Spine and Spinal Cord

18 Spine and Spinal Cord

Low Back Pain and Radiculopathy

1. Complete the following about low back pain and radiculopathy:


G7 p.428:70mm

a. True or False. Bed rest beyond 4 days may be more harmful than helpful for patients with low back pain.



b. True or False. 60% of patients with low back pain will improve clinically within 1 month even without treatment.

false (89 to 90% will improve in 1 month even without treatment)


c. Pure radicular symptoms will include upper motor neuron (UMN) signs or lower motor neuron (LMN) signs?

LMN signs (Radiculopathy will/may show associated decreased reflexes, weakness, and atrophy.)


2. True or False. The percentage of low-risk back pain patients who will improve without treatment in 1 month’s time is


G7 p.428:78mm

a. 10%



b. 20%



c. 90%

true (Most low back patients will resolve and no specific diagnosis can be made in 85% despite aggressive workup.)


d. none



3. The nucleus pulposus is a remnant of the embryonic _____.


G7 p.428:160mm

4. True or False. The following may be considered a nonpathological condition:


G7 p.429:37mm

a. degenerated disc



b. protruded disc



c. bulging disc generalized > 50%

true (Bulging disc is circumferential symmetrical extension of the disc beyond the end plates. Incidence increases with age.)


d. herniated disc



e. focal bulging disc



5. True of False. Gas in the disc usually is a sign of


G7 p.429:37mm

a. disc infection



b. disc generation



c. aka v_____ d_____

vacuum disc


6. An extruded disc where the free fragment is contained by the posterior longitudinal ligament is called a _____ disc.


G7 p.429:95mm

7. Give the definition of a sequestered disc.


G7 p.429:95mm

a. _____disc



b. that has lost _____



c. with its disc of _____



d. also known as a _____ _____

free fragment


8. Provide the Modic classification.


G7 p.430:20mm

a. Type 1 T1W1_____ T2W1_____

↓ ↑


b. Type 2 T1W1_____ T2W1_____

↓ ↑


c. Type 3 T1W1_____ T2W1_____

↓ ↑


9. Kyphosis


G7 p.430:35mm

a. is measured by the _____ angle.



b. Drawn with a line parallel to the



     i. superior end plate of the body _____ and the



     ii. inferior end plate of the body _____.



10. Scoliosis



a. is a measure of _____ of the curvature.


G7 p.430:60mm

b. Drawn with a line parallel to the superior end plate of the _____ body and the



c. inferior end plate of the _____ body involved.



d. Draw _____ to these lines



e. and measure the _____.



11. Oswestry disability index


G7 p.430:105mm

a. is a scale used for _____ _____.

back pain


b. A score of _____% is essentially totally disabled.



c. A functional score is in the _____.



12. Signs of cauda equina syndrome include


G7 p.431:110mm

a. a_____

anesthesia (saddle)


b. b_____

bladder incontinence


c. c_____

continence of stool impaired


d. d_____

dolor leg pain (unilateral/bilateral)


e. l_____

leg weakness (unilateral/bilateral)


13. True or False. Cauda equina syndrome may include the following:


G7 p.431:110mm

a. bladder dysfunction (incontinence or retention)



b. Faber sign or Patrick-Faber sign (flexion abduction external rotation)

false (Positive in hip joint disease and does not exacerbate true nerve root compression.)


c. saddle anesthesia



d. unilateral/bilateral leg weakness/pain



e. fecal incontinence



14. Name the associated nerve root for each of the following:


G7 p.432:28mm

a. great toe strength

L5 and some L4


b. dorsal foot sensation



c. lateral foot sensation



d. medial foot sensation



e. plantar foot sensation



f. Achilles reflex



15. For patients with low back pain, red flags for a serious underlying pathology would include signs consistent with what conditions?


G7 p.432:65mm

Hint: cisc



a. c_____

cauda equina syndrome


b. i_____



c. s_____

spinal fracture


d. c_____



16. Electromyography (EMG) is not helpful to evaluate for myelopathy, myopathy, or nerve root dysfunction unless the symptoms have been present for at least _____ weeks.

3 to 4 (Results are variable before this time.)

G7 p.432:65mm

17. True or False. Regarding plain lumbosacral spine x-rays:


G7 p.434:70mm

a. Are recommended for routine evaluation of back pain



b. When indicated AP and lateral views are usually adequate



c. Unexpected findings occur frequently



d. Gonadal radiation is insignificant



e. Appropriate in patients who have “red flags”



18. True or False. Red flags include


G7 p.434:105mm

a. patients underage 20



b. patients over age 50

false (> 70)


c. drug users



d. diabetics



e. postop urinary tract patients



f. persistent pain for more than 1 week

false (> 4 weeks)


19. Complete the following about low back pain and radiculopathy:


G7 p.435:60mm

a. Signs on MRI that indicate disc degeneration include



     i. increase or decrease of signal intensity on T2-weighted imaging (T2WI)?



     ii. increase or decrease of disc height?



b. Signs on computed tomography (CT) that indicate disc herniation include



     i. increase or decrease of the normal epidural fat?



     ii. _____ of the thecal sac



c. Will CT show loss of concavity, or convexity, of the thecal sac?


G7 p.435:96mm

20. Other useful tests include the following:


G7 p.435:155mm

a. myelogram-CT. Identifies contribution to cause of pressure by _____.



b. discography



     i. reliability_____



     ii. interpretation_____



     iii. false positives_____



     iv. may help in cases of_____ _____if one

multiple discs


     v. produces



21. List five signs of psychosocial distress in back pain, remembering that inappropriate response to any three suggests distress is present.


G7 p.436:138mm

Hint: ppaim



a. p_____

physical exam over reaction


b. p_____

pain on superficial palpation


c. a_____

axial loading produces pain


d. i_____

inconsistent SLR


e. m_____

motor or sensory exam inconsistent


22. Clear indications for urgent lumbar surgery include


G7 p.436:175mm

a. c_____ e_____ s_____

cauda equina syndrome


b. p_____ n_____ d_____

progressive neurological deficit


c. p_____ w_____

profound weakness (motor)


23. True or False. The following conservative therapy treatments have shown proven benefit for patients with back pain:


G7 p.437:40mm

a. epidural steroids



b. transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)



c. traction



d. oral steroids



e. spinal manipulation



f. muscle relaxants


G7 p.438:50mm

24. Is there a risk to the use of Parafon Forte? If so what is the risk?

yes; fatal hepatotoxicity

G7 p.438:62mm

25. True or False. Standard discectomy and microdiscectomy are of similar efficacy.


G7 p.440:25mm

26. Injection of chymopapain into herniated discs for treatment carries a significant risk of_____.


G7 p.440:40mm

27. The patient’s chances of returning to work if off for


G7 p.440:145mm

a. 6 months is_____%



b. 1 year is_____%



c. 2 years is_____%



Intervertebral Disc Herniation

28. Enumerate the changes that occur in the intervertebral disc with increasing age.


G6 p.323:80mm



G5 p.295:120mm

Hint: ddddisc



a. d_____

decrease disc height


b. d_____

decrease in proteoglycan content


c. d_____

desiccation (loss of hydration)


d. d_____

degeneration of mucoid


e. i_____

ingrowth of fibrous tissue


f. s_____

susceptibility to injury


g. c_____

circumferential tears of the annulus


29. Complete the following concerning the aging of a disc:


G5 p.295:121mm

a. What decreases?



     i. _____

proteoglycan content


     ii. _____



b. What increases?



     i. _____

mucoid degeneration


     ii. _____

fibrous tissue ingrowth


c. This results in



     i. _____

annular tears


     ii. _____

nucleus herniation


30. Complete the following about sagittal balance:


G7 p.441:130mm

a. Assessment requires a



     i. s_____



     ii. l_____ and



     iii. f_____ spine x-ray.



b. A plumb line is drawn



     i. from the center of_____



     ii. to the disc space of_____.



     iii. Within_____

3.2 cm ±


     iv. behind the s_____ p_____ is

sacral promontory normal.


31. Typical disc herniation compresses the nerve existing_____.


G7 p.442:100mm

32. True or False. Surgical indications include


G7 p.442:115mm

a. cauda equina syndrome



b. numbness of foot



c. progressive symptoms



d. abnormal MRI



e. neurologic deficits



f. abnormal discogram



g. failed conservative treatment



h. pain when coughing



     i. severe radicular pain for 2 weeks

false (6 weeks)


j. severe back pain



33. The posterior longitudinal ligament


G7 p.442:160mm

a. is strongest in the_____.



b. Therefore, most disc herniations occur off to _____.

one side


34. Complete the following regarding lumbar disc herniation:


G7 p.443:35mm

a. The occurrence of voiding dysfunction in lumbar disc herniation varies from_____to_____%.

1 to 18%


b. Concerning bladder symptoms, what is the sequence from the earliest findings?



     i. d_____ b_____ s_____

decreased bladder sensation


     ii. u_____ u_____

urinary urgency


     iii. i_____ f_____

increased frequency due to increased postvoiding residual


     iv. e_____ and i_____

enuresis (bed wetting) and incontinence are rare


c. Urinary retention with overflow incontinence is suggestive of what diagnosis?

cauda equina compression


35. What is the most sensitive sign of herniated lumbar disc?

the Lasègue sign

G7 p.443:132mm

36. The significance of a positive crossed straight-leg raising sign is


G7 p.443:132mm

a. specificity for nerve root compression of _____%



b. It suggests a more_____HNP.



c. It may correlate with a disc_____ _____ _____ _____ of the contralateral root.

fragment within the axilla


d. Lasègue specificity for root compression is_____%.



e. For crossed Lasègue it is_____%.



37. Describe a positive Lasègue sign.


G7 p.443:155mm

a. Patient’s position is_____.



b. Raise leg by the ankle until_____ _____.

pain elicited


c. Pain occurs below_____degrees.



d. It is positive in_____% herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP).



38. Describe the following techniques to elicit indications of nerve root tension:


G7 p.443:155mm

a. Lasègue sign_____ _____ _____

straight leg raising (SLR)


b. Cram test_____ _____ with _____ _____

extend knee with leg raised


c. Fajersztajn sign _____ _____

crossed SLR (central disc)= 97% HNP (crossed Lasègue test)


d. femoral stretch test_____

prone, knee maximally flexed = L2, L3, L4 root lesions


e. bowstring sign_____ _____ _____ _____

flex knee after SLR, hip pain persists but sciatic pain ceases


f. sitting knee extension_____ _____

sitting SLR


39. Describe the Faber test.


G7 p.444:90mm

a. another name?

Patrick sign


b. perform by?

flexion abduction external rotation


c. positive in?

hip pathology


40. Complete the following regarding the Trendelenburg sign:


G7 p.444:110mm

a. The affected hip_____ when the patient is walking,



b. which indicates the contralateral thigh adductors are _____.



c. This causes the contralateral pelvis to _____,



d. which is caused by a lesion of the_____root.

L5 (Affected hip dips when walking to indicate weakness of contralateral thigh adductors, or while standing on leg with weak adductors causes pelvis to tilt contralateral to weakness [L5 lesion].)


41. Complete the following about crossed adductors sign:


G7 p.444:120mm

a. Crossed adductors sign is positive when knee jerk is elicited and the contralateral thigh_____ _____.

adductors contract


b. If knee jerk is



     i. hyperactive it suggests_____.

UMN lesion


     ii. hypoactive it suggests_____.

pathological spread due to nerve root irritation


42. Complete the following about Hoover’s sign:


G7 p.444:133mm

a. It is a test to learn if patient’s leg weakness is_____.



b. Examiner places hands under patients_____.



c. Patient is asked to lift each leg from the_____.



d. If when lifting the normal leg the weak heel pushes_____.



e. we know the leg has_____



f. and the alleged weakness is_____.



43. For the listed lumbar disc level, what is the frequency of herniated disc syndrome?


G7 p.444:133mm

a. L5-S1_____%

45 to 50%


b. L4-5_____%

40 to 45%


c. L3-4_____%

3 to 10%


44. Name physical findings associated with an L5-S1 disc herniation and where pain radiates.


G7 p.445:50mm

a. reflex, a_____A_____

absent Achilles tendon reflexes


b. motor, g_____w_____

gastrocnemius weakness (plantar flexion)


c. sensory, decreased at l_____m_____and l_____f_____



d. pain, p_____c_____

posterior aspect of calf to the ankle


45. How many vertebrae (presacral) are there in the typical human?


G7 p.173:175mm

46. Name three indicators for emergency lumbar surgery.


G7 p.445:160mm

Hint: ces, pmd, ip



a. ces_____

cauda equina syndrome—urinary retention or overflow incontinence, saddle anesthesia


b. pmd_____

progressive motor deficit—“foot drop”


c. ip_____

intolerable pain (urgent)


47. List potential findings for cauda equina syndrome.


G7 p.446:30mm

Hint: cauda s



a. c_____

can’t function sexually—sexual dysfunction


b. a_____

ankle jerks absent


c. u_____

urinary retention/incontinence


d. d_____

diminished sphincter tone


e. a_____

anesthesia of saddle area


f. s_____

strength is decreased


48. True or False. The following is classically recognized as a cause of the cauda equina syndrome:


G7 p.446:90mm

a. tumor



b. epidural spinal hematoma



c. free fat graft following discectomy



d. trauma/fracture



e. lumbar stenosis

false (Lumbar stenosis is a more chronic process and therefore would not classically give an acute/subacute presentation of cauda equina syndrome.)


49. True or False. In cauda equina syndrome, surgery should be performed


G7 p.447:35mm

a. stat



b. within 24 hours



c. within 48 hours



d. within 72 hours



e. within a week



50. True or False. Comparing microdiscectomy to standard discectomy for lumbar disc herniation, which of the following are true?


G7 p.447:114mm

a. shorter incision



b. shorter hospital stay



c. less blood loss



d. better efficacy

false (Efficacy has been shown to be equivalent between the two techniques.)


e. may be more difficult to retrieve large fragments



51. Success rate at 1 year for surgical discectomy is_____%.


G7 p.447:143mm

52. Success rate at 1 year for chemonucleolysis (CNL) is_____%.

44 to 63%

G7 p.447:146mm

53. The percentage of patients of chemonucleolysis who eventually undergo surgery for unresolved symptoms is_____%.

approximately 56% at 6 months

G7 p.447:152mm

54. Complete the following about intradiscal procedures:


G7 p.448:23mm

a. What percent of lumbar disc patients considered for surgery could be candidates for intradiscal procedures?

10 to 15%


b. What is the success rate of intradiscal procedures?

37 to 75%

G7 p.448:60mm

55. True or False. Following discectomy:


G7 p.448:140mm

a. epidural steroids prior to closure have no benefit.



b. systemic steroids and bupivacaine may reduce hospital stay and postop narcotic requirements.



56. True or False. Regarding epidural free fat graft:


G7 p.448:168mm

a. It can cause nerve root compression.



b. It is believed to reduce epidural scar formation.

Opinions on whether it reduces scar formation are mixed.


c. Some believe it may increase epidural scar.



d. It increases the incidence of postoperative infection.



e. It may cause cauda equina syndrome.

true, rarely


57. Characterize complications of lumbar disc surgery.


G7 p.449:25mm

a. mortality_____%

0.06% (1/1800 pts)


b. superficial infection_____% usual organism_____%

1 to 5%; Staphylococcus aureus


c. deep infection_____%

< 1%


d. discitis_____%



e. motor deficit_____%

1 to 8%


f. durotomy_____%

0.3 to 13%


g. after redo_____%



h. surgical repair_____

1/1000 pts


     i. pseudomeningocele_____%

0.7 to 2%


j. recurrent disc_____%

4% (1.5% first year) 10-year follow-up


58. Complete the following about durotomy:


G7 p.449:60mm

a. What is the incidence of incidental durotomy in lumbar laminectomy?

incidence is 0.3 to 13% (increases up to 18% in reoperations)


b. Give four possible complications related to incidental durotomies



     i. C_____

CSF fistula-requiring repair in ˜10 per 10,000


     ii. p_____

pseudomeningocele 0.7 to 2%


     iii. h_____

herniation of nerve roots


     iv. i_____

increased epidural bleeding


59. What is the incidence of recurrent herniated lumbar disc?


G7 p.449:80mm

a. same level either side in first 10 years _____%



b. any level over 10 years_____%

3 to 19%


c. first year same level either side


d. any different incidence depending on level

two times more common at L4-5


e. same level recurrence_____%



f. different level recurrence_____%

26% had herniated disc at another level


60. Complete the following regarding the anterior longitudinal ligament:


G7 p.449:103mm

a. Asymptomatic perforations occur in _____% of discectomies.



b. Depth of disc space is_____.

3.3 cm


c. Vascular injury produces bleeding into operative field only_____% of the time.



d. Great vessel injury mortality is_____%.

37 to 67%


61. Enumerate five complications related to positioning for lumbar discectomies.


G7 p.450:90mm

Hint: tecup



a. t_____

tibialis anterior compartment syndrome


b. e_____

eyes pressure


c. c_____

cervical spine injury


d. u_____

ulnar nerve compression


e. p_____

peroneal nerve compression


62. True or False. Regarding unintended durotomy:



a. Normal ambulation is not considered a cause for failure of dural repair.


G7 p.451:135mm

b. Risk of a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak is increased in



     i. revision surgery



     ii. removal of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL)



     iii. high-speed drills



c. It is not considered an act of malpractice.



d. The use of fibrin glue to close is advantageous.



e. It can be due to thinned dura by longstanding stenosis.



63. Enumerate four signs of postoperative cauda equina syndrome (i.e., from epidural hematoma).


G7 p.452:78mm

Hint: pain



a. p_____

pain out of the ordinary


b. a_____

anesthesia of saddle area


c. i_____

inability to void


d. n_____

numerous muscle groups weak


64. True or False. Regarding the outcome of surgical treatment of lumbar herniated disc:


G7 p.452:127mm

a. 5% will be classified as having failed back syndrome.



b. At 1 year the surgical group had a better outcome than with conservative treatment.



c. The benefit persisted at 10 years.

false (Surgery group had better outcome at 1 year but benefit was no longer statistically significant at 4-year follow-up. At 10 years neither surgical nor conservative treatment group complained of sciatica or back pain.)


d. 63% had complete relief of back pain at 1 year postop.



e. At 5- to 10-year follow-up 86% felt improved.



65. True or False. The percentage of patients with L3-4 disc herniation having a past history of L4-5 or L5-S1 disc herniation is


G7 p.453:28mm

a. < 10%



b. approximately 25%



c. approximately 50%



d. 60 to 80%



e. almost 90%



66. Characterize a herniated upper lumbar disc.


G7 p.453:33mm

a. What is the incidence?



     i. L1-2_____%



     ii. L2-3_____%



     iii. L3-4%_____



b. Most common muscle involved?

quadriceps femoris


c. Femoral stretch test_____

may be positive


d. Knee jerk_____

reduced in 50%


67. Characterize extreme lateral lumbar disc herniations.


G7 p.453:105mm

a. What is the incidence?

3 to 10%


b. What level is most commonly involved?



     i. L4-5_____%



     ii. L3-4_____%



     iii. L5-S1_____%



c. Enumerate four differences compared with other common disc herniations



     i. Straight leg raising (SLR) is negative in_____%.

85 to 90%


     ii. Pain is increased by lateral bending in_____%.



     iii. Pain is more_____.



     iv. Extruded fragments are_____.

more frequent


68. Distinguishing features concerning far lateral disc herniation include the following:


G7 p.453:118mm

a. The root involved is the root_____ _____ _____ _____

exiting at that level negative


b. SLR is_____.



c. Lateral bending is_____.

likely to produce pain


d. Severity of pain is_____ because _____ _____ _____ is compressed.

greater; dorsal root ganglion


e. Most common levels are_____and_____.

L4-5 and L3-4


f. Best surgical approach is_____ _____.

standard hemilaminectomy (and follow nerve laterally; perform medial facetectomy)


69. Zones in which disc herniation can occur are


G7 p.453:128mm

a. c_____



b. s_____



c. f_____



d. e_____



70. True or False. One third of extreme lateral lumbar disc herniations are missed on initial radiologic exams.


G7 p.454:70mm

71. To test for far lateral disc what is the value of postdiscography CT scan?

may be a most sensitive test— 94%

G7 p.454:94mm

72. Give the incidence of surgery for herniated discs in pediatric patients.


G7 p.455:65mm

a. under 20 years of age_____%

less than 1%


b. under 17 years of age_____%

less than ½ of 1%


73. Characterize intradural disc herniation.


G7 p.455:100mm

a. What is the incidence?

0.04 to 1.1%


b. Can it be diagnosed preoperatively?



c. It is suspected at surgery because of a_____ _____.

negative exploration


d. Does it require a surgical dural opening?



74. Characterize juxta facet cysts (JFCs).


G7 p.456:50mm

a. What are the types?



     i. s_____



     ii. g_____



b. What is the incidence?

rare (1/500 spinal CTs)


c. Key to diagnosis on myelography or post-myelogram cat scan PMCT is a p_____f_____d_____.

posterolateral filling defect


d. Is it uni-or bilateral?

may be bilateral


e. Does juxta facet cysts suggest stability or instability to the spine?

check for stability—may serve as a marker of instability

G7 p.457:5mm

75. Regarding failed back syndrome, the failure rate for lumbar discectomy is_____%.

8 to 25%

G7 p.457:120mm

76. True or False. Regarding failed back syndrome, the following is the best test for detecting residual or recurrent disc herniation:


G7 p.459:45mm

a. myelography with postmyelogram CT scan



b. CT scan with infusion



c. MRI without and with IV gadolinium



d. unenhanced MRI



77. Answer the following about arachnoiditis:


G7 p.459:55mm

a. What test is used to differentiate residual or recurrent disc herniation from scar tissue and adhesive arachnoiditis?

MRI without and with IV gadolinium


b. Why is it so important to differentiate? Because surgical treatment for scar has_____.

poor results for scar tissue or adhesive arachnoiditis


78. Characterize recurrent herniated disc.


G7 p.460:90mm

a. second herniation_____%

3 to 19%


b. 10 years same level_____%



c. 1 year same level_____%



d. second recurrence_____%



79. Does it take a larger or smaller disc herniation to cause symptoms in recurrent disc? Why? Because_____ _____ prevents the nerve from moving away.

smaller; scar tissue

G7 p.460:110mm

80. Where does the cervical root exit in relation to the pedicle?

in close relation to the undersurface of the pedicle

G7 p.461:42mm

81. Complete the following table concerning cervical disc syndromes:


G7 p.461:60mm

Table 18.1



82. Complete the following about intervertebral disc herniation:


G7 p.461:70mm

a. C6-7 disc causes a C_____ radiculopathy.



b. C5-6 disc causes a C_____ radiculopathy.



c. It may simulate a _____.

myocardial infarction

G7 p.461:110mm

83. A left C6 radiculopathy can simulate an _____ _____ _____.

acute myocardial infarction

G7 p.461:110mm

84. C8 or T1 nerve root involvement (i.e., a C7-T1 or T1-T2 disc) may produce _____.

a partial Horner syndrome

G7 p.461:115mm

85. The most common scenario for patients with herniated cervical discs is that the symptoms were first noticed upon _____.

awakening in the morning (without identifiable trauma and stress)

G7 p.461:120mm

86. Complete the following about intervertebral disc herniation:


G7 p.461:60 Table 18.18

a. C 4-5 disc compresses C _____ root _____.

C5 root exiting


b. L 4-5 disc compresses L _____ root _____.

L5 root passin


87. Narrowing the cervical foramen mechanically is called _____ _____.

Spurling sign

G7 p.461:180mm

88. Complete the following about the Spurling sign:


G7 p.461:181mm

a. performed by



     i. examiner exerting pressure on the _____



     ii. while patient tilts head toward the _____ _____

symptomatic side


     iii. with neck _____



b. reproduces _____ _____

radicular pain


c. analogous to _____

SLR for lumbar disc— a mechanical sign


89. Give the accuracy of radiological workups.


G7 p.462:58mm

a. MRI is _____%.

85 to 90%


b. CT myelogram is _____%.


G7 p.462:83mm

90. True or False. To fuse or not to fuse. Fusion is beneficial to


G7 p.464:15mm

a. a plate reduces pseudoarthrosis



b. a plate reduces graft problems



c. a plate maintains lordosis



d. improve clinical outcome



e. improve arm pain



f. provide more rapid relief of arm pain



g. maintain foraminal height



h. maintain disc space height



     i. reduce post op kyphosis



j. improve fusion rate



91. What is the incidence of vocal cord paresis due to injury of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN)?


G7 p.465:45mm

a. Temporary _____%



b. Permanent _____%



92. True or False. A good way to treat vertebral artery injury is by


G7 p.465:70mm

a. packing



b. direct suture



c. endovascular trapping



93. The rare complication of sleep-induced apnea can occur with anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) at the level of_____.


G7 p.465:140mm

94. Characterize dysphagia following ACDF.


G7 p.466:80mm

a. Incidence early is_____%



b. At 6 months only_____%



c. Most serious cause is_____



d. Prmanent recurrent laryngeal nerve injury_____%



95.Characterize pseudoarthrosis following ACDF. On flexion extension cervical spine x-rays


G7 p.467:60mm

a.movement of more than_____ mm



b.between the_____ _____

spinous processes


c. lack of _____ across the fusion



d. I _____ around the screws



e. t_____ of the screws on flexion extension films



f. n _____uniformly associated with symptoms



96. For patients in certain professions we prefer to do posterior cervical surgery instead of anterior.


G7 p.468:125mm

a. Which two professions?

speaker and singer


b. The reason is there is a _____%



c. incidence of _____ _____ after anterior cervical surgery.

voice change


97. Indications for posterior keyhole laminotomy are


G7 p.469:95mm

a. s_____ l _____d_____

soft lateral disc


b.occupation of s_____ or s_____

singer or speaker


c. l _____- or u _____-l _____ d _____

lower- or upper-level disc


98. Matching. Match the recommended sequence of bone removal with the recommended sequence for posterior keyhole laminotomy.


G7 p.470:20mm

Sequence of bone removal recommended:



superior facet of the vertebra below, inferior facet of the vertebra above, lateral aspect of lamina above Recommended sequence:



a. 1st area of bone removal


b. 2nd area of bone removal


c. 3rd area of bone removal


99. The success rate of posterior keyhole laminectomy is in the range of _____ to _____%.

90 to 96

G7 p.470:150mm

100. Characterize thoracic disc herniation.


G7 p.470:173mm

a. It usually occurs below the level of



b. Because many are calcified it is wise to geta _____ _____.

CT scan


101. Characterize thoracic disc herniation.


G7 p.471:12mm

a. The incidence is _____% of all disc herniations.

0.25 to 0.75%


b. _____% occur between ages 30 and 50.



c. Historyof trauma is _____%.



102. Characterize access to the thoracic spine.


G7 p.471:130mm

a. upper _____

sternal splitting


b. mid _____

right thoracotomy (heart not in way)


c. lower _____

left-easier to mobilize aorta than vena cava


d. thoracolumbar _____

right to avoid liver unless pathology is far on left side


e. lumbar _____

pathology is far on left side transabdominal


103. Complete the following concerning the thoracic spine and spinal cord anterior access to:


G7 p.471:130mm

a. lower thoracic spine



     i. use _____ side thoracotomy



     ii. avoid _____ _____ easier to mobilize

vena cava


     iii. _____



b. thoracolumbar spine



     i. use _____ side retroperitoneal approach



     ii. thereby avoiding _____



Degenerative Disc/Spine Disease

104. For each of the letters listed give the indicated number of terms that collectively describe the pathology of degenerative disc/spine disease.


G7 p.474:175mm

a. D-3

D dessication disruption disc herniation


b. E-0



c. G-1

G growth of fibrous tissue/joint laxity


d. E-0



e. N-1

N narrowing disc space


f. E-0



g. R-1

R resorption of disc


h. A-1

A annular tears


     i. T-1

Ttorn annulus


j. I-1

I isthmic spondylolisthesis


k. V-1

V vertebral body osteophytes


l. E-0



m. S-1

S spondylosis


n. P-1

P proteoglycan


o. I-1

I interarticular (PARS) defects


p. N-1

N mucoid degeneration


q. E-0



105. Complete the following about degenerative disc/spine disease:


G7 p.475:130mm

a. Spondylolisthesis or anterior subluxation of one vertebral body on another is graded according to the percent of _____; therefore, it has



b. grades



     i. I _____%



     ii. II _____%

25 to 50%


     iii. III _____%

50 to 75%


     iv. IV _____%

75% to complete


106. Complete the following about degenerative disc/spine disease:


G7 p.475:145mm

a. True or False. It is common for listhesis to cause root compression.



b. If it does do so it compresses the nerve root that _____ at that level



c. below the _____ above



d. compressed by the _____ _____

superior articular facet


e. being displaced _____.



107. What is a pseudo disc?


G7 p.475:150mm

a. It is the appearance on _____



b. in a patient with _____.



c. More correctly considered a _____ of the disc

“roll out”


d. termed _____ by the radiologist.



108. What congenital condition is associated with spinal stenosis?

achondroplastic dwarfism

G7 p.477:50mm

109. True or False. Cervical and lumbar stenosis occurs simultaneously in what % of patients?


G7 p.477:60mm

a. 5%



b. 10%



c. 15%



d. 20%



110. What level is most commonly the site of lumbar stenosis?

L4-5 and then L3-4

G7 p.477:110mm

111. Matching. Match the condition with the appropriate clinical feature(s).


G7 p.477:165mm

Clinical feature:



pain is dermatomal; sensory loss stocking; sensory loss is dermatomal; pain with exercise; pain with standing; rest relieves pain promptly; rest relieves pain slowly; relief with standing; relief only with stooping or sitting; achiness over thigh; %%11 pain on pressure over hip; 8ocir12; Faber sign positive Condition:



a. neurogenic claudication

, , , , %%7,


b. vascular claudication

, , ,


c. trochanteric bursitis

, 8ocir11;, 8ocir12;


112. What posture may elicit pain in lumbar stenosis?


G7 p.478:100mm

113. Give the normal lumbar spine CT measurements for each of the following:


G7 p.479:160mm

a. anteroposterior (AP) diameter _____

< 11.5 mm


b. ligamentum flavum thickness _____

< 4 to 5 mm


c. height of lateral recess _____

>3 mm


114. State the AP diameter of the spine on plain films.


G7 p.479:160mm

a. normal lumbar spine, lower limits of normal _____



b. cervical spine, lower limits of normal _____

12 mm or less

G7 p.136:133mm

c. lumbar severe stenosis

less than 11 mm


d. cervical severe stenosis

less than 10 mm

G7 p.489:148mm

115. Is treatment for asymptomatic moderate stenosis at adjacent levels appropriate?

yes (They have a likelihood of progressing to become symptomatic.)

G7 p.481:153mm

116. What percent of patients who undergo decompressive lumbar laminectomies develop instability?


G7 p.483:40mm

117. Spinal stability is influenced by Hint: fads


G7 p.483:52mm

a. amount of remaining _____

facet: unstable if more than one third or one half facet is removed


b. patient’s _____

age: more unstable in younger patient after decompression


c. violation of _____ space

disc: intact disc space more stable


d. decompression _____

surgery: produces instability in 1 % of patients


118. Matching. Following decompression in a patient, which procedures are appropriate?


G7 p.483:103mm

no fusion



posterolateral fusion



adding pedicle screw instrumentation



a. no instability preop


b. instability preop


c. spondylolisthesis preop



119. Give the lumbar spinal stenosis outcomes.


G7 p.484:48mm

a. mortality _____%



b. superficial infection _____%



c. deep infection _____%



d. deep vein thrombosis (DVT) _____%



e. postural pain relief _____%



f. recurrence after 5 years_____ %



g. long-term success at 1 year and 5 years _____%



120. Non-union risk factors include


G7 p.484:60mm

a. s _____



b. number of _____ fused



c. use of _____type medications



121. Characterize lateral recess stenosis.


G7 p.485:17mm

a. Is the pain unilateral or bilateral?

can be either


b. It is due to _____ of the



c. _____ _____ facet.

superior articular


d. The most common level is at _____



122. Give the dimensions of lateral recess onCT.


G7 p.485:92 mm

a. lateral recess height_____ mm

3 to 4 mm


b. suggestive of lateral recess narrowing _____ mm

<3 mm


c. diagnostic of lateral recess syndrome _____ mm

<2 mm


123. Complete the following about degenerative disc/spine disease:

G7 p.488:100mm

a. What reflex test is said to be pathognomonic of cervical spinal myelopathy?

inverted radial reflex


b. Elicited by performing the _____ _____

brachioradialis reflex


c. and obtaining a response of _____

flexion of the fingers


124. Complete the following regarding hyperactive jaw jerk:


G7 p.488:118mm

a. significance is that it indicates an



     i. u_____ m _____ n _____ l_____

upper motor neuron lesion


     ii. located a_____ t _____ p _____

above the pons (It distinguishes this from UMN lesions due to lower-level causes, i.e., cervical myelopathy.)


b. helps differentiate what diseases?



     i. _____ from

ALS from


     ii. _____ _____

cervical myelopathy


125. Complete the following table to differentiate amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) from cervical myelopathy:


G7 p.489:75 mm

126. True or False. Concerning ALS:


G7 p.489:75mm

a. Jaw jerk is present.

true (may be first clue)


b. Tongue fasciculations are present.

true (as seen on EMG or visible fasciculations)


127. Complete the following about degenerative disc/spine disease:


G7 p.489:145mm

a. cervical spine myelopathy spinal canal diameter



     i. myelopathic at_____ mm

10 mm or less


     ii. symptomatic at_____ mm

11.8 mm


     iii. increased risk at_____ mm

14.0 mm


b. not symptomatic at_____ mm or more

14 mm


128. True or False. Regarding MRI abnormalities that correlate with poor prognosis in cervical spondylitic myelopathy:


G7 p.490:15mm

a. T2W1 hyperintensity within the cord



b. Spinal cord transverse area less than 60mm2



c. Spinal cord transverse area less than 45 mm2



d. “Snake eyes” on axial T2W1



129. True or False. Preop SSEP testing can aid in decision making.


G7 p.490:120mm

130. Contraindications to posterior decompression are


G7 p.492:23mm

a. kyphotic angulation, also known as

swan neck


b. subluxation of greater than_____ mm

3.5 mm


c. or rotation in the sagittal plane of more than_____ degrees.

20 degrees

G7 p.492:65mm

131. Characterize cervical sprodylitic myelopathy.


G7 p.493:100mm

a. Postop palsy sfter anterior or posterior

3 to 5%


b. It involves the d_____ or b_____ muscles

deltoid, biceps


c. and C5 region; that is_____ area sensory symptoms.



d. It usually occurs within_____ of surgery.

1 week


e. Prognosis for recovery is_____.



Craniovertebral Junction and Upper Cervical Spine Abnormalities

132. Name 13 causes of craniovertebral abnormalities.


G7 p.494:40mm

Hint: attaCK roMinDs



a. a_____

ankylosing spondylitis


b. t_____



c. t_____



d. a_____

atlantoaxial dislocation


e. C_____

Chiari malformation


f. K_____



g. r_____

rheumatoid arthritis


h. o_____

occipitalization of the atlas


     i. M_____

Morquio syndrome (a mucopolysaccharidosis)


j. i_____



k. n_____



l. D_____

Down syndrome


m. s_____

surgery (transoral odontoidectomy)


133. What are some of the abnormalities at the craniocervical junction?


G7 p.494:90mm

Hint: baaoa



a. b_____ i_____

basilar impression


b. a_____ -o_____ d_____

atlanto-occipital dislocation


c. a_____ d_____

atlantoaxial dislocation


d. o_____ of the a_____

occipitalization of the atlas


e. a_____ p_____ a_____ of CI

absent posterior arch


Rheumatoid Arthritis

134. Name four upper cervical spine abnormalities associated with rheumatoid arthritis.


G7 p.494:170mm

a. b_____ i_____

basilar impression


b. a_____ s_____

atlantoaxial subluxation


c. s_____ s_____

subaxial subluxation (less common)


d. v_____ a_____ i_____

vertebral artery insufficiencydue to changes at the craniocervical junction (less common)


135. What are the three stages in pathophysiology that lead to atlantoaxial subluxation in rheumatoid arthritis?


G5 p.495:50mm

Hint: iel



a. infl_____ at a_____ s_____ j_____

inflammation at atlantoaxial synovial joints


b. ero_____ c_____ in o_____

erosive changes in odontoid


c. loo_____ of the t_____

loosening of the transverse





136. What percentage of rheumatoid arthritis patients develop subluxation?

Atlantoaxial subluxation occurs in 25% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

G5 p.495:60mm

137. Complete the following regarding atlantoaxial subluxation in rheumatoid arthritis:


G7 p.495:125mm

a. The odontoid C1 interval is normal when less than_____ mm.

4 mm


b. The asymptomatic patient needs surgery if distance is greater than_____ mm.

8 mm


c. To do transoral odontoidectomy the mouth needs to open at least_____ mm.

25 mm


d. Mortality of C1-C2 wiring is_____%.

5 to 15%


138. Characterize posterior atlantodental interval (PADI).


G7 p.495:135mm

a. Correlates with the presence of _____



b. Predicts neurologic recovery following _____



c. No recovery occurs if the PADI is less than_____ mm



d. An indication for surgery is a PADI less than_____ mm



139. What degree of atlantodental interval is a generally accepted surgical indication in asymptomatic patients?

8 mm (6 to 10 mm is the range)

G7 p.496:60mm

140. What is the percentage of nonfusion for C1-C2 fusions in rheumatoid arthritis?

18 to 50%

G7 p.496:160mm

141. Characterize basilar impression in rheumatoid arthritis.


G7 p.497:30mm

a. Changes in lateral masses are called e_____



b. Permitting relationship of C1-C2 to change is called t_____.



c. Position of dens moves u_____



     i. causes compression of p_____ and m_____

pons and medulla


     ii. compression contributed to by p_____



     iii. located_____ to dens



142. Matching. List the most common symptoms and signs of basilar impression of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and match with their order of frequency.


G7 p.497:65mm

_____,100%; _____,80%; _____,80%; _____,71%; _____,30%; _____,22%



a. limb paresthesias_____%



b. Babinski, hyperreflexia_____%



c. bladder incontinence/retention_____%



d. cranial nerve dysfunction_____%



e. headache_____%



f. ambulatory problems_____%



143. Characterize basilar impression in rheumatoid arthritis.


G7 p.797:65mm

a. Pain may be a result of_____of C1 and C2 nerves.



b. Cranial nerve dysfunction results from compression of the_____.



144. What is the treatment for basilar impression?


G7 p.497:175mm

a. if reducible with_____



     i. C1 d_____l_____ followed by

decompressive laminectomy


     ii. o_____-c_____f_____

occipital-cervical fusion


b. in nonreducible patients


     i. t_____o_____r_____followed by

transoral odontoid resection followed by


     ii. o_____-c_____f_____

occipital-cervical fusion


Paget Disease

145. Characterize Paget disease.


G7 p.498:130mm

a. Also known as o_____d_____

osteitis deformans


b. Disorder of o_____



c. Results in r_____of bone



d. Reactive osteoblasts o_____produce



e. Sclerotic, radiodense, brittle bone called i_____ b_____

ivory bone


146. Recommended laboratory tests include


G7 p.499:100mm

a. a_____ ph_____

alkaline phosphatase


b. ur_____ hy_____

urinary hydroxyproline


c. bone scan _____ _____ areas of abnormality

lights up


d. and treatment with c_____



147. What are the neurosurgical indications in Paget disease of the spine?


G7 p.501:95mm

a. spinal _____



b. uncertain _____



c. failure of _____ _____

medical management


Ankylosing Spondylosis

148. Characterize ankylosing spondylosis.


G7 p.502:45mm

a. It is also known as M_____S_____d_____.

Marie Strümpell disease


b. Locus of involvement is the _____



c. replacement of _____ with _____.

ligaments with bone


d. Bone is very_____.



e. On x-ray it is called_____ _____.

bamboo spine


f. To differentiate from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) serum is _____for _____ _____.

negative for rheumatoid factor


g. Fracture may occur with _____ _____.

minimal trauma


h. Screws for fusion may _____ _____.

not hold


     i. Enthesis


G7 p.502:60mm

     i. is the _____ _____

attachment point


     ii. of ligaments, tendons or capsules on_____



149. What are radiologic considerations in ankylosing spondylosis?


G7 p.503:15mm

a. Rotary_____may occur in high cervical area.



b. Last area to stay mobile is the o_____-a_____



c. and a_____joints.



d. Minor trauma may result in spine_____.



e. Vertebral fractures occur through the _____ _____.

ossified disc


f. An early site of involvement is the_____ _____.

Sl joint


g. If suspicious, x-ray the_____ _____.

entire spine


Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

150. Insert a term starting with the indicated letter to characterize the pathologic process of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL).


G7 p.504:77mm

a. c_____



b. d_____



c. e_____

evolves from C34


d. f_____



e. g_____

grows 0.6 mm and 4.1 mm/year


f. h_____



g. p_____



h. o_____



151. True or False. OPLL progresses in the following order:


G7 p.504:78mm

1. ossification



2. fibrosis



3. calcification



a. 1,3,2



b. 2,1,3



c. 3,1,2



d. 2,3,1



152. OPLL grows at a rate of


G7 p.504:90mm

a. _____mm in the anterior posterior (AP)direction and

0.6 mm


b. _____mm longitudinally per year

4.1 mm


153. Provide the pathologic classification.


G7 p.504:125mm

a. Confined to space behind vertebral body.



b. Extends from body to body spanning disc is called_____.



c. Combines both of the above and has skip areas is called_____.



154. Describe the evaluation of OPLL.


G7 p.504:175mm

a. Plain x-rays_____ _____ to demonstrate OPLL.

often fail





     i. MRI: OPLL is difficult to appreciate until it is_____ mm thick.



     ii. T2W1 may be very_____.



c. CT, especially with 3D reconstruction, is the_____ method.



155. List the clinical grading of OPLL.


G7 p.505:30mm

a. class 1

x-ray only—radiographically evident; no symptoms or signs


b. class 2

minimal—myelopathy A/O radiculopathy minimal or stable deficit


c. class 3A

myelopathy—moderate to severe myelopathy


d. class 3B

quadriplegia—moderate to severe quadriplegia


156. Complete the following regarding Nurick grades of cervical spondylosis:


G7 p.505:82mm

a. Assess the extent of_____.



b. Surgery showed no benefit for Nurick grades_____and_____.

1 and 2


c. Surgery was valuable for Nurick grades_____and_____.

3 and 4


d. Surgery was ineffective for Nurick grade_____.



Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis

157. Characterize diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH).


G7 p.506:83mm

a. Areas of spine affected by %



     i. thoracic_____%



     ii. lumbar_____%



     iii. cervical_____%



     iv. all three segments_____%



b. Area spared

sacroiliac joints


c. Is the area spared in ankylosing spondylitis?



Scheuermann’s Kyphosis

158. Complete the following regarding Scheuermann’s Kyphosis:


G7 p.506:158mm

a. Which age group does it affect?



b. It is defined as



     i. _____wedging



     ii. of at least_____degrees



     iii. of_____or more_____

3; adjacent


     iv. _____vertebral bodies.



Spinal Arteriovenous Malformation

159. Characterize spinal AVM classification.


G7 p.507:65mm

a. Type 1



     i. known as_____ _____

dural AVM


     ii. IA: has_____ _____ arterial feeder

a single


     iii. IB: has_____or_____ arterial feeders

2 or more


     iv. Formed at the_____ _____sleeve

dural root


b. Intradural AVMs


     i. Flow is_____



     ii. _____% with acute symptoms



c. Type II



     i. aka spinal_____ AVM



     ii. located_____



     iii. true_____of the cord



     iv. has a_____ _____

compact nidus


     v. prognosis is_____than dural AVM



d. Type III



     i. aka_____ spinal AVM



     ii. essentially on enlarged_____



     iii. occupies_____ _____ cross section

the entire


e. Type IV



     i. aka_____ spinal AVM



     ii. aka_____ fistula



     iii. presents with_____hemorrhage



160. What is the most common type of spinal AVM?


G7 p.507:70mm

a. type_____

type 1


b. dural_____



c. fed by a_____

dural artery


d. and draining into a_____

spinal vein


e. on the_____ aspect of the cord



f. _____% are males



161. What is the most common presentation of a spinal AVM?


G7 p.508:80mm

a. onset of_____

back pain


b. progressive lower extremity_____ and_____

weakness and sensory loss—acute onset of back pain associated with progressive LE weakness and sensory loss (may be over months to years)


162. Spinal AVM with pain may have this syndrome.


G7 p.508:90mm

a. Patient with onset of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and sudden excruciating back pain is also called c_____ d_____ p_____ of Michon.

coup de poignard


b. This is considered clinical evidence of_____ _____.

spinal AVM


163. What is Foix-Alajouanine syndrome?


G7 p.508:95mm

a. acute or subacute_____ _____

neurologic deterioration


b. in a patient with a_____ _____

spinal AVM


c. without evidence of_____



d. caused by_____ _____

venous hypertension


e. with secondary_____



Spinal Meningeal Cyst

164. What is a Tarlov cyst?

spinal meningeal cyst

G7 p.509:97mm

165. What are the different types of spinal meningeal cyst, and which compartment are they located in?


G7 p.509:110mm

a. type I

superficial compartment extradural without root fibers


b. type II

middle compartment extradural with spinal root fibers—diverticulum


c. type III

central compartment intradural arachnoid cyst


166. Complete the following statements about spinal meningeal cyst:


G7 p.509:120mm

a. Type II spinal meningeal cyst is also known as_____ _____.

Tarlov cyst


b. It occurs on the_____ roots.



167. What are the treatment options for spinal meningeal cyst?


G7 p.510:40 mm

a. e_____

excise the cyst


b. o_____

obliterate the ostium between cyst and subarachnoid space


c. m_____

marsupialize if excision is not possible



168. Complete the following about syringomyelia:


G7 p.510:75mm

a. _____cavitation of the spinal cord



b. associated with Chiari I in_____%



c. affects upper or lower extremities first?



d. More rapid neurologic progression is predicted by a cavity more than _____mm in diameter and with associated cord_____.

5 mm; edema


169. Rostral extension into brainstem is called_____.


G7 p.510:105mm

170. Distinguish from similar entities.


G7 p.510:115mm

a. Tumor cyst



     i. Most_____



     ii. Fluid is_____



     iii. Syrinx fluid has MRI characteristics of_____



b. Residual spinal canal



     i. Central canal usually_____



     ii. No more than_____ to_____mm wide

2; 4


     iii. Perfectly_____ on cross section



     iv. Perfectly in the_____ on axial MRI



171. Dilatation of central canal with ependymal lining is called_____.


G7 p.510:160mm

172. Communicating syringomyelia is commonly associated with what congenital conditions?


G7 p.511:75mm

Hint: bCDe



a. b_____

basilar impression


b. C_____

Chiari malformation


c. D_____

Dandy-Walker syndrome


d. e_____

ectopia of cerebellum


173. What are the main presenting symptoms and signs of a syrinx?


G7 p.511:175mm

Hint: accC



a. a_____w_____

arm/hand weakness


b. c_____ s_____l_____

sensory loss with suspended “cape” dissociated sensory loss (loss of pain and temperature with preserved joint position sense)


c. c_____o_____p_____

cervical/occipital pain


d. C_____j_____p_____a_____

Charcot joints—painless arthropathies


174. True or False. The level of spinal injury that has the highest incidence of posttraumatic syringomyelia is


G7 p.513:125mm

a. cervical


G7 p.513:155mm

b. thoracic


G7 p.513:163mm

c. lumbar



175. Characterize posttraumatic syringomyelia.


G7 p.514:28mm

a. Most common symptom is_____.

pain, not relieved by analgesics


b. Most common sign is_____ _____ _____.

ascending sensory level

G7 p.514:55mm

176. What may be the only feature of descending syringomyelia in patients with complete cord lesions?


G7 p.513:163mm

177. Complete the following statements about syringomyelia:


G7 p.513:155mm

a. What should raise the index of suspicion for a syrinx in a patient who is paraplegic from trauma?


     i. The_____ development



     ii. in a_____ patient



     iii. of_____ _____ weakness.

upper extremity


b. Incidence is_____.

0.3 to 3.0%


c. Latency is_____.

3 months to 30 years


178. Complete the following statements about syringobulbia:


G7 p.510:106mm

a. What is a common symptom in syringobulbia?


     i. p_____p_____

perioral paresthesias


     ii. located_____

bilaterally (bilateral perioral tingling and numbness)


b. due to compression of_____ _____ _____

spinal trigeminal tracts


Spinal Epidural Hematoma

179. What is the most common cause of spinal epidural hematoma?


G7 p.515:38mm

a. _____plus

trauma (almost exclusively in patients with)


b. _____

higher bleeding tendency (anticoagulated, bleeding diathesis, etc.)


180. Complete the following about spinal epidural hematoma:


G7 p.515:15mm

a. The most common area of occurrence is_____.



b. Is it anterior or posterior?

often posterior (which facilitates removal)


c. The most common category of patient is_____.



181. What is the usual presentation of spinal epidural hematoma?

severe back pain (with radicular component)

G7 p.515:83mm

Spinal Subdural Hematoma

182. Complete the following regarding spinal subdural hematoma:


G7 p.515:150mm

a. They occur_____.



b. They are often related to_____.



c. Patients are usually on_____medication.



d. It may sometimes be treatable_____.



Spinal Epidural Lipomatosis SEL)

183. Characterize spinal epidural lipomatosis (SEL)


G7 p.516:30mm

a. Due to_____ of epidural fat



b. Due to



     i. _____and/or



     ii. exogenous_____



c. Symptoms


     i. first is_____ _____.

back pain


     ii. progressive_____ _____

lower extremity


     iii. and_____ weakness.



d. Most occur in the_____ spine.



e. Diagnose by use of_____ _____. or



f. Should be at least_____ mm thick to be SEL.



g. Treat by


     i. Reduce the use of_____ or_____.



ii Lose_____.



     iii. Remove_____.



h. Complication rate is_____.




184. Answer the following about coccydynia:


G7 p.516:130mm

a. True or False. It is more common in males.

false (It is more common in females.)


b. Due to_____.

a more prominent coccyx (In fact, if found in males in absence of trauma, search for underlying cause should be performed.)


185. What are some causes of coccydynia?


G7 p.516:140mm

a. t_____



b. n_____



c. r_____p_____

referred pain


186. What is the primary treatment for typical coccydynia?

conservative comfort measures: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, analgesics, sitting cushion, and lumbar support for 3 months

G7 p.517:87mm

187. What percentage of conservatively treated coccydynia will recur?

20%; usually within first year

G7 p.517:100mm

188. What ganglion will be targeted for blockade or neurolysis in treatment of refractory coccydynia?


G7 p.517:132mm

Hint: Wilps

a. Ganglion of_____,



b. also known as the ganglion_____,



c. is the_____ganglion of the



d. _____ _____,

parasympathetic chain


e. just anterior to the_____ _____.

sacrococcygeal joint


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Aug 6, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Spine and Spinal Cord

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