Vascular Malformations

Figure 14-1
Hemorrhage due to AVM. Initial noncontrast CT (a) shows left temporal lobar hematoma with overlying subdural hemorrhage. CTA (b) shows a parenchymal nidus seen as a prominent tuft of vessels seen at the site of hematoma. CTA (c, d) shows prominent arterial feeders coming from the left MCA. DSA left internal carotid injection (early arterial phase) (e) shows AVM nidus supplied by left MCA. DSA (late arterial phase) (f) shows prominent draining vein showing early filling and coursing medially (Images courtesy of Dr. Ajay Malhotra)


Figure 14-2
Saccular, fusiform, and mycotic aneurysms. DSA images show a saccular right MCA bifurcation aneurysm (1a, 1b). Reformatted CTA images demonstrate fusiform vertebrobasilar aneurysm with dolichoectasia and atherosclerotic calcifications (2a, 2b). Multiple distal, small aneurysms at nonbranch points consistent with mycotic aneurysms (3a, 3b)

  • CT: most utilized screening tool

  • Conventional angiography superior to CTA and MRA

  • Conventional angiograms can identify involvement of deep thalamoperforators, which are considered to significantly increase surgical risk

  • Features on CT suggestive of AVM-related bleed

    • Cone-shaped lesion at periphery

    • Intralesional calcification

    • Unusual bleeding patterns with or without intraventricular extension

  • Headache: common symptom, nonspecific

    • Focal headaches can occur as a result of dilation of meningeal feeding arteries in AVMs that have significant meningeal supply

    • HA can be alleviated by embolization of these meningeal feeders

  • AVM Grading: Spetzler-Martin scale is the most widely used

    • Cumulative point score predicts morbidity and mortality associated with surgical treatment using (1) location, (2) drainage, and (3) size as criteria

    • Higher score associated with higher morbidity and mortality. Thus, AVMs that are of high risk may simply be observed

    • Location: eloquent area (1 point) or noneloquent area (0 point)

      • Eloquent: sensorimotor, language, visual cortex, hypothalamus, thalamus, brain stem, cerebellar nuclei

    • Venous drainage: deep (1 point) or superficial (0 point)

    • Size: <3 cm (1 point), 3–6 cm (2 points), > 6 cm (3 points)

    • Total score = grade

      • Grade 1: small, superficial, noneloquent, low surgical risk

      • Grade 4–5: large, deep, adjacent to eloquent tissue

      • Grade 6: only used to describe inoperable lesions

  • Treatment

    • Observation

    • Embolization: endovascular occlusion of vessels supplying AVM

      • Staged occlusion of deep or larger feeding vessels may decrease the risk of postoperative complications

      • Partial embolization of an AVM does NOT decrease future risk of hemorrhage

    • Surgical removal

      • Results in immediate elimination of risk of AVM hemorrhage

      • More often recommended in younger patients with low-risk AVMs, when patients are at risk for or have history of prior hemorrhage

      • In patients presenting with ICH, a controlled craniotomy with evacuation of the clot is performed, and resection of AVM is performed several weeks later electively

    • Radiosurgery (Gamma Knife)

      • Recommended in patients with smaller AVMs (3 cm or smaller) located in deep or eloquent brain tissue (speech/motor cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus) where surgical risk is high

      • Results in higher obliteration rates in smaller AVMs (80 % for <3 cm)

      Notable Trials

      Mohr et al. (2014): Randomized trial comparing outcomes in patients with unruptured brain arteriovenous malformations . Patients were randomized to medical management alone (symptomatic treatment as needed for neurological symptoms) versus interventional therapy (neurosurgery, embolization, stereotactic radiosurgery). The primary endpoint was death or symptomatic stroke. The trial found that the risk of death or stroke was significantly lower in the medical management group compared to the intervention group. Criticisms of the trial include the short duration follow-up that may not realize treatment potential, a potential selection bias (13 % of patients screened were selected) in enrolling less-severe AVM cases, not reflective of the hospital experience, and the heterogeneity of the endovascular procedures with regard to efficacy and complications (Mohr et al. 2014).

      Intracranial Aneurysms

    • Oct 7, 2017 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Vascular Malformations

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