14 Monitoring of intracranial pressure and assessment of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics
Adult Hydrocephalus, ed. Daniele Rigamonti. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2014.
Quantitative assessment of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics may support clinical intuition with a description of CSF circulatory and compensatory dysfunction, particularly when both clinical and imaging evidence is subtle and ambiguous. For normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) the consensus regarding the use of physiological parameters in conjunction with clinical and imaging information is still uncertain, despite guidelines for the management of NPH [1] published some time ago. The main problem is that they have never been based on sufficiently hard clinical and experimental evidence.
The current range of clinical applications for CSF dynamics testing includes hydrocephalus, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, craniosynostosis, and traumatic brain injury – in the latter case useful for differentiating post-traumatic hydrocephalus from atrophy and assessing CSF pathways following decompressive craniectomy.
Main mechanisms and models of CSF circulation and pressure–volume compensation
Generally, CSF dynamics depends on interaction between four components: CSF production, flow, absorption, and pulsations.
CSF production occurs by active secretion at a relatively constant rate but dependent upon brain metabolic rate and reducing with age. The role of free, unobstructed flow of CSF is 3-fold: (1) it provides a shock absorptive function for the brain and spinal cord, important in trauma; (2) it allows clearance of brain metabolites; (3) it allows for an even distribution of pressure throughout the intracranial vault, reducing any pressure gradients and preventing brain shifts or herniation. The last point explains why a very high intracranial pressure (ICP; >40 mmHg) can be tolerated relatively asymptomatically in communicating hydrocephalus (e.g. during CSF infusion tests). In contrast, when CSF pathways are obstructed, as in cerebral edema after traumatic brain injury, marked clinical deterioration is seen at ICP exceeding 20–25 mmHg.
CSF absorption occurs, according to the traditional view proposed by Weed in 1916 [2], in a pressure-dependent fashion via the arachnoid granulations at the superior sagittal sinus, also called the major pathway, mathematically described by Davson [3]. Dandy and Blackfan, following animal experiments and human observations, concluded that CSF reabsorption could not be refined to the arachnoid granulations but occurs diffusely from the subarachnoid space throughout the CNS [4]. Since microscopic arachnoid villi appear just around birth and arachnoid granulations are not detectable before the age of about 7 years, several alternative CSF absorption mechanisms have been proposed by various authors and have also been summarized as the “minor pathway” as opposed to the major pathway [5]. Alternative outflow of CSF may probably occur via periventricular leakage into the brain parenchyma, as suggested in NPH.
CSF circulates not only in a constant way with a rate equivalent to CSF production, but also in pulsations. CSF pulsatile flow is observed in the cerebral aqueduct (approx. 40 microliters in stroke volume in normal subjects) and in the cervical region of the subarachnoid space (approx. 500 microliters stroke volume) [6]. For a half of the cardiac cycle, CSF flows down into the spinal subarachnoid space and for the other half, upward into cranial compartments. The role of pulsatile CSF flow and pressure pulsations is still unclear, but is becoming more frequently studied in hydrocephalus and other diseases manifesting with abnormal CSF dynamics.
The mathematical model of CSF pressure–volume compensation, introduced by Marmarou [7] and modified in later studies [8], provides a theoretical basis for the differential diagnosis in hydrocephalus. Components of this model have been identified in many clinical scenarios and are in use in clinical diagnostic procedures. The most popular version of the model is commonly depicted as an electronic circuit (Figure 14.1a).
Under normal conditions production of CSF is balanced by its storage and reabsorption to the venous blood:
Production of CSF is almost constant. Reabsorption is proportional to the gradient between CSF pressure (P) and pressure in the sagittal sinus (Pss):
Pss is considered to be determined mainly by central venous pressure. However, it is obvious that interaction between changes in CSF pressure and Pss exists in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension, where Pss is frequently elevated due to stenosis of “collapsible” lateral sinuses.
The coefficient R (symbol Rout is also used) is termed the resistance to CSF outflow (units: mmHg/[ml/min]).
Storage of CSF is proportional to the cerebrospinal compliance C (units: ml/mmHg):
The compliance of the cerebrospinal space is inversely proportional to the gradient of CSF pressure P and the reference pressure Po (14.4):
Some authors suggest that the relationship (14.4) is valid only above a certain pressure level called the “optimal pressure”; however, this is still a point of some dispute. The coefficient E is termed the cerebral elasticity (or elastance coefficient; units: ml–1). Elevated elasticity (>0.18 ml–1) signifies a poor pressure–volume compensatory reserve [8].
The reference pressure Po is a parameter of uncertain significance. Some authors suggest that it is the pressure in the most distal part of the cerebral venous compartment and may be equal to Pss. Others assume that this variable can be neglected [7].
The relationship (14.4) expresses a fundamental law of the cerebrospinal dynamic compensation: when the CSF pressure increases, the compliance of the brain decreases.
Combination of (14.1) with (14.2) and (14.4) gives a final equation (14.5):
where I(t) is the rate of external volume addition and Pb is a baseline pressure.
Solution of this equation provides important mathematical relationships describing the physics of CSF compensation. The first describes the shape of the relationship between the effective volume increase ΔV and the CSF pressure, called the pressure–volume curve or V as exponential (Figure 14.1b):
Secondly, the equation (14.6) can be helpful in the theoretical evaluation of the relationship between the pulse wave amplitude of ICP and the mean CSF pressure. If we presume that the rise in the blood volume after a heart contraction is equivalent to a rapid bolus addition of CSF fluid at the baseline pressure Pb, the peak-to-peak pulse amplitude (AMPpp) can be expressed as:
In almost all cases, when CSF pressure is increased by an external volume addition, the pulse amplitude rises – see Figure 14.1c. The gradient of the regression line between AMP and P (so-called AMP/P line) is proportional to the exponent of elasticity. The intercept point, theoretically, marks the reference pressure Po.
In all pressure–volume testing techniques, parameters of model (14.5) are estimated using various algorithms and various volume-adding techniques. However, the presented model has limited scope: it cannot interpret dynamic interactions between the rising CSF pressure, expanding ventricles, and cerebral blood volume. More complex models have been formulated but none of them has yet become established in clinical practice.
ICP monitoring
Monitoring of ICP over a longer period can be performed safely using intraparenchymal probes. Less reliably and with more infection risks, the same can be achieved by lumbar puncture or a needle inserted in a preimplanted reservoir. Continuous, real-time analysis of the data, using a pressure monitor connected to a computerized system, is helpful. To obtain the most reliable results overnight monitoring is required; however, when this is impossible, a minimum of one hour monitoring with the patient resting in a horizontal position is necessary. In contrast, it is well established that a single manometric lumbar CSF pressure measurement may be misleading.
Furthermore, ICP recording made overnight or at baseline before the infusion test allows the observation of various cyclical or random dynamic changes in ICP of vasogenic origin (i.e. forced by endogenous change in cerebral blood volume or fluctuations of arterial and venous pressure). These include pulse, respiratory, or slow vasogenic waves (Figure 14.2).
Pulse waveform
Our own experience indicates that pulse amplitude helps in interpretation of recordings in cases of disturbed CSF compensation, shunt blockage, or slit ventricles. It also helps in distinguishing postural changes and vasogenic ICP elevations during overnight monitoring.
We do not interpret pulse amplitude alone as a single parameter influencing management. It is interpreted in conjunction with the clinical picture, neuroimaging evidence, neuropsychological tests, etc.
Detection of pulse amplitude proves that the ICP waveform is properly transmitted to the transducer. Lack of amplitude may implicate invalid pressure recording.
Pulse amplitude of ICP is synchronized with pulse amplitude of arterial pressure and the pulse amplitude of blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery (Figure 14.2).
Pulse amplitude increases proportionally to mean CSF pressure during the infusion study [8]. All slow vasogenic waves of ICP produce correlated variations in amplitude. In contrast, in patients with predominant brain atrophy, the rise in AMP is very sluggish and vasogenic variations are absent.
The slope of the AMP/P line in our group analysis does not correlate with magnitude or frequency of B waves, contrary to results suggested previously [9].
Similarly, in our experience, the slope of the AMP/P line may correlate with outcome after shunting for NPH, according to recent reports [10].
Correlation of pulse amplitude with the brain elastance coefficient is insignificant.
In our own experience, pulse amplitude is not a strong predictor of outcome after shunting; however, other authors advocate such a relationship [11].
The interesting theory that an increase in pulse amplitude may reflect insufficient cerebral “Windkessel” seems to need more convincing experimental and clinical evidence. Increased pulse amplitude of ICP has been previously reported to be responsible for dilatation of the ventricles [12]. However, in idiopathic NPH there is no evidence of any association between pulse amplitude and size of the ventricles.
The cerebral “Windkessel effect” helps in damping of arterial blood pulse pressure over the cardiac cycle and assists in the maintenance of brain perfusion during diastole when cardiac ejection ceases. In brain, arterial pulsations are then progressively dissipated to render the capillary circulation smooth, almost pulseless. The Windkessel effect becomes diminished with age as the elastic arteries become less compliant. Breakdown of this phenomenon increases pulsation in the subarachnoid space and this causes an increase of pulsation in the choroidal artery and plexus, thus increasing the CSF ventricular pulsation amplitude. The new increased amplitude of ventricular CSF pressure exceeds the amplitude of pulsation of CSF in the subarachnoid space. This causes a pulsating transmantle pressure gradient, possibly explaining ventricular dilation [13]. Moreover, it is likely that the loss of the Windkessel effect results in an increased pressure in the subarachnoid capillary circulation causing narrowing or reversal of the CSF/venous gradient, responsible for CSF malabsorption. Some scientists suggest that the elevation of capillary and venous pulse pressure that occurs as a consequence of redistribution of pulsation may diminish the hydrostatic gradient necessary for CSF absorption.
In conclusion, “Windkessel theory” says that communicating hydrocephalus may be a disorder of intracranial cerebral blood flow (CBF) pulsation – but it still requires more comprehensive evidence.
On the other hand, it is also likely that CSF and brain pulsations are not only influenced by compliance of arterial walls and the brain “Windkessel” mechanism, but more importantly, by the subarachnoid space patency to compensate for the effects of brain expansion as a CSF pulsatile movement as seen using phase-coded MRI [6]. Only if CSF can move freely in basal cisterns and get out from there, can Windkessel dampening of the arterial pulse work properly.
Injection of kaolin into the basal cisterns and subarachnoid hemorrhage in the basal cisterns following aneurysmal rupture both create hydrocephalus by blocking this CSF pulse movement by clogging up basal subarachnoid spaces.
Correlation of pulse amplitude with Rout is positive and significant although weak (correlation coefficient in a range from 0.2 to 0.3). There is no difference in amplitude between males and females. Pulse amplitude increases slightly with age but does not show any correlation with duration of symptoms of NPH or their severity (measured using NPH scale). Pulse amplitude is much lower in idiopathic NPH (iNPH) patients without any evidence of coexisting cerebrovascular disease than in those patients with clear evidence of vascular problems. After shunting, pulse amplitude decreases.
While mean ICP potently reacts to a change of posture (usually becomes negative in an upright body position), the pulse amplitude usually does not follow postural ICP variations.
In analysis of pulse waveform, peak-to-peak pulse values [8,11] or first harmonic of pulse waveform are usually taken into account. This is probably an oversimplification. Morphological analysis of pulse amplitude usually indicates several peaks: P1, P2, and often P3. Peak P1 is usually attributed to passive transmitting of the arterial pulse wave through arterial walls (percussion peak). Peak P2 is associated with transport of arterial blood volume along arteries, which produces a pressure–volume response. Peak P2 increases when compliance of the brain is reduced; therefore, the so-called P2/P1 ratio was historically interpreted as a dimensionless index of brain compliance. Automatic detection of the separate peaks is complex [14], but their continuous descriptors seem to be promising in interpretation of pulse waveform of ICP.
Finally, pulse amplitude in ICP recording may be weak and noisy. Proper computer detection is helpful in most cases.
Assessment of B waves
According to classical standards [15], when so-called “B waves” were present for more than 80% of the duration of ICP monitoring, shunting was recommended. However, using computer detection, B waves (slow waves of ICP of periods from 20 seconds to 2 minutes) are almost universally present, probably even in healthy volunteers. There are no data derived from normal subjects, as a measurement of ICP is invasive. A variable has been proposed, being an amplitude of sine wave bearing the same energy as B waves, calculated using spectral analysis. This amplitude has to remain greater than 1 mmHg for a duration longer than 15 minutes to qualify as a sign of pathological level of “B waves” [16]. However, in an original paper by Børgesen and Gjerris [15], recordings were classified for the “presence” of B waves when they reached a much larger amplitude (5–10 mmHg).
B waves are coherent with fluctuations of cerebral blood flow velocity (see Figure 14.2) and near infrared spectroscopy. The average energy of slow waves did not correlate well with Rout in those patients in whom both overnight monitoring and infusion test were performed (our own study). This result is quite disturbing: it may be explained that the survey was conducted in a limited group of “difficult” patients, for whom the results of infusion study indicated a “borderline” state of CSF compensation or the picture was dramatically divergent from the clinical or radiological findings. The utility of B waves in prognostication in hydrocephalus should be readdressed, preferably by multicenter trial.
Cerebrospinal pressure–volume compensatory reserve – RAP index
Conventionally, pressure–volume compensatory reserve is assessed using intracranial volume addition [7]. Changes in ICP in response to a known volume change allow such parameters as the pressure–volume index (PVI) to be derived from bolus volume addition or E(which characterizes the shape of the pressure–volume curve over its exponential region) using constant rate infusion. However, under certain assumptions, external volume addition is not necessary as it is possible to assess pressure–volume compensation by taking into account the change in pressure with every heart beat, where a volume of arterial blood is added to the cerebrospinal space in a pulsatile manner. Although the added volume is not known and may be variable, the pressure response is recorded continuously in the form of the pulse waveform of the ICP recording. The RAP index (correlation coefficient [R] between the pulse amplitude [A] and the mean intracranial pressure [P]) is derived by linear correlation between 30 consecutive, time-averaged datapoints of pulse amplitude of ICP (AMP) and mean ICP acquired within a 10 second-wide time-window. RAP describes the degree of correlation between AMP and mean ICP over short periods of time (5 minutes). Theoretically, the RAP coefficient indicates the relationship between ICP and changes in intracerebral volume – the “pressure–volume” curve. A RAP coefficient close to 0 indicates a good pressure–volume compensatory reserve at low ICP, i.e. the situation when the “working point” is still below the exponential region of the curve. When the pressure–volume curve starts to increase exponentially, AMP co-varies directly with mean ICP and consequently RAP rises to +1. This indicates a low compensatory reserve [17].
Cerebrovascular pressure reactivity (PRx)
Another useful ICP-derived variable is the pressure reactivity index (PRx), which is based on the concept of assessment of cerebrovascular pressure reactivity by observing the response of ICP to spontaneous fluctuations of ABP. Using computational methods similar to the calculation of the RAP index, PRx is the correlation coefficient between 30 consecutive, time-averaged datapoints of ICP and ABP. A positive PRx signifies a positive gradient of the regression line between the slow components of ABP and ICP, which has been shown to be associated with passive behavior of a nonreactive vascular bed. A negative value of PRx reflects normal reactive cerebral vessels, as ABP waves provoke inversely correlated waves in ICP. This index correlates well with indices of autoregulation based on transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (see below).
Example of clinical use of ICP monitoring: pediatric hydrocephalus
Pediatric hydrocephalus is quite different in most aspects from adult hydrocephalus, especially NPH. Most cases of pediatric hydrocephalus have a clear obstructive component regarding etiology (Chiari malformation, post-hemorrhagic, post meningitis, aqueductal stenosis, fourth ventricular outflow obstruction), even if obstruction can often only be detected using high resolution MRI techniques [18]. Despite the fact that obstruction is classically associated with pressure active hydrocephalus presenting typical signs and symptoms of raised intracranial pressure, children also exhibit pressure compensated hydrocephalus. They also might undergo shunt dysfunction or ETV failure without becoming symptomatic in the sense of the above-mentioned classical signs and symptoms of raised ICP. In these cases of compensated hydrocephalus or occult treatment dysfunction, ICP overnight monitoring and shunt infusion studies have been shown to be very helpful. Figure 14.3 shows a typical example of elevated baseline ICP, exaggerated nocturnal ICP dynamics during REM sleep, increase of RAP during these episodes indicating exhaustion of cerebrospinal reserve capacity, and elevated baseline AMP in a totally asymptomatic child with known ETV re-closure.
Figure 14.3 Example of ICP overnight monitoring during sleep of a 5-year-old boy with known Blake’s pouch (outflow obstruction of the fourth ventricle) and large ventricles, who was found to have complete shunt obstruction despite being totally asymptomatic. Because of very large ventricles he received ETV as an alternative treatment instead of shunt revision which was found to be re-closed after 6 months. He was evaluated regarding shunt-independent ventriculomegaly. His baseline ICP was elevated at 20 mmHg; during REM sleep induced vasogenic wave periods he encountered overshooting peak ICP values (minute average values) of almost 40 mmHg. RAP rose during these episodes almost to 1 indicating exhaustion of reserve capacity. Baseline AMP was slightly increased at about 1.5 mmHg and rose during vasogenic wave periods to values of about 5 mmHg. In summary highly abnormal values were recorded and a shunt was reinserted. Ventricle size thereafter decreased considerably.
CSF dynamics: infusion test
The computerized infusion test [19] is a modification of the traditional constant rate infusion as described by Katzman and Hussey [20]. The method requires fluid infusion to be made into any accessible CSF compartment. Lumbar infusion, even if it has understandable limitations, is less invasive than intraventricular.
The alternative is an infusion into a subcutaneously positioned reservoir, connected to an intraventricular catheter or shunt antechamber. In such cases two hypodermic needles (gauge 25) are used: one for the pressure measurement and the second for the infusion.
During the infusion, the computer calculates and graphically presents mean pressure and pulse amplitude over time (Figure 14.4). The resistance to CSF outflow can be calculated using simple arithmetic as the difference between the value of the plateau pressure during infusion and the baseline pressure, divided by the infusion rate. However, the precise measurement of the final plateau pressure is not possible when strong vasogenic waves arise or an excessive elevation of the pressure above the safe limit of 40 mmHg is recorded. Computerized analysis produces results even in difficult cases when the infusion is terminated prematurely. The pressure–volume curve is additionally investigated (see Figure 14.1). The algorithm utilizes time-series analysis for volume–pressure curve retrieval, the least-mean-square model fitting, and an examination of the relationship between the pulse amplitude and the mean CSF pressure.
Figure 14.4 Examples of constant rate infusion test. ICP: mean ICP (10 second average) and AMP: pulse amplitude of ICP. The gray section is the duration of infusion of Hartman solution at a rate of 1 or 1.5 ml/min. (a) Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH): although the baseline pressure is normal, the resistance to CSF outflow increased, there are lots of strong vasogenic waves, and changes in pulse amplitude are fairly well correlated with changes in mean ICP. (b) Acute hydrocephalus post-subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH): the normal baseline pressure was measured, but the resistance to CSF outflow is high. Good response of shunt surgery was expected. (c) Cerebral brain atrophy: the baseline pressure is low, and the resistance to CSF outflow is low. No vasogenic waves were recorded and pulse amplitude does not respond. (d) Normal: the baseline pressure, the resistance to CSF outflow, and other parameters are normal and, thus, the result demonstrates the normal CSF circulation.
Rout and baseline CSF pressure
Infusion study (constant rate [20], or any other variation of controlled but variable rate [21]) allows indices describing the state of CSF compensatory reserve to be estimated. Briefly, there are two types of infusion methods: the steady-state studies (constant pressure infusion [21] and constant flow infusion [20]), and the “dynamic study” (bolus infusion [7]). Although each examination has its advantages and drawbacks, they are all based on the same theoretical background inspired by the mathematical model developed by Marmarou et al. [7]. Traditionally, the two most important parameters are resistance to CSF outflow (Rout) and baseline CSF pressure. Elevated Rout (>13 mmHg/[ml/min] [15] or >18 mmHg/[ml/min] [22]) denotes disturbed CSF circulation. Elevated baseline pressure (>18 mmHg) may signify an uncompensated cerebrospinal volume-expanding process.
However, there is still controversy about the value of Rout for predicting improvement after shunting, which shows an interesting timeline. In 1992 Børgesen et al. [19] indicated 100% both positive and negative predictive power for an Rout threshold of 13 mmHg/(ml/min). A Dutch study in 1997 [22] showed 97% positive predictive power for Rout >18 mmHg/(ml/min) but only 36% negative predictive power. In the 2005 “NPH guidelines” Marmarou and coworkers [1] recognized sensitivity/specificity of Rout above 80% (this was done on a meta-analysis of sizable published studies). However, in 2012 the so-called “European Trial” [23] indicated no association of Rout and improvement after shunting. The trial was not very large (around 100 patients), conducted in divergent centers, and directly sponsored by one big shunt manufacturer. Nevertheless, the results were spectacularly different from historical data. Are we managing different patients than in the 1980s and 1990s? Or do we tend to estimate Rout with greater variation?
A further difficulty when trying to determine the predictability of Rout arises from the fact that different centers use different infusion methods to calculate it, and this can lead to interpreting in the same manner cut-off levels that are not necessarily the same. It has been stated that for unknown reasons [1], physiologic Rout as calculated by using the bolus infusion, results in systematically and significantly lower values (<4 mmHg/ml/min) than those determined by steady-state infusion methods. Interestingly, a recent paper from Sundström et al. [24] that aimed to compare values of Rout determined from the bolus, the constant-flow, and the constant-pressure infusion methods demonstrated that in experimental conditions, with well-known characteristics, Rout values showed good concordance among all methods. These findings confirm the robust theory of the mathematical model. Notwithstanding, when shifting to a clinical setting Rout shows clear and significantly different values between steady-state and bolus methods, as already reported in previous studies [25]. The key to understanding such differences lies in the presence of physiological pressure variations introduced when applying this model in humans (e.g. breathing, cardiac variation, and so on). The first big difference with the bolus infusion when compared to the steady-state methods is the magnitude of the created “peak pressure” that together with the volume of injected fluid permits calculation of the PVI (pressure–volume index). The bolus itself allows a wide range of increase in baseline pressure, while constant-pressure and constant-flow infusions cause much less variation. Moreover, bolus Rout values are calculated using the PVI together with the new pressure selected on the return curve at different time points. Then PVI and momentary chosen pressure on the pressure trace decaying after bolus back to baseline values determine the final Rout value. Any error in the estimation of PVI will affect the Rout estimation. At the same time, especially when resistance to outflow is high, the pressure differences on the return curve are much smaller, limiting the signal processing options for extracting Rout-related data from the curve and therefore making the method more susceptible to physiological variations. Finally, the Rout values obtained from each of these time points is averaged to yield one Rout value for each bolus. The bolus injection is then repeated at least three times and the Rout values for all three injections are averaged to yield the final Rout value for the patient. All these considerations could explain the difference in Rout between methods.
The “dynamic” response of the bolus method should be seen as an advantage, since potentially we measure a more “physiological” Rout; however, this test might require an operator with extensive experience, while the better repeatability of the steady-state methods makes them the recommended approach for estimating Rout, at least in iNPH.
A different situation, where a more dynamic physiological response might be needed, could be represented by the extremely heterogeneous population suffering from secondary forms of hydrocephalus (post-traumatic, post-hemorrhagic, post-infectious hydrocephalus, etc.). Here, determining opening pressure, brain compliance (PVI), and Rout in a relative short time might represent a true clinical advantage to distinguish between atrophy and hydrocephalus as the two possible causes of “secondary” ventriculomegaly. Here are some examples: an elevated baseline ICP (>15 mmHg) with slow return of ICP to baseline after the bolus injection indicates an elevated CSF outflow resistance (bolus Rout >5 mmHg/[ml/min]) in patients who should be promptly shunted. A normal baseline ICP with the bolus injection causing a relatively smaller increase in ICP, indicating an enhanced PVI, might reveal true brain atrophy. On the other hand, when the bolus injection causes a relatively larger increase in an initially normal baseline ICP, with rapid return to baseline, it might indicate exquisitely low brain compliance, and the need for a “low pressure” shunt. If the same peak pressure after the bolus returns to the baseline ICP at a much slower rate than normal, this suggests an elevated Rout (as occurs in iNPH) and most likely the need for an adjustable valve, since in this case there are more parameters subjected to variation after shunt that might require several changes of the valve setting.
Elastance coefficient (or elasticity)
The exact clinical significance and interpretation of the elastance coefficient (E) is not yet fully documented, though theoretically it describes brain stiffness. Tans and Poortvliet [26] showed that E weakly correlated with the resistance to CSF outflow, although no further studies exploring this concept have followed. Tisell et al. [27] demonstrated that E correlated positively with the result of third ventriculostomy: those with a stiffer brain (higher E) have a better chance of improving after surgery.
Analysis of slow waves, compensatory reserve, and pressure reactivity during infusion study
Parameters describing vascular effects and pressure–volume compensation can also be evaluated during the infusion study. The study usually starts with 10–15 minutes of baseline assessment, which can be easily extended. Consequently, the same parameters as during an overnight ICP monitoring can be calculated.
Of all the CSF compensatory parameters derived from the infusion test, the resistance to CSF outflow demonstrates significant associations with cerebrovascular reactivity (PRx): patients with lower Rout tend to have more frequently disturbed cerebrovascular reactivity.
Also the results of correlation analyses between Rout and pulse amplitude of ICP, energy of slow waves, and respiratory wave at baseline demonstrate significant associations. Increases in all vasogenic components during infusion as compared to the baseline values are commonly observed [28]. Practically these indices are used as an additional descriptor of CSF dynamics and help in understanding CSF circulatory disorders.
Who needs a shunt: CSF dynamics perspective
Our practice indicates that not a single parameter, but all above described variables and indices characterizing CSF dynamics, are useful for prognostication of hydrocephalus management.
CSF dynamics in normal pressure hydrocephalus is characterized by a normal baseline pressure during sleep in a strictly horizontal position without head elevation (ICP <15 mmHg). The resistance to CSF outflow is increased (>13 mmHg/[ml/min]). B waves recorded during infusion are elevated and regular. Pulse amplitude is well correlated with mean ICP and may be slightly elevated. Compensatory reserve at baseline is sometimes found to be elevated (RAP index above 0.6) and usually elastance coefficient is slightly increased (E >0.2 ml–1) (see Figure 14.4a).
Patients suffering predominantly from brain atrophy have normal CSF circulation. Typically, opening pressure, resistance to CSF outflow, and pulse amplitude are low (ICP <12 mmHg, Rout <10 mmHg/[ml/min], amplitude <1 mmHg). The compensatory reserve at baseline is good (RAP <0.5), reflecting low elasticity of the atrophic brain (E <0.2 ml–1). Vasogenic waves are rather limited during recording. The mean ICP increases smoothly during the infusion and decreases in a similar fashion following infusion, comparable to the inflation and deflation of a balloon (Figure 14.4c).
Lumbar infusion is not recommended in noncommunicating hydrocephalus because of the risk of brain herniation in the event of uncontrolled CSF leak. However, this type of hydrocephalus may not always be easy to detect with a brain scan. In those few instances of non-communicating hydrocephalus when lumbar infusion is performed, the resistance to CSF outflow is normal because the lumbar infusion is not able to detect the proximal narrowing in CSF circulatory pathways. In acute hydrocephalus Rout is elevated, the resting pressure and pulse amplitude are elevated, and paradoxically elastance is relatively low (ICP >15 mmHg, pulse amplitude >4 mmHg, E <0.20 ml–1).
Active obstructive hydrocephalus can be safely assessed using ventricular infusion (via a reservoir). This demonstrates high intracranial resting pressure and high resistance to CSF outflow (ICP >15 mmHg, Rout >13 mmHg/[ml/min]). The elasticity is high (>0.20 ml–1), RAP is elevated above 0.6, and the pulse amplitude is high (>4 mmHg) indicating poor compensatory reserve.
Acute communicating hydrocephalus (such as post subarachnoid hemorrhage) presents with a similar pattern of parameters, with frequent deep vasogenic waves (including plateau waves) (Figure 14.4b).
Finally, normal CSF circulation is characterized by low baseline pressure (<15 mmHg), normal resistance to CSF outflow (<10 mmHg/[ml/min]), low magnitude of slow waves at baseline (<1.5 mmHg), good compensatory reserve (E <0.18 ml–1), low RAP index at baseline (RAP <0.6), and limited pulse amplitude of ICP (<1 mmHg) (Figure 14.4d).