Fig. 11.1
Hypothetical data from single-operant (top panel) and concurrent-operant (bottom panel) reinforcer assessments
Concurrent-schedule arrangements offer a more sensitive test of relative reinforcer effectiveness. In a concurrent-schedule, the participant can distribute responses between different options that operate simultaneously. The dependent variable of greatest interest is the distribution of responses (e.g., Piazza et al. 1996a; Roscoe et al. 1999). For example, a child may have two identical sheets of arithmetic problems placed side-by-side in front of them. Completion of problems on the right side may result in the delivery of one reinforcer according to an FR1 schedule, whereas completion of problems on the left side results in delivery of a second reinforcer on an identical schedule. All else being equal, if the child allocates more responding towards the option associated with the first reinforcer than the option associated with the second reinforcer, the first is deemed more effective. Such an outcome is depicted in the bottom panel of Fig. 11.1 where Stimulus A appears to be a more effective reinforcer than Stimuli B and C based on the amount of responding allocated to each option. Concurrent schedules may be sensitive to small differences in reinforcer value. However, it is important to note that just because a reinforcer is less preferred in a concurrent-schedule arrangement, it may nonetheless be an effective reinforcer in an absolute sense (i.e. if it was not being directly pitted against another stimulus). Although few responses were made on the Stimulus C option in the bottom panel of Fig. 11.1, suggesting it was not effective, if Stimuli A and B were not concurrently available, Stimulus C might have produced much responding, as suggested in the top panel of Fig. 11.1 (see Roscoe et al. for results very similar to this).
Applied researchers have also used progressive-ratio (PR) schedule arrangements (Hodos 1961) to assess relative reinforcer efficacy (e.g., DeLeon et al. 2009; Francisco et al. 2008; Roane et al. 2001). PR schedules are another example of a single-operant arrangement, but differ from typical single-operant arrangements with respect to how the schedule is thinned. In typical single-operant arrangements, the response requirement within a session (e.g., FR1) is typically held constant. Under a PR schedule, the response requirement increases systematically within a session (e.g., may increase in increments of 2 from FR 2 to FR 4, to FR 6, etc. within the same session). A session ends when the participant ceases to respond for some predetermined amount of time. Reinforcer value is indexed by the breakpoint, or the value of the last completed schedule. Thus, PR schedules provide an estimate of the amount of responding one is willing to emit towards gaining a reinforcer.
Identifying and Using Reinforcers in an Applied Setting
Preference Assessment Methods
The sorts of reinforcer assessments described above are important in validating the predictions of preference assessments. Preference assessments are methods used to identify stimuli that may function as reinforcers. Stimuli shown to be more preferred are predicted to be more effective reinforcers . Thus, a typical course in applied research on preference assessment is to conduct the assessment to determine its predictions about relative reinforcer efficacy, then test those predictions using one of the reinforcer assessment methods just described.
Behavioral researchers have evaluated numerous methods of identifying stimulus preferences . The methods vary along many dimensions, including the effort required and accuracy of outcomes. Prior to the development of these methods, clinicians relied on staff or parent report or checklists (e.g., Atkinson et al. 1984; Cautela and Kastenbaum 1967) and similar methods sometimes collectively termed indirect preference assessments. These methods are more efficient in terms of time and effort than others, but their outcomes often correspond poorly with the outcomes of more rigorous assessments (Cote et al. 2007; Windsor et al. 1994). However, there may be some benefit to conducting informal assessments to identify stimuli to include in more systematic preference assessments (e.g., Fisher et al. 1996).
Pace et al. (1985) were among the first to describe a systematic preference assessment methodology. The researchers used a single-stimulus (SS) presentation format to assess the preferences for and reinforcer efficacy of various stimuli for six individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Sixteen items thought to produce different forms of stimulation were included. During each trial, one item was placed in front of the participant and approach responses (i.e., moving hand or body toward the item within 5 s of presentation) were recorded. Preference hierarchies were established by calculating the percentage of approach responses for each stimulus. During the reinforcer assessment, the reinforcer efficacy of high-preference stimuli (those approached on 80 % or greater of trials) and low-preference stimuli (items approached on 50 % or fewer of trials) was assessed. The authors found that, in general, high-preference stimuli were more likely to function as reinforcers than low-preference stimuli.
The SS preference assessment was a relatively efficient method for directly measuring the preferences of individuals with severe learning deficits. One drawback, however, was that some participants approached the majority of stimuli that were presented. This pattern of indiscriminate responding implied that all stimuli were equally preferred by some participants. Alternatively, participant learning histories and subtle demand features of the SS preference assessment may have evoked approach responding regardless of the specific item presented. Thus, SS assessments may not yield information on relative preferences, causing clinicians to select some non-preferred stimuli as reinforcers.
To address the issue of false-positive findings, Fisher et al. (1992) developed a forced-choice or paired-stimulus (PS) assessment. In this preparation, two items were simultaneously presented to the participant, who could only approach one item during each trial. This methodological variation ensured that not all stimuli would be consumed during 100 % of trials, which increased the odds of the assessment generating differentiated preference hierarchies. In a comparison of the SS and PS methods, all items determined to be high preference (selected on 80 % or greater of trials) in the PS assessment were also identified as high preference in the SS assessment. However, items classified as moderate (50–79 %) to low (50 % or below) preference in the PS assessment were also frequently classified as high-preference stimuli in the SS assessment. Thus, the PS assessment generated more differentiated preference hierarchies than the SS assessment. During subsequent reinforcer assessments, stimuli determined to be highly preferred during both types of preference assessments supported higher rates of responding than stimuli identified as highly preferred during the SS assessment but low to moderately preferred in the PS assessment. These findings suggest that the PS assessment may offer a more accurate measure of relative preference than the SS assessment.
In an attempt to develop an assessment method that required less time to implement than a PS assessment while still providing information about relative preferences, DeLeon and Iwata (1996) proposed the multiple stimuli without replacement (MSWO) assessment. At the beginning of each session, the experimenter sat across a table from a participant and placed seven stimuli in a straight line approximately 5 cm apart and 0.3 m in front of the participant. The experimenter verbally instructed the participant to approach one item. After the participant approached one item, he or she was allowed to consume or play with that item. During the next trial, the selected stimulus was removed from the array and the remaining items were again laid out in front of the participant. Trials continued in this manner until the last item was approached, or the participant did not approach any of the remaining items within 30 s. Results obtained from the MSWO were compared to those obtained from a PS preference assessment. The researchers found that PS and MSWO methods generated similar preference hierarchies, but the MSWO assessment required far fewer trials.
Although most preference assessment procedures measure approach responding to stimuli presented across a series of trials, Roane et al. (1998) developed a brief duration-based, free-operant (FO) preference assessment. The authors noted that a brief FO assessment potentially had advantages over the traditional approach-based assessments like the PS and MSWO. They suggested it was quicker to administer, allowing for more frequent assessments; stimuli were never withheld or withdrawn, which might evoke problem behavior for some individuals; and although not specifically acknowledged by the authors, the FO method allows for the assessment of larger items that cannot be presented on the tabletop. During the FO assessment, sessions were 5 min in duration. Items were placed in a circle on the tabletop, and participants were free to engage with any of the items during that 5 min. Object manipulation was measured using 10-s partial interval recording. Preference hierarchies were established by ranking items according to the percentage of intervals in which object manipulation occurred. A brief concurrent-schedule reinforcer assessment followed the preference assessment. The researchers found that highly preferred stimuli (i.e., manipulated at the highest rates) were more likely to serve as reinforcers than less-preferred items. Furthermore, when compared to results obtained from a PS assessment, it was observed that the FO assessment was less likely to generate a distinct preference hierarchy (i.e., identification of at least one high-preference stimulus and at least one relatively less-preferred stimulus). However, the FO assessment was faster to administer and was associated with less problem behavior.
Considerations in Selection of Preference Assessment Method
Behavior analysts have developed a variety of methods to identify potential reinforcers, yet recommendations regarding the conditions under which preference assessments should be conducted in order to gain the most informative and valid information are not readily available. Despite a lack of comprehensive information on optimizing the use of preference assessments, some studies have evaluated variables that affect preference assessment outcomes and, therefore, should be considered by clinicians and researchers whose work relates to reinforcer identification. In what follows, we consider selection of preference assessment methods, stimuli to include in the assessment, and key studies that shed light on variables impacting the validity and reliability of preference assessment results.
All direct preference assessment methods require somewhat different skills to make valid selections. Thus, to obtain valid preference hierarchies, it is important to consider prerequisite skills specific to each type of assessment in relation to the participant’s current skills when selecting a method. Many preference assessments require participants to approach or interact with stimuli, thus requiring intact visual and motor skills. For example, PS and MSWO preference assessments require that an individual visually scan two or more simultaneously presented stimuli in order to make a choice and SS, PS, and MSWO preference assessments all require some type of physical (e.g., reaching for an item, leaning towards an item) or vocal (i.e., saying the name of the item) response.
The role of visual scanning has not been evaluated in the context of preference assessments. However, research on eye-tracking behavior demonstrates that, for some individuals with ASD, selection responses made without the individual observing all stimuli resulted in impaired accuracy of delayed match-to-sample performance (Dube et al. 1999). If this were to occur in the context of a preference assessment, established preference hierarchies may not be accurate. Thus, if an individual has the ability to look at and reach or orient towards a stimulus but has difficulties visually scanning an array of items, then the SS assessment may be the most appropriate preference assessment method to use.
Even those with the ability to visually scan an array of stimuli may have difficulty with some preference assessments. Some individuals make selections controlled by location rather than by the items themselves (e.g., participants may always select the item on the left when two items are presented in the PS assessment). Eliminating positional biases can prove successful in some cases. For example, Bourret et al. (2012) were able to overcome the positional biases for three individuals by conducting training in which a choice was provided between a known non-preferred stimulus and the other stimuli used in the original PA. For two other participants, increasing the magnitude of one of the items presented along with an error correction procedure helped to overcome the bias. Although unpublished, we have had sporadic success with other methods including changing from horizontal to vertical placement of stimuli, taking one item in each hand and holding them in front of the participant, or even placing items in opposite corners of the room and having the participant walk to the selected item. Research from other areas suggests that position changes alone may only sometimes eliminate position biases (e.g., Sidman 1992). When position biases persist, it may be necessary to assess preferences using the SS or FO procedures.
Individuals with profound disabilities who do not possess prerequisite scanning and motor skills will not be able to participate in traditional preference assessments. However, the preferences of individuals with restricted motor movements may be assessed using microswitches (e.g., Datillo 1986; Gutierrez-Griep 1984; Wacker et al. 1985). Wacker et al. (1985) trained individuals with profound disabilities to emit small motor movements, such as lifting their head or raising their arm, to access various items (toys, music, etc.). Microswitches were attached to various body parts, and the number and duration of motor movements were measured. Other researchers have suggested that indices of happiness (smiling, laughing, etc.) may be differentially correlated with preferred stimuli (Green and Reid 1996). Thus, by presenting a series of stimuli and measuring behaviors that evoke the label “happiness,” it may be possible to identify preferred stimuli for individuals lacking the motor skills to approach stimuli.
Clinicians may sometimes need to evaluate preferences for complex stimuli (e.g., community activities) that can be offered only through verbal or pictorial representations of the activities. A number of studies have attempted to identify the skills necessary for successful assessments of this sort (Clevenger and Graff 2005; Cohen-Almeida et al. 2000; Conyers et al. 2002). For example, Conyers et al. used the Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities test (ABLA; Kerr et al. 1977) to assess prerequisite skills for pictorial and verbal PAs. The ABLA test includes several levels, hierarchically ordered in terms of increasing difficulty. The skills assessed range from basic imitation (Level 1), to visual matching-to-sample (Level 4), to auditory match-to-sample (Level 6). Preference hierarchies generated by the tangible assessment did not match those generated by the pictorial or verbal assessments for participants who only passed up to Level 3 of the ABLA. For participants with basic visual matching skills (Level 4), preference hierarchies from the tangible assessments matched the pictorial assessment results, but not the verbal assessment. Finally, the participants who passed all visual and auditory tests generated similar preference hierarchies across pictorial, verbal, and tangible assessment methods. These data suggest that individuals must have specific matching skills in their repertoires in order for pictorial and verbal assessments to produce valid outcomes.
Several other factors should be considered in selecting a preference assessment method. For example, if time is of issue, then the FO, SS, or MSWO preference assessments may be more appropriate than the PS assessment. As noted by Fisher et al. (1992), although the PS assessment may be an effective method to identify preferences, it takes more time to implement than the SS assessment. Furthermore, the MSWO method (DeLeon and Iwata 1996) was partially proposed as an assessment that required less time to implement than a PS assessment. DeLeon and Iwata (1996) found that PS and MSWO methods generated similar preference hierarchies, but the MSWO assessment required fewer trials and was completed in approximately half the time that it took to complete the PS assessment. Although the MSWO proved to be an effective and efficient method, fewer stimuli can be simultaneously assessed on a tabletop with the MSWO compared to what can be included in the PS assessment. Therefore, if one wishes to include a large number of stimuli and has ample time to complete the assessment, the PS assessment may be preferable.
In an analysis of the interaction between problem behavior maintained by different reinforcers and different types of preference assessments, Kang et al. (2011) found that individuals with problem behavior maintained by tangible reinforcers were likely to display problem behavior during MSWO and PS assessments, but not during the FO assessment. However, the FO assessment tended to evoke problem behavior maintained by attention. Thus, when working with individuals who engage in socially maintained problem behavior, the function of problem behavior should be taken into consideration when selecting a preference assessment method.
During preference assessments, selection responses typically result in the opportunity for a participant to consume the chosen item. Under some circumstances, it may not be practical to deliver an item immediately following a selection response (e.g., when assessing preferences for community-based items or items that cannot be presented on the tabletop). Delays between the selection response and the delivery of the corresponding item may influence the results (e.g., Groskreutz and Graff 2009; Hanley et al. 1999; Kuhn et al. 2006; Tessing et al. 2006). Hanley et al. (1999) evaluated the preferences of four individuals with severe developmental disabilities using pictures. During each assessment trial, three pictures were presented simultaneously to participants. Two pictures represented potential reinforcers and a control picture represented a presumably neutral activity. A multiple baseline design across stimulus sets was used to evaluate the effects of contingent access to stimuli on preference assessment outcomes. Two experimental conditions were included in the evaluation. In the no access condition, touching a picture did not produce programmed consequences. In the access condition, a touch response resulted in immediate access to the associated activity area for 2 min. In most cases, differentiated preference hierarchies were established only when selected items were immediately delivered following approach responses.
Similar findings have been obtained with verbal preference assessments (e.g., Kuhn et al. 2006; Tessing et al. 2006). For example, Kuhn et al. (2006) examined the role of differential outcomes on the results of verbal preference assessments with three individuals with IDD. In the verbal-plus-tangible assessment, the experimenter presented two stimuli and asked, “Would you rather have X or Y?” When the participant named one stimulus, it was available for 30 s. In the verbal-only assessment, the experimenter asked, “Would you rather have X or Y?” However, stating the name of an item did not result in access to it. The two assessments generated different preference hierarchies for all participants. During subsequent reinforcer assessments, items ranked high in the verbal-plus-tangible assessment functioned as more effective reinforcers than items ranked as highly preferred on verbal-only assessments. Results of this series of studies highlight the importance of the contingent delivery of the selected stimulus during preference assessments.
Considerations in Stimulus Selection
The previous sections have discussed different types of preference assessments and considerations in selecting a preference assessment method. Next we consider factors that may influence the types of stimuli one chooses to include in a preference assessment, and subsequently deliver in applied settings. Again, reinforcers can take many forms and some types are more commonly used than others. In a survey of the types of stimuli commonly delivered by individuals who work with persons with ASD and other special needs, Graff and Karsten (2012) found that 91.5 % of all respondents reported using social attention or praise. Tokens were used by 65.6 % of respondents, followed by breaks (65 %), edible stimuli (50.2 %), and toys (49 %). Community-based activities were least likely to be delivered (19.2 %).
When considering which types of these commonly delivered stimuli to include in a formal preference assessment, one may begin by conducting informal assessments, such as asking a caregiver to nominate highly preferred stimuli. For example, Fisher et al. (1996) sought to determine whether a structured interview form assessing caregiver nominations of preferred items would be useful in helping to construct a stimulus array for preference assessments. Six parents of children with disabilities were given a standard list of items and asked to rank order those items from most to least preferred. Parents were also provided with a carefully structured interview form called the Reinforcer Assessment for Individuals with Severe Disabilities (RAISD). The interview form instructed parents to name items they thought their child preferred in a number of categories, such as auditory stimuli, visual stimuli, edibles items, social stimuli, etc. Then, parents were asked to rank order items from the RAISD which they thought were most to least preferred for their child. PS preference assessments were conducted, and the preference hierarchies generated from the assessments were compared to parent rankings from both the standard list and RAISD assessments. The authors found that the top-ranked items identified by parent predictions based upon the RAISD were more preferred than the top-ranked items identified by parent predictions based upon a standard list of items. Thus, while caregiver reports may not consistently identify the most preferred items, they may play an important role in constructing a stimulus pool that includes the most effective reinforcers.
Although the effectiveness of a stimulus as a reinforcer is a critical consideration in arranging reinforcement contingencies, it is not the only consideration. As suggested in Fig. 11.2, another might be termed the ecological fit of the stimulus. By ecological fit, we refer to how well a stimulus fits into the use environment in which that stimulus will be delivered. Ideally, the stimulus used are those that fall into the upper right quadrant of Fig. 11.2, stimuli that are both effective and a good fit. A variety of characteristics of the stimulus determine how well it fits. For example, one should consider whether the stimulus is easily replenishable and relatively inexpensive, especially if one anticipates frequent delivery of the stimulus. The stimulus should be one that will remain effective for long periods of time. Duration of access to the stimulus should also be considered. If stimuli can only be delivered for short periods of time, then one may not want to include stimuli for which effectiveness hinges upon extended access (e.g., videos or games). In addition, one should ask whether it is likely to disrupt the environment or ongoing behavior. Clinicians understandably want to include the most effective reinforcers in their treatment plans. However, what is most effective may not always be the best fit for the individual’s environment. For example, community outings may motivate a student to complete his/her academic tasks and may effectively decrease problem behavior. However, they have the potential to be costly, can be difficult to arrange, and may not always be available. Similarly, provision of a movie contingent upon compliance may be disruptive to other students in the classroom. On the other hand, praise may arguably be associated with the greatest ecological fit (it is abundant and cheap, easy to deliver, is appropriate for almost any environment, and is not incredibly disruptive to ongoing behavior), but may not always be the most effective reinforcer. Therefore, it is important to balance both effectiveness and ecological fit.

Fig. 11.2
Figure depicting the relation between ecological fit and effectiveness for reinforcer selection
DeLeon et al. (2013) recently created a flowchart to aid in reinforcer selection (Fig. 11.3) designed to be sensitive to this notion of ecological fit. They suggested that one begin by evaluating the effectiveness of social consequences (e.g., praise) as reinforcers because they may have the best ecological fit. If they are effective (or can be established as effective) under simple and remain effective under more stringent conditions (e.g., under thinner schedules of reinforcement), then they should be used as reinforcers. If social consequences are ineffective, nonedible tangible stimuli should be assessed next. Although food is easily delivered, one may prefer to use nonedible tangibles for a number of reasons. For example, frequent delivery of food may be associated with mounting costs and health concerns. Furthermore, food may not be appropriate in all environments, such as in the bathroom or during some medical procedures. If nonedible tangible stimuli are ineffective reinforcers, edible stimuli should be considered last. Token systems offer a number of advantages over immediate delivery of the actual reinforcer, including not disrupting ongoing responding, mediating delays between responding and reinforcer delivery, and being less subject to satiation because they can be exchanged for a variety of back-up reinforcers. Furthermore, tokens allow for accumulated access to reinforcers. For these reasons, one may wish to assess effective nonedible and edible stimuli within token systems. If token systems are ineffective, distributed reinforcement arrangements should be used.

Fig. 11.3
Flowchart for reinforcer selection
Although relatively little research has been conducted on the effects of different rules for constructing the pool of stimuli for preference assessments, results from several studies suggest that composition of the assessment array can influence outcomes. For example, DeLeon et al. (1997b) conducted preference assessments that included food and leisure items in the same assessment. They then repeated the preference assessment without the food and assessed whether leisure items identified as low preferred during the mixed array functioned as reinforcers. Results suggested that food items often displace leisure items in mixed arrays but, when assessed separately, those leisure items may still be effective reinforcers. This study demonstrated that simultaneously assessing stimuli from multiple stimulus classes (edible, activity, social) can influence the obtained preference value of stimuli, and, importantly, may hinder the identification of other potentially effective reinforcers. Therefore, if different classes of stimuli are to be assessed, one should conduct separate preference assessments for each class.
Duration of access to the selected stimulus should also been taken into consideration when choosing stimuli to include in the preference assessment as it has also been shown to affect preference assessment outcomes. Steinhilber and Johnson (2007) conducted two MSWO assessments of seven activities. In the MSWO-short assessment, activities were available for 15 s following each selection. In the MSWO-long assessment, activities were available for 15 min. For one participant, the assessments produced disparate hierarchies. During a subsequent concurrent-chains assessment, when items were available for 15 min in the terminal link, the items identified as high preference on the MSWO-long assessment were more preferred than the item identified as high preference on the MSWO-short assessment. In contrast, when items were available for only 15 s in the terminal link, the items identified as high preference on the MSWO-short assessment were more preferred than items identified as high preference on the MSWO-long assessment. Thus, if the duration of access to an item in a preference assessment is substantially different than the amount of time that item will be available in the natural environment, preference assessments may not identify the most effective reinforcers.
Shifts in Preference and Reinforcer Value
Variables that Influence Reinforcer Effectiveness
The effectiveness of a reinforcer can refer to both its momentary capacity to support responses that produce it and its utility in producing long-term behavior change. The difficulty in actually quantifying effectiveness lies in that reinforcer effectiveness is dynamic; it changes as a function of a number of factors. For example, Neef and colleagues have extensively examined reinforcement parameters that affect response allocation, including delay to reinforcement (e.g., Neef and Lutz 2001; Neef et al. 1993), rate of reinforcement (Mace et al. 1994; Neef and Lutz 2001), and reinforcer quality (Neef and Lutz 2001; Neef et al. 1992). All else being equal, individuals will typically allocate a greater amount of responding towards the response option associated with more immediate reinforcement, higher rates of reinforcement, and better quality reinforcers.
Delay to reinforcement
The effects of delays to reinforcement have been widely studied in the context of treating problem behavior and in research on temporal discounting and self-control. For example, temporal discounting research has demonstrated that when arranged as a series of hypothetical choices between a large reinforcer delivered after some delay and a relatively smaller reinforcer delivered immediately, the current subjective value of the delayed reinforcer decreases as a function of increasing delays (e.g., Critchfield and Kollins 2001; Rachlin et al. 1991). Generally, delays to reinforcement can weaken the effectiveness of behavioral arrangements (e.g., Fisher et al. 2000; Hagopian et al. 2005; Hanley et al. 2001) and result in decreases in the value of a reinforcer (Critchfield and Kollins 2001; Rachlin et al. 1991). More recent research on discounting of primary and conditioned reinforcers has suggested that primary, directly consumable reinforcers are discounted more steeply than conditioned reinforcers (e.g., Estle et al. 2007; Odum and Rainaud 2003). It may be the case that conditioned reinforcers are less susceptible to the adverse effects of delay than are primary reinforcers and therefore maintain their value to a greater degree.
Rate of reinforcement
Rate of reinforcement also affects relative response allocation . According to the matching law, an organism will distribute its behavior among concurrently available response options in the same proportion that reinforcers are distributed among those alternatives (Herrnstein 1961). In humans, the matching law has been shown to obtain in contexts that measure problem behavior (e.g., Borrero and Vollmer 2002), academic responding (e.g., Mace et al. 1994), and communicative behavior (e.g., Borrero et al., 2007) .
Quality of reinforcement
Quality has often been conceptualized in terms of level of preference (e.g., Hoch et al. 2002). That is, the higher the preference for a reinforcer, the better quality the reinforcer. To assess the effects of quality on reinforcer effectiveness, a number of studies have compared responding for reinforcers of varying preference (e.g., Carr et al. 2000; DeLeon et al. 2009; Francisco et al. 2008; Piazza et al. 1996; Roscoe et al. 1999) . However, as noted earlier, although higher preference stimuli are often found more effective, high- and low-preference stimuli sometimes support similar rates of responding when tested in isolation (e.g., Roscoe et al. 1999). Other research assessing the amount of work completed for reinforcers of varying preference using PR schedules has similarly suggested that higher preference reinforcers support more work than do low or moderately preferred reinforcers (DeLeon et al. 2009). These results suggest that although low or moderate preference stimuli may function as reinforcers (particularly under conditions that may more closely resemble typical learning arrangements as in the use of single-operant arrangements), higher preference, better quality reinforcers may function as relatively more potent reinforcers .
Some research on historical effort and value has attempted to assess whether the amount of work required to earn a reinforcer influences the subsequent value of that reinforcer. For example, research on “within-trial contrast” has suggested an increase in preference for stimuli that have historically followed relatively more aversive events. Clement et al. (2000) found, in pigeons, that stimuli that signaled reinforcement and were produced by more effort (20 keys pecks) were later preferred over stimuli that also signaled reinforcement, but were produced by less effort. This finding and similar others suggest a positive relation between historical effort and subsequent value—generally, stimuli produced through greater effort become valued over stimuli produced with lesser effort. Although this study did not specifically assess the effects of past effort on the current reinforcing value of the actual reinforcer, they do suggest that perhaps effort can enhance the effectiveness of a reinforcer. It should be noted, however, that other studies on within trial contrast have failed to replicate the results obtained by Clement et al. (e.g., Vasconcelos et al. 2007).
In an extension of this line of research, DeLeon et al. (2011b) assessed the influence of contingency and amount of effort on the preference for and reinforcing value of four reinforcers for seven individuals with IDD. In this study, moderately preferred stimuli were assigned to one of four conditions: FR1, escalating FR (increasing effort across weeks), noncontingent delivery (without any earning requirement), and restricted access. Preference and PR assessments were conducted prior to and following 4 weeks of training with each of these conditions (with the exception of the restricted access stimuli, which were stored away during the 4-week training and only presented during subsequent preference and progressive-ratio assessments). Results were mixed across participants in that contingent stimuli (i.e., FR 1 and escalating FR conditions) and those stimuli associated with greater effort (i.e., escalating FR condition) were not always associated with increases in preference or reinforcer efficacy. However, consistent across all participants was a decrease in preference for the stimuli presented without an earning requirement. Furthermore, the smallest increase in reinforcer efficacy (i.e., lowest percentage change in PR breakpoints) obtained for the stimuli in the NCR condition. These results suggest that although effort may not necessarily increase the value of stimuli as reinforcers in persons with IDD, it is possible that noncontingent delivery may devalue stimuli more rapidly.
Magnitude of reinforcement
Magnitude, which can vary according to quantity, intensity, or duration (Hoch et al. 2002) , is another reinforcement parameter that has been examined for its effect on reinforcer value. Although mixed results have been obtained, some studies do suggest a positive relation between magnitude and responding (e.g., Trosclair-Lasserre et al. 2008; Hoch et al. 2002). Trosclair-Lasserre et al. examined the effects of different reinforcer magnitudes on preference and reinforcer efficacy. During the preference assessment, a concurrent-operant arrangement was used to assess the participants preferences for two different reinforcer magnitudes (i.e., small vs. large or medium vs. large magnitudes) and no reinforcement. Three participants exhibited a preference for the large magnitude relative to the small magnitude and indifference between large and medium reinforcer magnitudes. For these participants, the larger reinforcer magnitude supported more responding than the smaller reinforcer magnitude ( = 3) and more than the medium magnitude reinforcer ( = 2) during a subsequent PR analysis .
Results of studies such as those conducted by Trosclair-Lasserre et al. (2008) do provide some support for the notion that reinforcer magnitude may affect the value of a reinforcer. However, other researchers have observed little effect of magnitude on responding (e.g., Lerman et al. 1999, 2002). Trosclair-Lasserre et al. suggested that the effects of magnitude on reinforcer efficacy may depend on the schedule arrangement and schedule of reinforcement used. Specifically, magnitude may affect responding under concurrent-operant (e.g., Hoch et al. 2002; Steinhilber and Johnson 2007) or PR (e.g., Trosclair-Lasserre et al. 2008) arrangements and under schedules of reinforcement associated with increased response rates, such as VR schedules (e.g., Reed 1991). Many applied studies have used response rates under single-operant schedules to evaluate the relative potency of reinforcers. However, as previously mentioned, sensitivity to relative reinforcer value may be limited by ceiling effects. Individuals may respond as fast as possible regardless of the reinforcer (or magnitude) provided. Concurrent-operant and PR arrangements are not subject to these same ceiling effects and may therefore be more sensitive to differences in the relative reinforcer value of stimuli that differ with respect to magnitude. In addition, results of studies that incorporate concurrent-operant arrangements may be more clinically relevant than those using single-operant arrangements, particularly when one considers that individuals are constantly faced with multiple response options in the real world (Trosclair-Lasserre et al. 2008) .
The results of studies assessing the effects of magnitude on reinforcer value generally suggest that magnitude is an important variable to consider when it comes to reinforcer value. Furthermore, given that preference and reinforcer efficacy may vary as a function of reinforcer duration (e.g., Steinhilber and Johnson 2007), preference assessments should be conducted under conditions that more closely approximate how the reinforcer will be used in the treatment context. Lastly, magnitude may also play an important role when thinning schedules of reinforcement to make treatments more practical for use in the natural environment (e.g., Roane et al. 2007). One may wish to adjust reinforcer magnitudes as reinforcement becomes less frequent .
Continuity of reinforcer access
Much of our knowledge of reinforcer effectiveness in persons with IDD is built upon distributing brief access to reinforcers following a small number of responses. However, the effectiveness of some stimuli as reinforcers may partly depend on one’s ability to accumulate access to longer durations of uninterrupted reinforcement. For these stimuli (e.g., videos, games, music), procedures that interrupt continuity of access (e.g., distributing work in between reinforcer deliveries) may discount the value of the reinforcer (Hackenberg and Pietras 2000). Recent research conducted by DeLeon et al. (in press) and Fienup et al. (2011) provide evidence of the importance of continuity. DeLeon et al. assessed the efficacy of, and preference for, accumulated and distributed reinforcement. In the accumulated condition, the entire quantity of reinforcement was delivered all at once after all the work was completed. In the distributed condition, small quantities of the reinforcer were delivered more immediately after portions of the work were completed. Although the total amount of reinforcement is the same in both conditions, participants received uninterrupted access in the accumulated condition, but after a greater delay inherent in requiring that all the work be completed first. During Experiment 1, results of a reinforcer assessment suggested that accumulated access to reinforcers resulted in rates of responding that matched or exceeded those obtained when reinforcement was distributed. In Experiment 2, all participants preferred to accumulate access to activities. Similarly, Fienup et al. (2011) observed that one participant preferred a reinforcement arrangement that required that all work be completed prior to accessing the reinforcer (i.e., fluent work) to one in which the reinforcers were distributed throughout the work period (i.e., disfluent work). Results of both studies suggest that continuity, whether it be in terms of reinforcer access or how work is arranged, can influence the effectiveness of reinforcement arrangements.

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