Rehabilitation of cognitive deficits after traumatic brain injury

Chapter 9
Rehabilitation of cognitive deficits after traumatic brain injury

Philippe Azouvi1,2,3 and Claire Vallat-Azouvi3,4

1 AP-HP, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Raymond Poincaré Hospital, Garches, France

2 EA HANDIREsP, Université de Versailles, Saint Quentin, France

3 ER 6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France

4 Antenne UEROS and SAMSAH 92, UGECAM Ile-de-France, France

Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with a wide range of cognitive impairments, which may compromise social and vocational reintegration. The field of cognitive rehabilitation has experienced significant progress these last 30 years, and several recent reviews and meta-analyses have reached the conclusion that there is substantial evidence to support cognitive interventions for people with TBI [1–3]. In this chapter, we will first present a brief overview of cognitive deficits after severe TBI. Then, we will review in more detail the rehabilitation of each of the main different cognitive deficits that may occur after TBI and the level of evidence for neuropsychological rehabilitation.

Cognitive deficits, behavioral changes, and outcome after severe TBI

Survivors of a severe TBI frequently may suffer from deficits of long-term episodic memory, slowed information processing, and deficits of attention, working memory, and executive functions [4]. For example, Masson et al. [5] showed that 5 years after a severe TBI, 44.4% of survivors had a Moderate Disability, and 14.4% a Severe Disability, mainly due to cognitive impairments. Cognitive impairments are frequently associated with behavioral and personality changes [6], poor self-awareness [7] and mental fatigue [8, 9]. Brooks and colleagues [10] reported that, 1 year after the accident, 60% of relatives answered that the patient was “not the same as before,” and this proportion increased up to 74% at 5 years.

Long-term memory

After emerging from coma and the vegetative state, TBI patients usually pass through a phase of global cognitive disturbance, termed posttraumatic amnesia (PTA), characterized by confusion, disorientation for time and place, inability to store and retrieve new information, and some degree of retrograde amnesia [11]. The consistent return to continuous memory indicates clearing of PTA, but memory problems frequently persist. Indeed, memory deficit is one of the most frequent complaints from patients and their relatives after a severe TBI [12]. Brooks et al. [10] found that memory problems were reported by 67% of relatives 1 and 5 years after a severe TBI. Memory failures were the second most frequent relatives’ complaints 5 years postinjury, just after behavioral modifications.

Many studies have shown that patients with TBI suffer from a deficit in the ability to acquire new information (for a recent review see Vakil [13]). Patients perform poorer than controls on all types of memory tasks, whatever the task demand or the nature of the material to be remembered (verbal or visual) [14].The underlying cognitive mechanisms are still debated [13]. Experimental studies suggest that TBI is associated with a slower, inconsistent, and disorganized learning rate [15, 16], an accelerated forgetting rate [17, 18], a higher number of intrusions in free recall, and a reduced ability to spontaneously use active or effortful semantic encoding or mental imagery to improve learning efficiency [19]. In many aspects, memory impairments after TBI seem closely related to attentional and executive impairments, and resemble the kind of memory disorders found after frontal lobe lesion.

In addition, a high prevalence of retrograde memory deficits has been reported after TBI, encompassing both the domains of autobiographical and public events memories and also early acquired basic and cultural knowledge [20, 21].

Working memory

Working memory is a system for both storage and manipulation of information, hence playing a central role in complex cognitive abilities [22]. It is assumed to be divided into three subsystems [22]. The central executive is an attentional control system, while the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad are two modality-specific slave systems, responsible for storage and rehearsal of verbal and visuospatial information, respectively. Although the two modality-specific slave systems are relatively well preserved after TBI, central executive aspects of working memory (particularly the ability to simultaneously store and process complex information or to monitor and update information) seem to be impaired [23].

Attention and speed of processing

One of the most popular models [24] assumes that attention can be subdivided into two broad domains, intensity (the ability to modulate the level of attention on a given task) and selectivity (the ability to select relevant stimuli in the environment). Each of these two domains can be again divided in two components. Within the intensity domain, phasic alterness refers to the ability to respond faster when a stimulus is preceded by a warning signal, while sustained attention refers to the ability to maintain a stable level of performance during a monotonous long-duration task. Within the selectivity domain, focused attention refers to the ability to focus on a relevant stimulus, and hence to discard irrelevant, distracting stimuli, while divided attention refers to the concurrent performance of two competing tasks at the same time.

Mental slowness is one of the most robust findings after severe TBI and may compromise all aspects of attentional functioning. Whether attentional functions are additionally impaired remains debated. Experimental studies suggested that there is little if any specific impairment of phasic alterness, sustained attention, and focused attention beyond slowed processing [25]. However, several studies found a specific impairment of divided attention that depends on the nature and complexity of the task [26–29]. As suggested in a meta-analysis, TBI patients did not differ from controls when the divided attention tasks could be performed relatively automatically, while they were impaired relative to controls on tasks including substantial working memory load [30].

Mental fatigue is a frequent complaint after TBI, and seems closely related to attention deficits. According to Van Zomeren et al. [31], fatigue could be due to the constant compensatory effort required to reach an adequate level of performance in everyday life, despite cognitive deficits and slowed processing. This is known as the coping hypothesis, which has received support from recent experimental studies [9, 32, 33].

Deficits of executive functions

Executive functions are the cognitive abilities involved in programming, regulation, and verification of novel and/or goal-directed behavior [34]. Survivors from a traumatic coma frequently show dramatic personality and behavioral changes. These changes may be related to lack of control (disinhibition, impulsivity, irritability, hyperactivity, aggressiveness) or lack of drive (apathy, reduced initiative, poor motivation) [6]. These modifications are frequently associated with lack of awareness (anosognosia) [7].

From a cognitive perspective, impairments in planning, conceptualization, set shifting, mental flexibility, generation of new information, and inhibition have been documented, although objective assessment of these functions is difficult, due to a lack of sensitivity of most commonly used neuropsychological tasks. Several studies outlined the necessity to use ecologically valid assessment measures of executive functions [35–37].

Global intellectual efficiency

Measures of global intellectual functioning are frequently used in the neuropsychological assessment of patients with TBI [38]. The most widely used instrument is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, which has the advantage of extensive normative data, permitting statistical comparisons. Patients with severe TBI usually show a pattern of global intellectual decline. However, some measures and indexes are more sensitive to TBI. A discrepancy between verbal and performance IQ has been repeatedly reported, the lower performance IQ being related to slowed visuomotor processing. Similarly, processing speed or working memory indexes are particularly sensitive to TBI, while other subtests, such as verbal comprehension or perceptual organization, appear more resistant to brain injury [39].

Rehabilitation of executive functions

Problem-solving training

Following the pioneer work from Luria and Tsvetkova [40], several studies were conducted to assess the effectiveness of problem-solving training (PST) and of learning metacognitive strategies to improve executive functioning after brain injury. Most of these programs relied on increasing awareness, reducing the problem complexity by breaking it down into easier subtasks, and learning a systematic controlled stepwise processing. Cicerone and Wood [41] reported a single-case study of PST in a chronic frontally injured patient, 4 years postinjury. The patient was trained to use self-instructions to solve a task. An improvement was found, but generalization to everyday life situations only occurred after the use of more ecologically based training tasks.

Von Cramon and colleagues, in Germany, devised a comprehensive rehabilitation program, named PST, that was used in a randomized controlled study [42]. Twenty patients receiving PST were compared to 17 patients receiving memory training as a control treatment. Patients in the PST group showed more improvement than the control group in measures of general intelligence and problem solving and in behavioral ratings of awareness, goal-directed ideas, problem solving, and action style. The same group reported the effectiveness of problem-solving training in a professional context in a single-case study of a patient with a severe chronic dysexecutive syndrome [43]. This patient, a pathologist, was trained specifically on professional tasks during 30 weeks. However, although his diagnosis accuracy improved, no generalization was found in other everyday life tasks, even though these latter tasks required similar cognitive processes.

Rath et al. [44] conducted a randomized controlled study in a chronic patient group (4 years postinjury on average) with apparent good recovery but persisting socioprofessional difficulties. Experimental training consisted of two successive phases: problem orientation, based on emotional regulation to control for impulsive reactions, and problem solving, based on role-play in ecological situations. Patients receiving this experimental rehabilitation during 24 weeks (n = 27) improved more on cognitive testing, everyday life functioning, and self-awareness than a control group (n = 19) who was given conventional cognitive training.

Levine et al. [45] evaluated the effectiveness of another problem-solving intervention, goal management training (GMT), in a randomized controlled study. GMT relied on the goal neglect model as proposed by Duncan [46]. According to this model, dysexecutive patients tend to neglect the ultimate goal and the intermediate subgoals necessary to complete a task. Patients learned a systematic strategy to generate goals and subgoals to solve a problem. Participants (n = 15) received only 1 h of GMT, compared to 1 h of motor skill training in the control group. The experimental group showed an improved accuracy on a set of paper and pencil tests that were assumed to simulate everyday activities. However, the generalization to actual everyday situations remains to be demonstrated. GMT was also used by the same authors in a more ecologically oriented approach in a single-case study [45]. A postencephalitic patient received two sessions of GMT training focusing on cooking tasks. After training, the number of errors during cooking sessions decreased, and the effect remained stable 6 months after the end of the therapy.

Spikman et al. [47] recently reported a large (n = 75) multicenter randomized controlled study of a new multifaceted treatment program for executive dysfunction. This program relied heavily on GMT and PST described earlier, but a special care was given to assess the effect on executive functions in daily life. Rehabilitation was administered step-by-step during 3 months in three stages: information and awareness, goal setting and planning, and initiation, execution, and regulation. The experimental group improved significantly more than controls in the primary outcome measure, named the Role Resumption List, which is a questionnaire addressing the amount and quality of activities in different domains (vocational functioning, social interactions, leisure activities, and mobility). A significant improvement was also found on an ecological executive task, simulating a job situation, and in patients’ ability to set realistic goals. Improvement lasted at least 6 months posttreatment.

Other strategies

Environmental modifications can also be used to help patients to deal more effectively with complex tasks. External cueing, by periodic auditory alerts has been used by Manly et al. [48]. Within the goal neglect model, randomly occurring auditory cues were intended to serve as external reminders of the goal and subgoals of the task at hand. Ten patients (mainly post-TBI) were included in this study and compared to a control group. With periodic auditory alerts, they were able to reach a nearly normal performance on an ecological multitask: they improved in their ability to deal with more tasks within a given time limit.

Compensatory strategies can also be used. Fasotti et al. [49] developed the time pressure management, aimed at helping patients compensate for slow information processing. This technique was based on teaching self-instructions. Patients were trained to anticipate and adapt their plans to their actual level of performance and speed, in order to reduce time pressure at the operational level. This strategy was found effective in a randomized group study, but the generalization to everyday life remains to be demonstrated [49].

Behavioral management techniques have been less studied. A few individual case studies have been reported, suggesting that negative reinforcement techniques such as time-out or response cost could reduce aggressiveness or inappropriate repetitive behaviors [50, 51]. Medd and Tate [52] conducted on 16 patients a randomized controlled study of a cognitive–behavioral program of anger management that involved self-awareness and self-instructional training. Results showed a significant decrease of anger outbursts, without change in patients’ awareness of anger problems. Onsworth et al. [53] conducted a study aimed at improving awareness in a group of 21 chronic patients (mainly TBI) with severe cognitive impairments and anosognosia. Treatment included problem-solving training, role-playing and compensatory strategies during 16 weeks. Self-awareness improved after the therapy and 6 months later.

Rehabilitation of attention

Studies on rehabilitation of attention after TBI have been reported, with mixed results [54]. Sohlberg and Mateer [55] reported positive results in four patients (three with TBI). A rehabilitation program of focused, sustained, and divided attention, of distractibility and of flexibility was compared to visual function training. Attentional performance only improved after attentional training, while visual function only improved after visual training. On the opposite, Ponsford and Kinsella [56], in a well-designed multiple single-case design, found that attention training was not more effective than spontaneous recovery. In a meta-analysis, Park and Ingles [57] concluded that studies that used an adequate control condition produced only small and statistically nonsignificant improvements in performance of cognitive functions and specific measures of attention. They found however that specific skills training significantly improved performance of trained tasks requiring attention.

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