VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS/DISEASES OF BLOOD VESSELS 3.1 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage A 45-year-old man developed a severe headache and collapsed. Images 3.1A–3.1C: Axial CT images demonstrate diffuse blood in the subarachnoid space. The “star sign” of subarachnoid hemorrhage is shown. Image 3.1D: Gross pathology of a subarachnoid hemorrhage with a ruptured aneurysm (yellow arrow) (image credit via Professor Peter Anderson, DVM, PhD, and published with permission © PEIR, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Pathology). Images 3.1E–3.1H: Axial CT images demonstrate a grade 4 SAH. There is diffuse subarachnoid blood, as well as intraparenchymal blood in the right frontal and temporal lobes, with midline shift and herniation. Images 3.1I and 3.1J: Angiograms demonstrate significant vasospasm (red arrows) of A1 segments of the anterior cerebral artery (3.1I) and M1 segment of the MCA (3.1J). Images 3.1K and 3.1L: Axial CT scans demonstrate enlarged ventricles in a patient several months after a SAH. The aneurysm clip is visible (red arrow). 1. Suarez JI. Diagnosis and management of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Continuum (Minneap Minn). October 2015;21(5 Neurocritical Care):1263–1287. 2. Aisiku I, Abraham JA, Goldstein J, Thomas LE. An evidence-based approach to diagnosis and management of subarachnoid hemorrhage in the emergency department. Emerg Med Pract. October 2014;16(10):1–24. 3. Inagawa T. Risk factors for cerebral vasospasm following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a review of the literature. World Neurosurg. September 2015. pii: S1878-8750(15)01068-2. 4. Lo BW, Fukuda H, Nishimura Y, Farrokhyar F, Thabane L, Levine MA. Systematic review of clinical prediction tools and prognostic factors in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Surg Neurol Int. August 2015;6:135. 3.2 Aneurysms A 56-year-old man presented with an enlarging right pupil. Images 3.2A–3.2C: Axial T2-weighted, MR angiogram maximum intensity projection (MIP) and postcontrast axial T1-weighted images demonstrate a berry aneurysm of the right posterior communicating artery. Image 3.2D: Gross image of berry aneurysm at the junction internal carotid and middle cerebral arteries (image credit via Professor Peter Anderson, DVM, PhD, and published with permission © PEIR, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Pathology). Illustration 3.2.1: The most common sites of intracranial saccular aneurysms (image credit Nicholas Zaorsky, MD). Images 3.2E and 3.2F: Axial CT image and catheter angiogram demonstrate a giant aneurysm of the right ICA. Images 3.2G and 3.2H: Axial CT image demonstrates a large suprasellar, hyperdense mass and an angiogram demonstrates a giant, mostly thrombosed fusiform aneurysm involving the P2 segment of the left PCA. Images 3.2I and 3.2J: Axial CT image demonstrates a large hyperdense mass in the interpeduncular fossa. Cerebral angiogram reveals a giant aneurysm at the tip of the basilar artery. Images 3.2K–3.2L: Gross pathology demonstrates a large aneurysm at the junction of the posterior cerebral and posterior communicating arteries (3.2K) and at the tip of the basilar artery (3.2L). Images 3.2M–3.2O: MR angiogram, catheter angiogram, and CT angiogram demonstrate an aneurysm at the bifurcation of the left MCA (red arrows). Images 3.2P and 3.2Q: Catheter angiogram demonstrates bilateral ICA aneurysms (red arrows). Image 3.2R: MR angiogram of the same patient. Images 3.2S–3.2U: Postcontrast axial T1-weighted image, catheter angiogram, and sagittal CT angiogram image demonstrate a fusiform aneurysm of the bilateral distal vertebral and basilar arteries. Image 3.2V: A resected MCA aneurysm filled with multiple coils (image credit Marvin 101). Image 3.2W: Intraoperative picture demonstrates clipping of an aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery (red arrow). 1. Unruptured intracranial aneurysms—risk of rupture and risks of surgical intervention. International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms Investigators. N Engl J Med. December 1998;339(24):1725–1733. 2. Juvela S, Poussa K, Lehto H, Porras M. Natural history of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: a long-term follow-up study. Stroke. September 2013;44(9):2414–2421. 3. Brown RD Jr, Broderick JP. Unruptured intracranial aneurysms: epidemiology, natural history, management options, and familial screening. Lancet Neurol. April 2014;13(4):393–404. 4. Graziano F, Iacopino DG, Ulm AJ. Insights on a giant aneurysm treated endovascularly. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. July 2016;77(4):367–371. 5. Qureshi AI, Janardhan V, Hanel RA, Lanzino G. Comparison of endovascular and surgical treatments for intracranial aneurysms: an evidence-based review. Lancet Neurol. September 2007;6(9):816–825. 6. Serrone JC, Gozal YM, Grossman AW, et al. Vertebrobasilar fusiform aneurysms. Neurosurg Clin N Am. July 2014;25(3):471–484. Unless otherwise stated, all pathology images in this chapter are from the website and are reproduced with permission of the author, Roberta J. Seidman, MD, Associate Professor. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. 3.3 Dissections A 23-year-old woman developed neck pain and dizziness, vertigo, dysarthria, abnormal facial sensation, and a Horner’s syndrome after strenuous exercise. Image 3.3A: MR angiogram demonstrates attenuation of flow with an intramural hematoma flow in the right vertebral artery (red arrow) in a patient with a vertebral artery dissection. The normal left vertebral artery (yellow arrow) is shown for comparison. Image 3.3B: Conventional angiogram demonstrates severe narrowing of the arterial lumen at that level. Images 3.3C and 3.3D: CT angiogram demonstrates complete left distal extracranial and proximal intracranial vertebral artery occlusion (red arrow). Image 3.3E: A Horner’s syndrome is shown on the left. There is miosis and slight ptosis. Image 3.3F: MR angiogram of the neck demonstrates severe narrowing of the left internal carotid artery (red arrow). This is known as the “string sign.” Image 3.3G: MR angiogram source images demonstrate an intramural hematoma (red arrow) within the lumen of the artery. Image 3.3H: Axial T1-weighted image demonstrates the hyperintensity of the hematoma. In each image, the yellow arrow shows the unaffected carotid artery. 1. Redekop GJ. Extracranial carotid and vertebral artery dissection: A review. Can J Neurol Sci. May 2008;35(2):146–152. 2. Jensen MB, Chacon MR, Aleu A. Cervicocerebral arterial dissection. Neurologist. January 2008;14(1):5–6. 3. Kadkhodayan Y, Jeck DT, Moran CJ, Derdeyn CP, Cross DT 3rd. Angioplasty and stenting in carotid dissection with or without associated pseudoaneurysm. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. October 2005;26(9):2328–2335. 3.4 Central Nervous System Vasculitis A 47-year-old developed headaches and multiple small strokes. Images 3.4A and 3.4B: Axial FLAIR images demonstrate severe white matter disease and multiple hypodensities consistent with remote infarction. Images 3.4C and 3.4D: Catheter angiogram demonstrates the typical “beads on a string” pattern (red arrows) of CNS vasculitis. 1. Amara AW, Bashir K, Palmer CA, Walker HC. Challenges in diagnosis of isolated central nervous system vasculitis. Brain Behav. September 2011; 1(1):57–61. 2. Berlit P, Kraemer M. Cerebral vasculitis in adults: what are the steps in order to establish the diagnosis? Red flags and pitfalls. Clin Exp Immunol. March 2014;175(3):419–424. 3. Lucke M, Hajj-Ali RA. Advances in primary angiitis of the central nervous system. Curr Cardiol Rep. 2014;16(10):533. 3.5 Moyamoya Disease A 12-year-old girl presented with multiple ischemic strokes over the course of several years. Image 3.5A: Axial FLAIR image demonstrates old, bifrontal, and parietal watershed territory infarctions. Image 3.5B: MR angiogram demonstrates complete occlusion of the proximal right MCA with collateral flow through massively dilated right lenticulostriate vessels (red arrows). This appears as a “puff of smoke.” There is also severe stenosis of both ACAs (yellow arrow). Image 3.5C: Catheter angiogram reveals significant luminal irregularities involving the right ICA bifurcation and the M1 segment of the right MCA with a compensatory network of hypertrophied lenticulostriate arteries in a patient with moyamoya. Image 3.5D: MR angiogram demonstrates severe stenoses of the bilateral ACAs and MCAs with hypertrophied lenticulostriate arteries. Images 3.5E and 3.5F: Axial T1-weighted images demonstrate hypointensities due to hypertrophied vessels (red arrows) throughout the basal ganglia. Images 3.5G and 3.5H: Postcontrast axial T1-weighted and FLAIR images demonstrate extensive meningeal enhancement and hyperintensity. 1. Yoon HK, Shin HJ, Chang YW. “Ivy sign” in childhood moyamoya disease: depiction on FLAIR and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR images. Radiology. May 2002;223(2):384–389. 2. Hertza J, Loughan A, Perna R, Davis AS, Segraves K, Tiberi NL. Moyamoya disease: a review of the literature. Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 2014;21(1):21–27. 3. Thines L, Petyt G, Aguettaz P, et al. Surgical management of Moyamoya disease and syndrome: current concepts and personal experience. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2015 Jan;171(1):31–44. 3.6 Arteriovenous Malformations A 39-year-old man was found down on the street. His friends said that he complained of a headache and vomited before losing consciousness. He had a seizure 1 month ago but did not seek medical evaluation. Image 3.6A: Axial CT image demonstrates a left occipital lobe hemorrhage and intraventricular blood. Images 3.6B and 3.6C: Axial T2-weighted image demonstrates flow voids in the left occipital lobe typical for an AVM, and MR angiogram demonstrates the AVM (red arrow). Image 3.6D: Gross pathology of AVM (image credit The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology). Images 3.6E and 3.6F: Axial CT images demonstrate enlarged, hyperdense vessels in the right frontal lobe due to an AVM. Images 3.6G and 3.6H: Postcontrast axial T1-weighted images demonstrate contrast within the vessels of an AVM. Images 3.6I–3.6K: Catheter angiogram demonstrates an AVM originating from a branch of the MCA. The “bag of worms” appearance is shown. Images 3.6L and 3.6M: Sagittal and axial T2-weighted images demonstrate multiple flow voids in the lumbar spine due to an AVM. Image 3.6N: The AVM is visualized on spinal angiogram. Images 3.6O and 3.6P: Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain and brain section demonstrate the findings of an AVM. Image 3.6Q: Intraoperative picture of an AVM resection. 1. Mohr JP, Parides MK, Stapf C, et al. Medical management with or without interventional therapy for unruptured brain arteriovenous malformations (ARUBA): a multicentre, non-blinded, randomised trial. Lancet. February 2014;383(9917):614–621. 2. Kim H, Al-Shahi Salman R, McCulloch CE, Stapf C, Young WL, MARS Coinvestigators. Untreated brain arteriovenous malformation: patient-level meta-analysis of hemorrhage predictors. Neurology. August 2014;83(7):590–597. 3. Cohen-Gadol A, Conger A, Kulwin C, Lawton M. Diagnosis and evaluation of intracranial arteriovenous malformations. Surg Neurol Int. 2015;6:76. 4. Lawton MT, Kim H, McCulloch CE, Mikhak B, Young WL. A Supplementary grading scale for selecting patients with brain arteriovenous malformations for surgery. Neurosurgery. April 2010;66(4):702–713. 3.7 Capillary Telangiectasia Two patients had MRIs performed for headaches. Incidental findings were noted. Images 3.7A and 3.7B: Postcontrast axial and sagittal T1-weighted images demonstrate a capillary telangiectasia in the pons (red arrows). Images 3.7C and 3.7D: Postcontrast axial and sagittal T1-weighted images demonstrate a capillary telangiectasia (red arrows) in the right frontal lobe. 1. Gross BA, Puri AS, Popp AJ, Du R. Cerebral capillary telangiectasias: a meta-analysis and review of the literature. Neurosurg Rev. April 2013;36(2):187–193. 2. Gelal F, Karakaş L, Sarsilmaz A, Yücel K, Dündar C, Apaydin M. Capillary telangiectasia of the brain: imaging with various magnetic resonance techniques. JBR-BTR. July–August 2014;97(4):233–238. 3.8 Cerebral Cavernous Malformations A 58-year-old man presented with a seizure. Images 3.8A–3.8D: Axial CT, axial T2-weighted, and postcontrast axial and coronal T1-weighted images demonstrate a mass in the right basal ganglia. It is hyperdense, hyperintense, and enhances with contrast, demonstrating a “popcorn-like” appearance consistent with a cavernoma. Images 3.8E and 3.8F: Axial CT and FLAIR images demonstrate a large cavernoma in the cerebellum. Images 3.8G and 3.8H: Axial CT and T2-weighted images demonstrate a pontine cavernoma. Images 3.8I and 3.8J: Sagittal and axial T2-weighted images of the thoracic spine demonstrate a cavernoma with a hypointense rim due to recent bleeding. Images 3.8K–3.8N: Axial gradient echo images demonstrate blood products associated with multiple cavernomas. Multiple cavernomas are also visible on the T2-weighted images. 1. Toulgoat F, Lasjaunias P. Vascular malformations of the brain. Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;112:1043–1051. 2. Hegde AN, Mohan S, Lim CC. CNS cavernous haemangioma: “popcorn” in the brain and spinal cord. Clin Radiol. April 2012;67(4):380–388. 3.9 Developmental Venous Anomalies A 34-year-old woman had an MRI done for headaches. An incidental finding was noted. Images 3.9A and 3.9B: Postcontrast axial T1-weighted images demonstrate multiple developmental venous anomalies in the cerebellum and the basal ganglia (red arrows). The “caput medusae” sign is shown. 1. Töpper R, Jürgens E, Reul J, Thron A. Clinical significance of intracranial developmental venous anomalies. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. August 1999;67(2):234–238. 2. Ruíz DS, Yilmaz H, Gailloud P. Cerebral developmental venous anomalies: current concepts. Ann Neurol. September 2009;66(3):271–283. doi:10.1002/ana.21754. 3. Frischer JM, Göd S, Gruber A, et al. Susceptibility-weighted imaging at 7 T: Improved diagnosis of cerebral cavernous malformations and associated developmental venous anomalies. Neuroimage Clin. September 2012;1(1):116–120. 3.10 Dolichoectasia of Vertebrobasilar Artery A 65-year-old man presented with palsies of his right facial and trigeminal nerves. Images 3.10A–3.10D: Axial T2-weighted, sagittal T1-weighted, catheter angiogram, and CT angiogram demonstrate a markedly dolichoectatic fusiform basilar artery with a right-sided aneurysm (red and white arrows). Image 3.10E: Axial CT image demonstrates marked calcification of the right ICA. Images 3.10F and 3.10G: Axial T2-weighted image and MR angiogram demonstrate dolichoectasia of the right MCA (red arrows). This was an incidental finding on a scan done for other reasons. 1. Passero SG, Rossi S. Natural history of vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Neurology. January 2008;70(1):66–72. 2. Wolfe T, Ubogu EE, Fernandes-Filho JA, Zaidat OO. Predictors of clinical outcome and mortality in vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia diagnosed by magnetic resonance angiography. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. November–December 2008;17(6):388–393. 3. Ubogu EE, Zaidat OO. Vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia diagnosed by magnetic resonance angiography and risk of stroke and death: a cohort study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. January 2004;75(1):22–26. 4. Wolters FJ, Rinkel GJ, Vergouwen MD. Clinical course and treatment of vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia: a systematic review of the literature. Neurol Res. March 2013;35(2):131–137. 5. Yuan YJ, Xu K, Luo Q, Yu JL. Research progress on vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Int J Med Sci. August 2014;11(10):1039–1048. 6. Förster A, Ssozi J, Al-Zghloul M, Brockmann MA, Kerl HU, Groden C. A comparison of CT/CT angiography and MRI/MR angiography for imaging of vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Clin Neuroradiol. December 2014;24(4):347–353. 3.11 Fenestration of the Basilar Artery A 56-year-old man presented with a brainstem stroke. Images 3.11A–3.11C: Axial gradient echo, catheter angiogram, and MR angiogram demonstrate fenestration of the mid-basilar artery (red arrow and circle). 1. van Rooij SB, Bechan RS, Peluso JP, Sluzewski M, van Rooij WJ. Fenestrations of intracranial arteries. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. June 2015;36(6):1167–1170. 2. Tanaka M, Kikuchi Y, Ouchi T. Neuroradiological analysis of 23 cases of basilar artery fenestration based on 2280 cases of MR angiographies. Interv Neuroradiol. January 2006;12(Suppl. 1):39–44. 3. Sogawa K, Kikuchi Y, O’uchi T, Tanaka M, Inoue T. Fenestrations of the basilar artery demonstrated on magnetic resonance angiograms: an analysis of 212 cases. Interv Neuroradiol. December 2013;19(4):461–465. 4. Gao LY, Guo X, Zhou JJ, Zhang Q, Fu J, Chen WJ, Yang YJ. Basilar artery fenestration detected with CT angiography. Eur Radiol. October 2013;23(10):2861–2867. 5. Patel MA, Caplan JM, Yang W, Colby GP, Coon AL, Tamargo RJ, Huang J. Arterial fenestrations and their association with cerebral aneurysms. Clin Neurosci. December 2014;21(12):2184–2188. 3.12 Persistent Trigeminal Artery A 66-year-old man suffered a small lacunar infarction and was found to have a vascular anomaly. Images 3.12A and 3.12B: MR angiogram showing the left vertebral artery connecting to the left internal carotid artery via a persistent trigeminal artery (yellow arrow). The tau sign is seen on the sagittal view. Images 3.12C and 3.12D: Axial T2-weighted image and catheter angiogram, both showing the left vertebral artery connecting to the left internal carotid artery via a persistent trigeminal artery (yellow arrow). 1. Azab W, Delashaw J, Mohammed M. Persistent primitive trigeminal artery: a review. Turk Neurosurg. 2012;22(4):399–406. 2. Alcalá-Cerra G, Tubbs RS, Niño-Hernández LM. Anatomical features and clinical relevance of a persistent trigeminal artery. Surg Neurol Int. 2012;3:111. 3.13 Kissing Carotids A 45-year-old female developed amenorrhea. Images 3.13A and 3.13B: Axial FLAIR and postcontrast coronal T1-weighted images demonstrate the medial course of the cavernous segment of the internal carotid arteries bilaterally. 1. Cervical segment (C1) 2. Petrous segment (C2) 3. Lacerum segment (C3) 4. Cavernous segment (C4) 5. Clinoid segment (C5) 6. Ophthalmic (supraclinoid) segment (C6) 7. Communicating (terminal) segment (C7) Images 3.13C and 3.13D: Illustration on normal angiogram of the segments of the ICA (image credit Behrang Amini). 1. Guo L, Qiu Y, Ge J, Zhang X. Kissing aneurysms of the internal carotid artery treated with surgical clipping. Neurol India. May–June 2012;60(3):353–355. 2. Gowdh NS, Gill FJ, Regan LA, Wilkie SW. Kissing carotid arteries: an unusual cause of prevertebral swelling. BMJ Case Rep. October 2014;2014. pii: bcr2014206099. 3. Okahara M, Kiyosue H, Mori H, Tanoue S, Sainou M, Nagatomi H. Anatomic variations of the cerebral arteries and their embryology: a pictorial review. Eur Radiol. October 2002;12(10):2548–2561. 4. Sahin M, Dilli A, Karbek B, et al. Unusual cause of primary amenorrhea due to kissing internal carotid arteries. Pituitary. June 2012;15(2):258–259. 3.14 Absence of the Internal Carotid Arteries A 56-year-old man presented with a sudden headache and was found to have a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Images 3.14A and 3.14B: Coronal MR angiogram image and axial T2-weighted image demonstrate aberrant vasculature, with absence of the internal carotid arteries bilatearlly. There is enlargement of the posterior circulation, most notably the right vertebral artery. 1. Taşar M, Yetişer S, Taşar A, Uğurel S, Gönül E, Sağlam M. Congenital absence or hypoplasia of the carotid artery: radioclinical issues. Am J Otolaryngol. September–October 2004;25(5):339–349. 2. Lee JH, Oh CW, Lee SH, Han DH. Aplasia of the internal carotid artery. Acta Neurochir (Wien). February 2003;145(2):117–125. 3. Zink WE, Komotar RJ, Meyers PM. Internal carotid aplasia/hypoplasia and intracranial saccular aneurysms: series of three new cases and systematic review of the literature. J Neuroimaging. April 2007;17(2):141–147. 3.15 Carotid Paragangliomas A 35-year-old woman presented with a painless neck mass and tongue weakness. Images 3.15A and 3.15B: Three-dimensional and sagittal reformatted images from a CT angiogram demonstrate carotid body tumors. The splaying of the internal and external carotid artery, the “lyre” sign is shown (red arrow). Images 3.15C and 3.15D: Axial CT images demonstrate carotid body tumors (yellow arrows). 1. Wieneke JA, Smith A. Paraganglioma: carotid body tumor. Head Heck Pathol. December 2009;3(4):303–306. 2. Suárez C, Rodrigo JP, Mendenhall WM, et al. Carotid body paragangliomas: a systematic study on management with surgery and radiotherapy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. January 2014;271(1):23–34. 3.16 Nonaneurysmal Perimesencephalic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage A 65-year-old woman presented with a severe, acute headache. Images 3.16A and 3.16B: Axial CT images show acute blood in the interpeduncular fossa (red arrows). 1. Rinkel GJ, Wijdicks EF, Vermeulen M, et al. Nonaneurysmal perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage: CT and MR patterns that differ from aneurysmal rupture. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. September–October 1991;12(5):829–834. 2. Schwartz TH, Solomon RA. Perimesencephalic nonaneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: review of the literature. Neurosurgery. September 1996;39(3):433–440. 3.17 Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome A 65-year-old man presented with confusion and cortical blindness. His blood pressure in the emergency room (ER) was 231/180. Images 3.17A–3.17D: Axial FLAIR and diffusion-weighted images demonstrate edema and gyral swelling in the occipital and posterior temporal lobes in a patient with PRES. There is hyperintensity on the diffusion-weighted images as well. Images 3.17E and 3.17F: Axial FLAIR images from the same patient taken 3 weeks later demonstrate significant, though incomplete resolution of the white matter hyperintensities. 1. Thompson RJ, Sharp B, Pothof J, Hamedani A. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in the emergency department: case series and literature review. West J Emerg Med. January 2015;16(1):5–10. 2. Granata G, Greco A, Iannella G, Granata M, Manno A, Savastano E, Magliulo G. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome—Insight into pathogenesis, clinical variants and treatment approaches. Autoimmun Rev. September 2015;14(9):830–836. 3. Lamy C, Oppenheim C, Mas JL. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Handb Clin Neurol. 2014;121:1687–701. 4. Lamy C, Oppenheim C, Méder JF, Mas JL. Neuroimaging in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. J Neuroimaging. April 2004;14(2):89–96.
Case History
Diagnosis: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
The most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), other than trauma, is rupture of a berry aneurysm.
Risk factors for developing an aneurysmal SAH include substance use (cocaine, amphetamines, cigarettes, alcohol), family history, hypertension, polycystic kidney disease, Marfan’s syndrome, Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, and fibromuscular dysplasia.
SAH accounts for about 5% of all strokes, and most patients are older adults.
Clinical Presentation
SAH presents as a severe, abrupt headache. Patients classically complain of the “worst headache of my life.” Many patients lose consciousness due to the sudden increase in intracranial pressure. Up to half of patients have a minor headache, referred to as a sentinel headache, in the weeks preceding frank rupture. This is presumably due to small amounts of blood leaking from the aneurysm.
One of the most common grading systems for the severity of SAH is the Hunt and Hess scale. Other grading systems include the modified Hunt and Hess scale, the World Federation of Neurological Surgeons scale, and the Ogilvy and Carter scale.
Hunt and Hess scale:
Grade 1: asymptomatic or mild headache and slight nuchal rigidity
Grade 2: moderate or severe headache, nuchal rigidity, no neurological deficit other than a cranial nerve palsy
Grade 3: drowsiness, confusion, mild focal neurological deficit
Grade 4: stupor with moderate to severe hemiparesis
Grade 5: coma, decerebrate posturing
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
A CT scan reveals the hemorrhage in over 95% of cases if done in the first 24 hours.
The Fisher scale is used to grade the amount of blood on CT.
Grade 1: no blood detected
Grade 2: diffuse or thin layer of blood (less than 1 mm thick vertically)
Grade 3: clot and/or thick layer of blood (1 mm or more vertically)
Grade 4: intraventricular or intraparenchymal blood
As shown in Image 3.1A, the appearance of blood within the basal cisterns and Sylvian and interhemispheric fissure is called the “star sign.”
All patients who complain of a severe, sudden headache should have a lumbar puncture performed if the CT scan is normal. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) without an elevated red blood cell (RBC) count rules out SAH. A traumatic tap should have a declining number of RBCs in sequential tubes and will not show xanthochromia, which is the yellow tinge to CSF that occurs after 6 to 12 hours in patients with SAH due to breakdown of RBCs within the CSF.
Approximately 50% of cases are fatal, and survivors are often left with significant neurological deficits. All patients with SAH should be admitted to an intensive care unit and be monitored closely for signs of respiratory distress or neurological deterioration.
Complications of SAH include rebleeding, vasospasm, hyponatremia, neurogenic cardiac dysfunction, and hydrocephalus.
The rerupture rate of an untreated aneurysm is about 30%, with the highest risk being in the first week. 50% of the patients who suffer a second bleed die as a result.
Treatment of ruptured aneurysms is either neurosurgical clipping or endovascular coiling of the aneurysm. The International Study of Aneurysm Treatment showed a 23% relative reduction in mortality for patients treated with endovascular coiling compared to surgery. In patients who are doing well clinically, earlier repair of the aneurysm (within the first 3 days) is favored to prevent rebleeding. In patients who are medically unstable, the complications may be too great for early intervention. In these cases, intervention should be delayed until after 7 to 10 days to allow for swelling to resolve.
Vasospasm leading to ischemic stroke is a major complication of SAH. It occurs in 30% of patients, leading to stroke or death. The peak incidence is at days 7 to 10 after the bleed. It is rare before day 4 or after day 21. It is diagnosed by transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, which will show increased flow within the narrowed arteries, or computed tomography angiography (CTA).
Medical treatment to prevent vasospasm involves induced hypertension, hypervolemia, and hemodilution. This is known as “Triple-H” therapy.
Nimodipine, a calcium-channel blocker, has a neuroprotective effect, though it is not clear if this is by reducing vasospasm.
In cases of refractory vasospasm, a calcium-channel blocker can be delivered directly to the affected arteries or a transluminal balloon angioplasty can be placed via angiography. Treated arteries are protected from recurrent spasms for 3 to 4 weeks.
Hyponatremia is thought to occur as a result of the inappropriate secretion of vasopressin and is referred to as “cerebral salt wasting.” It occurs between days 3 to 7 and should be treated with intravenous normal saline, sodium tablets, or in extreme cases, hypertonic saline. Treatment with free water restriction is contraindicated as it can cause cerebral ischemia.
Cardiac Dysfunction
T wave inversions and ST elevations on EKG are commonly found in cerebral insults that result in raised intracranial pressure, mimicking cardiac ischemia. Some patients suffer congestive heart failure from myocardial damage, thought to be due to a catecholamine surge. Cardiac function usually normalizes over the course of 3 to 4 weeks.
Hydrocephalus is a common complication of SAH. It may occur acutely, presenting as obtundation or coma. In such cases, emergent ventricular drainage may be lifesaving. It can also occur after weeks to months due to obstruction of CSF reabsorption within the arachnoid granulations. It presents with the classic triad of a gait apraxia, dementia, and urinary incontinence. In such cases, ventricular shunting is needed.
Case History
Diagnosis: Berry Aneurysm
An aneurysm is an abnormal dilation of an artery due to weakness of the vessel wall. Saccular, or berry, aneurysms have a distinct neck and dome, whereas with fusiform aneurysms there is a uniform dilation of the artery.
About 2% of adults harbor an intracranial aneurysm and there are about 30,000 ruptured aneurysms per year in the United States.
Ninety percent of aneurysms arise from the anterior circulation. The remaining 10% are in the posterior circulation, most commonly at the tip of the basilar artery. They are most commonly found in the circle of Willis at the branching points of the major arteries. The most common locations are the junction of the anterior communicating artery and the anterior cerebral artery (ACA), the junction of the posterior communicating artery and the internal carotid artery (ICA), the bifurcation of the middle cerebral artery (MCA), and the tip of the basilar artery.
Clinical Presentation
Aneurysms usually present due to rupture and resultant subarachnoid hemorrhage or due to mass effect on adjacent structures. An oculomotor nerve palsy, particularly if the pupil is involved first, is concerning for an aneurysm of the posterior communicating artery.
Larger aneurysms are more prone to rupture. Aneurysms less than 10 mm have an annual rupture rate of about 0.1%, whereas those greater than 10 mm have an annual rupture rate of about 1%. Giant aneurysms over 25 mm have an annual rupture rate of about 6%, though they often present prior to rupture due to mass effect on adjacent brain structures.
Fusiform aneurysms of the basilar artery present most commonly with ischemic symptoms or compression of the brainstem and cranial nerves.
Many aneurysms are clinically silent and found incidentally on imaging done for other reasons.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
Many are hyperdense on CT scans due to thrombosed blood within the aneurysm. In patients who have had a subarachnoid hemorrhage, a conventional angiogram may be needed as the aneurysm can be obscured by the hemorrhage. Examples of giant aneurysms are shown on CT and angiograms in Images 3.2E to 3.2W.
On MRI, aneurysms are typically hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images, though the appearance may vary somewhat depending on the degree of thrombosis. Large aneurysms can be detected on almost all imaging modalities, though catheter angiography is considered the gold standard. An aneurysm of the bifurcation of the MCA is shown on magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), catheter angiography, and CTA (note the conventional left–right orientation is reversed on CTAs).
In about 10% to 30% of all cases there are multiple intracranial aneurysms. In the majority of such cases, only two aneurysms are seen.
In contrast to saccular aneurysms, fusiform (spindle-shaped) aneurysms are characterized by uniform dilation of an artery.
Symptomatic aneurysms can be treated with endovascular coiling or neurosurgical clipping of the aneurysmal neck.
Whether or not to treat intracranial aneurysms found incidentally is controversial. The decision should be based on the size and location of the aneurysm, the age and medical condition of the patient, and the surgeon’s experience. Aneurysms smaller than 10 mm in diameter have a lower rupture rate.
Case History
Diagnosis: Dissection
A dissection of a vessel occurs when there is a tear in the tunica intima such that blood flows between the layers of the blood vessel wall, rather than within the lumen. Both the vertebral artery (VA) and ICA are vulnerable.
Dissections are primarily diseases of young people, and are the most common cause of ischemic stroke in this age group.
Both VA and ICA dissections can occur spontaneously, especially in patients with connective tissue disorders. They may occur after trauma to the neck. Chiropractic manipulation is a well-known risk factor for VA dissections.
Clinical Presentation
Dissections present with neck pain, retroorbital pain for ICA dissections, and cerebral ischemia. The dissection serves as a nidus for clot formation, and emboli dislodge leading to infarction. Infarctions may also occur via hypoperfusion to distal brain areas, though collateral blood flow often minimizes injury via this mechanism.
VA dissections present with neck pain and infarctions in the posterior circulation. VA dissection is a common cause of the lateral medullary (Wallenberg) syndrome.
ICA dissections, like VA dissections, are often accompanied by a Horner’s syndrome, as sympathetic nerve fibers run along the carotid artery.
Dysphagia and dysarthria can also be seen due to mass effect on the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, which run adjacent to the carotid.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
CT angiograms, MR angiograms, and conventional angiography all have a role in the diagnosis of dissections. A hematoma can often be seen within the vessel wall.
Dissections are treated with either anticoagulation or antiplatelet agents. There does not seem to be good data supporting one approach over the other. In patients with recurrent ischemia, neurointerventional procedures can be used. These include angioplasty and stent implantation.
Case History
Diagnosis: CNS Vasculitis
Primary diseases of the blood vessels, such as polyarteritis nodosa, Kawasaki disease, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and Takayasu’s arteritis, can affect the intracranial vessels leading to cerebral ischemia, most commonly in the posterior circulation of the eye. Isolated or primary central nervous system (CNS) angiitis is a rare condition, affecting 1 to 2 per million people. Vessels of all sizes, including capillaries, arterioles/venules, and arteries/veins, can be affected.
CNS vasculitis can also be seen in conjunction with systemic rheumatologic diseases such as Behçet disease, Sjogren’s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Substances of abuse, namely cocaine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or ecstasy), and amphetamines, may cause a vasculitis, as can infectious diseases, namely tuberculosis, syphilis, varicella zoster virus (VZV), and herpes simplex virus (HSV).
It may also be seen in the setting of malignancies such as lymphomas and leukemias.
Clinical Presentation
Ischemic stroke is the most common CNS presentation. However, patients may suffer from a wide range of clinical presentations including hemorrhages, meningitis, and cognitive dysfunction. Involvement of the extracranial vessels leads to headaches, visual loss, jaw claudication, and cranial tenderness. Systemic symptoms such as fever, weight loss, and malaise are common.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
On MRI, there will be symmetric, periventricular white matter hyperintensities on T2-weighted images along with evidence of small infarcts of varying ages. These findings are not specific for vasculitis, however.
Angiography is the most sensitive imaging technique and will show irregular focal segmental stenoses of the affected vessels. This pattern is referred to as “beads on a string.” In infectious vasculitis, the vasculature of the basal cisterns is most commonly affected, though syphilis may affect the distal branches of the MCA. A normal angiogram does not rule out vasculitis, and a meningeal biopsy may be needed to definitively make the diagnosis.
Depending on the cause, serum markers of inflammation such as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein are generally elevated, especially in patients with temporal arteritis. In patients with primary CNS angiitis, mild lymphocytic pleocytosis and mildly elevated total protein are expected in the CSF.
Steroids are used acutely to reduce inflammation. Many patients need long-term immunosuppression.
Case History
Diagnosis: Moyamoya Disease
Moyamoya disease (“smoke” in Japanese) is a progressive, occlusive arteriopathy that affects the terminal part of the ICA and the proximal segments of the ACA and MCA. The posterior cerebral arteries (PCAs) are affected in almost half of the patients. The vascular occlusions are typically slowly progressive, and collateral circulation develops via several different sources to supply the ischemic tissue. Most commonly, collaterals arise from the perforating arteries of the basal ganglia as well as from branches of the external carotid artery.
It is most commonly an idiopathic disorder, but has been associated with radiation therapy, sickle cell disease, neurofibromatosis 1, Down syndrome, and chronic infections.
There is a bimodal age of distribution, with most cases occurring in children under age 4, and a second peak occurring between the ages of 30 and 40. It is more common in people of Asian descent and is twice as common in women. About 10% of cases are familial.
Clinical Presentation
In children, it presents with ischemic strokes or seizures, while in adults, intracranial hemorrhage is more common. Watershed strokes are particularly common and focal neurological deficits and global cognitive dysfunction result.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
Affected vessels are stenotic, and a network of collateral circulation arises from the deep, penetrating arteries (lenticulostriate, thalamoperforating) and from surface vessels (leptomeningeal and dural arteries). With infusion of contrast, this leads to the characteristic “puff of smoke” appearance on catheter angiogram.
Multiple flow voids are often seen in the basal ganglia.
Slow flow in extensive leptomeningeal collaterals may result in prominent enhancement and hyperintensity on FLAIR images. This is called the “ivy” sign as the brain appears to be covered in ivy.
Surgery to bypass the occluded vessels is the most common treatment. Connecting the external carotid artery or superficial temporal artery to the MCA is another common intervention. Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis, a procedure where a scalp artery distribution is transposed onto the region of cortex normally fed by the MCA, is performed as well.
Case History
Diagnosis: Arteriovenous Malformation
Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are collections of vessels composed of one or more enlarged feeding arteries that then drain into enlarged veins without an intervening capillary network. The veins then drain into the main venous system of the brain. They are considered congenital abnormalities, though they may enlarge over time.
There are two types of AVMs. Compact AVMs are sharply demarcated from the adjacent brain parenchyma with tightly woven vessels. In contrast, diffuse AVMs have neural tissue intermixed and lack clear borders.
AVMs are the most common symptomatic vascular malformations in the CNS. The vast majority are solitary, and multiple AVMs are associated with hereditary syndromes such as hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
Clinical Presentation
They can present with seizures, frank hemorrhage and severe headaches from rupture, neurological symptoms due to local mass effect, and symptoms of elevated intracranial pressure. Less commonly, patients develop slowly progressive neurological deficits.
They are often clinically silent and found incidentally on scans done for other reasons.
Spinal AVMs are uncommon, but are a potentially treatable cause of progressive myelopathy. They can be located anywhere in the spinal canal (intramedullary, intradural, dural, or extradural). They typically occur in middle-aged patients with progressive weakness, sensory deficits, and bladder incontinence. There may be periods of abrupt worsening if there is hemorrhage in the spinal cord. Abrupt worsening may also occur during exercise or changes in posture.
Radiographic Appearance
On CT scans, engorged, hyperdense draining veins can be seen in large AVMs.
AVMs are better visualized on MRI. On T2-weighted images, the abnormal vessels appear as multiple dark flow voids within the brain parenchyma. The surrounding brain is often atrophic and gliotic, as blood supply is preferentially drained from the brain to the AVM. Increased flow may lead to aneurysms of both the arteries and the veins. There is avid enhancement with the administration of contrast.
Catheter angiography provides the most detailed anatomical view. The feeding arteries, nidus of the AVM, and draining veins are best visualized on angiography. The AVM appears as a dense mass, and dilated draining veins can be seen in the arterial phase. The appearance has been likened to a “bag of worms.”
Less than 15% of AVMs are located infratentorially. With spinal AVMs, an MRI may reveal the diagnosis. As within the brain, the abnormal vessels appear as multiple dark flow voids. There is often intrinsic hyperintensity of the spinal cord. Spinal angiograms best reveal the anatomy of the lesion.
Symptomatic AVMs are treated with a combination of open surgical ligation or resection, endovascular embolization, and radiation. Compact AVMs are more amenable to surgical resection compared to diffuse AVMs.
Ruptured AVMs have an annual rebleeding risk of approximately 5%. Unruptured AVMs have a much lower bleeding risk of approximately 2% to 3% annually. Older patients have an increased risk of rupture. The ARUBA trial found that conservative management of unruptured AVMs was superior to interventional approaches over a 33-month period, though there were multiple criticisms of the study design and interpretation.
Case History
Diagnosis: Capillary Telangiectasia
There are four types of vascular malformations of the CNS: capillary telangiectasias, arteriovenous malformations, cavernous angiomas, and developmental venous anomalies (DVAs). Capillary telangiectasias are formed by a network of dilated capillaries. The surrounding brain tissue is normal.
Clinical Presentation
They are rarely of clinical significance and are most often incidental findings on imaging done for other reasons. They are thought to hemorrhage rarely, though a definitive causal relationship is difficult to establish.
Radiographic Appearance
They are best visualized on postcontrast T1-weighted images where there is variable enhancement after the administration of contrast. They may appear as slightly hyperdense on T2-weighted images, though these scans are often normal. There is no mass effect.
They are most commonly located in the pons, but can be seen anywhere in the brain, cerebellum, and spinal cord.
No treatment or follow-up is required.
Case History
Diagnosis: Cerebral Cavernous Malformation
Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs), also known as cavernomas, are characterized by abnormally enlarged capillary cavities. They are without involvement of brain parenchyma, in contrast to arteriovenous malformations.
Clinical Presentation
They are clinically silent in about 75% of patients, but can cause headaches, seizures, or focal neurological deficits if they bleed. CCMs may present with an acute hemorrhage or symptoms may be progressive if there is slow enlargement of the CCM due to repeated internal bleeding. Most patients present in middle age.
Spinal cord cavernomas can present acutely in the setting of hemorrhage. Patients may develop sudden onset of severe back pain, paresis, numbness with a discrete sensory level, hyperreflexia, and urinary/fecal incontinence. A more progressive presentation, with the slow development of chronic myelopathy due to microhemorrhages or cavernoma enlargement causing mass effect on the adjacent neural structures, occurs as well.
About 25% of patients have multiple CCMs. Certain patients may have innumerable cavernomas due to genetic mutations in one of three genes: CCM1, CCM2, or CCM3. In such cases, CCMs can increase in number and size over time. Multiple CCMs may also form after therapeutic radiation.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
They are generally hyperdense on CT due to pooling of blood, but smaller CCMs are not seen on CT.
On MRI, the most characteristic feature is blood products of different ages. On T2-weighted images there is characteristically an area of hyperintensity representing methemoglobin surrounded by a hypointense ring of hemosiderin. Their appearance is described as resembling “popcorn.” They do not enhance with the administration of contrast, nor are they seen on conventional angiography.
Most CCMs are located superficially in subcortical white matter, adjacent to the cerebral cortex, where they frequently cause seizures. However, they may be anywhere in the CNS, including the cerebellum, brainstem (most commonly the pons), and spinal cord.
In patients with familial CCM mutations, gradient echo or T2* images are much more sensitive than T1-weighted or T2-weighted images in detecting the sometimes innumerable cavernomas.
They can be treated surgically if there are repeated bleeds or they cause medication-refractory epilepsy. Surgical resection is curative, though not all CCMs are surgically accessible, such as those in the spine and brainstem.
Case History
Diagnosis: Developmental Venous Anomalies
Developmental venous anomalies (DVAs), also called venous angiomas, are the most common type of cerebral vascular malformations. They are composed of enlarged collections of veins that drain into a large vein.
Most are located in the frontal and parietal lobes where they drain into the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles. The cerebellum is the second most common location, and DVAs there drain into the fourth ventricle.
Clinical Presentation
DVAs are almost always incidental findings, but in rare cases can present with venous thrombosis and bleeding. In about 20% of cases, they are associated with other vascular malformations, most commonly cavernous malformations.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
They are well visualized on postcontrast T1-weighted images. They appear as a collection of vessels that drain into a central vein. They resemble Medusa’s head of snakes on radiologic imaging, which is thus referred to as the “caput medusae” sign. Susceptibility-weighted imaging at a magnetic strength of 7 T is the most sensitive technique to detect DVAs.
Surgical resection is contraindicated as it can lead to venous infarction. However, knowledge of the presence of DVAs is important in considering surgical interventions on associated vascular malformations.
Case History
Diagnosis: Dolichoectasia of the Basilar Artery
Dolichoectasia refers to elongation and distension of an artery due to deterioration of its tunica intima and weakening of the vessel wall, usually due to longstanding hypertension. It also may occur in association with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.
Clinical Presentation
The basilar artery is most commonly affected, and patients present with ischemia of the brainstem and cerebellum. Cranial nerve dysfunction, usually of the facial or trigeminal nerve, is common as well. The oculomotor, vestibulocochlear, and trochlear nerves may also be affected. Hemorrhagic stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage are possible, though less common, manifestations. In some patients there is secondary hydrocephalus.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
The basilar artery is enlarged and tortuous with mass effect on the brainstem and cranial nerves. By definition, the intraluminal diameter is greater than 4.5 mm. The ICA may be affected as well.
There is currently no specific treatment beyond optimizing medical management of risk factors such as hypertension. Endovascular stenting is a possible future treatment.
Case History
Diagnosis: Fenestration of the Basilar Artery
A fenestration is a congenital bifurcation of an artery into two unequal vascular channels. They can be found throughout the vasculature of the CNS, but are most common in the inferior portion of the basilar artery, just above the fusion of the vertebral arteries.
Clinical Presentation
Fenestration of the basilar artery is most often an incidental finding. However, it may also be a risk for ischemia of the lower brainstem and cerebellum. There appears to be a slightly higher incidence of saccular aneurysms, possibly due to abnormal flow dynamics within the artery.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
Imaging of the cerebral vasculature reveals a division of the basilar artery into two unequal channels.
No treatment is needed for incidentally detected fenestrations. Aneurysms may be treated with an endovascular approach or with surgical clipping.
Case History
Diagnosis: Persistent Trigeminal Artery
There are three embryologic connections between the ICA and the vertebrobasilar system. These are known as the trigeminal, otic, and hypoglossal arteries. In fetal development, the trigeminal artery supplies the basilar artery prior to the development of other vessels of the posterior circulation.
In adults, a persistent trigeminal artery is the most common remaining embryonic connection between the anterior and posterior circulations and is present in up to 1% of otherwise healthy adults.
Clinical Presentation
Though they are usually incidental findings, they may be associated with a higher rate of vascular malformations such as aneurysms and AVMs. Patients may also develop cranial nerve deficits or trigeminal neuralgia.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
Imaging of the cerebral vasculature will reveal a trigeminal artery arising from the ICA. On sagittal imaging it is called the “tau sign” because of the resemblance to the Greek letter. On conventional angiogram, the vertebrobasilar system will be seen with injection of the carotid artery.
No treatment is necessary, but surgeons should be aware of this anatomic variation prior to performing procedures of the skull base.
Case History
Diagnosis: Kissing Carotids
Different classification schemes exist to organize the segments of the ICA. The Bouthillier classification is presented in the following.
Carotid arteries that are deviated medially in the sella region are called “kissing carotids.”
Clinical Presentation
They can compress the pituitary stalk, leading to pituitary dysfunction, but are most often incidental findings.
Radiographic Appearance
Imaging of the cerebral vasculature will reveal elongated, medially deviated, and tortuous carotid arteries.
No treatment is necessary, but surgeons must be aware of them prior to performing transsphenoidal surgery on the pituitary gland.
Case History
Diagnosis: Congenital Absence of the Internal Carotid Arteries
Congenital absence of an ICA is a very rare anomaly that occurs in about 1:10,000 individuals. Absence of these arteries bilaterally is even less common. Collateral flow to the anterior circulation is usually through the circle of Willis, from persistent embryonic vessels, or from transcranial collaterals originating from the external carotid artery.
Clinical Presentation
Absence of the ICA is often discovered on imaging done for other reasons, though there is an association with cerebral aneurysms. In a series of 158 patients with ICA aplasia/hypoplasia, aneurysms were found in 27.5% of the patients.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
On all imaging modalities, there will be absence of the internal carotid arteries. Collateral flow to the territories of the anterior circulation depends on the degree of hypoplasia or aplasia and the presence of collateral circulation.
There is no specific treatment. However, the finding is relevant for potential neurosurgical procedures and in the evaluation of patients with ischemic strokes.
Case History
Diagnosis: Carotid Body Paragangliomas
A paraganglioma is a rare neuroendocrine neoplasm, the vast majority of which are benign. They are a variation of glomus tumors, which arise from nonchromaffin paraganglion cells. They can develop in the abdomen, thorax, and neck, where they arise from the bifurcation of the internal and external carotid artery.
Most are sporadic, but about 10% are familial, often associated with the neurocutaneous syndromes or multiple endocrine neoplasia.
Patients typically present between the ages of 30 and 50 years.
Clinical Presentation
It typically presents with a painless mass in the neck, but also may present due to mass effect on the cranial nerves (9–12) that run in the carotid sheath. Rarely, they secrete catecholamines and present with endocrine dysfunction. The mass is mobile and can be moved horizontally, not laterally.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
CT scans with contrast provide excellent resolution of the tumors, which appear with the same density as soft tissue. The splaying of the internal and external carotid arteries by the tumor is called the lyre sign. They have mixed signal on MRI leading to the “salt and pepper” appearance.
They are treated with surgical removal with excellent results. Large tumors may need radiotherapy if they are surgically inaccessible.
Case History
Diagnosis: Perimesencephalic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Nonaneurysmal perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage is a benign disorder, thought to be due to a rupture of either a venous or arterial capillary.
Clinical Presentation
They present in adults with a severe, acute headache. Alterations of consciousness may occur, but are much less common than with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Radiographic Appearance and Diagnosis
Head CT is the imaging modality of choice. Blood will be seen in the interpeduncular fossa, which is located anterior to the pons and midbrain. In larger hemorrhages, blood may be seen in the basal and suprasellar cisterns as well as the Sylvian and interhemispheric fissures.
Angiography is required to rule out an aneurysm though the source is rarely identified.
The prognosis for such bleeds is good.
Case History
Diagnosis: Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) occurs in the setting of rapid, severe increases in blood pressure, such as eclampsia, or due to the use of certain immunosuppressants such as tacrolimus or cyclosporine. It can also occur in association with autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus.
The pathophysiology is related to disordered cerebral autoregulation, primarily of the vasculature in the posterior regions of the brain.
Clinical Presentation
It presents with a combination of visual loss, seizures, headaches, and altered mental status.
Radiographic Appearance
Edema and diffuse hyperintensity on T2-weighted images can be seen throughout the posterior circulation, primarily in the occipital and posterior temporal lobes. The watershed zones and superior frontal sulcus may also be affected. Infarction occurs in about 20% of cases and hemorrhage occurs in about 10% of cases.
It is transient and should gradually resolve as the patient improves clinically.
Patients with PRES should have aggressive lowering of their blood pressure or discontinuation of the responsible medication. It is typically reversible with normalization of blood pressure or the discontinuation of the responsible medication, though some patients are left with permanent visual deficits.
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