ultrasound imaging

Chapter 20 Musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging


The use of ultrasound to image the human body began shortly after the Second World War, using technology borrowed from military and metallurgy applications. Early studies required the subject to be immersed in a water bath, and produced a single, static, cross-sectional image.

By the early 1980s, a moving image could be produced. This was acquired by applying a small probe to the skin surface, which allowed quick and straightforward examinations of many of the organs of the body. At around this time CT and MRI also became available as alternative methods of producing cross-sectional images. Each modality was found to have its own strengths and weaknesses and, despite rapid developments over the past 20 years, they remain complementary, rather than rival approaches to imaging.

Musculoskeletal ultrasound applications began to emerge in the mid-1980s (Crass et al 1984) as the resolution of scanners improved. Physiotherapy researchers found ultrasound to be ideal for the direct visualization and evaluation of both muscle size and activity (Stokes&Young 1986). By the late 1990s, the development of high-frequency probes, with resolution in some respects superior to MRI, had led to renewed interest in musculoskeletal ultrasound. This continues today as falling costs and increased portability have made high-resolution ultrasound imaging feasible in the clinic and on the ward.

Ultrasound continues to evolve, with numer-ous recent innovations including the use of contrast agents, software that can measure the elasticity of tissue and three-dimensional (3D) and four-dimensional (4D) imaging. These will lead to new insights and applications, which will enable clinicians to further refine the accuracy and effectiveness of diagnoses and therapeutic interventions.



Scanners are typically made up of one or more hand-held probes attached via flexible cables to a central unit, which processes and displays the image (Fig. 20.1). The probes operate at one or more fundamental frequencies, which determine the maximum depth and resolution of the images they generate. At higher frequencies, the shorter wavelengths mean that shorter pulses can be produced, giving better resolution. At lower frequencies, the resolution is reduced but the ultrasound is absorbed less readily as it passes through the body, enabling deeper structures to be examined.

The most commonly used probes are the linear and curvilinear probes (Fig. 20.1B). Linear probes are normally designed to operate at frequencies of 7.5 MHz and above; these produce high-resolution, rectangular images to a depth of around 5 cm. Curvilinear probes generate a fan-shaped image with a wider field of view than a linear probe. They operate at lower frequencies, typically between 2 and 5 MHz, and can produce images to a depth of up to 15 cm but at the cost of lower resolution.

A detailed discussion of resolution and image generation lies beyond the scope of this chapter and the reader will find more comprehensive descriptions in dedicated ultrasound texts, in particular Hedrick et al (2005).


Typical appearance of normal tissue

The normal appearance of structures varies from person to person. The frequency used and the quality of the scanner also determines the amount of detail in the image. The most significant factors affecting the image, however, are the amount and nature of tissue that the sound has to pass through to reach the structure of interest.

Figure 20.3 demonstrates some typical appearances of soft tissues:

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Aug 31, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on ultrasound imaging

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