myoclonus, which is associated with gait-precluding bobbing when upright [32]. The commonest pre-arrest aetiology is severe asthma attack, which is the case in over 75 % of cases [33]. Injury to the cerebellar Purkinje cells is likely a major contributor to post-hypoxic myoclonus [34]. Myoclonus in Neurodegenerative Disorders

Myoclonus in the setting of PD often reflects emergent dementia or suggests an iatrogenic complication from the use of levodopa or amantadine [35]. Levodopa has been reported to induce a multifocal, spontaneous or action-induced myoclonus in correlation with an onset-of-dose or transitional dyskinesia [36]. Since it disappears partially or completely once optimal clinical efficacy is achieved, this complication is assumed to correspond to a state of intermediate dopaminergic stimulation. Amantadine is typically associated with myoclonus of the limbs and orofacial region and disappears when the dose is reduced or the drug discontinued [37]. Iatrogenic involvement of speech may be more common [38]. This complication may be expected with greater frequency among those with associated renal dysfunction because approximately 90 % of the oral dose of amantadine is excreted in the urine and little amantadine can be removed by haemodialysis.

Aside from the considerations above in PD, myoclonus in the setting of neurodegenerative parkinsonisms is characteristic of MSA, corticobasal syndrome (CBS) and, less commonly, dementia with Lewy bodies. The term ‘mini-polymyoclonus’ has been used to describe the low-amplitude, irregular and arrhythmic myoclonus of the hands or of one or several fingers in MSA patients when the arms are held outstretched or during movement initiation [1], which are often confused with a form of tremor [39]. Spontaneous or action-induced myoclonus in the face commonly accompanies MSA. In these patients, the earliest imaging abnormality is asymmetric hypointensity of the posterolateral putamen on gradient echo, suggestive of excessive iron deposition (see Fig. 1.​6 in Chap. 1). In CBS, action-induced and stimulus-sensitive myoclonus of the most affected – dystonic – limb may be a clinical predictor of Alzheimer’s pathology [40], although it has been documented in one fourth of patients with pathology-proven corticobasal degeneration (CBD) [41]. The clinical diagnosis of CBS is supported by the finding of asymmetric atrophy of the parietal and temporal lobes (see Fig. 1.​8 in Chap. 1). Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Ataxia Syndrome

Opsoclonus-myoclonus ataxia syndrome (OMAS) applies to the combination of ataxia and myoclonus in the setting of chaotic myoclonic eye movements, which create an illusion of environmental movement known as oscillopsia. Whereas paediatric OMAS is overwhelmingly of paraneoplastic nature (neuroblastoma or ganglioneuroblastoma), adult-onset OMAS is less so, although it can occur in the setting of anti-Hu antibodies in small-cell lung cancer and anti-Ri antibodies in breast cancer. More commonly, adult-onset OMAS may complicate postinfectious (shortly after infections with Epstein–Barr virus, mycoplasma pneumonia, St Louis encephalitis, Coxsackie B3, HIV, mumps) or autoimmune disorders (antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase, anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, antigliadin, anti-endomysial and anti-GQ1b IgG) [42]. Some of these autoantibodies bind to the surface of Purkinje cells and granular neurons in the cerebellum, further supporting the role of this structure in the generation of myoclonus [43]. Progressive Myoclonic Encephalopathies

The progressive myoclonic encephalopathies (PMEs) belong to the spectrum of myoclonic epilepsies [44] (Table 7.4). PMEs are suspected in patients with childhood-onset myoclonus, seizures, ataxia and, with variable prevalence, hallucinations, cognitive impairment and history of consanguinity. Most of the disorders in this category are autosomal recessive, except for dentato-rubro-pallido-luysian atrophy (DRPLA) , which is autosomal dominant, and mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with ragged-red fibres (MERRF) , which is of maternal inheritance [45] (Table 7.5). Whereas cognitive function is commonly impaired across PMEs, Unverricht–Lundborg disease, one of the most common aetiologies, is among the few where cognitive function is relatively preserved when compared to other PME aetiologies, and in which seizures tend to decrease in frequency in late teenage years [49].

Table 7.4
Classification of myoclonic epilepsies

Progressive myoclonus encephalopathies

(Invariably ataxia and, commonly, dementia)

Pure myoclonic encephalopathies

(Severe myoclonus and dementia)

Non-progressive myoclonic epilepsies

(Moderate myoclonus but no dementia)

Baltic myoclonus (Unverricht–Lundborg disease)

Mediterranean myoclonus (Ramsay Hunt syndrome)

Sialidosis (‘cherry-red spot myoclonus’)

Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis



Lafora body disease

Gaucher disease type III

Krabbe disease

Infantile myoclonic encephalopathy (Ohtahara syndrome)

Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (Dravet syndrome)

Myoclonic astatic epilepsy (Doose syndrome)

West syndrome

Lennox–Gastaut syndrome

Landau–Kleffner syndrome

Rasmussen syndrome

Benign rolandic epilepsy

Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (Janz disease)

Myoclonic absence seizures

MERRF myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibres

Table 7.5
Key features of progressive myoclonic encephalopathies


Key clinical features

Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL)

CLN 1–14

Youngest group (infantile to adult onset)

Blindness, some visual hallucinations

Photosensitive, seizures at low frequency of photostimulation, regression of milestones, variable combination of movement abnormalities

Skin biopsy: lipopigmented deposits in neuronal cytoplasm

Unverricht–Lundborg disease (baltic myoclonus) a

EPM1 (cystatin B)

8 years–teenage years

Myoclonus > epilepsy

Normal cognition, later ataxia

Adulthood: stable course, no epilepsy

Vermal cerebellar atrophy

Lafora disease

EPM2A (laforin)

EPM2B (malin)

Teenage onset

Visual hallucinations

Generalized seizures prominent

EEG: occipital spike-wave discharges

Photosensitive, seizures at high frequency of photostimulation

Skin biopsy: PAS-positive lafora bodies in sweat glands

Ramsay Hunt syndromeb (Progressive myoclonic ataxia )

Several causes

Ataxia > myoclonus

Related to coeliac disease with or without gluten-sensitive enteropathy [46]

Antigliadin antibodies in CSF

Sialidosis (‘cherry-red spot myoclonus’)


Myoclonus induced by action but not by light or sound

Cherry-red spot on retina

High urine oligosaccharides

Gaucher disease type 3


3 –12 years at onset

Visual seizures

Horizontal supranuclear gaze palsy


Bone marrow biopsy: Gaucher cells

Low glucocerebrosidase in fibroblasts



5 years: prominent ataxia

Later: Facial myoclonus with dysphagia and dysarthria




Mixed myoclonus, ataxia, dystonia, chorea, epilepsy, and dementia

Prominent anticipation with paternal > maternal transmission



(tRNA Lys )

Deafness, visual loss, neuropathy

Optic atrophy > retinitis pigmentosa

Cardiomyopathy with Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome

Myopathic weakness

Muscle biopsy: ragged-red fibres

Adapted from Espay and Chen [3]

DRPLA dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy, MERRF myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibres, PMEA progressive myoclonus epilepsy with ataxia

aMutations in SCARB2 gene (pathogenic of action myoclonus-renal failure syndrome) can lead to an Unverricht–Lundborg disease-like picture before renal dysfunction appears and should be considered in EPM1 gene-negative cases [47]

bThe prominent ataxia in Ramsay Hunt syndrome has justified the alternative designation of this syndromic entity as ‘progressive myoclonic ataxia’, where epilepsy is minor or absent altogether [48]. A similar picture of progressive myoclonic ataxia has been described in certain spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA2, SCA14, and SCA19) and could be the early expression of DRPLA

Most autosomal recessive PME are lysosomal diseases, except for Lafora disease in which neither the accumulating material nor the gene products are in lysosomes [49]. Myoclonus in the Context of Renal Failure

When myoclonus arises in the setting of renal failure, most patients are encephalopathic (Table 7.6). One exception is action myoclonus-renal failure syndrome (AMRF), an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations of the SCARB2 gene and associated with progressive action myoclonus, ataxia and, in most cases, epilepsy in adolescents or young adults with renal failure but not affecting cognition [52]. The neurological manifestations precede renal involvement in about one third of the cases [53]. Initial proteinuria progresses to renal failure and ultimately requires renal transplantation. Unlike patients with uraemic encephalopathy, patients with AMRF do not exhibit a reversal of myoclonus or ataxia after dialysis or transplantation, suggesting a non-uraemic pathogenesis for these manifestations. Renal biopsy shows focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, which is more common in the setting of human immunodeficiency virus infection. EEG may demonstrate spike and spike-wave complexes. Brain autopsy demonstrates extraneuronal lipofuscin accumulation in the cerebellar and cerebral cortices [54].

Table 7.6
Myoclonus in the setting of renal failure


Key features

Uraemic encephalopathy

Most common cause of metabolic myoclonus. Reversible with dialysis or transplantation

Dialysis encephalopathy

Speech disturbance, seizures and/or myoclonus in patients with severe renal failure undergoing initial dialysis. Caused by aluminium toxicity

Chronic form: dialysis dementia

Drug toxicity in renal failure

Myoclonus -inducing drugs in renal disease: acyclovir, ciprofloxacin, dobutamine, cephalosporins (especially cefepime) and gabapentin

Severe cases may present with myoclonic encephalopathy

May and White syndrome

Mitochondrial disorder leading to nephropathy and diabetes mellitus with myoclonic ataxia, dementia, deafness and infrequent seizures [50]

Galloway–Mowat syndrome

Autosomal recessive disorder leading to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and proteinuria with microcephaly, focal myoclonic and atonic seizures and cerebellar ataxia in infants [51]

Action myoclonus-renal failure (AMRF) syndrome

Autosomal recessive disorder caused by SCARB2 gene mutations leading to myoclonus and renal failure without encephalopathy [52] Myoclonus Mimics

At the subtlest end of the severity spectrum, myoclonus can be difficult to distinguishing from the ‘minor jerks’ and ‘twitches’ typical of the peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndrome (see neuromyotonia in Chap. 6). These movements are of lower amplitude and tend not to alter the position of the body parts in which they occur. The most important such jerks are fasciculations (intermittent contractions of muscle fibres supplied by a single motor unit) and myokymia (involuntary, subtle, continuous, rippling quivering of muscles) (Table 7.7). Tremor, tics and chorea are other ‘jerks’ that need to be distinguished from myoclonus. Myoclonus is generally non-rhythmic but, especially when rapid, may become pseudo- rhythmic, and it is sometimes mistaken for tremor; this occurs in cases of spinal segmental myoclonus and hereditary cortical myoclonus, incorrectly termed ‘cortical tremor’. At the most severe end, myoclonus may be confused with ballism, a rapid form of chorea, and with hyperekplexia.

Table 7.7
Myoclonus mimics


Most common aetiologies


Post-paralytic facial palsy

Peripheral never hyperexcitability (e.g. metabolic, autoimmune or paraneoplastic disorders)


Benign fasciculations

Cramp fasciculation syndrome

Motor neuron disease


Tourette syndrome

Secondary Tourettism

Dystonic tics

Chorea (‘chorea minor’)

Sydenham disease

Benign hereditary chorea

Ballism (severe chorea)

Subthalamic outflow strokes

Non-ketotic diabetic ketoacidosis

Tremor (‘jerky tremor’)

Enhanced physiologic tremor

Dystonic tremor

Adapted from Espay and Chen [3]


Also known as startle disease, it is an autosomal dominant stimulus-sensitive myoclonus of brainstem origin, characterized by bilaterally synchronous, non-habituating, shock-like movements in response to auditory or tactile triggers, predominantly in the cranial and axial musculature [55]. Unlike the GABAergic deprivation syndrome exemplified by stiff-person syndrome, which causes stimulus-sensitive startle-like movements in the trunk and lower limbs, the glycinergic deprivation (see below) syndrome of hyperekplexia affects predominantly affects the cranial muscles, is briefer and exhibits shorter latency than the stiff-person-associated startle [56].

Hyperekplexia in infants does not manifest as myoclonus but as hypertonia. These ‘stiff babies’ also exhibit tonic spasm and nocturnal myoclonus during their first year of life. Thus, it is conceivable that a diagnosis in a jerky adult may follow a diagnosis on his/her stiff baby. Electrophysiological studies demonstrate a non-habituating stereotyped pattern of EMG spread, first involving the sternocleidomastoid muscle and later activating the masseters and limb muscles [57]. The EMG pattern is the same as that seen in normal startle reaction. Abnormalities of glycine physiology represent the basis of hyperekplexia, as a consequence of autoimmune (glycine receptor α1 subunit-specific autoantibodies [GlyRα1-IgG] [58]) or, more commonly, genetic disorders. Mutations in the glycine receptors GlyR α1 subunit gene (GLRA1) are the major cause of hyperekplexia [59]. Minor forms of this disorder, most without mutations in the GLRA1, manifest only excessive startle and hypnic jerks [60]. Some of these ‘minor’ hyperekplexia cases are due to recently recognized missense mutations in the GlyR β subunit gene (GLRB) [61] and GlyT2 gene (SLC6A5) [62]. Clonazepam is an effective treatment for this disorder.

Culture-Bound Startle Syndromes

Although molecularly unrelated to hyperekplexia, a number of startle syndromes in certain ethnicities have also been recognized. These ‘culture-bound startle syndromes’ include Latah in Jakarta and other Southeast Asian countries [63], the Jumping Frenchmen of Maine [64] and the ‘Ragin Cajuns’ of Louisiana [65]. These disorders exhibit psychogenic features but are not considered an expression of psychopathology but, rather, culturally accepted behavioural manifestations, occurring more often in stressful circumstances among vulnerable and highly sensitive individuals. In the case of the Ragin Cajuns, associated reported features in addition to startle include echopraxia, echolalia and ‘forced obedience’.

7.2.3 How to Reach a Diagnosis

Electrophysiological studies can help distinguish myoclonus from other disorders in the hyperkinetic spectrum (mainly tics, dystonia, myokymia and psychogenic movement disorders) and determine its origin (cortex, brainstem or spinal cord). The tools of study include multichannel surface electromyography (EMG), long-latency EMG responses to nerve stimulation, electroencephalography (EEG), EEG-EMG back-averaging and somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP). Surface EMG serves to document the duration of EMG bursts, which has confirmatory value, and the pattern of muscle recruitment (e.g. upward and downward from thoracic cord in propriospinal myoclonus; cephalocaudal in cortical myoclonus).

In addition to the short-duration of EMG bursts (20–70 ms), cortical myoclonus are recognized by their arrhythmicity, focality or multifocality, rapid craniocaudal recruitment, increased sensitivity to tactile stimuli and a facial and appendicular-predominant distribution (hands more than feet) (Figs. 7.4 and 7.5). The EEG may display spike-and-wave discharges and a giant SEP (Fig. 7.6). EEG-EMG back-averaging may demonstrate an EEG discharge that precedes EMG onset by a short latency (~30 ms for hand). Exaggerated long-latency reflexes and cutaneous reflexes provide the electrophysiological correlate of sensitivity to tactile or auditory stimuli. Cortical myoclonus is also associated with reduced intracortical inhibition and reduced transcallosal inhibition [66], as well as abnormal plasticity [67, 68] (Table 7.8).


Fig. 7.4
Intercepting pentagon figure during (left) and after (right) discontinuation of amantadine treatment in 76-year-old man with PD after 16 years of disease. Note the jerky and apraxic translation of myoclonus into the pentagon figure and the improvement 3 months after discontinuation of amantadine. Although this strategy led to re-emergence of dyskinesia, which was barely noticeable by the patient, it also was associated with an improvement of ambulation, cognition and overall dexterity


Fig. 7.5
Surface EMG in cortical myoclonus from a 26-year-old woman with ataxia, tremulousness of the arms, seizure and cognitive decline. The recording showed short-duration EMG bursts of about 40 ms in duration the forearm and hand muscles, which were rhythmic at times at about 10 Hz. FDI first dorsal interosseous muscle, ECR extensor carpi radialis muscle, R right, L left (With permission from Espay and Chen [3])


Fig. 7.6
Giant somatosensory evoked potential on EEG from the same patient in Fig. 7.6. The potentials are recorded from contralateral median nerve stimulation at the wrist (With permission from Espay and Chen [3])

Table 7.8
Electrophysiological findings in cortical myoclonus




Short, arrhythmic bursts (20–70 ms)

EEG with median nerve stimulation

Large-amplitude SEP (‘giant SEP’)

EEG-EMG jerk-locked back-averaging

Abnormal pre-myoclonic cortical activity

Long-latency reflex


Cutaneous reflex


Transcranial magnetic stimulation

Reduced intracortical inhibition and transcallosal inhibition

Although classified as a cortical form of myoclonus, MSA patients may not exhibit a giant SEP or cortical correlates on EEG-EMG jerk-locked back-averaging [1]

SEP somatosensory evoked potential

Cortical myoclonus is associated with loss of granule cells in the cerebellar cortex, which reduced the excitation of Purkinje cells, thus disinhibiting the cerebellar nuclei and increasing excitation of the cerebral motor cortex [69]. In this sense, the hyperexcitable sensory and motor cortices in cortical myoclonus are truly the result of abnormal cerebellar output to them [70]. Striatal lesions may also induce or contribute to such cortical hyperexcitability [71].

Premovement potential or bereitschaftspotential (BP) is a slow, negative EEG potential that begins about 1–2.5 s before EMG onset. It is particularly useful in the assessment of myoclonus of suspected functional origin. Unlike organic myoclonus, patients with functional jerks often have a detectable BP prior to the onset of the EMG activity indicating (subconscious or conscious) movement preparation [72]. A positive BP finding in the study of patients with involuntary jerks (incongruous with organic disorders by virtue of sudden onset, spontaneous remissions, as well as variability in amplitude, topographical distribution and severity with positional changes) increases the diagnostic certainty for functional myoclonus from probable to clinically definite or ‘laboratory supported’ [73].

7.2.4 How to Treat

There has been a paucity of controlled clinical trials for myoclonic disorders. The evidence for the use of any of the available drugs with antimyoclonic efficacy comes largely from open-label and anecdotal reports. In general, valproate and especially levetiracetam appear most effective in patients with cortical myoclonus, whereas clonazepam remains the only first-line therapeutic option in subcortical and spinal myoclonus (Table 7.9).

Table 7.9
Drugs used in the treatment of myoclonus according to pathophysiological classification and recommended level of efficacy



First line





Second line



Sodium oxybatea


Botulinum toxin injectionsb

Rarely effective




Sodium oxybatec

Bilateral GPi DBSc

Paradoxical worsening






Adapted from Espay and Chen [3]

aFor patients with alcohol-responsive cortical myoclonus [74] and refractory cases of post-hypoxic myoclonus [75]

bOnly for cases of spinal segmental myoclonus [76]

cFor selected cases of severe alcohol-sensitive myoclonus dystonia [77, 78]

In most cases there is no specific treatment for the underlying cause of myoclonus, and therefore pharmacotherapy is symptomatic. Nevertheless, the classification of the myoclonus within the neuraxis helps guide treatment decisions, as medications reported to be effective for cortical myoclonus may not be for spinal myoclonus. Valproate, clonazepam and levetiracetam may be associated with most consistent benefit, with topiramate and zonisamide used as second-class agents. Levetiracetam (1000–3000 mg/day) is a potent antiepileptic with antimyoclonic efficacy [79]. It has largely replaced the chemically related drug piracetam (7–24 g/day), previously used also as a memory enhancer. Levetiracetam may be combined with valproate or clonazepam to enhance the magnitude of benefit. Valproate can be titrated up to 1600 mg/day although the benefits may decrease over time. As valproate may cause secondary carnitine deficiency, it should be avoided or used with L-carnitine supplementation when treating the myoclonus of patients with MERRF. In these patients, coenzyme Q10 (100 mg 3×/day) and L-carnitine (1000 mg three times daily) may be used to potentially enhance mitochondrial function. Benzodiazepines are also helpful in the short term, but development of tolerance and sedative side effects limit their long-term use. Beware that treatment with antiepileptic drugs indicated for partial-onset seizures, such as phenytoin, carbamazepine and lamotrigine, may cause worsening of cortical myoclonus, particularly in patients with PME.

In post-hypoxic myoclonus, levetiracetam and clonazepam tend to improve the distal action and reflex myoclonus of upper limbs to a greater extent than the prominent negative myoclonus of the lower extremities, which causes postural ‘bouncing’ and limits functional gains in gait and balance. As there are both impairments in the serotonin system and loss of GABAergic inhibition identified in this disorder, the approach to treatment often requires a combination of serotonergic and GABAergic medications, although the benefits are often modest. Sodium oxybate or gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, indicated for the treatment of cataplexy in narcoleptic patients, has been reported as effective in attenuating the resting, stimulus-sensitive and action components of ethanol-responsive myoclonus [74].

Less common treatment options include L-5-hydroxytryptophan (L-5HTP), which is aimed at restoring the serotonergic hypometabolism of patients with PME (contraindicated in mitochondriopathies; it should be taken with carbidopa to avoid peripheral metabolism) [80]; lisuride (0.1–0.15 mg/day IV), a postsynaptic dopaminergic and serotonergic agonist [81]; and thyrotropin-releasing hormone, reported to improve gait, dysmetria and myoclonus in intractable cases of PME. Baclofen and N-acetylcysteine have been anecdotally shown to improve myoclonus, ataxia and dysarthria.

In patients with subcortical myoclonus, the antiepileptic drugs mentioned above are rarely helpful. Clonazepam can be particularly beneficial for hyperekplexia and M-D [82]. However, the latter is rarely benefited by clonazepam to the extent that alcohol does. Thus, alternative treatment options proposed for M-D include sodium oxybate [83] and tetrabenazine [84] and even thalamic or pallidal deep brain stimulation for severe and refractory cases [85]; the latter is also helpful in treating the associated dystonia. Levodopa has been found efficacious in some cases [27].

7.3 Part B: Chorea

7.3.1 How to Recognize

Chorea consists of unwanted, rapid, non-goal-directed movements, often involving a very large number of muscles in the body. Its basic phenomenological features are: (1) random and erratic amplitude of movements with no endorsement of inner urge or restlessness (as opposed to tics and akathisia); (2) non-stereotyped jerks, with high inter- and intra-individual variability; and (3) absence of suppressibility by volition.

  • Random and erratic amplitude of movements with no endorsement of inner urge or restlessness (as opposed to tics and akathisia; Fig. 7.7). Chorea is often present at rest but is typically exacerbated during action; sometimes, patients try to mask the involuntary movements merging them with voluntary actions (see parakinesis below).


    Fig. 7.7
    The random and erratic amplitude of chorea may be demonstrated by observing frame by frame a patient’s video. (a) The full body shot with patient in sitting position demonstrates chorea in the limbs. (b) The closer shot demonstrates chorea in the cranio-cervical region

    The term athetosis (‘slow chorea’) is commonly used to indicate slow, continuous, writhing movements that prevent maintenance of a stable posture, involving the distal segments of limbs [86]. Athetosis is considered phenomenologically to lie between dystonia and chorea in the hyperkinetic movement spectrum. The main difference from chorea lies in the reduced amplitude and speed of movements, which prevents them from displacing the involved joints to the extent that chorea does. However, the difficulty in appreciating the amplitude and speed thresholds makes choreoathetosis standard nomenclature when the movements are faster and of greater amplitude than athetosis but perhaps of a magnitude below than that of chorea. On the other end of the spectrum, the term ballism has been applied to large-amplitude and rapid (‘ballistic’) involuntary movements in the proximal limb muscles and manifests as a strong propulsive force, similar to throwing or kicking movements.

    Another term used to indicate movements that have characteristics that overlap those of chorea, dystonia and stereotypies is dyskinesia (imprecisely meaning ‘abnormal movements’, from its Greek roots). Dyskinesia refers to levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease (which more often represents truncal, cervical and upper limb chorea, in peak-dose phenomena but could include lower limb dystonia, especially as diphasic or off-related phenomena, or even myoclonus) and tardive dyskinesia induced by dopamine-blocking agents (most often, bucco-linguo-masticatory chorea). The plural form, dyskinesias, should only be reserved to collectively group the disorders that cause chorea, dystonia, etc. or a combination of different hyperkinetic movements [87].

    It may be difficult to distinguish chorea from myoclonus; generally, myoclonus indicates involuntary movements that are more rapid and briefer than chorea. In some cases of repetitive myoclonus, the difference may not be easily appreciated by simple inspection and may require electrophysiology to document the brevity of burst duration (always <200 ms, <100 ms if cortically generated) exclusive of myoclonus.

  • Non-stereotyped presentation. Chorea is typically made up by a rapid succession of movements that are never identical to each other and which vary in the distribution of muscles involved and in severity and amplitude. The non-patterned quality of chorea is also very important to differentiate it from simple motor tics.

  • Absence of suppressibility by volition. Chorea is generally unpredictable for patients, and therefore may not be suppressed. This is another crucial difference between chorea versus tics and akathisia. However, patients with long-standing chorea display parakinesis, i.e. the voluntary transformation or masking of chorea into apparently purposeful movements, which may be motivated by patients’ embarrassment.

    The inability to maintain a still position or posture for more than very few seconds, brought on by the intrusion of chorea, is recognized as motor impersistence and is best illustrated by the milkmaid’s grip, an irregular, alternated, ‘milking’-like movement of contraction and relaxation of fingers when the patient is asked to squeeze the examiner’s fingers. Motor impersistence can also lead to inability to sustain tongue protrusion, keeping the cheeks inflated with air and maintaining ocular fixation or eyes closed. When motor impersistence involves one or more limbs, it presents like ‘clumsiness’ and tendency to drop things and may be erroneously perceived by patients like ‘weakness’ or ‘incoordination’.

7.3.2 How to Distinguish from Related Disorders and Reach a Diagnosis

Chorea is caused by a multitude of conditions with different pathophysiology (Table 7.10). Chorea may transiently appear in young children during development. These movements, often labelled as ‘choreiform’, are observed in the face and distal upper extremities and may exhibit a ‘piano-playing’ pattern when arms are kept in an outstretched posture. Similar to transient tics, these movements are usually not impairing function and tend to subside spontaneously with age. All remaining choreas result from pathologic processes. Ascertaining their aetiology is crucial to define the need for disease-specific versus symptomatic management.

Table 7.10
Aetiology of chorea

Clinical presentation

Possible aetiologies

Acute or subacute hemichorea/hemiballism

Ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke

Non-ketotic hyperglycaemia

Infectious: toxoplasmosis, neurocysticercosis, tuberculoma

Sydenham’s chorea

Neoplasms: lymphoma, glioma, metastases

Cavernoma, developmental venous anomaly

Traumatic haemorrhage (e.g. subdural)

Acute or subacute generalized chorea

Immune mediated

Sydenham’s chorea

Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Other connective tissue diseases (e.g. Sjogren’s syndrome)

Coeliac disease

Paraneoplastic (associated with anti-CRMP5 and anti-Hu antibodies)

Autoimmune encephalitides/encephalopathies (secondary to anti-NMDA receptor, anti-LGI1, anti-GAD65, anti-CASPR2 anti-GABA-B receptor antibodies)



Chorea gravidarum

Chorea secondary to oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy

Drug and toxin induced

Drugs (antiepileptics, calcium channel blockers, anticholinergics, digoxin, lithium, tricyclic antidepressants, fluoxetine, cyclosporine, ciprofloxacin, baclofen, theophylline, methotrexate, interferon-alpha, ribavirin, methadone)

Recreational drugs (D-amphetamine and derivatives, pemoline, cocaine, crack)

Carbon monoxide encephalopathy


Viral encephalitides (HSV-1, VZV, measles, German measles, CMV, West Nile virus, parvovirus B19, Japanese B encephalitis)

Bacterial infections (diphtheria, Legionella and Salmonella species, neuroborreliosis, neurosyphilis)

Other metabolic aetiologies

Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome


Type 2 diabetes and uraemia with T2 striatal hyperintensities

Central extrapontine myelinolysis


Polycythaemia vera

Essential thrombocytemia

‘Post-pump’ syndrome

Episodic (paroxysmal) chorea


Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesias (PRRT2 gene mutations, genetically undetermined)

Paroxysmal exercise-induced dyskinesia (GLUT1 gene mutations)

Paroxysmal non-kinesigenic dyskinesias (MR1 gene mutations)


Intracerebral arterial stenosis or Moyamoya (episodic hemichorea)

Chronic, progressive chorea

Early onset

Friedreich ataxia


Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia types 1 and 2

Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration

Wilson’s disease


Lesch–Nyhan syndrome

Leigh syndrome

Infantile bilateral striatal necrosis syndrome

Non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia

Recessive hereditary methemoglobinaemia type 2

Beta-ketothiolase deficiency


Huntington’s disease

C9orf72 gene expansion-related neurodegeneration

Huntington’s disease-like 2

Neuroacanthocytosis syndromes (chorea–acanthocytosis, McLeod syndrome)

Spinocerebellar ataxia 17 (much less commonly other types, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 14, dentato-rubro-pallido-luysian atrophy, POLG-1 mutations)

Pallidonigroluysian atrophy


Basal ganglia calcifications

Hepatocerebral degeneration

Huntington’s disease-like 1 and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease

Mixed age at onset

Niemann–Pick disease type C

Non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia

Hereditary methemoglobinaemia type 2

Beta-ketothiolase deficiency


Chronic, non-progressive chorea

Benign hereditary chorea (TITF1/NKX2.1 gene mutations)

Dyskinetic cerebral palsy spectrum

Tardive dyskinesia

L-dopa-induced dyskinesia (may worsen over time)

In the majority of cases, the phenomenology of chorea is not very helpful for the differential diagnosis, whereas the clinical context in which chorea develops can be the key to defining its aetiology (see Tables 7.11 and 7.12 for a summary on diagnostic work-up). The different causes of chorea may be recognized based on timing, that is, reaching a climax of severity within days/weeks (acute/subacute chorea) versus progressing gradually over months or years (chronic chorea) and based on body distribution, that is, exhibiting a preferential (focal, segmental, hemibody) or generalized distribution. This classification, however, should not be followed too rigidly, as overlap is common.

Table 7.11
Diagnostic investigations in chorea with onset in the first two decades

Clinical presentation

Possible aetiologies

Acute or subacute

First level

 Antistreptolysin O and anti-deoxyribonuclease B antibodies

 Anti-β2-glycoprotein I (IgG) antibodies

 Anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies

 Lupus anticoagulant

 Acute phase reactants (ESR, C-reactive protein)

 Full blood count

 Thyroid function tests

 Throat culture analysis for group A Streptococcus

 Magnetic resonance imaging head (including contrast-enhanced, diffusion-weighted or susceptibility-weighted sequences; plus magnetic resonance angiography or conventional angiography, if required)

 Glycaemic level – plasma osmolality – plasma ketones

 Doppler echocardiography


Second level

 Anti-NMDA receptor antibodies (followed by CT pelvis, if justified by clinical presentation)

 Genetic screening for PRRT2, MR1, SLC2A1 gene mutations (if paroxysmal)

 Cerebral SPECT (if required)

Third level (if the cause remains undefined)

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Jun 14, 2017 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Rapid Intermittent Involuntary Movements

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