Age decade
Silent brain infarcts (%)
Microbleeds (%)
Clinical Manifestations
By definition, subclinical vascular brain injury is considered “silent” or “covert,” meaning that it is not associated with an acute stroke syndrome. However, silent CNS infarctions and WMH are associated with lower scores on neuropsychological testing and slower gait speed, indicating that they are not truly “silent” in all patients [3–5]. Furthermore, autopsy studies show that small CNS infarcts, mostly “silent,” account for much of the risk of dementia during life. In fact, silent CNS infarction is the second biggest contributor to dementia risk, after Alzheimer’s disease [6]. Subclinical brain injury reduces cognitive reserve, inhibiting the capacity of the brain to tolerate the ill effects of other age-related changes including pathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease. Patients with silent CNS infarctions or high burden of WMH have a twofold to threefold increased risk of future dementia as well as a twofold to threefold increased risk of future symptomatic stroke [4, 5]. In contrast, the risk of future symptomatic events in patients with microbleeds is less well understood. In sum, it is clear that subclinical vascular brain injury manifesting as silent CNS infarction or WMH identifies patients that are increased future risk of vascular cognitive impairment and stroke, warranting a careful consideration of vascular risk reduction strategies.
Most subclinical vascular brain injury is caused by small vessel diseases. The exception is that a minority of silent CNS infarctions, about 15 %, are caused by emboli from proximal sources [7]. Arteriolosclerosis, due to aging and vascular risk factors such as hypertension, may cause lacunar infarction or microbleeds. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is another cause of microbleeds [8]. The pathophysiology of WMH is less well understood and may be multifactorial. A vascular origin for the majority of WMH is suggested by its association with vascular risk factors and the observation that cerebral small vessel diseases, such Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Ischemic Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) and CAA, are marked by high volumes of WMH [9].
Subclinical vascular brain injury cannot be reliably inferred from risk factors or clinical symptoms; therefore, brain imaging is required for diagnosis. MRI is more sensitive that CT. Consensus recommendations for terminology and classification of cerebral small vessel disease have recently been published (Fig. 26.1) [10]. Lacunes of presumed vascular origin are round or ovoid, subcortical fluid filled cavities between 3 and 15 mm in diameter, compatible with a previous acute small deep brain infarct or hemorrhage. WMH of presumed vascular origin are defined as white matter signal abnormalities with hyperintensity on fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) and T2 weighted sequences, or hypodensity on CT, without evidence of cavitation (that is, without cerebrospinal-fluid-like signal). Microbleeds are defined as small (generally 2–5 mm, but sometimes up to 10 mm) areas of signal void with associated “blooming” seen on T2*-weighted MRI or other sequences that are sensitive to susceptibility effects. The sensitivity for detecting microbleeds may vary by twofold to threefold depending on the scanner field strength and sequence; newer generation sequences such as susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) are more sensitive than older generation T2*-weighted gradient-recalled echo (GRE) [11].

Fig. 26.1
Silent brain infarcts, microbleeds and white matter hyperintensities of presumed vascular origin. Left panel: axial fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence showing two lacunes of presumed vascular origin (arrows), middle panel: axial T2*-weighted gradient-recalled echo (GRE) sequence, right panel: axial FLAIR. CNS central nervous system
In addition to the three cardinal manifestations of subclinical vascular brain injury, many other manifestations are recognized—such as perivascular space prominence, diffusion changes, brain atrophy and others [10]—that are the subject of ongoing research but currently with less certain clinical relevance.
Clinical Implications and Management
Decisions regarding management of subclinical vascular brain injury may arise in at least three different scenarios. In the first scenario, chronic subclinical vascular brain injury is found on scans of patients with acute stroke syndromes. This is a common occurrence because chronic subclinical vascular brain injury and acute stroke have shared risk factors. When subclinical vascular brain injury is identified, it may have implications for work up and management of the acute stroke. The presence of chronic silent embolic-appearing infarcts suggests a proximal embolic source. The identification of microbleeds may prompt reconsideration of the safety of thrombolysis or anticoagulant treatment for patients with ischemic stroke (see Section “Case 1” for a more detailed discussion of this issue).
In the second scenario, subclinical vascular brain injury is discovered in a patient without acute stroke but who exhibits symptoms, such as cognitive or gait impairment, which might plausibly be considered a consequence of the subclinical vascular brain injury. In this scenario, identifying and treating the cause of the subclinical brain injury may prevent symptom progression (Section “Case 2”).
In the last scenario, subclinical vascular brain injury is discovered as an incidental finding in patients who undergo brain imaging for completely unrelated reasons. In this scenario, the clinician must consider the implications of subclinical vascular brain injury for global cardiovascular and stroke risk reduction (Section “Case 3”).
Case Presentation 1: An Ischemic Stroke Patient with Atrial Fibrillation and Cerebral Microbleeds
Details of the Case
A 77-year-old woman presents with acute dysarthria and mild right facial droop, with NIH Stroke Scale score 2. Electrocardiogram shows new onset atrial fibrillation. Echocardiogram shows a mildly dilated left atrium with a normal ejection fraction and no wall motion abnormalities. An MRI brain shows small areas of restricted diffusion in both hemispheres, consistent with acute infarction as the cause of her new dysarthria (Fig. 26.2). MRI SWI shows fifteen lobar microbleeds, without evidence for microbleeds in deep locations. Should this patient be anticoagulated to prevent recurrent ischemic stroke due to atrial fibrillation? What is the risk of anticoagulant-induced intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in patients with microbleeds?

Fig. 26.2
A 77-year-old woman with acute ischemic stroke, atrial fibrillation and multiple lobar microbleeds. (a) Axial diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) showing two areas of hyperintensity, representing acute infarcts. (b) Axial susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) showing six microbleeds (arrows), all in lobar locations. In total there were 15 lobar microbleeds
The microbleeds indicate the presence of a hemorrhage-prone vasculopathy, and the risk of subsequent ICH is probably increased. The clinical question is whether the increased risk of subsequent ICH outweighs the risk reduction that would be conferred by anticoagulation. This patient has a CHA2DS2-VASC (for definition see Chap. 12) score of 5 that is associated with an annual risk of recurrent ischemic stroke of ~6.7 % which would be reduced to ~2.2 % with anticoagulation [12]. Therefore, anticoagulation is indicated in the absence of other factors that would substantially increase the risk of bleeding complications.
Microbleeds appear as small, focal areas of signal loss (hypointensity) on T2* sensitive sequences such as GRE or SWI [13]. They are usually not apparent on other MRI sequences and cannot be seen on CT. In the absence of a few other specific conditions that cause microbleeds (e.g., familial cavernous malformation, infective endocarditis, and traumatic diffuse axonal injury), which should be obvious from the history, microbleeds are nearly always attributed to either arteriosclerosis, related to aging and vascular risk factors, or CAA. Radiopathological correlation studies suggest that microbleeds represent small areas of extravascular hemosiderin deposition from previous small, asymptomatic hemorrhages [14]. Microbleeds must be discriminated from several common mimics. Blood vessels seen in cross section will appear as small round hypointense dots, because deoxygenated hemoglobin also has a susceptibility effect. Calcifications, frequently seen in the globus pallidus, may also appear as hypointensities, mimicking microbleeds. There are two published standardized rating systems to enhance specificity and reliability of microbleed identification [15, 16].
One or more chronic microbleeds are seen in up to 30–70 % of persons with acute ischemic stroke, but only 10–30 % of the general population [17]. The increased prevalence in ischemic stroke patients likely reflects shared risk factors for microbleeds and ischemic stroke, such as hypertension. The clinical concern in our patient is that the microbleeds may signify an increased risk for future ICH, and greater risk from anticoagulation. Unfortunately, the risk of warfarin-related ICH in patients with microbleeds is poorly defined. In the absence of better data from prospective studies, specific recommendations for antithrombotic strategy for atrial fibrillation in the setting of incidentally discovered lobar microbleeds cannot be provided, but general guidelines can be discussed. In general, the clinical approach should be to determine the cause of the microbleeds (hypertension, CAA, or other) with application of the Boston criteria (Table 26.2), to mitigate bleeding risk by carefully controlling hypertension, and to judge the risks and benefits of anticoagulation strategies in light of the number of microbleeds and their underlying cause. Screening with MRI to identify microbleeds before anticoagulation is not recommended, given the current lack of certainty on how they should affect management.
Definite CAA | Full postmortem examination demonstrating: |
• Lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical hemorrhage | |
• Severe CAA with vasculopathy | |
• Absence of other diagnostic lesions | |
Probable CAA with supporting pathology | Clinical data and pathologic tissue (evacuated hematoma or cortical biopsy) demonstrating: |
• Lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical hemorrhage | |
• Some degree of CAA in specimen | |
• Absence of other diagnostic lesion | |
Probable CAA | Clinical data and MRI or CT demonstrating: |
• Multiple hemorrhages restricted to lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical regions (cerebellar hemorrhage allowed) or Single lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical hemorrhage and focal or disseminated superficial siderosis | |
• Age ≥55 years | |
• Absence of other cause of hemorrhage or other cause of superficial siderosis | |
Possible CAA | Clinical data and MRI or CT demonstrating: |
• Single lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical hemorrhage or focal or disseminated superficial siderosis | |
• Age ≥55 years | |
• Absence of other cause of hemorrhage or other cause of superficial siderosis |
In the patient under discussion, the presence of multiple microbleeds in lobar brain locations, without microbleeds in deep hemispheric locations such as the basal ganglia or thalamus, suggests that CAA is the underlying cause [8]. CAA is caused by vascular amyloid deposition. Vascular beta-amyloid is toxic to vascular smooth muscle cells, leading to fibrosis, necrosis and loss of vascular wall integrity with bleeding. CAA causes about 20 % of all symptomatic ICHs. Chronic, asymptomatic microbleeds or areas of superficial siderosis (Fig. 26.3) are often seen in addition to symptomatic hemorrhagic strokes. The Boston criteria for CAA diagnosis use age, presence and number of lobar hemorrhages, microbleeds, and superficial siderosis to assign a probability of underlying CAA as the cause of ICH (Table 26.2) [18, 19]. These criteria rely on the fact that vascular beta-amyloid preferentially involves the leptomeningeal and cortical vessels, with relative sparing of vessels supplying the basal ganglia. Therefore, hemorrhages and microbleeds affecting the cortex and subcortical white matter in the elderly are potentially related to CAA (although arteriosclerosis due to conventional vascular risk factors can also cause bleeding in these locations), while hemorrhages and microbleeds in the deep hemispheric structures such as the basal ganglia are unlikely to be caused by CAA and more likely to be related to arteriosclerosis due to hypertension and other vascular risk factors (Fig. 26.4). The Boston criteria have been pathologically validated in persons with lobar ICH [19]. Although the criteria have not been pathologically validated in persons like our patient under discussion, who only had multiple lobar microbleeds without symptomatic ICH, it is likely that most elderly with multiple lobar microbleeds do in fact have CAA, based on studies showing similar genetic and risk factor profiles as pathologically proven CAA cases [20].

Fig. 26.3
Superficial siderosis. Axial T2*-weighted gradient-recalled echo (GRE) sequence showing regions of superficial siderosis (arrows). Superficial siderosis represents areas of hemisoderin deposition beneath the pia mater or in the superficial cerebral cortex, resulting from previous subpial or subarachnoid hemorrhages

Fig. 26.4
Classification of cerebral microbleeds by Boston Criteria for diagnosis of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Based on the number and location of microbleeds, the likelihood of underlying cerebral amyloid angiopathy can be determined using the Boston criteria [19]. Axial T2*-weighted gradient-recalled echo (GRE) sequences. Left panels: The presence of two or more lobar microbleeds (arrows), without microbleeds in non-lobar locations such as the basal ganglia, is consistent with probable cerebral amyloid angiopathy. When only one microbleed is present, the likelihood of underlying cerebral amyloid angiopathy may be classified as “possible.” Middle panels: A microbleed in the left thalamus (arrow) is not consistent with cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Arteriolosclerosis due to aging and hypertension is the more likely cause. Right panels: Microbleeds in mixed locations including the right thalamus (not consistent with cerebral amyloid angiopathy), right corona radiate and left parietal cortex (arrows) is consistent either with arteriolosclerosis due to aging and hypertension, or a combination of arteriolosclerosis plus additional cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Therefore, the presence of cerebral amyloid angiopathy is uncertain
The finding that microbleeds are probably caused by CAA should heighten concern regarding anticoagulation, because patients with CAA have higher bleeding risk than patients with arteriosclerosis caused by conventional risk factors such as hypertension. In patients with lobar ICH and possible or probable CAA the recurrence rate is 5–10 % per year compared to only 2–3 % per year for ICH not caused by CAA. The risk for recurrent CAA-related ICH is higher in patients with larger numbers of additional asymptomatic microbleeds [21], and in post-ICH aspirin users who have more than 5 microbleeds [22]. Consequently, American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) guidelines recommend to avoid resuming oral anticoagulation in patients with lobar ICH, but to consider resuming oral anticoagulation in patients with non-lobar ICH [23]. However, our patient with microbleeds has not had a previous symptomatic ICH; therefore her rate of new symptomatic ICH might be lower. A single cohort study of 69 patients with two or more lobar microbleeds and non-hemorrhagic symptoms of CAA (mostly transient neurological events or cognitive impairment) found that 5 % per year had incident symptomatic ICH [24]. Whether truly asymptomatic microbleeds, as in our patient, confer the same yearly risk is unknown.

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