12 Nose: Sagittal Dissection


12 Nose: Sagittal Dissection

Maria Peris-Celda

Fig. 12.1. Specimen divided on the sagittal plane through the left nasal cavity. View of the left nasal cavity and cranial base.
Fig. 12.2. Specimen divided on the sagittal plane through the left nasal cavity. Medial view of the left nasal cavity, septum, and cranial base.
Fig. 12.3. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. View of the left nasal cavity and cranial base. The middle nasal concha has been removed, leaving its attachment. A probe shows the drainage pathway of the frontal sinus into the middle meatus.
Fig. 12.4. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. View of the left nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. The uncinate process has been removed and the opening of the maxillary sinus exposed.
Fig. 12.5. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. Enlarged view of the left half of the sphenoidal sinus. (*, Onodi cell)
Fig. 12.6. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. View of the left nasal cavity and cranial base. Some ethmoidal cells and the middle and inferior turbinates have been removed, leaving their attachments.
Fig. 12.7. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. View of the left nasal cavity and cranial base. The left ethmoid cells and anterior wall of the sphenoidal sinus have been removed. The sphenopalatine foramen has been exposed.
Fig. 12.8. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. View of the left nasal cavity, orbit, paranasal sinuses, and cranial base. The bone forming the medial and inferior walls of the orbit has been removed and the periorbita divided to expose the orbital fat. The maxillary sinus has been opened.
Fig. 12.9. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. View of the left side of the cranial base, orbit, and paranasal sinuses. The fat in the left orbit has been removed to expose the eyeball and extraocular muscles.
Fig. 12.10. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. View of the left side of the cranial base, orbit, and paranasal sinuses. The medial rectus muscle has been elevated to expose the optic nerve.
Fig. 12.11. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. The bone in the lateral wall of the left sphenoidal sinus has been removed to expose the outer layer of the dura mater.
Fig. 12.12. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. The outer layer of the dura mater in the medial wall of the left cavernous sinus has been removed to expose the contents of the sinus.
Fig. 12.13. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. View of the left side of the nasal septum.
Fig. 12.14. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. The mucosa of the left side of the nasal septum has been removed to expose the osseous and cartilaginous parts of the nasal septum.
Fig. 12.15. Specimen divided in the sagittal plane. The nasal septum has been removed to expose the right nasal cavity.

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May 23, 2020 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on 12 Nose: Sagittal Dissection

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