Subdural Hemorrhage and Posttraumatic Hygroma

Key Words

subdural hematoma, subdural hygroma, intracranial hemorrhage



The accurate age determination of a subdural hemorrhage is one of the most common and basic assessments in the setting of head trauma. On computed tomography (CT), the classic descriptions of blood products within the subdural space relate to density changes which evolve over time. These changes reflect the evolution from acute blood to clot formation, clot retraction, clot lysis, and eventual resorption. Based on the density of the subdural collection, subdural hematomas (SDHs) are classically subdivided into acute, subacute, and chronic SDHs. Although the process of estimation is generally straightforward in everyday clinical practice, several variations must be taken into account to avoid confusion. This confusion may be ameliorated by focusing first on the relevant anatomy and then on the different types of subdural collections, including both SDHs and subdural hygromas.

An SDH is a typically crescent shaped extraaxial collection of blood within the innermost layer of the dura, designated the dural border cell layer ( Fig. 2.1 ).

Figure 2.1

A subdural hematoma is a crescent-shaped extraaxial collection of blood within the innermost layer of the dura, as depicted in red at the bottom of the illustration. A magnified view of the meningeal layers between the inner table of the skull and the cerebral cortex is presented in the top of the illustration. The dura consists of several different layers of adherent cells. The innermost layer is the dural border cell layer. It is within this layer that subdural hematomas form.

The fact that SDHs form within the innermost layer of the dura is of crucial importance for a conceptual understanding of the different types of subdural collections. This is because there is a rich venous plexus within this layer ( Fig. 2.2 ). The small caliber of these vascular structures is beyond the resolution of our current imaging. Although there is still much that is unknown about its function, this venous plexus is thought to play a role in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) resorption into the venous system.

Figure 2.2

Dural vasculature. Both dural arteries and veins exist along the superior and inferior aspects of the dura. Although superficial meningeal arteries (MA) and veins (MV) are superficially located, a rich dural venous plexus (DP) likely involved in cerebrospinal fluid resorption is located within the inner portion of the dura. This dural plexus is most dense parasagittally. BV , Bridging vein; PA , penetrating arteriole extending to inner dural plexus; SS , superior sagittal sinus.

(Modified from Mack J, Squier W, Eastman JT. Anatomy and development of the meninges: implications for subdural collections and CSF circulation. Pediatr Radiol . 2009;39:200–210.)

Subdural Hematoma Evolution: Overview

At its most basic, there are two types of traumatic subdural collections: SDH and subdural hygroma. An acute SDH represents acute blood products with or without clot formation. On CT imaging, an acute SDH often presents as a hyperdense subdural collection ( Fig. 2.3 ).

Figure 2.3

Acute subdural hematoma. A coronal image, performed after an acute fall several hours prior, demonstrates left tentorial, parafalcine, and right hemispheric hyperdense acute subdural hematomas (red arrows) .

A subdural hygroma is the accumulation of clear or xanthochromic CSF within the subdural space. An acute subdural hygroma results from the acute accumulation of CSF within the dural border cell layer. This can result from an acute tear in both the arachnoid and the dural border cell layer, resulting in communication of these two spaces. Alternatively, this can also result from the acute impairment of CSF resorption (as often seen in the setting of subarachnoid hemorrhage), affecting the intradural venous plexus along the inner layer of the dura. On CT imaging, an acute subdural hygroma exists when a CSF isodense or nearly isodense subdural collection accumulates acutely ( Fig. 2.4 ).

Figure 2.4

Acute subdural hygroma. Axial computed tomography image conducted shortly after a motor vehicle accident (A) demonstrates hyperdense subarachnoid hemorrhage within the right sylvian fissure (white arrow) . One day later (B), a hypodense collection consistent with an acute subdural hygroma is seen overlying the right frontal lobe (gray arrow) . Complete resolution of the collection is evident 1 month later (C) .

Of course, the presence of a subdural hygroma and an SDH is not mutually exclusive. Varying degrees and combinations of clotted blood, unclotted blood, bloody CSF, and clear CSF can therefore be present within an acute subdural collection ( Fig. 2.5 ).

Figure 2.5

Intraoperative photograph of craniotomy for evacuation of an acute subdural hematoma. Notice the large semisolid heterogeneous dark-red subdural blood clot (white arrow) between the overlying folded dura and the underlying brain. The semisolid gelatinous consistency of the acute subdural clot differs from that of the viscous fluid of the unclotted acute blood (black arrow) and from that of the less viscous bloody cerebrospinal fluid evident at the edge of the picture (gray arrow) .

(Courtesy Dr. Kavian Shahi.)

These varying degrees and combinations of clot, blood, and bloody CSF are what lead to the marked heterogeneity of patient imaging presentations ( Fig. 2.6 ).

Figure 2.6

Axial noncontrast computed tomography image of acute subdural collections. Notice the space-occupying, masslike subdural blood clot (white arrow) . The morphology and density of the clot differs from that of the more fluid-like morphology of acute only partially clotted hyperdense blood (black arrows) and even that of the bloody cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (gray arrow) . Notice the bloody CSF is intermediate in density between the hyperdense blood products and the fluid density CSF evident anteriorly between the hemispheres.

The variable concentrations of either blood or CSF within a specific area of the acute subdural collection lead to different fluid properties and therefore different fluid behavior as time elapses. In other words, many portions of these subdural collections are not simply “blood” or “hematoma.” It should be now readily apparent why the imaging characteristics of these collections generally do not conform to the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) stages of hematoma evolution so firmly established for parenchymal hematomas ( Fig. 2.7 ).

Figure 2.7

Variable concentrations of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in a subdural collection lead to differentiating imaging features of subdural hematoma and subdural CSF. Axial noncontrast computed tomography (CT) image of the brain (A) demonstrates right hemispheric and parafalcine subdural collections (orange arrows) . Comparing coronal noncontrast CT (B) to coronal post contrast T1 (C) and coronal T2 magnetic resonance (D) images of the brain demonstrates to better advantage the differences between various portions of the right hemispheric subdural collection. In particular, on the coronal T2 image, the differences between the normal left-sided subarachnoid space (blue arrow) , right-sided subdural hematoma (red arrow) , right-sided subdural clot (orange arrow), and subdural CSF (yellow arrow) are readily evident.

Both SDHs and subdural hygromas can be either acute or chronic. SDHs are classified into acute, subacute, or chronic categories, depending on the amount of time elapsed since the time of injury. As previously noted, this determination is classically based on the density of the collection. At its most basic, the CT density of a simple SDH depends on the time interval between the bleeding episode and imaging ( Fig. 2.8 ).

Figure 2.8

Classic descriptions of acute, subacute, and chronic subdural hematoma density. A left tentorial hyperdense subdural hematoma is evident on an axial computed tomography image a few hours after head trauma (A, white arrow ). At 2.5 weeks, heterogeneously isodense blood products are evident (B, white arrow ). By 4 weeks, the hematoma is entirely hypodense as compared with the brain parenchyma (C, white arrow ).

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