17 Tumors of the Fourth Ventricle


17 Tumors of the Fourth Ventricle

Semra Isik, Saira Alli, and James T. Rutka


Tumors of the fourth ventricle share common presenting features secondary to the obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid pathways and resultant hydrocephalus that tumors cause. However, these tumors are a histologically diverse group with differing molecular causation and prognoses. An understanding of the neuroimaging findings specific to each type of tumor can assist in operative planning and determining the best surgical strategy. The midline suboccipital telovelar approach is used most commonly for tumor resection and, in combination with surgical adjuncts (neuronavigation, neurophysiologic monitoring, and intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging), can reduce the likelihood of morbidity. Preservation of the floor of the fourth ventricle is essential yet challenging in patients with no clear boundary between tumor tissue and the brain. In recent decades, our understanding of the underlying genetic mutations and molecular pathways affected in these tumors has advanced significantly. We now know that these mutated pathways are of clinical significance, influencing patient presentation and prognosis. As a result, aspects of molecular subgrouping have been incorporated into the most recent 2016 World Health Organization classification of central nervous system tumors. The future of brain tumor treatment is therefore likely to be influenced by molecularly targeted therapies. In this chapter, we summarize the key tumor pathologies involving the fourth ventricle, their epidemiology, molecular biology, treatment, and prognoses.

Clinical Presentation

Tumors of the fourth ventricle produce symptoms and signs of raised intracranial pressure (ICP) due to obstructive hydrocephalus. 1 Symptoms of neuronal dysfunction referable to brainstem or cerebellar involvement occur in later disease stages. Intermittent frontal or occipital headache is the most common presenting symptom, followed by nausea, vomiting, diplopia, and mental change, which worsen with increasing severity of hydrocephalus. Neurologic examination findings, such as papilledema, are related to increased ICP, abducens nerve (cranial nerve [CN] VI) palsy, upgaze restriction, and hypoactive lower-limb deep-tendon reflexes. Hyperreflexia, pathologic reflexes, and spasticity indicate brainstem compression by the tumor. 2

Perioperative Evaluation

Patients suspected of having a posterior fossa mass are often evaluated initially by computed tomography (CT), which can be obtained easily and rapidly. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and spinal cord is the gold standard for evaluation, and it provides the correct diagnosis in more than 80% of cases. However, MRI may be insufficient to allow determination of a differential diagnosis, and further studies, including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy, are useful for improving predictive values ( Table 17.1 ). 3 , 4

Table 17.1 Imaging characteristics of tumors arising in the fourth ventricle


Computed tomography

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy


  • Well-demarcated

  • Hyperdense

  • Homogeneous enhancement

  • Cyst formation or necrosis (40–50%)

  • Cerebellar hemisphere location in adults

  • Arising from cerebellar vermis (75%)

  • T1: hypointense to gray matter

  • T2/FLAIR: hyperintense to gray matter

  • Homogeneous enhancement

  • Edema

  • DWI: restricted diffusion, low ADC


↑↑ Choline

↑↑ Lipid

↑ Taurine


  • Calcification

  • Heterogeneous enhancement

  • Isodense or hypodense

  • Cystic

  • Hemorrhage

  • Arising from floor of fourth ventricle

  • Extension through foramina of Luschka and Magendie

  • T1: isointense or hypointense to white matter

  • T2: hyperintense to white matter

  • Heterogeneous enhancement

  • SWI: confirms hemorrhage (or calcification)

  • DWI: difficult to interpret if calcification or hemorrhage is present

↑↑ Myo-inositol

↑↑ Lipid

↑ Choline

↑ Choline-creatine ratio


Pilocytic astrocytoma

  • Well-demarcated

  • Hypodense

  • Large cyst or multiple small cysts

  • Enhancing mural nodule

  • Variable cyst wall enhancement

  • Calcification (in 20%)

  • T1: isointense or hypointense solid component

  • T2 or FLAIR: hyperintense solid component

  • Mural nodule enhancement

  • DWI: unrestricted diffusion (high ADC)

Myo-inositol ↓↓ Creatine ↓ Total choline

Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor

  • Isodense or hyperdense

  • Heterogeneous enhancement

  • Hemorrhage

  • Necrosis

  • Calcification

  • T1: isointense or slightly hyperintense to gray matter

  • T2: hyperintense

  • Surrounding edema

  • Heterogeneous enhancement

  • DWI: variable diffusion restriction

↑ Lipid peak

↑ Choline


Choroid plexus papilloma

  • Lobulated

  • Isodense or hyperdense

  • Fine calcification (25%)

  • Homogeneous enhancement; irregular, frond-like

  • Lobulated

  • T1: isointense or hypointense

  • T2: isointense or hyperintense

  • Homogeneous enhancement

↑↑ Myo-inositol (compared to CPC) ↑ Creatine ↓ NAA ↑ Choline

Choroid plexus carcinoma

  • Lobulated

  • Isodense or hyperdense

  • Fine calcification (25%)

  • Heterogeneous enhancement; hydrocephalus

  • Lobulated

  • T1: isointense or hypointense

  • T2: isointense or hyperintense

  • Heterogeneous enhancement, parenchymal invasion

  • Magnetic resonance perfusion: ↑ rCBV ratio

↑↑ Choline (compared to CPP) ↑ Myo-inositol ↓ Creatine

Hemangio– blastoma

  • Isodense mural nodule that enhances intensely

  • Nonenhancing cyst wall

  • T1: isointense or hypointense

  • Enhancing mural nodule

  • T2: hyperintense mural nodule

  • Flow voids at cyst periphery (indicate dilated feeding or draining vessels)

  • Cyst fluid similar to CSF

  • Magnetic resonance perfusion: ↑ rCBV ratio

↑ Choline

↑ Creatine

↑ Lipid peak

↓ NAA (or absent NAA)

Dermoid cysts

  • Low attenuation (due to fat content)

  • Midline location

  • May be hyperdense in posterior fossa

  • Rarely enhances

  • T1: hyperintense (cholesterol)

  • Hyperintensities in subarachnoid space indicate rupture; pia may also enhance with contrast

  • T2: hypointense or hyperintense

  • FLAIR: hyperintense to CSF (unlike arachnoid cyst)

  • No surrounding edema

  • DWI: increased signal, variable restriction


Abbreviations: ↓, decreased; ↑, increased; ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; CPC, choroid plexus carcinoma; CPP, choroid plexus papilloma; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; NAA, N-acetylaspartate; rCBV, relative cerebral blood volume; SWI, susceptibility-weighted imaging.

Data from Ellenbogen et al 2018. 4


Surgical Approach

Tumors of the fourth ventricle are best approached with a mid-line suboccipital craniotomy for an exposure from the superior aspect of the cerebellum down to the foramen magnum in the vertical plane. The options for patient positioning are sitting, semisitting, lateral oblique, and prone. The sitting position is used less frequently because of the high risk of complications, such as cardiovascular instability, air embolism, and subdural hematoma. Prone positioning is most commonly used with pin fixation or a headrest, along with a moderate degree of flexion of the upper cervical spine. A slight reverse Trendelenburg position eases venous return. The midline skin incision starts from the inion and moves toward the cervical region. Dissection is through the midline raphe of the occipital muscles to limit bleeding from muscle dissection. The periosteum is then dissected laterally. Bleeding from emissary veins can be controlled with bone wax. The craniotomy extends from just inferior to the transverse sinus down to the foramen magnum. The dura is opened in a Y-shaped fashion, being mindful of a prominent occipital sinus that may require ligation prior to incision, especially in young children. In the transvermian approach, the inferior vermis is split carefully such that the superior limit does not extend beyond the superior medullary velum and entry into the fourth ventricle is between the laterally retracted cerebellar lobes. The aim of splitting just the inferior vermis is to preserve the decussating fibers of the superior cerebellar peduncle that lie deep to it. 5 However, splitting the vermis and retracting the dentate nuclei laterally within the cerebellar lobes, with bilateral disruption of the dentato-thalamo-cortical pathway, may lead to cerebellar mutism and equilibratory disturbance. Therefore, a modification of the midline approach has emerged that is known as the telovelar approach. 6 This approach is directed through the cerebellomedullary fissure to the tela choroidea. Retracting the uvula superiorly and the tonsils laterally achieves exposure of the tela choroidea and inferior medullary velum. The fourth ventricle is entered with a view extending from the aqueduct to the obex. For visualization of the foramen of Luschka, however, further opening of the tela laterally may be required. 7 Care should be taken to preserve the rhomboid fossa, dentate nuclei (rostral to the tonsils), cerebellar peduncles, and posterior inferior cerebellar artery. The posterior arch of C1 is often removed to achieve decompression of the brainstem and the upper cervical cord as well as to improve access to the foramen of Luschka. This is likely required in patients with tonsillar herniation and large lesions. 8


A significant concern after posterior fossa surgery is the occurrence of cerebellar mutism—the sudden loss of speech in a patient who was verbalizing well in the immediate postoperative period. It usually occurs in the first few days after surgery and lasts, on average, for 7 to 8 weeks. 9 The incidence of this complication is as high as 29% in some series, with affected children often experiencing long-term difficulties with speech and language. 9 , 10 Hypotonia, ataxia, and emotional lability may also occur. Higher cognitive functions are impaired in patients with a variation of the syndrome known as cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome (CCAS). 11 These patients may demonstrate a change in personality or difficulty with executive functioning, language, and spatial cognition. 12 CCAS is believed to be a consequence of injury to the cerebellar posterior lobe, whereas cerebellar mutism is attributed to bilateral damage to the dentato-thalamocortical pathway. 13 , 14

Damage to the floor of the fourth ventricle and the underlying CN nuclei (abducens, facial, vagus, and hypoglossal nerves [CNs VI, VII, X, and XII]) can result in ophthalmoparesis, facial weakness, dysphagia, dysphonia, and loss of the cough reflex. Attempts to prevent such morbidity may limit the surgeon from achieving gross total resection (GTR).

Treatment of Hydrocephalus

Most patients with tumors of the fourth ventricle will have either clinical symptoms or radiologic evidence of hydrocephalus at presentation. Between 10% and 40% of these patients will have persistent hydrocephalus after surgical resection of the tumor. 3 Management of hydrocephalus can be conducted either early (before tumor resection) or late (after tumor resection), and it may be temporary (external ventricular drain) or permanent (endoscopic third ventriculostomy or ventriculoperitoneal shunt), with each permutation having its merits and pitfalls.

In pediatric patients, Riva-Cambrin et al 15 have validated a preoperative grading system known as the Canadian Preoperative Prediction Rule for Hydrocephalus. Patients are subsequently scored on factors of age (< 2 years), the presence of papilledema or metastases, the degree of hydrocephalus, and the likely tumor diagnosis. A score from 0 to 10 is formulated, which in turn corresponds to a probability of persistent hydrocephalus. Stratification into low-risk and high-risk groups can then be conducted, with low-risk patients managed expectantly after tumor resection and high-risk patients considered for permanent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion before resection. 3

Patient Outcomes

Outcomes of patients treated for fourth ventricular tumors vary significantly by tumor type ( Table 17.2 ). 4 Patients with pilocytic astrocytomas have a significantly better prognosis than those with a choroid plexus carcinoma or an atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT). Additional factors influencing prognosis include tumor size, grade, histology, extent of surgical resection, and use of adjuvant therapies.

Table 17.2 Overall survival rates for patients with tumors of the fourth ventricle


Overall survival rate

Pilocytic astrocytoma

85–95% at 10 years


High-risk: <50% at 5 years


Children: 50–60% at 5 years Infants: 42–55% at 5 years

Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor

Without RT, 53% at 2 years With RT, 70% at 2 years

Choroid plexus papilloma

100% at 5 years 85% at 10 years

Choroid plexus carcinoma

After GTR: 52% at 2 years After STR: 21% at 2 years

Abbreviations: GTR, gross total resection; RT, radiotherapy; STR, subtotal resection.

Data from Ellenbogen et al 2018. 4

Specific Tumors



Medulloblastoma, the most common malignant pediatric brain tumor, is the causative pathology in 20% of these patients ( Fig. 17.1 ). In the adult population, however, medulloblastoma is exceedingly rare, causing only 1% of all primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors. 16 The median patient age at diagnosis is 8 years, and medulloblastoma is more common in males (1.5:1). 17 Medulloblastoma can also arise in the context of a familial cancer predisposition syndrome, such as neurofibromatosis 1 or Li-Fraumeni, Gorlin, or Turcot syndromes. 18

Fig. 17.1 Medulloblastoma. (a) Axial magnetic resonance image (MRI) demonstrates a medulloblastoma located in the midline and emanating from the cerebellar vermis. As a consequence, the fourth ventricle is visibly dilated. (b) Sagittal T1-weighted postcontrast MRI demonstrates the heterogeneously enhancing tumor filling the fourth ventricle. Postoperative (c) axial and (d) sagittal MRIs confirm complete tumor resection. The surgical tract from a midline suboccipital approach can be seen on (c) the axial section.


The term medulloblastoma stems from the similarity of the tumor with the embryonal medullary velum and was coined in 1925. 19 The tumor has historically been classified histologically into classic, desmoplastic or nodular, extensive nodularity, and large-cell or anaplastic types. Classic medulloblastoma accounts for two-thirds of cases and appears as a highly cellular tumor with undifferentiated, small, round, blue cells. 20 , 21 The desmoplastic or nodular subtype consists of dense, intercellular reticulin interspersed with reticulin-free zones. 22 Extensive nodularity medulloblastoma is rare and represents the most differentiated form. 23 , 24 Sheets of large round cells constitute large-cell medulloblastoma. Nuclear molding, cell-to-cell wrapping, and nuclear pleomorphism are the key features of anaplastic medulloblastoma ( Fig. 17.2 ). 25

Fig. 17.2 Medulloblastoma histology. (a) Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain of classic medulloblastoma, which is a highly cellular, small, round-cell tumor. (b) Immunohistochemistry for neurofilament protein (structural elements of neuronal axons and dendrites) demonstrates tumor cells infiltrating normal brain tissue. (c) Desmoplastic medulloblastoma as seen by reticulin staining (left, blue) and by H&E staining (right, pink). The reticulinrich areas, which can be seen, result in the firm consistency of the tumor. The pale regions are reticulin free. H&E staining demonstrates a nodular architecture. (d) H&E stain of a large-cell or anaplastic medulloblastoma. Nuclear pleomorphism and a high rate of mitotic activity can be seen.

Although this histologic classification remains in use, the 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of CNS tumors included molecular data to form a genetic classification of the disease. 26 The genetically defined groups are the (1) wingless-type (WNT) activated, (2) sonic hedgehog (SHH) activated and tumor protein 53 (TP53) mutant, (3) SHH activated and TP53 wild type, and (4) non-WNT/non-SHH. The latter group is further subdivided into group 3 and group 4 medulloblastoma. Tumors lacking a diagnostic mutation are designated “not otherwise specified.” These groups indicate the underlying molecular pathways that are affected and result in tumorigenesis.

These genetic subtypes demonstrate different demographics, recurrence patterns, and prognoses 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 ( Table 17.3 26 , 30 ). Thus, tumor biology is now being brought into risk-stratification classifications that previously were based on clinical and histologic findings alone. 26 , 29 Such stratification should inform treatment decisions.

Table 17.3 Characteristics of genetically defined medulloblastoma variants*




Group 3

Group 4

TP53 Status

TP53 mutant TP53 WT







Older children and adolescents (median age, 10 years)


Infants (< 3 years) Adolescents or young adults (> 16 years)

Infants and children

Peak age: 10 years

50% of MBs in children 25% of MBs in adults

Sex ratio

M:F = 1:1

M:F = 1:1

M:F = 2:1

M:F = 3:1


Midline or fourth ventricle, may infiltrate dorsal brainstem

Pediatric: midline or vermis Adults: cerebellar hemispheres

Midline or fourth ventricle

Midline or fourth ventricle



Large-cell or anaplastic (rare)


Large-cell or anaplastic

Desmoplastic or nodular (rare in TP53 mutant)

Extensive nodularity (only in TP53 WT)


Large-cell or anaplastic


Large-cell or anaplastic (rare)












Classic histology: low risk Large-cell or anaplastic: uncertain significance

TP53 mutant: high risk TP53 WT: standard or low risk

Classic histology: standard risk

Large-cell or anaplastic: high risk

Classic histology: standard risk

Large-cell or anaplastic: uncertain significance

5-year survival

> 90%




* Molecular subgroups of medulloblastoma have been shown to correspond to different patient demographics and clinical features. Histology and molecular genetics in combination are now used to inform prognosis.

Abbreviations: F, female; M, male; MB, medulloblastoma; SHH, sonic hedgehog; TP53, tumor protein 53; WNT, wingless activated; WT, wild type. Data from Louis et al 2016 26 and Colucccia et al 2016. 30

Clinical Presentation

Patients with medulloblastoma generally present with symptoms related to increased ICP and hydrocephalus, which are typical for all posterior fossa tumors. Symptoms start several weeks to months prior to diagnosis. 31 , 32

Perioperative Evaluation

On preoperative imaging, medulloblastomas in children appear as midline tumors emanating from the cerebellar vermis and extending inferiorly into the fourth ventricle from its roof. In adults, however, the tumor is more likely to be laterally placed in the cerebellar hemispheres. The tumor is heterogeneously enhancing and may possess calcification ( Fig. 17.1 ). It is classically described as having a high-density appearance on CT with a low signal on T1-weighted MRI. 33 Hydrocephalus is present in 95% of patients. A key imaging finding of prognostic value is the presence or absence of metastases in the neuraxis secondary to CSF seeding.


The classic approach to medulloblastoma management has been that of GTR followed by radiotherapy to the craniospinal axis, posterior fossa, and tumor bed. 34 Because of the long-term sequelae of radiotherapy, which is more pronounced at higher doses and in younger children, combination chemotherapeutic regimens are now used postoperatively with lower-dose radiotherapy. In children younger than age 3 years, radiotherapy is generally deferred. Patients with high-risk features (metastases, significant tumor residuum, and large-cell or anaplastic histology) should receive a higher dose of radiotherapy than that administered to those deemed to have an average risk.

In recent times, the pursuit of GTR has been brought under scrutiny by evidence suggesting the equivalency in survival following near-total resection with a likelihood of reduced morbidity. 35 In addition, previously reported benefits of GTR are now believed to be confounded by molecular subgrouping. Thus, current recommendations are to opt for maximal safe resection with an acceptance of near-total resection (< 1.5 cm2 of tumor residuum) if such is deemed likely to reduce surgical morbidity. 29

Surgery for hydrocephalus in patients with medulloblastoma takes place in approximately 22% of patients. However, Schneider et al 32 have shown that the WNT subgroup did not require any CSF diversion surgery, which they attributed to the low-hydrocephalus-risk profile of this tumor type. For example, patients with WNT tumors are older at presentation and have lower scores on the modified Canadian Preoperative Prediction Rule for Hydrocephalus scale and an absence of leptomeningeal spread.

Chemotherapy aimed at targeting the underlying subgroup-specific molecular pathways may provide new avenues of treatment for patients with medulloblastoma. The agent vismodegib is a known inhibitor of the SHH pathway that has shown efficacy in adult patients with recurrent medulloblastoma. 36 However, the effect was transient, which suggests the need for multiple agents acting on different elements of the tumor pathway.

The emerging emphasis for future clinical trials in medulloblastoma is to be target directed rather than disease specific. 37 There also is an emphasis on individualized therapy aimed at treating the unique molecular profile of the individual patient’s tumor.

Patient Outcomes

The main determinants of overall survival in patients with medulloblastoma are patient age, molecular subgroup, metastatic status, craniospinal irradiation, and tumor location. 35 Five-year survival rates for children with average-risk disease are 70 to 80%, whereas those for children with high-risk disease are 60 to 65%. 38 For infants with localized disease, 5-year survival rates are 30 to 50%.

Although survival rates in average-risk patients have improved, the burden of treatment is considerable, with patients experiencing endocrine dysfunction, hearing loss, premature aging, and poor neurocognitive function. These patients also have an increased risk of stroke and secondary malignancy. 39



Ependymoma is the third most common brain tumor in children, representing 8 to 12% of tumors of the CNS. It is comparatively rare in adults, accounting for only 2 to 6% of intracranial neoplasms. In children, the median age at presentation is 4 to 6 years, and boys are slightly more affected than girls. In the adult population, these tumors are observed in the third to fifth decades, with men and women affected equally. 40 , 41 Ten percent of ependymomas arise in the spine and are more commonly seen in adults. Of tumors arising intracranially, two-thirds occur in the posterior fossa. These tumors generally occur sporadically, but association with neurofibromatosis 2 may be seen. 42


The cells of origin of ependymomas are believed to be radial glial stem cells rather than the ependymal lining of the CSF compartments. 43 The tumors are classified primarily into three histologic grades. Grade I includes myxopapillary and subependymoma, which are both regarded as benign tumors. Myxopapillary tumors arise predominantly in the lower spine at the level of the conus medullaris and below. In contrast, subependymomas are found most commonly in the fourth or lateral ventricles. Grade II is classic ependymoma, subdivided into papillary, clear-cell, and tanycytic, and grade III is anaplastic ependymoma. This histologic classification is thought to be of limited clinical use as tumor genetics better inform prognosis. 44 The latest WHO classification of tumors has included a further molecular category of RELA fusion-positive ependymoma, which is responsible for 70% of supratentorial ependymomas in children and confers a poor prognosis. 26 , 45

Key histologic features in ependymoma are perivascular pseudorosettes, which are ependymal cell cytoplasmic processes radially converging onto blood vessels, and ependymal rosettes, which are tumor cells arranged as single layers to form a lumen. Pseudopalisading necrosis and microvascular proliferation are common features in anaplastic ependymoma. Ependymomas are characteristically well circumscribed, with no infiltration of surrounding brain tissue.

Molecular Biology

Recent studies suggest nine different molecular subgroups of ependymoma within the CNS and two distinct subgroups arising in the posterior fossa based on genome-wide DNA methylation patterns. 46 , 47 The posterior fossa tumors have been designated group A and group B. 46 Group A tumors have an increased occurrence of chromosome 1q gain and group B tumors largely show chromosomal aberrations. Clinically, group A tumors are found in infants and young children. They are more commonly laterally placed, exhibit an infiltrative phenotype, have higher rates of recurrence, and confer poorer survival (overall survival 69%). Group B tumors mostly occur in adolescents and young adults and have a midline location. 46 The overall survival of patients with group B tumors is 95%. Other molecular changes in ependymoma that confer a poor outcome include PI3K/Akt and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway activation and overexpression of hTERT and tenascin-C. 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 The occurrence of RELA fusion in supratentorial ependymoma refers to chromothripsis, causing fusion of the gene C11orf95 to RELA, which consequently activates the NF-κB transcription pathway. 45

Clinical Presentation

Presenting features of patients with ependymomas depend on the size, anatomical location, and tumor grade. Posterior fossa tumors classically cause symptoms and signs of raised ICP secondary to obstructive hydrocephalus. Cerebellar and brainstem features may arise in patients with large or invasive tumors. Patients with tumors within the cervical spine present with myelopathic features, whereas those with tumors in the lower spine more commonly present with back pain. 42

Perioperative Evaluation

Ependymomas are generally well-circumscribed lesions with cystic and calcified areas. MRI is the diagnostic modality of choice, and ependymomas are categorized into three variants based on MRI findings: mid-floor, lateral, and roof types. In the mid-floor type, the tumor develops from the obex, localizes only to the floor of the fourth ventricle, and is strictly exophytic. In the lateral type, the tumor develops from a lateral recess, extends into the cerebellopontine angle cistern, and involves the brainstem and CNs. In the roof type, the tumor develops from the inferior medullary velum and localizes to the roof of the fourth ventricle. 52 The lateral type is distinguished radiologically by the lateral displacement of the brainstem and an absence of tumor infiltrating the obex, whereas the mid-floor type displaces the brainstem anteriorly and involves the obex 53 ( Fig. 17.3 26 , 30 ).

Fig. 17.3 Ependymoma. (a) Axial and (b) sagittal T1-weighted, contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images (MRIs) of a right-sided lateral-type ependymoma extending into the cerebellopontine angle and involving the brainstem. Postoperative (c) axial and (d) sagittal MRIs demonstrate residual tumor and highlight the difficulty in achieving gross total resection in lateral-type tumors.

Lateral tumors have been shown to confer poorer survival because of the difficulty in achieving GTR. 52 These tumors frequently extend into the cerebellomedullary or cerebellopontine cisterns and involve the inferior cerebellar peduncle, lower CNs, and posterior inferior cerebellar artery.

Leptomeningeal dissemination occurs most commonly in the lumbosacral region in 8 to 12% of patients. 54 These lesions typically appear as nodular or diffuse enhancement along the surfaces.


The management of ependymoma involves maximal safe surgical resection, treatment of persistent postoperative hydrocephalus, and focal radiotherapy. The extent of surgical resection is the most influential factor on tumor recurrence, overall survival, and progression-free survival. 54 , 55 However, GTR can be difficult to achieve in some infratentorial ependymomas because of tumor adherence to the floor of the fourth ventricle and involvement of eloquent structures, such as the brainstem, CN nuclei, and vasculature. The surgical adjuncts of neuronavigation, ultrasound, and neurophysiologic monitoring (sensory evoked potentials, motor evoked potentials, brainstem auditory evoked potentials, and electromyography) may assist in achieving GTR with reduced morbidity and mortality. 40 The intraoperative finding of sustained CN activity on neuromonitoring or bradycardia resulting in hemodynamic instability indicates the need to limit further resection. 56

Tumor recurrence in ependymoma patients is most commonly at the site of the primary tumor and a subsequent resection is advocated. Rates of metastatic spread have been noted to be higher on second recurrence. 57 Radiotherapy is often delivered after a second surgery, as it has been shown to significantly increase progression-free survival. 58

Postoperative adjuvant focal radiotherapy has been shown to improve progression-free survival in patients with ependymomas, particularly in cases of residual tumor or grade III histology. 44 The benefit to patients with grade II histology in whom GTR is achieved is less clear. Recent evidence also suggests that the radiation effect on progression-free survival may be limited to tumors arising in the posterior fossa rather than in the supratentorial and spinal regions. 59 Furthermore, patients with type B posterior fossa ependymomas have been shown to have a lower risk of relapse; it has therefore been suggested that a study be conducted to compare postoperative observation with irradiation in this cohort. 60

Whole-brain or craniospinal irradiation is reserved for patients with disseminated disease, whereas conformal radiation is preferred for those with localized disease. The use of conformal radiation has helped reduce the radiation exposure to normal brain tissue, with corresponding improved neurocognitive outcomes. 61 In addition, proton-beam therapy has shown promising results in a retrospective study demonstrating comparable survival with reduced morbidity. 62 However, access to proton-beam therapy is limited internationally.

Postoperative combination chemotherapy is an effective treatment in up to 40% of patients with ependymomas. 63 , 64 However, the superiority of radiotherapy has resulted in chemotherapy being used primarily in children younger than age 3 years for whom radiation is ideally delayed.

Limited efficacy has been demonstrated in treating recurrent ependymomas with targeted therapies, including EGFR inhibitors, farnesyltransferase inhibitors, integrin antagonists, and mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors. 50 Decitabine, a DNA-demethylating agent that affects tumor epigenetics, has shown promise in a preclinical study of patients with group A posterior fossa ependymomas. 65

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