Recurrent Glioblastoma

Given the aggressive nature of glioblastoma, it is nearly a certainty that all patients will need to be evaluated for potential treatment of recurrent disease. There is currently no definitive standard of care for recurrent glioblastoma. Unlike in other solid tumors that have benefited from genomic or molecular profiling and targeted therapy, it is often the case that the recurrent tumor no longer reflects the index tumor. In the pre-bevacizumab era, the meidan overall survival was 30 weeks, and only 10 weeks for median progression-free survival. This chapter discusses the definition of recurrence and gives a further breakdown of the treatment options and surgical and nonsurgical management, with a review of pertinent studies that have led to a better understanding of treatment options for recurrent disease. Other chapters provide expert opinion on the role of antiangiogenic agents (see Chapter 10) and tumor treating fields (See Chapter 17) as they pertain to recurrent glioblastoma and are only briefly discussed here.

Defining recurrence

Before the decision to treat recurrent glioblastoma, it is essential to determine whether or not radiographic evidence of recurrent disease is secondary to glioblastoma progression or to radiographic pseudoprogression. In order to standardize the assessment of response to initial glioblastoma treatment, the MacDonald Criteria organized response based on 4 categories: complete response (CR), partial response (PR), stable disease (SD), and progressive disease (PD) ( Table 11.1 ).

Table 11.1

MacDonald versus Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) Criteria for response in malignant gliomas

MacDonald RANO
Complete disappearance of all enhancing measurable and nonmeasurable disease sustained for at least 4 wk Disappearance of all enhancing measurable and nonmeasurable disease sustained for a minimum of 4 wk
Stable or improved FLAIR/T2-weighted lesions
No new lesions No new lesions
Stable or improved clinically Stable or improved clinically
No corticosteroids Patients cannot be receiving corticosteroids (physiologic replacement doses are acceptable)
≥50% decrease compared with baseline in the sum of products of perpendicular diameters of all measurable enhancing lesions sustained for at least 4 wk ≥50% decrease (compared with baseline) in the sum of products of perpendicular diameters of all measurable enhancing lesions sustained for a minimum of 4 wk
No progression of nonmeasurable disease
No new lesions No new lesions
Stable or reduced corticosteroid dose Stable or improved FLAIR/T2-weighted lesions
Stable or improved clinically Stable or improved clinically
Corticosteroid dosage at the time of the scan should be no greater than the dosage at the time of the baseline scan
Does not qualify for CR, PR, or PD Patient does not qualify for CR, PR, or progression
Stable FLAIR/T2-weighted lesions on a corticosteroid dose no greater than at baseline
Stable clinically Stable clinically
≥25% increase in sum of the products of perpendicular diameters of enhancing lesions relative to best previous scan ≥25% increase in sum of the products of perpendicular diameters of all measurable enhancing lesions compared with the smallest tumor measurement obtained either at baseline or best response following the initiation of therapy, while on a stable or increasing dose of corticosteroids. Significant increase in FLAIR T2-weighted lesions compared with baseline or best response following initiation of therapy, not caused by comorbid events (eg, radiation therapy, ischemic injury, seizures, postoperative changes, other treatment effects), while on a stable or increasing dose of corticosteroids
Any new lesion New lesions
Clinical deterioration Clinical deterioration not attributable to any causes apart from the tumor (eg, seizures, medication side effects, complications of therapy, cerebrovascular events, or infection) or decreases in corticosteroid dose. Failure to return for evaluation owing to death or deteriorating condition. Clear progression of nonmeasurable disease

Abbreviation: FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery.

From Roy S, Lahiri D, Maji T, et al. Recurrent glioblastoma: where we stand. South Asian J Cancer 2015;4:164; with permission.

These criteria were initially formulated in 1990, and relied on the enhancing pattern of the tumor, which did not address the effects of chemoradiotherapy and antiangiogenic agents on radiographic imaging. Several factors compound the difficulty in determining pseudoprogression from true progression and include post–radiation treatment effects that increase contrast enhancement and T2 hyperintensity over the first month, which may increase vascular probability, and the use of bevacizumab, which may conversely decrease contrast enhancement. To address this, the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology Working Group (RANO) devised criteria for determination of the first progression, which depend on the timing from the initial chemoradiotherapy treatment. In general, these criteria added more restrictive parameters for diagnosing progressive disease within 90 days of chemoradiotherapy completion as well as consideration to corticosteroid use and T2/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequencing assessment. At present, the RANO criteria are considered the most appropriate tools for evaluation of progression and response in glioblastoma. Advances in MRI diagnostic capabilities have also been used to differentiate pseudoprogression from true progression, although these tools are suggested for guidance and not definitive diagnosis. Recently, Galldiks and colleagues evaluated a group of 22 patients with glioblastoma with concern for new contrast-enhancing lesions or existing lesions showing increased enhancement on their routine MRI within first 4 months after completion of chemoradiotherapy and compared those findings with O-(2-(18)F-fluoroethyl)- l -tyrosine [(18)F-FET] PET scans done at the same time. In the 11 patients with available histopathologic confirmation, they found significantly lower compound uptake in those with necrosis or pseudoprogression than in those with confirmed tumor recurrence. Although this is promising, this study and others have determined that labeled uptake remains a diagnostic option.

Surgical intervention for recurrent disease

The decision to proceed with surgical intervention on a patient with recurrent glioblastoma is not always clear. However, existing within the current literature are multiple prognostic factors that can guide the course of treatment of recurrent disease. There are many studies that have individually examined consecutive patients and their outcomes following repeat resection. This chapter describes what the authors think is the most relevant literature in assisting clinicians (and patients) in the decision to proceed with surgery.

One of the most important studies advocating gross total resection of recurrent glioblastoma was performed in 2012 by Bloch and colleagues. A total of 107 patients were examined after repeat glioblastoma resection. Of that subset, 52 patients had an initial gross total resection, of whom 31 (60%) had gross resection at recurrence and a median survival of 20.4 months versus 18.4 months for patients with a subsequent subtotal resection. In patients who initially had a subtotal resection (55), 47% had gross total resection recurrence with a median survival of 19 months and 53% had a subtotal resection with a median survival of 15.9 months. These findings indicated that extensive initial resection was not necessarily correlated with survival for every presentation, but that gross total resection on recurrence was statistically associated with increased overall survival. In this study, as in several others, the Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS) at the time of surgical intervention for recurrent disease was an independent predictor of survival. More recent studies have similarly found that low residual volume and increased extent of resection were consistent with longer overall survival and progression-free survival ( Fig. 11.1 ).

Fig. 11.1

Overall survival in patients with an initial subtotal resection, stratified by either gross total resection (GTR), or subtotal resection (STR) on recurrence. EOR, extent of resection.

( From Bloch O, Han SJ, Cha S, et al. Impact of extent of resection for recurrent glioblastoma on overall survival: clinical article. J Neurosurg 2012;117:1036; with permission.)

Studies that examine the overall survival for patients with current disease are sometimes intrinsically biased secondary to patient selection. For example, patients with a high KPS and noneloquent areas tend to be logical candidates for second, if not third or even fourth, resections of glioblastoma. For example, a study by Chaichana and colleagues found that the median survival for patients who underwent 1, 2, 3, and 4 resections was 6.8, 15.5, 22.4, and 26.6 months. Although these patients were matched in a case-control evaluation, the specific tumor molecular heterogeneity was unable to be analyzed, and it may be more a reflection of underlying favorable molecular profiling than simply surgical intervention that allowed these impressive extensions of life. These special patients are more likely to be included in studies and trials that result in publication. It is rare for a very old patient with a low KPS and highly aggressive course to benefit from second-stage or third-stage craniotomies. There is a growing body of literature that indicates that although the ideal patient may be of younger age, elderly patients when properly selected may also benefit from surgical resection. Park and colleagues devised a validated scale to predict survival after recurrent surgery and their findings were as expected: patients with Karnofsky performance statuses greater than 80, tumor volume less than 50 cm 3 , and lack of involvement in cortical brain structures were all significantly associated with better postoperative survival. This scale was updated in 2010 and added the presence of ependymal involvement to further stratify patients by likelihood of prognosis following surgical resection.

The use of carmustine wafers is discussed in detail elsewhere in this book (Chapter 16), but briefly these wafers were first approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the context of recurrent glioblastoma. This approval was based on a 1995 study of 222 patients with recurrent glioblastoma across 27 medical centers who underwent randomization to receive either carmustine wafers or placebo. The median survival of the 110 patients who received carmustine wafers was 31 weeks compared with 23 weeks for those who received placebo, and 6-month overall survival was 50% greater in those in the experimental group. In 2008, a 10-year institutional analysis at Johns Hopkins reviewed 122 patients who underwent craniotomy and Gliadel wafer implantation for recurrent glioblastoma with a median survival of 11.3 months, and 13% were alive at 2 years, with an increasing trend to survival linked to the use of Gliadel. The combination of Gliadel with other agents is challenging because of the exclusion of Gliadel wafers in many clinical trials evaluating novel agents, due in part to the confounding radiographic artifacts due to Gliadel. The complications noted by the Hopkins group were similar to a comparative cohort without wafers, and included cerebral edema, seizures, and wound infections. An advantage of the carmustine wafer is that it avoids the systemic toxicity (immunosuppression, bone marrow failure, gastrointestinal effects) of chemotherapy, as there is no detectable level of agent in the blood stream.

Chemotherapy and radiation for the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma


Since 1996 there have been almost 100 studies to establish the ideal treatment of recurrent glioblastoma ( Table 11.2 ). Most of these were phase I and II, single-arm studies with fewer than 50 patients in the experimental group. These studies examined chemotherapeutic, dietary, and mechanistic permutations that included, in chronologic order, tamoxifen, procarbazine, temozolomide, carboplatin, etoposide, RMP-7 (bradykinin anal-g, Cereport™), gefitinib, bis-chloroethylnitrosourea; carmustine (BCNU), irinotecan, temsirolimus, imatinib, hydroxyurea, tipifarnib, sirolimus, pioglitazone, rofecoxib, capecitabine, bevacizumab, cilengitide, erlotinib, vorinostat, everolimus, O-benzylguanine, sulfasalazine, cetuximab, cediranib, lapatinib, enzastaurin, lomustine, cintredekin, sorafenib, sagopilone, 6-Thioguanine (6-TG), capecitabine, celecoxib, bortezomib, lomustine, 1-2-chlorethyl-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosurea (CCNU), tumor treating fields, lonafarnib, sunitinib, ketogenic diet, temsirolimus, dasatinib, panobinostat, etirinotecan pegol, valparin, and afatinib. Despite these investigations, there still exists no clear standard of care for recurrent disease.

Table 11.2

Studies of novel agents for the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma

Investigators, Year Study Design Patients Per Arm (N) Interventions Prior Adjuvant Therapy Radiographic Response (%) PFS (mo) Median OS (mo)
Couldwell et al, 1996 Phase II, single arm 20 Tamoxifen RT + Chemo CR or PR (20) NA 7
Brandes et al, 1999 Phase II, single arm 28 Procarbazine + tamoxifen RT + Chemo CR (4), PR (25), SD (32), PD (39) Median 3 7
Yung et al, 2000 Phase II, 2 randomized arms 112 TMZ RT + Chemo PR (5), SD (40) 6, 21%; median 4 4
138 Procarbazine RT + Chemo PR (5), SD (27) 6, 8%; median 2 2
Watanabe et al, 2002 Phase II, single arm 14 Carboplatin + etoposide RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (14), SD (43), PD (43) Mean 4 9
Prados et al, 2003 Phase II, 2 randomized arms 40 RMP-7 + carboplatin RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (8) Median 2 6
40 Placebo + carboplatin RT + Chemo CR (3), PR (10) Median 2 5
Rich et al, 2004 Phase II, single arm 53 Gefitinib RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (42), PD (58) 6, 13% 9
Brandes et al, 2004 Phase II, single arm 42 BCNU + irinotecan RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (21), SD (50), PD (29) 6, 17%; median 4 12
Prados et al, 2004 Phase II, single arm 38 BCNU + TMZ RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (6), SD (6), PD (88) 6, 38%; median 3 9
Chang et al, 2005 Phase II, single arm 43 Temsirolimus RT at minimum CR (0), PR (5), SD (47), PD (48) 6, 2%; median 2 NA
Dresemann, 2005 Phase II, single arm 30 Imatinib + hydroxyurea RT + Chemo CR or PR (20) 6, 32%; 24, 16% 5
Galanis et al, 2005 Phase II, single arm 65 Temsirolimus RT + Chemo CR or PR (0) 6, 8%; median 4 4
Reardon et al, 2005 Phase II, single arm 33 Imatinib + hydroxyurea Chemo at minimum CR (3), PR (6), SD (42), PD (48) 6, 27%; median 4 12
Cloughesy et al, 2006 Phase II, single arm 67 Tipifamib RT at minimum CR (0), PR (7) 6, 9% NA
Reardon et al, 2006 Phase II, single arm 34 Gefitinib + sirolimus RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (5), SD (38), PD (47) 6, 23% NA
Wen et al, 2006 Phase II, single arm 34 Imatinib Not specified PR (6) 6, 3% NA
Hau et al, 2007 Phase II, single arm 14 Pioglitazone + rofecoxib + (capecitabine or TMZ) RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (20), SD (10), PD (70) 6, 20% NA
Vredenburgh et al, 2007 Phase II, single arm 35 BEV + irinotecan RT + Chemo CR or PR (57) 6, 46%; median 6 10
Reardon et al, 2008 Phase II, 2 randomized arms 40 Cilengitide high dose RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (13) 6, 15%; median 2 10
41 Cilengitide low dose RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (5) 6, 10%; median 2 7
de Groot et al, 2008 Phase II, single arm 44 Erlotinib + carboplatin RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (2), SD (47), PD (51) 6, 14%; median 2 7
Galanis et al, 2009 Phase II, single arm 66 Vorinostat Not specified CR or PR (3) 6, 17%; median 2 6
Kreisl et al, 2009 Phase II, single arm 22 Everolimus + gefitinib Not specified CR (0), PR (14), SD (36), PD (50) 6, 5%; median 3 6
Quinn et al, 2009 Phase II, single arm 52 O-benzylguanine + gliadel wafers RT + Chemo NA NA 13
Reardon et al, 2009 Phase II, single arm 27 Etoposide + BEV RT + Chemo CR (4), PR (19), SD (70), PD (7) 6, 46%; median 5 12
Robe et al, 2009 Phase II, single arm 10 Sulfasalazine RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (10), PD (90) Median 1 2
Friedman et al, 2009 Phase II, 2 randomized arms 85 BEV RT + Chemo CR (1), PR (27) 6, 43%; median 4 9
82 BEV + irinotecan RT + Chemo CR (2), PR (29) 6, 50%; median 6 9
van den Bent et al, 2009 Phase II, 2 randomized arms 54 Erlotinib RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (4), SD (17) 6, 11% 8
56 TMZ or carmustine (if failed TMZ) RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (10), SD (35) 6, 24% 7
Neyns et al, 2009 Phase II, single arm 55 Cetuximab RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (5), SD (31) 6, 7%; median 2 5
Reardon et al, 2009 Phase II, single arm 231 Imatinib + hydroxyurea Not specified CR or PR (8) 6, 11%; median 26 6
Batchelor et al, 2010 Phase II, single arm 31 Cediranib RT + Chemo PR (57), SD (31) 6, 26% 8
Raizer et al, 2010 Phase II, single arm 38 Erlotinib RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (8), PD (92) 6, 3%; median 2 6
Reardon et al, 2010 Phase II, single arm 32 Sirolimus + erlotinib RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (47), PD (53) 6, 3%; median 2 9
Yung et al, 2010 Phase II, single arm 48 Erlotinib RT + Chemo CR (2), PR (4), SD (16), PD (78) 6, 20% 9
Sathornsumetee et al, 2010 Phase II, single arm 25 BEV + erlotinib RT + Chemo CR (4), PR (46), SD (42), PD (8) 6, 29%; median 4 11
Thiessen et al, 2010 Phase II, single arm 17 Lapatinib RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (25), PD (75) NA NA
Dresemann et al, 2010 Phase III, 2 randomized arms 120 Hydroxyurea Not specified CR or PR (1) 6, 7% 5
120 Imatinib + hydroxyurea Not specified CR or PR (2) 6, 5% 5
Wick et al, 2010 Phase III, 2 randomized arms 174 Enzastaurin Not specified NA 6, 11%; median 2 7
92 Lomustine Not specified NA 6, 19%; median 2 7
Kunwar et al, 2010 Phase III, 2 randomized arms 183 Cintredekin besudotox RT + Chemo NA NA 9
93 Gliadel wafers RT + Chemo NA NA 9
Perry et al, 2010 Phase II, single stratified arm. Stratified by prior TMZ failure timing 29 Dose-dense TMZ (progression before 6 cycles TMZ) RT + Chemo CR or PR (3), SD (24), PD (73) 6, 27%; median 4 27
29 Dose-dense TMZ (progression after 6 cycles TMZ) RT + Chemo CR or PR (0), SD (8), PD (92) 6, 7%; median 2 15
29 Dose-dense TMZ (progression after TMZ completion) RT + Chemo CR or PR (11), SD (26), PD (63) 6, 36%; median 4 29
Brada et al, 2010 Phase II, 3 randomized arms 224 PCV RT alone NA Median 4 7
112 5-d TMZ RT alone NA Median 5 9
111 21-d TMZ RT alone NA Median 4 7
Reardon et al, 2011 Phase II, single arm 32 Sorafenib + TMZ RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (3), SD (47), PD (50) 6, 9%; median 6 10
Abacioglu et al, 2011 Phase II, single arm 25 Dose-dense TMZ RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (10), SD (50), PD (40) 6, 17%; median 3 7
Stupp et al, 2011 Phase II, single arm 38 Sagopilone RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (25), PD (75) 6, 81%; median 2 8
Walbert et al, 2011 Phase II, single stratified arm 43 6-TG + capecitabine + celecoxib + (TMZ or lomustine) RT + Chemo CR (2), PR (9), SD (33), PD (56) 6, 14%; median 2 8
Reardon et al, 2011 Phase II, 2 randomized arms 10 Metronomic TMZ + BEV RT + Chemo (BEV resistant) CR (0), PR (0), SD (40), PD (60) 6, 0%; median 1 3
13 Metronomic etoposide + BEV RT + Chemo (BEV resistant) CR (0), PR (0), SD (62), PD (31) 6, 10%; median 2 5
Friday et al, 2012 Phase II, single arm 37 Vorinostat + bortezomib Not specified NA 6, 0%; median 2 3
Gilbert et al, 2012 Phase II, single arm 30 Cilengitide + surgery Not specified NA 6, 12%; median 2 NA
Desjardins et al, 2012 Phase II, single arm 32 TMZ + BEV RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (28), SD (50), PD (22) 6, 19%; median 4 9
Franceschi et al, 2012 Phase II, single arm 26 CCNU + dasatinib RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (4), SD (25), PD (71) 6, 6%; median 1 6
Lee et al, 2012 Phase II, single arm 18 Sorafenib + temsirolimus RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (12) 6, 0%; median 2 NA
Pan et al, 2012 Phase II, single arm 16 Sunitinib RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (31), PD (69) 6, 17%; median 1 13
Stupp et al, 2012 Phase III, 2 randomized arms 120 TTF RT + Chemo CR or PR 14 6, 21%; median 2 7
117 Physician’s choice Chemo RT + Chemo CR or PR 10 6, 15%; median 2 6
Batchelor et al, 2013 Phase III, 3 randomized arms 131 Cediranib RT + Chemo CR (1), PR (14), SD (64), PD (9) Median 3 8
129 Cediranib + lomustine RT + Chemo CR (2), PR (16), SD (55), PD (16) Median 4 9
65 Lomustine + placebo RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (9), SD (41), PD (41) Median 3 10
Yust-Katz et al, 2013 Phase IB, single arm 34 Lonafarnib + TMZ RT + Chemo CR (6), PR (18), SD (47), PD (29) 6, 38%; median 4 14
Peereboom et al, 2013 Phase II, single arm 56 Erlotinib + sorafenib Not specified CR (0), PR (5), SD (41), PD (45) 6, 14%; median 3 6
Zustovich et al, 2013 Phase II, single arm 43 Sorafenib + TMZ RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (12), SD (48), PD (48) 6, 26%; median 3 7
Norden et al, 2013 Phase II, single arm 58 Dose-dense TMZ RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (13), SD (35), PD (52) 6, 11%; median 2 12
Kreisl et al, 2013 Phase II, single stratified arm. Stratified by prior BEV failure 31 Sunitinib (BEV resistant) RT + Chemo (± BEV) CR or PR (0) 6, 0% 4.4
32 Sunitinib (BEV naive) RT + Chemo (± BEV) CR or PR (10) 6, 6% 9.4
Han et al, 2014 Phase II, single arm 40 Dose-dense TMZ RT + Chemo CR or PR (3) 6, 10%; median 2 5
Rieger et al, 2014 Phase II, single arm 20 Ketogenic diet RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (8), PD (92) Median 1 8
Wen et al, 2014 Phase II, single arm 43 Erlotinib + temsirolimus RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (29), PD (71) 6, 13%; median 2 NA
Taal et al, 2014 Phase II, 3 randomized arms 50 BEV RT + Chemo CR or PR (38) 6, 16%; median 3 8
46 Lomustine RT + Chemo CR or PR (5) 6, 13%; median 1 8
52 BEV + lomustine RT + Chemo CR or PR (39) 6, 42%; median 4 12
Lassman et al, 2015 Phase II, single arm 50 Dasatinib RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (24), PD (76) 6, 6%; median 2 8
Lee et al, 2015 Phase II, single arm 24 Panobinostat + BEV RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (29), SD (58), PD (12) 6, 30%; median 5 9
Nagpal et al, 2015 Phase II, single arm 20 Etirinotecan pegol RT + Chemo (BEV resistant) CR (0), PR (17) 6, 11%; median 2 5
Odia et al, 2015 Phase II, single arm 30 Bortezomib + tamoxifen RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (0), PD (100) 6, 0%; median 1 4
Taylor et al, 2015 Phase II, single arm 11 Bosutinib RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (0), SD (25), PD (75) 6, 0%; median 2 12
Weller et al, 2015 Phase II, 2 randomized arms 52 Dose-intensified TMZ biweekly RT + Chemo CR (4), PR (4) Median 2 10
53 Dose-intensified TMZ monthly RT + Chemo CR (8), PR (8) Median 2 10
Robins et al, 2015 Phase II, 2 randomized arms. Stratified by BEV resistance 73 TMZ + veliparib 21-d, BEV naive RT + Chemo CR or PR (0) Median 2 10
73 TMZ + veliparib 5-d, BEV naive RT + Chemo CR or PR (4) Median 2 11
32 TMZ + veliparib 21-d, BEV resistant RT + Chemo CR or PR (5) Median 2 5
37 TMZ + veliparib 5-d, BEV resistant RT + Chemo CR or PR (0) Median 2 5
Reardon et al, 2015 Phase II, 3 randomized arms 41 Afatinib RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (2), SD (34), PD (56) 3%; median 1 10
39 Afatinib + TMZ RT + Chemo CR (3), PR (5), SD (36), PD (44) 6, 10%; median 2 8
39 TMZ RT + Chemo CR (0), PR (10), SD (54), PD (33) 6, 23%; median 2 11

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