13 Adult Brainstem Gliomas
An overview of brainstem gliomas in adult patients is provided in this chapter as well as results from a retrospective study of 73 consecutive adult patients harboring intrinsic brain-stem gliomas who underwent surgical treatment between 1996 and 2017. At present, surgical treatment of brainstem gliomas is still not generally accepted, and many neurologists, neuro-oncologists, and even neurosurgeons consider these tumors to be inoperable. The most important aspects of these tumors to be considered when evaluating surgical options are the natural history of the disease, epidemiology, clinical and neuroradiologic features, tumor classification, and available treatment modalities. In the retrospective study, clinical parameters before and after surgery, neuropathologic features of various tumor entities, surgical aspects, and outcomes were analyzed. Using these data, we present a classification system that enables surgical candidates to be identified. However, no general rule is applicable to adult brainstem glioma patients, and patient selection must remain a highly individualized decision in each case. The choice of the surgical approach and the respective surgical window for brainstem exposure play key roles in the success of surgery. At least in patients with low-grade brainstem gliomas, radical tumor removal should be attempted whenever possible. Excellent long-term results can be achieved in these patients. Even in patients with high-grade tumors, surgery can offer much more than only good palliative care. Thus, the term inoperable should not be generally applied to brainstem gliomas.
Brainstem gliomas constitute a heterogeneous group of tumors with a common feature, namely their localization within the midbrain, pons, or medulla oblongata. The biology of brainstem gliomas is different for pediatric and adult patients. Brainstem gliomas account for 20% of all brain tumors in children, and their clinical course is generally unfavorably poor. In contrast, adult brainstem glioma is a rare disease accounting for only 1% to 2% of adult glial brain tumors, which form a heterogeneous group of lesions with a variable prognosis. 1 , 2 , 3 Sometimes the term brainstem glioma is used synonymously with diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPGs) because of the relative high frequency of the latter tumors within the grouping of brainstem gliomas. In actual fact, however, the term comprises all primary intrinsic glial tumors that arise from the brainstem. Brainstem gliomas in both children and adults were regarded as inoperable tumors in the early history of neurosurgery. Even today, despite evidence of successful brainstem glioma surgery in certain patient groups, as described in the pertinent medical literature, 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 a similar concept persists among neurologists, oncologists, and even neurosurgeons, who still believe that with open surgery the final result is worse than outcomes with nonsurgical treatment.
The purpose of this book chapter is to show that surgery for removal of focal brainstem gliomas is feasible in many instances and that excellent long-term results may be achieved in select cases.
Overview of Adult Brainstem Gliomas
Until 2001, when Guillamo et al 10 first reported their series of 48 adult patients with brainstem gliomas, the majority of previous publications had dealt with pediatric patients alone, offering a good overview of the biology and treatment of this disease in children. Only few publications also included adult brainstem glioma cases in their analyses. 2 , 11 , 12 , 13 Accordingly, little information existed about the natural history and management of adult brainstem gliomas until that time. After the report of Guillamo et al, 10 other authors reported their treatment experience exclusively in adult brainstem glioma patients, 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 and two recent review articles have dealt with this subject. 1 , 3
Natural History and Epidemiology
Brainstem gliomas account for less than 2% of all gliomas in adults, whereas pediatric brainstem gliomas constitute 20% of pediatric brain tumors. 3 , 18 The median survival time of adult patients with brainstem gliomas is estimated to range between 30 and 40 months, which is apparently longer than the median survival of 10 months in pediatric brainstem glioma patients. 20
Because adult brainstem gliomas comprise a heterogeneous group of various tumor entities, the prognosis of each individual adult patient harboring a brainstem glioma is difficult to predict. In the most recent literature, four types of brainstem gliomas with different epidemiology were distinguished. 3 , 21 (1) Diffuse intrinsic low-grade gliomas seen in young adults 20 to 50 years of age are the most common brainstem lesions (45%–50%). (2) Enhancing malignant gliomas that occur in patients older than 40 years of age account for 30% of all adult brainstem tumors. (3) Focal tectal brainstem gliomas, which are well-circumscribed but rare tumors, constitute only 8% of brain-stem gliomas in adults. (4) Exophytic brainstem gliomas are rare among adults, in contrast to their prevalence among children.
Table 13.1 compares several characteristic features of brainstem gliomas in adult and pediatric patients.
Clinical Presentation
The most frequent symptoms encountered in patients with a brainstem tumor are headache, gait disturbance, and diplopia. Some authors divide the clinical presentations of patients into four categories: symptoms and signs of raised intracranial pressure, cranial nerve dysfunction, cerebellar dysfunction, and long tract signs. Mood and behavioral changes also occur frequently. Usually, symptoms of cranial nerve dysfunction correlate well with tumor location in the brainstem—eye movement disorders with lesions of the midbrain; sixth nerve palsy, facial weakness, and facial sensory deficits with pontine lesions; and dysphagia and dysarthria in medullary tumors. In patients with bulbar impairment, sometimes a tracheostomy and nasogastric tube feeding or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy may become necessary. Symptoms can fluctuate, and often patients may deteriorate clinically before radiologic changes are clearly visible because any space-occupying neoplasm within the brainstem can cause some dysfunction because of the high density of critical structures in a very limited space. 1 , 12
Diffuse and Focal Tumors
The most common and typical diffuse brainstem tumor is the DIPG, which is encountered mostly in the pediatric population. 7 These DIPGs have characteristic features on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)—they are hypointense on T1-weighted and hyperintense on T2-weighted images, usually with little or no contrast enhancement. These tumors usually have no clear-cut margin. Generally, the tumors involve the entire pons, which will show signs of swelling, sometimes with exophytic portions. In the 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of brain tumors, DIPGs now constitute a separate entity. 22 Only rarely are they encountered in adult patients. These tumors carry a poor prognosis, with patients having a survival time similar to the clinical course of patients with glioblastomas.
Focal gliomas are demarcated lesions. They can be solid or cystic, and in the vast majority of cases there is a clear-cut interface between the tumor and brainstem parenchyma. Most focal gliomas show contrast enhancement, and the majority correspond to low-grade tumors. They tend to originate more frequently within the midbrain and medulla oblongata, and they represent only approximately 9% of tumors arising within the pons. 23
Neuroradiologic Evaluation
Computed tomography played a role in evaluating patients with brainstem tumors until the 1980s, 13 when it was rapidly replaced by MRI, which became the main diagnostic tool. MRI gives a first and very clear impression about the site, extent, and direction of tumor growth, as well as other morphological features, such as whether the lesion is focal, diffuse, solid, or cystic. Thus, MRI allowed clinicians to establish a more precise characterization of brainstem gliomas and to identify tumor location and the biological behavior of brainstem tumors. 2
Typically, diffuse low-grade gliomas appear on MRI as infiltrative and poorly demarcated tumors in the medulla (60%) and in the pons (30%). Images are isointense or hypointense on T1-weighted MRI and hyperintense on T2-weighted or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images. They usually lack contrast enhancement. Sometimes infiltration along the middle cerebellar peduncle into the cerebellum or directly into the midbrain can be observed. Malignant brainstem gliomas in adults appear as contrast-enhancing tumors accompanied by perifocal edema. The ring-like enhancement on MRI suggests intralesional necrosis. Often differential diagnosis is necessary because other pathologic entities resemble this type of brain-stem glioma with similar contrast enhancement (lymphoma, inflammatory disease, abscess, metastasis, demyelinating disease, ependymoma, hemangioblastoma, and infarction). Focal tectal brainstem gliomas are well-defined lesions in the tectal plate or in the periaqueductal region. These tumors appear as isointense or hypointense on T1-weighted images and as hyper-intense on T2-weighted images. Contrast enhancement is usually not present. Typically, they remain morphologically stable for many years. An exophytic brainstem glioma often appears as a mass originating from the floor of the fourth ventricle. Such lesions can be misdiagnosed as ependymoma or choroid plexus papilloma in cases of contrast enhancement.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy can be useful for differential diagnosis, similar to its use in patients with supratentorial lesions. Salmaggi et al 18 first reported the elevation of the choline/N-acetyl-aspartate ratio in adult brainstem gliomas. However, the application of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the brainstem is limited so far by the relatively small size of the brainstem and by the close vicinity of adjacent skull base structures, such as bone and fat tissue. Single-voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy is currently used to evaluate pontine lesions with a diameter of more than 2 cm. 3 , 21
Fluorodeoxyglucose and fluoroethyl-L-tyrosine positron emission tomography (FDG-PET and FET-PET, respectively) can be effective in detecting the aggressive part of a brainstem glioma. It is known that neoplastic lesions show significantly higher 18F-FET uptake than nonneoplastic lesions. In all gliomas, 18F-FET uptake is observed in about 80% of grade I gliomas, 92% of both grade II and grade III gliomas, and 100% of grade IV gliomas. 21 , 24 Therefore, FET-PET can be used to distinguish a low-grade glioma from a high-grade brainstem lesion or to define the biopsy target and the extent of surgical resection.
Tumor Classification
Since the 1980s, various brainstem tumor classifications based on tumor location, growth pattern, and histopathologic criteria have been introduced. Epstein and McCleary 5 and Epstein and Wisoff 6 , 7 were the first to classify brainstem tumors according to their appearance on computed tomography; other authors followed with slightly modified classifications. The authors’ main purpose was to identify those patients who might benefit from tumor resection surgery. In 1985, Epstein et al 25 distinguished three tumor types according to their growth pattern: exophytic (subdivided into diffuse, focal, and cervicomedullary types), intrinsic (subdivided into cerebellopontine angle, brachium pontis, and fourth ventricle types), and disseminated. In the 1990s, a new classification system based on MRI described the management of brainstem gliomas. 2 This improved imaging technique enabled identification of tumor location and better understanding of their biological behavior. 2 MRI-dependent classification was also proposed for brainstem gliomas in adults, distinguishing diffuse intrinsic low-grade tumors, enhancing malignant gliomas, focal tectal gliomas, and exophytic gliomas. 3 , 21 Because biopsy or open surgery was often considered inappropriate in adult patients with diffusely infiltrating gliomas, this type of MRI-based classification remained important in the management of brainstem gliomas in adults.
The 2016 WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System
In previous editions of the WHO classification of tumors of the central nervous system (CNS), tumors were always classified only on the basis of their morphological characteristics, relying on the histopathologic appearance of tumors using light microscopy and the immunohistochemical expression of certain proteins in tumor cells. 22 , 26 Significant improvements in the field of molecular pathology during the past two decades achieved by surrogate genotyping assays and high-throughput technologies, such as next-generation sequencing, allowed for many genetic alterations that underlie the genesis of CNS tumors to be identified and opened new horizons for a novel classification concept of these neoplasms. 26 , 27 The idea of using these newly identified molecular features in tumor classification was first applied in the 2016 version of the WHO classification of CNS tumors, where genetic parameters were combined with histologic characteristics to offer a combined phenotypic-genotypic diagnostic concept. As a result, dramatic modifications occurred in some tumor category classifications. Thus, a number of previously known tumor entities were eliminated and several new entities were defined on the basis of their similar genetic features. For example, the diffuse H3 K27M-mutant midline glioma is a new molecularly defined entity carrying mutations in the K27 position of the genes encoding histone proteins H3.3 (H3F3A), H3.1 (HIST1H3B), and H3.2 (HIST1H3C). 27 These tumors with a predominantly astrocytic appearance, including those previously referred to as DIPGs, are more common in children and grow in all midline CNS structures, preferentially in the thalamus, brainstem, and spinal cord. 22 They correspond to WHO grade IV even though their morphological appearance ranges from a diffuse low-grade to a highly malignant glioma.
Oligodendrogliomas encountered a dramatic alteration in the 2016 WHO classification. These diffusely infiltrating gliomas are now genetically defined through evidence of mutation in the IDH gene together with co-deletion of chromosomal arms 1p/19q, regardless of presence or absence of a partial or dominant astrocytic differentiation in histology. With respect to this definition, the diagnosis of oligoastrocytoma (grade II or III) is now strongly discouraged. Except for rare “true” cases of oligoastrocytomas reported in the literature, only oligoastrocytoma NOS (not otherwise specified) is an offered diagnosis in case of testing failure or absence of appropriate diagnostic genetic assays. 22 , 26 , 27
Anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma WHO grade III is another new entity that has replaced the previously known pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma with anaplastic features. 22 Among the mixed neuronal-glial tumors, diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumor is a newly defined entity; it was formerly also known as diffuse oligodendroglial leptomeningeal tumor because of its oligodendroglioma-like morphology. Meanwhile, the newly identified genetic alterations in these tumors, including BRAF-KIAA1549 duplications and deletions, are found in a similar fashion in pilocytic astrocytomas. 22 , 27
History of Management
Since the early years of neurosurgery, a brainstem neoplasm was regarded as an inoperable tumor. Accordingly, even if neurosurgical interventions in brainstem tumors were considered, they were not primarily directed at tumor removal but occasionally were directed at reducing the increased intracranial pressure or at obtaining tumor tissue for histopathologic diagnosis and rarely were directed at tumor debulking to improve the clinical situation. Walker et al 12 mentioned that surgery of brainstem tumors in children should not be termed “impossible” but rather “unhelpful.” Management of brainstem tumors mainly consisted of combined radiochemotherapy. 1 Surgical treatment of adult brainstem gliomas has been mentioned in the literature only since 1968, 28 but there is no consensus among specialists regarding the optimal treatment.
According to Reyes-Botero et al, 3 each type of adult glioma requires a different treatment principle. In adults with diffuse intrinsic low-grade gliomas, total resection is regarded as technically impossible. MRI-guided stereotactic biopsy is recommended to obtain a histologic diagnosis. Radiotherapy is the standard treatment for this subgroup of adult brainstem gliomas, similar to treatment applied for pediatric DIPGs. The conventional radiotherapy is performed with a median dose of 50 to 55 Gy. Chemotherapy has not proven to be effective for this type of adult glioma. The median survival of adults with diffuse intrinsic low-grade gliomas is 4.9 to 7.3 years. 3
In enhancing malignant adult brainstem gliomas, only a limited biopsy or shunt replacement is considered. Radiotherapy does not have a significant effect on this subgroup. Chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy can be an option. Theeler et al 19 demonstrated that the standard Stupp regimen for brain-stem glioblastomas was effective in comparison with no treatment, but there is no prospective study that strongly supports the efficacy of chemotherapy in this subgroup of adult brain-stem glioma. Focal tectal brainstem glioma forms a different group of brainstem tumors with good prognosis; median survival among patients who receive this diagnosis is more than 10 years. Usually, observation is deemed appropriate, sometimes with shunt placement. Exophytic brainstem glioma is regarded as an extremely rare subgroup in adults; in only a few cases have lesions been found to extend into the fourth ventricle, which then allowed the lesions to become amenable to surgical resection. These treatment recommendations are based only on radiologic images. Because of the small number of patients with adult brainstem gliomas reported in the literature and the lack of histologic verification, the value of such treatment strategies has yet to be elucidated.
Role of Open Surgery
Until the 1980s, brainstem gliomas in children or adults were considered absolutely nonsurgically treated diseases. However, during the 1980s, several neurosurgeons began to operate on certain brainstem gliomas and subsequently reported their results. 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 These reports introduced the notion that open surgery is suitable in select patients with brainstem gliomas.
In 1999, Walker et al 12 mentioned the role of surgery in brain-stem tumors. They considered tumor debulking for midbrain tectal gliomas, for other focal gliomas in the midbrain and pons, as well as for exophytic pontine gliomas. If stereotactic biopsy was not possible for a certain reason, open surgery was considered for histologic examination. Diffuse gliomas, however, were excluded from surgical consideration.
In 2003, Jallo et al 2 also noted that surgery for brainstem glioma could be achieved successfully when careful attention was paid to proper selection of the patients. Their indication criteria for surgery were focal, dorsally exophytic, and cervicomedullary lesions. Patients with diffuse infiltrating gliomas were not considered surgical candidates.
In the 2010s, several reports focusing on adult brainstem glioma were published. 14 , 15 , 17 , 19 The percentage of surgical resection ranged from 9.7% to 33%. Zhang et al 13 noted a consensus regarding the role of surgery for brainstem glioma. In their experience, patients with dorsally exophytic tumors could be treated well with surgery and often could be cured. Cervicomedullary gliomas are mostly low-grade tumors, and surgery seems effective in improving the patient’s prognosis. Focal midbrain and medulla oblongata gliomas are mostly low-grade tumors; surgery for these tumors is safe as well, but it does not significantly improve the prognosis. Focal pontine gliomas are mostly high-grade tumors; therefore, surgery is not considered feasible in this subgroup. 13
Role of Stereotaxy
Until the 1990s, stereotaxy was used as an invasive tool to obtain a precise histopathologic diagnosis, 13 , 29 but it was thereafter replaced by MRI. Stereotactic brainstem biopsy is regarded as a relatively safe procedure with a morbidity rate of 4% and rare mortality. 30 Radiologic diagnosis in the brainstem region is sometimes inaccurate; for instance, 30% of low-grade brainstem gliomas diagnosed radiologically turned out to be another type of disease, such as different tumors, inflammation, or vascular diseases. 31 Accordingly, stereotactic biopsy within the brainstem has been recommended in addition to radiologic examination by several authors. 30 , 31 , 32 Although the tissue sample obtained by stereotactic biopsy is relatively small and may not represent the entire lesion, its significance was reevaluated in the late 2000s 13 and, in light of modern molecular neuropathology, has also been reevaluated more recently. 19
Role of Steroid Medication
Dexamethasone medication can improve life-threatening symptoms for a short period by reducing elevated intracranial pressure, but in the long term it is associated with significant adverse effects, such as progressive Cushing syndrome and mood problems. 33 , 34 Therefore, once dexamethasone has exerted its positive effect, it is better to reduce or completely discontinue the treatment.
Role of Radiotherapy
Radiotherapy is the upfront standard treatment for adult brainstem glioma and for pediatric DIPG. Conventional radiotherapy is performed with a median dose of 54 to 60 Gy. However, the prognosis in pediatric patients is very poor with a median survival time of 12 to 18 months. 21 In contrast to the dismal results in pediatric patients with DIPG, radiotherapy produces neurologic improvement and prolongs the survival time to between 6 and 7 years in adults with diffuse brainstem gliomas. Clinical improvement is seen in at least 60% of cases of adult diffuse brain-stem glioma in contrast to only 3% in malignant brainstem glioma cases. 21 Re-irradiation can be an option for recurrent brainstem glioma in adults. 1
Role of Chemotherapy
Since the 1980s, most trials of chemotherapy alone failed to show prolonged survival time in patients with brainstem glioma. 12 The main agents used for treatment of this disease were carmustine, lomustine, procarbazine plus lomustine plus vincristine, vincristine, cisplatin, carboplatin, and temozolomide. 17 For pediatric DIPG, chemotherapy failed to show any efficacy when used in addition to radiotherapy. 35 , 36 So far, no chemotherapy without radiation is considered sufficiently effective for adult or pediatric brainstem gliomas. 17
Theeler et al 19 reported that adult patients harboring tumors histologically diagnosed as brainstem glioblastoma and treated with a Stupp regimen had a longer survival time than those who did not receive this treatment (23.1 months vs 4.0 months, respectively). Despite the small number of patients (28 individuals), this study provides the best supporting data for chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy. 1 In some instances, temozolomide medication is used in patients with adult brainstem glioma in combination with radiotherapy. Bevacizumab is effective in reducing the vasogenic edema around the lesion. Patients receiving dexamethasone for a long time can taper the dosage when bevacizumab is used at the same time. 1 It is expected that histologic and molecular knowledge of this disease will continue developing in the future, with the perspective that new and more efficient chemotherapeutic agents will become available.
Author’s Patient Series
During the past two decades, in addition to treating brain-stem gliomas, the senior author (H.B.) has also surgically treated around 250 patients who harbored intrinsic brainstem cavernous malformations. This vast experience with exposing and removing such intrinsic vascular malformations 37 proved to be most valuable for brainstem glioma surgery as well, both in adults and in children.
In this chapter, the authors focus only on the adult patient population with brainstem gliomas. This population constitutes a personal series of 73 adults treated by the senior author, who performed all surgical procedures. Table 13.2 gives an overview of the distribution of various tumor types within the three portions of the brainstem, as seen in this patient series, with typical examples shown in Fig. 13.1 . Table 13.3 summarizes the histopathologic tumor entities encountered in this patient series. As additional information and for comparison, this table offers the number of brainstem tumors found in pediatric patients treated surgically during the same period (not further analyzed in this chapter).

Histology | No. of adult patients | No. of pediatric patients |
Pilocytic astrocytoma | 22 | 21 |
Anaplastic astrocytoma | 21 | 6 |
Fibrillary astrocytoma | 10 | 6 |
Glioblastoma | 6 | 4 |
Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor | 4 | 1 |
Diffuse astrocytoma | 4 | 2 |
Anaplastic ganglioglioma | 2 | 0 |
Ganglioglioma | 1 | 7 |
Papillary glioneuronal tumor | 1 | 0 |
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma | 1 | 1 |
Anaplastic oligodendroglioma | 1 | 1 |
Total no. of patients | 73 | 49 |
Patient Selection
Deciding whether surgery is indicated in a specific case is one of the most difficult aspects in brainstem glioma management. Because no widely accepted criteria are available, patient selection was highly individualized and based on the senior author’s experience and subjective estimation of each individual case. He took great care to identify those individuals for whom a real benefit from surgery could be expected and, conversely, to exclude from microsurgical management those for whom surgery was predicted to be unhelpful. Patients in this series were selected as surgical candidates in the majority of cases when the tumor appeared as a focal lesion, when it was estimated that at least a significant amount of tumor mass could be removed without adding substantial morbidity by surgical manipulation within the brainstem, and when concomitant long-term survival or even cure was deemed possible. In very few cases was it considered favorable to undertake only an open tumor biopsy to clarify the histopathologic diagnosis (in recent years, based on molecular criteria), to perform an endoscopic third ventriculostomy in case of obstructive hydrocephalus, or to release local pressure by evacuating an associated compressive tumor cyst.
Goals of Surgery
The main goal of surgery was to remove as much of the tumor mass as possible without additional damage to the brainstem parenchyma, with the hope of offering the patient much more than just good palliative care. In low-grade tumors, particularly pilocytic astrocytomas, rosette-forming glioneuronal tumors, and papillary glioneuronal tumors, even total tumor removal was possible in many patients, provided the tumor had not yet extensively invaded the brainstem. In the majority of such cases, we encountered a well-defined tumor-brainstem interface that enabled precise dissection. In other tumor types, for instance in diffuse or in high-grade gliomas, total tumor removal was not even attempted because of the lack of a clear-cut tumor border. In these latter cases, a significant tumor debulking was considered favorable for the patient in addition to obtaining a precise histopathologic diagnosis.
Timing of Surgery
Once a brainstem glioma was diagnosed and the patient was determined to be a good surgical candidate, tumor resection was undertaken at the earliest convenience to avoid further tumor growth. In a few patients with concomitant occlusive hydrocephalus, however, it seemed useful to apply cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion (endoscopic third ventriculostomy or placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt) before tumor resection to facilitate the main surgical procedure that followed 1 to 2 weeks later. A similar tactic has been employed by others. 38
Preoperative Planning
After careful assessment of the surgical resectability of a brain-stem tumor, the entire surgical procedure was meticulously planned. High-quality neuroradiologic imaging provided the basic morphological features of the lesion to be treated. Once these details were available, it was important to plan the surgical intervention in the reverse order of how the procedure would later be performed; first, the optimal entry zone into the brainstem was assessed, particularly in patients with nonexophytic lesions that would not be readily visible on the surface of the brainstem. This was followed by the second step, namely choosing an adequate exposure of the brainstem via the most suitable surgical approach. In patients with exophytic lesions, the decision for the optimal surgical approach was easier, as the lesion and the direction of its expansion dictated the choice of the best access route. Once the decision for the surgical approach was taken, patient positioning and skin incision were easily planned in a third step.
Care was taken to ensure that patients and families provided informed consent and fully understood the aim of surgery and the possibilities of tumor resection in each specific case, the amount of tumor that might safely be removed, and the risks of the scheduled surgical intervention. Additionally, the expected immediate surgical outcome and the necessity of postoperative adjuvant therapies were explained in detail.
Anesthesia, Intraoperative Guidance, and Monitoring
Details of the planned surgical procedure were always discussed with the anesthetist before surgery. It was important to avoid excessive venous congestion during the procedure by proper patient positioning, and adequate anesthesia facilitated achieving this goal. During surgical exposure and manipulation around the tentorium or within the brainstem, patients occasionally developed a vagal reaction with sudden bradycardia or a sudden rise in blood pressure. Therefore, the anesthetist was prepared for such events, and, if necessary, took appropriate action.
Intraoperative guidance using a neuronavigation system was applied in some cases; however, its benefit was limited in brainstem gliomas, and the navigation system was not always sufficiently reliable. We considered it more advantageous to identify well-known anatomical landmarks during surgery. The topographic anatomy of the brainstem with the exit points of cranial nerve rootlets offered valuable information for precise intraoperative orientation.
In contrast, electrophysiological monitoring during brain-stem glioma surgery is a most powerful tool that we consider mandatory for such procedures. In all instances, we routinely monitored motor, somatosensory, and auditory evoked potentials throughout the entire surgical intervention. 39 Depending on which region of the brainstem was exposed, mapping of the rhomboid fossa 40 and cranial nerve electromyography were applied as well. In three patients, intraoperative MRI was used and found to be most helpful in identifying residual tumor portions that were not easily recognized during surgery.
Selection of Surgical Approaches and Patient Positioning
The surgical approaches used in the present patient series are listed in Table 13.4 . We selected the most suitable surgical approach in each individual case according to the following criteria: the approach should allow for an optimal viewing trajectory toward the brainstem tumor, in the same direction as the tumor’s longitudinal axis, if applicable; venous congestion during surgery should be avoided; and the approach should allow for sufficient craniocaudal exposure without excessive compression or retraction of surrounding structures, such as the temporal lobe or cerebellum. The semisitting position has many advantages and is used by other authors as well. 20 When performing surgery on younger patients, we preferred having the patient in the semisitting position whenever it was deemed useful; however, in patients older than 60 years, especially when the patient had associated hydrocephalus, the semisitting position could lead to excessive loss of CSF during surgery and was therefore used with great caution or, more often, the patient was placed in the prone position.
Surgical approach | No. of patients |
Supracerebellar infratentorial | 23 |
Cerebellopontine angle | 16 |
Dorsal midline | 13 |
Subtemporal | 8 |
Transcondylar | 4 |
Telovelar | 3 |
Transcallosal | 2 |
Transcortical transventricular (endoscopy) | 2 |
Frontal interhemispheric | 1 |
Combined supracerebellar and telovelar | 1 |
Tumor exposure for tectal gliomas was undertaken mainly with patients in the semisitting position via the supracerebellar infratentorial route. Focal tectal gliomas were approached via a lateral suboccipital infratentorial trajectory. Tumors involving the midbrain tegmentum have been approached through a subtemporal route. A lateral suboccipital craniotomy with cerebellopontine angle (CPA) exposure was applied for most pontine gliomas. To access the fourth ventricle, we used the midline suboccipital craniotomy and the telovelar approach. For cervicomedullary tumors without an exophytic part or pial presentation, a cervical laminotomy and midline myelotomy were undertaken.
Surgical Approaches to the Midbrain
Midbrain gliomas were exposed anteriorly, laterally, and posteriorly. An anterior lesion of the peduncle and tegmentum that extended into the anterior part of the thalamus and third ventricle was exposed via the anterior frontobasal interhemispheric approach ( Fig. 13.2 ). We have also performed this procedure in treating other lesion types with or without dividing the anterior communicating artery. 41 Intrinsic lesions of the peduncle or midbrain tegmentum were exposed either laterally via the sub-temporal transtentorial approach or dorsolaterally via the lateral supracerebellar infratentorial or transtentorial route. Before sub-temporal exposure of a midbrain tumor, we usually placed an external lumbar CSF drain that facilitated temporal lobe retraction until the ambient cistern was opened. Also, we took great care to preserve bridging veins of the temporal lobe, such as the vein of Labbé and its tributaries ( Fig. 13.3 ).

Lesions of the midbrain tectum were approached via the supracerebellar paraculminal infratentorial exposure, similar to the exposure of pineal region pathology ( Fig. 13.4 ). This surgical exposure required a number of precautions to avoid postoperative acute cerebellar swelling. 42

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