As the terminal segment of the spine, the sacrum is subjected to substantial forces as it transmits axial loads from the lumbar spine to the adjacent ilia via the sacroiliac joints. This relationship leads to several pathologies that are specific to the sacrum, in addition to the extra demands applied as a consequence of surgical treatments. Fixation into the sacrum remains somewhat more challenging than other regions of the caudal spine. The remnant vertebral bodies of the sacrum are relatively small, and the cancellous bone quality is often poor. This leaves comparatively little bone for fixation, and generally only the S1 and S2 segments are amenable to screw placement. Additionally, the sacral instrumentation may be the most distal fixation for long constructs that span the entire thoracolumbar spine, which places great strain upon these two or four screws. These factors have led to the routine use of supplemental iliac bolts to prevent both failure of sacral fixation and sacral insufficiency fractures. In spite of these limitations for fixating to the sacrum, numerous options include pedicle screws, alar screws, posterior sacral plates, and screws combined with intrasacral rods.
Historical Background
Although internal fixation for lumbosacral fusion was described as early as the 1940s, effective sacral fixation involves relatively new technology. In 1948 King described the use of bilateral facet screws for lumbosacral fusions, which allowed early mobilization. These screws were not widely adopted in part because there was a high incidence of early failure and pseudarthrosis.
The first commonly used form of spinal internal fixation was the Harrington rod, used for fusions to the sacrum on many occasions; but fusing to the sacrum proved difficult. The bone of the S1 lamina is thin, and often it would not support a Harrington hook, plus there were concerns of S2 nerve root irritation from the tip of the laminar hooks. This limited fixation led to the development of the Harrington sacral bar, effectively the first iliac bolt. These Harrington bars were transiliac rods that bridged across the posterior superior iliac spine and gave a strong foundation for Harrington constructs to the sacrum. Such bar constructs had much better purchase in bone but also had many limitations: they were prone to migration over time and required a separate skin incision, which often resulted in wound complications. Furthermore, they could freely rotate in the ilium and did little to resist flexion and extension movements. Additionally, long fusions to the sacrum that used this distraction instrumentation system had a pseudarthrosis rate that approached 40%, and it flattened the patient’s lumbar lordosis, leading to the now well-known flat back syndrome. Because of these limitations, most surgeons strongly avoided long fusions to the sacrum, and short lumbosacral fusions were often not instrumented. The Harrington system was later modified to allow some rod contouring and angling of the distal hook to allow for lumbar lordosis. This helped, but loss of lumbar lordosis was still the norm, and flat back syndrome remained a common occurrence.
Anterior fixation also proved more challenging within the lumbar spine. Dwyer instrumentation was developed and implemented in the late1960s, followed by Zielke instrumentation in the 1970s, principally for lumbar deformity correction and to aid arthrodesis for long fusions. These anterior instrumentation systems were effective and rapidly grew in popularity for lumbar deformity, although early series showed loss of lumbar lordosis as a common occurrence. However, the shape of the sacrum and the position of the iliac crest precluded extension of these systems past the lumbosacral junction. Some authors attempted hybrid implant systems, using Zielke or Dwyer instrumentation in the lumbar spine, with anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) at L5-S1, and applying an anterior staple across the lumbosacral junction. These early staples were conceptually similar to modern anterior lumbosacral plating systems, but they lacked threads or tines and were easily displaced and often migrated. They also were not rigid, therefore they did not provide much stability. Pseudarthrosis was common.
The 1970s saw the first widespread interest in the treatment of spinal stenosis, first described by Verbiest in 1951. Many spine surgeons appreciated the need for concomitant arthrodesis in addition to multilevel decompressions for stenosis. With few fixation options available, surgeons experimented with both Harrington rods and Knodt rods to stabilize decompressions and fusions. These implants were not well suited to the task. First, both were distraction systems that typically flattened the normal lumbar lordosis. Second, both systems relied on hooks and supplemental use of sublaminar wires, but with loss of the posterior elements for the decompression, there was no place to apply these hooks or wires; this meant surgeons had to instrument an unaffected vertebra above the decompression. Distal fixation often consisted of supralaminar hooks applied to S1 or hooks tamped into the ala. Supplemental wires could be placed around the S1 or S2 laminae via small drill holes or through the dorsal sacral foramina. Again, implant dislodgement, breakage, and pseudarthrosis were very common.
Effective sacral fixation was not available until the advent of pedicle screws. Roy-Camille was among the first to experiment with the concept of screw-and-plate constructs, and Harrington began using L5 lag screws fixed with wire to a Harrington distraction rod for treating severe spondylolisthesis. It would take another two decades before such devices saw widespread use and were popularized in the United States by the work of Arthur Steffee, mostly during the 1980s. Pedicle screws offered the first effective means of capturing quality bone in the sacral bodies via posterior instrumentation; these delivered much more robust fixation than prior hook or wire constructs, and they allowed for multiaxial control for reduction of deformity and maintenance of normal sagittal contours.
The S1 screw is still the only pedicle screw that is amenable to routine bicortical purchase, which greatly enhances pullout strength. However, in spite of the benefits of bicortical purchase, S1 screws are often a weak link in a lumbosacral construct. Much of this is due to sacral anatomy, because the cancellous bone is not dense, and the cortex is often rather thin. The S1 pedicles are usually quite large relative to the lumbar pedicles, and overall screw purchase is often less than lumbar pedicle screws. These weaknesses have led to several additions to enhance S1 screws. These include sacral plates (Chopin plate, Colorado system), S2 alar screws, Jackson intrasacral rods, and routine use of anterior column support and supplemental iliac screws for long fusions to the sacrum (more than three levels).
Sacral Anatomy
The sacrum is a physiologically and anatomically unique component of the axial skeleton. It functions to transmit forces from the mobile spine to the adjacent ilia to convert compressive forces from the lumbar spine to shear forces at the sacroiliac joints. Functionally the sacrum serves as a bipod with forces entering at the sacral promontory, bifurcating, and exiting through the alae and sacroiliac joints. This unique function necessitates unique anatomy. As a result, the sacral promontory and alae must withstand significant stress, and this drives the bony architecture of the sacrum on both a macroanatomic and microanatomic level.
The surface anatomy of the sacrum is unique, and it demonstrates the remnants of key vertebral features from the cephalad spine. It is formed by the fusion of five sacral vertebrae that retain many homologous features of the mobile spine but also exhibit features unique to sacral vertebrae ( Fig. 53-1 ).

The bodies of the sacral vertebrae are highly tapered and rapidly decrease in cross-sectional area, from cranial to caudal. Although the average anteroposterior (AP) length of the S1 body is 50 mm for men and 47 mm for women, at S2 this figure decreases dramatically, to 31 mm for men and 28 mm for women. Sacral vertebrae are also larger in the coronal than in the sagittal plane and have relatively small bodies.
The anterior costal and posterior transverse processes of S1–S3 are very large and broad, fusing to form the paired alae, which contain some of the denser bone found within the sacrum. Because of the fusion of the anterior and transverse processes, each sacral level must contain two foramina to transmit both the ventral and dorsal primary spinal rami. The ventral foramina are much larger, because they convey the substantial root contributions of the sciatic nerve. The comparatively small dorsal roots are accompanied by branches of the sinuvertebral artery and can be a source of brisk bleeding during dissection.
In spite of the substantial forces transmitted through the sacrum, much of the sacral cancellous bone is of low density and poor quality. This is consistent with the bipodlike function of the sacrum, because the densest bone is found within the sacral promontory and paired alae, but the remainder of the sacrum has poor quality bone, because it is functionally shielded from stress.
Anterior to the sacrum lie many important visceral structures that include the paired common and internal iliac arteries and veins, paired L5 nerve roots, sigmoid colon, middle sacral artery, and sympathetic plexus. All of these structures may be subject to risk during approaches to and surgical instrumentation of the lumbosacral junction. The safest region of the anterior sacrum is the paracentral portion of the S1 body; the vascular structures bifurcate above the S1 body and trace laterally, traversing far from the midline at the level of S1. The L5 nerve roots also course laterally and lie at the junction of the S1 vertebral body and ala. The only midline structure is the middle sacral artery, which lies directly on the midline of the anterior sacrum. With this in mind, the safest location for implants that exit the anterior aspect of the sacrum is just lateral to the midline within the S1 body. Implants that exit the cortex within the ala place the neurovascular structures at much greater risk. S1 screws are the safest of the bicortical implants, because their tips should lie within the medial aspect of the S1 body ( Fig. 53-2 ).

Sacral Biomechanics
Several important biomechanical principals drive the choice of sacral fixation, especially for long fusions. One of the most important is the concept of the lumbosacral pivot point, described by McCord and colleagues. Centered within the posterior longitudinal ligament at the level of the L5–S1 disk space, it is a powerful predictor of the efficacy of lumbosacral fixation. As an implant extends further anteriorly from the lumbosacral pivot point, it will provide more construct stiffness and will support a higher load to failure. Implants that remain posterior to the lumbosacral pivot point impart little additional stability; those that extend far anterior, such as iliac bolts, impart substantial biomechanical benefits.
Due to the normal anatomic relation of the sacrum to the lumbar spine in an ambulatory adult, a typical S2 pedicle screw will not extend anterior to the lumbosacral pivot point, whereas an S2 alar screw does extend anterior and is biomechanically preferred. Among the common implants and techniques available for sacral fixation, only S1 pedicle screws, S2 alar screws, and iliac bolts will reach or extend anterior to the lumbosacral pivot point.
Triangulation of implants dramatically increases the pullout strength of a construct. Ruland and colleagues found that medially directed and crosslinked S1 pedicle screws outperformed either hooks or stand-alone pedicle screws. This reinforces to the biomechanical benefits of the medial S1 pedicle screw over alar screws or sacral hook constructs.
S1 Pedicle Screws
Pedicle screws placed into the S1 vertebra remain the mainstay of direct sacral fixation in modern spine surgery. The technique for placement is familiar to the majority of spine surgeons, and the quality of fixation is quite good if placed properly; it harmoniously integrates with posterior instrumentation of the lumbar spine, provides direct sacral fixation, and is relatively safe.
Several important details are required for placing S1 screws properly for both maximum fixation and safety. Placement of S1 screws is much like placement of lumbar pedicle screws, but a few anatomic factors can make placing an ideal S1 pedicle screw more difficult than screws at more cranial levels. The wide interpedicular distance at S1 and the need to medialize the tip of the screw to capture the dense bone of the promontory both necessitate a very medial projection of the S1 screw. However, the iliac crest can block the ideal path for the screw, especially in men with large iliac crests ( Fig. 53-3 and 53-4 ).

Indications for S1 Pedicle Screws
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Arthrodesis for L5–S1 spondylolisthesis
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Reduction of L5–S1 spondylolisthesis
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Arthrodesis for degeneration of L5–S1 disk and facets
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Spinal deformities that require fusion to the sacrum
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Supplemental fixation for ALIF or anterior resections for tumor or infection
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Trauma of the lumbosacral junction or caudal lumbar spine
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Arthrodesis for failed prior diskectomy
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Arrthrodesis for instability of the L5–S1 segment
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Stabilization following extensive bilateral facetectomy of L5–S1
Relative Contraindications for S1 Pedicle Screws
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No absolute contraindications
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Comminuted sacral fracture
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S1 fracture
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Extensive osteolysis of the sacrum
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Large space-occupying lesion of the sacrum with violation of the S1 pedicles or body
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Pedicles smaller than 4 mm
Operative Equipment
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Radiolucent operating table with appropriate frame for prone positioning
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Intraoperative radiography or fluoroscopy
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Electrocautery and bipolar electrocautery
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Self-retaining retractors
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Pedicle probes (Lenke, Steffee, etc.)
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Fine, ball-tipped pedicle sound
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Leksell rongeurs (small, medium, and large)
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Kerrison rongeurs (2 to 5 mm)
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Hemostatic agents (Gelfoam, Surgicel, Surgifoam, Thrombin)
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High-speed burr
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Osteotomes of various sizes
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Curettes of various sizes
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Monoaxial or polyaxial pedicle screw system
Preoperative Planning
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Advanced imaging, such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), for advanced planning before the procedure is strongly recommended.
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Planning allows the surgeon to confirm the ideal trajectory for implants.
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Measure the size of the pedicles and relative bone quality.
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Confirm the location of anterior sacral neurovascular structures.
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Plan for anatomic factors that may complicate intraoperative localization (sacralized L5 or lumbarized S1).
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Assess for issues that may complicate or compromise exposure (spina bifida occulta at L5 or S1, very large or overly medialized iliac crests)
Patient Positioning
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A Foley catheter is placed before prone positioning.
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The patient is placed prone on the operating table.
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Bony prominences are padded, and arms are carefully positioned to reduce the risk of neuropraxia.
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Hips should be extended, and the lumbar spine should be resting in anatomic lordosis to prevent segmental kyphosis during fusion.
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Sequential compression devices are placed on bilateral lower extremities to reduce deep vein thrombosis (DVT) risk.
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Intraoperative electromyelograph (EMG) and somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) can be helpful adjuncts.
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The patient’s back is sterilely draped caudal to the intergluteal crease and lateral to the iliac crest; the cranial level of draping is highly dependent upon the planned procedure.
Surgical Approach
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Several possible exposures include the midline, Wiltse, and minimally invasive approach using specialized retractors.
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Choice of approach is based upon the global operative plan, but the chosen approach must allow for exposure lateral to the S1 articular processes.
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The level should be confirmed by intraoperative radiograph or fluoroscopy before instrumentation. Many surgeons localize both before and after skin incision, but a confirmatory radiograph with an instrument applied to a bony landmark is essential for confirmation.
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Dissection should extend lateral to the L5–S1 facet with exposure of the ala, and care should be taken while dissecting near the S1 dorsal foramen, because it can be a source of brisk bleeding. Also note that the interlaminar window of L5–S1 is particularly large, and durotomies can occur during dissection if the surgeon strays over the window.
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The iliac crest can overhang the surgical field and may complicate lateral exposure and placement of implants.
Surgical Technique
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Following exposure of the L5–S1 facet and ala, all bony surfaces are carefully cleaned to maximize visualization of anatomic landmarks.
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The L5–S1 facet can be very large and osteophytic as a result of facet arthopathy; debulking of the facet with a rongeur or osteotome may aid visualization.
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Decompression of the L5–S1 level, if planned, may be carried out before or after placement of the S1 pedicle screws.
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Once critical landmarks are visible, a pilot hole is made using a rongeur or high-speed burr. The ideal starting point is at the confluence of the S1 articular process and ala, just distal and lateral to the S1 articular process.
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After creation of the pilot hole, the pedicle probe is inserted and angled 30 to 35 degrees medial and 15 to 25 degrees cepahald from the dorsal axis of the sacrum. Medial direction may be limited by the iliac crest, especially in large men. In these cases, medialize the tip of the probe as much as the anatomy will allow.
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The pedicle probe advanced under constant pressure and significant force should not be required, even in young patients.
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The probe should advance for 30 to 40 mm; if significant resistance is encountered early, the probe may need to be redirected more cepahalad or medially.
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If an end point is reached after advancing 30 to 40 mm, the anterior cortex should be broached by tapping the probe with a mallet.
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A pedicle sound is advanced into the probe path, and patency of the path is confirmed.
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The surgeon should palpate for breaches and then confirm the length of the tract with the pedicle sound and a Schnidt clamp.
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Following confirmation of screw length, the pedicle tract should be tapped as necessary.
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A screw of the appropriate length is advanced through the tract, taking great care to ensure proper screw direction. Pedicle screw screwdrivers are often bulkier than pedicle probes, and their bulk may force the tip of the screw laterally. Insertional torque may noticeably increase as the screw reaches the anterior cortex.
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Sacral screws that are medialized 10 degrees or less will function as alar screws and can still effectively purchase the sacral bone; the drawback of alar screws is the risk to nearby neurovascular structures, including the L5 nerve root and iliac vessels. The bone of the ala is also much less dense than the promontory, and pullout strength will be less than with a true S1 screw. The anatomy of the sacral body is also more consistent than that of the sacral ala, and some patients have a small or unusually shaped ala, a condition called sacral dysmorphism.
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Caudal breaches place the S1 nerve root at risk; this is easy to do if the surgeon does not direct the pedicle probe in a cephalad direction during insertion. Cephalad breaches may also occur into the L5–S1 disk space, although the dense bone of the sacral end plate makes this less common; additionally, screws that perforate the sacral end plate do have good pullout strength, although they may be shorter than the ideal length.

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