Fig. 9.1
Sensor platform
Security of the Bluetooth Interface
The Bluetooth standard technology is designed to authenticate the connection with a partner where a PIN code is needed. The encryption of the connection is also needed and will be described in the next section.
Deactivation of the Debugger Interface
To avoid the read of the data or the program code from the microcontroller, the debugger interface is destroyed. The Sensor platform disposes of a special interface to update the flash with a program code: the so called “bootloader”. This interface gives no access to the storage and can only be used to transfer a program. However using a software solution for the encryption of the data on SD card will store the secret key in the microcontroller. This means that over the update interface (bootloader) a possible attack could be done to get the secret key. Therefore in the case of using an encryption of the local storage it is advisable that this interface is destroyed as well.
Attacks over the Power Supply Interface
Attacks over the power supply are normally made in laboratory to get a secret key that is not changing and need to use measurement instruments direct on the sensor. In the case of a CPS using data encryption, the secret key is changing periodically with respect to new measurements. The secret key is needed while saving the data on the local storage and so this kind of attacks will be noticed by the user of the sensor. Design Alternatives for Mobile Cryptography
Assuming acquired data from the CPS sensors are stored on a SD card, encrypted should be used to avoid possible abuse, if the sensor has been loss and the data fall in the “wrong hand” or if the sensor was intentionally stolen from the patient. In the following possible design alternatives for mobile cryptography are described.
Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)
An application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) is an integrated circuit customized for a particular-purpose use. An ASIC can include all the needed end-to-end security such as the cryptography algorithms, the key management or all the methods to avoid a hardware manipulation [1].
Hardware Based Crypto Accelerator
Hardware based crypto accelerator are special chip designed to handle cryptographic algorithm with a high transfer rate. Respective chips can be plugged into the central processor of a computer and assume the encryption and decryption of the data. In this area the most important things for the developer is to get a higher data rate as well as to minimize the power consumption [2].
Software Based Solution
All cryptographic algorithm and key handling can be implemented on a mobile system in a software form. Because of the high processing power, complex asymmetric methods are not possible to implement on limited embedded microcontrollers found in WSN platforms like the TI MSP 430 used in various respective implementations. Symmetric and asymmetric methods using a few complex mathematic operations are appropriate for implementation on an embedded microcontroller [3, 4].
For the encryption of the CPS sensor data, software solution based on a symmetric AES algorithm are presented as a commercial solution by key WSN processing chip manufactures like Texas Instruments offering the following features. Texas Instruments AES Crypto Software for the MSP 430
Texas Instruments offers a performance optimized software implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This implementation is designed for the 16 bit RISC architecture of the Texas Instruments MSP 430 controller family and it is provide as a C interface. In the following the description of the TI AES crypto feature [5]:
AES-128 and AES-256 encryption and decryption in ECB mode
On-the fly roundkey generation
Automatic decryption key calculation
AES-128 encryption in 5432 cycles decryption in 8802 cycles
AES-256 encryption in 7552 cycles decryption in 12,258 cycles
Codesize for AES-128 is 2536 bytes
Codesize for AES-256 is 2830 bytes
Codesize for AES-128 & AES-256 is 3992 bytes Attacks on Computer and Infrastructure
Because the sensors will be configured on a computer and the data from the sensor could be extracted from the local storage on a computer: the computer itself and the infrastructure connected to it are also part of the security even if the data are encrypted. The encryption supposes the existence of a secure environment to be efficient: for example to avoid the interception of the secret key.
Computer: The main threat in this context is the possible existence of malware and virus on the computer that is used to configure or extract the data. This can lead behind the interception of the encryption secret key to a possible lose of the data.
LAN and Internet connection: Through the network connection on a Workgroup infrastructure or over the internet an interception or manipulation of the dataflow on the same network is possible.
To avoid those attacks the sensor configuration must be done on a high secure infrastructure (e.g. Hospital) and not at home on a private computer. Concerning the data extraction the data decryption occurs also only at the hospital on a high secure environment or on the server. This depends on where the secret key will be generated. Evaluation and Conclusion
In general the security of the data is realized by the anonymisation of the data. That means only an Id of the person is saved on the local storage of the sensor. In the unlikely case that a physical attack takes place data is secured by the following mechanisms:
Data is saved without file system
Data is saved on a binary format
No information about the data format (Sampling rate, LSB value …)
Knowledge on the data compression algorithm is need to extract the data
9.2 Wireless Sensor Network Secure and Efficient Communication
9.2.1 Requirements
In this section critical concepts regarding the implementation of security control will be presented from a system wide perspective. In later sections detailed analysis will be provided following a more technical aspect regarding networking, WSN and Bluetooth based network aspects. Access Control
The goal of access control is to allow access by authorized individuals and devices and to disallow access to all others. Access should be authorized and provided only to individuals whose identity is established, and their activities should be limited to the minimum required for respective purposes. An effective control mechanism includes numerous controls to safeguard and limits access to key information system assets at all layers in the network stack. Access Rights Administration
System devices, programs, and data are system resources. Each system resource may need to be accessed by individuals (users) in order for work to be performed. Access beyond the minimum required for work to be performed exposes the systems and information to a loss of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Accordingly, the goal of access rights administration is to identify and restrict access to any particular system resource to the minimum required for work to be performed. Authentication
Authentication is the verification of identity by a system based on the presentation of unique credentials to that system. The unique credentials are in the form of something the user knows, something the user has, or something the user is. Those forms exist as shared secrets, tokens, or biometrics. More than one form can be used in any authentication process. Authentication that relies on more than one form is called multi-factor authentication and is generally stronger than any single-factor authentication method. Authentication contributes to the confidentiality of data and the accountability of actions performed on the system by verifying the unique identity of the system user.
Authentication over the WSN based CPS delivery channel presents unique challenges. That channel does not benefit from physical security and controlled computing and communications devices like internal local area networks (LANs), and is used by people whose actions cannot be controlled. It should be considered the use of single-factor authentication in that environment, as the only control mechanism, to be inadequate for high-risk transactions involving access to patient information or the movement of healthcare information to other parties. Authentication does not provide assurance that the initial identification of a system user is correct. Encryption
Encryption is used to secure communications and data storage particularly, authentication credentials and the transmission of sensitive information. It can be used throughout technological environment, including the operating systems, middleware, applications, file systems, and communications protocols. Encryption can be used as a preventive control, a detective control, or both. As a prevention control, encryption acts to protect data from disclosure to unauthorized parties. As a detective control, encryption is used to allow discovery of unauthorized changes to data and to assign responsibility for data among authorized parties. When prevention and detection are joined, encryption is a key control in ensuring confidentiality, data integrity, and accountability.
Properly used, encryption can significantly strengthen the security of a CPS system. Encryption also has the potential, however, to weaken other security aspects. For instance, encrypted data drastically lessens the effectiveness of any security mechanism that relies on inspections of the data, such as anti-virus scanning and intrusion detection systems. When encrypted communications are used, networks may have to be reconfigured to allow for adequate detection of malicious code and system intrusions.
A sensor network is an area with unique requirements compared to a typical network. Therefore, the requirements of the WSN encompass both the typical network requirements and the unique requirements suited solely to wireless sensor networks. To ensure the security of WSNs, the following major security objectives are of paramount importance. Privacy
Data privacy is the most important issue in network security. Every network with any security focus will typically address this problem first. Privacy is a service that is used to prevent the disclosure of information to unauthorized parties, means that certain information is only accessible to those who have been authorized to access it, and keep them secret from all other entities that do not have required privileges. Privacy is achieved using cryptography through the use of symmetric or asymmetric cipher algorithms able render the information unintelligible except by authorized entities. The information may become intelligible again by using decryption. From a user point of view this requires the authenticated communicating parties to have the required keys. Authentication-Integrity
Authentication is a service that is used to establish the origin of information. Essentially ensures that participants in communication are genuine and not impersonators. It is necessary for the communication participants to prove their identities as what they have claimed using some techniques so as to ensure the authenticity. If there is no such authentication mechanism, the adversary could impersonate a benign node and thus get access to confidential resources, or even propagate fake messages to disturb the normal network operations. Packet integrity pertains to the assurance that data are not modified or in any way tampered with between transmitter and receiver entities. Most commonly, authentication is provided by digital signatures or message authentication codes. Authorization
Authorization is a process in which an entity is issued a credential, which specifies the privileges and permissions it has and cannot be falsified, by the certificate authority. Normally, authorization is granted following a process of authentication. A non-cryptographic analog of the interaction between authentication and authorization is the examination of an individual’s credentials to establish their identity (authentication); upon proving identity, the individual is then provided with the key or password that will allow access to specific resources, such as a locked room (authorization). Authentication can be used to authorize a role rather than to identify an individual. Once authenticated to a role, an entity is authorized for all the privileges associated with the role. Availability
Availability ensures that a node should maintain its ability to provide all the designed services regardless of the security state of it. This security criterion is challenged mainly during the denial-of-service attacks, in which all the nodes in the network can be the attack target and thus some selfish nodes make some of the network services unavailable.
9.2.2 Challenges
In this section, major types of attacks in WSN are depicted. Wireless Sensors Network has commonalities with a usual computer networks. Because sensors have limited capabilities like computational power, memory size, etc, they are exposed to attacks and make it easy to collapse when basic security is not provided. In this section, we will do a small reference to most popular attacks like DoS, Sybil Attack, traffic Analysis Attack, Node Replication attack and Privacy attacks that could easily affect WSN networks in the contest of CPS systems used in medical application scenarios. Denial of Service
A DoS attack or Denial of Service [8] is the most well known attack in communication networks and services. Therefore, this type of attack can harm or destroy completely a WSN. As DoS is characterized any event that diminish or eliminate a network’s capacity to perform its expected function. Some of these events are hardware failures, software bugs, resource exhaustion, environmental conditions, or any complicated interaction between these factors. Although attackers commonly use the Internet to exploit software bugs when making DoS attacks, here is considered primarily protocol- or design-level vulnerabilities.
Determining if a fault or collection of faults is the result of an intentional DoS attack presents a concern of its own—one that becomes even more difficult in large-scale deployments, which may have a higher nominal failure rate of individual nodes. An intrusion-detection system monitors a host or network for suspicious activity patterns such as those that match some pre-programmed or possibly learned rules about what constitutes normal or abnormal behavior. Sybil Attack
Sybil Attack [9–11] is a particularly dangerous attack against sensor networks and CPS platforms. A malicious node, which is called the Sybil node, illegitimately claims multiple false identities by either fabricating new identities or impersonating existing ones. Sybil attack’s goal is to gain a disproportionate amount of influence over the network via its false identities. In the worst case, an attacker may generate an arbitrary number of additional node identities, using only one physical device. The result is especially harmful, because often these attacks are the home gateway to other attacks (such as those on resource exhaustion, voting, etc.). Traffic Analysis Attack
A sensor network has a base station and a number of nodes. Each node processes data that it received from its group of neighboring sensor nodes and sends that processed data to the base station through multiple hops. The most critical part of a sensor network is the base station as all the relevant data collected by the sensor nodes are directed towards the base station where the data is aggregated and processed. So if an adversary can detect the base station and compromise it, the entire WSN will be rendered useless [12].
Adversary is guided by anyone of the following motives (for WSN) [13]:
Data Benefit: Gain access to the sensitive data being transmitted or monitored.
Mission interference: Intent to damage the WSN rather than gain access to the relayed data.
If these are the motives, it is obvious that detecting and compromising the base station will be of most benefit to it. Since the centre of data aggregation is the base station, to compromise the base station it will be able to access the majority of data flowing through the network. Also by rendering the base station non-functional, the entire WSN will collapse. Node Replication Attack
An application-independent attack unique to wireless sensor networks is the node replication attack [14–16]. An adversary prepares its own low-cost sensor nodes and induces them to the network to accept them as legitimate ones. For a successful attack, the adversary only needs to capture one node physically, reveal its secret credentials, replicate the node in large quantity, and deploy these malicious nodes back into the network so as to subvert the network with little effort. Privacy Attacks
Wireless sensor networks and even more in CPS used in medical applications can be used to determine the activities of daily living and provide data for longitudinal studies and this poses opportunities to violate privacy [17, 18]. The importance of securing such systems will continue to rise as their adoption rate increases. In addition to policy and database query privacy violations, WSNs are susceptible to new side channel privacy attacks that gain information by observing the radio transmissions of sensors to deduce private activities, even when the transmissions are encrypted. This physical layer attack needs only the time of transmission and the fingerprint of each message, where a fingerprint is a set of features of an RF waveform that are unique to a particular transmitter. Thus, this is called the fingerprint and timing based snooping (FATS) attack. To execute a FATS attack, an adversary eavesdrops on the sensors’ radio to collect the timestamps and fingerprints of all radio transmissions. The adversary then uses the fingerprints to associate each message with a unique transmitter, and uses multiple phases of inference to deduce the location and type of each sensor. Once this is known, various private user activities and health conditions can be inferred.
Furthermore, Wireless Sensor Networks are notorious for strict constraints and scarce resource availability compared to a traditional computer network comprising an additional set of challenges. Due to these constraints it is difficult to directly employ the existing security approaches to the area of wireless sensor networks. Therefore, prior to developing useful security mechanisms while borrowing the ideas from the current security techniques, it is necessary to know and understand these constraints.

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