Fig. 7.1
rTMS targets employed in treatment studies of aphasia in the right and left inferior frontal and superior temporal gyri
In addition to variability in the anatomic sites of stimulation, researchers have experimented with several different approaches with respect to the kind of rTMS delivered. While most studies employed a single rTMS protocol, Chieffo and colleagues (2014) recently administered both excitatory and inhibitory rTMS to the right inferior frontal language areas (and compared these interventions to sham rTMS) to disentangle the role of these areas in language recovery (Chieffo et al. 2014). This study however was not a treatment study because only a single session of each stimulation type was administered. Their findings suggested that excitatory (and not commonly applied inhibitory) stimulation of right homologues can also result in improved language outcomes, which supports theories claiming a compensatory role of these areas to recovery. One other study employed a novel rTMS protocol using two different frequencies within a single rTMS session and demonstrated marked improvement in language performance with this approach (Kakuda et al. 2011; Carey et al. 2010; Iyer et al. 2003); patients were primed with 6 Hz-rTMS for 10 min before the application of low-frequency/1 Hz rTMS for 20 min over the right frontal sites. In another recent study, dual-hemispheric rTMS was delivered in a sequential manner within the same rTMS session. Based on the observation that a bilateral language network is selectively more active during the subacute phase after stroke, first 1 Hz/inhibitory rTMS was applied sequentially over 2 right Broca’s homologues (pars triangularis and pars opercularis), which was then followed by 20 Hz/excitatory rTMS over matching regions of the left hemisphere (Khedr et al. 2014). This approach also led to improved language outcomes.
In a few of the rTMS treatment studies in aphasia, the stimulation sites were localized using cranial landmarks and the 10–20 international system (e.g., Kindler et al. 2012; Kakuda et al. 2011). However, because this method of localization does not adequately address significant differences in normal neuroanatomy or the large differences in anatomy that can be seen in the setting of stroke, application of rTMS across patients can be highly variable using this approach. Therefore, more recent studies have determined sites of stimulation using frameless stereotactic neuronavigation systems that use individual patients’ MRI scans to precisely localize targets for stimulation. This approach minimizes variability across patients and also across multiple sessions of stimulation within subjects (Treister et al. 2013).
Because most treatment studies have been predicated on a specific model of language recovery, a uniform rTMS approach is typically adopted, whereby all patients within a study are stimulated using an identical rTMS protocol. In these studies, as described previously, right PTr within the IFG was most frequently stimulated. Although studies using this approach have reported group-averaged improvements, rTMS applied in this way may not reliably facilitate recovery at the level of individual patients. Correspondingly, to increase the likelihood of therapeutic benefits of rTMS for all patients, there is some effort in this field to establish and validate individualized treatment strategies that use outcome-driven methods for localizing stimulation sites. We (Medina et al. 2012; Hamilton et al. 2010) and our collaborators (Naeser et al. 2011) employed a strategy that involved an optimal site-finding phase as part of the rTMS treatment protocol. In these studies, a single, optimal site was selected on the basis of individual patients’ best response to rTMS, which was first applied over several predefined sites, after which protracted rTMS treatment was delivered to the optimal site (Medina et al. 2012; Hamilton et al. 2010; Naeser et al. 2011; Martin et al. 2009). In the site-finding phase, each patient underwent low-frequency rTMS (1 Hz) in six separate sessions during which he or she was stimulated at (Fig. 7.1), the area in the motor cortex corresponding to the mouth, the pars opercularis (POp; BA44), three sites within the PTr (dorsal posterior, ventral posterior, and anterior PTr), and the pars orbitalis (BA47); the Brainsight® Neuronavigation system (Rogue Research, Montreal) was used to precisely depict these sites and also the TMS coil positions over these sites using individual patients’ own MRI scans. Optimal response to a site was defined as the site that produced the greatest transient increase in picture-naming accuracy. Subsequently, patients were stimulated at their individually determined optimal site, daily over 10 rTMS (1 Hz) sessions. We found that nine out of ten patients responded optimally after inhibition of the right PTr, while only one patient responded optimally to right pars orbitalis stimulation. Importantly, after protracted rTMS treatment, patients who received real stimulation improved in several measures of language production, while patients who received sham stimulation did not improve on any of the measures. Furthermore, the improvement after real rTMS also persisted over at least 2 months after the treatment ended, suggesting long-term efficacy of this approach (Medina et al. 2012).
While we adopted an approach that employed transient rTMS-induced changes in naming performance as a “functional” localizer for treatment, fMRI-driven approaches are also becoming increasingly popular. Using this approach, optimal sites for stimulation are defined on the basis of activation patterns observed on the fMRI in response to specific language tasks (Abo et al. 2012; Szaflarski et al. 2011; Allendorfer et al. 2012). For example, in one study, perilesional stimulation targets were determined in each individual patient as areas that exhibited greater activation during a language task (Eaton et al. 2008). Subsequently, intermittent TBS (iTBS) was delivered to these targets in ten daily sessions. After this treatment, significant improvement in semantic verbal fluency was observed and patients tended to report that they were better in their ability to communicate (Szaflarski et al. 2011). Another study extended this work by defining optimal stimulation sites based on both the fMRI activation patterns and the type of language deficits exhibited by individual patients (Abo et al. 2012). In patients who were categorized as nonfluent patients, inhibitory rTMS was applied to the areas surrounding the IFG, while in patients with fluent aphasia, rTMS was applied to the superior temporal gyrus (STG; Fig. 7.1). Specific stimulation sites within these territories were then defined by the fMRI activation patterns acquired as the patients performed a language task. In fluent patients, improvement after ten daily 1 Hz rTMS sessions (40 min/day) was reported in auditory and reading comprehension and repetition tasks, and in nonfluent patients, spontaneous speech was reported to have improved.
Because optimal site-finding approaches, whether rTMS- or fMRI-driven, account for individual variability across patients, they are likely an improvement over studies wherein stimulation is guided only by cranial landmarks, although the superiority of one site-finding approach to another is yet to be determined (Heiss and Thiel 2006). Patient Inclusion Criteria and Long-Term Evaluations of rTMS
While most studies have examined the therapeutic effects of rTMS in chronic aphasia, more investigations are emerging that focus on earlier phases of recovery (Kindler et al. 2012; Waldowski et al. 2012; Khedr et al. 2014; Weiduschat et al. 2011; Thiel et al. 2013b). One such study assessed the effects of continuous TBS (cTBS—an inhibitory rTMS protocol) over right Broca’s homologue in two separate groups; patients in one group were in the subacute phase of stroke recovery while patients in the other were in the chronic phase (Kindler et al. 2012). Though both patient groups significantly improved after daily sessions of cTBS compared to a sham group, subacute patients were better responders as indicated by marked improvement in timed picture-naming accuracy and reaction time. While this finding favorably supports the application of rTMS in the early phases after stroke, a lack of long-term follow-up after the end of treatment somewhat weakens this claim because it is impossible to disentangle spontaneous recovery from rTMS-induced recovery in this study.
As described earlier, spontaneous recovery is a time-dependent property, whereby neuroplastic changes underlying improved functions are most common and most pronounced in the early phases (acute/subacute) following stroke regardless of treatment (Thiel et al. 2006; Saur et al. 2006). Because spontaneous recovery can easily be misconstrued as rTMS-induced benefits in the acute/subacute phases after stroke, it is paramount to (1) track benefits months beyond the discontinuation of rTMS treatment and (2) demonstrate that these benefits are superior to those seen in appropriately matched control groups that either receive no treatment or receive sham stimulation. Two recent studies in a relatively large group of subacute patients receiving rTMS tried to address both these concerns. The first of these studies is a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study conducted by Waldowski and colleagues (2012; also see Seniow et al. (2013)) who monitored changes in aphasia severity at 15 weeks in a group receiving rTMS compared to the sham group (Waldowski et al. 2012; Seniow et al. 2013). Although a marked reduction in overall aphasia severity was observed after rTMS, improvement in submeasures of language functions such as naming accuracy was not found to be different across groups, with only a slight benefit in reaction time being observed after rTMS. In the second study, Khedr et al. (2014) applied a novel dual-hemispheric, dual-rTMS approach (refer to the previous section for more details) and demonstrated that not only was overall aphasia severity improved after rTMS compared to sham stimulation but also several language submeasures including naming, repetition, fluency, and comprehension (Khedr et al. 2014). Differences in the observed benefits between these studies may have to do with the use of different rTMS protocols, i.e., unilateral versus dual-hemispheric rTMS; however this remains to be confirmed. Nonetheless, these mixed findings emphasize the importance of long-term evaluations, especially in subacute populations, to ascertain rTMS-specific benefits.
Enduring benefits of rTMS have also been reported in several studies of patients in the chronic phase of aphasia recovery (Barwood et al. 2013; Medina et al. 2012). In a chronic patient with nonfluent aphasia, Martin and colleagues (2009) demonstrated improvements in picture-naming accuracy and phrase length after rTMS, which lasted over 3½ years (43 months) (Martin et al. 2009). Recently, Barwood and colleagues (2011a, b, c, and 2013) examined the therapeutic effects of 1 Hz rTMS on right PTr in 12 chronic patients with nonfluent or global aphasia (Barwood et al. 2011a, b, 2013). Both at 2 and 12 months (Barwood et al. 2011b and 2013) after rTMS, 6 patients who received 10 sessions of rTMS improved significantly more (naming, expressive language, and auditory comprehension) than 6 patients who received sham treatment of the same duration.
Overall, more research is warranted to confirm the long-lasting and stimulation-specific therapeutic benefits of rTMS, especially when it is employed early after stroke.
7.3.2 Methodological Quality Ratings: Critical Appraisal of rTMS Treatment Studies in PWA
The number of randomized controlled trials (RCT) examining the therapeutic effects of rTMS in PWA has increased dramatically in the last decade or so. As we continue to learn more about rTMS and its influences on brain functions in patients with stroke, proof-of-concept treatment studies using rTMS have also been implemented. The goal in these studies is not only to demonstrate treatment efficacy but also to examine novel rTMS protocols (Kakuda et al. 2011) or methods of localizing stimulation targets (Abo et al. 2012; Medina et al. 2012) or to test theoretical models of language and aphasia recovery (Szaflarski et al. 2011). These studies may not be designed as stringently to control for factors such as selection bias or to address external validity to the extent that RCTs are designed to. Therefore, for the purposes of critically appraising the evidence in rTMS treatment studies, we first assessed the methodological quality of both the RCTs and cohort studies (non-RCTs), using the Downs and Black (D&B) tool (1998).
D&B is a 27-item checklist that is validated for both RCT and non-RCTs, and it allows for assessments with respect to different subscales that include quality ratings for (1) reporting (is sufficient information provided for readers to make an unbiased judgment about the study findings?), (2) external validity (can study findings be generalized to the population from which the sample patients are derived?), (3) bias (assesses for measurement bias in the intervention and the outcome), (4) confounding (assesses for selection bias), and (5) power (assesses whether the study has sufficient power to detect an effect). These subscores provide a profile of methodological strengths and weaknesses of included rTMS treatment studies (Downs and Black 1998), where higher scores indicate higher methodological quality.
Two reviewers rated the 27 items in the D&B quality checklist for treatment studies in which (1) the patients were adults and diagnosed with aphasia due to stroke, (2) the number of patients in the study was ≥4, (3) the outcome measures compared naming abilities before and after brain stimulation, and (4) the number of stimulation sessions was ≥3. We excluded studies that were initially published as pilot studies (e.g., Thiel et al. 2013a; Barwood et al. 2011a; Waldowski et al. 2012; Weiduschat et al. 2011) but included updated versions of those studies that were published at a later stage either with more patients (e.g., Seniow et al. 2013; Heiss et al. 2013) or more follow-up evaluations (e.g., Barwood et al. 2013).
While most non-RCTs implemented a pre-post or within-subject design in which all patients underwent treatment with rTMS without a separate control group, a few were crossover study designs wherein same patients underwent both the real and sham treatments with the order of real and sham conditions counterbalanced across patients. D&B subscores for included studies are provided in Table 7.1 and are separated by study designs. Not surprisingly, studies with a within-subject design had the lowest overall methodological rating with the mean score of 19.7. These studies specifically scored low on the internal validity measures (bias, 3.7 out of 7; confounding, 1.7 out of 6) perhaps because of a possibility of uncontrolled and repeated testing effects. Notably, within-subject designs were invariably implemented in PWA who were in the chronic phase of recovery, whereas RCTs were more frequently implemented in subacute populations (except Barwood et al. 2013). Arguably, most of these within-subject designs were based upon the assumption that spontaneous recovery slows down during the chronic phase and therefore any benefit observed during this phase is likely a result of rTMS treatment. In addition, owing to the fact that it is difficult to recruit patients with sustained, chronic deficits after they have left the hospital or rehabilitation care, most studies with larger sample sizes and those that were RCTs included subacute population (Khedr et al. 2014; Seniow et al. 2013; Heiss et al. 2013), rather than chronic, with a few exceptions like Barwood et al. (2013).
Table 7.1
D&B quality checklist for included rTMS treatment studies separated by study designs
D&B subscales | ||||||
Study names | Total score (max = 31) | Reporting (max = 11) | External validity (max = 3) | Internal validity bias (max = 7) | Internal validity confounding (max = 6) | Power (max = 5) |
Between-subject/RCTs | ||||||
Barwood et al. (2013) | 22 | 7 | 1 | 7 | 5 | 3 |
Heiss et al. (2013) | 20 | 8 | 1 | 6 | 5 | 5 |
Khedr et al. (2014) | 28 | 10 | 1 | 7 | 6 | 5 |
Seniow et al. (2013) | 30 | 11 | 1 | 7 | 6 | 5 |
Mean | 25.0 | 9.0 | 1.0 | 6.7 | 5.5 | 4.5 |
SD | 4.76 | 1.83 | 0.00 | 0.50 | 0.58 | 1.00 |
Crossover trials | ||||||
Kindler et al. (2012) | 28 | 11 | 1 | 7 | 5 | 5 |
Medina et al. (2012) | 24 | 11 | 1 | 6 | 3 | 3 |
Mean | 26.0 | 11.0 | 1.0 | 6.5 | 4.0 | 4.0 |
SD | 2.83 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.71 | 1.41 | 1.41 |
Within-subject/pre-post | ||||||
Abo et al. (2012) | 21 | 10 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 5 |
Kakuda et al. (2011) | 16 | 9 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 2 |
Szaflarski et al. (2011) | 22 | 11 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
Mean | 19.7 | 10.0 | 0.7 | 3.7 | 1.7 | 3.7 |
SD | 3.21 | 1.00 | 0.58 | 0.58 | 0.58 | 1.53 |
Taking into account these different aspects from the methodological quality checklist, we posit that treatment effects between different study designs should be interpreted with caution as the patient inclusion criteria, particularly the time since stroke, differed considerably in these studies.
7.3.3 Evidence Surrounding the Use of rTMS for Aphasia
Our goal in this section is to draw together all the topics that we have discussed so far to examine the evidence surrounding the use of rTMS in treating poststroke aphasia. In this section, first, we will briefly revisit the evidence of the treatment effects of rTMS in both RCTs and non-RCTs. Based on the evidence at hand, we will evaluate our confidence in this treatment as it stands and provide our recommendation for its readiness in large-scale, clinical applications in PWA.
Table 7.2 provides a summary of the treatment studies, including information about the patient demographics, their clinical characteristics such as stroke and aphasia types, details regarding the rTMS protocols, and the relevant findings; refer to Table 7.1 for D&B quality ratings for the studies discussed in this section.
Table 7.2
Summary of intervention studies for poststroke aphasia using rTMS
Study name | N | Stroke onset | Age (years) | Aphasia/stroke characteristics | Study design | Methods | Stimulation site | Outcome measures; findings | |
1. | Barwood et al. (2013) | Chronic | Nonfluent, global Left MCA infarct | Between RCT | 1 Hz; 90 % RMT; 10 days; 20 min/day | Right PTr | BNT, BDAE, picture naming Naming, expressive language and auditory comprehension improved up to 12 months in the real compared to the sham group | ||
6 real | 3.5 ± 1.3 y | 60.8 ± 6.0 | |||||||
6 sham | 3.5 ± 1.5 y | 67 ± 13.1 | |||||||
2. | Heiss et al. (2013) | Subacute | Broca, Wernicke, global, amnestic Left MCA infarct | Between RCT | 1 Hz; 90 % RMT 10 days; 20 min/day 45 min of SLT PET | Right PTr or vertex | AAT Change in global AAT scores in right-handed patients was higher in the real compared to the sham group | ||
15 real | 39.7 ± 18.4 d | 68.5 ± 8.2 | |||||||
14 sham | 50.1 ± 24.0 d | 69.0 ± 6.3 | |||||||
3. | Seniow et al. (2013) | Subacute | Broca, Wernicke, transcortical, mixed Left ischemic | Between RCT | 1 Hz; 90 % RMT 15 days; 30 min/day 45 min of SLT | Right PTr | BDAE; ASRS No notable difference observed between groups, but patients with severe aphasia in the real group selectively improved on repetition submeasure compared to the sham group | ||
20 real | 33.5 ± 24.1 d | 61.8 ± 11.8 | |||||||
20 sham | 39.9 ± 28.9 d | 59.7 ± 10.7 | |||||||
4. | Khedr et al. (2014) | Subacute | Nonfluent, mixed (perceptive and nonfluent) Left thromboembolic infarction MCA | Between RCT | 1 and 20 Hz applied sequentially over right and left hemispheres, respectively 110 % RMT | Right PTr and POp Left PTr and POp | ASRS; HSS No significant baseline differences between groups; significant improvement in ASRS and HSS language scores in the real sham rTMS, which was sustained at both follow-up sessions | ||
19 real | 5.8 ± 4.1 w | 61.0 ± 9.8 | |||||||
10 sham | 4.0 ± 2.6 w | 57.4 ± 9.6 | |||||||
5. | Kakuda et al. (2011) | 4 real only | Chronic 68.2 ± 46.6 m | 50.7 ± 9.5 | Motor-dominant aphasia Left ICH | Within | 10 min of 6 Hz followed by: 20 min of 1 Hz; 90 % RMT 11 days; 2 sessions/day 60 min of SLT | Right IFG | SLTA, J-WAB; All patients showed at least a 5 % increase in correct answer rate in both SLTA and J-WAB following treatment. Three patients showed a 15 % increase in correct answer rate on the SLTA |
6. | Szaflarski et al. (2011) | 8 real only | Chronic 5.3 ± 3.6 y | 54.4 ± 12.7 | Broca, Wernicke, global Left MCA | Within | iTBS (3 pulses at 50 Hz) 10 days; 200 s/day 80 % AMT fMRI-guided | Left PTr | BNT, SFT, COWAT, PPVT, mini-CAL, BDAE CompId There was a significant improvement in semantic fluency and a trend toward significance in the self-report mini-CAL following iTBS |
7. | Abo et al. (2012) | 24 real only | Chronic 34.7 ± 20.5 m | 55.9 ± 8.8 | Nonfluent, fluent Left infarction and ICH | Within | 1 Hz; 90 % RMT 10 days; 40 min/day 60 min of SLT; fMRI (right or left) and aphasia type (STG or IFG)-guided | Right or left STG; right or left IFG | SLTA, J-WAB Nonfluent aphasia group did not improve on SLTA-ST or WAB (short-term—immediately after treatment), but did improve in SLTA and spontaneous speech (long-term—4 weeks after treatment) following rTMS treatment. Fluent aphasia group improved on WAB (short-term) and SLTA and auditory and reading comprehension (long-term) following treatment |
8. | Medina et al. (2012) | 5 real 5 sham | Chronic 49.8 ± 29.6 m 58.6 ± 34.8 m | 60.6 ± 7.1 62.6 ± 10.1 | Nonfluent Left ischemic stroke | Crossover | 1 Hz; 90 % RMT
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