SAH and Aneurysms

SAH and Aneurysms

Introduction to SAH

1. True or False. Etiologies of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) include the following:


G7 p.1034:50mm

a. arteriovenous malformation (AVM) rupture



b. vasculitis



c. encephalitis



d. drug use



e. coagulopathy



2. Complete the following about aneurysms:


G7 p.1034:125mm

a. What is the incidence of aneurysmal SAH per 100,000?

6 to 8


b. How many are there per year in the United States?

18,000 to 24,000


c. What% die before reaching the hospital?



d. What is the risk of rebleeding in 2 weeks?

15 to 20%


e. What is the risk of death from vasospasm?



f. What is the risk of severe deficit from vasospasm?

another 7%


g. What% die within the first month?



h. What is the number of good results in survivors?

one third of survivors


3. True or False. One month mortality from aneurysmal SAH is closest to


G7 p. 1034:143mm

a. 10%



b. 25%



c. 50%



d. 75%



4. True or False. Risk factors for SAH include the following:


G7 p. 1035:70mm

a. hypertension



b. oral contraceptives



c. cigarette smoking



d. parturition



5. True or False. SAH may present as any of the following:


G7 p.1035:120mm

a. meningismus



b. photophobia



c. hearing loss



d. low back pain



e. ptosis



6. True or False. Formal angiography is indicated in


G7 p.1035:145mm

a. sentinel hemorrhage



b. crash migraine (thunderclap headache)



c. benign orgasmic cephalgia



7. The incidence of sentinel hemorrhage is_____%.

30 to 60%

G7 p.1035:146mm

8. True or False. Regarding benign thunderclap headache:


G7 p.1035:160mm

a. Can be distinguished from SAH



b. Reaches maximal intensity in one minute



c. Is accompanied by vomiting



d. Never recurs



e. Is related to vascular cause



f. CT and LP show no blood



g. Require angiography



9. Complete the following about reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndrome:


G7 p.1035:180mm

a. Has a s_____ onset



b. Associated with n_____ deficit



c. Angiography shows a_____ of_____

string of beads


d. Which clears within_____ months






     i. Associated with v_____ drugs



     ii. B_____ drinking



     iii. May occur p_____



10. Complete the following about benign orgasmic headache:


G7 p.1036:35mm

a. Occurs just before or at time of o_____



b. Workup is the same as for t_____ headache



11. Complete the following about meningismus:


G7 p.1036:65mm

a. aka n_____ r_____

nuchal rigidity


b. Signs




bend neck = Brudzinski



knee bent = Kernig


     i. Bend neck and hip flexes called_____ sign



     ii. Knee bent then straightened causes_____ pain



     iii. Called _____ sign



12. True or False. Coma in SAH may be due to the following:


G7 p.1036:80mm

a. seizure



b. increased intracranial pressure (ICP)



c. intraparenchymal hemorrhage



d. hydrocephalus



e. low blood flow



13. True or False. The following CSF findings are expected with SAH:


G6 p.783:50mm

a. elevated opening pressure



b. nonclotting bloody fluid



c. xanthrochromia



d. red blood cells (RBCs) > 100,000



e. elevated glucose



14. What percentage of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage have funduscopic abnormalities?

20 to 40%

G7 p.1036:110mm

15. Matching. Match the type of ocular hemorrhage with the associated characteristic(s)


G7 p.1036:120mm




subhyaloid; retinal; vitreous Characteristic:



a. bright red blood near optic disc


b. vitreous opacity


c. blood obscures the retinal vessels


d. surrounds the fovea


e. may result in retinal detachment


16. True or False. The following are characteristics of SAH:


G7 p.1036:23mm

a. Subhyaloid hemorrhage from SAH occurs near the optic disc.



b. Retinal hemorrhage occurs near the fovea.



c. The prognosis for vision recovery in Terson syndrome is poor.

false (Prognosis in Terson syndrome [hemorrhage in the vitreous] is good in 80%.)


d. Vitreous hemorrhage may occur with nonaneurysmal causes for increased ICP.



e. Ocular hemorrhage from SAH may be associated with retinal detachment.



17. Complete the following:


G7 p.1037:80mm

a. A good-quality computed tomographic (CT) scan will detect SAH in what percentage of patients?



b. If scanned within how many hours?

48 hours


c. Ventriculomegaly (hydrocephalus) occurs acutely in _____%.



18. True or False. Regarding head CT for SAH:


G7 p.1037:81mm

a. Ventricular size needs to be assessed because hydrocephalus can occur acutely.



b. There may be intracranial hemorrhage requiring urgent craniotomy.



c. The amount of SAH correlates with vasospasm risk.



d. If there are multiple aneurysms, the distribution of SAH may reveal which aneurysm ruptured.



e. Head CT is a poor predictor of aneurysm location.

false (The head CT scan can predict the aneurysm location in 70% of cases.)


19. To predict aneurysm location, blood in the


G7 p.1037:134mm

a. ventricles suggests_____ _____ aneurysm.

posterior fossa


b. Anterior interhemispheric fissure suggests an_____ aneurysm.



c. Sylvian fissure is compatible with a



     i. _____ or a



     ii. _____ aneurysm



20. Complete the following:


G7 p.1037:140mm

a. The most sensitive test for SAH is_____ _____.

lumbar puncture


b. Lowering the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure might precipitate rebleeding because it causes an_____ _____ _____ _____

increase in transmural pressure


c. Therefore, as a precaution



     i. use only a_____ – _____ _____.

small-gauge needle


     ii. remove only a_____ _____ of_____.

small amount of fluid


21. Complete the following about xanthochromia:


G7 p.1038:20mm

a. Used to differentiate SAH from_____

traumatic tap


b. Does not show up until_____ hours after bleeding



c. Is present in 100% of patients by_____ hours



d. Lingers for up to_____ weeks



22. Complete the following about MRI:


G7 p.1038:75mm

a. Most sensitive imaging study for detecting blood in the subarachnoid space is the_____ sequence.



b. The sequence that may help you learn which of several aneurysms bleed is the_____ sequence.



c. It is most reliable after_____ to_____ days.

4 to 7


23. Complete the following about MRA:


G7 p.1038:85mm

a. Can defect aneurysm larger than_____ mm



b. With approximately_____% accuracy





G7 p.1038:11mm

     i. CTA has an accuracy of _____%



     ii. and shows a_____ -dimensional image.



24. Complete the following:


G7 p.1038:135mm

a. Angiography demonstrates the source of SAH in _____%.

80 to 85%


b. To call an angiogram negative for aneurysm you must see what two areas?



     i. Take off both_____ and



     ii. _____



c. What percent of aneurysms occur at the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) origin?

1 to 2%


25. Clinical vasospasm almost never occurs less than_____ days following SAH.


G7 p.1038:145mm

26. If infundibulum is located near SAH_____ is advisable.


G7 p.1039:27mm

27. Complete the following about the infundibulum:


G7 p.1039:35mm

a. The three criteria are



     i. shape_____



     ii. size of mouth less than_____ mm

3 mm


     iii. at apex a_____ _____ _____

vessel is found


b. The most common site is at the_____.



28. Infundibula are found in approximately what percentage of normal arteriograms?


G7 p.1039:35mm

29. True or False. Infundibula are most commonly found at


G7 p.1039:52mm

a. carotid bifurcation



b. middle cerebral artery (MCA) origin



c. supraclinoid segment of carotid



d. origin of posterior communicating artery (P-comm)



e. MCA trifurcation



30. True or False. Regarding coiling the shape of aneurysms. Coiling is more successful if the aneurysm


G7 p.1039:95mm

a. is large and above 15 mm in diameter



b. has a narrow neck less than 5mm



c. has a broad neck greater than 5mm



d. has a dome neck ratio greater than 2



Grading SAH

31. Matching. Match the hemorrhage grade with when to operate.


G7 p.1039:150mm

manage till patient improves; immediately; promptly within 24 hours



a. Hunt and Hess grade 1


b. Hunt and Hess grade 2


c. Hunt and Hess grade 3, 4, or 5


d. Patient with large hematoma


e. Patient with multiple bleeds


32. Complete the World Federation of Neurologic Surgeons (WFNS) grading scale for SAH grade.


G7 p.1040:15mm

a. grade 0_____



b. grade 1 Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)_____

GCS 15


c. grade 2 GCS_____

GCS 13 to 14


d. grade 3 GCS_____

GCS 13 to 14 and major focal deficit (aphasia, hemiparesis)


e. grade 4 GCS_____

GCS 7 to 12


f. grade 5 GCS_____

GCS 3 to 6


33. What is the Hunt and Hess grade in a patient who has a headache and SAH seen on CT scan?


G7 p.1040:30mm

a. and a third nerve palsy

Hunt and Hess grade 2


b. and mild one-sided weakness and confusion

Hunt and Hess grade 3


c. deep coma and decerebration

Hunt and Hess grade 5


d. a patient with an incidental aneurysm

Hunt and Hess grade 0


Initial Management of SAH

34. List nine potential complications of SAH.


G7 p.1040:95mm

Hint: veraNdsah



a. v_____



b. e_____



c. r_____



d. a_____

arachnoid granulation blockage


e. N_____

Na metabolism


f. d_____

deep vein thrombosis


g. s_____



h. a_____

acute hydrocephalus


i. h_____



35. Complete the orders for SAH patient.


G7 p.1041:135mm

a. intravenous (IV) fluids

normal saline (NS) and 20 milliequivalents (mEq) KCI


b. rate

2 cc/kg/hour


c. anticonvulsants?



d. amount

17 mg/kg load and 100 mg three times a day (or Keppra 500 mg every 12 hours)


36. For the listed SAH conditions, give the frequency of seizure incidence.


G7 p.1041:145mm

a. during acute illness



b. immediate postop



c. during 5-year follow-up



d. middle cerebral artery (MCA)



e. posterior cerebral artery (PCA)



f. anterior cerebral artery (ACA)



37. The dosage of Keppra should be


G7 p.1041:182mm

a. _____mg IV



b. every_____ hours.



38. During the postsubarachnoid hemorrhage period, with the aneurysm unclipped, phenothiazines should be avoided because


G7 p.1042:35mm

a. True or False. They may be overly sedating and obscure neurological assessment.



b. True or False. They may lower seizure threshold.



c. True or False. They cause elevation of systolic blood pressure.



d. True or False. Their metabolites may hasten vasospasm.



e. Instead use_____.

Zofran (ondansetron)


39. Ideal systolic blood pressure should be in the range of_____ to_____.

120 to 150

G7 p.1042:145mm

40. True or False. The following is the most reliable parameter to differentiate syndrome of inappropriate diuretic hormone (SIADH) from cerebral salt wasting syndrome:


G7 p.1043:55mm

a. serum atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and brain natriuretic factor (BNF)



b. urine Na+ and osmolarity



c. serum Na+ and osmolarity



d. extracellular fluid volume

true (Extracellular fluid volume is low in CSW and normal or elevated in SIADH.)


e. 24-hour urine output

false (ANF = atrial natriuretic factor, BNP = brain natriuretic peptide. If they rise after SAH, it is more likely that the patient will develop negative fluid balance.)


41. Complete the following:


G7 p.1043:56mm

a. True or False. Cerebral salt wasting (CSW) is best differentiated from SIADH by measuring the:



     i. serum sodium



     ii. intravascular volume



     iii. urine osmolarity



     iv. fluid restriction



     v. fluorocortisone trial



     vi. extracellular fluid volume

true (Measurement [i.e., clinical estimation] of extracellular fluid volume is decreased in CSW).


b. Keeping serum Na levels normal is important because hyponatremic patients have three times the rate of d_____ c_____ i_____ as do normal natremic patients.

delayed cerebral infarction


42. Cerebral salt wasting is


G7 p.1043:90mm

a. more common after SAH than_____.



b. Treat with_____ _____.

normal saline


c. Use caution regarding the rate of treatment because you risk producing_____ _____ _____.

central pontine myelinolysis


43. True or False. Regarding SAH:


G7 p.1043:115mm

a. The maximum frequency of rebleeding from SAH is on day 7.

false (4% on day 1, maximum)


b. SAH is associated with stunned myocardium.



c. Approximately 50% of ruptured aneurysms will rebleed within 6 months.



d. Epsilon-aminocaproic acid may decrease the risk of rebleeding.


G7 p.1044:20mm

44. Complete the following:


G7 p.1043:116mm

a. Maximum frequency of rebleeding is on the_____ day



b. at a rate of _____%



c. then at _____%



d. for _____days.



e. Total of rebleed in 2 weeks = _____%

15 to 20%


f. _____% in 6 months



g. Thereafter rebleed rate is _____% per year.



h. Time period of the highest risk of rebleeding is the_____.

first 6 hours


45. Complete the following about acute post-SAH hydrocephalus:


G7 p.1043:130mm

a. The proper treatment is placement of a_____ _____.

ventriculostomy drain


b. Drain fluid_____.



c. It is recommended to keep the ICP in the range of_____ mm Hg.

15 to 25


d. This reduces the tendency to_____.



e. A similar concern is present in use of_____ _____ _____.

lumbar spinal drainage


f. Risk of aneurysmal rebleeding after lumbar drain is _____%.



46. Complete the following:


G7 p.1044:75mm

a. Hydrocephalus is more frequently associated with aneurysms in what location?

posterior fossa


b. Frequency of hydrocephalus in SAH is_____%.

15 to 20%


c. What aneurysm has a low incidence of hydrocephalus?

middle cerebral artery aneurysms


d. Treat with_____,



e. which will be helpful in _____% of patients.



f. Keep ICP in the range of_____.

15 to 25 mm Hg





     i. Is rupture of aneurysm more likely in patients with ventriculostomy?



     ii. If so probably because of an increase in_____ pressure




47. Vasospasm. List the components of the “Triple H” therapy.


G7 p. 1045:50mm

a. hypert_____



b. hyperv_____



c. hemo_____



48. Complete the following about vasospasm:


G7 p.1045:95mm

a. also known as_____

delayed ischemic neurologic deficit (DIND)


b. True or False. Higher incidence occurs in:



     i. ACA aneurysm



     ii. MCA aneurysm



49. Complete the following:


G7 p.1046:25mm

a. The incidence of radiographic cerebral vasospasm is_____%.

30 to 70%


b. The incidence of symptomatic cerebral vasospasm is_____%

20 to 30%


c. as measured on the_____day



d. Produces infarction in_____%



e. Produces mortality in_____%



f. Onset never before day_____



g. Resolved by day_____



h. Radiographically resolves over_____ weeks.



50. Complete the following:


G7 p.1046:80mm

a. Spasmogenic region on ACA and MCA is the_____.

proximal 9 cm


b. True or False. There is more vasospasm with



     i. cigarette smoking



     ii. lower Hunt and Hess grade



     iii. amount of bleed on CT



     iv. advancing age of patient



51. Complete the following about vasospasm:


G7 p. 1046:147mm

a. True or False. Angiography has been shown to exacerbate cerebral vasospasm.



b. Describe the Fisher grading system.



     i. grade 1

no blood


     ii. grade 2

slight—less than 1 mm


     iii. grade 3

localized clot—more than 1 mm


     iv. grade 4

intracerebral or

intraventricular clot


c. Clinical vasospasm is essentially limited to Fisher grade_____.


G7 p.1046:155mm

52. What chemical has been identified as a critical mediator and cause of vasospasm?

endothelin 1 (ET1)

G7 p.1047:90mm

53. What transcranial Doppler (TCD) values are consistent with vasospasm?


G7 p.1048:20mm

a. Velocity at MCA of more than_____.



b. Ratio of more than_____ between



c. the_____ and the_____ indicates vasospasm.

MCA and the ICA mean MCA velocity MCA: ICA ratio (Lindegaard ratio)


d. Velocity <than_____ and ratio <_____ is normal.

120 and ratio 3


e. Velocity between_____ and_____ is mild.



f. Velocity above_____ is severe.

200 cm/s


g. Ratio between_____ is mild vasospasm.

3 to 6


h. Ratio above_____ is severe vasospasm.



54. Complete the following:


G7 p.1048:135mm

a. Describe the treatment for vasospasm



     i. avoid h_____, a_____, and h_____

hypovolemia, anemia, and hypotension


     ii. surgery

do early


     iii. remove c_____



     iv. drug

calcium channel blocker nimodipine


     v. catheter



     vi. drain

bloody CSF


     vii. obtain Hct of_____%

30 to 35%


b. Angioplasty produces clinical improvement of_____%.

60 to 80%

G7 p.1049:55mm

c. Intra-arterial drugs


G7 p.1050:55mm

     i. P_____ is not effective



     ii. V_____-watch for hypotension



     iii. N_____ restores vessel diameter to at least_____%;_____% patients had no stroke

Nicardipine; 60%; 70%


55. Complete the following regarding papaverine:


G7 p.1050:36mm

a. What does it do?

relaxes smooth muscle


b. How does it work?

as a calcium channel blocker


c. It is used to_____.

reverse mechanical vasospasm


d. What is the amount to be used?

30 mg in 9 cc normal saline


56. Complete the following:


G7 p.1052:15mm

a. What is “triple H” therapy?



     i. h_____v_____



     ii. h_____ t_____



     iii. h_____ d_____



b. The fluid to use is_____.

normal saline, a crystalloid


c. Maximum blood pressure (BP) for a(n)


G7 p.1052:90mm

     i. clipped aneurysm is_____

240 mm Hg


     ii. unclipped aneurysm is_____

160 mm Hg


d. What do you do if triple H does not work?

endovascular techniques


e. Goals for hypervolemia



     i. clipped aneurysm: CVP_____

CVP 8 to 12 cm H2O


     ii. unclipped aneurysm: CVP_____

CVP 6 to 10 cm H2O


f. Hemodilution to_____Hct

30 to 35

G7 p.1051:170mm

57. Complete the following:


G7 p.1053:50mm

a. complications of hyperdynamic therapy



     i. pulmonary edema_____%



     ii. dilutional hyponatremia_____%



b. benefits



     i. improved permanently_____%



     ii. improved temporarily_____%



     iii. no benefit_____%



     iv. worse_____%



58. Complete the following about dose for calcium channel blocker:


G7 p.1053:150mm

a. name of antivasospasm medication/drug_____



b. dose_____ mg every_____ hours

60 mg every 4


c. route_____

by mouth or nasogastric tube


d. duration_____

21 days


e. unless_____

patient going home intact—if so may stop the calcium channel blocker


Neurogenic Stunned Myocardium

59. EKG changes that can occur after SAH are

G7 p.1054:120mm

a. T wakes may be i_____



b. QT may be p_____






     i. ST segments may be e_____



     ii. or d_____



d. Premature atrial or ventricular c_____



e. f_____



f. b_____



60. The mechanism for the EKG changes are thought to be due to


G7 p.1054:135mm

a. h_____ i_____,

hypothalamic ischemic


b. which causes increased_____

tone, sympathetic


c. which releases a surge of c_____,



d. which produces s_____ ischemia,



e. or c_____ a_____ vasospasm.

coronary artery


61. Complete the following about cardiac problems and SAH:


G7 p.1054:120mm

a. Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes occur in_____%.



b. The mechanism is (Hint: hics)


G7 p.1054:135mm

     i. h_____ i_____

hypothalamic ischemia


     ii. i_____ s_____ t_____

increased sympathetic tone


     iii. c_____ s_____

catecholamine surge


     iv. s_____ i_____

subendocardial ischemia


Cerebral Aneurysms

62. Matching. What are ideas regarding the etiology of aneurysms? Match the lettered term with the numbered description.


G7 p.1055:55mm




less elastica; less muscle; more prominent; less supportive connective tissue






a. tunica media


b. adventitia


c. internal elastic lamina


d. location—occur


63. Give the% incidence of cerebral aneurysm for each of the following:


G7 p.130:130mm

a. A-comm



b. P-comm



c. MCA



d. posterior circulation



e. basilar



f. multiple

20 to 30%


64. Complete the following about intraventricular hemorrhage:


G7 p.1056:25mm

a. General



     i. True or False. It does not affect morbidity-mortality.



     ii. It has a mortality of_____%.



b. A-comm aneurysms rupture into the ventricle through the_____ _____.

lamina terminalis


c. Distal basilar artery aneurysms rupture through the_____ of the_____ _____.

floor of the third ventricle


d. PICA aneurysm may rupture through the



     i._____ of_____

foramen of Luschka


     ii. and into the_____ _____.

fourth ventricle


65. Third nerve palsy can occur with


G7 p.1056:95mm

a._____ or






c. One can differentiate by examining the _____.



     i. Pupil dilated in_____.



     ii. Pupil not dilated in_____.



d. The mnemonic is_____ from the third nerve palsy syndrome.

“diabetes deletes the pupil”


e. Aneurysms_____ the pupil.



f. NPSTN means_____ palsy.

non-pupil-sparing third nerve


66. True or False. All of the following conditions may be associated with SAH:


G7 p.1057:30mm

a. hypertension



b. Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome



c. diabetes mellitus

false (Diabetes insipidus can be associated.)


d. renal fibromuscular dysplasia



e. Ehlers-Danlos type IV



67. The following conditions are associated with an increased incidence of aneurysm:


G7 p.1057:31mm

a. a_____ d_____ p_____ k_____ d_____

autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease—15%


b. a_____ m_____

arteriorvenous malformation


c. a _____



d. b_____ e_____

bacterial endocarditis


e. c_____ of the a_____

coarctation of the aorta


f. c_____ t_____ d_____

connective tissue disorders


g. Eh_____-Da_____ Ehlers-Danlos type IV


h. fib_____ d_____ r_____ d_____

fibromuscular dysplasia renal disease—7%


i. f_____ o_____

familial occurrences

G7 p.1057:59mm

j. M_____ s_____

Marfan syndrome


k. m_____ d_____

moyamoya disease


l. O_____-W_____-R_____ s_____

Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome


m. p_____ e_____

pseudoxanthoma elasticum


68. Complete the following about aneurysms and polycystic kidney:


G7 p.1057:87mm

a. ADPKD stands for _____ _____ _____ _____.

adult polycystic kidney disease


b. Incidence is 1 in _____ autopsies.



c. Prevalence of aneurysms in patients with ADPKD is _____%.

10 to 30% —15% a reasonable estimate


d. Risk of SAH in a person with ADPKD is _____ the general population.

10 to 20 times


e. Screening protocol in a patient with ADPKD with a prior aneurysm or a kindred with aneurysm is to perform _____ every _____ years.

MRA every 2 to 3


Treatment Options for Aneurysms

69. Complete the following:


G7 p.1058:100mm

a. In trapping an aneurysm is it better to tie off the common carotid artery or the internal carotid artery?

common carotid occlusion is better


b. It reduces the incidence of _____ _____.

thromboembolic phenomenon


70. True or False. Regarding treatment options for aneurysms:


G7 p.1058:115mm

a. The following procedure(s) offers protection if the aneurysm can’t be clipped or coiled:



     i. wrapping with muscle



     ii. wrapping with cotton



     iii. wrapping with muslin



     iv. coating with plastic resin



     v. coating with polymer



     vi. coating with Teflon



     vii. coating with fibrin glue



b. In such cases you could consider trapping or bypass or carotid ligation.



71. True or False. Coils are not ideal for


G7 p.158:173mm

a. very small aneurysms



b. very large aneurysms



c. aneurysms with wide necks



d. If after coiling residual filling is noted you should “recoil.”

false (Proceed with surgery.)


72. Data for Guglielmi detachable coils indicate


G7 p.1059:125mm

a. morbidity _____%



b. mortality _____%



c. complete obliteration of aneurysm _____%



d. subsequently required open surgical repair _____%



Timing of Aneurysm Surgery

73. Complete the following about timing for aneurysm surgery:


G7 p.1060:105mm

a. The definition of early surgery is less than _____ to _____ hours.

48 to 96 hours


b. Late surgery is after _____.

10 to 14 days


c. Timing of basilar artery aneurysm is _____.

more likely to delay surgery


d. Avoid doing surgery between days _____ and _____ because that is considered a _____ _____.

4 and 10; vasospastic interval


74. Complete the following regarding vasospasm treatment:


G7 p.1061:85mm

a. It peaks in incidence between days _____ and _____.

6 and 8


b. It never occurs before day _____.



c. Vasospastic interval during which surgery should be avoided is days _____ to _____.

4 to 10


General Technical Considerations of Aneurysm Surgery

75. Complete the following:


G7 p.1061:160mm

a. What is an aneurysmal rest?

residual unclipped part of aneurysm


b. Why are they dangerous?

they may bleed


c. What is the incidence of rebleeding?



d. There is a risk per year of _____%.

0.4 to 0.8%


e. How should they be handled?

serial angiography


f. If they increase in size treat with _____ or _____ _____.

surgery or endovascular coiling


76. Answer the following about CSF drainage during craniotomy:


G7 p.1062:90mm

a. True or False. CSF should be drained before opening the dura.

false (This is associated with an increased incidence of rebleeding.)


b. True or False. CSF should be drained after opening the dura



c. What is the rate of rebleeding with CSF drainage?



77. Complete the following:


G7 p.1062:135mm

a. O2 consumption by the neuron is for two functions:



     i. to maintain _____ _____

cell integrity


     ii. for conduction of _____ _____

electrical impulse


b. If there is occlusion of a vessel it produces _____



c. due to _____ _____.

oxygen deficiency


d. This precludes



     i. a_____ g_____ and

aerobic glycolysis


     ii. o_____ p_____

oxidative phosphorylation


e. What happens to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production?

it declines


f. What happens to the cell?

cell death occurs


78. What can be done to protect against ischemia?


G7 p.1062:165mm

a. Tactics to reduce injury by ischemia include



     i. n_____

nimodipine—calcium channel blockers


     ii. b_____

barbiturates—free radical scavengers


     iii. m_____



b. Tactics to reduce the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2) required include



     i. reducing electrical activity of the neuron with _____



     ii. reducing maintenance energy of the neuron with _____



79. Answer the following about temporary clipping during aneurysm surgery:


G7 p.1064:23mm

a. True or False. Under 5 minutes occlusion is well tolerated.



b. If occluded 10 to 15 minutes must add _____.

5 mg/kg thiopental loading dose and drip titrated to burst suppression


c. If occluded more than 20 minutes _____.

not tolerated


80. Answer the following about postop angiography after aneurysm or AVM surgery:


G7 p.1064:65mm

a. True or False. It is not needed.



b. Because _____% showed unexpected findings.



c. True or False. It is the standard of care.



d. True or False. It is recommended.



81. Complete the following:


G7 p.1064:90mm

a. What special medications should be used during temporary clipping of an aneurysm?

etomidate or propofol


b. What do they do?

suppress neuronal activity by reducing neuronal metabolism


c. By how much?



d. What is the side effect of etomidate?

lowers seizure threshold


e. Guard against this side effect by _____.

using preoperative antiepileptic drugs


82. Complete the following about intraoperative aneurysm rupture (IAR):


G7 p.1064:138mm

a. True or False. Intraoperative aneurysm rupture increases the morbidity and mortality of surgery threefold.



b. True or False. Techniques to decrease the probability of intraoperative rupture include



     i. preventing hypertension



     ii. minimizing brain retraction



     iii. sharp vs blunt dissection



     iv. radical removal of sphenoid wing



c. List the three general stages of aneurysm surgery during which intraoperative rupture is most likely to occur.

stage 1 = initial exposure, stage 2 = dissection of the aneurysm, and stage 3 = clip application


d. Of these, during which stage is intraoperative rupture most likely to occur?

dissection of aneurysm (stage 2)


83. True or False. During intraoperative rupture by clip application bleeding reduces as clip blades approximate.


G7 p.1065:130mm

Aneurysm Recurrence after Treatment

84. Complete the following about aneurysm recurrence after treatment:


G7 p.1065:177mm

a. Can an incompletely clipped aneurysm bleed?

yes—0.4 to 0.8% per year


b. Can an incompletely coiled aneurysm bleed?

yes—0.16% per year


c. Can an aneurysm that has been completely obliterated recur and bleed?

yes—0.37% per year


Aneurysm Type by Location

85. Complete the following:


G7 p.1066:90mm

a. The most common site of ruptured aneurysms is _____.



b. Diabetes insipidus and/or hypothalamic dysfunction can be the presenting symptoms of an aneurysm of the _____.



86. Complete the following about aneurysm type by location:


G7 p.1066:105mm

a. The single most common site for an aneurysm is _____.



b. Subarachnoid hemorrhage from an A-comm aneurysm rupture is associated with an intracerebral hematoma in what percentage of cases?



c. The most common site for subarachnoid blood on a CT associated with A-comm aneurysm rupture is_____.

anterior interhemispheric fissure


d. In what percent of cases?

virtually 100%


87. Complete the following:


G7 p.1066:120mm

a. Vasospasm from A-comm aneurysm rupture can cause bilateral ACA infarcts in the frontal lobes and result in the symptoms of _____ and _____.

apathy and abulia


b. Frontal lobe infarcts occur in _____% of cases of A-comm aneurysm.



c. This results in a virtual _____ lobotomy.



88. True or False. Regarding A-comm aneurysms:


G7 p.1066:175mm

a. It is unnecessary to assess the side from which an A-comm aneurysm fills by angiography because all A-comm aneurysms should be approached from the right side.



b. Surgical approaches to an A-comm aneurysm include



     i. pterional approach



     ii. anterior interhemispheric approach



     iii. transcallosal approach



     iv. subfrontal approach



c. The two most common sites for distal ACA aneurysms are



     i. terminal pericallosal artery



     ii. terminal callosomarginal artery



     iii. frontopolar artery origin



     iv. bifurcation of pericallosal and callosomarginal arteries above the splenium of the corpus callosum



89. There are three indications for left pterional craniotomy for A-commA aneurysm.


G7 p.1067:35mm

a. pointing to _____

the right


b. feeder from _____

the left


c. multiple _____

additional left-sided aneurysm(s)


90. Pericallosal aneurysms are anatomically close to which part of the corpus callosum?


G7 p.1068:30mm

91. True or False. Regarding ACA and A-commA aneurysms and approaches:


G7 p.168:32mm




     i. The more distally located ACA aneurysms are generally due to posttraumatic, infectious, or embolic etiologies.



     ii. Aneurysms up to 1 cm from the A-commA may be approached through a standard pterional craniotomy.



     iii. Aneurysms > 1 cm distal to the A-commA may also be easily approached through a pterional craniotomy with partial gyrus rectus resection.

false (Aneurysms > 1 cm distal to the A-comm up to the genu of the corpus callosum may be approached frontally via a basal frontal interhemispheric route. A right-sided craniotomy is generally preferred unless the dome is buried in the right cerebral hemisphere.)


     iv. ACA aneurysms distal to the genu of the corpus callosum may be approached via an interhemispheric route.



b. Prolonged retraction of the cingulate gyrus during an interhemispheric approach may result in a foot drop that is usually temporary.

false (may result in temporary akinetic mutism)


92. Which approach should be used for aneurysms > 1 cm distal to A-comm?

basal frontal interhemispheric approach, right side preferred

G7 p.1068:76mm

93. Complete the following:


G7 p.1068:160mm

a. Which aneurysm presents with a third nerve palsy?

posterior communicating artery


b. What is the status of the pupil?



c. There is another aneurysm that presents with a third nerve palsy; what is it?

carotid cavernous sinus aneurysm


d. What is the status of the pupil?

not dilated


e. This can be confused with what medical condition?



f. What is the posterior fossa aneurysm that on occasion presents with a third nerve palsy?

basilar tip


g. What is the status of the pupil?



94. Complete the following about third nerve palsy:


G7 p.1068:160mm

a. What position does the eye have at rest?

“down and out”


b. If due to P-comm the pupil is _____

not spared—it is dilated in 99% of cases


c. because pupillary fibers run on the _____ of the third nerve.

surface—and can be compressed there


d. If due to diabetes the pupil is _____ spared—not dilated from the syndrome—diabetes deletes the pupil


e. because motor fibers run in the _____ part of the third nerve and are affected by pathology of the _____.

deeper; vasa nervorum


f. If due to cavernous carotid artery aneurysm pupil will be _____

spared—not dilated


g. because there is also paralysis of the _____, which _____ the pupil.

sympathetics; dilate


95. True or False. Regarding P-comm aneurysms:


G7 p.1068:161mm

a. Third nerve palsies associated with P-comm aneurysms are not pupil sparing in 99% of cases.



b. P-comm aneurysms most commonly occur at the junction of the P-comm with the PCA.

false (They arise at the junction of the P-comm with the ICA.)


c. Before clipping a P-comm aneurysm, the origin of the anterior choroidal artery must be identified and excluded from the clip.



d. Most P-comm aneurysms project laterally, inferiorly, and posteriorly.



96. What congenital anomaly must be discovered on angiogram prior to surgery for P-comm aneurysm?

whether there is fetal origin of the PCA, i.e., the posterior circulation is fed only though the P-comm

G7 p.1068:160mm

97. What is the name of the dural constriction around the carotid artery


G7 p.1070:90mm

a. as it exits the cavernous sinus?

proximal carotid ring


b. as it enters the subarachnoid space?

distal carotid ring or clinoidal ring


98. Complete the following:


G7 p.1070:95mm

a. List the supraclinoid branches of the ICA. Hint: ospa



     i. o_____



     ii. s_____ h_____

superior hypophyseal


     iii. p_____ c_____

posterior communicating


     iv. a_____ c_____

anterior choroidal


b. What is the classification of supraclinoid aneurysms according to Rhoton and Day?



     i. _____ between _____ and _____

ophthalmic O and P between takeoff of ophthalmic and P-comm includes superior hypophyseal


     ii. _____ between _____ and _____

communicating segment P and A between takeoff of Pcomm and anterior choroidal


     iii. _____ between _____ and _____

choroidal segment A and I between takeoff of anterior choroidal and ICA bifurcation


99. Which segment is the largest in the supraclinoid ICA?

ophthalmic segment

G7 p.1070:96mm

100. Superior hypophyseal artery supplies


G7 p.1070:115mm

a. d_____ of c_____ s_____ and

dura of cavernous sinus


b. a_____ p_____ g_____ and s_____

anterior pituitary gland and stalk


101. Ophthalmic artery aneurysms


G7 p.1070:165mm

a. arise just distal to the origin of the _____ and

ophthalmic artery


b. project _____.



102. Name two major presentations of ophthalmic artery aneurysms.


G7 p.1070:177mm

a. S_____

SAH (45%)


b. v_____ _____ _____

visual field defect (45%)


103. Answer the following about ophthalmic artery aneurysms:


G7 p.1070:180mm

a. True or False. 45% present as SAH.



b. True or False. 45% present as visual field defect.



c. True or False. A superior nasal homonymous quadrantanopsia usually means impingement on the lateral portion of the optic nerve.

false (An ipsilateral monocular superior nasal quadrantanopsia and not a homonymous defect would occur.)


d. True or False. An ipsilateral monocular inferior nasal field cut may result from compression of the optic nerve against the falciform ligament.



e. List the two variants of superior hypophyseal artery aneurysms.



     i. p_____

paraclinoid—usually does not produce visual symptoms


     ii. s_____

suprasellar—may compress the stalk causing pituitary dysfunction and the chiasm causing a bitemporal hemianopsia


104. Complete the following:


G7 p.1070:182mm

a. What is the most common visual field defect with an ophthalmic artery aneurysm?

ipsilateral monocular superior nasal quadrantanopsia (IMSNQ)


b. What field defect occurs if the optic nerve is compressed by the falciform ligament?

ipsilateral monocular inferior nasal field cut (IMIN FC)


c. With optic nerve compression near the chiasm?

contralateral monocular superior temporal quadrant (CMSTQ) defect


d. Also known as j_____ s_____

junctional scotoma (i.e., pie in the sky)


e. due to compression of the a_____ k_____ of W_____.

anterior knee of Willebrand


105. An ophthalmic artery aneurysm can cause a contralateral monocular superior temporal quadrant defect (CMSTQ), also called a junctional scotoma, by compression of the optic nerve n_____ the c_____.

near the chiasm (Compression of the optic nerve near the chiasm can impinge on fibers that course anteriorly in the contralateral optic nerve after decussation and before entering the contralateral optic nerve. [anterior knee of Willebrand])

G7 p. X1071:28mm

106. Complete the following:


G7 p.1071:58mm

a. Which variant of superior hypophyseal artery aneurysm can mimic pituitary tumor clinically and on CT?

suprasellar variant


b. Under what circumstances?

when it is a giant aneurysm


c. It may present clinically with _____



d. and visual symptoms of _____ _____.

bitemporal hemianopsia


107. Complete the following:


G7 p.1071:75mm

a. On angiogram, a notch in a giant ophthalmic artery aneurysm is due to the _____ _____.

optic nerve


b. The notch if present is located in the _____-_____-_____ aspect.



108. Complete the following:


G7 p.1071:105mm

a. What happens if you occlude the ophthalmic artery?

It is tolerated without loss of vision in most patients.


b. Ophthalmic artery aneurysms arise on what aspect of the internal carotid artery?

superomedial (dorsomedial)


c. And point _____

superiorly (toward the opticnerve)


d. True or False. A contralateral ophthalmic aneurysm is rare.

false (They are common.)


e. If present can both be clipped at the same surgery?



109. Answer the following:


G7 p.1071:140mm

a. Can you sacrifice a superior hypophyseal artery?

yes, the pituitary receives bilateral blood supply


b. Can you clip a contralateral superior hypophyseal aneurysm?

no, not technically feasible


110. Matching. Match the frequency of posterior circulation aneurysms compared with anterior circulation aneurysms to the lettered conditions.


G7 p.1071:174mm

same frequency; posterior is more frequent



a. clinical syndrome of SAH


b. respiratory arrest


c. neurogenic pulmonary edema


d. midbrain syndrome from vasospasm


e. hydrocephalus


111. Complete the following:


G7 p.1072:25mm

a. True or False. 20% of patients with a posterior fossa SAH will require permanent ventricular shunting.



b. Regarding vertebral artery aneurysms:



     i. The preoperative angiogram should assess the patency of the _____ in the event that trapping is necessary

contralateral vertebral artery


     ii. The Allcock test involves vertebral angiography with _____ _____ to assess the patency of the circle of Willis.

carotid compression


     iii. Vertebral artery (VA) aneurysms most commonly occur at the junction of the _____ with the _____.

VA with the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)


     iv. True or False. Nontraumatic VA aneurysms are more common than dissecting, traumatic VA aneurysms.



112. Complete the following:


G7 p.1072:55mm

a. What vessel is injected when performing the Allcock test?

vertebral artery


b. What is compressed?

carotid arteries


c. What is being tested? Tolerance of _____ _____ _____

vertebral artery occlusion


d. By assessing the patency of the _____ _____ _____

circle of Willis


113. Complete the following regarding PICA:


G7 p.1072:80mm

a. They represent _____% of cerebral aneurysms.



b. The most common site is at _____ junction.



c. Aneurysms far more distal on PICA tend to be _____ and therefore should be treated _____.

fragile; promptly


114. PICA aneurysms most commonly occur at the


G7 p.1072:87mm

a. superior angle between the v_____a_____ and the

vertebral artery


b. P_____.



c. They lie in the anterolateral portion of the _____ _____

medullary cistern


d. anterior to the _____ _____ _____.

first dentate ligament


e. PICA aneurysms distal to the VA-PICA junction are different in that they are _____.



f. Blood from rupture is predominantly in the _____ _____.

fourth ventricle


Basilar Bifurcation Aneurysms

115. Complete the following:


G7 p.1074:45mm

a. The most common site for a posterior circulation aneurysm is the _____ _____.

basilar tip (5% of all intracranial aneurysms)


b. True or False. Regarding basilar tip aneurysms:



     i. Surgical treatment is associated with a 5% overall mortality rate.



     ii. Surgical approaches include pterional and supracerebellar infratentorial routes.

false (Surgical approaches include pterional subtemporal.)


     iii. Because of the technical difficulties associated with clipping basilar aneurysms many still recommend waiting up to 1 week prior to surgery.



     iv. The morbidity rate of 12% is mostly due to perforating vessel injury.



116. On angiography the following characteristics should be noted about basilar artery aneurysms:


G7 p.1074:90mm

a. points direction of the d_____, u_____ s_____

dome, usually superiorly





     i. P-comm _____



     ii. may need _____ _____

Allcock test





     i. position of _____



     ii. in relation to _____

dorsum sella


     iii. if high use _____ _____ _____

pterional transsylvian approach


     iv. if low use _____ _____

subtemporal approach


d. Fill in the blanks after the letters. Hint: pPp



     i. p_____



     ii. P-c_____



     iii. p_____ position


117. Matching. Match the numbered approaches to the conditions for the basilar artery aneurysm surgical approach.

G7 p.1075:45mm

Approach: subtemporal approach; pterional approach Conditions:



a. bifurcation is high


b. aneurysm projects posteriorly/posteriorly inferiorly


c. low bifurcation


d. concomitant anterior circulation aneurysms


e. for better visualization of P1 and thalamoperforating vessels


f. for less temporal lobe retraction


g. for shorter distance (by 1 cm)


h. produces a risk to third nerve (mild and temporary)


118. What are the approaches to basilar tip aneurysms?


G7 p.1075:46mm

a. Drake’s approach is _____.



b. Yasargil’s approach is _____.



119. What is the risk of oculomotor palsy by the pterional approach?


G7 p.1075:52mm

120. Complete the following about basilar artery aneurysms:


G7 p.1076:110mm

a. Mortality is _____%.



b. Morbidity is _____%.



Unruptured Aneurysms

121. What is the incidence of incidental aneurysms in the population?

5 to 10%

G7 p.1077:135mm

122. Complete the following about unruptured aneurysms:


G7 p.1078:57mm

a. What is the annual risk of rupture for an asymptomatic aneurysm < 10 mm?



b. What is the annual risk of rupture for an asymptomatic aneurysm > 10 mm?



c. The surgical morbidity and mortality rates for clipping an unruptured aneurysm are MC _____% mortality and _____% morbidity.

2% mortality (2.6), 6% morbidity


123. How is surgical morbidity on cerebral aneurysms related to aneurysm size, patient age, and location of aneurysm?


G7 p.1078:95mm

a. size



     i. under 5 mm _____%



     ii. 6 to 15 mm _____%



     iii. 16 to 25 mm _____%



b. age



     i. under 45 years _____%



     ii. between 45 and 64 years _____%



     iii. over 64 years _____%



c. location



     i. P-comm _____%



     ii. MCA _____%



     iii. ophthalmic _____%



     iv. A-comm _____%



     v. carotid bifurcation _____%



124. For incidental aneurysms, recommending surgery is appropriate if the patient’s life expectancy is at least _____years.


G7 p.1048:145mm

125. Complete the following about a carotid cavernous sinus aneurysm (CCSA):


G7 p.1079:150mm

a. The segment most frequently involved is the h_____ s_____.

horizontal segment


b. It usually presents with


G7 p.1079:170mm

     i. c_____ c_____ f_____

carotid cavernous fistula (i.e., bruit, proptosis, and chemosis)


     ii. a_____ in h_____

ache in head


     iii. V t_____ n_____ p_____

V trigeminal neuralgia pain


     iv. e_____



     v. r_____ and e_____

rupture and epistaxis via sphenoid sinus


     vi. m_____ b_____

monocular blindness


     vii. o_____



     viii. u_____ p_____

undilated pupil with a third nerve palsy (like diabetes)

G7 p.1079:175mm

     ix. s_____ h_____

subarachnoid hemorrhage (may occur with giant aneurysm)


     x. Pupil is not dilated in CCSA because the _____ are also paralyzed.


G7 p.1079:182mm

126. What are the indications for treatment of a cavernous carotid aneurysm (unruptured)?


G7 p.1080:50mm

Hint: gees



a. g_____

giant aneurysm (esp. if straddling clinoidal ring)


b. e_____

enlarging on serial images before carotid


c. e_____

endarterectomy (controversial)


d. s_____

symptomatic (pain, headache, visual)


Multiple Aneurysms

127. What% of SAH patients have multiple aneurysms?

15 to 33.5%

G7 p.1080:120mm

128. True or False.


G7 p.1080:120mm

a. Multiple aneurysms occur in 15 to 33% of cases of SAH.



b. When SAH is associated with multiple aneurysms, clues as to which aneurysm bled include



     i. epicenter of SAH relative to aneurysms



     ii. vasospasm distribution relative to aneurysms



     iii. irregularities in the shape of the aneurysm



     iv. largest aneurysm



129. When a patient presents with SAH and is found to have multiple aneurysms, which clues point to which aneurysm has bled?


G7 p.1080:133mm

Hint: evil



a. e_____

epicenter of blood on CT/MRI


b. v_____

vasospasm on angiogram


c. i_____

irregularities in shape (Murphy’s tit)


d. l_____

largest aneurysm


Familial Aneurysms

130. Complete the following about familial aneurysms:


G7 p.181:20mm

a. Should first-degree relatives undergo screening for cerebral aneurysms if a first-degree relative has a known aneurysm?

yes (MRI/MRA then angiography to confirm any suspected lesions. MRA has 16% false-positive rate.)


b. What% of aneurysms are familial?



c. Most common relative to also have an aneurysm is a _____.



d. Most common location if aneurysm is found in a relative is at the _____.

same or mirror location


e. There is a lower incidence in familial aneurysm of _____aneurysm.



131. Complete the following:


G7 p.181:27mm

a. What is the criterion for the familial aneurysm syndrome?

two or more relatives, third degree or closer, who harbor radiographically proven aneurysms


b. True or False. Familial aneurysms tend to bleed at a smaller size and older age.

false (smaller size and younger age)


c. True or False. First-degree relatives of patients found to have a familial aneurysm should not undergo any screening because the likelihood of harboring an aneurysm is no greater than in the general population.

false (MRI/MRA is recommended as a screening tool in first-degree relatives.)

G7 p.181:65mm

132. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for aneurysms has a false-positive rate of _____%.


G7 p.181:66mm

Traumatic Aneurysms

133. Complete the following:


G7 p.1081:90mm

a. Traumatic aneurysms represent _____% of aneurysms.



b. They are not really aneurysms but are _____.



c. True or False. Traumatic aneurysms usually occur as a result of penetrating as opposed to closed head injuries.

false (Closed head injury is more common.)


d. True or False. They often occur where an artery abuts a dural edge or along the skull base associated with fractures.



e. True or False. They rarely rupture.

false (Traumatic aneurysms have a high rate of rupture.)


134. What are the mechanisms of injury for traumatic aneurysm?


G7 p.1081:100mm

a. p_____ _____

penetrating trauma: gunshot wound (GSW) > sharp object


b. c_____ _____ _____

closed head injury (more common)


     i. f_____

falcine edge peripheral vessel (distal ACA)


     ii. f_____

fractured skull distal cortical vessel


     iii. s_____ b_____

skull base: ICA (petrous, cavernous, supraclinoid)


c. i_____

iatrogenic: surgery (transsphenoidal, endovascular)


135. Complete the following:


G7 p.1082:20mm

a. Should traumatic aneurysms undergo surgical treatment?

yes (Direct treatment is recommended of traumatic aneurysms.)


b. If so, why?

They have high rate of rupture.


Mycotic Aneurysms

136. Complete the following about mycotic aneurysms:


G7 p.1082:45mm

a. True or False. The most common etiology for infections in aneurysms is a fungal infection; thus the term mycotic.



b. The most common etiology for mycotic aneurysm is _____ _____.

Streptococcus viridans—bacterial

c. The next most common is _____ _____.

Staphylococcus aureus


d. They are often associated with



     i. _____ _____abuse.

IV drug


     ii. systemic _____ _____.

bacterial endocarditis


e. The most common location is the _____ _____.

distal MCA


f. Treat with



     i. _____



     ii. and consider _____.



137. Complete the following:


G7 p.1082:67mm

a. What% of aneurysms are considered mycotic?



b. What% of patients with subacute bacterial endocarditis develop mycotic aneurysms?

3 to 15%


c. They occur where?

usually distal MCA (75 to 80%)


d. What percent of mycotic aneurysms are multiple?



e. Workup should include


     i. b_____ c_____

blood cultures


     ii. l_____ p_____

lumbar puncture


     iii. e_____



Giant Aneurysms

138. True or False. Complete the following regarding giant aneurysms:


G7 p.1082:175mm

a. A giant aneurysm is defined as an aneurysm greater than 1.5 cm in diameter.

false (A giant aneurysm => 2.5 cm = 1 inch in diameter.)


b. Most giant aneurysms present as SAH.

false (35% present with hemorrhage. Most come to attention due to mass effect.)


c. They are more common in women.

true (A 3:1 female:male ratio.)


139. Complete the following regarding giant aneurysm treatment options:


G7 p.1083:70mm

a. c_____



b. b_____ and c_____

bypass and clip


c. t_____



d. h_____ l_____

hunterian ligation


e. w_____



SAH of Unknown Etiology

140. Complete the following regarding angiogram-negative SAH:


G7 p.1083:105mm

a. It occurs in _____%.



b. It could be due to _____ angiography.



c. To be adequate angiography must show both _____ _____.

PICA vessels


d. What% of aneurysms occur at this site?

1 to 2%


e. To be adequate angiography must show cross-fill through the _____ _____ _____.

anterior communicating artery


f. Angiography should be repeated unless the blood is located in the _____ _____.

perimesencephalic cistern


g. This is also known as _____ _____ _____.

pretruncal nonaneurysmal SAH


141. Complete the following regarding considerations for repeat angiography:


G7 p.1084:50mm

a. Identification of an aneurysm not seen on the original study is _____%.

2 to 10% or 2 to 24%


b. The recommended time to repeat the angiogram series is _____days.

10 to 14





     i. There is no need to repeat if blood is restricted to the _____ _____.

perimesencephalic cistern


     ii. It is also known as PNSAH, which stands for _____.

pretruncal nonaneurysmal SAH


d. Name was changed because blood


G7 p.1084:50mm

     i. is actually in front of the _____ _____

brain stem


     ii. aka the _____ _____.

truancies cerebri


     iii. It is centered at the _____



     iv. and not in the p_____ c_____.

perimesencephalic cistern





     i. Rebleeding _____ _____ _____

does not occur


     ii. Aneurysm _____.

is not found on repeat angiogram


     iii. Bleeding is likely due to a _____ of a _____ _____.

rupture of a small vein

G7 p.1085:50mm

Nonaneurysmal SAH

142. Complete the following about nonaneurysmal SAH:


G7 p.1085:100mm

a. The perimesencephalic cistern has the following segments:



Hint: Iraq Icaq



     i. i_____



     ii. c_____



     iii. a_____



     iv. q_____






     i. A new name for perimesencephalic nonaneurysmal SAH is _____ _____ _____.

pretruncal nonaneurysmal SAH


     ii. A new name is warranted because that is where the blood _____ _____ _____.

truly is located


143. Complete the following:


G7 p.1085:135mm

a. Subarachnoid blood in what cistern casts doubt on a diagnosis of nonaneurysmal SAH?

chiasmatic cistern


b. What is the anatomic basis for this doubt?

Liliequist membrane should form an effective barrier for blood not under high pressure


c. True or False. Repeat angiography is required.



d. Risk of permanent injury from angiogram is _____ to _____%.

0.2 to 05

G7 p.1086:40mm

Pregnancy and Intracranial Hemorrhage

144. True or False. Intracranial hemorrhage of pregnancy is more commonly caused by


G7 p.1086:140mm

a. AVM

false (23% AVMs)


b. aneurysms

true (77% aneurysms)


145. True or False. The following is a correct recommendation for pregnant patients with SAH:


G7 p.1086:180mm

a. Do not perform CT or angiogram.

false (They are okay if the fetus is shielded.)


b. Mannitol, Nipride, and nimodipine can be used as usual.

false (They are not to be used during pregnancy.)


c. Delay surgery until pregnancy has come to term.

false (Clipping is recommended in the pregnant patient.)


d. Deliver by C-section.

false (There is no different fetal or maternal outcome by C-section vs vaginal delivery.)


e. MRI is safe in pregnancy.



f. Gadolinium is safe in pregnancy.

not yet studied


g. Angiographic contrast is safe.



h. Treatment recommendation is surgical clipping.



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Aug 6, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on SAH and Aneurysms

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