Smoking, tobacco control and doctors

Chapter 42 Smoking, tobacco control and doctors

Smoking and inequalities

In the UK smoking has declined since the 1970s. In 2005, 25% of men and 23% of women smoked cigarettes. This decline has been faster in affluent than poorer groups. Smoking is a major cause of inequalities in health, accounting for over half of the excess deaths due to

Case study

The Massachusetts tobacco control programme

In 1992 voters in Massachusetts agreed that 25 cents be added to the cost of a pack of cigarettes, with the extra revenue to be used to reduce smoking. Subsequently Massachusetts spent about $39 million a year on its tobacco control programme – $6.50 for each person in the state. This was the highest per capita expenditure on tobacco control in the world. The programme was designed to increase quitting, reduce uptake and reduce exposure to SHS. It included:

The data in Figure 2 show a significant reduction in smoking in Massachusetts compared to little change in the rest of the USA (with the exception of California, which had a similar programme). The Massachusetts experience shows that a strongly implemented, well-funded, comprehensive programme can reduce smoking.

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Jun 10, 2016 | Posted by in PSYCHOLOGY | Comments Off on Smoking, tobacco control and doctors

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