Thyroid Disease and the Nervous System


thyroid, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, neuropathy, myopathy, encephalopathy, sleep, ophthalmopathy


Disorders of the thyroid gland are common and are frequently accompanied by neurologic complications. One study of unselected general medical, geriatric, and psychiatric inpatients showed that 1 to 2 percent of patients had some form of thyroid disease. Neurologists should be aware of the common and the more unusual neurologic complications of thyroid disease, since they may be the presenting feature of the thyroid disorder and because they are usually readily corrected with appropriate treatment.

Neurologic Complications of Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a common disorder, with data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicating that 1 in 300 persons in the United States has hypothyroidism. The commonest causes of hypothyroidism are autoimmune destruction, thyroidectomy, and radioiodine ablation of the gland. Fewer than 10 percent of cases of hypothyroidism are secondary to pituitary or hypothalamic disease.

Neurologic complications are common in patients with hypothyroidism, and all levels of the nervous system may be involved. The neurologic complications of hypothyroidism may be grouped into the following categories: (1) congenital hypothyroidism; (2) encephalopathy that may result in coma or a seizure disorder; (3) psychologic changes; (4) sleep disorders; (5) cerebellar ataxia; (6) cranial nerve lesions; (7) myopathy; (8) peripheral nerve disorders; and (9) miscellaneous conditions.

Neurologic Features of Congenital Hypothyroidism

Congenital hypothyroidism (CH), previously called cretinism, is the commonest treatable cause of neonatal encephalopathy, with data from neonatal screening programs revealing an incidence of 1:3,000 to 1:4,000. It occurs secondary to dysgenesis of the thyroid gland or to severe maternal deficiency of dietary iodine. A study of endemic CH in western China and central Java revealed the following neurologic complications as common: developmental delay, pyramidal signs in a proximal distribution, and extrapyramidal signs. Many patients had a characteristic gait, reflecting dysfunction of both the pyramidal and the extrapyramidal motor systems, in combination with laxity and deformity of the joints. Other common clinical features included strabismus, deafness, ataxia, and primitive reflexes. Imaging of the brain showed basal ganglia calcification in one-third of patients. In addition, recent evidence suggests that CH leads to reduced hippocampal volume even when treated ; in this study population, psychometric testing revealed that patients with CH scored below age-matched controls in verbal memory. Similarly, reduced IQ scores have also been reported in children with CH. Learning impairment and changes in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell excitability have been reported in hypothyroid mice.

Adult patients with CH typically manifest physical signs of spasticity affecting the trunk and proximal limb-girdle musculature, with relative sparing of the distal extremities. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain in three patients showed abnormalities in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra, with increased signal on T1-weighted images and hypointensity on T2-weighted images. Only a modest degree of cerebral atrophy was reported, and the authors suggested that the main insult to the CNS may involve processes such as dendritic arborization and synaptogenesis, which are not evident on MRI.

Studies have shown that, in the developing brain, thyroid hormone has important effects on the regulation of neurofilament gene expression and on several genes encoding mitochondrial proteins. Hypothyroidism increases AMP hydrolysis in the hippocampal and cortical synaptosomes of rats and influences synaptic function throughout cortical development. Thyroid hormone also regulates the timing of appearance and regional distribution of laminin, an extracellular matrix protein that provides key guidance signals to migrating neurons within the CNS. Disruption in the expression of laminin may play a role in the derangement of neuronal migration observed in the brain of patients with congenital hypothyroidism.

A detailed consideration of the inborn errors of thyroid gland development and thyroid hormone synthesis responsible for permanent congenital hypothyroidism is beyond the scope of this chapter, and interested readers are directed to recent reviews. Primary CH is due to abnormal development of the thyroid gland in 85 percent of instances. A group of patients with CH poorly responsive to treatment and featuring additional signs of choreoathetosis, muscular hypotonia, and pulmonary problems were found to have mutations to Thyroid Transcription Factor 1. Mutations to genes coding proteins required for thyroid hormone synthesis cause 10 to 15 percent of permanent primary CH; thyroid peroxidase is the protein most commonly affected. Furthermore, mutations in a transmembrane thyroid hormone transporter, MCT-8, result in abnormal levels of circulating iodothyronines as well as global developmental delay, central hypotonia, spastic quadriplegia, dystonic movements, rotatory nystagmus, and impaired gaze and hearing in affected males. Heterozygous females have a milder thyroid phenotype and no neurologic abnormalities.

Encephalopathy, Coma, and Seizures

Slowness, impairment of attention and concentration, somnolence, and lethargy are common symptoms in hypothyroidism. Occasionally, a life-threatening encephalopathy (myxedema coma) develops in patients with chronic, untreated hypothyroidism. A high index of suspicion is required to diagnose myxedema coma, particularly in the elderly, in whom features of hypothyroidism may be difficult to distinguish from depression or dementia.

In the compensated hypothyroid state, physiologic adaptations include a shift of the vascular pool away from the periphery to the central core to sustain normal body temperature. In chronic hypothyroidism, these adaptations tend to produce a degree of diastolic hypertension, as well as a decrease in blood volume of up to 20 percent. Many organ systems and metabolic pathways are profoundly altered by chronic deficiency of thyroid hormone. Alterations in myocardial biochemistry produce impairment of cardiac contractility, the ventilatory response to hypercapnia is abnormal, hyponatremia may result from a reduction in free water clearance, and suppression of bone marrow function may result in normochromic normocytic anemia and an impaired white blood cell response to infection. Reduction in insulin clearance and decreased gluconeogenesis may produce a tendency to hypoglycemia, and patients are predisposed to toxic drug effects owing to reduced plasma clearance of all drugs. The corticosteroid response to stress is also likely to be impaired, even when basal serum cortisol levels are normal.

The majority of patients who develop myxedema coma are elderly and have a history suggestive of gradual deterioration. Three key clinical features are universally present in myxedema coma: a depression of consciousness, a precipitating illness or event, and defective temperature control. Common precipitating factors include infection, trauma, stroke, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, carbon dioxide narcosis, and administration of certain drugs. The body temperature is subnormal in many cases, but relative hypothermia may also occur, with the patient having an inappropriately normal temperature in the presence of sepsis. Most patients have clinical signs in keeping with long-standing hypothyroidism. Seizures occur in approximately 20 percent of cases; focal neurologic signs are not usually observed unless there has been a concomitant cerebrovascular event.

The pathophysiology is not fully understood but centers on the effects of low intracellular triiodothyronine (T3), particularly on the heart, which leads to decreased inotropism and chronotropism. Laboratory investigations are often abnormal but seldom show diagnostic abnormalities. In critically ill patients, it may be difficult to distinguish between severe hypothyroidism and the euthyroid sick syndrome, and it may be necessary to measure levels of free circulating thyroid hormone. The electrocardiogram typically shows sinus bradycardia, with low voltage and prolongation of the QT interval. Chest radiography may reveal a pleural or pericardial effusion. The patient may have a mild normocytic normochromic anemia. Hyponatremia may be present, and the serum cholesterol level is sometimes elevated. Serum creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase levels are often raised. Lumbar puncture may reveal an elevated opening pressure, and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein concentration is often raised. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is commonly abnormal; in keeping with a metabolically induced encephalopathy, the frequency of the posterior dominant rhythm decreases, often into the theta range, and triphasic waves may be present.

The key to the successful treatment of myxedema coma is early recognition and the rapid institution of appropriate therapeutic measures, usually in the intensive care unit (ICU). Hypothyroid coma has a high mortality rate, and treatment should not be delayed for confirmatory laboratory data. Besides the use of intravenous thyroxine, it should include broad-spectrum antibiotics to cover any underlying infection and stress doses of glucocorticoids until specific laboratory results become available. Patients may not mount an appropriate leukocyte response or fever even in the presence of severe infection. The main principles of management also include correction of electrolyte and blood sugar abnormalities, passive rewarming, control of seizures, and respiratory and circulatory support. Different specific treatment regimens are advocated, with some authors preferring thyroxine (T4) monotherapy at a loading dose of 200 to 300 μg intravenously followed by 100 μg intravenously for maintenance. When stable, oral replacement at a dose of 1.6 μg/kg can be used with dose adjustment guided by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free T4 levels.

Early recognition and improved ICU care have improved outcomes over the last two decades, but mortality remains at around 20 percent ; factors associated with poor outcome include hypotension and bradycardia at presentation, sepsis, reduced Glascow Coma Scale score, the need for mechanical ventilation, and hypothermia unresponsive to treatment.

Neuropathologic studies of patients with myxedema coma have been few and usually have shown only the presence of cerebral edema with or without diffuse neuronal changes.

There is a relatively high incidence of seizures in hypothyroidism. Approximately 20 percent of patients with untreated hypothyroidism will develop seizures or syncopal episodes. Drop attacks (sudden repeated falls without warning symptoms and without loss of consciousness) also occur and resolve with therapy. Patients with severe hypothyroidism may also present with convulsive or nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Clinicians should be alert to the possibility of underlying hypothyroidism when the recovery time of the patient following a seizure is unusually prolonged.

Mental Changes

Hypothyroidism may be associated with mood disorders, in particular, depression. Treatment of the hypothyroidism usually resolves the affective problem, although the response of individuals to treatment may be modulated by common polymorphisms of thyroid hormone transporters and deiodinases. The colorful term myxedema madness has been used to describe the florid mental-state changes that may occur in hypothyroid patients, including irritability, paranoia, hallucinations, delirium, and psychosis. These symptoms are typically reversible but often take longer than physical symptoms to resolve; in some cases a degree of cognitive impairment may persist, particularly if treatment is delayed, perhaps due to irreversible damage secondary to chronic metabolic changes.

Several investigators have reported an increase in the incidence of hypothyroidism in patients with various major psychiatric illnesses. An association between hypothyroidism and bipolar affective disorder has been reported, particularly in patients with a “rapid cycling” form of the illness. Up to 50 percent of these patients have positive antithyroid antibody titers. Clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism in depression and bipolar disorder may adversely affect or delay the response to treatment. Many patients with depression, even when viewed as chemically euthyroid, have alterations in their thyroid function, including slight elevation of the serum thyroxine, blunting of the TSH response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation, and detectable titers of antithyroid antibodies. These changes are generally reversed following alleviation of the depression. Depressed patients with hypothyroidism may also manifest different symptoms than patients with low mood and no concurrent hypothyroidism. One study reported an increase in anxiety symptoms in patients with hypothyroidism but a decrease in core and biologic symptoms. Hypothyroidism is also a reversible cause of cognitive impairment, most commonly manifesting as psychomotor slowing, memory impairment, visuospatial problems, and reduced constructional dexterity.

More subtle neuropsychologic abnormalities have also been documented in hypothyroid patients and may include impairment of learning, word fluency, and some aspect of attention, visual scanning, and motor speed. Treatment of the hypothyroidism may result in some cognitive improvement. Mood and neuropsychologic function may improve more satisfactorily in hypothyroid patients treated with a combination of thyroxine plus triiodothyronine, rather than thyroxine alone.

Disorders of Sleep

Both obstructive and central sleep apnea may occur in patients with hypothyroidism. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) appears to be far more common and epidemiologic studies suggest that while the prevalence of hypothyroidism among subjects with OSA is low (<3%), OSA occurs in over 50 percent of subjects with hypothyroidism. The combination of hypothyroidism and OSA appears to increase the risk of cognitive impairment. Factors contributing to the development of obstructive sleep apnea are likely to include narrowing of the upper airway due to deposition of mucopolysaccharides and extravasation of protein into the tissues of the tongue and nasopharynx, as well as hypertrophy of the genioglossus. Centrally there appears to be reduced chemosensitivity to hypercapnia.

Thyroid hormone replacement therapy usually results in improvement in ventilatory drive following normalization of TSH. Improvement in airway dimensions may require a longer period of euthyroidism (up to 12 months), and only at this stage will nocturnal snoring decrease. In some patients, additional measures such as nasal continuous positive airway pressure may be required.

Cerebellar Ataxia

Reference to unsteadiness of gait may be found in the earliest clinical descriptions of hypothyroidism. Several studies have indicated that approximately 5 to 10 percent of patients with hypothyroidism develop significant ataxia of gait. Typical clinical features include a broad-based ataxic gait, impaired tandem gait, incoordination of the limbs, and, more rarely, cerebellar dysarthria. Rapid and complete or almost complete resolution of the cerebellar features usually occurs following achievement of euthyroidism.

The pathophysiologic basis of cerebellar dysfunction in hypothyroidism remains unknown. The rapid resolution of the ataxia with thyroid replacement therapy in most patients suggests a reversible metabolic factor. Selim and Drachman reported six patients with Hashimoto autoimmune thyroiditis who developed clinical ataxia while euthyroid (three were on oral replacement with l -thyroxine); all had midline cerebellar atrophy on MRI, and alternate causes were excluded. The authors postulated an immune-mediated mechanism of cerebellar degeneration in a subset of patients and suggested that immune suppression may be a therapeutic option for this group. Many patients have had coexisting medical problems, including cerebrovascular disease and alcoholism. Pathologic reports are few, but depletion of Purkinje cells may occur.

Cranial Nerve Disorders

Primary thyroid failure may be associated with pituitary enlargement resulting from hyperplasia due to lack of negative feedback from circulating thyroid hormones. In one recent study, pituitary enlargement on MRI was found in 37 of 53 (70%) patients with primary hypothyroidism. A reduction in pituitary size following treatment occurred in 85 percent of these patients. Visual evoked potentials may be abnormal in hypothyroid patients, but severe visual field loss and blindness are rare. The association between pituitary gland enlargement and primary hypothyroidism should be kept in mind when pituitary hyperplasia is detected on neuroimaging, so that unnecessary invasive interventions are avoided.

Some patients with hypothyroidism develop pseudotumor cerebri (intracranial hypertension) resulting in headache and papilledema after the initiation of thyroxine replacement therapy. An atypical facial pain syndrome may also occur.

Hearing impairment and tinnitus commonly occur in patients with hypothyroidism. Estimations of reduced auditory acuity based on pure-tone audiometry vary but indicate that over half of patients suffer hearing impairment that may originate from the cochlea, central auditory pathways, or the retrocochlear region. Overall, the hearing loss associated with hypothyroidism is thought to be sensorineural in nature and may improve when the hypothyroidism is treated.

Dysphonia in patients with hypothyroidism appears to arise from local myxedematous changes in the larynx rather than from cranial nerve dysfunction.

Hypothyroid Myopathy

Clinical Features

Muscle involvement is common in clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism, with more than 60 percent of patients reported to have an elevated serum CK level. The level of increase correlates with the severity of hypothyroidism and corrects when thyroid function normalizes with treatment. Symptomatic muscle disease is less common. Clinical evidence of hypothyroid myopathy occurs in 30 to 80 percent of patients. A study of clinical and electrophysiologic features prior to commencement of thyroxine therapy revealed that 45 percent of patients with hypothyroidism had decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes, 30 percent had clinical muscle weakness, 15 percent had neuropathy, and 8 percent had evidence of myopathy on electromyography (EMG).

The major clinical features of hypothyroid myopathy include weakness, cramps, aching or painful muscles, sluggish movements and reflexes, and myoedema (mounding of the muscle on direct percussion). There may be a discernible increase in muscle bulk that is most obvious in the tongue, arms, and legs. The degree of weakness is usually relatively mild and tends to involve the pelvic- and shoulder-girdle muscles. The gait tends to be slow and clumsy. Occasionally, patients have been described with more severe myopathic symptoms, including the development of rhabdomyolysis and renal failure or, very rarely, respiratory insufficiency, which may respond to hormone replacement. Muscle pain, particularly during and after exertion, is a prominent feature, and hypothyroidism should be considered in patients presenting with musculoskeletal pains of uncertain cause.

Muscle pain, stiffness, cramps, and delayed relaxation of the tendon reflexes in adult hypothyroidism is sometimes referred to as Hoffmann syndrome. Kocher–Debré–Sémélaigne syndrome is the unusual association of muscle hypertrophy with childhood hypothyroidism. The patient may have the typical clinical features of CH, with the added feature of generalized muscular hypertrophy so that the child has an athletic, almost herculean appearance.

A delay in the relaxation of muscle (pseudomyotonia) is commonly observed during assessment of the tendon reflexes in hypothyroid patients. All phases of the tendon reflex are delayed, although slowing of the relaxation phase is most apparent clinically. Pseudomyotonia differs from true myotonia in that there is reduction in the speed of both the contraction and relaxation phases, and this slowness is not increased after rest or relieved by repeated muscle contractions. EMG does not show the characteristic “dive-bomber” effect seen in true myotonia. In the pseudomyotonia of hypothyroidism, there is a continuous burst of action potentials that begins and terminates abruptly, with firing at a constant rate. Percussion of the muscle commonly causes a slow prolonged mounding effect (myoedema). This event, unlike myotonia, is electrically silent and has been attributed to derangement of intracellular calcium homeostasis.

The differential diagnosis of hypothyroid myopathy includes other causes of painful stiff muscles, such as polymyalgia rheumatica and polymyositis. Attention has been directed to the frequency of neuromuscular symptoms in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism, and the suggestion has been made that such patients should be treated early not only to prevent progression to frank hypothyroidism but also to improve neuromuscular dysfunction.


The majority of patients with hypothyroidism have an elevated serum CK level, even when the myopathic features are not clinically obvious. In symptomatic patients, the serum CK level may rise to more than 10 times the upper limit of normal. Due to the patchy nature of the myopathy, neurophysiologic assessment may show no significant abnormalities. However, in up to 30 percent of patients with hypothyroidism, “myopathic” short-duration, low-amplitude, polyphasic motor unit potentials are seen on EMG.


In many cases of hypothyroidism, pathologic changes in muscle are subtle and nonspecific. Light microscopy may reveal increased central nuclear counts, type I fiber predominance, or type II fiber atrophy; common abnormalities on electron microscopy are the accumulation of glycogen and lipids, abnormal and increased numbers of mitochondria in perinuclear and subsarcolemmal regions, dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum, and focal myofibrillar degeneration. There may be vacuolation in many large fibers, and crescents of material containing acid mucopolysaccharides may be found beneath the sarcolemmal sheath. Often these changes resolve with thyroxine replacement therapy.


Thyroid hormone is intimately linked to carbohydrate metabolism and mitochondrial function and, possibly, to the function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and intrinsic contractile properties of muscle. However, the structure–function relationships are still incompletely understood, although it is assumed that underlying biochemical changes in hypothyroidism lead to prolongation of the contraction and relaxation phases of muscle activity. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of hypothyroid muscle shows a low intracellular pH in resting muscle and delayed glycogen breakdown in exercising muscle. In addition, mitochondrial oxidative capacity is reduced in hypothyroidism. Low levels of the mitochondrial transcription factor A (h-mtTFA), a proposed thyroid hormone target, occur in hypothyroid myopathy, and abnormal h-mtTFA turnover may be implicated in mitochondrial alterations in the condition. The decreased responsiveness to adrenergic stimulation and alterations in muscle carbohydrate metabolism may contribute to the impaired ischemic lactate production, weakness, exertional pain, and fatigue occurring in hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is associated with changes in myosin, lactate dehydrogenase, and myofibrillar ATPase activity. These changes may underlie the observed slowing of muscle contraction and relaxation. Both protein synthesis and breakdown are reduced in hypothyroidism, resulting in net protein catabolism.

Treatment and Prognosis

The only effective therapy for hypothyroid myopathy is to restore the patient to the euthyroid state. Most patients respond to thyroxine therapy with complete clinical and biochemical recovery; however, some patients require prolonged therapy with thyroxine before they recover from their muscle disorder and some may never regain full function. Serum CK levels correct rapidly with thyroxine replacement therapy. Some patients may develop increased muscle pain and weakness after starting thyroxine replacement, and the short-term addition of corticosteroid therapy may be helpful if this problem arises.

Peripheral Neuropathy

Hypothyroidism may be complicated by the development of entrapment mononeuropathies or a more diffuse peripheral neuropathy.

Entrapment Neuropathy

Evidence of entrapment neuropathy is found in around 35 percent of patients with hypothyroidism. The most common mononeuropathy is carpal tunnel syndrome involving compression of the median nerve at the wrist from deposition of acid mucopolysaccharides in the nerve and surrounding tissues. Surgical decompression for the median nerve entrapment is not usually required in patients with underlying hypothyroidism, as symptoms gradually resolve once euthyroidism is achieved.

Diffuse Peripheral Neuropathy

The peripheral neuropathy of hypothyroidism is usually a relatively mild, predominantly sensory axonal peripheral neuropathy. The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy in patients with hypothyroidism may be masked by more intrusive symptoms. Perhaps for this reason, the reported incidence of peripheral neuropathy has varied widely, ranging from 15 to 60 percent. Skin biopsy studies indicate that damage to small-diameter nerve fibers also occurs; indeed, a minority of patients may have only small-fiber involvement. In patients with a generalized large-fiber neuropathy, severity appears to correlate with the duration of the disease rather than the severity of the biochemical disorder. Multifocal motor neuropathy associated with elevated titers of IgM antibodies against GM1 and responsive to intravenous immunoglobulin therapy has been described in association with Hashimoto thyroiditis.

The pathologic changes described in hypothyroid neuropathy include axonal degeneration, segmental demyelination and deposition of mucopolysaccharides in the endoneurial interstitium and perineurial sheath. Opinions have varied as to whether axonal degeneration or demyelination is the primary pathologic process, but most reports favor a primary axonal pathology.

Miscellaneous Associated Conditions

Myasthenia Gravis

An association between hypothyroidism and myasthenia gravis has been reported, although this is less common than the association with hyperthyroidism. The myasthenic symptoms can appear before, with, or after the development of hypothyroidism, and the severity of the myasthenia may or may not improve following treatment of the hypothyroidism.

Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica

An association of giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica with hypothyroidism has long been appreciated. Clinicians managing such patients should be careful not to misinterpret the musculoskeletal symptoms of hypothyroidism as an exacerbation of previously diagnosed polymyalgia rheumatica.

Hypothyroidism and Anticonvulsant Therapy

Subclinical hypothyroidism may occur in children with epilepsy treated with valproate or carbamazepine therapy. Rare cases of central hypothyroidism believed to be secondary to treatment with oxcarbazepine have been reported. Phenytoin may also impact thyroid function, either by inducing hypothyroidism or by worsening preexisting hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism also increases the risk of phenytoin toxicity.

Neurologic Complications of Hyperthyroidism and Graves Disease

There are several potential underlying causes of hyperthyroidism including: (1) Graves disease, (2) excess release of stored hormone during subacute thyroiditis or following thyroid irradiation, (3) uncontrolled hormone formation in single or multinodular goiters (Plummer disease), (4) ingestion of excess thyroid hormone, (5) rare TSH-secreting pituitary tumors, and (6) drug-induced disease. Graves disease is the commonest cause of thyrotoxicosis and occurs with a female-to-male preponderance of 7:1. The neurologic complications of hyperthyroidism are diverse.

Hyperthyroid Myopathy

Clinical Features

Muscle weakness and wasting in patients with thyrotoxicosis were observed in early classic descriptions of the condition. A degree of predominantly proximal muscle weakness probably occurs in almost every patient with hyperthyroidism. The muscle weakness may not always be sufficiently severe for the affected individual to be aware of it. Men appear to develop symptomatic myopathy more commonly than women. The thyroid overactivity can be relatively mild and of long duration, or may be present for only a few weeks before the onset of weakness. A prospective cohort study of patients with newly diagnosed thyroid dysfunction found that 67 percent of hyperthyroid patients had neuromuscular complaints, and 62 percent had objective muscle weakness. In addition, myalgia and elevated serum CK levels have been reported in hyperthyroid patients after commencement of therapy, suggesting that relative hypothyroidism may also contribute to musculoskeletal complaints in previously hyperthyroid patients.

Individuals with thyrotoxic myopathy characteristically complain of difficulty with activities involving use of the shoulder- and pelvic-girdle muscles, such as climbing stairs, rising from a low chair, or performing tasks that involve raising the arms above the head. Muscle pain and stiffness are common associated symptoms, and occasionally patients report severe muscle cramps. Symptomatic weakness of the bulbar musculature resulting in dysphagia and dysarthria is very uncommon in hyperthyroidism and usually follows the development of limb weakness, although there are reports of isolated bulbar dysfunction (sometimes of acute onset) attributed to hyperthyroid myopathy. Bulbar symptoms in hyperthyroid patients may not be due to bulbar myopathy but may have another cause. A large goiter or thymic hyperplasia may physically compress the esophagus, leading to mechanical dysphagia, or compress the recurrent laryngeal nerve, leading to dysphonia. Involvement of the respiratory muscles occurs rarely but may necessitate ventilatory support. Muscle wasting is commonly found on examination of patients and most notably affects proximal girdle muscles such as the deltoid, supraspinatus, and quadriceps muscles. Some patients, especially males, show gluteal muscle wasting, and in some patients winging of the scapula is noticeable. The presence of tremor may create the appearance of muscle fasciculations; this disappears if the limb is relaxed. The tendon reflexes are normal or hyperactive, with shortening of the relaxation phase. Other features of thyrotoxicosis may not be obvious or may be masked, for example, if the patient is on β-blocker therapy.

These neuromuscular features may resemble the progressive muscular atrophy variant of motor neuron disease. The severity of the muscle weakness may be marked, but most patients retain the ability to walk. Acute thyrotoxic myopathy is rare and some have doubted its existence, suggesting that most of the described cases had myasthenia gravis superimposed on the hyperthyroid state. Patients present with muscle weakness progressing rapidly over a few days; weakness may be profound, bulbar muscles are often affected, and the patient may develop respiratory failure. The tendon reflexes may be reduced or absent. Some patients develop an associated encephalopathic state.

In contrast to hypothyroid myopathy, the serum CK level in hyperthyroid myopathy is usually normal or reduced, although rhabdomyolysis and elevation of the serum CK level may occur. EMG abnormalities are found in most patients with thyrotoxicosis and include the typical features of myopathy.

Physiologic and Biochemical Changes in Skeletal Muscle

Skeletal muscle is a major target organ of the thyroid hormones so it is not surprising that the biochemistry, electrophysiology, and even structure of skeletal muscle can be profoundly affected by an excess of thyroid hormone. A detailed examination of this literature is beyond the scope of this review, and more detailed consideration of the subject can be found elsewhere.

Hyperthyroidism affects both the physiologic and the biochemical properties of skeletal muscle with a preferential effect on type I (slow) muscle fibers, shifting their characteristics towards those resembling fast muscle fibers. The speed of muscle contraction is enhanced and its duration is reduced. This effect underlies the clinical observation that the duration of muscle contraction after a deep tendon is struck with a tendon hammer is briefer than normal in the hyperthyroid state and prolonged in the hypothyroid state. The expression of isotypes of the myosin heavy chain is altered in hyperthyroidism to favor expression of MHC type IIX associated with fast-fiber characteristics, with this isoform replacing MHC type I associated with slow-fiber characteristics. These changes reverse on treatment.

The pattern of glycogen utilization and lactate production in muscle is also altered in hyperthyroidism. Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Erkintalo and associates found that skeletal muscle was less efficient in hyperthyroidism, requiring more energy to function. At rest, the concentration of phosphocreatine was reduced in thyrotoxic patients compared with controls; at the onset of exercise, the magnitude of glycolysis activation was significantly larger in those with thyrotoxicity, resulting in a marked decrease in pH. The energy cost of exercise was significantly higher in thyrotoxic patients, with greater activation of both anaerobic and aerobic pathways throughout 3 minutes of exercise. The authors concluded that muscle requires more energy to function in the hyperthyroid than euthyroid state. Evidence that in hyperthyroidism the mitochondrial transport chain is uncoupled supports this finding.


There is no pathognomonic pathologic finding in hyperthyroid myopathy. Biopsy may be needed on occasion to exclude other pathologic processes. Microscopic examination may show no abnormality or varying degrees of fiber atrophy, fatty infiltration, and nerve terminal damage, with clubbing of the motor end-plate and swelling of terminal axons. Most patients show an increase in mitochondrial size and number in muscle fibers. In addition, features of an inflammatory myositis with a marked endomysial mononuclear cell infiltrate have been reported in a patient with biochemically proven hyperthyroidism and symptoms and signs of hyperthyroid myopathy.

Treatment and Prognosis

Nørrelund and associates undertook a serial study of muscle mass assessed by computed tomography (CT) and isometric muscle strength in patients with thyrotoxicosis before and after treatment. They concluded that in thyrotoxic patients muscle mass is reduced by approximately 20 percent and muscle strength by about 40 percent and that 5 to 9 months will elapse before normal muscle mass and power are restored following treatment. Mean resolution of muscle weakness in one series was 3.6 months in hyperthyroid patients compared to 6.9 months in the hypothyroid group. Dysphagia and dysarthria due to hyperthyroid myopathy also typically resolve after treatment.

Periodic Paralysis

Hypokalemic periodic paralysis as a complication of hyperthyroidism is relatively common in Asian populations, with a reported incidence of about 1.9 percent in those with thyrotoxicosis. The disorder is rare in other ethnic groups but the effects of globalization on population mobility mean that it is now seen more often in other parts of the world. Periodic paralysis may occur in association with hyperthyroidism of any cause, but is most commonly seen in patients with Graves disease.

Clinical Features

Except for concomitant features of thyrotoxicosis, the clinical picture of thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is identical to that seen in familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis (FHPP). Males are affected much more commonly than females. Affected individuals develop recurrent attacks of flaccid weakness, which may be asymmetric and affect the lower more than the upper limbs, and the proximal more than the distal muscles. The attacks may be heralded by prodromal symptoms of muscle aching, stiffness, or cramps. The weakness usually develops rapidly and varies in severity from mild weakness to total paralysis. The muscles most vigorously used before an attack tend to be most severely affected. Bulbar, ocular, and respiratory muscles tend to be spared, although there have been occasional reports of respiratory compromise. Cardiac dysrhythmias occasionally accompany the paralytic attacks. Usually, the tendon reflexes are depressed or absent during an attack, but in some patients they remain normal. Weakness usually resolves within 24 hours, but in the wake of severe attacks weakness and muscle pain may persist for several days. Patients may be able to abort impending attacks by mild exercise.

Attacks may occur with or without a triggering factor; recognized precipitants include high carbohydrate intake, strenuous physical activity followed by a period of rest, trauma, cold exposure, infection, menses, and drugs, including amiodarone and corticosteroids. A seasonal pattern of attacks has been recognized, with episodes being more common in the summer months. There is also a characteristic diurnal pattern, with attacks frequently developing during the night while patients are in bed.

The cardinal biochemical abnormality during an attack of TPP is hypokalemia resulting from an intracellular shift in potassium. Although the serum potassium decreases during the attack, it may not always decline below the normal range. Urinary excretion of potassium is reduced with a low potassium–creatinine ratio. The neuromuscular symptoms resolve over a period of hours as potassium moves back to the extracellular space.

Between attacks, a long exercise test may prove a useful diagnostic aid. In this test, a preexercise compound muscle action potential (CMAP) is recorded from a selected muscle. After this, the patient performs maximal voluntary muscle contractions for 5 minutes, with relaxation for 3 to 4 seconds every 15 seconds or so to avoid muscle ischemia. The CMAP is then recorded every 2 minutes until the amplitude of the elicited potential stabilizes. The test is interpreted as positive if the decrement exceeds 40 percent.

The most consistent ultrastructural finding in muscles from patients with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis is a proliferation and focal dilatation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and transverse tubular system, resulting in the appearance of vacuoles. The vacuoles are characteristically seen in paralyzed muscles and are less apparent between attacks.

Physiology and Pathophysiology

Attacks of weakness in TPP are clinically similar to those of FHPP, a channelopathy caused by inherited defects to genes encoding sodium and calcium channels in skeletal muscle. This phenotypic similarity led investigators to postulate that TPP might also be a channelopathy, albeit one that manifests only in the presence of excess thyroid hormone. It is thought that TPP patients have a genetic predisposition to the disease unmasked by independently occurring hyperthyroidism.

Gene sequencing in cohorts of largely Asian TPP patients has revealed no mutations in FHPP-causing genes, or in components of the sodium-potassium ATPase (Na + ,K + -ATPase) pump. Recently six different mutations to an inwardly rectifying potassium channel, Kir2.6, expressed strongly in skeletal muscle, were found in 33 percent of an unrelated cohort of TPP patients from the United States, Brazil, and France, 25 percent of a Singaporean cohort, but none of 31 patients from Thailand. The mutations discovered all had effects upon the stability of the muscle cell membrane, altering its excitability. The gene for Kir2.6 is transcriptionally regulated by thyroid hormone and levels of the channel are increased in hyperthyroidism, explaining why it is only in this circumstance that the mutation becomes manifest. A susceptibility locus has been identified near the gene for Kir2.1, which is also highly expressed in skeletal muscle and can associate with other K + channels, including Kir2.6 ; incorporation of Kir2.6 into the channel heterotetramer reduces the abundance of Kir2-type channels on the plasma membrane with consequences for membrane excitability.

Mutations in potassium channels appear to combine with other factors to produce the clinical phenotype. Thyroid hormones increase the activity of the Na + ,K + -ATPase, which drives K + into cells; catecholamines have a similar effect. The Na + ,K + -ATPase pump is also stimulated by insulin, hence attacks may be precipitated by carbohydrate-rich meals and exercise. In addition, testosterone appears to drive the Na + ,K + -ATPase pump, while estogren and progesterone reduce activity, perhaps explaining the male preponderance. Interestingly, men with TPP have higher levels of testosterone than men with a sole diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis. These effects on the Na + ,K + -ATPase pump sum together to increase the intracellular K + concentration and as the efflux usually permitted by outwardly rectifying K + channels is reduced, a paradoxic depolarization occurs inactivating Na + channels. As a result the hypokalemia seen in attacks of weakness in TPP is not due to loss of potassium, but rather to the shift of extracellular potassium into cells driven by the Na + ,K + -ATPase pump, which has direct implications for treatment.


First, emergency treatments of the attack of weakness, hypokalemia, and any complications are required. TPP patients presenting with severe weakness are treated with potassium chloride to speed recovery. Urgent assessment of cardiac and respiratory involvement must be carried out and appropriate supportive management and monitoring instituted pending recovery. Potassium chloride may be administered orally or intravenously until weakness resolves. Mid-attack, TPP patients do not have a potassium deficit but rather an intracellular shift of their potassium. There is therefore a risk of rebound hyperkalemia on recovery as the potassium shift reverses. In one study patients given potassium recovered twice as fast as untreated patients, but 70 percent experienced rebound hyperkalemia. In practice this is rarely of clinical importance but most authorities recommend giving lower doses of potassium (<50 mEq total). Potassium chloride does not always abort an attack of weakness in TPP. In cases of refractory weakness, propranolol administered intravenously or orally may be effective.

Patients should also be educated about TPP and its precipitants in order to prevent further attacks. They should avoid food and drink with high salt or carbohydrate content as well as alcohol. Formal exercise is best halted until the patient is euthyroid. Propranolol (40 mg daily) reduces the likelihood of further attacks until the euthyroid state is regained. Finally, definitive treatment of the hyperthyroidism and return of the patient to the euthyroid state stop further attacks of weakness altogether although, depending upon the underlying cause, it may take months for the euthyroid state to be achieved.

Myasthenia Gravis

A long-recognized association exists between thyroid disease and myasthenia gravis. There is no evidence that thyroid dysfunction causes myasthenia gravis, and the coexistence of the two conditions probably reflects an underlying predisposition to autoimmune disease. A study of over 2,000 patients with myasthenia gravis reported hyperthyroidism in 5 percent of patients (2% had hypothyroidism). Hyperthyroidism was diagnosed before or concurrent with the onset of myasthenia in 73.8 percent and after myasthenia in 18.3 percent; the exact time was unknown in 7.9 percent. Patients who were hyperthyroid were more likely to have ocular myasthenia (63%). In general, there are few unusual characteristics of either condition in terms of clinical features or management when the two occur in the same patient. However, Marinó and colleagues, in a study of 129 patients with myasthenia gravis, of whom 56 had autoimmune thyroid disease (25 with autoimmune thyroiditis and 31 with Graves disease), concluded that myasthenia associated with autoimmune thyroid disease has a mild clinical expression, with preferential ocular involvement, a lower frequency of thymic disease, and less likelihood of detectable acetylcholine receptor antibodies in the serum.

While control of the myasthenia may deteriorate with departure from the euthyroid state, treatment of the thyroid disorder does not have a predictable effect on the myasthenia. Dramatic increases in the severity of myasthenia have been reported following treatment of the thyroid disease, but this is uncommon. In some patients, an improvement in myasthenic weakness occurs after treatment of hyperthyroidism.

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is rarely associated with hyperthyroidism, in contrast to its relatively common association with hypothyroidism. As a result, the pathophysiologic basis of any peripheral nerve dysfunction in hyperthyroidism is unclear, although one report has described a severe subacute motor axonal neuropathy induced by T3 hyperthyroidism and reversible on control of the hyperthyroid state.

Mononeuropathies associated with hyperthyroidism are also relatively rare. Up to 5 percent of patients may have clinical and neurophysiologic features of carpal tunnel syndrome, the symptoms of which often resolve once control of the thyroid disease is achieved.

A rare acute thyrotoxic peripheral neuropathy resembling Guillain–Barré syndrome and causing paraplegia was first described by Charcot and termed Basedow paraplegia by Joffroy. The syndrome is acute in onset and presents as a flaccid, areflexic paraplegia with upper limbs much less affected than the lower limbs. There is sensory involvement in some cases and sphincter function is typically preserved. Electrophysiologic examination reveals a mixed sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy with demyelinating and axonal features; ultrastructural analysis in one case with sural nerve biopsy demonstrated axonal loss and myelin damage. Treatment resulted in a largely full recovery.

Corticospinal Tract Dysfunction

Signs of corticospinal tract dysfunction may be associated with thyrotoxicosis. Clinical features include spasticity and weakness, particularly affecting the lower limbs, as well as hyperreflexia, clonus at the ankles and knees, and extensor plantar responses. Occasionally, patients with upper motor neuron signs in the limbs also have had sensory abnormalities, including impaired vibration sensation and proprioception, upper motor neuron bladder disturbance, and urinary incontinence. A clinical picture similar to that of motor neuron disease has also been reported in patients with untreated hyperthyroidism. Treatment of the hyperthyroid state usually results in complete or near-complete recovery of the upper motor neuron signs.

A neurophysiologic correlate of these observations has been documented through studies on central motor conduction using transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex. The mean central motor conduction time was significantly prolonged in the hyperthyroid group compared with a control group. Further histopathologic and neurochemical studies are required to define the pathophysiologic basis of corticospinal tract dysfunction in thyrotoxicosis.

Movement Disorders


Chorea is an unusual complication of hyperthyroidism and its association with the condition is not universally accepted. Some authors suggest that it is simply an exaggeration of the fidgetiness seen in thyrotoxicosis whereas others believe that hyperthyroidism unmasks preexisting and subclinical basal ganglia dysfunction. The problem appears to be more common in women, and the underlying cause of the hyperthyroidism is most commonly Graves disease. Choreiform movements typically involve the limbs, with the face, neck, or tongue affected in some cases. There are case reports of hemichorea and bilateral ballism associated with thyrotoxicosis. The chorea usually resolves once hyperthyroidism has been controlled, but there are reports of it persisting long after euthyroidism has been achieved.

The pathophysiologic basis of hyperthyroid chorea is unknown. Given that most cases occur in autoimmune hyperthyroidism, many have assumed that the associated chorea also has an autoimmune basis. It has been suggested that chorea may be mediated by the sympathetic nervous system because β-blockers may help in controlling symptoms. A disruption of striatial dopamine receptors may have some role and dopamine receptor antagonists, such as haloperidol, have been effective in the treatment of hyperthyroid chorea. Cases in which chorea develops when a patient is hyperthyroid, resolves on treatment, and then recurs when the patient once more becomes hyperthyroid due to, for instance, poor compliance, lend support to the idea that the chorea is a direct effect of high levels of thyroid hormone on the function of the basal ganglia. This contention is supported by a single case report of chorea associated with iatrogenic hyperthyroidism due to overtreatment of hypothyroidism in an elderly woman.


Tremor is almost invariably seen in hyperthyroidism, so is best considered a feature of the hyperthyroid state rather than a neurologic complication. The tremor seen in thyrotoxicosis can be considered an exaggerated physiologic tremor. It is postural, persists on movement (but is not present at rest), and has a frequency of 8 to 12 Hz. The tremor most commonly affects the outstretched hands and the tongue, but the lips and facial muscles may also be affected. Therapy with β-blockers provides relief, suggesting that increased β-adrenergic activity is likely to be responsible.

Other Movement Disorders

Case reports have described several other movement disorders in patients with hyperthyroidism including platysmal myoclonus and paroxysmal kinesogenic dyskinesia.

Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy

Graves disease is an autoimmune condition in which antibodies to thyrotropin receptors are generated and bind to their antigen on follicular cells in the thyroid gland, inducing them to produce and release excess thyroid hormone, which causes hyperthyroidism. It is associated with two main extrathyroid complications: thyroid dermopathy (also known as pretibial myxedema) and thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, sometimes called Graves ophthalmopathy, is a potentially disfiguring and sight-threatening complication most commonly occurring in patients with hyperthyroidism due to Graves disease, or who have a past history of hyperthyroid Graves disease. While present in around 50 percent of patients, only 3 to 5 percent of those with Graves disease have severe, sight-threatening ophthalmopathy requiring aggressive therapeutic intervention. Graves ophthalmopathy is generally managed by ophthalmologists. Patients do, however, present to neurologists with complaints of visual loss or diplopia, and a summary focusing on these neurologic presentations and diagnosis therefore follows. More detailed descriptions can be found elsewhere.

Clinical Features

Symptoms and signs of Graves ophthalmopathy are usually bilateral and begin within 18 months of the onset of Graves hyperthyroidism. Ophthalmopathy in Graves disease may uncommonly appear to be unilateral (5 to 14%), although in these cases orbital imaging usually identifies subclinical involvement of the clinically unaffected eye. The onset of ophthalmopathy may precede the development of hyperthyroidism and may also develop some years after Graves disease has been diagnosed and treated. Whether Graves ophthalmopathy may be induced or existing eye disease worsened by radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism remains contentious. Smoking is clearly an independent and modifiable risk factor, and the more cigarettes smoked, the greater is the risk. Patients with Graves hyperthyroidism who smoke carry a 7.7-fold increased risk for development of ophthalmopathy. The group at most risk appears to be patients treated with radioiodine who also smoke.

The majority of ocular symptoms and signs in Graves ophthalmopathy are the result of an increase in the amount of cushioning fat within the orbit and an enlargement of the extraocular muscles. Patients complain of a sensation of grittiness in the eyes, photophobia, and pressure or pain behind the eyes. The commonest features of Graves ophthalmopathy are periorbital and conjunctival edema and erythema (secondary to compression of orbital veins and resultant venous stasis), retraction of the upper eyelid (due to overactive sympathetic activity), and proptosis due to the increased volume of orbital contents ( Fig. 18-1 ). If proptosis is severe, ptosis may occur. Proptosis is defined as measured exophthalmos greater than 2 mm above the upper normal limit. It is found in approximately 20 to 30 percent of patients with Graves disease. Proptosis serves to decompress the orbit—visual loss due to compressive optic neuropathy occurs more often in those with little or no compensatory proptosis. Apart from any cosmetic problems associated with proptosis, failure of the eyelids to close completely may result in sight-threatening exposure keratopathy.

Aug 12, 2019 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Thyroid Disease and the Nervous System

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