The Lewy body dementias

Figure 18.1 Lewy-related pathology (LRP).

Lewy body inclusion (arrow) in a pigmented neuron of the substantia nigra (A, hematoxylin and eosin). Immunohistochemical staining of Lewy body inclusions (arrow heads) and Lewy neuritis (arrows) in the substantia nigra (B) and amygdala (C) using an antibody to SNCA. Extensive Lewy neurite pathology in the CA-2 region of the hippocampus (D).

Pathologic connection to clinical disease

The finding of distinct SNCA pathology in diseases such as DLB, PD, PDD, pure autonomic failure (PAF), and MSA has suggested to many investigators that these comprise a group of disorders characterized by synuclein abnormalities, and they have been classified as synucleinopathies [38, 39]. The discovery of mutations in the SNCA gene in familial Parkinsons disease provides further evidence for a pathologic role of SNCA in the disease process. SNCA is present in significant quantities in the normal brain at synaptic terminals. Various in vitro and in vivo models of synucleinopathies suggest that the SNCA misfolds and forms protein aggregates in disease. Post-translational modifications, such as phosphorylation, may contribute to the pathologic process [40, 41]. The hypothesis that toxic forms of SNCA secreted from neurons contribute to the so-called prion-like spreading of pathology to adjacent neurons is gaining momentum, but the precise function of SNCA and associated pathogenic mechanisms remains incompletely understood [42].

Six Braak stages of progression of LRP have been proposed for Parkinsons disease. In Stages 1 and 2 inclusions and neurites occur in the olfactory bulb, the anterior olfactory nucleus, and/or the dorsal motor nuclei of the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves in the lower brainstem. By Stage 5 and 6, widespread neocortical pathology is present [43]. In the 2005 DLB consensus, it was suggested that pathologic grading of LRP, in DLB, involved making the distinction between brainstem, limbic, and diffuse neocortical distribution [19]. The presence of significant AD pathology was proposed to be inversely correlated with a clinical DLB syndrome, and an amygdala-predominant distribution has been suggested as a pattern more closely associated with AD [28, 44, 45]. Despite the suggestion of differing underlying disease processes, no differences in immunostaining characteristics were found between AD and DLB/PDD Lewy bodies [34]. Neuropathologic studies of community-based autopsy patients have shown that when both AD pathology and LRP are present, there is a similar cognitive profile to pure AD, with memory deficits being most prominent. In contrast, executive deficits are more prominent with LRP with limited AD pathology. The coexistence of AD pathology and LRP is associated with a more severe rate of cognitive decline [46], and at last testing prior to autopsy, MMSE scores were approximately ten points lower in combined pathology cases than in AD alone [47].

There may be additional interactions between AD and LRP; in cases of PDD examined at autopsy, the combination of Lewy and Alzheimer-type pathology is consistently identified in a subset of cases [22, 38, 48, 49]. APOE ε4 genotype, known to confer risk of developing AD, may independently influence the risk of dementia in PD [49]. In cases of DLB and PDD with pure LRP, i.e., without significant AD pathology, the APOE ε4 allele was over-represented, suggesting that APOE ε4 might contribute to dementia through mechanisms unrelated to amyloid [50]. Lastly, LRP appears to be influenced by genetic mutations typically causing familial AD, for example the PSEN1 and 2 mutations [51], adding weight to the argument that there is some overlap or interaction of mechanisms involved in the formation of both AD and LB pathologic changes.

Modification to the 2005 scheme for the pathologic diagnosis of DLB, including the addition of an amygdala-predominant category, improves the pathologic categorization of LB cases [44].

The distribution of LB pathology has been correlated with the disease phenotype; for example, widespread cortical LB are present in both DLB and PDD, and are correlated with the presence of the dementia in PD [21, 52, 53]. Clinical symptoms have been correlated with the regional distribution of the LRP; for example, hallucinations in DLB are associated with greater Lewy body counts in posterior temporal regions [54]. Not surprisingly, substantia nigra LRP and neuronal loss are more severe in PD/PDD than in DLB [25, 55]. The clinical and pathophysiologic significance of LRP in relation to anatomical distribution in the brain has yet to be fully clarified, and protocols that consistently and efficiently categorize LRP and its distribution in autopsy cases are critical to serve as a foundation on which future studies to determine clinical correlates may be based.

LRP is not confined to the central nervous system (CNS); LRP has been found in peripheral sympathetic autonomic ganglia, and in the ganglia of Meissners and Auerbachs plexuses in the gastrointestinal tract, possibly years before expression of the disease in the CNS [56]. Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG), a physiological analog of noradrenaline (norepinephrine), when labeled with I-123, may be used to measure uptake in postganglionic sympathetic nerve terminals, providing a measure of postganglionic sympathetic innervation in vivo. I-123 MIBG scans demonstrate reduction of uptake in the peripheral sympathetic nervous system in both PD and DLB, irrespective of duration of disease or degree of autonomic failure [57], and this corresponds with pathologic observations that LRP is present in the peripheral autonomic nervous system early in the disease process.

Hyposmia, depression, and REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) can precede the motor and cognitive symptoms of PD and DLB by many years, and the early appearance of these symptoms may be explained by distribution of LRP in the brainstem and olfactory system in the early pathological stages [56]. Hyposmia as an early finding in PD may be explained by the development of LRP in the olfactory bulbs early in the disease process [43]. Noradrenergic dysfunction and involvement of the locus ceruleus, the major source of CNS noradrenergic innervation, with LRP has been hypothesized as contributing to depression and agitation [58, 59], and LRP in the serotonergic rostral raphe nuclei may also contribute to depression in DLB [60]. RBD has been linked to brainstem pathology, particularly LRP [61]. There may thus be a spectrum of clinical expression of LRP, with asymptomatic disease at one end, apparent DLB or PDD at the other, and symptoms such as RBD, hyposmia, and depression in-between [37].

Clinical diagnosis

Clinicalpathological studies have revealed a complex set of clinical signs and symptoms in DLB. The primary clinical feature of DLB, and a defining feature also of PDD, is progressive loss of cognitive function and associated decline of social or occupational function [18]. This progression generally occurs over years; in pure DLB the rate of decline is similar to that seen in AD, though with more prominent executive dysfunction. With the commonly occurring situation of combined AD and LB pathology, memory was the cognitive domain most severely affected, with a more rapid decline than in AD without LBP or pure DLB without significant AD pathologic changes [46].

The cognitive profile seen with DLB (Table 18.1) is virtually indistinguishable from that seen in PDD. The neuropsychological profiles in PDD and DLB share prominent abnormalities in attention, executive function, and visuospatial function, and relatively milder abnormalities in language function and memory retrieval. These features tend to differ from the cognitive profile seen in AD [46, 62]. The difference between DLB and PDD is chiefly in the timing of onset of clinically significant cognitive symptoms in relation to the onset of motor features; again, DLB being defined by onset of clinically significant cognitive deficits, dementia, before or within 1 year of the onset of parkinsonian motor features. DLB and PDD share similar psychiatric symptomatology, autonomic symptoms, REM sleep behavior disorder, and neuroleptic sensitivity reactions. In DLB, similar to AD, memory impairment can involve loss of ability to encode new information (short-term or recent memory), although this type of memory impairment is generally less severe than that observed in AD patients, and loss of the ability to retrieve already encoded information may be more severe in DLB than AD. Compared to AD, there is relative preservation of naming, but greater impairment of verbal fluency, and of visual perception and performance tasks [63, 64].

MCI of Lewy body disease

Cognitive changes of insufficient severity to diagnose clinical dementia would logically precede the onset of dementia in a gradually progressive disease process. Just as the early predementia or prodromal clinical state of AD, characterized by amnestic difficulties, is embodied by the diagnostic criteria of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), so might we expect measurable cognitive changes prior to the onset of DLB or PDD. Cognitive impairment in the Lewy body diseases is progressive and advances with age [65, 66].

In a retrospective analysis of patients followed longitudinally prior to death, and ultimately with neuropathological diagnosis of DLB, those demonstrating mild cognitive impairments had a profile that differed from MCI seen in AD cases [67]. The MCI-DLB cases were more likely to express features of parkinsonism (cases of PD were excluded), hallucinations or delirium provoked by medication or medical illness, and fluctuations in cognitive performance. It should be noted that these challenging symptoms, when presenting without an underlying cause, may bias diagnosis toward a dementia rather than MCI. Letter (phonemic) fluency performance was significantly lower in the MCI-DLB group, and performance of Wechsler Logical Memory-I, a test of immediate recall, was significantly better in MCI-DLB compared to MCI-AD cases. In another analysis of patients diagnosed with MCI, in those ultimately diagnosed pathologically with DLB, the cognitive domains most frequently affected were attention, executive functioning, and visuospatial functioning [68]. Interestingly, in this study all cases with REM sleep behavior disorder plus mild cognitive impairment eventually were shown to have autopsy-proven LRP.

Although one might expect a cognitive profile similar to that seen in more advanced DLB and PDD, it is not necessarily assumed that the cognitive profiles of MCI prior to DLB and PDD diagnosis will necessarily match the profile seen once dementia is evident. As yet, no clearly defined criteria exist to reliably establish a prodromal diagnosis of MCI-DLB; however, to aid in standardizing the assessment of MCI in PD, diagnostic criteria have been proposed (Table 18.2) [69]. Mild cognitive impairment has been found to be surprisingly common in newly diagnosed PD patients. Prevalence of MCI was 19% (two-thirds had a non-amnestic subtype of MCI and one-third had amnestic MCI) in one study of incident PD [70], and as high as 57% in prevalent PD [71]. Consistent with MCI-PD as a prodrome to dementia, one study found 62% of the patients with MCI-PD developed dementia during the 4-year follow-up period, while only 20% of the cognitively intact patients with PD progressed to dementia during that same timeframe [72].

Table 18.2

Criteria for the diagnosis of PD-MCI

I. Inclusion criteria:

  • Diagnosis of Parkinsons disease as based on the UK PD Brain Bank Criteria.

  • Gradual decline in cognitive ability, in the setting of PD, reported by either the patient or informant, or observed by the clinician.

  • Cognitive deficits on either formal neuropsychological testing or a scale of global cognitive abilities.

  • Cognitive deficits are not sufficient to interfere significantly with functional independence, although subtle difficulties on complex functional tasks may be present.

II. Exclusion criteria:

  • Diagnosis of PD dementia based on MDS Task Force proposed criteria.

  • Other primary explanations for cognitive impairment (e.g., delirium, stroke, major depression, metabolic abnormalities, adverse effects of medication, or head trauma).

  • Other PD-associated comorbid conditions (e.g., motor impairment or severe anxiety, depression, excessive daytime sleepiness, or psychosis) that, in the opinion of the clinician, significantly influence cognitive testing.

III. Specific guidelines for PD-MCI level I and level II categories:

Level I (abbreviated assessment)

  • Impairment on a scale of global cognitive abilities validated for use in PDA

  • Impairment on at least two tests, when a limited battery of neuropsychological tests is performed (i.e., the battery includes less than two tests within each of the five cognitive domains, or less than five cognitive domains are assessed).

Level II (comprehensive assessment)

  • Neuropsychological testing that includes two tests within each of the five cognitive domains (i.e., attention and working memory, executive, language, memory, and visuospatial).

  • Impairment on at least two neuropsychological tests, represented by either two impaired tests in one cognitive domain or one impaired test in two different cognitive domains.

  • Impairment on neuropsychological tests may be demonstrated by:

    • Performance approximately 1 to 2 SDs below appropriate norms.

    • Or significant decline demonstrated on serial cognitive testing.

    • Or significant decline from estimated premorbid levels.

IV. Subtype classification for PD-MCI (optional, requires two tests for each of the five cognitive domains assessed and is strongly suggested for research purposes)

  • PD-MCI single-domain abnormalities on two tests within a single cognitive domain (specify the domain), with other domains unimpaired.

  • PD-MCI multiple-domain abnormalities on at least one test in two or more cognitive domains (specify the domains).

Adapted from Litvan et al. 2012 [69].

Frontal executive dysfunction seems to be the most prominent cognitive domain affected in PD prior to the development of dementia [73], although the nature of cognitive deficits in MCI-PD is global, affecting multiple cognitive domains in the vast majority of patients. One explanation for this may be involvement of frontal and subcortical circuitry, important for attentional allocation, executive, and multimodal processing, inherent in the neuropsychometric assessment of cognitive domains [74]. Also worth mentioning is the co-occurrence of AD pathology and LRB in about a third of patients, which may modify the clinical phenotype [21], and implies the need to investigate therapies targeting Aβ for improving cognitive performance in PD and LBD.

Clinical features of the DLB and PDD spectrum

Attention and fluctuation

Besides specific neuropsychological testing deficits, patients with DLB can exhibit marked fluctuation in attention and cognition with cognitive impairment alternating from near-normal performance to severe confusion within periods ranging from minutes to days and weeks [75]. This is distinct from normal variations in function observed in all patients with neurodegenerative disorders in which the severity of the fluctuations is less severe and more predicable. In addition to fluctuations in cognition, alterations in levels of attention and vigilance (arousal) are also seen. Patients with DLB can have episodes of severely reduced levels of arousal and also may have histories of increased somnolence. Work with computerized attention and vigilance tasks in DLB patients has confirmed this increased frequency of fluctuation in performance on some tasks on a second-by-second basis [76]. For clinicians, it is worth noting that fluctuations may account for visit-to-visit variability in cognitive and functional performance. Detection of fluctuations requires a high clinical index of suspicion and careful, directed history taking [77]. In practice, fluctuations are not often brought up as a presenting complaint, and asking patients and caregivers about periods of increased somnolence, staring into space or marked day-to-day variations in performance may well be rewarded with improved sensitivity for clinical detection of DLB. Simple structured interview-based scales such as the One Day Fluctuation Assessment Scale may also be used to aid in the clinical detection of attentional fluctuation, and assist the diagnosis of DLB as well as differentiation from AD and vascular dementia (VaD) [78], and observer reports of disturbed arousal and disorganized speech are specific aspects of fluctuations distinguishing DLB from AD and normal aging [79]. A recent study reported excessive daytime sleepiness is more common in clinical DLB cases compared to AD [80], and may help with clinical differentiation of these conditions at an early stage. Sleepiness did not depend on night-time sleep fragmentation, the presence of the visual hallucinations, fluctuations, parkinsonism, or RBD. Interestingly the DLB participants who underwent autopsy demonstrated both transitional (brainstem and limbic) and cortical (neocortical) LRP, but no differences were observed in dementia severity, DLB core features or other sleep variables. Involvement of limbic and brainstem regions with LRP and neuronal loss may play a role in the pathogenesis of excessive daytime sleepiness.


Problems with frontal lobe-associated cognitive skills such as executive function might present clinically with loss of ability to problem-solve, multitask, or plan and successfully execute a task. On neuropsychological testing, this may appear as a decline in the ability to perform tests such as the Wisconsin Card Sorting and Trail Making Tests.

Visuospatial dysfunction is prominent in DLB and PDD patients. This may manifest clinically as the loss of the ability to navigate in well-known locations (e.g., getting lost in ones own neighborhood) and may be identified on examination by the inability to perform tasks such as clock drawing or copying figures.

As mentioned earlier, memory deficits may be present, but typically with lesser severity that those seen in AD.

Not all patients presenting with dementia will have a single pure expression of one disease, and in fact in older individuals, combined pathology is the rule rather than the exception [81]. In this context, for example with coexistent AD, the pattern of cognitive impairment may include characteristics of both DLB and AD [46]. While little work has been done regarding the role of cerebrovascular disease in Lewy body dementia, it is likely that in many DLB patients vascular injury may also contribute to the cognitive impairment and profile. Several studies have shown that vascular risk factors are related to cognitive impairment or decline, especially in regards to psychomotor speed and executive function [8284], a profile that would be difficult to separate from that of DLB.

As discussed earlier, the pattern of neuropsychological dysfunction with more pronounced difficulties in attention, executive function, and visuospatial domains, with milder memory deficits, should increase the clinicians suspicion of DLB. Composite global cognitive assessment tools such as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) cannot be relied upon to detect mild dementia in Parkinsons disease [85], and this is likely also true for DLB with the similar cognitive profile, as discussed earlier; however, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), which includes more visuospatial and executive tasks, may be more sensitive than the MMSE in picking up cognitive impairment in clinically diagnosed patients with DLB [86]. In autopsy-proven DLB, severe antemortem impairment on MMSE was most strongly correlated with other coexisting disease, such as AD [87]. This does not discount the potential for severe global cognitive deficits as a result of pure LBP; rather, the MMSE is likely not very sensitive for severe dysfunction in the domains for which LBP is most manifest, (i.e., visuospacial and executive function). While bedside neuropsychological screening (e.g., MMSE, Short Blessed, MoCA) is important, formal neuropsychological testing can provide a more detailed profile of cognitive deficits that may be helpful in differentiating DLB from other disorders such as AD.

Clinical differentiation of DLB from vascular dementia may be particularly challenging, as the cognitive profiles may overlap if similar frontalsubcortical or occipital cortical connections are involved. A history of significant fluctuations in attention and alertness would support DLB; and although fluctuations may also occur in vascular dementia (VaD), they are less severe with a longer periodicity compared to DLB [76]. A history of multiple vascular risk factors may increase suspicion of vascular disease contributing to the cognitive syndrome. The temporal onset, i.e., sudden or stuttering, may favor stroke and VaD, but again, careful history is required to differentiate this pattern from the fluctuation typical of DLB. Focal neurologic deficits and brain imaging findings (extensive white matter disease, multiple strokes, or strokes in areas critical for the cognitive domains affected in DLB, such as in frontalbasal or visual circuits) may sway diagnostic suspicion away from DLB, and the presence of core DLB diagnostic features, such as visual hallucinations, parkinsonism, fluctuations, or supportive features such as REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), would favor a Lewy body. Of course, as previously noted, mixed pathology is common in older dementia patients and thus some patients will have coexistent LB and vascular pathology.

Finally, it is important to recognize that the distinct profile of the cognitive deficits may be most evident in the early stages of disease. Neuropsychological distinctions between DLB and other neurodegenerative dementias are less clear as a patient moves into a more severe stage of disease and cognitive deficits become much broader.


Behavioral symptoms are common in DLB. Neuropsychiatric disturbances, in particular apathy, delusions, hallucinations, and anxiety, are frequent in DLB and are only related weakly to cognitive impairment [88].

Behavioral and psychiatric disturbances in dementia are a significant source of morbidity and increase the risk for institutionalization [89]. Psychotic symptoms are more frequent, persistent, and tend to occur earlier in DLB patients, when compared with patients with AD [90]. Recurrent visual hallucinations (VH) are one of the hallmarks of DLB and are one of three core symptoms in the consensus criteria for DLB (Table 18.1). VH are characteristically well formed in DLB, with patients able to describe fine details. Unlike VH in delirium, those in DLB are recurrent and not associated with a systemic illness [91]. VH in DLB tend to be well-formed images, and are often not distressing to the patient, though less well-formed shadows or misinterpretation of visual images may also be reported. Other types of hallucinations, such as auditory hallucinations, are less frequent and less specific for DLB. Delusions are also less unique to DLB than VH. When delusions occur, however, they are frequently complex and bizarre, in contrast with AD where delusions are less well formed or related to misidentification or memory impairment (e.g., delusions of theft) [18]. Hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms are also common in Parkinsons disease, as may be expected given the overlap in pathophysiology with DLB [92]. Although dopaminergic therapy used in PD may exacerbate such symptoms, drug therapy seems less important than the underlying disease substrate itself [93].

Level of insight may be affected in all neurodegenerative diseases, and worsens with advancement of the disease [94]; however, patients with Parkinsons disease (PD) may show better insight into their cognitive deficits than do AD patients, but they have poor insight for functional and social deficits [95]. When it comes to driving and recognition of driving difficulties, PD patients with impaired driving performance are more likely to rate their driving poorly and spontaneously cease driving than AD patients [96].

Depression and anxiety are common in DLB and PD [9799]; in one study of mild dementia, nearly 25% had clinically significant depression, with depression in DLB being significantly more common than in AD. Relating to this, in a study of 114 patients with PD, 27.6% screened positive for depression during the average 14.6 months of follow-up; 40% of these cases were neither treated with antidepressants nor referred for further psychiatric evaluation [100].

This highlights the importance of asking about and treating mood disorders, common in these neurodegenerative diseases. Assessment and treatment of mood disorders in dementia has been specifically identified as a quality measure by the American Medical Association and Center for Medicaid Services Performance Quality Reporting Set (PQRS) [101, 102].

Impulse control disorders have been reported in PD/PDD; however, more recent study shows that, unlike with the psychotic and hallucination symptoms discussed earlier, PD itself does not seem to confer an increased risk for development of impulse control or related behavior symptoms, and such symptoms are more probably related to the medications used for the control of motor symptoms in PD [103, 104].


The four major motor symptoms of PD (resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural instability) can be observed in DLB, but with lesser frequency and with a distribution of symptoms that differs from typical PD. In particular, patients with DLB can be bradykinetic, rigid, and have significant gait disturbance, whereas resting tremor is a comparatively uncommon motor symptom [98].

The gait disturbance can include slow shuffling steps, en bloc turns, and decreased arm swing, in addition to postural instability. These motor symptoms may be less responsive to dopaminergic agents [105]. The reasons for this discrepancy in patterns of motor symptoms and response to treatment remain unclear, although differences in the distribution of LRP and degree of involvement of nigrostriatal dopaminergic systems in DLB and PD may be important [25].

It is worth noting that parkinsonian symptoms are relatively common in the later severe and terminal stages of several other dementias including AD and frontotemporal dementia; thus, the timing of onset of motor symptoms may be an important feature in helping to distinguish DLB from other dementias. On the other hand, it has also been reported that some autopsy-confirmed DLB patients never exhibited motor symptoms of PD [106].

Neuroleptic sensitivity

Neuroleptic sensitivity reaction is a clinical feature supportive of the diagnosis of DLB, and is also present in patients with PD/PDD [107]. This sensitivity is proposed to be mediated through blockade of D2 receptors, and has been reported to occur in as many as 50% or more patients with DLB exposed to neuroleptics [108]. Because neuroleptic drugs are commonly used to treat psychotic symptoms common in patients with dementia, this presents a clinical quandary. The newer atypical antipsychotics appear to be better tolerated in these patients, and will be discussed further later in the chapter.

REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)

Patients with DLB and PD frequently complain of a number of sleep disturbances such as an inability to fall asleep and numerous night-time awakenings, but one of the more striking clinical features supportive of a DLB diagnosis, and also seen in PD/PDD, is REM sleep behavioral disorder (RBD). Normal rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is typically associated with muscle atonia, and, based on animal models, is likely mediated by brainstem inhibitory projections to bulbar and spinal motor neurons [109]. In RBD this normal atonia during REM sleep is lost, resulting in abnormal movements. These movements often appear purposeful, or as if acting out dreams, and can on occasion result in injury to patients or bed partners. Patients may not always volunteer or be aware of RBD symptoms. A careful history is preferably corroborated by a spouse or informant who can attest to the patients behavior during sleep. Definitive diagnosis of RBD requires sleep polysomnography, where RBD is associated with the loss of usual muscle atonia, measured using surface EMG, in the setting of REM stage sleep.

RBD has been associated in humans with dorsal pontine lesions, but more strikingly, the presence of SNCA pathology has been strongly associated with RBD. All synucleinopthies including DLB, PD/PDD, pure autonomic failure, and MSA have been associated with RBD. Autopsy studies have found a very high percentage of RBD patients have a synucleinopathy [110]. There are non-synucleinopathy disorders associated with RBD, particularly those in which the dorsal midbrain and pons may be implicated (e.g., PSP, SCA-3, MS) [61, 111, 112], although in such patients RBD develops in concert with or after the onset of parkinsonism, whereas in the synucleinopathies, RBD typically begins years before the onset of cognitive and motor features. RBD has even been described presenting decades prior to any other clinical features in autopsy-proven LBP [112] and RBD thus may be an early clinical marker for synucleinopathy-mediated neurodegenerative disease when presenting in the absence of other motor or cognitive features, and with no other contributing condition (e.g., obstructive sleep apnea, excess alcohol). Almost 40% of patients with idiopathic RBD in one series were subsequently found to have developed a parkinsonian disorder [113], and the duration between onset of RBD and PD can range from 5 to 40 years [61].

Autonomic dysfunction

As discussed earlier, LRP may involve the myenteric and autonomic nervous system. Syncopal episodes are a supportive feature of a DLB diagnosis, and in PD symptoms of autonomic failure, such as constipation, orthostasis, and urinary dysfunction, are common [114]. Although the appearance of prominent autonomic dysfunction very early in the disease course would be suggestive of MSA, autonomic nervous system dysfunction has been found to be significant in DLB and in PD [115117], and is more common in PDD and DLB compared to AD and vascular dementia (VaD) [116].

Ancillary studies

As in the approach to all dementias, careful consideration should be given to a differential diagnosis with focus on potentially treatable or reversible conditions. Laboratory studies typically include screening for thyroid deficiencies, vitamin B12 deficiency, syphilis serology as well as screening for metabolic organ dysfunction in general with a comprehensive metabolic panel that includes screens for liver and kidney dysfunction and a complete blood count.

CSF analysis may be used to aid in the diagnosis of AD, although no specific CSF screen for PDD or DLB has been developed. Abnormalities in the CSF core biomarkers for AD (amyloid beta 142 [Aβ42], total tau, and phosphorylated tau) are not specific to AD: they cannot be relied upon alone to differentiate between causes of dementia, such as AD vs. DLB [118]; however, they may assist in estimating the certainty of a diagnosis in certain clinical situations. Reduced CSF Aβ42 is associated with cognitive decline in PD [119], possibly reflecting overlapping pathologies as the cognitive disease advances [49]. However, some CSF biomarkers or combinations of biomarkers do show some promise in differentiating disease pathologies in vivo. Both DJ-1 and SNCA, two proteins potentially involved in PD/DLB pathogenesis, have been tested as disease biomarkers; although early studies were unrevealing, improved techniques have demonstrated sensitivity and specificity for cases with PD versus controls to be 90 and 70% for DJ-1, and 92 and 58% for SNCA [120]. A combination of the two markers did not enhance the test performance, and there was no association between DJ-1 or SNCA and the severity of Parkinsons disease. In another study, CSF SNCA has was found to be significantly lower in DLB and PD patients than in patients with AD and aged controls [121]. Combinations of DJ-1 and SNCA with other biomarkers have shown promise in differentiation of PD patients not only from normal controls but also from patients with Alzheimer disease and multiple system atrophy [122], although DLB patients were not included in the study.

Lower levels of the metabolite 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (MHPG) in CSF has been shown to improve differentiation of AD and DLB cases [123]. Slightly, but significantly, lower levels of Aβ42, total tau, phosphorylated tau181, SNCA, and total-tau/Aβ42 were seen in subjects with PD compared with healthy controls, although with a marked overlap between groups [124]. CSF studies alone are insufficient for providing a diagnosis, but may be useful in combination with other clinical information to increase diagnostic accuracy during early phases of the disease, and to assist in the clinical process of differentiating between neurodegenerative disorders [125].

Imaging with CT and MRI is not helpful in establishing a diagnosis of DLB, PD or PDD; however, imaging studies can show relative preservation of medial temporal lobe volume in DLB compared to AD [126].

PET and SPECT studies show consistent evidence of occipital hypometabolism (reduced O2 uptake and reduced glucose utilization) in DLB and PD/PDD [127131]. Unfortunately, it is unclear how often this characteristic imaging finding is negative in patients with DLB or PD/PDD. Such studies alone are not sufficient to establish a diagnosis; however, when occipital hypometabolism is present it can be combined with other diagnostic criteria, such as RBD, to increase diagnostic accuracy [132].

A more recent SPECT study of PD and PDD patients failed to show longitudinal progression of occipital hypoperfusion, although increasing perfusion was seen in striatal areas [133]. One speculative reason for not finding occipital hypoperfusion in this study was that treatment with acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitors (ACEIs) in the impaired subjects could have reduced the occipital abnormality.

FP-CIT SPECT or other dopamine transporter imaging of the presynaptic dopamine uptake site shows similar degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic projection to the basal ganglia in DLB and PD, and the consensus criteria for DLB consider such an abnormality on DAT scans to be a supportive feature for a diagnosis of DLB (Table 18.1) [19]. Similar to FTG-PET, there is a need for better data on how often these transporter scans are negative (false negative) in DLB. In PD the false negative rate appears to be low [134].

I-123 MIBG scan can identify postganglionic autonomic dysfunction, and this finding may support a diagnosis of DLB and PD/PDD; however, cautious interpretation is needed as reduced uptake may also be seen with other autonomic insufficiency in other diseases like diabetes, or with severe congestive heart failure [135, 136].

As discussed above, sleep polysomnography, a non-invasive and safe investigation, may also assist with diagnosis. The observation of loss of usual muscle atonia during REM sleep can identify REM sleep behavior disturbance, a feature suggestive of synucleinopathy, and a potentially treatable source of discomfort and sleep disruption, particularly for bed partners.

Clinical management of DLB and PDD

Clinical management of DLB and PDD patients can be very challenging. In addition to their dementia, patients develop frequently develop both motor and behavioral disturbances that are a source of significant morbidity for patients and are quite problematic for their caregivers. Appropriate clinical management can lead to substantial improvement in the quality of life for both the patient and caregiver; however, there is still a great need for better clinical trial evidence for optimal therapeutic approaches to these difficult issues.

Cognitive impairment

A focus of treatment of dementia in AD has been the reversal of the well-characterized loss of cholinergic activity in the brain [137]. ACEIs increase availability of central nervous system acetylcholine by blocking its enzymatic breakdown via the cholinesterases. Current ACEIs approved for use in the USA include donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine. All have been consistently shown, in double-blind placebo-controlled studies, to have modest, but statistically significant positive cognitive and behavioral effects in AD. Examination of the cholinergic system in DLB has also demonstrated a significant reduction in cholinergic activity that appears to be more severe than that observed in AD [138]. Several open-label trials have suggested that patients with DLB can tolerate ACEIs, with few reports of worsened parkinsonism, and can have a positive clinical response. Small double-blind/placebo controlled trials of rivastigmine and donepezil in DLB patients have demonstrated improvements in both cognition and neuropsychiatric symptoms [139, 140142]. A similar cholinergic deficit is seen in PD/PDD patients, and suggests that this group of patients may also respond well to cholinesterase inhibitors [143]. A large placebo-controlled trial confirmed a benefit of rivastigmine for cognitive and behavioral symptoms in PD [144], while a similar-sized study using donepezil had more limited positive results [145]. The 2006 AAN published guideline Practice parameter: Evaluation and treatment of depression, psychosis, and dementia in Parkinson disease supports use of donepezil or rivastigmine in the treatment of dementia symptoms in PDD and rivastigmine in DLB [146].

Memantine, approved by the FDA for the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate dementia, has been studied in DLB and PDD, but the results have been mixed [147, 148]. In one study, memantine improved neuropsychiatric symptoms for DLB patients when compared to placebo, but there was no significant effect in PDD patients.

Psychiatric features

As already mentioned psychotic symptoms present a common clinical problem in the treatment of DLB and PD/PDD. As with other behavioral disturbances, psychotic symptoms such as paranoia are associated with significant morbidity and early nursing home placement [149]. As noted in the previous section, cholinesterase inhibitors have shown some benefit in neuropsychiatric symptoms in DLB and PDD [144].

The use of antipsychotic medications in DLB and PD/PDD is challenging, because of the known sensitivity of these patients to dopaminergic blockade, resulting in worsening of motor symptoms. Although typical antipsychotics should be avoided in such patients, several of the newer atypical antipsychotic medications may be better tolerated and safer. Even in these newer agents higher doses may still produce worsening of motor symptoms and there may be individual variability in the sensitivity to these agents. In one study olanzepine was shown to reduce psychotic symptoms in DLB, without worsening of motor symptoms [150]. In another study of PD patients, olanzepine worsened motor symptoms, but clozapine was better tolerated [151]. In a study of clozapine and quetiapine in PD patients, improvements were seen in psychotic symptoms for both drugs, but unlike with clozapine in this study, quetiapine had no measurable worsening of motor symptoms [152]. Retrospective analysis does support the efficacy and safety of treating psychosis with quetiapine in PD [153, 154] and DLB [155]. The 2006 AAN published guideline, mentioned above, also suggests that clozapine or quetiapine may be considered for treatment of psychosis symptoms in PD. That being said, the potential for serious adverse effects with clozapine, particularly blood dyscrasias, and the need for close laboratory monitoring for such adverse events, makes this drug more challenging to use in routine clinical practice, and quetiapine is likely to be preferred by most clinicians [156].

The FDA has raised concerns regarding the increased mortality associated with use of antipsychotic medications; however, this must be considered on an individual basis, along with the risk of morbidity and mortality due to the psychotic symptoms to the patient and sometimes the caregiver. As a final caveat, in some patients, psychotic symptoms do not appear to be a significant stressor to the patient or caregivers. In this latter circumstance, it is generally wise to avoid medications that specifically target psychotic symptoms.

Pimavanserin, a selective serotonin 5-HT2A receptor inverse agonist, has recently been shown in a placebo-controlled trial to improve psychotic symptoms in PD without worsening motor function [157]. This medication may benefit patients with PD/PDD and possibly benefits patients with DLB-associated psychosis.


Depression and anxiety are common in PD and DLB. Clinicians need to proactively screen these patients for the presence of depression and anxiety symptoms, as studies have shown these problems, though frequent, often go unrecognized and untreated [158]. No specific therapy for treating such symptoms in PD or DLB has yet been defined, and antidepressant trials in DLB and PDD specifically are needed [159]. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonergic and noradrenergic reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) may benefit depression symptoms in non-demented PD, and one study showing efficacy for depression in PD of an SSRI and SNRI did not differ from those with better versus worse (MMSE score < 27) cognitive performance [160]. Although antidepressants have not been shown to be beneficial for depressive symptoms in dementia (mostly AD) patients as a whole [161], clinicians may consider lower doses of SSRIs, e.g., sertraline (2550 mg/day) and citalopram (1020 mg/day) in individual patients, where there may be some benefit for other neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia, such as agitation [162]. Trazodone, a 5-HT2 antagonist, at 50 mg at bedtime, has been useful for dementia patients with insomnia or a nocturnal agitated state. Anxiolytics and benzodiazepines are generally avoided or used with great caution due to their sedative and adverse cognitive effects [156]. Depression in PD has been reported to respond to amitriptyline, although in those with significant cognitive impairment, this drug and others likely to have significant anticholinergic effects are probably best avoided.

Motor symptoms

Motor symptoms in DLB patients are somewhat unique, in that there tends to be less resting tremor than observed in PD, while there are similar levels of rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural instability. In addition, the clinical response of motor symptoms to levodopa is modest in DLB, in comparison with the almost universal response in PD. In one study of levodopa treatment of motor symptoms in DLB, 19 patients were treated for 6 months (mean daily dose 323 mg). Two subjects withdrew prematurely with gastrointestinal symptoms and two with worsening confusion. The overall impression was that a modest dose of L-dopa was generally well tolerated in DLB, but produced a significant motor response in only about one-third of patients. This was not deemed to be particularly efficacious, although younger DLB cases were more likely to respond to dopaminergic treatment [163]. Consideration of treatment with levodopa should be individualized. Dopaminergic agonists tend to have greater cognitive and behavioral side effects compared to levodopa, and should be avoided if possible in DLB. As well, in PDD the clinician may want to taper dopamine agonists and increase levodopa as necessary for motor symptoms.

Sleep and other non-motor or cognitive symptoms

As previously described, RBD is a common symptom in DLB, PD/PDD and other synucleinopathies. Although benzodiazepines are typically to be avoided in dementia patients, a low dose of clonazepam can be very effective and well tolerated for treatment of this symptom. There is also some evidence to support the effective and safe use of melatonin. Typically used doses are in the range of 3 mg to 9 mg (median dose of 6 mg), to treat this symptom [164]. In PD, periodic limb movements are frequent, and may respond to dopaminergic therapy [114], although, as noted above, levodopa is probably preferable to dopaminergic agonists in patients experiencing more significant cognitive impairment or behavioral disturbances. A wide range of other sleep disturbances, while less specific to the synucleinopathies, are common and warrant appropriate evaluation and management.

Dysautonomia, particularly postural hypotension, may be treated initially with compression stockings, preferably up to thigh height, or with addition of abdominal binders. The clinician may also need to modify antihypertensive medications. Sympathomimetic agents such as midodrine can be tried, and mineralocorticoids such as fludrocortisone 0.1 mg may also be helpful.

Incontinence may be managed non-pharmacologically with adult pads. Scheduled bathroom breaks can also be useful. Pharmacological management with bladder antispasmodic agents should aim to avoid use of more centrally acting drugs, such as oxybutynin, in favor of those with less central activity such as darifenacin, tolterodone solifenacin, trospium [165, 166] or mirabegron, a beta-3 agonist that may be a useful alternative for patients intolerant of anticholinergic medicines [167]. Clinical review for the effectiveness of the drug should ensue, as if it is not effective it should be discontinued or changed.

It is not surprising that with early involvement of the myenteric plexus, as discussed earlier, constipation is common in the diseases with LRP. High fiber diet and bulking agents are first-line therapy, and GI stimulants such as senna should be used with restraint due to potential for habituation.

Clinical research in DLB and PDD

The focus of much of the clinical research in DLB has been on diagnostic, pathologic, and clinical characterization. As elaborated in previous sections, the consensus criteria for DLB have been successful in accurately identifying patients with DLB pathology, but not as successful in identifying clinically subtle cases. This latter problem has led to continued efforts to improve characterization of the clinical symptoms of DLB patients and to identify biomarkers that may help in improving diagnostic sensitivity of DLB clinical criteria.


Pathological characterization of DLB using new histological techniques has been a major focus of recent clinicalpathological studies. The clinical and pathophysiologic significance of the high frequency of SNCA lesions in the amygdala of AD patients [19], or the prominence of SNCA pathology in autosomal dominant AD [51], are important observations that may lead to increased understanding of this pathology with further research.


Neurobiological investigations have focused on understanding the pathophysiological basis of the unique clinical symptomatology of DLB. As already mentioned, it has been established that DLB patients have substantial loss of cholinergic function [168]. Specific alterations in cholinergic receptors also occur in DLB and alterations in this system are associated with delusions and hallucinations [169]. The well-established cholinergic disturbance in DLB and the beneficial response to cholinesterase inhibitors are important findings and clues to future directions of DLB research.

As would be expected, alterations in the substantia nigra-based dopaminergic system have been demonstrated in DLB, with reduction in dopamine transporter sites and dopamine levels in the striatum. There is some evidence that dopaminergic system degenerative changes in DLB differ from those observed in PD [170] and may account for the differential clinical response of DLB patients to dopaminergic agents. Of course, alterations in the dopamine system have been implicated in psychotic disorders, and disruption of this system in DLB may also be important in the development of hallucinations and delusions.

In addition to the abnormalities of the dopaminergic and cholinergic systems in DLB, the locus ceruleus and its neurotransmitter norepinephrine are also affected. Neuronal counts of the locus ceruleus in PD show a substantial loss of neurons [171]. Norepinephrine levels are also significantly reduced in the striatum of DLB, and receptors for norepinephrine are abnormally increased in locus ceruleus projection sites [59].

Neurotransmitter system alterations in dementia, and particularly in DLB, are complex, dopaminergic, cholinergic, serotonergic, and adrenergic systems [172]. More detailed understanding of the alterations of these systems and the impact on cognitive and behavioral symptoms will be important in the development of effective treatments for clinical symptoms.


A number of genes have now been implicated in PD, PDD, and DLB [173, 174], and although familial grouping of these diseases is uncommon, familial cases of PD and DLB have been reported. Mutation of the SNCA gene has been reported in familial PD [33, 175], as has a mutation of SNCA in familial DLB [176], and mutations of synuclein genes including alpha, beta, and gamma variants have been associated with clinically diagnosed DLB [177, 178]. Triplication of the SNCA gene has been suggested to more likely result in dementia than duplication of the same gene, which tends to be more strongly associated with motor parkinsonism [31].

Other genes may play a role in SNCA pathology: for example, the mutations in the Parkin gene have typically been associated with non-LRP parkinsonism; however, heterozygous mutations have been reported in several familial presentations where LRP was identified [179182]. LRRK2 mutations, reported to be the most common mutation in sporadic PD, and present in as many as 5% of PD cases with a family history of PD, typically show pathology with LB and LN [183], though it has also been suggested that the most common mutation of this gene presents with a less severe clinical expression of the disease, and has less cognitive impairment compared to sporadic PD [184].

The frequent presence of AD and LB pathology together in familial AD would also suggest a possible pathophysiologic connection between AD and DLB [51]. In contrast to PD and AD, only a few families with familial DLB have been described [185191]. Identification of additional cases of familial DLB and of mutations could be critical to our understanding of the etiologic processes that lead to the development of this disease. As noted earlier, the APOE ε4 allele, well known to be strongly associated with an increased risk for AD, is also found with elevated frequency in autopsy confirmed cases of DLB and PDD in which the overall brain neuritic plaque burden (a marker of AD pathology) was low, suggesting APOE ε4 involvement in synucleinopathy may be unrelated to AD-specific mechanisms [50].

An advancement in the understanding of the genetics of synucleinopathies came from the observation that in patients with Gauchers disease, caused by a mutation in the glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene, those carrying a GBA mutation had an increased risk for developing PD [192]. GBA mutations are strongly associated with LRP and are associated with both PD and DLB [193195]. Heterozygous GBA mutation status not only increases the risk of PD and DLB, but appears to be an independent risk factor for the development of cognitive impairment [196198]. While several mechanisms have been proposed, including gain or loss of enzymatic function hypotheses, the precise role of this mutation has yet to be elucidated [199].

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