Chapter 17 Sleep Disorders
In sleeping individuals, the PSG simultaneously records:
• Cerebral activity through several electroencephalogram (EEG) channels
• Ocular movements through bilateral ocular channels (ROC and LOC)
• Chin, limb, or other muscle movement and tone through an electromyogram (EMG)
PSG studies readily distinguish two phases of sleep. A rapid eye movement (REM) phase consists of dream-filled sleep accompanied by brisk, conjugate, and predominantly horizontal rapid conjugate eye movements and flaccid limb paralysis. A nonrapid eye movement (NREM) phase consists of relatively long stretches of essentially dreamless sleep accompanied, approximately every 15 minutes, by repositioning movements of the body (Table 17-1).
Normal Sleep
REM Sleep
Except for the eye movements and normal breathing, people in REM sleep remain immobile with paretic, flaccid, and areflexic muscles. EMGs recorded from chin and limb muscles, which are a standard placement, show no electric activity (Fig. 17-1). This paralysis is fortuitous because it prevents people from acting out their dreams.
FIGURE 17-1 Polysomnography of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep displays nine channels, each of which monitors a physiologic function. The EEG has low-voltage, fast activity similar to the EEG activity of awake individuals. The electro-oculogram (EOG) channel – ROC-LOC – reflects several REMs by large-scale, quick fluctuations. Electromyograms (EMGs) of the chin and right anterior tibialis muscles show virtually no activity, which indicates an absence of muscle movement and tone (flaccid paresis). The microphone detects a snore. The regular, undulating airway and diaphragm recordings indicate normal breathing and air movement.
Nuclei in the pons generate the basic physical elements of REM sleep, and the peri-locus ceruleus, situated immediately adjacent to locus ceruleus, abolishes muscle tone (see Chapters 18 and 21). In other words, an active process, rather than simply relaxation, produces REM sleep’s characteristic paresis as well as the characteristic ocular movement.
NREM Sleep
Other distinguishing features of NREM sleep relate to the motor system. Individuals in NREM sleep have conspicuous repositioning movements of their body, relatively normal muscle tone, and preserved deep tendon reflexes. Their chin and limb muscles display readily detectable EMG activity (Fig. 17-2).
FIGURE 17-2 The polysomnogram of N1 stage sleep, which neurologists previously called stage l nonrapid eye movement sleep, shows low-voltage, 7-Hz activity. The ROC-LOC channel shows occasional slow ocular movement (i.e., no rapid eye movement activity). The chin electromyogram shows continual low-voltage activity that reflects persistent muscle tone.
During daytime, sleep latency shrinks to its shortest duration during the afternoon, at approximately 4:00 PM. However, numerous psychologic and physical factors may alter it. In fact, short sleep latencies characterize several sleep disorders (Box 17-1).
Once asleep, normal individuals enter NREM sleep and pass in succession through its three stages. After 90–120 minutes of NREM sleep, they enter the initial REM period. Abnormalities in the interval between falling asleep to the first REM period, the REM latency, characterize several sleep disorders, particularly narcolepsy (Box 17-2).
Box 17-2
Shortened or Sleep-Onset Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Latency*
The NREM–REM cycle repeats throughout the night with a periodicity of approximately 90 minutes. REM periods develop four or five times in total, but in the latter half of the night, they lengthen and occur more frequently (Fig. 17-3). Also, in the latter half, when the tendency toward REM sleep peaks, body temperature falls to its lowest point (the nadir). The final REM period typically merges with awakening. Consequently, people can most easily recall their final dream, which may incorporate surrounding morning household activities. In addition, because of residual REM influence, men’s erections often persist on awakening.
FIGURE 17-3 In the conventional representation of a normal night’s sleep pattern – its sleep architecture or hypnogram – the first rapid eye movement (REM) period starts approximately 90 minutes after sleep begins and lasts about 10 minutes. Later in the night, REM periods recur more frequently and have longer duration. Nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep progresses through its three stages (N1–N3).
Without external clues, an “internal biological clock,” centered in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, would set the daily (circadian) sleep–wake cycle at 24.5–25 hours (Fig. 17-4). This nucleus also sets the circadian hormone and metabolic rhythms. When individuals are forced to rely exclusively on their internal biologic clock, as when they volunteer for experiments that isolate them from their environment and its cues, such as living in caves for months, they gradually lengthen their circadian cycle to almost 25 hours and fall asleep later each day.
FIGURE 17-4 When healthy young adults are allowed to sleep and arise at will in rooms protected from time cues, such as clocks, daylight, daytime sounds, and delivery of meals on a fixed schedule, i.e., “free run,” they typically go to sleep later each day (delay their sleep phase) and extend their sleep–wake (circadian) cycle to 24.5– 25 hours, as shown here.
The pineal gland synthesizes melatonin, which is an indolamine, through the following pathway:
Sleep Deprivation
Although various sleep disorders often result in excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), sleep deprivation from social and vocation pressures is, by far, the most common cause of EDS. In quantifying sleepiness, physicians often utilize the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (Box 17-3).
Sleep Disorders
The preliminary version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) lists Sleep–Wake Disorders primarily on the basis of their PSG and other physiologic parameters (Box 17-4). Neurologists follow a more streamlined and better-organized three-category classification, which this book presents: dyssomnias, parasomnias, and medical or psychiatric conditions that produce sleep disorders. Both classifications, which have consistent criteria for the disorders, allow physicians to attribute abnormal sleep-related behavior and thinking to objective, measurable, and reproducible physiologic disturbances.
Intrinsic Sleep Disorders
• Hallucinations on falling asleep (hypnagogic hallucinations) or during sleep (sleep-related hallucinations).
During hypnopompic or hypnagogic hallucinations, patients essentially experience vivid dreams while in a twilight state, but they are technically awake. Hypnopompic or hypnagogic hallucinations qualify as an organic cause of visual hallucinations (see Chapters 9 and 12). As with the other features of narcolepsy, hypnopompic or hypnagogic hallucinations represent REM sleep intruding into people’s wakefulness or at least the transition into wakefulness (Fig. 17-5).
FIGURE 17-5 A narcoleptic attack begins when the electroencephalogram channel shows the low-voltage fast activity of rapid eye movement sleep. The absence of chin electromyogram activity indicates that muscles are flaccid. After several seconds, REMs begin.
Despite their help in counteracting narcolepsy and keeping patients awake, these medicines have little effect on cataplexy. Instead, a rapid-acting hypnotic, oxybate (Xyrem), also known as gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) or the “date rape drug,” reduces cataplexy. In addition, it increases slow-wave sleep. Illicitly prepared oxybate has caused many complications, including profound amnesia, coma, seizures, and, with continued use, addiction (see Chapter 21). Even a pharmaceutical preparation in narcolepsy-cataplexy patients may lead to sleepwalking, enuresis, confusion, and sleepiness. It may also lead to depression in predisposed patients. However, it does not seem to lead to addiction or, on stopping it, rebound insomnia.
Sleep-Disordered Breathing (Sleep Apnea)
The central variety, which is less common, results from reduced or inconsistent CNS ventilatory effort or congestive heart failure. Patients who have survived lateral medullary infarctions and other injuries to the medulla (see Chapter 2), which houses the respiratory drive center, are susceptible to central sleep apnea.
In both children and adults, the combination of EDS and snoring is the classic indication for performing a PSG. In sleep apnea, the PSG shows periods of apnea, arousals, and hypoxia. It detects intermittent loss of air flow despite chest and diaphragm respiratory movements and episodic loud snoring (Fig. 17-6). Because of sleep deprivation, sleep latency and REM latency both shorten and SOREMPs appear. During nighttime sleep, apnea episodes occur in either phase but more frequently during REM sleep because that sleep phase reduces muscle tone.
FIGURE 17-6 In sleep apnea, the polysomnogram shows that oxygen saturation falls during a period of nonrapid eye movement sleep. Hypoxia then triggers a partial arousal, indicated by faster electroencephalogram activity. Diaphragmatic movements reach a crescendo and loud snoring begins. After strenuous diaphragm movements, air moves through the nasal airway and oxygen saturation improves.
Restless Legs Syndrome
An observation that many otherwise healthy individuals with RLS have close relatives with the same problem indicated that RLS has a genetic basis or susceptibility. Indeed, genetic studies revealed a mutation on chromosome 6 in many patients. Studies of D2 receptor binding in the striatum (see Chapter 18) have yielded contradictory results. However, decreased D2 binding in some of them is consistent with a successful therapeutic strategy (see later).
Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
Movements take place at 20–40-second intervals, for episodes of 10 minutes to several hours primarily, but not exclusively, during stages of NREM sleep (Fig. 17-7). Periodic limb movements generally do not arouse patients. Thus, the movements rarely lead to EDS.
FIGURE 17-7 In periodic limb movements, approximately 30-second intervals of synchronous anterior tibialis contractions cause the patient’s ankles to dorsiflex and the electromyogram activity.
Extrinsic Sleep Disorders
Caffeine, the world’s most commonly used stimulant, is a major ingredient in coffee, tea, and soft drinks; chocolate and other foodstuffs; and over-the-counter medicines (Table 17-2). It most likely combats sleepiness by acting as an antagonist to adenosine (see before).
Coffees* | |
Brewed | |
Generic | 80–175 |
Decaffeinated | 2–4 |
Dunkin’ Donuts | 143 |
Espresso† | 100 |
General Foods | |
Café Vienna | 90 |
Swiss Mocha | 55 |
Instant, generic | 60 |
Starbucks, Grande (16 oz) | 330 |
Teas | |
Lipton | |
Brewed | 40 |
Peppermint | 0 |
Celestial Seasonings | |
Ginseng | 50 |
Herbal | 0 |
Generic | |
Black | 45 |
Green | 20 |
White | 15 |
Green tea | 30 |
Snapple | |
Black | 14 |
Lemon, peach | 21 |
Sweet | 8 |
Mistic Lemon | 12 |
Nesta Lemon Sweet | 11 |
Soft Drinks | |
7-Up | |
Regular | 0 |
Diet | 0 |
AMP Energy Drink | 71 |
Cocoa | 2–20 |
Coca-Cola | |
Classic 12 oz | 35 |
Diet 12 oz | 47 |
Dr. Pepper | 28 |
Jolt | 72 |
Mountain Dew 12 oz | 55 |
Pepsi-Cola | 25 |
Sprite | |
Regular | 0 |
Diet | 0 |
Medicines | |
Anacin 2 tablets | 64 |
Coryban-D Cold | 30 |
Excedrin 2 tablets | 130 |
NoDoz 1 tablet max. | 200 |
Vivarin 1 tablet | 200 |
Miscellaneous | |
Ben & Jerry’s Coffee Frozen Yogurt | 85 |
Chocolate‡ | |
Dark | 20 |
Milk | 6 |
Chocolate cake | 20–30 |
Starbucks coffee | |
Icecream | 40–60 |
*For coffees and teas, caffeine content varies by the type of bean or leaf, preparation, and duration of brewing as well as by the size of the serving.
‡One bar, approximately 1.5 oz.