Volume Determination in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Using Rats

Fig. 1
Comparison of brain volume determination between those directly measured versus reconstitution after the brain edema procedure; SEM standard error of the mean; n = 10/group


Fig. 2
Demonstration of correlation between percentage brain water content and volume. Note fold changes in volume for each percentage edema. Left cluster infratentorial, right cluster supratentorial (i.e., cerebral hemispheres)


Fig. 3
(a) Neurological deficit (Garcia score; left panel), SAH grade (right panel) measured following SAH; (b) calculated brain volume (left panel), and mathematical conversion into percentage swelling (right panel) measured following SAH; (asterisk) <0.05 versus sham; SEM standard error of mean; n = 9–23/group


Translational stroke studies, including animal modeling, are greatly needed to safely integrate basic preclinical scientific principles ahead of clinical application [3236]. Thus, this modification of the “wet-dry” brain edema method permits brain volume determination using valuable post hoc dried brain tissue. Perhaps the greatest strength of this approach is the acquisition of additional valuable data without greatly added expense to neuroscience laboratories. Nonetheless, the application of these volumetric measurements needs validation in other studies, across models and species. In the meantime, this breakthrough technique remains a hammer without a nail but we hope not for much longer.


This study was partially supported by the National Institutes of Health grant RO1 NS078755 (Dr Zhang).





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