Fig. 3.1
“Bull’s eye” technique with fluoroscopic guidance: based on a desired anatomical access (in this case right pedicular access to the vertebral body) (a), the fluoroscopic unit is rotated to recreate the obliquity of the desired needle access, aided by known fluoroscopic landmarks (in this case the eye of the “Scottie dog”), and the needle is inserted to the target parallel to the X-ray beam (green dashed arrow on b), perpendicular to the image intensifier (I-I, red dashed line on b) (b). The use of a needle holder avoids radiation exposure to the operator’s hands. The needle on the target appears as a dot (c and d). The exact position of the needle in space is checked on AP (e) and LL (f) views
3.2.2 CT Guidance
A CT apparatus with a tiltable gantry (usually 20°–30° in both directions) is preferred, while multidetector technology, CT fluoroscopy, and a screen inside the CT room are optional additional and potentially useful features, based on operator’s preference. On the initial volumetric scout views in two orthogonal projections, based on the desired CC angulation of the needle access to the target, the gantry is tilted as necessary, and the localizing scan encompassing the region of interest is performed. The axial slice visualizing the target and an accessible needle path is selected, and the skin is marked at the chosen needle entry site. A radiopaque grid with vertical bars can be applied to the skin and used to define the exact needle entry point on the RL axis. Sliding the CT cradle, the marked skin point is placed under the laser light of the CT gantry, and the needle is aligned from its entry into the skin to its hub with the laser light. If this technical tip is correctly applied, the gantry-needle-target alignment is obtained; the whole needle shaft, from the skin entry point to the tip, and the target are in-plane with the gantry and are visible on one single axial slice; moreover the projected path of the needle is well discernible and predictable (Fig. 3.2). While the needle-gantry alignment controls the CC angulation of the needle, the RL obliquity is left to the operator’s ability, and usually rapidly adjusted after few trials and errors in the superficial tissues, unless some recently available guiding devices are used. It is imperative that the control CT views obtained intermittently during the procedure show the whole length of the inserted needle, with one slice above and one below in which no needle be visualized; if this safety condition is not respected, there is risk for a not perfectly in-plane needle, or for a needle tip slightly curved, to be inadvertently advanced off-plane and out of the operator control and sight, with risk of injury in a complex and delicate anatomical region such as the spine. Strict immobility of the patient is also required between localizing scan and skin marking and also strongly desired during the whole procedure; in fact even small patient’s movements during the procedure may render the CT-guided needle-access complex, lengthy, and in worst-case scenario imprecise.
Fig. 3.2
Gantry-needle-target alignment with CT guidance: on the lateral scout view (a), the desired access obliquity is defined, and the CT gantry is accordingly tilted (b), to acquire the localizing axial scan. Once the axial access slice is selected and the skin marked and prepped, the needle is aligned with the gantry using the gantry laser light. The laser light projects along the whole needle shaft (c), from the skin entry point to the needle hub (black arrow on c). The control CT scan shows the needle on one single slice, from the skin to the target (d)
Note that sterile prepping and draping usually precede skin marking if fluoroscopic guidance is used, while the opposite occurs if CT guidance is favored.
3.3 Materials
A wide variety of devices, produced by different vendors, each with its own specific features, can be used to obtain spine biopsies (Fig. 3.3). We recommend the use of coaxial systems, composed of an access cannula, which can be a trocar needle, a bone access needle, and a vertebroplasty needle, with diamond or beveled tip, and a biopsy device, to be used coaxially. A beveled tip allows slight steerability of the access cannula during positioning in the vertebra. The coaxial systems allow multiple biopsy passes through the same access, if necessary. The access cannula, of large caliber, can be slightly redirected in a different RL or CC direction, and the coaxial biopsy device inserted along different directions to obtain sampling from a wider region. Coaxial nitinol curved-tip biopsy cannulas exist to obtain multiple samples from different regions of the target lesion, once the access cannula has been placed. The biopsy device can be a cannula with a trephinated or a fish-mouth tip, if an osseous lesion is to be sampled, or a cutting spring-loaded needle, if a soft tissue lesion is being targeted. In case a sclerotic bone has to be traversed, the use of a coaxial drill can be used to create a path for the access cannula; in some cases the use of a surgical hammer is necessary to obtain access-cannula penetration through cortical or sclerotic bone.
Fig. 3.3
Vertebral biopsy devices: coaxial biopsy systems composed of vertebral access cannula (a, 8 G and d. 10 G), coaxial drill (b) to create a path through sclerotic bone, coaxial biopsy cannulas (c and f), to retrieve large-caliber core bone samples. A curved nitinol flexible biopsy cannula is shown (g) that can be used coaxially, through the access cannula, to sample different regions of the lesion. The access cannula can have a diamond tip (a) or a beveled tip (d and e)
In case of osseous lesions with heterogeneous density, it might be advisable to sample the lesion in multiple small increments (5–8 mm) to avoid the risk that a more proximal sclerotic sample in the biopsy cannula crashes the rest of the sample when the cannula is further advanced in the lesion (Fig. 3.4).
Fig. 3.4
Sampling bone of different densities: it is advisable to proceed with small incremental advancements (a-b-c), followed by retrieval and collection of the short core of tissue, to maximize the chances to obtain a representative osseous biopsy core and avoid sample crushing
We suggest to advance and then to retrieve the biopsy cannula under constant vacuum suction. Vacuum can be easily obtainable with a set of small tubing attached with a Luer lock junction at the cannula and with a three-way stopcock at a large-volume (20–60 mL) syringe. Suction can be held by a second operator, while the first operator handles the biopsy cannula, by locking the syringe in vacuum with a needle holder or by the use of a dedicated self-locking vacuum syringe (Fig. 3.5). Spinal needles of different lengths, usually 22 G in caliber, are used to perform local anesthesia on the periosteum; scalpels are used to make small incision to the skin and if necessary to the fascia, for easier access of the cannulas. In some cases k-wires can be used to adopt the Seldinger technique, in case cannulas of different lengths and/or caliber have to be exchanged without the need to perform a new percutaneous access. We suggest the use of rather large-caliber systems, typically from 11 to 8 G cannulas for bone access, which allows the use of adequate size coaxial biopsy devices to obtain large core biopsy samples (see Fig. 3.3).
Fig. 3.5
Vacuum suction: (a) a 20 mL Luer lock syringe is connected via a three-way stopcock to a short tubing, attached with a Luer lock to the biopsy cannula during advancement and retrieval; negative pressure is maintained in the system with a needle holder clamped to the plunger in aspiration. (b) Fluid and tissue samples can be obtained in this way
3.4 Positioning, Prepping, Draping, Anesthesia, and Contraindications
Positioning of the patient is individualized based on the planned access, typically in the prone position for access to the sacral, lumbar, thoracic, and posterior elements of the cervical spine, while in the supine position for anterior access to the lower cervical spine and for paramaxillary or trans-oral approaches to the upper cervical spine. Lateral decubitus can be used in selected cases. Bolsters strategically placed under patient’s body can be used to favorably alter spine curves and render certain spine accesses easier (see Fig. 3.6). A typical example is a bolster under the lower abdomen in a prone patient to flatten the lumbosacral lordosis and facilitate access to an otherwise steeply oblique L5–S1 disc space. A general principle is also to favor a decubitus the patient can reasonably hold remaining still and comfortable for the expected duration of the whole procedure, if the biopsy is conducted on an awake patient; for example, a prolonged prone decubitus can be problematic for an obese patient with respiratory problems. Prepping of the skin should be wide and thorough to ensure sterility; when the skin is marked at the entry site with an indelible marker, alcoholic prepping solutions should be avoided, due to the ability of alcohol to promptly delete ink from the skin. We recommend full draping and the use of full gown, gloves, hat, and mask for the operator, in every bone or disc access, due to the heightened risk of infection. Local anesthesia should be delivered to the sensitive tissues, such as the skin, fascia, and periosteum. Local anesthesia close to the nerve roots should be avoided if the needle access has the potential risk of injury to the nerve; for example, no anesthesia should be delivered in the neuroforamen or in the region of the lumbar plexus if a posterolateral direct access to the vertebral body is being performed; the nerves should remain awake and sensitive, so that they serve as a warning if the needle course is too close to them. For the same reason, such accesses should not be attempted in a patient unconscious or under general anesthesia.
Fig. 3.6
CT-guided sacral biopsies: (a, b) a lytic lesion of the sacral wing, eroding the contours of the neuroforamen biopsied through a short-axis access, just lateral to the expectable border of the sacral foramen. (c, d) Extensive permeative lytic and sclerotic changes of the sacral wing, biopsied through a long-axis access. A bolster placed under the hips (arrows on c) serves to render the sacrum more vertical, so that the gantry tilt can reproduce the obliquity of the sacrum long axis. (e, f) Trans-sacral approach to biopsy a presacral mass (arrows on e); the access was planned to spare the sciatic nerve coursing just ventral to the sacrum (arrowhead on e); a cutting spring-loaded biopsy needle was used coaxially to sample this soft tissue lesion
General but all relative contraindications to a spine biopsy are an uncooperative patient, unlikely to remain still during the procedure, coagulopathy, low platelet count, and treatment with anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents (spine biopsies are usually performed in patients treated with ASA or other NSAIDs).
3.5 Sacral Vertebral Biopsies
The sacrum has a complex tridimensional conformation, and fluoroscopy does not recognize clear and safe landmarks, since the sacral foramina are “V-shaped” channels, and the sacroiliac joints have wavy contours. Fluoroscopy can still be used to guide short- and long-axis needle accesses, especially when a sacroplasty is to be performed, but we recommend CT guidance to biopsy the sacrum, for practicality, precision, and safety (Fig. 3.6). Planning the biopsy, the lesion in the sacrum is viewed in three planes, with multiplanar CT-reconstructed images, and the most suitable access is chosen, ideally along the long axis of the lesion, so that a satisfactory sample can be obtained, keeping the needle path away from the sacral central canal and neuroforamina. When a lytic lesion destroys the cortical margins of the neuroforamen, the needle should strictly avoid the expected course of the nerve root (see Fig. 3.6). In such cases it is advisable to carefully analyze pre-procedural MRI images, commonly able to depict the position of the nerve root even when the foramen has been invaded by a mass. Rather rarely an access through the iliac wing will be necessary to reach a lesion in the sacrum. Trans-sacral approach can also be used when a retroperitoneal presacral mass needs to be biopsied (see Fig. 3.6). Attention should be paid to avoid the nervous structures of the sacral plexus that lie just anterior to the sacral alae. As usual, after bone access, the guiding cannula is placed adjacent to the margins of the lesion, and the biopsy can be performed with a coaxial device, depending on the consistency of the target lesion.
3.6 Lumbar Vertebral Biopsy
The lumbar vertebrae are characterized by rather large and squared vertebral bodies, pedicles horizontally aligned parallel to the superior end plate, projecting over the superior half of the vertebral body, progressively larger and posterolaterally oblique from L1 to L5 (in fact it should be noted that L1 pedicles can be very thin and straight, so that an oblique trans-pedicular needle access might be impossible), and thin, long, and straight transverse processes. Spatial orientation of the vertebrae, along lordotic and/or scoliotic curves, strongly influences needle accesses.
3.6.1 Trans-pedicular Approach
The most common and safe approach to the lumbar vertebral body is trans-pedicular, and when the pedicle size allows it, with various degree of CC and RL access obliquity, different parts of the vertebral body can be reached (Fig. 3.7). The pedicle is usually accessed with a posterior oblique approach at the junction between transverse process and superior articular process. At this site the periosteum is infiltrated with local anesthetics, the access cannula perforates the cortical bone, is stabilized, and then advanced through the pedicle to reach the posterior vertebral wall. During the controlled maneuvers to dock the cannula through the cortex, the needle can inadvertently slide cranial to the pedicle toward the disc space or, more dangerously, caudally to approach the neuroforamen; in such cases the needle has to be retrieved and repositioned (Fig. 3.8). While advancing the cannula through the pedicle, special attention should be paid not to breach the cortex of the pedicle (especially the medial and inferior cortex, which mark the boundary with the central canal and the neuroforamen, respectively). Once the vertebral body is reached, the access cannula is advanced just proximal to the target, and then the biopsy cannula is coaxially inserted to obtain the tissue sample from the target lesion (Fig. 3.9).
Fig. 3.7
Trans-pedicular access to the lumbar vertebral body: the needle access is usually at the junction between the transverse process and the articular process; with large pedicles, different RL and/or CC obliquities allow to reach different regions of the vertebral body (dashed arrows on a and b); exceptions might occur at L1 where pedicles can be quite thin
Fig. 3.8
Possible complication during pedicular access: docking of the needle tip through the cortical bone in the pedicular access (a), the needle is felt to advance but appears deviated caudally off-plane; a control scan shows the needle tip off-plane and in the neuroforamen (b). The needle has to be retrieved, realigned in-plane, and correctly docked through the pedicle (c)
Fig. 3.9
Trans-pedicular biopsy of the right side of the L3 vertebral body: using fluoroscopic guidance, the needle is inserted through the right pedicle using “bull’s eye” technique (a) to pass the posterior wall (b) without passing the medial border of the pedicle on AP view (arrows on c). A coaxial biopsy cannula is inserted to obtain a core sample of the posterior third of the vertebral body (d) and then of the middle third of the vertebral body (e). The AP view displays the needle tip on the right side of the vertebral body (f)
3.6.2 Extra-Pedicular Approach
If an extra-pedicular access is desired, some additional anatomical consideration should be kept in mind. The segmental arteries and veins run around the lumbar vertebral body at its waist, which is located along the lateral borders, at mid-height of the vertebral body, and the nerves of the lumbar plexus course from the upper portion of the foramina, below the pedicle, anterolaterally, along the lateral borders of the vertebral bodies, medial to the psoas muscle. To avoid these structures, we recommend the access point to be in the upper half of the vertebral body height, no more caudal than the axial level of the pedicles and, as dorsal as possible, ideally not more ventral than the junction between pedicle and vertebral body (Fig. 3.10). Moreover the access-cannula path should either be through the transverse process, then just lateral to the pedicle, or tangent and just above the transverse process, with a craniocaudal obliquity to course lateral to the pedicle. The access should not course below the transverse process and should not enter the vertebral body too ventral along its lateral border (Fig. 3.11). The extra-pedicular access has the potential to carry more discomfort to the patient since local anesthesia to the periosteum is less easily performed (if an access through the transverse process is chosen, the needle perforates three times the sensitive periosteum, at the dorsal and ventral aspect of the transverse process and at the vertebral body posterolateral corner), and infiltrating local anesthetics along the lateral border of the vertebral body has the potential to numb nervous structures, which can be then inadvertently injured by the access cannula (see “Positioning, Prepping, Draping, Anesthesia, and Contraindications”). As an additional technical consideration, the posterolateral border of the vertebral body might facilitate undesired ventral and tangential sliding of the access cannula along the lateral border of the vertebral body during docking maneuvers; therefore an assertive and firm pressure should be applied in an oblique medially oriented direction, to access the vertebral body at the point of contact with the needle tip.
Fig. 3.10
Extra-pedicular access to the lumbar vertebral body: the needle course either through or just above the transverse process and should enter the vertebral body no more ventral than the junction between pedicle and vertebral body (a and b). This access allows a great degree of RL obliquity and easily allows to reach across midline (c)
Fig. 3.11
Incorrect extra-pedicular lumbar access: (a and b) two examples in which the access is ventral to the junction between the pedicle and the vertebral body, carrying the risk to injure the segmental vessels and the nervous structures of the lumbar plexus, running medial to the psoas muscle
3.6.3 Fluoroscopic Guidance
To access the lumbar vertebral body with fluoroscopic guidance, we use the I-I technique. First, a true level-specific AP view is obtained, with the spinous process projecting over the midline, and the disc end plates well profiled (“box view”); with this view, at the lumbar levels, the pedicles of the index vertebral body are projected over the upper half of the box. Depending on the desired CC access obliquity, the fluoroscopic tube is accordingly rotated in the CC direction; if access to the inferior half of the vertebral body is desired, the tube is tilted from the true AP projection more cranially, so that the pedicles project more caudally over the vertebral body. From this projection the tube is rotated RL ipsilateral to the access’ side so that the “Scottie dog” projection is obtained. The more the tube is rotated RL, the more the eye of the Scottie dog superimposes toward the center of the box and the more the needle access will be medially directed toward midline or across midline of the vertebral body. For a trans-pedicular access, the target is the center of the eye of the Scottie dog, while for an extra-pedicular access, the target is just outside of the eye of the Scottie dog, at 1–3 o’clock for a right-sided access and at 9–11 o’clock for a left-sided access (Fig. 3.12). Slight adjustments of the CC and RL obliquity of the I-I view are crucial while precisely directing the needle toward a specific area of the vertebral body, as is the case in biopsies of focal lesions or, when obliged by distorted anatomy, such as in compression fracture deformities. As a general rule, when visible, the final target should be superimposed upon the access landmark (either trans-pedicular or extra-pedicular) on the I-I fluoroscopic view (Fig. 3.13).